Diggin' It free porn video

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Skyler pulled the truck over to the side of the gravel road and stepped out. He didn't have much of a cell signal to begin with, and he knew it was worse inside the truck. The call went through, and his father answered in a weary voice, "Hello?"

"Sorry to call, but I accidentally deleted that map you emailed me with the landmarks. I'm somewhere near the place, but I just can't find it."

"I'll send it again." There was a brief pause and he heard his father say, "Thanks. Your mother is sending it for me."

"Don't know how well I'm going to be able to cover this by myself. This is a huge property."

"Just do what you can. We have three days, and maybe some of us will get over this bug to come help."

Doubt it, Skyler thought. The stomach bug had been going around, and most people were out for a week once it caught up with them. "I'll do my best."

"You've been out with me enough to know what you're looking for. Narrow it down. I know there are going to be some valuable pieces there. Just got to dig that hole and pull them out." He groaned and said, "I've got to get off here."

"Okay, Dad. Email just came through. I'll get a coil to the soil."

"Keep me posted."

Skyler disconnected the call and checked the email. As soon as he saw the map, he felt like an idiot for forgetting an obvious landmark he'd passed only a mile or two back. The only consolation was that he hadn't missed the mark by too much, and should make it to the property with plenty of daylight.

This was his chance to prove himself to his father, and if he found anything, it would be a pretty good payday. The one advantage of working alone was that there was nobody to split the proceeds with other than the property owner - and the company cut, of course.

It was a good thing, because he was going to miss the Nude Day party at the lake. It had started out fairly tame three years ago when everyone was treating it as a joke. Last year, things had turned quite interesting when several girls had shed their tops shortly after arriving. Most of the crowd had ended up nude or seminude before it was over, and he'd hooked up with a hot blonde. From all indications, this year was going to be even bigger - and probably wilder.

Jumping back in the truck, he put the missed party out of his mind and managed a three-point turn on the narrow road. After only a few minutes, he reached the spot where a huge walnut tree stood at a fork in the road, and went the opposite way this time. Memory refreshed by the map, following the rest of the landmarks was simple enough. Having lost less than a half an hour, he pulled into the driveway.

The gray-haired woman who owned the property stepped out the front door of the house as he put the truck in park. She knew he was coming, and the large "Detecting History" banner on the side of the truck couldn't be missed. Skyler hopped out and made his way to where she stood at the top step of the porch.

"I see you found me," the woman remarked as he approached.

"It was a bit hit and miss for a few minutes, but yes. I'm Skyler. Dad told you that most of the crew is down sick, right?"

She nodded. "Yes. Your mother called me yesterday."

"They may be able to make it out later, but for now, it's just me. I'm ready to get to work, though."

"Go right ahead, dear. I have some renters in a house over to the west. I'll give them a call and let them know you're here. I've already spoken with them, and they don't mind you looking there, so long as you don't dig up their flower gardens without asking. They're a bit odd, but good folks."

Skyler laughed. "I appreciate it. We've had renters walk up on us with loaded shotguns before because the landlord forgot to tell them we were coming."

"Hoping that word will get around that you've been here. I've had to call the police to chase off people out here without permission."

He shook his head. It was hardly the first time a property owner had mentioned scumbag, illegal diggers. "You're in an area where there might be Confederate artifacts. They're such big money that people are willing to risk it. If they know professionals have scoured the property, they usually don't bother coming back."

"That's good to hear. I was wondering, do you ever find things that have history, but just aren't worth a lot of money?"

"Yeah, that happens a lot."

"If you find anything like that, I'd like to see it. May be that I'll want to put it on a shelf or donate it to the local history museum."

"We can certainly do that. Unless it's pure junk, we always bring everything we find for you to see."

"Good then. I won't keep you any longer. Since you're by yourself, you can have more time to look if you need it."

Skyler grinned, knowing his father would be pleased to hear that. "If I have any luck, that might just come in handy. I'll go get my gear and get started."

"Just knock on the door if you need anything."

Already feeling digger fever, Skyler headed for the truck to suit up.

The whine of the metal detector in his ears caused Skyler to pause. It wasn't a huge hit, but he stopped to dig it anyway. The find was hardly treasure when he pulled it from the earth, but it was yet another sign that the area had seen some combat during the Civil War. He slipped the carbine bullet into his pouch, put down a flag from the holster on his back, and continued on.

Eventually, he hoped to sweep the whole area, looking for more war artifacts, but for now, he was on the hunt for the real prize. Somewhere on the property, there had once stood a well-appointed home. It wasn't supposed to have been as large or opulent as a plantation house, but the owners were still wealthy. As best as his father's research could determine, it had been located on the west side of the property.

Not one to waste the steps, Skyler kept his detector in motion as he scanned the landscape, looking for clues that might point toward the location of the house.

Topping a rise, he did see a house, and assumed it was that of the renters the property owner had mentioned. A quick check of his GPS let him know that the entirety of the yard around the house should be within the larger property he had permission to dig.

When he looked back toward the house, he got a hit that registered on something other than the metal detector.

"Damn," he whispered as the two women walked out of the back door wearing short-shorts and bikini tops.

Even from a distance he could tell that they were both what his mother called blessed up top. One had flowing locks of golden blonde, while the other sported a shorter cut in light brown.

After drinking in the initial look, he returned to the task at hand. As good as the scenery was, the last thing he wanted to do was look like a creeper and get tossed off the property with next to nothing to show for it.

It was at least a little compensation for missing all the boobies he would have otherwise seen the next day at the lake.

