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Brenda Buttbaird was a bit of an anomaly. The 16 year-old college freshman was both brilliant and beautiful. So smart that she skipped grades in elementary and high school and became the youngest student to ever make the Dean's List at Swarthmore College. Brenda was also athletic and was already a rising star on the school's swim team. Her 36-D bust may have helped her buoyancy, but her long legs and trim waist also made her a great swimmer.
Bright and bodacious, Brenda was nonetheless bashful and in the pool and gym showers she always took a large towel into the stalls with her so she could cover up as quickly as possible lest some other girl see her nakedness.
Brenda was an introvert and that probably came from her being younger than her classmates at school. But her diffidence and timidity likely helped her achieve academically; no social distractions from her studies. Her body, more than her brains, made her most attractive to the boys. Her fellow female students, on the other hand, found Brenda's bounty a bitch, both bothersome and bewildering.
So it came as a surprise when Brenda found herself befriended by some of the most out-going, popular senior girls. Naïve Brenda had never understood why, in the past, girls at school had shunned her and even been catty and cruel to her. But she had accepted it and figured she was just socially backward and therefore a social pariah. So this new attention flattered her and she was determined to fit in this time. So it's no wonder when Cheryl and Wanda suggested Brenda join them at the Shocktoberfest event, she was gob-smacked and delighted to come along.
"Great!" said Cheryl, " We were all hoping we'd see you come there." Then, inexplicably, she and Wanda got a case of the giggles. Brenda just figured that was the natural reaction of brainless bimbos like those two who'd sooner giggle than smile.
As October was drawing to a close and fall weather in Eastern Pennsylvania was getting nippy, an ad had appeared in the local paper announcing a novel Halloween adventure, Shocktoberfest, to take place at midnight on All Hallow's Eve in a nearby amusement park in Sinking Spring, Pa. The advert read:
Shocktoberfest, a haunted "scream" park featuring numerous scary attractions, a new "Naked and Scared" challenge was motivated by Discovery Channel's "Naked and Afraid" reality show. "Naked and Scared" is only available after midnight once the park's regular hours of operation are closed. Guests can choose to experience the attraction in one of three ways: "nude", 'lewd" or "prude" – either stark naked, or wearing only underwear, or completely dressed. The guests undress in a "semi-private preshow building" before entering the haunted attraction. All participants must be at least 18 years old and sign a waiver.
So 16 year-old Brenda Buttbaird figured there was no way she would be let in. But her older, street-wiser new friends, Wanda and Cheryl knew where Brenda could 'fix' her college ID to show her age as 18. Brenda's 36-D boobs helped give the impression of her being a more mature woman anyway.
One thing the announcement made clear was that, while there was to be stripping and nudity, there was to be absolutely no hanky-panky. Virginal, sweet Brenda felt reassured that this would be a night of good, clean fun. After all, the ad read:
This is about fear and pushing oneself out of their comfort zone. This is not about sex. No sexual misconduct, inappropriate or disrespectful behavior will be tolerated.
The set-up seemed reasonable enough. The late night Shocktoberfest guests would only be let in after the general public had left and the earlier part of the event had closed down. The stark, scary portion of the night would start with guests signing waivers and registering for their choice of attire or non-attire. Upon signing, each guest would remove or keep whatever clothing they'd signed for, hand their clothes to an event Volunteer who would keep it safe under lock and key. Only after that would guests enter the main Haunted House for one hour of scream-dream fun and vulnerable nudity.
So Brenda felt okay being seen in bra and panties. After all, she was on the swim team which showed more skin than her granny panties would reveal. Her smooth shaven pussy mound, a requirement for speed swimmers, would not even be as obvious as when she competed in the pool. As she intended to register as a 'Lewd', she was in no way anxious ... except for the strange and, to her, inexplicable sexual arousal she felt as the thought of seeing boys either in or, especially, out of their underpants. And what made her blush even more was the fact that she was equally delighted and aroused at the thought of her two new bff's being in the buff. Brenda just shook her head and smiled at her wicked thoughts.
Of course, what Brenda did not know was that her new bff's had worked out a side deal with the event's manager that would allow some bad, dirty fun after 1 a.m. when the event would shut down to the public. That would be the bitching hour when the House of Horrors would turn into the House of Whores and Shocktoberfest would turn into Cocktoberfest!
Brenda was also unaware of the envy and enmity Wanda and Cheryl had for her. Why? Simply because such a bright, young girl had it all and they didn't. They were sexy enough and got fair grades at college, but nothing like Brenda. These two girls laughed about being Bicca ( a Wicca is a witch, a Bicca is a bitch ) and now they joked about celebrating Halloween ( a Wicca and Bicca high holy day ) with the sacrifice of a virgin. And Brenda hadn't a clue.
