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My son Andrew is big for his age. He is fourteen and in this day and age at that age the kids know all there is to know about sex. Some have already engaged in many sexual acts from what I read in the news paper.

We have lived next door to the Carson's for nine years. Their daughter Carol has played with Andy since they were toddlers. So when Carol came over to visit one Saturday morning I thought nothing of it.

When Carol came in the back door I asked how her mother was doing and was told Stella was now working. I knew Carol's mother had been looking for work so I was not surprised to hear she had found a job and was off working this morning.

Carol is slender with dark hair that falls around her shoulders and around a pretty face. She has not developed breasts yet but her mother is not busty so maybe it will take time. I will admit for a child she does have a fine round behind.

I stepped over to the hall way and called up to let Andy know Carol was here. He called back for her to come up. Carol whizzed past me and took the stairs two at a time. I went back in the kitchen where I was fixing cookies for the church raffle.

It was a full hour before I thought about lunch and called up to the kids.

They came down like a herd of cattle and I handed each a large sandwich and a glass of milk and sent them out on the back screen in porch. I said I was taking the cookies over to the church and would be back late.

I went up stairs to change and when I returned Carol and Andy were sitting on the swing talking. I did not think too much about it until I caught a few words.

I stood there in shock and figured out that they thought I had already left the house. Standing there for another minute I thought of running out the front and not listen to this very private conversation. But my feet did not want to move.

Carol said "That is what Joanie told me just yesterday when we were in study hall. She said she gave Tom a blow job and she loved it. She said it was great to feel his cock in her mouth and when he cum she loved the salty taste so much she swallowed it all."

Andy said "Lucky Tom. I never figured little Joan would start this early sucking cock. But if she likes it I guess she will keep doing it."

Carol said "Well at least she will not get knocked up like that tall red head; what's her name?"

Andy offered a name "Margo Burns. I think."

Carol said "Yes that the one. My god she was so stupid. After all they taught us in sex Edu; about how not to get pregnant. I sure as hell don't want a baby at my age. I'll stick with blow jobs and masturbating."

Andy said "I like fucking you in the ass best. But you're damn good as sucking cock too. If you feel up to it why don't we go over and see Norman. You up to a threesome?"

Carol said "I don't think so. If you want to come over to my house I'll let you fuck me in the ass. My Mom's not going to be home until after five this afternoon."

Andy said "Sure why not. My Mom may be back any time."

Carol said "Andy you're really getting big you know. You've got the biggest cock I've suck off. You're even bigger than Butch and he is eighteen. I've seen that guy Art the one my Mom's dates some times. You're even longer than him. I saw Mom suck him off once, he's not so big. But I'll let you fuck my ass if you take it easy. But if you get any bigger we'll have to stick with blow jobs."

I was so shocked my feet were glued to the floor. But I knew I had to move or get caught. So I back peddled and hid in the den until I heard the kids jump out off the back porch.

I slumped on to the sofa and held my head in my hands. I started to cry. But then I thought of my son next door fucking Carol in the ass.

His words not mine. I sat there with visions of my son and Carol naked. It was more than I could bare. I started to cry again. But then I recalled Carol's words. "You're the biggest one I've suck off." I wondered just how big my son had become at fourteen. I wondered how many of the kids Carol had sucked off.

Then my ass puckered as I thought of Andrew fucking Carol in her ass. My ass is not virgin but I was married before I lost that cherry. And I recalled that when I first sucked a cock and let it come in my mouth I did not like it. But after a while it became an acquired taste.

I was confused and feeling so lonely. I had been with out a husband for four years. Most of the time it did not bother me but hearing all this, I found myself emotionally drained and yet I was aroused. I could not keep from thinking of my son and Carol. They were just kids yet they were playing adult games. I did not think there was much I could do about it. Maybe I should talk to someone. I needed help with this situation.

As I arrived at the church I saw three other cars in the lot. One belonged to Pastor Berlin and one belonged to Patty Wrightly the third one I had not seen before.

I found the group in the large hall under the church setting up tables and putting up signs. I said "Hello to all and took my cookies to the kitchen area. When I came back out to the hall Pastor Berlin introduced me to a tall well build man that was going to live in our small town.

"Bill Turner I want you to meet Beverly House." I took a hand that was offered and I looked up into the deep blue eyes of a man that had a wide smile as I felt a shiver all over my body. As I held Bill's hand he was talking but I was thinking of my son. Here I was being introduced to a handsome new member of our church and I was seeing my son spreading Carol well formed ass cheeks and pushing his cock; now ever big it was into her tiny ass.

