The Surrogate Species
- 3 years ago
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“Is there anything the doctor has told you that you’ve missed?” asked Hillary, rubbing Clinton’s knob over her tits.
“No, I’m sure,” he sighed woefully. “It’s just not possible, I mean if you can’t do it for me, no one can darling,” he lied guiltily, thinking about Meg.
His cock surged slightly at the images of his beloved Meg and Hillary felt the distant tremors. It lifted her hopes and she rubbed her hand urgently over his purple tinted dome. She aimed her face over it and let a dribble of spittle fall from her thick lipped mouth. It hit the bulls eye and she teased the puddle into the half inch long slit and sighed as his glowing, shiny knob seemed to gulp the saliva.
Sitting on his knee in the office at lunchtime was one of the highlights of her day. Days like these when the sun is hidden beneath a dark backdrop of threatening clouds and the wind was whistling round the streets, her introduction agency business booming and she has found the man of her dreams, would appear to be the ultimate antidote to her previously quiet and staid life, but Hillary Rice was so sad. Clinton fondled her tits, the huge black udders hanging near to her waist, free of the hammock like silk brassiere she was forced to house them in.
“The door is locked isn’t it?” she breathed, watching his gnarled but clean fingers pluck at her bulbous half inch long nipples, which had erected amongst a little pattern of glossy brown goose bumps, as soon as he had dropped his trousers to his knees and sat so she could straddle him.
“Shush darling. Stop worrying, we do this every week don’t we. No one can get in here. We’re three floors up and can’t be overlooked,” murmured Clinton, as she leaned back against him, her wiry black hair agitating his nostrils. “Besides it’s fun, sort of risky. Not like the safe haven of your bedroom.”
He buried his head in the back of her neck, breathing deeply at the Dior perfume. Hillary squeaked agreement and patiently reached down with one hand between her gleaming thighs and pressured his shaft against her soppy wet cunt. She sighed as she reached further and gathered up his huge ballocks and hefted them as if weighing them. She would need an industrial weighbridge to actually measure their bulk, she giggled to herself. Still holding his knob between her breasts, she kneeded the pliable thickness of his prick into the sticky mire of her aching cunt.
“Is it me, I mean are you sure it’s not just the chemistry between us that ain’t working? How long for Clinton? I’m desperate to get this monster up me. You can feel how wet and juicy I am can’t you?” she breathed.
“Of course darling, as I said. The doctor says there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me and I’m certain there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re so beautiful, so we’ve just got to be patient. I’m sure it will happen,” he breathed.
The tumble of lies, apart from the comment about her beauty, fell easily from his lips. He hadn’t seen a doctor and knew what she desired wouldn’t happen. He spoke again.
“Now I’m going to lick you to cum as I always do, in a minute, but just keep trying, I like what you’re doing,” he answered, reaching round her belly and finding her clitoris.
Hillary shuddered and groaned at the instant contact. His clever fingers frigged at her glowing red bud, making more pussy juice go into free fall from her glistening pink slit and sluice his cock. She rocked on him, holding his soft hose-like dick straight up her front, the ultimate love totem pole, lowering her head slightly to lick at his knob. Her toned legs were planted on the thick carpeted floor, giving her leverage. Her Jimmy Choo stilettos cast aside, her long yoga trained toes curled into the pile, their pink orange soles contrasting with the deep grey blue patterns. Clinton let her rock and stroked her oiled thighs, bare to her hips where Hillary had raised her navy blue mini skirt. Her pale blue French knickers were cast aside, the flimsy silk, very expensive garment treated as a rag.
Hillary could afford to be careless with her material possessions, being extremely wealthy and besotted with her new man of three months.
Three months earlier He had approached her on business terms, wanting to find a partner and during the interview, he had visited the toilet and she had spied on him as he pissed, as she did with all her male clients. The toilet cam was a boon to her business, her extremely wealthy female clients were generally on the look out for studs more than long term partners, such was the rarefied nature of Hillary’s world and contacts. She always plied her male clients with loads of drinks, whatever was their liking, tea even and coffee and she always suggested a comfort break.