The three girls arrived at the Shocktoberfest Haunted House a few minutes before midnight and proceeded to sign in designating their choice of dress/undress, prude, lewd or nude. The two older girls hesitated and seemed to be blushing. They whispered to Brenda that they were too shy and it took a lot of guts to get totally naked. This little psychological stratagem works wonders. Brenda wanted to show them she could be brave and daring, so Brenda signed up as 'nude' and proceeded to strip.
Wanda and Cheryl were effusive in their praise of their 'friend' and started to sign up too. By the time Brenda had removed every stitch of clothing and handed it to the Event Volunteer for safe keeping, her two pals were already down to just their panties and bras. With Brenda's clothes now safely put under lock and key, her friends had a change of heart.
"OMG! " said Wanda, " I can't do this! What if I just go 'Lewd'? I mean you've seen me in my underwear before like in the gym, Cheryl. But I would feel ashamed to strip down more. Please???"
Cheryl, acting all sympathetic and caring replied, "That's okay, Wanda. No shame in backing out when your feelings are concerned. Right, Brenda?"
What could Brenda say? Of course she had to agree
Cheryl continued, "So I want to support you all the way, Wanda. I'm changing my choice to 'Lewd' too! So it looks like were all set, girls. They got our clothes for the next hour and now we can have some fun."
As the trio stepped out of the anteroom and into the main part of the house, Brenda was a bit anxious but also relieved to find the lighting was so dim in the entrance way which was lit only by candles of various sizes and shapes. Some were cradled in short glass candle holders on tables and on the floor. Others, long tapered dinner candles, were sitting in sconces on the walls. In fact, all the electric lighting in the house had been shut down with all breakers off. This added to the scary part of the event.
Of course, for safety, insurance and practical reasons, the dozen or so Event Volunteers carried high-intensity flash lights to deal with any emergency. All the guests knew this and Brenda, for one, was most reassured and not just because low lighting would be less embarrassing for everyone. 'Safety first' was her motto. And that included mental as well as physical safety. She was ready for some fun.
The scary and naked aspect had the desired effect, for sure. For nearly the full hour, the three girls stuck together and bumped into all sorts of typical Halloween gags and paraphernalia, like axe wielding straw scarecrows, several manikins in black hooded robes many of which bore Scream designer Freddy masks. In the dining room the table was set with plates of (rubber) snakes and worms and toads, The stairs all had fake blood dripping down and the bedroom walls were lined with shrunken heads and ghoulish looking pumpkin Jack-o-Lanterns with angry faces.
Brenda was loving it. She had missed out on Halloween fun as a kid because her mother was anti-sugar and thought the holiday physically, if not politically, incorrect. The time was winding down now and an announcement on a PA system warned that the event would be closing in five minutes. Guests were urged to make their way to the foyer to collect their gear.
But at Wanda and Cheryl's urging, the trio made their way to the basement through a door clearly marked " DANGER NO ADMITTANCE ". Brenda stopped in her tracks. Time was running out to get their clothes and 'Rules were rules!', another Brenda aphorism, and the sign was clear. But her two pals just laughed and derided their younger companion for her naiveté.
"This is all part of the game, silly!" declared Wanda. "They want us to push the edge here. The scare challenge is no challenge at all if you just play it safe and besides, this is the only room we haven't seen. It's probably just more manikins with Freddy masks and fake guts and stuff. "Come on, Brenda ... unless you don't have the guts to have fun. " That last cutting comment was delivered with a sneer. In a lighter tone, Cheryl begged Brenda to not spoil their fun, "C'mon, we'll just take a peek.""
The challenge to her courage and the implied guilt-trip pushed Brenda over the edge of her normal, sensible behaviour. " Okay, but just a quick look and then we really have to go and get our clothes back."
Wanda smiled as she opened the door and led the way. Down the creaking stairs into the dimly lit basement they went. As might be expected, it was cold, dank and dark there. It was one large room with a bare cement floor on which were a number of large throw pillows. Twelve manikins in monk's robes stood along the four walls. Also hanging on the walls were various tools of discipline such as leather belts, hickory switches, cat-o-nine-tails, floggers and canes. In the darkness, the basement resembled a BDSM web site's dungeon.
As well, in the center of the room could be seen four scary devices of bondage and torture: two sets of iron chains which hung from the joists, a kneeling pillory with leather leg cuffs, and a standing pillory. Locked into each medieval Bondage and Punishment device were the figures of naked woman trapped in submissive positions. From the chains, there likewise hung two nude female forms.
