Swarm Attack
- 4 years ago
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The Truth About Concubines
Doc Tufferson's true story as told by his bar buddy, Leroy in which Leroy misquoted Doc as having said, "Swarm Reporters Is Full Of Shit!" and now everyone thinks that is the title of this story, it ain't. Well, the statement is true but what Doc actually said is, "Swarm Reporters Are Full Of Shit." Doc has couth, he tolt me so.
Leroy's account:
Doc Tufferson had been reading the news reports on SOL about extractions and such written by some really high flying reporters. Some guy calling himself Thinker was Docs first choice of the bunch, it was clear that Thinker knew the concept, had the facts down pat and could really write a clever line.
A couple of others, Mulligan, deGaffer, oh yeah and The Duke of Ramus too were top notch reporters. All three could tell a story so a regular sort of fellow didn't have to stretch his brain to understand but still got the news. Sometimes they was too funny and Doc would spend way too long laughing so he almost lost his place in the article.
Waltzing Melissa was the Valedictorian of the group and Docs favorite even though Thinker was smarter. She knew just how those poor concubine women got screwed during and after the pickup and she told the truth, he could read it between the lines. Doc saw a picture of Melissa on the internet and he was sure he had saw her in a Wally World store once. He was going to introduce his self, just to chat because he knew a famous reporter like that wouldn't give an old fart like him a tumble. Way out of his class. The chat never happened cuz Doc took his packages out to the car and before he could go back inside one of those gray wall things flopped down on the store. They look real scary from the outside so he took off. Later on he said he had almost crapped his pants. As rough and tough as old Doc is it would have been funny to see him with his shorts filled.
Doc had one problem with those reporters. It was way obvious that none of them had ever lived with more than one woman at a time. They was full of shit about half the time, thinking even a concubine slave woman would put up with the kind of crap that was being reported. Sure, some mean bastard volunteer might space a broad now and again but he'd forfeit his balls in the process. Women is sneaky. Doc knew that cuz he's married to three women at the same time and they all live in the same house.
Doc figured the concubines would have control of every pod and every male in sight in a week or two, just as soon as the medical stuff was done. And those reporters should know better than to think an oversized remodeled dick would make any difference at all. If a female is interested in putting out the effort she can tighten down her snatch til it does just that, snatches almost any size prick. Women is built to take over any man and that's what happened to Doc.
He married his lead wife just out of service back when times was good. He'd retired from the US Army after 22 years and was ready to settle down. He had some great retirement benefits and a job as a body guard for a big shot oil man that paid him two or three times what he made as a First Sergeant. For a working stiff he was rolling in it. He met Harriett at the big guy's gym, she was on his staff too, something to do with personnel records. She was easy ten years younger than Doc and she liked Doc's package, including his income, job security, medical benefits, and she just knew that Docs personal package would be satisfactory no matter what size. She never gave it a thought that Doc might be too demanding, he had "EASY" written all over his face. You can take that any ways you want to, it don't matter cuz it was true. Doc is easy, way too easy on those women some of us guys think; but then, Doc is the onlyest man I knowd with more than one wife. Some of us can't even keep one longer than a little bit.
Doc was a first class soldier, knew all about that stuff. Too bad he was dumb as a stump when it come to women. Well, it wasn't too bad neither cuz it came out pretty damn good. Harriett was Mrs. Doc just inside of three months from that meeting in the gym. Another week later she doing all the finances and two weeks later she was knocked up. Doc was good at following her plans even though he didn't know they was any plans.
Harriett wanted that baby and its little brother or sister too. And she got 'em. She felt real good about her kid's future since she didn't think there would be any money problems. Doc didn't mind the kids; he even liked playing with them, sometimes. He was also real happy to have somebody else tending the bills and balancing the books. All he had to do was earn the money and that was easy for Doc. Oh, the other thing Doc liked was dipping his wick in Harriett's honey pot; he liked that best of all after 22 military years of doing without. From day one he was making up time - all the time! Day and night! His personal package was just average in size but it was off the charts for frequency. Harriett snatched and snatched until her snatch got sore and it stayed sore. Twas time for a new plan.