She thought her cam set up had gone loopy when she watched Clinton unravel his tool over the cubicle bowl. Hillary had rubbed her eyes and glanced away from the screen, not for long you understand - as she saw the monster uncurl like a snake until Clinton held it in a gentle arc, his knob end beyond her view, below the rim of the bowl. As she gasped, watching him literally knock his helmet on the rim to rid the drips, Hillary wondered on who she could award this freak – no, that’s not right, this prize specimen to and the fees she could charge. Yes, it was a white cock and nearly fifty percent of her clients were of coloured stock, but a white monster was as much a prize as any colour. Hillary thanked her foresight in the toilet cam investment and especially the sound accessory. Often she would switch that off, not wanting to hear piss, farts and dumps. Many men were silent in the cubicles, but Clinton’s lips had moved and she had turned the volume up on her office TV/video as he pissed. It was as if he was talking to his huge appendage. She caught the words “gorgeous black beauty, big tits, just our luck” and she had preened in her vanity on the assumption Clinton was being complimentary about her.
She sighed as in the last moments of his privacy, Clinton had pulled his hose like cock up vertically to his face and then Hillary had been stunned by Clinton rubbing his knob with a tissue and then kissing it tenderly, before the reeling in and careful re-stuffing it back into his pants. She watched as there was some fumbling and then he seemed to zip up the whole inside leg of his pants. Hillary resolved to try and determine the cut of his cloth so to speak when he returned to her suite. Shit! A man who could lick his own dick, with ease and with an obvious love of it was amazing. Her very first thoughts centred on maybe he was gay or at least bisexual, but she reckoned most men would like to suck their cock. Then Hillary’s brain went into overdrive, more price wise than sex wise for a few moments, until she decided that her clients weren’t going to get a sniff of Clinton Blair.
When he’d appeared back in her reception suite, she took another look at his pants and realised that they were particularly baggy, not noticing before. He had sat comfortably and at ease and there was no sign of a zip, although she did now notice a thickening down his left leg and giggled to herself, wondering if it would poke out from his pants bottom. She had gushingly made it abundantly clear that the fees her clients paid were highly negotiable and would be added to any other expenses he may incur. Clinton had visibly licked his lips at the thought of being kept in such lavish means when the figures were mooted and he wondered in turn how she was going to break the ice and open negotiations and her legs as soon as possible. For Clinton’s part in the bargaining that would soon start, he knew he had an asset. Twenty seven inches long when flaccid or erect, when aroused it grew in thickness only, from a mere inch and a half to a cunt busting solid and rampant three inches in diameter. His rough hewn good looks got him girls but he’d never been able to have full sex with them and therefore justify the cunt busting qualification.
But he wasn’t worried. Clinton was easy going and laid back and he enjoyed his experiments and grew to be quite an expert in the foreplay department, sucking hot juicy clitties, tit juggling etc etc. As Hillary filled in the application form, with Clinton happily answering the questions, whilst thinking of the exciting deal he had done at market that morning, her secretary Cherie had knocked and entered, allowing Hillary’s boxer dog to tear noisily into the office.
“Cherie, how may times have I told you not to let Jimbo in here when I have a client,” Hillary had said coldly.
The excited dog had fussed round Clinton who gave it a lot of attention and managed to quieten it very quickly, much to Hillary’s surprise. Cherie had been dismissed with some papers as Hillary saw that Jimbo was laying at Clinton’s feet as the farmer gently stroked his shoe over the dog’s upturned belly.
“God that’s amazing Clinton, he’s never that quiet. How did you do that so quickly?” she had gushed and blushed as Jimbo’s hefty collection of genitals waggled loosely.
“I’m a farmer remember, ways with them,” Clinton smiled in his reply.
