Dr. Joseph’s Office Ch. 05 free porn video

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Part 5: Tabitha

‘Owww!’ Tabitha White said, as she carefully bit into an apple. She’d been trying to avoid the left side of her mouth, which hurt like fucking hell these days. But something the size of an apple was a bit hard to handle that way.

‘Something wrong, Tabitha?’ said Virginia Lord, her boss. Her voice gave the distinct impression that she expected nothing was wrong whatsoever.

‘No, ma’am,’ Tabitha said, mentally scowling at her boss. Not physically, though, the fucking bitch probably had a surveillance system in place. There was no money to pay Tabitha a decent wage, or give her decent benefits, or even buy a half-as-shitty chair for her to sit on. But when it came to spying on customers and employees, Virginia Lord would spare no expense.

And it wasn’t as if she even had to spare many expenses. Virginia Lord owned this whole damn shopping center, and at least ten other properties besides. Her dear departed daddy had built all this shit up, and now his bored daughter got to pretend to be a businesswoman.

Tabitha wasn’t aware of Virginia’s credentials, but even a moron (or a history major, like Tabitha) could see that this store was run terribly. Apparently, Virginia wanted to think of herself as not just a businesswoman, but an artistic businesswoman, as well. That meant that she took up a rather sizable part of this shopping center with her own art-supply store.

It didn’t seem particularly fair that Virginia would have all of this, and Tabitha, who could do something with this kind of money, had to slave away to afford even a shitty life. She knew that life wasn’t fair, but, really, did it have to be this unfair?

To add to all those problems, there was the feeling Tabitha got whenever she compared herself to her boss. Virginia was always perfect. Every strand of blond hair was perfectly coiffed, every bit of expensive clothing was perfectly selected, every part of her body was perfectly proportioned.

When Tabitha looked at herself in the mirror, on the other hand, she saw an absolute mess. Crappy teeth. Stringy, kinky hair. Acne scar-cratered black skin. A face that was too large, and boobs that were too small. Ill-proportioned, poorly dressed, constantly depressed Tabitha White.

The bell on the door rang, and Virginia sprung from her desk to greet her customer. She click-clacked past Tabitha, who just kept trying to get her computer to do anything at all. Meanwhile, her boss exclaimed in perfect delight at her customer, and started perfectly guiding her perfect customer around her perfect store.

Sometimes, when Tabitha was off of work and getting shit-faced on cheap beer, in her quiet, empty apartment, she wondered why she hadn’t quit yet. For her, though, the answer was easy to come by, since she was just talking to herself.

To tell the truth, she loved Virginia.

It wasn’t a third-grade-best-friend kind of love. It was just that whenever she looked at her boss, bitchiness and miserliness aside, she felt herself glow. It was the sort of love where she wanted to fuck her boss silly.

When Tabitha looked back on her previous crushes, she could see a clear pattern. There was Julie, from her last summer of camp, when Tabitha was 17 and just realizing her identity. Julie had been a class A bitch, but her deep blue eyes, her silver-blond hair, and that fine figure, had made Tabitha melt inside. The rest of the summer, Tabitha had masturbated to her fantasies of Julie being her girlfriend.

There’d been Alice Hodges, the captain of the cheerleaders in their senior year. God, what a stone-cold bitch, with her hard blue-green eyes and wavy blond hair. A couple times, Tabitha had suspected that Alice might like her, too. But she’d always been too timid to ask.

In college, she’d found her first real girlfriend. Lena Schwyz, the haughty Swiss exchange student, who had shown her what happiness had meant. Then, Lena had taken that happiness, and all the love Tabitha had given her, and smashed it. For months afterwards, Tabitha had felt like a worthless dupe, like none of it had been real.

That had led almost directly to this job. When her parents had found out that she was a lesbian, they’d cut her off. By the skin of her teeth, and with thousands of dollars in loans, Tabitha had managed to finish college. Her dreams of grad school were totally impractical, with all of this debt, so she’d found this job.

And here she was now, wasting away in a boring, useless job, with a comically inept boss and not even a few rewards to ease her burdens. Of course her teeth would go bad when she could least afford it. She could barely afford toothpaste, much less a dentist appointment.

Well, at least the clock said ‘5:00 PM’ now. That meant she was free to wallow in misery and pain at home now. It was time to leave.