Harriett has a cousin who was kind of the disgrace of the family. Her given name was Honey. With that name her Momma was close but no cigar. She should have named her Horny. Honey was ten years younger than Harriett, that made her twenty years younger than Doc. Harriett figured that was just enough difference that they could keep each others pipes cleaned and tuned like a fine organ. Oh, and like one of them big old church organ, Honey could blow real good and make sweet music. It was her favorite past time except for plain old fucking.
Harriett began maneuvering to get Doc and Honey to spend some weekend time together but ran into a snag. Doc wanted to be an honorable family man, his own momma started drilling that into his head just after his head cleared the breech. Geez, the very first time he latched onto her nipple in the hospital she was preaching and teaching and a coaching, "You're going to be the best family man in the US of A. You's gonna be honorable to your woman or I'll snatch you bald!" I guess she was thinking about Doc's daddy who split for Havana as soon as he learned that Doc was in the works. Didn't even say good bye, kiss my ass nor nothing. His momma's sister spilled the beans while helping that two timing bastard plant his seed in her own garden; and he was gone afore she could pull up her panties.
Doc's fetching up wouldn't allow him to bed a girl that wasn't his wife. He'd made it through all that Army time loving his hands, ambidextrous he was, and now that he had Harriett for a pressure relief valve he wasn't about to disappoint his mother, no matter that she'd been dead eight or nine years. No, Doc wasn't a Hanky Panky sort of man. No siree Bob.
Harriett needed some help and it didn't take her long to find it. It came when she made a healthy donation to the Reverend Jimmy's Church of Devine Holiness. Jimmy wasn't too big on the bible or God nor nothing like that. He preached that God wants us all to have a good time, good income to share with the church and good clean fun; preferably in the bedroom, bathroom, on the living room sofa or even in the back seat of a limo. Hole was holy to Jimmy. To his TV congregation nothing was more holy than consummating the bonds of matrimony and the more bonds you could consummate the more you were blessed.
It took Harriett less than five minutes to write the check that made her a member. In fact, that check was so big that Reverend Jimmy stopped by the house on the promise if he could help convert Doc to the faith there would be more checks just like that first one. Doc liked Jimmy, they had served in some of the same theaters during the war and he could tell really good stories about screwing up enemy plans and saving fellow soldiers. Jimmy didn't mention that he had read those stories as his past time while sitting on the crapper in an Alabama jail. Doc was sprinkled, more like doused, with some white wine that very weekend as his baptism. The good thing about using wine for baptism is there aint no waste, "drink up Doc, the lord has richly blessed you," Jimmy pontificated while palming check number two.
There was a number of other members at the service. No doubt that cousin Horny ... er Honey was the cutest. She was also the first to kiss Doc with the official blessing of the Church of Devine Holiness. Hot church, cool wine and one extra blest sizzling kiss. It was just three weeks later that Reverend Jimmy presided at the wedding of Honey and Harriett to our good Doc. Check three had been turned into cash at Jimmy's insistence, saying that it was easier to keep the church books with cash.
There was bliss in that home right away. The kids was so little that they thought a second mommy was the best thing ever. Sometimes they could talk Honey into giving them twenty five cents even though their other mommy had said no not five minutes earlier. Oh, the other good thing was that they got more attention from their first mommy now that Honey was taking on most of the bedroom duties. They used to have to take naps four or five times a day while mommy and daddy talked in the bedroom, now it was only four or five times a week, during the day that is.
That suited Harriett fine. Four or five times a week plus every other evening kept her snatch well lubricated but no longer sore. Ever now and again she would feel just a little more demanding and double up on her weekly schedule but not often enough cause no friction in the family.
Doc and Honey was in love. Four or five times every day, including Sunday they was in love. Honey, who could have sold excess lubrication to the KY Jelly factory, was always ready and never sore. For the first time since she turned seven she was content. Life was good. Doc thought so too, except he did have to call Jimmy for some advice which meant another contribution was due, in cash. Jimmy, blest his soul, was a man of his faith. He knew all about a product that was designed to promote continuous action while preventing abrasions, contusions (what ever they is, I just copied them words from a detective story) or plain old rubbed raw spots on the ridge abound Doc's cock. Doc bought a full case of Staa & Plaa.