The lay of the land had him excited. He was atop a rise that overlooked a lot of the countryside, and that was exactly the sort of view a wealthy person would choose to build their home. He was a little worried because his instincts were telling him that the best possible position was within the manicured section of the women's yard. Even though he had permission, someone who took such good care of their lawn wasn't likely to be happy with him digging it up.

Edging that direction, he kept his eyes open for signs of a foundation, and his detector in motion. Once again, a whine sounded in his headphones, and he pulled the shovel free of the loop on his belt.

This was a much stronger hit, and a little deeper. Cutting the turf so he could replace the sod had him chomping at the bit, but he kept his cool and meticulously excavated down to the depth indicated by his detector. The scrape of metal on metal let him know he was there. A little clearing with his fingers revealed a spherical, metal shape, and his nerves jumped on edge.

It appeared to be a cannonball, and he knew that some were both explosive and viable, despite all the years buried in the earth. Digging carefully, he looked for any sign of a fuse or detonator while steadily freeing his find from the grip of the soil.

"Did you find something?"

Skyler sat back and gasped, his heart pounding. He'd focused so much attention on the cannonball that he hadn't even noticed the two women approaching.

The blonde giggled and said, "I'm sorry. We didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay. Just startled me," he said as he did his best not to stare. Now that they were closer, he could tell that the women were older, but still in great shape. Their exposed tummies were reasonably flat, and both had legs that went on for miles - well-displayed by their shorts. Their breasts looked even larger up close - bikini tops straining to hold them contained.

Total Milfs.

"So, what is that?" the brunette asked, pointing at the hole.

"It's a cannonball. I won't know for sure until I get it out of there, but I think it's a Confederate twelve-pounder."

"It won't explode, will it?" the blonde asked while taking a step back.

Skyler laughed. "That's part of why I freaked out when you snuck up on me - but no. I'm pretty sure this is a solid cannonball."

The brunette asked, "Is it worth a lot?"

"Could be worth as much as four or five hundred to the right collector."

Both women started at that revelation and the blonde asked, "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Civil war artifacts - especially Confederate ones - go for big money."

"That's insane," the brunette said while shaking her head. Then she smiled. "Guess we should introduce ourselves. Ms. Randall told us you would be out here. I'm Brenda, and this is Melissa."


"Oh, I love that name," Melissa remarked.

"Could we look at it?" Brenda asked.

Skyler nodded. "Sure. Let me finish getting it out of here." He turned back to the hole, glad for the reason to focus his attention anywhere but on the two sexy women. Despite his best effort to contain it, he was about half hard.

With most of the cannonball already exposed, it took him less than a minute to lift it from the hole.

Melissa reached out and touched the cannonball when he held it out. "Wow. That's been right here under our noses all those years."

"Hard to believe," Brenda agreed.

"In pretty good shape, too. Doesn't look like it's been fired, and from the crudity of the casting seam, I'm pretty sure it's Confederate."

Brenda grinned. "You sure know a lot about this for a guy your age."

"I've been going out with my Dad since I was old enough to walk. It's all he ever talks about, so it's hard not to pick stuff up."

Melissa snapped her fingers. "You know, we found some weird metal stuff when we were digging part of our garden."

"It looked a little like the top of a really fancy fence," Brenda added.

"Like fencing?" Skyler asked, growing excited. "Do you still have it? Know where you found it?"

The brunette shrugged. "Sure. We used it as decoration in the flower patch where we found it. Do you want to see it?"

"Absolutely. The main thing I'm looking for is the spot where a house once stood on the property. If you found fencing, that's a good sign that the house was close."

Melissa made a beckoning gesture. "Come on. We'll show you."

Skyler sat down the cannonball, as it was too big for his pouch, and quickly planted a flag near the hole before following the pair toward their house. Though he certainly took notice of their swaying, sexy butts, excitement over the potential find kept his arousal in check.

"It's right here," Brenda said when they reached the flowers.

"Oh yeah. Wrought iron, and the right time period. This is exactly what I'm looking for."

"I found it right in the middle," Brenda supplied. "Is it worth anything?"

Skyler shook his head. "Not really. A bigger, intact piece could be, but that one's too broken. A fence here means that the house was probably nearby, though. Do you mind if I go get my truck and park it in your drive? That will make it a lot easier to get to my equipment."

Both women shrugged and Melissa answered, "That's fine."

"I'll be back in a little bit, then," Skyler said before hurrying back toward the east.

Once over the edge of the hill, he kicked into a jog. With the possibility of finding the house in reach, he couldn't wait. Even the brief delay to inform the land owner that he was moving his truck with her renter's permission felt like hours. Upon parking the truck, he still had to retrieve the heavy cannonball. Then - finally - he headed to work.

The pair had pulled up lawn chairs and a large umbrella near their flower garden, and were sipping what he assumed were mixed drinks.

"So what now?" Melissa asked.

"I'm just going to sweep the area and see if I can find more pieces of fence. If I can find a corner or establish a perimeter, I might be able to guess where the house was, and then move in with the GPR."

Brenda's eyebrows quirked upward. "GPR?"

"Ground penetrating radar," Skyler explained. "That should let me narrow down the dig site by showing me anomalies in the soil."

Melissa gave a shake of her blonde locks. "Whatever that means."

Skyler joined in their laughter as he mentally planned his grid.

Luck was with him, and in only ten minutes, he found another chunk of the ornate, wrought-iron fence. Like the other, it was worth little more than scrap, but it told him he was on the right track. Several small hits popped up while he scanned, but he marked them with flags rather than digging immediately.

Time rolled by unnoticed as he hunted, excited by the pattern established by the flags and the spots where he had excavated. Making his fourth pass between the flower garden and the edge of the grid, he got a strong signal in his headphones and knelt to dig.