Tabitha stopped trying to get the computer to work and shut it down, instead. She scribbled the time on the work log by the back door, and left before Virginia could find something else for her to do.

She slouched her way down the shopping center, past all the other marvelous boutiques that payed rent to Virginia, and towards the bus stop. Just as she passed by the exit to the grocery store, she heard someone giggling, but she was too tired to pay any attention to it.

That proved to be a mistake a split second later, when she collided with a shopping cart. ‘Omigod, I’m, like, so sorry!’ said a chirpy voice. ‘Are you, like, okay?’

Tabitha pulled herself to her feet and dusted herself off. ‘Um, yeah, I’m fine.’ Now, she found herself facing a bimbo.

There was really no other word for the woman who’d been pushing the shopping cart. She was a blond bimbo, dressed in astonishingly whorish clothes. Those clothes displayed her voluptuous body, her sensual curves, her enormous boobs.

‘Hiiii,’ the bimbo said, extending a hand towards Tabitha. ‘I’m Crystal, and I’m, like, soooo sorry ’bout that.’ She giggled. ‘I’m such a silly person!’

‘Okay,’ Tabitha said, taking Crystal’s hand and shaking it. Her tooth, as if responding to the touch, twinged again, and Tabitha winced. ‘Owwww!’ she said, clutching her cheek.

‘Oooh, did I make your teethies hurt?’ Crystal said, pouting at Tabitha.

‘No, no, it was like that before,’ Tabitha said, waving the bimbo away. ‘It’s not your fault, any of this. I should’ve paid attention myself.’

‘Wait, your teethies hurt already?’ Crystal said. ‘You should come with me! I, like, work at a dentist’s office! You can get it, like, all checked out and stuff!’

‘I can’t-‘ Tabitha began, but Crystal waved away what she’d been planning to say. ‘Don’t worry, sillypants!’ the bimbo said. ‘Dr. Joseph doesn’t really care about getting paid. Come on, come on!’ She grabbed Tabitha’s hands and started pulling her away.

‘Oh, okay, I suppose,’ Tabitha said. She didn’t have anything better to do. It wasn’t as if she had any friends to socialize with, or places to go. She might as well go have her teeth checked out.

It turned out that Crystal worked in the office park across the street, which Virginia didn’t own. Apparently, her father and the guy who had owned this place had been bitter rivals, to the point of attempting to sabotage each other’s projects. Virginia had carried over the family grudge against this guy, for whatever reason. But Tabitha had heard recently that it had sold to some new guy.

Whatever its history, it seemed perfectly fine to Tabitha’s eye. For all that Virginia had ranted and rambled about how poorly-designed it was, it didn’t look that bad. Crystal kept chattering away the whole walk, and Tabitha just tuned her out most of the time.

When they reached Dr. Joseph’s office, Tabitha hesitated. ‘Are you sure he’s in this late?’ she asked Crystal.

‘Oh yeah!’ Crystal replied. ‘He’s, like, such a great guy! I kinda wish he’d come home sooner, sometimes.’

‘Wait, you live with him?’ Tabitha
said, taken slightly aback.

‘Yep!’ Crystal said, her face glowing. ‘He’s such a dreamboat, and he’s, like, great in bed, but he’s always so busy.’ She pouted a bit.

Tabitha felt weird a little bit, but then she shrugged. Was it really that weird? And, honestly, was it any of her business how they lived? No, it wasn’t.

Crystal pushed the door open, and Tabitha stepped inside. There was a red-haired bimbo sitting at the receptionist’s desk. She exchanged squeals with Crystal and directed them to Dr. Joseph’s current location. As Tabitha and Crystal exited the front, the red-haired bimbo waved and chirped, ‘Bye-bye!’

Before Tabitha could really wonder how many bimbos there could be in a single dentist’s office, Crystal had hustled her into Dr. Joseph’s private office. ‘Hiiii, Dr. Joseph!’ Crystal chirped to the man behind the desk. ‘This is Tabbi, an’ I told her you’re the bestest dentist in the whole world!’

‘Hello, Tabbi,’ Dr. Joseph said. He had a very nice smile, Tabitha thought. She wanted to say that her name wasn’t Tabbi, but she was feeling flustered. ‘I believe room 4 is open. I’ll have Luisa take you there.’ He picked up a phone and briefly spoke in a language that sounded a bit like Spanish, then set it down again.

