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My name is Marvin Duncan. I'm eighty-three years old, and I'm gonna tell you about a time after WWII when my family had to pick up and move from the mountains of Kentucky to Oklahoma because the coal mine where my daddy worked got shut down. The story is mostly about how, during that move, I hooked up with the woman I wound up being married to for fifty-five years before she died. I'm getting pretty old myself now, and I thought I'd just write all this down while I still have a working brain, and in case anybody inside or outside the family has any interest in it.
I'm pretty sure it's gonna shock the hell out of some of my grandkids. Maybe not the story itself so much as the fact that an old fart like me could still entertain thoughts of a sexual nature. To them, I'll just say 'Live and learns, kids! Live and learn!"
Some of what I write is gonna be pretty graphic, sex-wise, so be warned. At my age, writing about sex is both cathartic and entertaining, so maybe you won't mind if I indulge myself a little bit. It's not like I can do much else nowadays other than remember it and write about it. If you do mind, maybe you shouldn't read this story. Or you can just go to hell, I don't much care one way or the other.
As far as dialect goes, I'll try to represent the Appalachian patois as best I can. And one other thing; I'm not a professional writer as you'll soon discover, and I never could figure exactly what the hell commas are supposed to do, so I just stuck one in wherever it looked like it might fit. If you're one of those grammar Nazis, well get a life, why don'tcha! Anyhow, here's the story the way I remember it:
One late spring evening back in 1949, Mama called us kids in to supper and she'd just set a pot of navy beans and ham hocks on the table and turned to take the cornbread out of the oven when we heard Daddy's heavy boots clomping up the back steps. He wasn't supposed be home because he'd only left for the mine a couple of hours earlier, but there he stood at the open screen door with an odd look on his face.
Mama turned the big cast-iron skillet of hot cornbread onto a plate and set it on the table, then she turned to Daddy and asked, "What is it, Jake? What happened?"
We all knew right away that something was bad wrong. His forehead was all wrinkled up and he had a look on his face like somebody just died. I guess I was a little bit scared, even though I was fifteen at the time and pretty much grown up.
Daddy set his dinner bucket on the chair by the door, then he shed his canvas jacket, nearly black with grease and coal dust, and hung it on the back. Before he answered Mama's question, he walked over to the sink, reached down underneath and took out his jug of moonshine whiskey. He gave Mama kind of a guilty look as he uncorked it and took a long pull. We knew then that something wasn't right because Daddy never took a drink before bedtime, and almost never in front of us kids. Mama didn't approve of drinking, but she tolerated Daddy taking an occasional sip as long as he didn't overdo it. And he never did, as far as I know.
Eyes watering from the sting of the whiskey, he shuddered, took a deep breath and said, "Federal marshals shut down the mine. They're sayin' Joe McCoy, the owner, was arrested an' the mine won't be openin' agin any time soon, so that means I'm outta work."
Well, Mama stood there looking at him for the longest time before she said anything. Finally, she shook her head and sighed, mostly to herself, "Reckon we'll be movin' then. Got any idea where to?"
Daddy took one more nip from the jug, then he corked it and set it back under the sink. "I was thinkin' about just that while I was comin' up the road. You remember a few months ago when my cousin Arthur sent a letter sayin' they was hirin' fer the oil fields in Oklahoma, an' was I interested? I was thinkin' maybe I ought t' go down to the company store in the mornin' an' try to reach him on the telephone. Last I heard, he was still livin' at Aunt Clair's house near Tulsa."
Mama kinda shrugged and said, "Ain't gonna hurt nothin' t' ask, is it?"
Daddy put his arm over her shoulder and went on, "Ya know, Bess, I know the timin' ain't good, but the truth is I'm kinda glad that hole's shuttin' down, 'cause I know fer a fact that the black lung is gonna kill me sooner or later. That ain't t' say I might not die roughneckin' in the oil fields, but at least I'd die breathin' God's clean air. Anyhow, I hear Tulsa's a nice town, lot's goin' on. You'd have better stores to shop in an' more money t' shop with. An' the kid's could go to better schools."
Looking back on it, I know what I did next was awfully dumb, but I did it without thinking, the way fifteen year-olds are wont to do. I stood up and said, "But Daddy, we cain't move to Tulsa! What about my friends? What about Sue Ellen? I cain't just be leavin' everthang behind!"
Well, Daddy had every right to haul off and slap me clean into next week for that little outburst, but he didn't even raise his hand. He just said, "Son, I'm sorry this don't fit into yer plans for courtin' Sue Ellen, but we ain't got no choice. Hell, I'd be happy t' leave ya behind. Yer fifteen an' old enough t' make yer own way I reckon, but movin's gonna take ever penny we got, an' 'till we get back on our feet, yer gonna have t' work right along side of me. The family's gonna need yer income, boy! Now, that's just the way of it, an' I don't wanna hear no more harpin' 'bout Sue Ellen 'r anythang else!"