Doc got to feeling so good about his self he began trying to take control of house hold decisions. Things like where they would go on vacation or what kind of cars they would buy. He even went so far as to buy a new suit of clothes without asking either one of his wives. Neither his lead wife nor his fucking wife were happy with that turn of events. It was time for another almost deductable cash gift to their favorite church.
Blessed Jimmy heard Doc's confession first then took both the women into the holy of holies at the same time. Doc waited almost two whole hours before the preacher emerged. Jimmy explained that the women were so sanctified that they had to take showers before they could be seen in public again and while that was happening he had a church obligation to discuss with Doc. Doc kind of groaned but Jimmy assured him that he was all paid up on contributions which made Doc feel somewhat better.
Seems as if, Jimmy explained, when god provides great joys he also demands great sacrifice. God had provided Jimmy with the joys of Harriett and Honey, now there was a demand that Doc marry once again to a bride that god has selected. Jimmy said God had picked this woman for Doc since before the world began. Her name was Lilith and she would be at the altar in her wedding gown next Saturday. Doc sputtered and stammered really hard saying that his first two wives would never go for it and that there wasn't enough Staa & Plaa in the entire state of Texas to keep him functional even if Lilith was no more insistent than Harriett. Jimmy just patted him on the shoulder and told him that both his wives had already blest this union and that god would provide for all of Lilith's needs.
Doc had his doubts but he was bound to be a dutiful husband. His wives reassured him that this was god's will for their family. Of course, they didn't leave him no time to brood about marrying a woman he had never met because they only let him out of bed long enough to take a whiz or shower and one of them was a rubbing on his body all that time. They didn't even get upset when the rubbing and the pissing at the same time left dribble tracks all over the toilet tank. They just moved him to the tub to combine the whizzing and showering for the rest of the week. They told him to whiz away but keep it pointed down stream.
Harriett and Honey were standing at the altar with Doc when Harriett's father escorted Lilith down the aisle. Wow, she was a beauty and looked virginal in the flowing white gown and long, long train. Just before the music drowned out the conversations in the church Doc heard his father-in-law say, "Lilith, are you ready." Not every one heard the soft reply, "Maybe, well probably, I guess."
The wedding went off without a hitch until it got to the "I do" part. Oh, Doc was so out of it that he said "Oh yeah" as Honey had secretly slid her hand into his Jockey shorts. Lilith said, "I guess so, maybe. Oh, OK, I do." Doc heard that and would have wondered except he had been without sex for almost an hour and Honey was getting to him with her very talented fingers.
The consummation was another matter. Lilith just wasn't sure this was the right thing to do and she wasn't sure it was proper and she just couldn't make a decision and kind of whined and pouted. She was really worried about her beautiful wedding dress even if she would never wear it again for the rest of her life. Harriett and Reverend Jimmy raised her gown then held her in place while Honey released the tool she had been warming, guiding it to the intended portal. With a long fingernail strategically placed at Doc's asshole she gave a sharp jab seating the man and sealing his fate. Doc now had a lead wife, a horny wife, and a passive aggressive whiner that hated the idea of having to go through birthing to a squalling baby and she intended to avoid sex for the rest of her life. That didn't mean she didn't complain about it, she complained about everything and kept Doc so off balance he gave up all thoughts of leadership or decision making. As long as wife number one and wife number two satisfied his needs and kept wife number three in the other room he was content. The thought of divorce was banned from his head by his momma's teaching and reinforced daily by all three wives.
Doc knew all about living with concubines and he knew those Swarm reporters, even his adored Melissa, were full of shit about life after extraction. It might be fun and it might be sweet but he swears from experience that they aint no man on (or above) this world that will ever best even one good woman, let along three.
Well, that's the end of Leroy's account of how I came to be married to three wives. Leroy's not too bright and he doesn't worry too much about being factual. He does tell a good story so I didn't try to fix his grammar or spelling, letting him tell it in his own words. You've read it, you be the judge.