‘In the meantime,’ he said, ‘Crystal and I are going to need to have a talk.’ A golden-skinned bimbo showed up at the door, smiling widely. ‘I’ll be along in a little bit, Luisa.’

‘Hiiii, Tabbi!’ Luisa said, leading Tabitha out of the room. ‘How are you doing today?’

‘Um, I could be better,’ Tabitha said. ‘Look, could you call me Tabitha please?’

‘I thought your name was Tabbi,’ Luisa said, ushering Tabitha into room 4. She crinkled her nose at Tabitha. ‘I think Tabbi’s cuter, so I’ll just keep calling you that.’

Before Tabitha could protest, she was in the chair, and Luisa was picking around in her mouth. The bimbo hygienist kept up a steady stream of inane babble, but that just washed over Tabitha. She wasn’t precisely in a trance, but it did feel good to just let everything go, to not worry about the world around her.

She gradually returned to her senses after some period of time – how long, she never could figure out. Dr. Joseph was standing over her, looking down with concern in his eyes. ‘I wasn’t sure you heard any of what I said. You were really out of it. Got enough sleep lately?’

Tabitha yawned and stretched carefully. ‘Apparently not,’ she said, trying not to sound sleepy (and failing).

‘Well, at any rate, what I said is that this is a bad case. Worse than anything I’ve seen in my career. When was the last time you saw a dentist?’

‘Ummm…’ Tabitha started counting in her head, but Dr. Joseph waved her off. ‘That long, huh? It really is important that you get regular checkups. It’s a lot easier to prevent problems than it is to fix them.’

‘If I had dental insurance, this wouldn’t’ve happened,’ Tabitha said, a challenging expression on her face.

‘Probably not,’ Dr. Joseph said, his face unperturbed. ‘At any rate, I think you need to get this taken care of immediately. Without a single bit of delay. So, if you’ll follow me down the hall, we can get you prepped for surgery.’

‘Surgery?’ Tabitha asked, pushing herself to an erect posture.

‘Your molars are so damaged that I wouldn’t be surprised if a chip came off just from walking down the hall,’ Dr. Joseph said, making notations on a pad of paper. ‘You’ve got several cavities on your rearmost molar, and your premolar’s enamel is weaker than an eggshell. Come on.’ He left the room, and Tabitha followed, reluctantly.

‘How am I supposed to pay for all of this?’ she said. ‘I’ve barely got the money to take the bus home every night.’

‘There’s no need to worry about payment,’ Dr. Joseph said over his shoulder. ‘This is all free. I can afford it. And just think about the good PR I’ll get from helping you.’ He swung open the door to the operating theater as Tabitha approached. For some reason, this was room 69, even though it was the ninth room on the hall.

‘My lucky numbers,’ Dr. Joseph said, noticing her puzzlement. ‘Come on in, let’s get you anaesthetized and prepped.’ Tabitha allowed herself to be led to the chair, and fussed over. Before she knew it, the red-haired bimbo from the front desk was leaning over her, holding the mask that descended over Tabitha’s mouth and nose and sent her into darkness.

Two hours later

Tabbi returned to the waking world gradually, becoming aware of the bimbos that hovered over her like flies. A man’s face – Dr. Joseph’s – poked through the forest of bimbos. ‘How do you feel?’ he said.

‘Better than ever!’ Tabbi said, grinning. She practically sprang from the chair, brushing Luisa aside. ‘That anaesthetic really does wonders, Doc.’

‘It surely does,’ Dr. Joseph said. ‘But I like to think I have something to do with it, too.’

Tabbi was going to ask him what he meant by that, but she was distracted by a sudden realization. Her body was completely different.

She looked down, to find two enormous breasts adorning her chest, where so recently she’d sported barely a speed bump. Her figure as a whole seemed so curvaceous now, that she could probably stop an 18-wheeler.

Luisa rolled a full-length mirror out from the side of the room, and Tabbi found it hard to believe she was looking at herself. Her face was smooth and hard, like it had been chiseled out of black marble. Her hair, now smooth and silky, descended like a wave past her knees. Her teeth – she smiled experimentally – her teeth were perfectly aligned, bright and shiny and white as can be.

As she took it all in, her brain churned and processed her changes. ‘You did this to me,’ she said to Dr. Joseph, her eyes narrowing.