I sat back down feeling like the ungrateful child and mumbled, "Sorry, Daddy."
Mama was always trying to put things into perspective. She smiled up at him and patted his belly, saying, "Well, like ya say, we ain't got a lotta choices, have we? We gotta go where the work is, so I reckon Tulsa's as good a town as any. Ya think that ol' truck's gonna make it that far?"
He gave her shoulder a squeeze and said, "She'll just hafta, won't she? But here's somethin' I just thought of, Bess: Soon as the company store opens up in the mornin', they gonna come after everbody to pay up their bill. God almighty, I ain't got but eighteen dollars t' my name! I sure as hell cain't pay what we owe at the store and still have enough for gas money to Tulsa. I know it ain't right t' run out on a debt, but I'm thinkin' we best load her up and head out tonight. I can try to call Arthur along the way somewheres."
Mama looked around at us kids and nodded her head up and down like she was making up her mind about something. Then she said, "Jake, you sit an' eat some supper. Marvin, Jodie, Earl Ray, I want you kids t' listen to me real hard now. What we're about to do might not be honest, but there ain't no other way. Truth is, that company store's been cheatin' us an' everbody else since that mine opened up, but it's still a debt we owe. We just cain't pay it right now. Maybe after we get to Oklahoma and make some money, we can send 'em what we owe, but if we pay 'em now, we ain't goin' nowhere. You understand?"
The three of us looked at each other and nodded.
Well, Mama just took over like she always did when things needed doing. She reached above the stove and took down an old coffee can, opened it up and took out some money. She handed it over to Daddy and said, "Here's forty-three dollars I been savin' up. That makes sixty-one dollars, an' that ought to get us there with plenty to spare."
Daddy's eyes got real big at the sight of all that cash. "My lord, Bess, how in God's name did you manage to save up all this money when we been livin' from hand t' mouth. You truly are a angle sent from above!"
She waved that off and said, "I ain't no such thang, Jake. I'm just a woman like any other lookin' after her family." Then she turned to us and says, "Okay, now you kids fill your bellies with beans and cornbread, then get ready to pack up and load the truck." She looked at Daddy and asked, "Jake, you gonna be okay to drive all night?"
Daddy swallowed a mouthful of the sandwich from his dinner bucket and nodded his head. "I'll be fine. Anyhow, Marvin can help out some with the drivin' if I git too sleepy. Reckon I better go out and check the air in them tars. We gonna have to stop in Pikeville t' gas up, an' we can get some air at the same time."
Mama kissed him on the forehead and said, "You eat first, honey. We got time."
So that's how it all started. The company house we were living in was only three small rooms, so it's not like we had to worry about hauling a lot of furniture. Two hours after we finished our supper, Daddy, Mama and little Earl Ray were in the front, and Jodie and I were sitting on the old beat-up sofa facing backwards on the bed of Daddy's '36 Chevy flatbed truck. Everything we owned was piled up behind us. There was a canvas tarp tied over it all to protect us from the wind and weather. I was just happy it was May instead of the middle of winter. We might hit some rain along the way, but at least we wouldn't be freezing our butts off.
Before we pulled out, Mama handed me and Jodie some left over cornbread wrapped up in a tea towel and a mason jar of water in case we got hungry during the night. Next thing I knew, we were rolling down out of the Appalachians and heading west across Kentucky on the way to Oklahoma.
Well, you might not believe what I'm gonna tell you about the next two days and nights on the road. It changed my whole life!
At the time we moved, Daddy was thirty-six years old, and he got the job at the coal mine after he came back from the war in '45. He got shot a couple of times fighting over some island in the Pacific, but not bad enough to keep him out of the fighting. They just patched him up, gave him two weeks to rest up, and sent him back into the middle of it. Until the day he died, he walked with a limp from the piece of grenade he took in his butt. He earned two commendations for valor during the war, for all the good they did him.
Mama was twenty-nine, and she and Daddy had to get married because of me. He knocked her up when she was fourteen and did the honest thing; not that he didn't want to anyway. He did, and they never let on that they weren't happy about it. Hell, they'd been married for sixty-two years when Daddy died, so you can't say it wasn't successful, can you? Anyhow, I came along in September of 1934, five months after their wedding day.
So I was born first, then little Earl Ray came along nine months after Daddy got home from the war. He was four at the time of the move, and he was spoiled rotten by the whole family, being the baby and all.
If you're wondering where Jodie came into the picture, it was when she was five years old. See, Jodie wasn't my real sister, although that's the way she was brought up. She was really my cousin, Mama's sister's little girl. What happened was that Jodie's daddy, my Uncle Jethro, got killed in a mine cave-in back before the war. Well, her mama was of a fragile nature, and she just wasn't up to dealing with his death. When she got the news, she went plum nuts, ranting and screaming and everything. She never got over it, and the sheriff finally had to come and haul her off to the crazy house, and that's when the county folks gave Jodie to Mama and Daddy to raise. She was the same age as me - actually a couple of months older - and she was brought up to be my sister from then on.