I felt terrible and yet I could not shake this vision from my head. I said something in reply and let go of his hand. I quickly turned to Pastor Berlin and ask if we might talk in private.

He put a hand on my shoulder and told me "Of course."

A minute later we were up stairs in his office sitting across from one another. He was waiting for me to start. I had no idea what I wanted to say, ask or even if this was the right place to get advice.

So I said "Pastor; Curtis I corrected myself. I believe a couple of youngster's in the congregation are engaging in sex of some kind. I don't think it sexual intercourse but some thing."

He leaned back and looked at me. He said "Do you want me to talk to them or their parents. What is it you think I should do?"

"Oh my; I really don't know. I guess I thought you would have some advice as how to approach them and get them to see how dangerous this is at there age."

He looked at me again and asked "Are we talking about Andrew and a girl from our church?"

I guess the blush and astounded look on my face was enough to tell him he had found out my family secret. I started to cry and lowered my head in shame.

"Now, now" He said. "I tell you what. Let me get you some information on how to talk to your children and after you read it over we can talk again and work out something. How is that?"

He was patting my shoulder and hands. I straightened up and wiped my eyes. After a minute of looking he came up with to small pamphlets and I went out the side door feeling some better.

That night I went up stairs early took my shower and slipped into my night gown. Sitting up in my bed I read the material. With what I read I worked out a plan and decided to talk to Andrew right away. I was not going to wait until morning. I put on my robe and went to his room as soon as I heard him come up.

I knocked and said "Andrew may I come in."

"Sure Mom. I'll be out of the bathroom in a minute."

I went in and sat on the side of his bed waiting for him to come out of his bathroom.

Andrew came out with a wrap around is waist. He was broad though the shoulders and he had muscles like a full grown man. The wrap fit tight and the out line of his penis was very well defined. It did look large for a boy his age. I looked at it with the eye of an adult woman and I realized his penis was very large indeed for a male of any age. I thought "How on earth did Carol take that thing, that large thick penis into her anus." It was a beauty that's for sure.

I came back to my senses when Andy said "Mom! There something you wanted?"

"Yes, I. MMmmm Oh, I don't know what to say. Maybe later! Yes I think later would be better."

"Mom what do you want? There is no better time than right now what ever it is let's get it out. I don't want you brooding about something all night. I know how you are."

"Andrew; I, oh, never mind. This is not a good idea."

Andrew moved up close standing just to the side. I again saw the out line of his manhood and I swear it was beginning to push out ward. His cock was getting hard. For some reason Andrew was getting aroused. Was it me, was it the fact that I was confused and could not come to the point. Again the thought of Sweet little Carol sucking my son and swallowing his semen came into my head. My God what were these kids coming to now a days?

"Oh, Andrew I know about you and Carol"

He laughed and said "You know what about Carol and me?"

"I know you're having sex."

"Oh, is that all. Mom, all the kids are having sex. We only play at it. I'm not going to get her pregnant or any thing like that."

I straightened up and looked up into a man's face. I said in a rather loud voice. "Is that all! Is that all? For Christ sake you're doing things only adults should be doing. Your, your ... well your putting your ... Your penis in her." I was stammering and nearly choking.

Andrew turned and pulled the chair from his desk over and sat down. The wrap slipped open showing his thigh. He said "Mom; it a new age, the kids of today are taught in school all about sex. We're shown movies and lectured on how to protect ourselves from diseases. We're taught now to keep from getting the girls pregnant. The schools are showing us how and the kids are just doing what they are taught.

I said rather shyly "But you're not old enough for sex."

"Mom we are old enough or we would not be doing it. I don't know what makes a boy a man or a girl a woman but if it is simply having what it takes to have sex well then I think I'm old enough."

With this he opened his wrap and pulled out the cock of a man.

His cock was thick, at least six inches long or maybe more. The tip was a swollen deep purple and it was long and very pointed. I could see how it would easily push into Carol's proud behind. But I still thought "How could she take this size cock up her ass"

I sat there stunned that my son would freely show me his man size cock. He was stroking it and it was getting longer and thicker as I watched him masturbate slowly pulling it from the tip back down to his balls.

He said "Well is this a man size cock? Do you think girls like to suck this cock? Is this cock big enough to fuck a full grown woman?" He paused and then said "Mom would you like me to fuck you with this cock?"

I heard his words and I coughed. Choking on my own spit, on my own words I mumbled "I guess you man enough for any woman."

"Mom! Listen to me. Would you like me to fuck you with this cock? Well would you?" He screamed at me.

I screamed back at him "Yes, for God's sake yes."