Dr. Joseph nodded. ‘I sure did. It’s what I do. Do you like it?’ He seemed perfectly calm, as if nothing at all was out of the ordinary.

‘Like it?’ Tabbi said incredulously. ‘Like it? I love it!’ She ran both hands up and down her new body, feeling every inch of her curves.

‘Mmmmm, it just makes me feel so great!’ she added. Then she grimaced. ‘Except for how much smaller my clothes feel now. It doesn’t feel so good.’

‘Here,’ Dr. Joseph said, handing her a stack of clothes. ‘You might find these more enjoyable.’ Tabbi set them aside, and started wriggling out of her old clothes. She felt strangely comfortable with being naked in front of so many strangers.

When she’d finally found her way out of her far too tight bra and panties, Tabbi picked up the clothes Dr. Joseph had handed her. She frowned. These didn’t exactly look like the sort of clothes she would want to wear. It was all spandex and latex, with a minuscule thong and no bra whatsoever.

‘Just try it, Tabbi,’ Dr. Joseph said. ‘Believe me, you’ll like it.’ Tabbi shrugged and started pulling the top over her head. It stretched to fit her figure, and settled on her new breasts like a second skin. It exposed so much of her body to anyone who wanted to see it, but she felt comfortable with that.

Tabbi slid on the rest of her clothes, and took a look in the mirror again. Finally, she was as hot as she deserved to be. Ming handed Tabbi a pair of very high heels, and the African-American bimbo put them on like they were the most ordinary thing in the world.

‘I think you’re ready to hit the road, Tabbi,’ Dr. Joseph said. ‘Crystal, give Tabbi a ride to her home, and then you’ll receive your punishment. You’ve been a bad bimbo.’

‘Yes, Dr. Joseph,’ Crystal said in a small voice. She and Tabbi left him and the other bimbos behind, walking down the hallway. Behind her, Tabbi could hear enthusiastic shouts, and a good bit of slurping.

Crystal sniffled. ‘If I hadn’t, like, brought you here, I’d be sucking Dr. Joseph’s cock right now.’ She turned her doe-eyed, pouty face towards Tabbi.

‘You want me to be sorry about this?’ Tabbi said, waving her hands at her body. ‘No fuck
ing chance, girl.’

‘Awww!’ Crystal whined. ‘You’re a meanypants!’

‘Maybe,’ Tabbi replied. ‘Frankly, I don’t give a shit what you think. And what’s that in your hand?’ She pointed at the piece of folded-up paper Crystal clutched.

‘Oh,’ Crystal said, pouting again. ‘I was, like, hoping you weren’t gonna ask.’ She handed it to Tabbi. ‘Dr. Joseph said if you, like, asked me ’bout it, I had to, like, give it to you.’

Tabbi unfolded the paper, to reveal a handwritten message.

‘Tabbi,’ it said, ‘this is Dr. Joseph. I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Running an establishment like this can be taxing, and sometimes my bimbos get out of hand and need some discipline.

‘I would take care of that myself, but I still have a business to run, and discipline does not come naturally to me. But I have seen that you might possess some talents in that area, and I think you would find it enjoyable.

‘So, having said that, please inform Crystal that for the next two weeks, she is your slave. Do not bother showing her the paper, because she cannot read anymore. Do, however, anything you like to her for the aforementioned period. As long as she returns to me in one piece, I can manage.

‘Oh, and if you need some money to get this going, Crystal has a platinum Visa in her cleavage. Feel free to use it, within reason, for expenses.

‘Yours in Mastery, Dr. Joseph.’

Tabbi crumpled up the paper and stuffed it down Crystal’s cleavage. The surprised bimbo started to say something, but Tabbi forestalled her.

‘That paper says, you little bitch,’ Tabbi said, in a low, husky voice, ‘that I own you for the next two weeks. You’ll do whatever I say, whenever I say it, without question. Do you understand?’

Crystal nodded. ‘Yes, Tabbi.’ Tabbi slapped her on the face.

‘First lesson, slut. Don’t call me ‘Tabbi’. Call me Mistress, or Mistress Tabbi. Do you understand that?’

‘Yes, Mistress,’ Crystal said, her head hanging.

‘Now, you’re not going to take me home,’ Tabbi said, as they stepped outside. ‘I fucking hate that place. Also, I need to pick up a few things.’ Crystal got in on the driver’s side of a sporty red convertible, and Tabbi took the passenger’s side.