Jodie was always a lot smarter than the rest of us. I don't know how that happened, but it did. She was so smart she got moved up a grade twice, and that means she was just about to graduate high school when we moved to Tulsa. She always made straight A's, and she was always good about helping me with my own schoolwork.
You'd think that since she was just about to graduate, she'd have the most to complain about when we snuck out of town that night, but she didn't hardly say anything at all. She just did what Mama told her to do and kept her mouth shut. She was always like that, kinda quiet and obedient. She probably had her mama's fragile nature.
It turned out alright about school, though, because when Mama wrote back to her old school a couple of months later and explained about us moving, they just went ahead and sent Jodie's high school diploma. It's just too bad she had to miss the graduation ceremony because she was so looking forward to wearing that cap and gown.
Like I said, Jodie was always a shy, quiet girl. It was kind of odd sometimes; some of us might be sitting around arguing about some stupid thing, and everybody knew Jodie knew a lot more than the rest of us, but she wouldn't say anything, even when she knew what we were saying was wrong or stupid, which it often was. I think it's because she hated it so when folks got mad and fussed with each other. She hated fighting and arguing like sin, and if it got too loud or ugly, she'd just run off and hide somewhere. I never knew for sure what caused her to be like that, but I always wondered if it was because her mama and daddy used to fight with each other so much. Mama said that when they got after it, you could hear 'em screaming at each other three houses away!
Anyhow, from the time we were little kids, Jodie and I were always real close, and we kinda took care of each other. Of course, Mama and Daddy loved her like she was their own, but I'm the only one she ever really took a shine to. Don't know why that is. Hell, we did everything together; we played together, we slept in the same bed, we even took our bath together until we started showing signs of growing up. That's when Mama put a stop to the baths and Daddy bought Jodie a separate bed. But for a long time, sometimes in the middle of the night, she'd sneak over to where little Earl Ray and I were sleeping and squeeze in with us.
Over that last year before we moved, Jodie was growing into a real good-looking young lady. She had beautiful brown hair that Mama kept in a long braid, and her eyes were as blue as the evening sky. The family never had much money to spend on new clothes and such, so when she started filling out like a woman, Mama made over some her some of her old dresses. Jodie made 'em look better than Mama ever did, I can swear to that!
So anyhow, that was the family that loaded up that old Chevy truck and headed out for Tulsa on a warm night in May of 1949.
We made it to Pikeville in about an hour. Daddy found a gas station still open and filled up the tank and a five-gallon jerry can while I added some water to the radiator and put air in the tires. I remember he fussed about paying eighteen cents a gallon for the gasoline.
There was a pay telephone inside the gas station, so Daddy got some change from the owner and called Aunt Clair's house in Oklahoma. It turned out that his cousin Arthur was at home, and he told Daddy they were still hiring war veterans for the oil fields and to come on down. Then Daddy talked to Aunt Clair, and she said she'd make room for us in the basement of her house in Broken Arrow, a town not too far from Tulsa. We could stay there until we found a place of our own. You can bet Mama felt some relief at that news.
When we headed out from Pikeville, Jodie and I climbed back up on the bed of the truck and got settled on that old sofa. We found a couple of blankets in case it got too cool during the night. Daddy drove, of course, and little Earl Ray sat on Mama's lap. He was most likely asleep before we got a mile down the road.
There weren't any interstate highways back then, and the roads were rough as a cob in some places, so the best we could do was maybe thirty-five, forty miles an hour. Forty was pushing it, so it was gonna take us every bit of two days to make the trip, counting stops for meals and taking care of personal business, if you know what I mean.
Maybe an hour after we were back on the road, Jodie curled up on one end of the sofa and I curled up on the other end to try and get a little sleep. I say I curled up, but it was more like scrunched up because, even though I was only fifteen, I was already six foot one. Anyhow, we managed to sleep in fits and starts for about two hours before Daddy stopped and said he needed me to drive for a while. Mama didn't know how to drive and she never learned. He took my place on the sofa while I got in the front and drove for another three hours. Mama fell asleep leaning on a pillow jammed up against the door with little Earl Ray on her lap.
Daddy took over driving again about four in the morning, and I went back to try to get some more sleep on the sofa. Well, that's when things started to get interesting.
Being as lanky as I was, and being as how the sofa was too dang short, I couldn't find a position that was comfortable enough to sleep in. Daddy could sleep sitting up, but I couldn't. I think he learned that in the war. Anyhow, all my shuffling around kept waking Jodie up and she finally said, "Marvin, if we don't find some way to fit us both on this sofa, neither one of us is gonna get a minute's rest. Look here, skinny as you are, why don't you stretch out with your back against the cushions and your head on the arm. If you push back far enough, I can lay down in front of you and we can both sleep."