Skyler's heart raced when he saw what looked to be the top of a gate. A minute or so later, he couldn't resist a yes of triumph.

"What is it?" the brunette asked while leaning in his direction.

Excitement evident in his voice, he answered, "Hinges. Found a gate. Time to get the GPR."

"Oh," Melissa said while rolling her eyes. "The way you reacted, we thought you'd found pirates' treasure or something."

Skyler chuckled. "It could be a signpost pointing to treasure," he said as he walked back toward them.

"Well, good luck," Brenda said. She was wearing a rather large grin.

On the way past, it would have been almost impossible to notice that the two women were checking him out. Keep it under control, man, he thought. Looking didn't mean it was going anywhere else, and it was a dangerous situation even if they had such inclinations.

He couldn't resist a look back when he reached the truck, though. Older women had always been his weakness, ever since his first time had been with a woman ten years older.

May have to find an excuse to drop back by here after the dig, he thought. His thoughts wandered, imagining the pair showing up at the lake for the Nude Day party - getting in the spirit and out of their clothes.

The lure of history awaiting him beneath the soil was enough to put him back on course after a few seconds of musing. He set up the GPR and rolled it toward where he'd found the gate.

Working straight west from the gate, he ran a grid creeping north. At each turn, he let his eyes fall briefly on the two sexy women. They were chatting, drinking, and quite often looking his way. It made it a little hard to concentrate on what he was doing, but it was fun nonetheless.

He'd just made a turn near where he believed the fence line was when the screen showed what looked like disturbances and voids about two feet down. It was too small to be a privy, and intriguing enough that he stopped, rather than planting a flag and continuing on, as had been his intention.

The last time he'd seen a similar anomaly, his father had dug up ceramic jars filled with coins from the teens and 20s - including a pair of gold double-eagles in remarkable condition.

Searching for the house could wait. The find was too intriguing for him to pass by and return to later. Pushing the GPR ahead, he walked toward the pair of women, who stopped talking and met his gaze.

"Think I found something, but I'm going to have to dig a pretty significant hole to get to it. I know Ms. Randall said you were okay with that, but I thought I should say something. I'll save the sod and do my best to replace it to where you can barely tell anything happened."

Melissa sat up straighter and looked past him. "Is it near where the ... Whatever you called it is?"

"Right behind it," Skyler answered, doing his best to ignore how her change in posture lifted her already eye-catching breasts.

Brenda waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "You can't even see that part of the yard for the flowers. We only mow back that far to help keep the weeds at bay. Go for it."

"Go right ahead," Melissa agreed.

Skyler gave a nod and said, "Thanks," before heading back to the truck for a real shovel. The small folding one on his belt simply wasn't suited to the bulk of the task.

It was hot, sweaty work under the July sun. After what felt like an eternity, he pulled out a tape measure and determined that the hole was deep enough. A little experimentation proved that it was wide enough for him to work. A quick sweep of the metal detector gave him a powerful hit, and he couldn't help a grin. Switching the shovel for a trowel, he began carefully clearing away the soil from whatever lay beneath.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Skyler muttered when he uncovered the first spoon. Brushing away the dirt, he was almost certain it was sterling silver. A few more scrapes of the earth turned up another, and then a fork. From the way they were laying, he guessed that they'd once been wrapped in cloth, which had long ago succumbed to the ravages of time.

Piece after piece emerged from the earth, each one increasing his excitement. There were chunks of mother-of-pearl and flakes of gold, which once had probably adorned objects that had corroded or decayed over the years. It had all the hallmarks of a cache buried by homeowners to prevent looting by soldiers during the war. In this case, the ruse had worked, but the owner had never returned to retrieve the valuables.

Skyler heard a gasp as he excavated a silver broach and looked up to see Melissa standing above him. She called out, "Brenda, come look," and then asked, "Is that silver?"

He answered, "At least silver plated. I'm pretty sure it's pure sterling, though."

"Is there more?"

He laughed, unable to contain his excitement as he brushed the dirt off the brooch. "It just keeps coming."

"Oh my god," Brenda exclaimed when she saw the items laying at the edge of the hole.

"Can we look at them?" Melissa asked.

"Just be careful. They can't really get much more tarnished than they are right now, anyway."

Skyler had already pulled a full set of silver flatware for five and several other items out of the cache when his trowel revealed something curious. A little more exploration confirmed that there was an ornate silver box about a foot long buried beneath the other objects. His mind aflame with the possibility of double-eagles and antique jewelry, he began to dig down around the edges of the box.

"Oh, wow," Brenda remarked. "That's beautiful. What is it?"

"Not sure just yet," Skyler answered as he continued to work. "Looks like it's silver, and really well made. Could be a jewelry box."

Melissa knelt down next to the hole and said, "Hurry up and get it out. I want to see."

"Believe me, so do I." It was at that point that he discovered that the box was about four inches in depth - about the same as its width. "Found the bottom. Almost there. Hmm. It looks like someone sealed the seam with wax. That's promising."

"Hurry, hurry. I can't wait," Brenda said as she joined her friend in kneeling next to the hole.

"There we are," Skyler said as he lifted the box. "This is a little out of my league, but I bet the box itself is worth at least a few hundred dollars. My dad is going to flip when he sees this."

"Can you open it?" Brenda asked.

Skyler turned the box around, confirming that the seam was sealed on all four sides with wax. "Not going to hurt the value to remove the wax. If that's all that's holding it closed, I can give it a shot."

Snapping open his pocket knife, he removed the wax right at the seam, leaving what had spilled onto the lid and body of the box. There was no sign of a lock, or even a latch, so he gave an experimental tug on the lid. After only slight resistance, the box opened. Brenda and Melissa broke out into wild laughter as Skyler's cheeks turned bright red.