They stopped at a department store, where their appearance turned a lot of heads, male and female alike. That was quick, though. All Tabbi needed was some decent luggage, to hold the items she was going to get at the next stop.

The cashier who rung them up took quite a bit of time, because he seemed to have gotten very clumsy all of a sudden. But soon enough, they were off to their next destination.

‘Over there,’ Tabbi said, after about ten minutes of driving. ‘Pull into that parking lot, and follow me in with the luggage.’ Crystal obeyed readily, and after a bit of fumbling, the two of them, Mistress and slave, were walking through the doors of Meg’s Lady Parts.

Tabbi knew Meg only by reputation, because she’d never gotten deeply into the local lesbian subculture. But from what Tabbi had heard, this was the place to go for all sorts of kinky sex toys and clothing. Kinky was what she wanted right now.

‘Hi, welcome to Meg’s Lady Parts,’ said a very pale girl with short, blue hair. ‘I’m Audrey, can I help you?’

Tabbi looked Audrey up and down. The saleswoman was tiny and underfed, and her clothes were artistically torn. ‘Yes, you can,’ Tabbi pronounced. ‘My slave and I need some clothes and toys. What do you have in the way of whips?’

For the next hour or so, Audrey led them on a whirlwind tour of the store, and Crystal ended up carrying the pile of clothes and toys that resulted. The saleswoman seemed to become increasingly distracted as time went by, as if something about Tabbi and Crystal was absorbing all of her attention. By the time the three of them reached the register, Tabbi was doing most of the guiding, propping Audrey up and keeping her moving forward.

Audrey rang up their purchases, and watched Crystal put the bags into the new luggage. ‘When do you get off work, honey?’ Tabbi murmured into Audrey’s ear.

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This is a true story and its unfortunate that it is. It was end of July and on a saturday when my parents went out of town for a church conference. Me and my girlfriend of 8 months decided to hang out at my house. Me and my girlfriend are of indian decent and live in Long Island, New York. I am 26 years old and my girlfriend is 23 years old. Let me describe my girlfriend. She is about 5’7 and has light complexion, but tan on her arms and on her chest from the summer. She has long killer legs...

Cheating Wifes
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Conspriracy At The Office

CONSPIRACY AT THE OFFICE by Alexis Santiago My wife and I own a Travel Agency in South Florida. Business has been good -- so good in fact that my wife, Linda, stopped working at the office about one year ago. I have six gorgeous women in my employ and used to spend the better part of my day fantasizing about them. My fantasies were not about having a sexual affair, but centered on being projected into their image as women. I didn't just want to wear their clothes, I...

4 years ago
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A day in the office

It was a dreary dark day in October and the rain was beating hard against the windows. In the offices of PC Enterprises sat the head of the business Peter Clayton. His office was extremely plush for greeting visitors with everything a Managing Director could wish for. Outside of his office it was a very different matter. The office workers worked hard, fully aware of Peter’s reputation as a strict disciplinarian who would tolerate no nonsense. Just outside Peter's office sat his Personal...

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The New Boy In The Office

Liam Tabram had only been left school a month and he was delighted to have obtained employment in a medium-sized office. He was not long past his eighteenth birthday when he arrived for his first-ever day as an employee.He was greeted by the office manager, John Stewart, who had a brief chat with him in his office and put him at ease before introducing him to the eight other employees, five female and three male, in the main office. The first seven welcomed him before John introduced him to the...

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OFFICE FUN 4 The Office

As I was printing and collating nine sets of forms, the office personnel filed along both sides of my workstation coming from their offices around me and the open work area in front. Bill Clancy came in the back entrance from his office in the plant. It was an early meeting I was asked schedule on all their computer calendars as a mandatory meeting with Bob Hansen. I occasionally smiled as someone greeted me or commented on my outfit as they walked by. My focus though was on getting the...

3 years ago
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Revenge Fuck PT2 At The Office

Spencer arrived at work a little earlier than usual Monday morning remembering the previous weekend's activities. After their morning fuck session Saturday, Sasha and Spencer talked about continuing their liaisons in the future since they both found out they were sex starved people. Spencer knew partially because he accidentally saw Sasha masturbating at work."You saw me?" she asked slightly stunned."Yeah," Spencer said guiltily."What did you do while you watched?" Sasha asked very...