Well, that was the only solution, so we did just what she suggested. I lay on my side with my head on the arm of the sofa, and she was on her side spooned up against me. I couldn't figure out what to do with my arm without getting real personal, so I just laid it over her hip and let my hand dangle over the front of the couch. We covered up with one of the blankets, and before long we were both snoozing up a storm.
For a while.
It must have been about two hours later, just about daybreak when I woke up feeling kind of uncomfortable. It took me a minute to figure it out, but it finally dawned on me that I'd shot a load in my drawers. I'd had a wet dream, and it didn't take a second for me to figure out why. With the truck bumping along the pockmarked highway and Jodie's butt rubbing against the front of my trousers, she'd caused me to grow a big hard-on. Well, it generally doesn't take much more than a passing thought to make a fifteen year-old boy get stiff anyhow, and her moving against me was all it took to cause me to unload. So there I lay, feeling the wet in my drawers and hoping it wasn't soaking through and into her dress.
It was barely getting light, so I couldn't really see much, but I lifted the blanket to take a look and saw that Jodie's dress had ridden up enough that I could see her bare leg almost all the way up to her underwear. That did nothing to help my cause, so I just lay there hoping she wouldn't feel anything.
But even with the discomfort of the wetness in my drawers, the sight of that bare leg and the feel of her butt pushing on my pecker brought it right back to life again. I know I should have woke her up and asked her to switch places with me or something, but what I was feeling was too good. I couldn't give it up.
The old truck kept on bumping down the highway, and Jodie's butt kept on jiggling against the front of my trousers and stirring me up 'til I grew another hard-on. I kinda maneuvered myself around until my pecker was wedged into the crack of her butt, then I just lay there taking it all in.
As I got more and more excited, and knowing full well that I was pushing my luck to the limit, I eased my hand up her side until it was resting lightly on her left titty. I didn't dare squeeze it, but I couldn't help feeling her nipple poking into the palm of my hand. Back then among the poor folk, brassieres were a luxury item, so she wasn't wearing one. Of course, being only fifteen, she didn't hardly need one because she wasn't really all that big, not like Mama anyway. That's not to say she was flat-chested, though. Her titty pretty much fill up my hand.
I felt myself working up to another shoot, and without even giving it any thought, I started sliding my hard pecker up and down the crack of her butt a little bit, hoping I wouldn't wake her up, but too far gone to stop what I was doing.
That was just wishful thinking on my part though, because she was awake all along! About the time I was getting close to shooting another load into my drawers and my breath was coming in little gasps, Jodie asks, "You gonna be done any time soon? I'd like to try for a little more sleep if you don't mind."
Well naturally, everything came to a screeching halt! I jerked my hand off of her titty, my humping her butt stopped cold, and I just lay there trying to think of something to say by way of an excuse for my sinful behavior. I'd been caught in the act and there was no way around it.
All I could come up with was, "Uh, I'm sorry, Jodie. I didn't know you was awake."
She twisted her face around so she could see mine and said, "You think me bein' asleep would've made it alright? You think you can use my butt and my breast for your own pleasure as long as I'm sleepin' and don't know about it?"
I was all out of words, nothing to say except, "Jodie, I'm real sorry! It just felt so good, an' you got such a nice, grown-up body. I woke up feelin' like this and I guess I couldn't help myself. You ain't gonna tell Mama, are you?"
To my total confusion, then relief, Jodie started laughing. "Why on earth would I tell Mama? She'd just roll her eyes at us and tell us to behave."
Well, I got a picture in my mind of Mama doing that and started laughing too. I guess laughing makes people laugh, because pretty soon, we were both howling at how funny the situation was. In fact we were laughing so hard, Mama leaned out of her window and hollered back, "Would you two quiet down back there? All that brayin' like a couple o' jackasses woke up Earl Ray!"
Well, we finally managed to get ourselves under control. I discovered that while we were laughing, my hard-on went away and I was kinda sorry that happened. Anyhow, I explained to Jodie why I did what I did; that I woke up from a wet dream, and that her butt jiggling against my pecker felt so good I thought I'd try for another one. She said she didn't mind and that she kind of enjoyed it herself a little bit. But then she said that the next time we slept together on the sofa, she was gonna be the one in back. Well, I could live with that. I figured her titties against my back was gonna feel good too, but probably not as good as my pecker against her butt.
It wasn't long after that that Daddy found a place along the side of the road in western Kentucky to pull over so we could take a rest and build a fire for Mama to cook breakfast. When I got down off the back of the truck, I saw that there was a big wet spot on the front of my trousers where I'd shot my load, so I found an excuse to grab a pair of overalls out of the basket of clean clothes and sneak into the woods to change. When Mama saw that, she asked why. I lied and told her that a few miles back, Daddy drove over a deep pothole, and it jolted me so hard that it made me pee because my bladder was so full. I'm not sure she believed me, but she didn't say any more about it. While I was telling Mama that fib, I saw Jodie unloading the box of kitchen stuff, and she was having a hard time keeping a straight face.