She nodded and tried to concentrate on her notes, wondering what her visitor would look like, naked, flat on his back and her stiletto rubbing across his belly. He was certainly powerfully built, with huge shoulders, a thick neck and that wonderfully open, ruddy, smiling countenance. She wondered if his cock dragged on the floor when he walked naked. Hillary felt her fanny sluice and a flush gave her a glistening complexion, completed by a languid wet lick of her lips. Jimbo suddenly raised his head and sniffed and then he sniffed again in Clinton’s direction.
The next thing that happened stunned her.
Jimbo, who was now quite agitated had busied himself at the cuff of Clinton’s pants and was seriously licking at what seemed like her guest’s ankle. Before Clinton, enjoying the attention, could stop him, Jimbo’s powerful front paw had frantically scratched at Clinton’s pants and released a stud. Clinton pulled him away and cursed inwardly at his stupidity of thinking about the market deal, the leaky arousal it had caused and the ultimate revelation to Hillary of his greasy great knob end hanging next to his formal dark blue sock.
“Good god!” exclaimed Hillary. “I don’t ... that’s not? It can’t be,” she knew it was, but was feigning surprise following her toilet cam revelations and not very well. “Clinton is that what I think ... no ... it can’t be. Oh my god, it is,” she shrieked.
The intercom buzzed and Cherie enquired if Hillary was OK, getting a short affirmative in reply and cut off.
“Afraid so maam,” drawled Clinton, not surprised and certainly not fazed, used as he was to female reaction to his genitals.
He attempted to fasten the stud and hold Jimbo back.
“Bit juicy, he got wind and well you saw what happens. Dogs go for that sort of scent you know.”
“My god Clinton, it’s enormo ... I mean, does it go? ... Silly me, of course it goes all the way up,” Hillary blustered. “This is truly amazing. I mean you’re going to be such an asset. That’s worth a fortune...”
“I certainly hope so maam,” chuckled Clinton. “It’s not the sort of thing you discuss in interviews is it?”
“Well no, not in my circles, but bbuubbbb. we should ... I mean we should get some er ... some er! details yes?” she stammered, grabbing a pencil and note pad. “It’s not in the usual questions hah hahhah,” she trilled, leaning forward and letting her mammoth tits rest on her knee.
Clinton eyed her ample, deep, dark cleavage over her silk blouse and patted Jimbo, whilst holding the dog. Jimbo for his part, whined and pawed the air fruitlessly as his mistress bit her lip and hesitantly spoke.
“Look Clinton. This is silly, I mean I can’t write file notes on your er ... your your di ... your appendage, can I?”
“Nope, the ink won’t stay on,” he chuckled.
Hillary screeched with mirth, then settled again. She took a deep breath
“This is silly. Lets get down to it.”
“I’m game maam if you are,” said Clinton. “You want it?”
Hillary’s eyebrows shot up, her mouth dropped open, her tongue hung out, her cunt flooded, Jimbo snorted. She licked her lips and nodded timidly. She couldn’t get the words out. She knew and he knew that she was lost. Lost in the admiration and lust for the giant penis.
Clinton nodded meaningfully at Jimbo and she got the hint and dragged the boxer to the door, finally unceremoniously booting the dog out and shouting at Cherie to feed him and not to disturb them. Hillary locked her office door, confident that Cherie could take care of things, turned and gasped when she saw Clinton. His baggy pants hung open down the inside of his leg and his huge cock lay over the flat of his hand in a long curving droop.
Hillary mewed and walked to him. Words weren’t necessary any more. She fell to her knees and gazed in wonder at it, her head tilted from one side to the other, her lips pursed open as a child in awe, then she grasped the puddingy knob, its greasy outpourings smearing her manicured hands as she smoothed her hand over it, feeling its globe like form. There was no foreskin and she mused on the doctor who had circumcised the boy, wondering if the medic had made a tobacco pouch from the redundant membrane. With wondrous eyes and careful strokes, she explored the length of Clinton’s immense prick. Heavily veined, hot to touch, her hands climbed it as if she was proceeding up a rope in the gym. She literally hauled it in, finally reaching the folds of his pants. On fumbling inside, she gasped loudly as she pulled out his gonads. Each ballock filled her hand, five inches in diameter, perfectly smooth and as heavy as two ripe grapefruit.