Inside the box, resting in a faded, red velvet cushion was an ivory dildo.

Melissa had tears in her eyes from laughing when she said, "Weren't expecting that, were you?"

Skyler let out a nervous chuckle and said, "Can't say that I was. Could be worth something, though."

"It certainly must have been worth something to the woman who buried it with her silver," Brenda remarked, punctuating it with a lifting of her eyebrows.

Throwing caution to the wind, Skyler said, "Well, the men were all off to war, so I can see why she would have considered it one of her most valuable possessions."

The brunette said, "I think I'd have found somewhere else to hide it so I could keep it close."

"Oh, and where would that be?" Melissa teased her friend.

"Pervert," Brenda responded.

Digger curiosity overwhelming any aversion to the ivory phallus, Skyler examined it more closely. "Think this could have some value. The handle end is all done in scrimshaw, and I think there may be a scene on the part I can't see."

"Turn it over and find out," the blonde suggested.

He shook his head. "Not a good idea to touch ivory with bare hands." He chuckled and said, "A little crazy, considering what it is, but the oil on your hands is bad for it. Dad would kill me if I didn't use gloves. I should probably get this out of the light and seal it up while I finish digging here."

"Lord knows what else you're going to find after that," Brenda said, then shook her head and chuckled.

"Won't know until I move some more dirt."

"Can we take some pictures?" Melissa asked.

He shrugged. "Sure."

The brunette pointed back toward the house. "Go get the camera. The phones don't take good enough pictures."

Melissa nodded and stood.

Skyler closed the box for the time being and picked up his metal detector. A few passes over the hole didn't register anything, but he poked around a bit anyway, in case there were any nonmetallic items still hiding below. By the time he determined that the spot was clean, the blonde had returned.

He dusted off his hands and said, "Let me spread this out and I'll take some pictures to send back to my dad, too."

Once he'd finished and they'd both taken several pictures, Brenda said, "We've got to post these pictures - now."

"Mmm hmm," Melissa agreed, and laughed.

Skyler finished sending the pictures to his father. "I'm going to get this all put away in the truck and get back to work. A lot of times, there's more than one cache. No putting all your eggs in one basket. Could be more out here."

Once again, Brenda wished him luck as the two women returned to the house.

Before he could get the GPR rolling again, his phone rang, showing a call from home. When he answered, he heard his mother laughing.

"I hope you're happy," she playfully scolded. "Your father just made himself sick again whooping and hollering when he saw those pictures."

"Found a Confederate 12-pounder too."

"Keep it up. Should help your father relax to know you're out there having such good luck. I'm going to go check on him. Love you."

"I'll call later when I pack and rack for the day. Love you too, Mom. Bye."

Skyler ended the call and got back to the tedious work of mapping out the area. Having already hit pay dirt, he had high hopes for even more.

A little tired, but still wound up from an exciting day, Skyler stepped into the hotel room and shivered from the blast of cold air hitting him. He'd resisted the urge to dig any more until he'd mapped out the location of the house and the perimeter of the fence around it. The first of three more possible caches turned out to be the remains of a cat buried in a tin box. By the time he finished returning the feline to its resting place, night was creeping up on him, and he'd decided to call it a day.

Flopping down on the bed after a shower, he grabbed his jeans and reached into a pocket for his phone in order to call home.

It wasn't there.

"Son of a..." he muttered, and then growled. He hadn't taken more than a few steps inside the room, so checking there took only a minute or two. Searching the truck took a little longer, and also proved fruitless.

That left only one possibility - back where he was digging.

Skyler rested is head on the steering wheel and groaned. Resigned to the 45 minute drive, he sighed and started the truck to return to the women's house and track down his phone. It would be after midnight by the time he made it there, but leaving the expensive smart phone out in the elements all night just wasn't an option.

The house was dark when he turned into the long gravel drive. Weighing his options, he decided to shut off the truck and sneak up in hopes of not disturbing the two women. The advantage of his meticulous work was that he knew the phone had to be within a certain, relatively small area. He grabbed a flashlight, but didn't immediately turn it on, because the moon provided more than enough light to guide his steps.

Passing by the house, he could see the small pennants fluttering in the breeze, marking his destination. He wished he had another phone, as that would have made it infinitely easier to locate his cell. One phone call would have caused it to light up and ring - making it stick out like a sore thumb in the quiet night.

Upon reaching the back yard, a sound reached his ears - barely audible - but enough to attract his attention. He glanced that way and came to a dead halt with his eyes widening.

Ten feet away, Melissa and Brenda were lying stark naked on a blanket beneath the stars. They were engaged in a passionate kiss, and Skyler could see the brunette's hands between Melissa's legs.

A louder whimper than the one which had initially brought him to a halt sounded, and was immediately followed by a pair of gasps when the women realized he was there.

Shaken from his shocked paralysis when they noticed him, Skyler said, "Sorry. I was coming to look for my phone. I must have dropped it."

The two women looked at each other and giggled. Then Melissa reached over and picked up something. "It's right here. You got a text message, and I saw it light up out there when I heard the ring tone."

Melissa's breasts were bigger, with larger areolas - but not by much. Both sets of large globes were pendulous, but not overly so. Brenda had a triangular patch of hair pointing down at her bare nether lips, while Melissa had trimmed blonde curls surrounding her sex. They were every inch what he'd imagined - and more.

"I guess we may as well say happy Nude Day," Brenda said as she rolled over - facing him - with her head propped up on a bent arm. She and her friend both laughed, making no effort to cover up. The blonde sat up and held out his phone.