4 years ago
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My Father's Officebysethp©"You've got the job. You start tomorrow at 8am. Please don't be late." Said the voice on the answering machine. Cindy screamed! She was so happy. This would be her first real job at a real company. No more serving pizza at the local shop. The best part of all though, was that it was her daddy's company. He had no idea that she was going to be working with him. She hoped that he would be happy.Cindy was 21, tall, well built, and was a very sexy woman. She had large...

3 years ago
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No Arrest From This Police Officer

This is a true story from when I was 30. My name is Sam. I'm 6'1", 165, and uncut. I love watching and cruising around bathrooms. Watching guys take a piss, jerk off, and check other guys out has always turned me on. I loved to stop at rest stops/rest areas when I traveled. This day was no exception. As I was traveling through several states on my way to New York, I stopped at several rest areas. This stop had my favorite setup. The urinals were all on one wall and there were no dividers...

2 years ago
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The Chronicles of A Secretary 8211 Part 1 My First day in the Office

My name is Vidya. I am 30 years old now. Happily married and living in Pune along with my husband, Nitesh. I stand 5’7″ tall and have stats 36C-28-38. I have a voluptuous figure with two big melon-sized boobs and a jaw-dropping ass. People say I have a pretty face that looks as innocent as a baby but the figure of a sultry seductress. I was born and brought up in Bangalore. After graduation, I got a job as a receptionist in an MNC in Bangalore. One day, I was working at the front desk of...

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Shut Up and DriveChapter 4 Stella at her Office

Walter Peel had just returned to his chair after making himself his lunchtime coffee. Walter’s job was a cross between doorman and receptionist. He would vet visitors and direct them to the floor the companies they wished to visit were on. His secondary -- and probably more important -- role was to watch over the vehicles in the car park via the monitors on his desk. It was a movement on one of those monitors that caught Walter’s eye. A black estate car was reversing into one of the...

2 years ago
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The Office

Introduction: Once again my fantasies are flowing! Your comments are very gratefully received, if you do vote negatively please comment why. Thank you for all your encouragement so far! I am mid thirties, tall, slim, large breasts, short brown hair. I manage an office of giddy sexually inexperienced young girls. They drive me mad, not only their attitude to work but their attitude to sex. They shag any boy they find, they giggle and tell each other about their sexual exploits on the previous...

3 years ago
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FUCKING AUNTY IN MY OFFICE After years of practicing law I started my own firm on the high street, employing a number of staff. A few years back a friend of my father came in for some legal advice and help so he could bring his wife from bangladesh and make her a British citizen. I had assisted him in carrying all the immigration procedures and even traveling with him back to Bangladesh to further assist her. That was the first time I met her. I called her “chachee” and introduced myself to her...

4 years ago
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Reaching 4 Back in the office

Work was almost impossible.  I wondered walking into work the next Monday what it would be like.  I had seen Sara and Kayla almost daily for years now.  I had always thought of seeing them at work.  They always dressed very nice, on the verge of being too revealing for work without quite crossing the line.  They had triggered my imagination before, but now I didn’t know how I could possibly concentrate around them.  After they left our party, my wife and I spent the rest of the weekend first...

Office Sex
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Morale Officer

"Morale Officer" by Jennifer Brock On a spaceship in the near future, a situation arises that requires an innovative solution. The Monongah hung in space like a giant 10-penny nail. She was an asteroid mining ship for the AsterOre Mining Corporation. At one end was a disk 150 meters in diameter, inside of which was a ring of rooms that spun to simulate gravity. This is where most of the crew cabins and workspaces were located. At the other end of the 800-meter...

1 year ago
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Jess And The Police Officer

Jess is sitting at home bored with nothing to do and is quite hungry but doesn’t feel like cooking. She is 20yrs old about 5”4 with straight blonde hair 14DD bust and a little bit chubby bluey greeny eyes and is quite shy but inside her is a horny beast waiting to escape. She decides to drive into the city to find a nice restaurant too eat at. Jess walks outside and gets in her car. As she walks out a light chilly breeze blows past her making her nipples harden under her top slightly and blows...