Andrew stood ripping the wrap free. He moved closer and grabbed me by the hair. He looked down at me and said "Mom I want you to suck my cock. Take my cock in your mouth and suck my cock."

He did not pull me forward to his pointed cock he held my hair loosely. I could have turned my head away.

I could have pulled back. I could have stood and left the room. But I did not do an of these things.

I reached out letting my fingers encircle his cock. I squeezed it tight. I felt the hardness under the soft loose skin. I felt him tremor at my touch.

All of a sudden I felt that I was once again the Mother, I was the parent here and I was in control. Andrew was after all a just child. He was only a child. I should have been the one doing the talking and telling. I'm the adult here. I thought all this as I leaned forward and sucked all of is cock deep into my mouth.

I heard his gasp. I felt his knees quiver. I felt him jerk his hips back pulling most of his cock out of my mouth. He pushed forward filling my mouth with his thick cock. He was now rhythmically working his cock in and out of my mouth. He was slowly fucking my mouth and I was so aroused I wanted him to finish so I could taste his cum.

His cock punched at my throat. Gagging me for a second. But I managed to control the gage reflex. I grabbed him by the thighs and pulled him closer taking all his cock into my mouth. He moaned. He stiffened; his cock throbbed as the first splash of his cum shot across my tongue. It was thick salty but sweet and I swallowed the first flow and the next five or six. I swallowed it all and then milked the last drop from his cock licking the purple tip as he fell back on the chair.

Our eyes met and I just looked at my son. I was so shocked at what I had done I could not move.

"Mom that was the best blow job I ever had." I was sure that comment was some how meant to make me feel better. Some how to reassure me I was still a wonderful lover even at my age. Maybe he wanted to make me feel as if we were now some how more than mother and son. But what those words did was make me wonder how he knew a good blow job from great blow job. "For Christ sakes how many times as my son had his cock sucked to compilation?"

I sat there looking at my son. Andrew was once again stroking his cock and it was once more alive and growing. I thought he wants to fuck me. He wants to put that cock in me and fuck me. My son wants to fuck his mother. I was still thinking all this when he lifted me to my feet and pulled my night gown and robe off in one movement. Up and over my head in one second I was naked standing in front of my son. I was going to let him fuck me. I knew that and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him nor did I want to stop him.

Andrew pushed my back on the bed. It was a slow motion not forceful. He leaned over me wiggling himself between my legs. I felt the heat of is cock rub my thighs. I felt him touch my wet slit.

I managed to squeak out a few words. "Andy, no please."

He stopped and looked down at me. "Are you sure? I really would like to fuck you. The cock-sucking was great but it really would feel good to cum in your pussy. I've never fucked a pussy before. You cannot get pregnant can you? I thought you were fix or what ever it is called? I'll fuck your ass if you would like that better."

I said "No. I can not get pregnant. But that is not the point. I'm your mother and this is wrong. We should not be doing this. Will you please get up?"

Andrew lifted himself up and once again stood at the side of the bed. His cock was very erect quivering, bouncing to the beat of his heart. I must say he is very inch a man. I thought of young Carol sucking him and talking this lovely cock up her ass.

I said "how long have you been having sex with Carol?"

He said "Not long a few months. She had already had sex with Jim and Butch. But now we're pretty much just doing each other. We have seen her mother doing her boy friend and that makes us excited and it makes us want to have sex more."

I sat up and waved him to the side as his cock was right there in front of me. He moved and said "Would you like to suck me off again. I can cum more if you liked it. I can cum three or four times before I go soft if Carol keeping sucking me. She really likes me to fuck her ass. Are you sure you don't want me to fuck you Mom?"

My head was buzzing, I felt dizzy and my ears started to ring. My vision blurred and I felt sick at my stomach. I was scared all of a sudden. What was wrong with me? I said "Help me to my room. I think I'm going to be sick."

Andrew lifted me up and places an arm around under my shoulders. He held me up and together we made it to my bathroom. Kneeling on the floor I thought I was going to toss my dinner.

I said "Would you get my night gown and robe. Then I think I'll call 911."

"I can go next door and get Carols' Mom to help."

I repeated my need to get covered up. He brought my night gown and robe and helped me with it. I felt a bit better so I went to my bed. Andrew said he was going next door and ran out before I could stop him.

I heard them running up the stairs. Carol was right behind Andrew.

He said "Carol's Mom is not home so I brought Carol. Is there any thing we do? How do you feel now?"

I said "You're sweet for coming over Carol but I think I'm going to survive. What ever it was is passed quickly and I feel better."

Carol sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand. She asked "Do you have anything in your medicine cabinet for an upset stomach?"