“It’s truly amazing Clinton,” she breathed glancing up at him.
An hour later, Cherie buzzed through and apologised, but reminded Hillary of an important meeting. It was one Hillary couldn’t put off. Hillary felt too weak to go, but knew she must, yet how she would prepare herself was another matter.
“I am so sorry Clinton,” Hillary frustratingly breathed. “It must be me, out of practice you know.”
“Hey! it’s alright Hillary. We’ve had a good time and there’ll be others eh?” he chuckled, patting her black rump as she unstraddled herself from his reclining body. He watched as she staggered - naked across to her bathroom, her buttocks rolling deliciously, her back deeply grooved at the spine, her breasts rolling into view at each side, her thighs glistening front and back with their combined juices, which turned her black skin, chocolate brown as it caught the sun light. She turned and nodded as she reached the door. Her boobs swayed and crashed against the door frame and his eyes lingered on the erect, black, glossy bulbs of her nipples, finally sweeping down to the thick matted patch of her pubic hair.
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Introduction: It is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Sexual Surrogate There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women whos lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up...
Ch1 Splashing water over my face and staring into a large bathroom mirror, tired from the long evening I had last night where I had a conference of over one hundred guest in which I talked to them about my job. No I wasn't a call girl, I've never stripped, I've never worked in a brothel, and I don't do advertisements. I'm basically a psychologist who helps out men, women, and also couples with disabilities to perform during sex. As a sex surrogate most of the time I teach intimate...
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There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women who's lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up with child,.. in the arms romantically of black men can be a most stimulating sinful experience! There are even white women that fantasize about having black seed pumped into their ripe and ready wombs and becoming pregnant by them! This story is set in the 70s and is about a poor childless young black...
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Introduction: This is a continuing storyIt is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for...
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Gay MaleThe Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Redhaven To say that Mila was excited when she was handed the keys to the silver BMW Z4 would be an understatement. She followed Peter who was driving his new Mercedes A-Class, who was in turn following Brian and Dianne Hislop who were driving a late model SUV. When they flew into Redhaven yesterday Mila had been amazed by the wide expanse of the plains below and then the imposing majesty of the snow- capped Rocky Mountains. ...
The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter One - An Indecent Proposal "She's gone. She left for Australia yesterday with her fucking yoga teacher. How fucking clich?!" Peter Randal stared down into his drink. "I mean the guy even looks like Chris Hemsworth for fuck sake... and that accent! What a joke! I should have seen it coming a mile away." Peter choked down his scotch and poured another. Miles Francis sat nursing his own drink listening to his brother-in-law and c...
Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for helpless kinky sex,... and she was the one that was going to experience some of the most stimulating and kinky, a young woman like her had ever been exposed to? The breast and clitoral attachments were only the start. The small amount of tasteful slickem nurse Joy had applied has gone from a wonderful relaxed feeling that was content and...
Introduction: This is a continuing story of a young white womans quest to bare a child for a black childless couple and her travels with kinky and abusive sex with numerous black men! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter four Deanna laying there in the alley still terrified and dreading what she thought for sure,.. was going to find, and with her heart pounding harder than ever, her trembling hands passed by the upper region of her pubic mound then stopped short, hesitant… almost afraid...
Introduction: This is a continuing story of a young white womans quest to bare a child for a black childless couple and her travels through rape and abusive sex with numerous black men! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape!...
Introduction: This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My...
Milly inseminated "Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. I'm Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty." "Hi I'm Don and this is my good wife Melinda." The handshakes were firm and purposeful. "Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you." She waved towards two chairs across her desk. "Would you like a coffee before we start?" "I'm too excited for coffee I'm afraid." Melinda giggled. Drss.Dragonmage smiled. "That's perfectly natural, after all it is your first time. Now as you already know...