After we filled up the gas tank at the next town, Mama and Daddy took over the sofa to get some sleep while me, Jodie and Earl Ray were up front. We stopped once for Earl Ray to pee on the side of the road, but neither Mama or Daddy woke up. I guess they were really worn out.
I drove on until we crossed the Mississippi at Cairo. That's where Daddy took over again, and a little way into Missouri, we stopped to have lunch at a little roadside cafe. I know Mama thought spending almost three dollars was an extravagant expense, and maybe it was, but Daddy insisted because he said he couldn't remember the last time he took Mama out to eat. We all had hamburgers, French fries and Cokes. Lordy, didn't that taste good!
We hoped to make Springfield by nightfall, and Daddy thought we might find a place near there to stop for a few hours and make a little camp where Mama could make us a good supper. Maybe we could all get four or five hours of good, solid sleep before we made the final drive through the rest of the night to Broken Arrow.
As we headed across southern Missouri, Jodie and I had again taken up our place on the old sofa. For a while, we just sat back there and watched the scenery go by. Missouri's a real pretty state, at least what we saw of it. We crossed over several creeks and rivers that had to be alive with fish. I was tempted to ask Daddy if we could stop somewhere and do a little fishing, maybe catch enough for our supper.
So I was sitting there, almost dozing in the warm sunlight when out of the blue, Jodie asked, "Um, Marvin, what were you thinking this morning when you were ... well, you know?"
Well, I can be awfully dense sometimes. It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about. When it finally soaked in, I felt myself turning red from the neck up. I didn't know how to answer her, so I kinda hemmed and hawed, trying to think something up.
Finally, I came up with, "What do you mean, what was I thinkin'? I guess I wasn't thinkin' 'bout nothin' in particular. It just felt so good, I just wanted to keep on doin' it."
Jodie looked kind of frustrated and smacked me on the knee. "Well you had to be thinking something! Were you havin' any feelings for me, or did you just want to satisfy yourself by pushin' your thing against my butt?"
I don't know if it was my instinct for self-preservation or what, but I figured I better come up with something good, because she was being serious.
I reached over and took her hand. "Of course I had feelin's for ya, Jodie. Hell I've always had feelin's for ya, but yer my sister ... well not exactly, but yer like my sister, so I don't reckon it's right fer me to have feelin's like that. Do you?"
"Do I what?"
"Well, do you have feelin's fer me?"
She looked away and kinda whispered, "I do. I always wanted you to like me as much as you like Sue Ellen."
Whoa, Nellie! Now I was really stuck for something to say. Was she saying that she wanted me to like her the same way I liked Sue Ellen? Hell fire, I'd been trying to get into Sue Ellen's underwear for the whole school year. The closest I got was my hand on her titty, and she slapped me a good one when I did that. Was Jodie saying that she wanted me to think of her like a girlfriend, to act like I was courting her?
I tried to be cagey and said, "Jodie, you know I like you as much as I like Sue Ellen. Truth is, I like you more, just different."
She didn't buy that for one minute. She locked onto my eyeballs and gave me a hard stare. "Marvin, you're either dodging the point on purpose, or you're as thick as winter molasses! I'm asking if you want to do things with me the same way you want to do things with Sue Ellen, and I'm not talking about just holding hands! Now you give me a straight answer right this minute or you can just forget about ever gettin' that close to me again!"
Well, I gotta tell you that I felt like I was up a tree with a pissed-off dog waiting for me to come down. I'll admit that I'd looked at Jodie with what our preacher called 'sinful lust' more than once. I mean, who wouldn't? She was a pretty girl, prettier than Sue Ellen. A guy couldn't look at her body without wishing he could get real close. And on top of that, she was real sweet and she was smart, probably the sweetest and the smartest person I ever met.
Finally, I just bit the bullet and owned up. "If Mama or Daddy ever heard what I'm about to tell you, they'd send me packin' in a minute!" I was still holding her hand, so I squeezed it and went on, "Jodie, to tell ya the honest-to-God truth, I never liked Sue Ellen as much as I like you. I been wantin' to do stuff with you fer the longest time, but I cain't even guess what Mama an' Daddy'd say if they knew that."
She kinda giggled and said, "Well, Daddy'd probably ask what your intentions were, and Mama would just give you one of those looks and wait to see what happened next. Could you really think of me like a girlfriend?"
"Well sure I could, Jodie! I just couldn't say so out loud, could I? At least not to anybody but you."
Well, that seemed to settle thing down for the time being. Jodie nodded her head and scooted over on the couch to sit real close, taking my arm and draping it over her shoulder. It felt real strange, sitting with her like that, but I liked it. I kinda hugged her to me and kissed her forehead. I didn't know if this was all gonna lead somewhere, but I sat there and got another big hard-on thinking about that possibility. I'm pretty sure Jodie saw it, but she didn't say anything.