"Guess it is after midnight. Happy Nude Day," he said as he approached to take his cell.

"Oh?" Melissa said as she handed him the phone. "You know about it?"

"I was actually supposed to go to a party today. Been doing it for the last several years."

Brenda sat up as well, scooting forward to slip an arm behind her friend's back and resting it on the blonde's thigh. "But you're stuck working."

"Not right now, though," Melissa said, and tugged the brunette's hand into the V of her legs.

Making no effort whatsoever to hide it, Brenda stared at his crotch, and then looked up to ask, "Care to join us?"

Before he could answer, Melissa grabbed his pant leg and tugged. Giving in to the inevitable, he stepped forward, and both women rose up to their knees to reach between his legs.

Brenda moaned as her fingers explored the bulge in his jeans. Melissa took the direct approach, unfastening his belt with dexterous fingers. Skyler pulled off his shirt while the brunette untied his shoes - her other hand not leaving his erection until her friend pulled down his zipper.

"Mmm hmm," Melissa moaned as she pulled down his boxers to let his cock pop free. Before he knew it, both women leaned forward to lap the full length of his shaft from opposite sides.

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This story is my property. Duplication, publication on other sites and outside the Internet is prohibited. this story really happened.I was still a teenager..i went to my school mates to meet with him and his cute sister, who was already 18 years old.When I came into the apartment, my mother met me and said that my buddy is sick in bed and that I shouldn't go to him because of the infection. then I went to his sister, who said to me that she still needs some time to get ready.then i went into...

1 year ago
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Teacher of the YearChapter 7

Lamar Williams looked up from his desk as his office door squeaked open. The opaque glass hid the silhouette figure until he entered. It was Andrew Reilly and he sighed thinking that the boy was back to plead his case. “Coach, can I talk to you?” he asked shutting the door before walking toward him. “If it’s about pitching I said I’d have to think about it.” “No, it’s not that this time, but I’d really like for you to consider me. My dad says I could be picked up by a scout and get a...

2 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 19

Sunday mid-day saw us back at the airport, loading up to go home, including an ice-chest with my precious stash of Louisiana smoked sausage. After Elise dropped us at the plane, Tina giggled, "Louisiana is KNOWN for good sausage..." "What's with you, my pretty young wife?" I asked. "Period's over. We're gonna be in OUR little house tonight." She smiled. "YOU'RE the one that started me on THIS." She walked purposefully to the left side of the plane. "I'm flyin'...

1 year ago
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Cyber Mom and Son

Note : This story is completely fictional! Beta (son): mommy!!!! Mommy smiles, hi there son, how are you doing? Beta ducks under his mommy's skirt and kisses her pussy Beta latches his lips around her clit and suckles on her having missed her cumm and pee Mommy lets out a soft moan as you suckle on her clit Beta slips his fingers into her wetness coating his fingers and pulls it out and teases her tiny tight arsehole with his lil fingers Beta: hugs his mommy tightly Mommy hugs her sweet baby...

2 years ago
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The Lonely Wife 15

Chapter 15After our fuck session we were all famished so we devoured the pizza while we all sat around in the nude. The funny thing was just how natural it felt.“So Beth, now that you have had some cock, are you feeling a little better?” I asked with a mischievous smile“God yes! I have fingering my pussy two and three times a day dreaming of getting a real cock! Thank you Jack for fucking me! But what I enjoyed the most was tasting all that lovely cum!” She was clearly excited by all that had...

3 years ago
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Tear It UpChapter 5

David and Amber really got my blood pumping as they sucked my cock together. To have a long-time friend and his wife, who happened to be my in-laws, join together to pleasure me orally ... it was a real treat. I found my next wind pretty easily, though it was also helped when Amber, a pharmacy technician, gave me a free sample of a new potency drug, making her intentions clear. "There's more where that came from, honey. David and I are eager to get fucked by you ... David is a top with me,...

4 years ago
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Girl Next Door

Hi, sex cravers. This is Varun again. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old from Hyderabad with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. This story is about a girl next door who is younger than me and lives across my home. I have a brother who is older to me. He is working now so am I. Though he is older to me, we’re more like friends than brothers. We share each and everything. No secrets. And the topic here is not about my brother lol. I just want you all to know that...

2 years ago
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Shopping Adventures 2

Lynn is preparing dinner when Mike arrives home. She greets him with a kiss.“Hi, honey. How was your day?”“The new project is coming along so I’m pretty busy. And yours?”“I took the clothes to Goodwill and went to Macy’s. Then I went to the gym. Other than that nothing much happened.”“I expect your days are going to be like that until you start your new job.”Mike changes out of his coat and tie while Lynn finishes dinner. They eat out on the deck.“I’m glad I got that new Compaq PC. It’s the...

2 years ago
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Hot for Sales Girl

When I was in my mid-twenties, I was friends with a buddy that worked up at an International truck dealership. On Friday afternoons, I would go up there and we would do work on shop employees personal vehicles. After a few months, I got to know most of the people up at the shop. One of them was a young (twentyish) girl named Mary-Joe. Mary-Joe was your typical Florida country girl and that she was a blonde only added to her sex appeal. Mary-Joe was around 5’7” and 135pds, with about 5% body...

2 years ago
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War A Love Story Part 1

WAR by Jason Argo "Will there be a war, Herr Strasser?" The room was in shadow, the electric lights had been dowsed and heavy drapes had been drawn across the windows to block out the early evening sunshine of midsummer. On one side of the room atop a small dais stood a slender young woman, her beautiful face framed by a long fall of blond hair. She was completely naked, her breasts swollen, her nipples tight with arousal. Facing forward, she supported...