What a smart girl I had not thought of that. I said pointing toward the bathroom. Both kids move off as I heard Carol ask "What was she doing just before she got sick. I thought for a moment Andy was going to blurt out what I had done. But he just looked at her with a funny look on his face.

Carol looked at him and she knew. She knew right away what had happened. How or why she picked up on it I don't know but she knew. Carol looked back at me and then at Andy.

Carol said "You didn't? You did. With you own mother? Wow, that's either sick or very fucking sexy. How did you get your Mom to suck you off? She swallowed your cum. She really sucked you off. I know that is what got her upset. Remember that was the same way I got the first time. Andy; you have a very powerful load of cum you do and its strong. I've learned to like it but your Mom has not. Well not yet. I guess since she sucked you off once she'll do it again."

Carol turned and came back to the bed. She sat took my hand again and looked into my teary eyes. She said "Its okay. I understand how it is. You love Andy and some times these things just happen. But doesn't he have the most beautiful cock you've ever seen? Did Andy tell you about us? Is that how this got started?"

Andy jump in and said "No, No I didn't tell. Mom already knew."

Carol asked "How did you find out? Did you tell any one?"

This time Carol slowed down long enough to let me get a word in. I said "I heard you kids talking on the porch. I did not tell any one but I did ask Pastor Berlin a few questions about kids having sex too early. No names. I did not tell him names."

Carol said "That's good because if my Mom found out she would ship me off to live with my Dad. I don't want to leave here I like this school and I like sex with Andy."

Carol looked at me and asked "Did Andy fuck you to? I knew he's has been wanting to get his cock in a real live pussy and not just in my mouth and ass. Did you fuck Andy?"

Andy jumped in again saying he tried to fuck me but I stopped him. He said he really wanted to fuck me.

Carol said "Oh, that's alright Andy she'll fuck you now that I know she sucked you off again too. She'll fuck you or I'll tell."

I said "You would not."

Carol smiled and said "Sure I would and I got another idea too. Jim wants to fuck a real woman too so why don't we invite him over for a party."

I said "I'll tell your mother and she'll ship you ass out of town."

Carol laughed and said "I just said that. I think Mom might even enjoy joining us too. I can see her really getting it on with a few young boys. Besides she just dumped her boyfriend. You need to know one thing about my Mom she loves to fuck. I think that is were I get it from. Like mother like daughter."

Andy was shivering like he had earlier when he was getting excited. I saw brightness in his eyes and I knew what he was thinking. Carol saw it too. She moved her hand to the hem of my night gown. I moved to stop her but she had it up around my waist before I could move. I jerked my hand to push it down. But she held on. Andy was on the bed and pushing my legs apart.

His cock was rigid. He held it in his hand milking it. Carol had her fingers spreading me. Eager to help Andy. I stiffened my body but it did no good. I felt myself beginning to melt inside. I was giving in and willingly accepting my fait. I had wanted him earlier and I wanted him now.

I brought up my knees and reached up to embrace my son. He found me open, wet and eagerly waiting for him.

He moved slow and easy. The head invaded me and I could feel its warmth. He pushed in and I could feel him all the way moving along the vaginal walls, rubbing, and spreading me filling me with his manly cock.

I screamed for him to "Fuck me. Fuck me."

Carol reached between us and began rubbing my clitoris. I jump at her touch. I jumped because it sent a shock through me. I jumped because it felt wonderful.

Andy was into the hilt probing and prodding deep in side me. I felt the heat of him and I felt my own heat building wanting to boil up to erupt out of me. I had not climaxed in a very long time. But it was coming and I welcomed it. I wanted to give it to my son. I wanted him to know he had dome it for me and this was his reward.

He run in and out making me moan uncontrollably. Screaming words that made no sense, but it gave him reason to move faster. Driving deeper and harder.

He stiffened and his cock swelled and got hotter. I arched my back to receive his cum. I felt my own climax coming up. I let go with a scream and we started jerking together, shamelessly we screamed that we were coming.

He filled me up with a shower of hot semen. Spurting again and again. He was moving in and out slower but still driving pumping his seed into me. I felt myself wind down and lower my hip to the bed. That is when I felt Carol's hand under me. She had one maybe two fingers pushed deep up my ass. Still working them in time with Andy's movements.

I wiggled my ass and Carol removed her fingers. But it was not all together an unpleasant sensation.

I relaxed as Andy rolled off me. His cock was still half hard and rhythmically throbbing. Lifting my head I watched Carol lean across taking his cock in her mouth. She was sucking and licking the juices from his cock while fondling his balls. She wanted to get Andy hard so she could get in on the action. Carol was a sexy little mixture of grown woman and girl child. I saw that she had this cock-sucking down pat.