Looking for easy cash, I found an interesting advert on Craiglist. Getting paid £20K and living in a private villa for up to 1 year, to be a surrogate. And that’s how I found myself where I am now. Well that and not reading a contract before signing it. Naked, I sit next to the window in my room. I stare out at the beautiful gardens, surrounded by the highest of walls. No escape that way I think to myself. All the doors to the front of the house are locked too. The only open doors are those to...
I’ve been divorced for over a decade. Left my annoying as fuck wife, moved to southern Oregon, and immersed myself into the local culture; a little redneck, a little hippie, a little woo-woo, a little folks-with-money-who-don’t-flaunt-it. Most of my friends fell into the first three categories, and many of those ladies satisfied my sexual urges without any hope of anything beyond that. I also made a few friends, all happily married couples, in the latter set. It’s a particular one of those...
MatureThey met at a motel just off the A14 north of Cambridge.Peter and Jan had opted for natural insemination. It was no problem for Jan. She knew her husband would have to insert his penis into the body of another woman but she knew her man. To him it would be no more significant than planting seeds in his neighbour's garden. She also knew he was doing it for her. It was she who yearned, at 56, for the child she could never conceive.He arrived in good time, parking his car and checking into a room...
Straight SexI will share this unusual story which may help other men and women who find themselves in similar predicaments Our solution may help them. work through this. I, Kimberly, will tell the story from my fiance's, Randy, perspective since it begins before I entered the picture. A year after Margie married Randy’s father. Randy is speaking. My father died tragically six months ago in a car crash in the country of Qatar. I did not deal well with it the first three months but did...
From my point of view, nothing had changed.I mean, even if I am a smart-ass, I've always been a nice guy. So when I left work one night, and Angie from the Parts Department had a flat tire, I didn't think twice about offering to help. No, she isn't some hot, young woman that I was trying to impress. She and I are both in our late forties. Sure, it was cold out, and the snow was going to make it tricky to place her jack, but I wasn't going to leave her to do it herself.Besides, I knew there...
Office SexMilly inseminated "Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. I'm Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty." "Hi I'm Don and this is my good wife Melinda." The handshakes were firm and purposeful. "Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you." She waved towards two chairs across her desk. "Would you like a coffee before we start?" "I'm too excited for coffee I'm afraid." Melinda giggled. Drss.Dragonmage smiled. "That's perfectly natural, after all it is your first time. Now as you already know...
One-Handed Tales #4: Surrogate Schoolgirl By Sarcastic Slut At age eleven I was in the last year of junior school. Some time next year we would be going to the secondary school in the village. The secondary school had been mixed but had changed hands and was going to become a boy's school. The council were planning on sending all the girls to the next town (a round trip of nearly 20 miles a day) to attend the school there. The residents of the village pleaded and begged but...
The doctor was preparing my wife in a special fuck bed which is designed to restrain her in the best position for getting the sexual stimuli that the doctor was giving her now. And later, she will be impregnated by her cousin Somu in that same special fuck bed, lying on her back restrained in a position for deepest penetration during intercourse. Though the doctor said that he was just making my wife ready for the impending impregnation of her beautiful helpless body in a few minutes, he was...
A while back, Stacy tried a mechanical bull at a local bar. She had been drinking a bit and didn’t do so well but had some fun. After that night we joked about the bull and she said she promised giving it another try sometime.We were out of town on vacation and I overheard some people talking about a bar in town that had a dance hall and a mechanical bull. That night I told Stacy that we were going out dancing. She decided to wear one of her loose fitting but short skirts with a thong and a top...
ExhibitionismOH DADDY BULL, i miss YOU so much, i hate it when YOU go away, My sissy bimbo mind can't concentrate On anything but the thought of YOU, i drift into daydreams all the time, And those dreams are all about YOU. OH DADDY BULL, The very thought of YOU fills my being And makes my limp little peepee twitch in its cage. i pull down my baby pink frilly satin panties And push my biggest dildo inside of me And imagine it's YOU, my MAN, my BIG STRONG MAN. OH DADDY BULL, i've always...