2 years ago
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A Planet Is SwornChapter 11

The officers on the bridge of the WS Scout kept their heads down over their instruments. Captain Marlon was in another of his towering rages — a common occurrence these days. This latest tantrum had been occasioned by the discovery that Simeone was missing. The ship's AI had scanned the entire vessel and had confirmed that Simeone was no longer aboard. It had also verified that none of the Scout's shuttles or emergency pods were missing. Simeone had either: leapt from a docking port to his...

3 years ago
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Swms 5 Accidental IncestChapter 4 Mother and Daughter

"So, the earthquake ... made the two of you have sex?" Mom asked. "And that's what made you guys accept what happened?" Emma took my hand. I looked into her eyes and she smiled. Emma and I both knew that we had to let our mother know about our relationship. Now that we had told our mom about the fact that we accepted her choice, it was more than likely that she'd accept ours. "No, that's not all." I said before turning my head back to my mother. "At first we had a physical...

1 year ago
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The Valentine Virginity 8211 Part 6

Hello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back again. Thank you, readers and my dear fans that contacted me and appreciated my story. Special thanks to my female fans too. I request the readers (both boys and girls) to reach out to me on Google Chats so we can stay connected. I would love to connect with more like-minded ISS fans. Re-introduction about me. Arjun is from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 27 years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with an athletic fit body and a 7.5-inch...

2 years ago
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Meeting On Vacation Written by Tiffany

This is a story that was written specifically for me by my best friend Tiffany. This is her work and I'm very proud of her***********************School is coming close to Christmas break, leaving only one thing in the way. Finals… the dreaded time of school. Studying and cramming everything possible into their heads. Luckily for me, I only have 2 finals left before I can just relax for the holiday. I cram two nights straight, take my last final and head home. I decide I need to get away for a...

3 years ago
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Jenna again

I walked into a bar and when my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw a woman at the other end.It looked like Jenna from the pool.I hadn't seen or heard from her since the summer.I walked down to her and it was her.When I said Hi she looked up her eyes lit up and a big smile came across her face. "Hi Jaimie!" she said. I sat and she told me all her problems at home.I listened intently but in the back of my mind I was thinking "revenge sex." Finally she asked," can we go to your place?" That is what I...

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One summer morning:One summer as I wake the sun is shining in the bedroom window,stretching tossing back the covers, a thought crosses my mind smiling yes I will call my lover invite him to a picnic.Jumping out of bed slipping on a bathrobe walking into the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee.Grabbing the phone coffee in hand step out onto the deck soaking in the sun as I dial my Lovers number.The phone comes to life with his deep sexy voice as he says hello, smiling to my self because every time...

2 years ago
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Crazy but so right

They could not be together, every odd was stacked against them. They had met online by chance, and what started as a casual conversation became infatuation, and then love. They had never met in person, but they both knew what they had was the real thing, it was crazy but so right.She was at the time in her life where she was ready to be a Mother, yet she had no one to give her a baby. She found her carnal urges increasingly hard to deal with. Her sensibilities told her that she should be...

Love Stories
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Film Runner

This is it your chance to crack into film production, albeit in a minor role as a runner who gets people tea or coffee and does all this shit stuff, but you knew it would lead to a brighter future. You excelled in school and college to get an excellent grade in film production, you applied for loads of jobs but alas nothing, this certainly was the business to work your way up in. This isn't helped that you don't really socialise with people, you find it hard to talk to people and to make...

4 years ago
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Wake Up

Wake Up My name is Diana Smith I am 47 years old. I am leaving prison today after 2 years of a 3 years sentence. I am leaving not a woman prison but a man prison as a TS I was sent to such a place I have spent 2 years under rule 43 solitary confinement with all the bloody nonce?s I hate scum that do kids but I was in with them on D wing. Why was I in with that lot of dog filth the reason was simple as a TS I would in general population be raped and raped. But still on the way out...

4 years ago
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Finding My Wife a WomanChapter 7

We flew to the Bahamas on Sunday the ninth of January. We arrived to beautiful weather, and checked into our Hotel. We had a wonderful view from our room, and had a nice balcony also. We unpacked and the girls went to check the place out, while I phoned Jan. She had everything done, so I got the address, and then made some last minute arrangements. The girls soon returned giggling like school girls. They were impressed. We had a light lunch at the hotel restaurant, then we all hit the pool....

2 years ago
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The Answer

The sound of the trash truck clanging and beeping its way down the street heralded a new day. Mornings have a sound all their own. The breaking dawn was peeking through the blinds as I watched Lexi, so peaceful in her sleep - a stark contrast from what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about how our lives were seemingly spiraling out of control. How could I have let it progress to this point, and what, if anything, could I do to stop it? I keep going over it all in my...

Wife Lovers
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A Deals a Deal

Kelly laid her book down and looked across the table at her mother. "Mom, what do you mean, what do I think of Robert?" "Just that, sweetie. What do you think of him?" "Mother dear, have I given any indication that I was upset with you marrying again?" The eighteen year old smiled. "Bob's a great guy. I'm glad you found someone so good for you." The lovely blonde favored her mother with a wink. "When are you guys going to give me a little brother or sister?" Melody Conner-Johnson...

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Dude in dresses, looking fine as heck, and being naughty as ever… I think that is the best way for me to describe what r/GoneWildCD/ is all about. Now, if you are interested, the name stands for ‘Gone Wild Crossdressers’, and that is exactly what you will see. There are hot crossdressers of all shapes and sizes doing all kinds of naughty things in their bedroom, in public, or wherever the fuck they want basically.To make this shit even better, Reddit.com is a free website with literally...