I sat up and pulled my legs up so Carol could get to Andy easier. I was about to roll of the bed when Andy place his hand between my legs pushing two fingers into me. I was hooked like a fish.

Andy pulled me back to where he could move his fingers freely. I wanted to pull away but Andy had other ideas. Half turning I watched Carol swallow nearly all his cock and then let it out almost to the tip. I guess this is when it dawned on me. I was now part of my son' sex life and this included Carol too. My life was going to change for better or worst I did not know at this point.

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Monday Afternoon and Evening The rest of the day went pretty well, I thought. Lunch I was surrounded by some good buddies who didn't hassle me, though they were curious. I admitted that it was really embarrassing to walk around naked, and that the seats were cold!. Gym was an experience. We did some gymnastics type stuff. The rope climb was particularly interesting, because when I was about 13 I'd found a way to get myself off climbing the rope, rubbing against it. By the time I reached...

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The White Breeder

James Enfield is a 19-year old boy living in England. He lives with his step-mother Lisa, his father William and his sister Emma. James and his family have been hired to go to a remote African village and teach the natives about European culture and christianity. He has never liked the bible or any religion and since he is a virgin he's constantly looking for someone to take his virginity. James is average height, muscular and has chestnut brown hair. He also happens to have a really big cock....

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The BBC in the neighborhood part 3

I woke up about eleven to a knock at my door, it better not be the room service girls. I put on a robe and went to answer it. I was very surprised to see that it was Gina standing there. I said well hello, please come in. She said she came by so she could again apologize for the stupidity of her husband yesterday. I told their was no need, I just took is as his age and blew it off and Gina said just the same I am sorry. i told her to please excuse me for a minute, I need to use the bathroom,...

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Truth or Dare Anna

Since she was bored, she figured she might as well go down and spy on them to see what they were up too, so she headed downstairs. Once she got downstairs she quietly poked the door open to see what they were up too. Spin the bottle, of course if there was any game dumb enough for them to be playing that was it. It was Jesse’s turn to spin the old glass bottle. It spun round and round and the top pointed at James or Jimmy as they called him. He was the pitcher for the baseball team and had...

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Genderwave Raped

G-wave - Raped by Shrike It was hard to believe, but Ken had missed all the warnings and reports on the strange phenomenon that people called the Gender wave. There was a good reason for it though. You see Ken had just run away from another foster home and was looking out for a chance to steal some cash. Ken was headed straight for a life of crime. His mother had left him on the street as a baby with only a note attached saying that his name was Kenneth. So he was admitted to an...

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Draining DaddyChapter 2

Ten years later... “Daddy, I have a ... rather shocking idea for us, but I want you to at least listen with an open mind. Do you remember my friend Jessy? Yeah, cute Latina, long, black hair, slender body, soulful brown eyes. That’s her. There is no easy way to say this, but she needs a husband. She knows about us and she hesitated to propose this, but I suggested it to her. The idea is pretty simple. She should become your wife. I would still be your daughter ... and your lover as well. I...

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The Way to School

She sat at the table and poured herself some cereal. "So, anything exciting going to happen today?" he asked, pretending to talk while staring at her ample cleavage. She had picked this top at random and it was then that she noticed that it was quite tight and did show quite a bit of boob. She smiled, "Tests, Tests, and more tests, enjoy it while you can chris." He didn't know if he was talking about her tits or the work, but he didn't care. "What about you?" she asked, "oh easy stuff,...

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Angel Love

Angel was a princess. After all, her mother was a queen. Although of humble origins, the Queen had lots of beauty, money, and influence, so she could play the role. And play it she did. Opulence was her middle name, in their home, her dress, and her child’s upbringing. Although not planned, Angel was welcomed anyway. She was beautiful and bright. Her parents were opportunists and saw this child as fitting into their plans. They loved only themselves and saw their marriage as a mutually...

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a long time ago

when i was 16 my mom and i went to a boat party in london the party went well and as it happened my moms hot friend was staying over at our was summer and the friend lets call her jane was wearing a sexy short dress.alot of drinks were drunk and my moms friend got very moms friend was about 5'7 slim with 32c brests and she was to sleep in my bed while i got the sofa so i went upstairs to get ready for bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth i heard her go into my room...

1 year ago
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99 Bitch Related Problems Part Two and Conclusion

99 Bitch Related Problems Part Two By Sodd's Lore -Stay On The Scene, Like A Sex Machine- A few week's after Travis had been cursed into dogdom and sold well below market value, Mrs Smith decided to take him to the vet for his shots and a general check-up. Rodger had been promising to get it done since almost the day they had gotten the dog for Emma but he was constantly working later or just plain...