All the way across southern Missouri, I was thinking about how I could be what Jodie wanted me to be without Mama and Daddy finding out. I'd learned a long time ago that Mama especially didn't get fooled by much. You might think you were putting one over on her, but she was nearly always one step ahead of you.
Jodie and I didn't really do anything risky as we rode along on the back of the truck, just held hands and sat close. When we stopped for a pee break, I took over driving for about another four hours. Daddy dozed off and on sitting on the couch, and Mama did the same with her head in his lap. Of course, Earl Ray was up front with me and Jodie.
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Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry. Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
As was his habit at lunchtime, Hal left the building and walked through the office park for exercise. It was a partly cloudy day, and for the moment it seemed overcast. On his way to a small path through the woods, he saw her. Sandy was an attractive redhead with a sensual voice who almost always wore a tailored blouse, a roomy ankle-length skirt, and one-inch pumps. Her wardrobe varied in color, patterns, and material, depending upon the season, but always the same ensemble. Hal watched as...
Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...
LesbianShe wanted to remember. The hookah was a beautiful piece. It stood at 4 ½ feet. Dark red… it always was her favorite color. This hookah was her personal prize. It only had one hose, one smoker. She pulled the airtight box from its hiding place and opened the lid. Once released, the heady aroma drifted, tickling her nose. The new batch of bud was a dark green, but the crystals were so thick it turned everything pastel. Breaking it apart just enough to smoke easy, she arranged the weed in...
Introduction: While a few details have been tweaked, this story is as close as I can remember it Prologue She wanted to remember. The hookah was a beautiful piece. It stood at 4 ½, feet. Dark red&hellip, it always was her favorite color. This hookah was her personal prize. It only had one hose, one smoker. She pulled the airtight box from its hiding place and opened the lid. Once released, the heady aroma drifted, tickling her nose. The new batch of bud was a dark green, but the...
After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...
I never FaceTime. I'm not a adolescent girl. I don't need to see your face when a simple text will do. Call me an old bastard, get-off-my-lawn type, but that's the way it is. (By the way, I'm not that old).So when that mechanical beeping emanates from my phone that someone wants to FaceTime me, it's definitely out of the ordinary. Especially when it's 10:30 on a Tuesday night. I got to my phone and it said "Ann FaceTime video."Well, this was different. Ann Next Door and I been fooling around on...
It was a warm October night and I was at a college football game with a few buddies. Throughout the first half of the game, I looked to my right and there was this hot sexy bald guy 3 sections to my right. He had huge arms and was wearing a black wife-beater and jeans. We kept looking at each other and at each time, he would show that bright smile of his.At halftime, I went to the restroom and used one of the stalls, luckily I was the only one in the bathroom. As I opened the stall, he was...
Summertime In Colorado I absolutely love summertime. The hotter it is the less the girls wear. Instead of long jeans they wear short shorts. Instead of full blouses they wear skimpy tops. Coats are strictly out of the question too. Bikinis are popular even if it is just the top half with a micro mini skirt. Like I said I absolutely love summertime. Girls of all ages are wonderful to look at. Touching them might be a different story but looking at them is still legal. The problem...
Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...
I have a new job working away and I bought an iPad to keep in touch with the wife, it’s great seeing her when away I miss her so much so it’s great when I’m bored in my room. Jane and I for years have spoke about sharing? But she never comes through, it must be 4 years now we have had the same conversation about it and it’s always the same answer maybe! Jane is great in the sack she knows how to please, I keep telling her she needs to give it out cos it’s going to waste on me as I only last...
Showtime for Teri By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My name is Teri and I am 28 years old. I have been a closet sissy for as long as I can remember. My parents knew that I was not your typical child and they let me live how I wanted to and did not judge me, they just loved me unconditionally. I grew up loving everything that a little boy typically doesn't like, such as dresses and dolls. My parents were concerned that I would be a target for bullies, so I was home schooled, took my GED...
October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...
TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...
The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...
College SexYour name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...
Mind Control‘I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam! TJ Ryder Chapter 1 Reform School Romance! I couldn’t believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being his favorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II. I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another old geezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had...
The funeral was a gloomy affair as funerals go. I am somewhat irreverent and remember clearly my twin brother and I giggling all through my Uncle’s funeral because his widow had the price ticket still dangling from the back of her hat. John and I shared a sense of mischief and humour. At our Grandfather’s funeral, we’d been unable to look at each other during the hymn ‘Praise my soul the king of heaven,’ because John had written an alternative verse that was utterly filthy and we both knew what...
LesbianA few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...
'I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam! TJ Ryder Chapter 1 Reform School Romance! I couldn't believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being hisfavorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II. I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another oldgeezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had anythinghad...