Reddit NSFW List
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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of...a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire; brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

3 years ago
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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 244

Thursday Afternoon Matt and Courtney had gone home, as had Fred and his wives. Art, Bobby, Sandra and Hope had disappeared yet again. After a busy day, Jeff, Diana, Kayla and Arlene were in the living room. Diana was sitting in her husband's lap as they all chatted. Her smile got bigger. "There were some sore pussies this morning when we had our little get-together on the Jacuzzi deck." Jeff's demeanor became a bit more serious. "You told them I would send Little One, didn't...

4 years ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 13 The Job

Ted and Debbie arrived the address given them on time. The building was set back in lush landscaping and hard to see from the road. A large parking lot in the rear already contained many cars, most of which were very expensive models. Not knowing what to wear, Debbie had put on a white blouse and a short black mini-skirt and black high heel shoes. She thought she looked a cocktail waitress should look. Going in the front they were met by one of the largest men Debbie had ever seen. Not fat,...

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More than a LodgerPart 6

More than a Lodger…Part 6 It was just over a month that Tom had moved into his new lodgings, and Tom had found himself down to zero rent. Not only that but he was fucking both Laura and Jerry who owned the house, their daughter Amanda and some of their very best friends. Sometimes, Tom found it hard to come to terms with all of it. The perks, as he liked to call them, were superb, but you generally had to pay rent. Nevertheless, both Laura and Jerry were more than happy that Tom had taken to...

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Porn In Fifteen Seconds

Reddit Porn In Fifteen Seconds, aka r/PornInFifteenSeconds! How does a site that speeds up your fapping by presenting to you only short videos that last for about fifteen minutes sound to you? Awesome, right? The varieties on this site are superb and of quality more than you can bargain for. Visit r/porninfifteenseconds and enjoy a wide range of videos with the best of the best short scenes only.Before you load up the homepage, you will have to confirm that you are 18 years and above which...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sissy Crissi Chapter 2 Facing Erika

Chapter 2 - Facing Erika But my bliss would be short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling...

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When it all started

It all started when I was 13. I wanted to earn some money to buy a bike, so I started mowing a few lawns in the neighborhood. My first client was my grandmother two blocks away. After a few weeks of mowing her lawn I was stopped by Mrs. Richards, a retired teacher from our school, and employed to mow her lawn as well. No doubt my grandmother had put her up to it since they were bridge partners. It didn’t matter to me, money was money and worth earning. Or so I thought. Mrs. Richards did...

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Its Just Business Part 1

Doing an Internet startup is both a blessing and a curse. While I'm my own boss, I'm often gone for days or weeks at a time and I haven't had a free evening in a year. The economy is still bad, and so is the money. Some months are great, some not. Boom or bust plays havoc on my checking account.I've been fortunate to be married to a woman who appreciates that I'm pursuing my dreams and supports me completely. For the last year, she's been working in a local bakery to normalize some of our...

Oral Sex
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 20

When I came out again, hair still wet from the shower and the light hurting my eyes, I was surprised to see Dean and Deb playing cards on the table in the suite’s little breakfast nook. The both looked up and I could see them examining me, but I didn’t want to talk just yet. Instead, I ordered room service. I had a thought when I hung up the phone. If there had been a phone in the room, I probably wouldn’t have come out until my money ran out. They would have either had me committed or they...

1 year ago
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The Contraptions part 9 of the Business

Carla could not wait to try out her new stainless steel goat milking machine. Her friends the Gaucho Girls had lots of experience with livestock and induced lactation. They used that type of machine themselves and wanted to share the useful technology with their new friend. Carla was pregnant and her body had begun to produce the hormones to transform. She felt a little nauseous sometimes. The main effect was that she felt a lot hornier than usual...if that were possible. Nothing showed on...

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My story as a submissive asian woman

"The whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to make themselves loved and honored by them, to educate them when young, to care for them when grown, to council them, to console them, and to make life agreeable and sweet to them?these are the duties of women at all times, and should be taught them from their infancy."Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Ever since I was a little girl, mommy taught me to be obedient toward father and male figures in the...

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Casablanca An Alternate Version

Prologue: For the sake of our story let ussuppose that there exists somewhere, in a region of equitable climate and tolerantsociety, a resort dedicated to enabling its members to act out their most secret,and sometimes their darkest, fantasies. The resort, which might be known bya name such as the Villa di Dolore, would undoubtedly have sufficiently spaciousgrounds to provide the necessary privacy, as well as an extensive and variedinventory of sets and props to accommodate whatever scenes its...

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Sue and Julie Buiness part two

Part twoSean and Jonny talked, and argued, and bargained. Sue fetched the drinks, the nibbles. Sean had introduced her as his secretary. She looked the part. Her cropped blonde hair looked business like. She wore a tailored black suit, the skirt just above her knee. Finally, it seemed as if they were finished. “Sean, I haven’t thanked you for that piece of shit you delivered to me,” Jonny said in his East London accent. “You’ll be pleased to know that he is now supporting the M25 widening...

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Dream MasterChapter 27 Bomb Squad

"We blew it," Jamie said as Christine and I were having breakfast the next morning. "How so?" I asked. "The bubble thing with Samantha." "What about it?" "We forgot something," she said. "What? Jamie, just spit it out, what are you talking about?" "Hightower's buried kill commands." Ooops. "You're right," I said. "We'll have to go back and fix those. Maybe tonight. So what did Allison tell her?" I wasn't concerned about exactly how Allison had gotten the message...