3 years ago
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QuadrupletsChapter 10 Jerome Addresses Security Wilkinson Arrested Attack on Office

Anthony said that he would call in all non critical security for a meeting. He said it should take about fifteen minutes. Chloe and Adriana came over and sat next to the desk as I rolled out the map. Looking at the map I saw the exact properties we needed to purchase, but we still needed to go and look. I asked them what they thought. Adriana pointed at the eleven landing pads and asked what these were. I told her they supported the other club. Touching the map I indicated that these ten...

2 years ago
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Sexy Office

It was one of the days in the office when nothing much was happening. So most of us browsed the web, checked our mail and soon had nothing left to do. The boss knew that not much is going to happen that day so she decided to give the office the day off. We jumped for joy but mine was soon shot down as I was to hold the fort that day JUST IN CASE. What the fuck???? I was so pissed off. Being reasonably senior, I couldn’t protest and resigned to watch every one pack up and leave. The parking lot...

3 years ago
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 14 Therersquos no office like the Home Office

The trip back home was luxurious but uneventful. I had taken Caroline out to dinner for our last night in Doha, after an afternoon spent in Souq Waqif. I liked it there, because even though it was rather sanitized, there was more than enough to see, smell and taste. Sure, one or two of these hole in the wall shops sold the inevitable Gucci handbags, but it was actually fun to learn from Caroline how to spot fake goods. “Take this GG canvas horse bit hobo bag,” she said, while the salesman...

3 years ago
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Step Into My Office

Step Into My Office By Cal Y. Pygia All right, I admit it. I was an idiot. I never should have worn the butt plug--if "worn" is the right word--in the first place, especially not to work, but I couldn't help myself. Okay, I guess I could have helped myself; nobody forced me to insert a plug up my ass. It's just that, ever since Hermie left me for (of all things) a genetic girl, I've felt lonely--and horny. I guess my self- esteem was at an ebb, too--I mean, losing a guy to a...

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Mona Joins My Office

When she came to our office all the boys were floored. And probably the girls were either jealous or scornful of her. To say that she was sexy would have been an insult to her. She was smoldering, the way she moved, she carried herself and the way she dressed. She was wearing a plain white semi-transparent chiffon top, and a body hugging jeans. The top was a sleeveless affair displaying her clean bare arms. It was well cut and stuck to her body accentuating her curves. A normal collar front...

2 years ago
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Can I See You In My Office

“Any questions so far?” Bill asked, his hand on the nape of the new girl he had shown around the office. He had penetrated the veil of her shoulder-length, light brown hair so casually that Abby had been too shy to shy away. Simply hunching did not get the message across. “I’m OK so far,” she stuttered, convincing herself that maybe she was the one who needed to adapt to typical, friendly, office touching. If Bill thought two minutes was an appropriate amount of time to painstakingly apply a...

4 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Misbehaves in the Office

It’s not exactly a small building, with forty-two floors of offices. The James and Neville Law Company spans seven of these floors with each floor consisting of offices overlooking the city and a central pool of people providing administration and research tucked away on the inside. There are perhaps twenty to thirty people per floor; so a big workforce in total.Melissa is an office administrator, a clerk that helps one of the departments run smoothly, as she puts it. She is efficient, always...

Office Sex
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The Remote Office

Frank was recently hired on by the company as a Desktop Support Technician. His job was to help the personnel with computer problems varying from network issues to printing problems. He was there about two weeks when they had received a phone call from their remote office. "George, you over there?" "Yeah, Bob, what's up"? "Gina just called from the remote office. Network connectivity is down again." "Dammit. Bob, head out there and call me when you get there." "No can do George....

2 years ago
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Not a normal day at the office

This happend a good few weeks ago but its been going over in my mind quite alot of late, so i thorght i would write it down.just like ever other day i went to the office as normal, i parked my car in its normal spot and headed into the building. in the lift there was a women i had not seen before so i smiled and said hi she looked at me and smiled and said hi back, she was a dark haired women in here 40's dressed in a black top with a red blouse and long skirt, and red shoes as far as i know i...

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Wife catches her husband in a compromising position in his office

“I don’t understand,” said Lori. “You get excited by thinking about watching me have sex with someone else, but you would be devastated if it ever happened.” “I didn’t say it made sense,” said Edwin. They were covered with sweat and lying next to each other after one of their athletic lovemaking sessions. Even though they were exhausted and knew they were finished for the night, they both didn’t want to give up yet. Whenever this happened,...