CrossdressingSummertime Fun After my divorce I got my daughter every other weekend and for the entire summer. Now that she was fourteen and developing quite nicely I was enjoying her even more. I also indulged her desire for sexy revealing clothing, since her mother wouldn’t. Holly was pleased that I had purchased a summer home alone the beach. We used to go to the ocean when we were still a family. Another thing that I did to piss my wife off after the divorce. It was a very nice place and I...
Summertime: Chapter 1 By Tommie Summertime, and the living was easy. I had just graduated college and I was home for the summer. My parents were on vacation and I had the house to myself. I had settled into a relaxed routine. Up late, lazy breakfast, a little bit of work on the computer to keep my hand in for the programmer's job I was starting in the fall. Then, as often as not, a lazy afternoon reading in the back yard before soccer training in the evening. Soccer had paid my...
Like Billy Pilgrim, John and Amy have become unstuck in time. Unlike Billy Pilgrim, theirs is a fate more akin to eternal recurrence. Fate, for sure, had intended more for them. The timeline was diverted and the two were paying the price: Amy for her stubborn obstinance; John for his arrogance. For her stubborn behavior, Amy was dealt a hand similar to that of Sisyphus. She was placed upon life's treadmill: forever struggling to make ends meet; forever struggling to find her way...
When did the first, unfortunate fork in the timeline take place? Each attempt to divert the timeline back onto its true, fateful path has resulted in failure. Time is growing short, and an altered fate nearer. Each manipulation has resulted in this fate's end time grower slightly nearer or farther, but no significant change has occurred. Given that recursion is the problem, perhaps it is also the solution. Perhaps. The two share a weakness -- each knows on some level what needs to...
Facetime Accident With Mother In LawIt was the usual time me and my girlfriend would facetiming but I felt a little risky this time so I was already naked. I gave her number a ring and had the camera straight at my junk trying to throw a little surprise there for her. I was swaying it back and forth and I still didn't get a reply. All I heard was.. “Uhm... Hello...” Next thing I noticed it was my girlfriends mom. I said oh shit and struggled trying to hang up while she said “No no... don't hang...
TIMELESS BEAUTY 2 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Alex walked from the shower trying to dry his long shoulder length hair. In only a bath robe, he entered his college dorm room and turned on the television. The channel 5 weather man was giving a major warning for its forecast. As a transsexual he was happy to of gotten a single room. "This just in," said the weatherman. "This looks like it will be the worst hurricane season for Florida since the 1960s. The major threats are the hurricanes that...
Sentiments of a Submissive By:? Miss Georgia Peach As told to:? JEP Introduction:? Miss Peach is the most unique submissive I have ever encountered.? In addition to being incredibly beautiful, she has the mind of a true intellect.? She has a unique ability to put words together to create a vivid word picture that is truly a work of eroticism.? The following are her words to express her sentiments and a few of her experiences.???????????????? JEP I do love the concept of being pierced...
I smile as I step out of the car, my boots crunching against the gravel beneath my feet. It’s one of those perfect spring days – the sun shining brightly through the crisp, cool air, a bit of breeze carrying that intoxicating earthy, damp smell of the season. My smile broadens as I remember that quote from Miss Congeniality: the “perfect date” was April 25th, because “it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.” I guess I am a cliché, but I can’t help it. I love Spring. New...
MasturbationWhen we first met it was entirely by accident. Even now I remember it clearly, although almost four decades have passed by since then. It was one of those lovely bright sunny days that are so typical of Paris in the springtime.I was strolling along the Boulevard Haussmann, just outside the Magasin au Printemps where the pretty girls were selling their bunches of lily of the valley as they traditionally used to do on the first day of May. I wasn't looking where I was going, daydreaming as...
Love StoriesChapter 5: Encounters On The Open Road Looking back now afterward I still cannot make sense out of what happened that day at the motel at LeGrande, Oregon. They had picked up our trail somehow, although I think it must have been a matter of pure chance. I have reviewed it now a thousand times and cannot see where we left a trail to open ourselves to their tracing. Nevertheless, we had an encounter on a Tuesday morning after a pleasant stay in LeGrande and breakfast at the restaurant across the...
I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done. There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...
Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...
I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done.There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...
MatureIt’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...
Eventually Joan Simpson stopped gesticulating with her hands and just pointed to a building through the trees that she wanted Hank and Lynn to take the car up to. Once the car was parked the proprietor of the Success Nudist Resort would catch up with them and give them all a proper tour of the facilities. This naked woman then disappeared back into the Admin Building leaving Hank and Lynn to climb back into the car and drive up to the building she had pointed out to them. Tom just sat there...
I untie you and move you to the bed. I restrain you to the bed by tying your hands above your head, then spreading your legs. By doing this I have great access to your ass. I look at you looking at me, waiting. I leave your nipples and cock alone for now and get to work on your ass. Using lube and a toy. I get between your legs. My nails are sharp but short. I have to really dig into your skin to scrape you and leave red marks behind. I scrape my finger nails up your inner thighs and grab your...