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DragonChapter 3

After interminable waits to board, make connections, and go through passport control, Hunter finally touched down in Ohio. From one narrow perspective, the first world cities can be reduced to a sameness with their strip malls, grocery stores, apartment buildings and streets upon streets of houses. Despite the constant whining over who has the better or most unique society, Europeans and North Americans shared far more in common in their suburbs than not. The need to blend in meant that he...

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Key Wet Dreams

(Loving during Fantasy Fest)We knew it was going to be a different world. It was also immediately obvious Linda and I had over packed. Our first stroll down Duvall revealed to us amazing body art, amazing tits, amazing attitude. We knew we were in our element.The crowd was not the loud, mostly obnoxious college crowd we had encountered at Mardi Gras, but an older, laid back group. We were in our early forties so we fit right in. My wife's first move was to accost a woman wearing Tweety Bird on...

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Omicron kappaupsilonrhoiotaomicronsigmaf Alphagammagammaepsilonlambdaomicronsigmaf

Φίλοι μου γειά σας.Θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ την εμπειρία μου μαζί σας.Είμαι ενα αγόρι 19 χρονών που ζω με την χωρισμένη θετή μου μαμά.Η μαμά μου είναι 41 ετών,συμβολαιογράφος κ εχει μια σχέση εδω κ λίγο καιρό με κάποιο δικηγόρο που ακόμα δεν εχω γνωρίσει.Εγω δεν εχω ερωτικές εμπειρίες εκτός απο μια φορά που χαϊδέψαμε τις πούτσες μας με ενα συμμαθητή μου κ χύσαμε βλέπωντας πορνό.Μου άρεσε αυτό κ με καύλωσε η θέα της μεγάλης πούτσας του φίλου μου,ηθελα να την πάρω στο στόμα μα ντράπηκα.Κάποια μέρα...

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Caught By Mr D Part 4

I assumed my thing with Mr. D was over and done with. I left for college with only girls on my mind. My first year ended and I came back home for the summer.One weekday afternoon I was alone in the house and I decided to go out back to read a book. This time with all my clothes on (see Part 1 if you haven't yet...)Mr. D interrupted my reading when he walked over from his house next door. There were a few seconds of initial discomfort but that passed quickly. We were both glad to see each...

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Hi everyone. There is no sex in this story, sorry. I want to thank my wife for her help with this story. Her insight has kept me in the realm of reality. Well mostly. One little aside here. Recently I made a comment about Anonymous Andys. I meant to chastise those that write comments anonymously, denigrating my stories and me for writing them. I have no problem with constructive criticism or an honest critique of my work. On the other hand I may have inadvertently insulted those who give an...

2 years ago
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Real Sex With Younger Sister

Hiii friends , my name is sahil (name changed). Yeh jo story main aap logo ko batane ja raha hu ek dum 100 percent real hain. Mujhe nahi pata is site par kitni stories real hoti hain ,par yeh bilkul teal hain. Hum log 4 members hain family main ,mere parents ,main aur meri choti sister. Meri choti sister ka naam anjali hain aur woh ek dum sex bomb hain . Anjali ki height 5 foot 6 inch, fair colour ,round shape boobs aur gaand . Usko dekh kar kisi ka bhi man kharab ho sakta hain . Yeh baat...

1 year ago
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Free MagusChapter 8

Jade and I followed the hallway. There were a few turns and we passed two doors, but there were no other branching hallways, nor any sign of Walker, my mom, or Ruby. After one last turn, the hallway came to an end at a door that was left ajar. I stopped short of touching the door. I knew the doors locked automatically, but Rho never told me whether they closed themselves or not. I recalled during her demonstration that she closed the doors. So, maybe like real doors, these had to be manually...

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A moms metamorphosis

Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 1 - The Fetish Prologue Everything had gone fine for Caroline save those 2 sad years, when her husband John, 42 years old, had been pulled overseas on Oil business, leaving her alone to take care of Billy and Emily, their twins, both kids at the time. Caroline was only 29 then and felt really alone; not that her children didn't show affection and unusual understanding for their age, but she missed physical and sexual contact a lot more than she...

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HandsOnHardcore Francys Belle Alexa Flexy Orgy with Svelte Brazilian And Petite Russian Gets AllOut Intense

Svelte Brazilian brunette Francys Belle has invited her bff, petite Russian blonde Alexa Flexy, over because she needs a favor: she’s promised her friend David Perry that she’d bring a friend over for their next sex party, and she thinks the beautiful Alexa fits the bill! Once Alexa gets to her place, Francys warms her up with some nice carpetmunching action, ass licking, and deep penetration in each other’s sopping slits with toys. So by the time they get to David’s...