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The Office

The Office.   Before you read this, it isn’t a stroke story as such. A story with sex in it yes, but not a quick fire wham bam. Thought it best to let you know.   The players: Stella was a bitch, pure and simple, a statement of irrefutable fact. Somehow, in her twelve years working at the small Accountancy practice, she had charmed, or perhaps bullied the senior partner into making her the Office Manager. She was the archetype of the Office Manageress. Quite tall, at around six foot, as...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Busty Colleague In Office

Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. Story is about my busty colleague Anusha who joined recently. There is a girl at my workplace who I sort of had a crush on. She was not that great. I mean she was fair but doesn’t have an...

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Arresting Officer

I was lounging on the couch in my media room, watching NASCAR on the big screen. There was a commercial on right now, and my mind was wandering. A knock on the front door brought me back to reality. As I approached the front door, I heard a radio squak outside. I tried to peek through the sidelight glass, but it was frosted, so all I could see was a shadowy form close to the door, and a flashing coloured light in the background. Police? Why? I cautiously opened the door. The officer had his...

2 years ago
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Overtime at the Office

This is a rough draft of my newest erotic short story - Overtime at the Office. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read elsewhere on the internet, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan. Hope you like it :)*******************As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway...

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Evening In The Office

The normal workday had finished and I gladly filed away the tedious paperwork that I had been toiling with over the past few hours. Knowing that I wasn’t going to depart for a number of hours, I went to the common tea room and made myself a cup of coffee.Back in my office, I sat back, sipped my coffee and contemplated my plan for the next hour and a half before the evening students started to arrive. By now, the building had emptied of the usual complement of tutors and students, and so I knew...

3 years ago
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Office Colleague Fucked In The Office

This is Ajay from Chennai. This sex story is a real incident which happened in 2008. Share your feedbacks at This happened when I was 18 years old. I joined the evening college and I wanted a job to cover my pocket money. That is a very small firm and it was put up in Guindy. So I got to know about Madhu in a week of time after joining the office. She was 5 years elder to me and I called her sister. She was also very happy about the relationship and we went out for coffee breaks and lunch...

2 years ago
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Overtime at the Office

This is a rough draft of my latest erotic short story. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read on Literotica, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan, one year later. I will upload the final draft on Literotica.********As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway chatter of...

1 year ago
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Wife at office

My said the other day to me that one of her fantasies was me fucking her on her work desk. My wife is a financial manager at an IT company. She’s got a nice big office with a big table. I imagined the situation and liked it very much. So one evening after work, she phoned me and told me to come to her work. I arrived there and some of the other workers were still there. I could see in her eyes that she was very horny and she told me to be patient till the other people left. After about 30min...

4 years ago
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Group Peeing AfterHours in the Office

The end-of-day buzzer had sounded yet there were those who had decided to stop behind for some naughty fun. For one, however, her plans for a long satisfying piss over the attic floor had been put on hold, for as Gabriella had rounded the stairwell doorway she had discovered a semi-naked Zara, squatting over the top step, and with a flowing torrent of hot pee flowing from the base of her curly-haired muff.‘Sorry,’ Zara shouted down over the hiss and patter her flowing toilet was making as her...

5 years ago
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Kims First Day At The Office

( Part 2 of Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge) By rutger5 (An original story - copyright 2011) Kim’s hand shut off the water but she continued to stand there for a moment in the shower as the water dripped from her body. Finally she opened the door to the stall and lifted the fluffy towel which hung from the nearby rack. Toweling herself off first she then stepped...

4 years ago
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The Office

I work in a IT office where people are coming and going anywhere from 6 am to 9 pm even though the office hours are 8 – 5 and mostly guys.   Out of 50ish people there are only 7 women working in the office but most of them are younger good looking guys considering I work in a male oriented business. Some of the guys even come in on the weekends or stay late weekdays to play poker, Wii, or have land parties.     I work in the accounting department so at year end I have a lot of overtime.  ...

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The Headmasters Office

It’s after midnight and I’m writing this by torchlight under the covers of my bed, holding an ice pack between my legs. I can’t stop thinking about what happened after school today; hopefully writing this down will let me clear my mind and get some sleep. If anyone is reading, I don’t expect you to believe it, but I swear every word is true. ~~~ I’m in my final year at a posh boarding school in Sydney. It’s pretty cool in an old-world sort of way; as well as the normal business, science and...

First Time

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