BDSMHai friends, enathu peyar Raathika, vayathu 20 naan dindugal maavatathil vasithu varugiren enaku oru pen thozhi irukiraal avalin peyar iswarya avalukum enathu vayathu thaan aagugirathu 20. Naangal pengal kalluriyil padithukondu irukirom, athanaal engalaal pasangalodu thodarbukola mudiyaathu athu mattum illamal ennai pengal hostelil seerthu vittargal. Naa pengal mattume irukum palliyile padithen udan piranthavargalum yavarum illai. Enathu vaazhvile pasangalai ennal parka kuda mudiyaatha nilaimai...
Idi nijamga jarigina katha . Naa peru suraj , naa marrige six years back ayindhi , naa wife anthaga bagodu . Kani nenu roju sex chestanu kani ado velithiga untundhi . Nenu 6 years nundi maa athagarintlone untunnanu , valladi joint family , maa chinnatha ante maa atha thodikodalu chala andamga sexyga untundi , valla husbend chanipoyadu thanu just 45 years old . Thana andam adavikachina vennela avutundani bhadha vesedi , appatikaina thanaki bharthaleni lotu theerchalani thanani sukhapettalani...
Kono kono din kichhu ghotona ghote jay.. Jegulo khub obak kore day. Keu keu bole aloukik.. Kintu asole kakotaliyo. Sochorachor ghote na.. Kintu ghote jete o pare. Sedin o temon e kichhu ghotechhilo… Sei ghotona te asi…. Amar office jete hole bus theke neme auto-rikswa dhorte hoy. Jatayot er pothe sohojatri der mukh gulo chena hoye jay… Jara roj e oi aki pothe asa-jaoya kore. Pray protidin e ak mohila ke dekhi bochhor 3/4 ek er ak bachha ke niye auto te othen. Somvoboto chhele ke school theke...
Hai friends.. ela unnaru… nenu gurthunnana… nenu Renu… ( ) nannu kalisaaru kada adenandi baboo naa experience read chesaru kada ippudu malli mee munduku maro koththa anubhavam tho.. Anand annayya tho naa first experience tharuvatha sex lo naa view total ga change ayipoyindi. Now I love sex. Irrespective of any one… magaalllu koda anthe… andamaina adapilla correct proportions tho eduraithe eppudu padesi dobbudama ani eduru choostuntaru.. anni varusalu marachi potaru. Ee experience alaanti oka...
Reddit Lips That Grip, aka r/LipsThatGrip! Tight pussies. They’re the pinnacle of sexual pleasure. You can forget about shagging a chick and having fun while doing it if she’s as loose as undone shoelaces. You need something firm and robust to grip that cock nicely while you fuck! Well, if you haven’t guessed already, there’s a community on Reddit.com dedicated to precisely that. It’s called on /r/LipsThatGrip, and it pays homage to the tightest pussies on the planet with the most hardcore...
Reddit NSFW ListCan you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...
Porn Search EnginesHmm, Name That Pornstar? Who is this pornstar? If you watch porn, then you must have found yourself in a situation where you were unable to know a porn star’s name from a random video. We all have at one point. Picture this; you are stroking your meat rod to a hardcore gangbang scene with a slut who has insane cock riding skills, but you are unable to identify her. What to do when next time you want to beat meat to more of her vids? That’s where a porn star database, one of the most underrated...
Porn Search EnginesThat Sitcom Show! Have you ever heard someone claim that we are currently living in a golden age of television? Douchebags that want to sound smart at parties like to point this out. “Oh, did you just binge the entirety of How I Met Your Mother on Hulu last month, Cindy? Interesting … We live in such a golden age of television.” The worst part? Cindy completely ate that bullshit up and that douchebag is probably getting laid after the party.What that douchebag is likely referring to, though,...
Premium Porn Parody SitesThat Pervert! You know that feeling when you’re just up for a quick wank and nothing else. You just don’t want to have a care in the world and you just want to let it all out in one fell swoop. If only there was a site that offers easy and fast to consume porn content that you can jack off to in a jiffy and get it done with. Well, there actually is a site exactly like that and it’s called ThatPervert.com. This site specializes in presenting bite-sized porn pieces that you can use in whichever...
Funny Porn SitesSweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...
Carol began to shake realizing her daughter and Jim were becoming excited by her. Hands ran over her body. They were smiling and making lewd comments. Overcome with fear, Carol took the only desperate course she knew. “I’ll do what ever you want, just don’t hurt me anymore. Please, I’ll let you do what you want and then you can live together, I promise, I’ll forget everything.” “ Please don’t hurt me.” “Hannah, I am your Mom. Jim, I have known you for 20 years.” “Please....
SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...
e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...
SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...
SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...
SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...
Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...