2 years ago
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CommuneChapter 14

Two o’clock in the afternoon was the quiet time of the day when no one was usually in the garage. Jack was seated on the couch waiting for Claire, Emily, and Sally to arrive for a quick meeting. He sighed while thinking about the bad news he was going to have to deliver. He took a sip of the generic store brand soda wishing that he was drinking his usual brand. The generic soda was better than nothing. Claire arrived and took a seat on the couch next to him. Smiling at him, she asked, “What...

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Hair By Doreen It was going to be one of my better days. I had an appointment with Denise for a cut and highlighting and I always felt good about the pampering that I received during one of those sessions. There was a feminine feel to having my hair wrapped in foil and spending time under the hair drier as other women would look at me and wonder. The color Denise used in the highlight would be a light blondish brown which was close to what my hair would do on its own when I got a...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Aiden Ashley Aubree Valentine The Artist

Aiden Ashley has agreed to be the model for Aubree Valentine’s painting. Aubree is just getting her materials put together when Aiden rings the doorbell. She shows Aiden in while flashing some plump ass cheeks that Aiden definitely checks out. Then she leads Aiden to the living room, where she has Aiden take off her clothes and pose. When Aubree is finished, Aiden slips into her robe and comes to see. She loves it! In fact, she loves it so much that she leans in and plants a big kiss...

1 year ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 81

I woke up Thursday morning with a headache and a stiff neck. I'd slept awkwardly and my body was complaining about it. I tried to make up for it by giving myself a good stretch out before I went on my morning run. It did help the stiff neck but the headache persisted. I grumbled through breakfast then apologized to Mrs. Trinh for it. Then I remembered to let her know Kelli would be coming, and probably spending the night. I was just starting to think the headache would fade when I heard...

2 years ago
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Confession Of Indian Wife

Hi friends, this is Bobby here again after a long time. For the people.” Who don’t know me; I am male 37 from Delhi. I am big fan of ISS and written previous episodes in ISS and got good replies from number of people. This story is not about me but my friend Neeru whom you guys can read in my previous post. She was a hot erotic lady in late thirties with a very sexy figure and is always ready to fuck. I was with her nearly a month back at her office where we just finished our action. We were...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 6

I gripped Holly’s hips with a strength that would have made her think I was being unsafe, had either of us been in the right state of mind. When I first came over that evening, maybe a few minutes after we agreed via text to meet, the clothes were off within seconds and I was attacking her neck and feeling up every inch of her body. It only took a few minutes for the foreplay to transition into the main act, and from then on in, the train had no brakes. It was hard to say how long the sex...

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Malachars CurseChapter 20 Alphabet Soup

Date-Uncertain. Location-Unknown. Confusion, why was I so confused. Everything was hazy. It felt as if my mouth and brain had been stuffed full of cotton. Where was I? I struggled to clear my head from the fog, struggled to open my eyes. They felt glued shut. I tried to move my body, but something seemed to be restraining my limbs; all I could do was twitch. Jake. Jake. Snap out of it. I’m doing my best to speed up your liver and kidney function to help flush the drugs from...

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Frankie bumps into Coffee Shop Man

Frankie was on her usual Friday night out with the girls, having fun and chatting to everyone and anyone around her.The pub they were in was exceptionally busy and she kept getting pushed from side to side, she was starting to get pissed off with all the shoving, when she felt someone push her from behind she turned round quickly as she said ‘excuse me!’ just as she turned back towards her friends she heard a breath in her ear ‘you didn’t say that when I was licking that beautiful pussy the...

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Life in a summer cabin part 2

———————— I was just about to finish a night shift at work. I had completed my paper work and packed all my things, I just needed to wait out the clock. So I texted a friend, Rachel, who I knew had her birthday party during the night. To my surprise, she was still up as the last people were about to leave. We texted for a while back and forth how the party was with all the gossip. Then I asked, if she was about to go to bed. She said that she did not really feel tired yet and would relax a...

3 years ago
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Sophies Sleepover Part 2

I was still naked when I stood up having got full agreement from Sophie, she had text Emma and got her agreeance so we all knew where we stood. Sophie was happy and seemed quite comfortable in just her panties and to be honest I felt perfectly ok being naked in front of my granddaughter, as I returned with a beer and a soda for Sophie I asked her if she had a problem with me staying naked, “On NO!” she said, “I love seeing you naked granddad” she said as I handed her the soda and sat down in...

1 year ago
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“I love a good big ass on a woman. And I love having my nipples sucked.” “Some of my clients have sexual fetishes beyond imagination. Are you comfortable with that?” “Sounds fun, and I do like stretching the boundaries.” “Are you fine with a male and a female at the same time?” “Yes.” “Two women?” “Definitely yes.” “How about intercourse with a male?” “Sorry no.” “Or a blow job from a male?” “Yes, as long if there is a female watching.” “How long can you last? Can you get it up...

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Growing up and getting educated

My name is Nancy I grew up along the shores of Lake Michigan in a small town with all my friends and family, raised a catholic I was a good girl. I'm five foot four inches and weight a hundred ten pounds big tits 40DD, I got on the pill at an early age to help control the cramps I was having when I got my period I have three older sisters all of us built about the same we take after my mother. My father drove truck for a local business so he was home every night. With five women in the house...

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Camping Road Trip

"What a drag." Derrick bent over to gather more sticks for the fire, glancing over at his Lucio and his girlfriend, Celina, but they hadn't heard his cynical comment. They were also gathering firewood, talking cheerfully. Celina giggled quite often which really got on Derrick's nerves. Derrick had never cared much for Celina. She always seemed uptight and was a bit chunky. She had nice tits, wide hips, fat ass, and thick thighs. He couldn't see what Lucio saw in her. Derrick carried the wood...

Group Sex

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