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Woods Sex

I am a Bi Seaxuall male have been all my life, yea i had my dick sucked by a male first but i always liked pussy. the first pussy i fucked i had to lick it first taste it loved it and always have loved pussy. But sometimes i like to go down on a guy eat his cum and even have my ass fucked by the right type of cock .Or even fuck a guy in his ass if i am into it . But the best sex is when there are more then just two people three four five even six is cool at the same time . Like a small orgy...

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BangBros18 Bailey Base The Pantie Bandit

Every so often, Bailey Base would walk into her room and discover her panties were thrown around everywhere. She figured it could only be one person. Her roommate, Peter Green. One day she devised a plan to catch him in the act. She left a trail of panties on the floor. Once Peter discovered them, he began to follow the trail as he sniffed each and every one of them. However, he was unaware of the fact that a fully naked Bailey was at the end of the said trail. Once he reached the end, she...

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Sex on a Britanny beach

For many years my wife and I were were friends with a married couple, Stan and May. I became a widower but continued my friendship with them. One day we decided to go to a guest house in Brittany and, when there, went to a nearby beach to swim. Stan could not swim and only paddled, fully dressed except for socks and shoes. May and I changed into bathers, she in a two-piece costume and me into swimming trunks. I dived into a wave and I felt my bathers slide off me but was lucky enough to catch...

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HandsOnHardcore Rebecca Black Ass Fucking Signature Required

Delivery guy Erik Everhard asks Rebecca Black for a glass of water. He just brought her a box and wants to clear his throat, but instead, she’s about to clear his sac! That brown-eyed bombshell from the Czech Republic can’t wait to wrap her insatiable mouth around that Canadian dude’s massive dick and starts stroking his crotch, noticing his hard-on growing in his pants. He can’t wait to massage her big tits and gets ready to squeeze his enormous cock deep into that...

4 years ago
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De geile zuster

Ik moest naar het ziekenhuis voor controle bij de Gynaecoloog, nu heb ik problemen als mannelijke doctoren dat doen dus ik wil altijd een vrouw.Gelukkig is dit geen probleem. Daar aangekomen werd ik door een zuster in de wachtkamer neergezet en ik moest even wachten. Na 10 minuten zei ze kom maar verder, Ik liep de behandelkamer in en de zuster zei dat ik mij alvast uit kon kleden en kon gaan liggen,de Gyneacoloog zou zo komen. Ik trok mijn kleding uit en ik vroeg of de zuster mij kon helpen op...

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Wife and friend

Hi guys and girls i am a regular reader of sex stories and this is my real incident happened to me. This is the true story happened in Jan, 2000. My name is Sandip i am happily married business man with a beautiful wife, pooja. Ive to be out of city more dut to my business work. Due to this my wife was always complaining me. Bye the way she is 5ft 5″, fair complexion with 36c breasts and fine and tight ass and ( im telling u this bcause this incident is about her). I have married her on seeing...

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House Husband

Chapter 1 Monday Hooray! My wife Sally is away on another sales trip. She’s a lovely lady who does her job well and earns much more money than I could, so I stay at home and do the housework. We are lucky enough to have a cleaning lady who comes in three times a week to “Do” for us. Sally doesn’t mind this, as she says that if she were at home and I was working she would employ a cleaner anyway. The cleaner does the heavy work, vacuuming, floors, washing up when needed, we tend to eat out a...

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Whiskey And A Smoke Part VI Night After the Concert

Thud…Thud…Thud…Thud…I opened my eyes and heard a continual pounding in my head.  Lifting my head off the pillow I felt a slight pain in my eyes and forehead.  Maybe a headache was causing the noise.  But, the thumping was too loud and erratic to be coming from my head.  A light, “uh…uh…uh…,” came right before each noise. I laid back down on my pillow and pulled Megan in closer to me.  My one arm wrapped around her side as I cupped her breast in my other hand.  She wiggled her ass and pushed it...

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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 7

The conversation between Ryan and Jennifer was casual and pleasant. Both mother and son had a bevy of feelings and questions brewing just below the surface. But the openness of the restaurant and the steady presence of the wait-staff kept them from considering bringing-up anything of substance, although it had crossed both of their minds. On the ride home, Jennifer remained cheerful. While she tried hard not to show it, she was extremely energized by what she had done in the hour before Ryan...

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Blackmailed Husband

My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...