However, Leroy only knew part of the tale and he didn't say anything about the Sa'arm or the Confederacy's extractions or any of the other things you came here to learn about. He also didn't mention that I've been a world famous writer for longer than I was a soldier. Perhaps he doesn't know that as I've never seen him with a book or even a newspaper. So, as old what's-his-face used to say, here is the rest of the story in my own words.
Waltzing Melissa has been my editor now for one week longer than any other editor over the years. I think that's a great achievement. Even if she has only had the job for two weeks total I've come to rely on her. That's why I yelled to her for help when my world went nuts.
Melissa — Help!
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Vlad and I were sitting in our favorite Greenwich Village bar. (I happened to know that Vlad's real name was Herbie—Herbie Grimm. Not a good name for a multi-media artist.) Tonight Vlad was excited. "I have a new medium!" he brayed. "It's shit!" "A lot of artists work is shit," I told him. "Not like my shit," he continued. "I found a plastic medium that looks and feels just like shit. But the beauty part is it doesn't stink. The possibilities are endless." "Hey, Vlad—they have...
Introduction: Disclaimer: this is not my story found it on the web and want more people to see it I was walking down the street one day and I heard a load noise behind me. I turn quickly and saw the grill of a BMW coming right for me. There was no time for anything. I didnt even have time to scream. I thought HOLY SHIT!! as loud as I could in my mind. Thats when it happened. Everything stopped. There was no sound, no movement, no nothing. The car was about one inch from me. I walked out of the...
(Back in 2014 Erin at the tg story site Big Closet ran a story challenge, to write and post up a story in 24 hours, I think it was, that would fit the title THE FULLER BREAST MAN. This was my entry...) Transgender Cinema: THE FULLER BREAST MAN Film review by Laika Pupkino THE FULLER BREAST MAN is an odd movie for several reasons, but perhaps the oddest things about this old black + white comedy is that it was released at all, especially in 1957 when it was fairly taboo to even...
He climbed up the two little steps and rang the doorbell. He heard nothing and tried to look through the window. The curtains were closed all he could see was a dead fly lying in the windowsill. He rang the doorbell again. ‘One moment.’ Someone yelled from inside the house. He leaned against the banister and stared out in the street, there were some trash cans standing on the sidewalk, one had tumbled over and some seagulls were scavenging for food. ‘Hi there,’ The door swung upon...
This is a very long story with a long lead in. Hopefully the wait will be worth it. Helpful Neighbour. My names is Jerry and I am 27. My wife is Mona and she is 25. We have been friends since we were in nappies. Through her teen years she went a bit wild and got a bit of a reputation. Especially with regard to her clothing or in some stories lack of clothing. But then she suddenly seemed to become happy being with me. I considered myself to be very very lucky to have such a gorgeous woman...
I appreciate all scores, comments or feedback. I am looking for an editor, as well. I I’m not the type to go on a cruise, but there I was. I’m really more of a ‘see the old fort or castle, stay in the bed and breakfast, drive around the wilderness to see wild animals, go whale watching’ type guy. It was my thoughtful friends that had set me up for an ocean cruise. They arranged the whole thing and then sprung it on me. The girlfriend I’d been with for the last year and a half had suddenly...
tonight is different... you got on later than I did, and you looked round the carriage, I’m the only other person in it.... you surprise me by coming and sitting opposite me... as I look up at you, you glance at me and smile...... even trying to concentrate on my book I can feel your presence..Smell your perfume... you cross your legs and I can see your skirt slide up your thigh... I can’t take my eyes off your legs, and I can see your wearing stockings and suspenders!! The train is moving...
--- "Shit!" That was the first thing I heard you say. That was the first thing I heard you say after your car ran into my car in the parking lot. More like plowed into the rear of my car, popping the trunk. We examine our cars. Yours doesn't have much if any damage. Mine is going to be in the shop for a week. Teach me to drive a fancy new car. Your older car is servicing you well through grad school. And that's when you drop the next bomb. "Sorry mister, I didn't mean to hit...