There was an odd odour in the room. Mixed with the scent of fear, Brenda could detect the sweet smell of sweat and sex ... Both male and female! Brenda turned to flee up the stairs but was blocked by Cheryl and Wanda who were grinning like two Cheshire cats. Brenda screamed.
Her two companions just laughed and calmly walked over to the pillories and chains and, grabbing candles from the sconces on the walls, held their lights up close to the 'women' in chains and bondage.
"They're just manikins, silly." Said Wanda as she shook her head in tsk-tsked at her young naïve friend. " C'mon. we've got a couple of minutes yet, let's see what being in the stocks is like." And with that Brenda's two friends pulled the manikins out of the pillories and set themselves in their place. Wanda pretended to lock Cheryl in and proceeded to spank her pantied behind with one of the floggers. They were both laughing at their game.
Brenda joined them and took Cheryl's place but as She was locked in, kneeling with her butt arched and her hands trapped in the cross piece, a rush of wind eerily blew though the room and all the candles went out. It was pitch dark, Brenda could see nothing but she could hear. And what she heard made her blood turn cold. First a cut off voice which sounded like Cheryl's, then Wanda screamed and then grunted, then sounds of a struggle like dead weights being dragged along the floor. Then the sound of duct tape being pulled and ripped. There was muffled whimpering and then the sound of metal clinking on metal. Chains!!!
Then, for a moment, dead silence. And lastly, the PA in the distance sounding though the closed basement door, " Thanks everyone for coming to Shocktoberfest. The event is now closed."
Silence and darkness ... five minutes of fear and dreading.
Then one by one the candles were being lit around the walls of the room and, in this indirect and dim light, Brenda began to be aware of fear she had never known, nor dreamed of in her worst nightmares. She was still in a bent-from-the-waist crouch in the kneeling pillory. As no candles were lit in front of her, she could barely make out the two manikins still dangling from the chains a few feet away. But something wasn't right. She was sure all four manikins were bare before; these two who were chained and hanging, each wore a bra and panties ... and
"Oh, my God!" screamed Brenda as four black robed figures moved into view. They were not manikins, after all ... and nor were the two hanging, near-naked women. Wanda and Cheryl were both stretched out on tip-toe, black duct tape sealed their mouths as they struggled to scream,. They were near naked, but not near naked for long as two of the cloaked figures carried long shears and they proceeded to snip off the girls' bras and then slowly slip the shear blades under the girls' panty gussets: snip, snip and the undies' bottoms were freed.
The shears slipped down the panty hems and ... Snip, snip, snip, snip. Wanda's and Cheryl's panties fell to the floor in shreds. Brenda's new best friends were now as naked, bound and vulnerable as she was. Clothed in the black robes, and only those robes, were four young men who revealed their sex and their intent by loosening the leather cords at their waists so their naked loins were visible in the soft candlelight. The light was soft; their cocks were hard. Tears were streaming down the cheeks of each of the three naked girls.
Brenda's eyes were wide open in disbelief as she watched the four robed figures who wore horror film masks, two had donned Freddy Masks and two were wearing Scream Masks. Her two new, now nude, friends were dangling from the joists, their wrists locked into the chains, their feet pointed down resting on tippy-toe. The scent of fear and sex grew, as did the cocks beneath their captors' black robes.
Brenda, in shock, was speechless; not to say her mouth was closed. Indeed, like her eyes, her jaw was agape in terror and disbelief as she watched helplessly as these men finger fucked both Wanda and Cheryl until her friends were shaking with what must have been sheer terror. The chained pair tried to let out a scream of shame but their mouths were taped shut. Brenda found her courage and her voice at last; she let out a blood curdling scream.
That brought a reaction she was not expecting. All four men started to laugh and one of them picked up Wanda's shredded panties and walked over to Brenda who was crying, hyperventilating and sweating. He pinched Brenda's nose to force her mouth open, then he stuffed the torn panties in to gag her. Adding insult to injury, it seemed Wanda has pissed herself in terror and her panties were drenched in her urine.
While this was going on, the fourth robed man had grabbed Benda's feet, shoved her legs farther apart and secured her ankles in the metal and leather cuffs at the base of the kneeling pillory. Then he grabbed a flogger off the wall and began whipping her bare ass which was so invitingly presented. Brenda was naked, gagged with a piss-wet pair of panties, crouching helpless in stocks that put her mouth and her pussy and asshole at a convenient crotch height and, after three minutes of flogging, her bare butt was rosy and sore. Worse yet, that scent of fear and sex was stronger now and it was coming from her own body; her sweaty armpits smelled of fear, her wet pussy smelled of sex and need. Brenda blushed.

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