Thankfully I make it through the rest of Sunday Sports at the Stuffed Pussy without losing any more of my modesty. Bill was right about one thing, I am all revved up. Toby and I finish cleaning up after closing, and I quickly pull some sweat pants on over my “uniform” and we make our way back to our basement apartment. “Toby, I’m going to get cleaned up and head to bed. I think there is sandwich stuff in the fridge if you’re hungry” I head to the bathroom and pull down my stretch pants...
Wanna be a ‘Modern Cuckold Bull’ Here is a simple guide to achieving this quickly and safely. This guide gives a list of rules to be memorized and followed. The reasons for each rule will be explained in detail as to why they are so important. Then psychological reasons will be offered for each step you will take. So are you the type of person that throws away the instructions when assembly is required? If so, this is not for you. But if you are wanting to assemble a harem with perfect wives,...
Wanna be a ‘Modern Cuckold Bull’Here is a simple guide to achieving this quickly and safely. This guide gives a list of rules to be memorized and followed. The reasons for each rule will be explained in detail as to why they are so important. Then psychological reasons will be offered for each step you will take.So are you the type of person that throws away the instructions when assembly is required? If so, this is not for you. But if you are wanting to assemble a harem with perfect wives,...
All three students were academically and mostly otherwise qualified. Melba had graduated Salutatorian of her class, Bob had carried a 3.97 (one ‘B’ his freshman year) GPA through his sophomore year, and Susan completed her freshman year with a 4.0 - never letting her brother forget. As they walked up the stairs to the main door of their high school, Bob placed his cell phone on voice record and told Susan that she should do the same, “That way we won’t need to take any notes and won’t forget...
This feels a little bit strange. It has been so long since I shared anything of my sex life in writing, I am not sure where to begin. Things have changed quite a lot for me since I shared my last experience about six years ago. I got married, had a baby girl, and got divorced. Now I'm back in the market, in a manner of speaking.I'm not at all bitter about the divorce. It was entirely my fault and for precisely the reason I am sure you suspect. I had a long string of affairs during my six...
Group SexThe Gentle, Sexy BullImagine this scenario. The cuckold has for months been suspecting that his wife is getting some on the side. All the signs are there. She's not been very responsive in bed, seeming distracted, and looking for excuses to go out alone. He decides to follow her, and discovers her and her brutish lover in a dingy, low-rent motel room, where he is forcing savage, brutal sex on her.Kinda formulaic, right? The cuckold, willingly or unwillingly, has his spouse 'stolen' from him by...
But why a Bull when you can have the full gamut of men? Its because a Bull is so seriously in charge and demanding. They take control and know how to be sweet and stern as the situation warrants it. Many Bully boys relish taking over another man's sex, or what tries to be a man and in fact is just a fem boy, making all its choices for it or just dictating its life in general. Fem t-girls should be expected to attract men so why settle for anything but the most Alpha powerful man you can find?...
Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
TWO DAYS LATER Abi was on a soundstage in LA with her co-star Bull Donald. He was a large and handsome man, a former college football star if his publicity handout wasn’t over exaggerating. He was about 55 and married to one of the hottest stars in Hollywood, but he still had a bad reputation for hitting on his leading ladies. Fortunately, Abi had thought, back in January when they started principal filming together, the leading lady in this film was Uma Thurman, so there was no chance that...
I had admired Sera from afar for some time; she was gorgeous, and had what I guessed would be the best tits on any elf, ever. They looked small in armour, but I was quite sure she had them bound and they'd be much bigger out of it. She wanted nothing to do with me, however, refusing even to explain why she was so disdainful of men, and as always, the rejection was enough to make me determined to have her. There was no rejection from the Iron Bull. He was more than happy to have me ... as...
The BeautySometimes a guy just gets lucky! I started chatting with a beautiful woman a while back and then it was flirting and then… She wanted to know if I could meet her last weekend for an overnight bit of fun. My wife was going on a retreat from Friday through Sunday so Saturday afternoon I drove up and…. I met her at the mall courtyard. She had on the red dress and the red lipstick to match. Her 4 inch heels made her long legs look even longer and as I stood in the jewelry store across the...