I went to him and asked him to front me a zip, nothing too major I thought, I'd sell to all of his old clientele and have the cash back by the end of the week. That was the deal. Until those fuck heads robbed me. And now, here I was standing in my bathroom examining the black eye and split lip in the medicine cabinet mirror. I wasn't a big guy, I had a wiry build that made me appear far weaker than I was. I had a shock of jet black hair, and my skin was just a few shades above sickly...
Please remember that in the 60's sex was not taught in schools, publishing a story (even true) like this one could put me in jail and only doctors knew where woman's erogenous zones were. As we experimented in our sexual lives we had to each learn the hard way and being taboo your partner usually would not tell you what was wanted. There were many false beliefs about sex and faulty attitudes which led to repression in females. Many guys thought that when married you just hopped on and...
Once she dated a guy who was into swinging and encouraged her to join in but she was too inexperienced and shy to participate but I convinced her that she could participate by blowing the guys that came around. She shyly admitted that she didn't know how to suck a guy off. Well, one night I gave her a short lesson one the fine art of blowjobs and she graduated with honors. Later she said she was a much sought after fellatrix at the parties. Well, anyway, we had been teasing each other...
Just as he promised, a tow-truck pulled up about 30 minutes later and a heavyset older black gentleman got out and came over to me. I learned his name was Donald (figured it out by looking at his name tag). Donald spoke with me, laying down my options as he went to work getting my car up onto the trucks flatbed. I could tell from Donald’s voice that he was the guy I spoke with on the phone. As we talked I noticed that he was giving me the ‘One Over‘. I was wearing a tube top (no bra), a...
After some time corresponding name to name we got a little closer to each other and she agreed to call me by telephone. She was married but was out for an experience, and she had not believed herself reacting to those things I had put on print. She was surprised that it had such a massive reaction on her. She admitted in the phone that she was already turned on. Her husband was on a business trip for some days and she had the possibility to have me come to her place. To turn her really on I...
Karen still couldn’t quite believe it. Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt. Three times she had been to bed with him. And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling. There was no question about it……Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with. Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but nevertheless,...
As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...
It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind, she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...
P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 *All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty.* At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of, even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...
Amy had done pretty well for herself since joining Localair, a small regional air carrier in the South West. Her goal was to be an air stewardess, but Localair required its stewardesses to have a second language at ‘A’ level standard and she didn’t have that. She had started off as a ground stewardess on Localair’s check-in, but within a year she had been promoted to Team Leader. Now, another year on and she is about to start her first day as Shift Manager. It was still dawn as Peter watched...
SINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...
“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...
ExhibitionismIt was just like any other day until you see a cute girl all alone. So you go over next to her and sit by her; and you introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Kaname. What is your name, you said." "My name is Tessa. Do you mind If I ask you a personal question, asked Tessa." "Go ahead and ask away, you said." "Boys have been asking me out & I tell them no. I just don't want to go out with them. I want my first time to be with a kind; caring; sweet; and sensitive girl, Tessa said." "I know what your going...
You assume the role of Tessa the captain of a ship, your well respected by your crew. You have grey hair that is in a ponytail with a blue ribbon to match. You decide to have your crew to surface the ship, so that you can get out on fresh land for some air. I decided to walk a few blocks and I happen to come across a High School. I see this really cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform with green hair behind me. The Next thing I know is she bumps into me and all of a sudden her things fall to the...
It had been a week since I had confessed my fantasy. I admit I was surprised at her response. She actually made my fantasy come true, well not exactly. You see I told her I fantasized about being fucked in the ass, so she produced a strap-on and did just that. She tried to convince me to go all the way with my fantasy; even promising me that she could make it happen easily.We both had quite a week and Friday night was finally here. Sitting on the couch we were having cocktails and discussing...
My life was over everybody i ever knew saw what a cocksucking sissy slut i was. My parents threw me out instantly none of my friends wanted to talk to me anymore. I had to leave my hometown where i was public talk number one and left for the capital. I stayed at a hotel for a few days but soon i was running out of cash. i had no cash no job and nowhere to go i was desperate.So i had no other choice than to phone daddy. Yes exactly the guy who fucked me in front of my parents postet everything...