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The trials of Vanessa

Day 1: The BeginningThe handcuffs are cutting into Vanessa’s wrists behind her back; her slim but muscled body is hunched forward on the hard bench. Her shoulders ache as she blows her fringe from her face with a pouted bottom lip?..?Fuck these South American Customs officials?and fuck that Craig for stuffing that shit in my bag? she thinks to herself??And FUCK this heat? as a droplet of sweat forms on her erect nipple, ready to drop on her taut thigh, where the downy blond hairs are matted...

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Taking out the Trash

This is an old story my husband wrote on Literotica after we did a roleplay. Hope you all enjoy it.._____________________________First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty...

2 years ago
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The Young and the Ugly

Copyright© 2003 "Damn, Tilda, you're a mess. You really must do something with your hair. Not to mention joining Weight Watchers and dropping about a hundred pounds. And don't forget to see a dermatologist. It's a cinch you'll never get a boyfriend with a butt fatter than the Goodyear Blimp and a face looking like an anchovy pizza." "Thanks, Sandi, you sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself. Where would I be without you?" "Think nothing of it. After all, what are...

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Part 5 The Car Ride

The Car RideAs I followed Mona's Lexus to the hotel my mind started to wonder if her offer to kiss my balls was real or not. I know for a fact that Joyce would be willing to fuck and suck me in a heartbeat. Joyce made it very clear to me that she enjoyed a strange cock every now and then and that she was a willing slut to the right kind of guy. I found it also very erotic that both woman could not take there eyes of my cock as I stood there without anything to wear. Then Mona's offer to...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 19

Dear Willow, Someone thinks I should work on your tank. Actually the loading mechanism. I'm sure it wasn't you who included about a ream of technical drawings and information regarding your loader. I got the word from Marissa, 'improve that if you can', so I'm busy in my personal space, which now looks more like the inside of a science fiction machine shop rather than a bedroom ... anyway I have convinced the replicator (I have a small one in my space) to interface with my version of...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 197

Brandi half-frowned, momentarily stricken by an uncomfortable thought. "You sure you want to be doing it with a has-been? You know, that wasn't Ms. Olympia's thigh that was pleasuring you so much a minute ago. That was a relic." "A relic. Right," Laura deadpanned. "You look positively ancient." She kissed Brandi warmly. "I want you to know that you are better than ever." "Really?" Brandi said, with irony. "That's what I thought... and then--" "You better tell me what...

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Fathers Day Slut

Id been talking with this stranger for a couple months- we had shared some videos back and forth and I was eagerly being very naughty. I learned quickly that this man was a Dom and I knew if we ever met, that he’d more than likely completely wreck my pussi. As we talked we proposed a eventual meet up. Little did I know to what I was getting into. I was instructed to where the same outfit that Im wearing in my profile pic- the purple panties, with leggings and pink bowties. I showed up at his...

2 years ago
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Transformations in School

High School is one of the most transformative times in the life of any teenager. Boys start to sweat more. Underarm hair starts to grow. The penis and testicles grow and the scrotum gradually becomes darker. Most girls gain weight – and it’s normal for this to happen – as their body shape changes. Their breasts continue to grow and become fuller. Pubic hair becomes coarser and curlier. Only all of the above are quite normal changes. But what if by some strange twist of magic or technology there...

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Mommys Chastity Boy Part IV

(All characters are age 19+) My son and I are enjoying another lovely Friday night at home. In my living room, I am sitting cross-legged on the couch in my pajamas -just a comfy thong and old t-shirt. My laptop is resting on the pillows next to me. I am watching live footage of my sissy son getting fucked in his bedroom. I have secretly installed several cameras around his bedroom just so I can watch when he is with clients. Men...women...he services them all now. The mental...

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Therapy Part One

I needed help. My crossdressing was really causing me problems. Not the dressing itself, for I loved that, but everything else that came with it. I was pretty typical, I guess. I had a lot of "issues" about my being a guy who liked to dress up as a woman. I loved to dress en femme but hated the idea doing so made me gay. I wasn't gay! I was straight! So, I'd go through all the usual stuff. Lots of self- loathing, lots of guilt, and I'd do the whole binge and purge thing. That's...

3 years ago
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Abby Fucks Mommys Boyfriend

After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...

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Chapter 3

After each of Mistress Dee’s guests had ample opportunity for a close examinations, she had her assistant spread my legs wide apart and fasten a stretcher bar to my ankle shackles. With my legs spread wide and the cock leash pulling me up and forward, the difficulty of maintaining my balance caused the ball weights to swing. Mistress Dee began to ask her guests if there were any additional questions or comments before the bidding began. As she spoke she walked around me sliding her riding crop...

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