Final Draft The Autobiography
- 2 years ago
- 34
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By: Mindy
Hello everyone, this is Mindy. Yes, I am an actual person and not just a figment of Hungry's imagination. For the longest time he's been asking me to write responses to his stories about me so you would get the story from my viewpoint. Now I've seen in the feedback section that I even have a few fans. I've written very little fiction and I'm not even sure what I'd write for these stories. I mean, once I'm encased as a statue or installed as a toilet there'd be very little for me to do other than just be an object. I'm sure what would be going through my mind is more along the lines of "Why the hell did I let myself get into this?" I mean seriously, even someone who "wants" to be a toilet or statue is going to get bored with it very quickly and want out. I suppose I'll go into that later. What I guess I wanted to write here is more along the lines of why I would agree to some of these things to begin with. Over the years I've found that I'm a bit of a special case and most people don't understand me and what I'm looking for so it's easier if I write out a long letter like this. Even then a lot still don't get it but at least Hungry does.
I suppose the best place to start is the beginning. Even though I've heard a lot of people say this, I knew I was different from the start. As young as four or five I knew there was something about me that I wasn't supposed to let others know. I know I had to have been that young because the earliest things I can remember usually dealt with nursery rhymes. In my world Handles and Gretel went into the oven like they were supposed to. The knight didn't arrive in time to save the fair maiden. And the prince didn't break the curse. When a witch turned you into something, you stayed that way. I'm not sure how I knew it was wrong to think this way, but I did, so I kept quiet.
I suppose at this point I'd like to say that I'm not sure why I had the strange thoughts that I did. I came from a loving family that went to church most Sundays. I was never abused. None one was an alcoholic or anything. And my parents had a good marriage. I had an older sister and we got along. While we weren't rich, we were pretty much middle class and had everything we needed. We were the typical average family.
Anyway, as I got older, besides coming up with some fantasies of my own, I got a lot of new ideas from TV and movies. Any time I saw something happening to someone, I wished it was me. One of my favorites was seeing "House of Wax" with Vincent Price. You can't believe how much I ached to find someone who had a workshop setup where I'd be coated with wax and turned into a statue.
Probably before I was even ten I would even try to wander off a bit in hopes that I'd be 'captured'. I remember going to the hospital so my parents could visit someone and I'd ask to go look at the gift shop and they'd allow it so I wouldn't get bored while they talked. As I walked along the corridors I'd imagine a nurse or doctor pulling me into a room, strapping me to an operating table and then experimenting on me. Every time I was on an elevator I'd be wishing it would stop on some hidden floor where someone would be waiting for me. If I was at a haunted house for Halloween I'd hang back from the group in hopes that a secret panel would open and I'd be led into a secret room to become part of one of the torture displays. Once I even remember being allowed to roam around a huge furniture store while my parents shopped. (Parents could let their kids do that back then) I found what looked like a psychiatrist's couch in a dark corner of the store. I had this overwhelming thought that if I laid down on it, steel bands would spring out of the sides to hold me down and a panel of the wall would open allowing the couch to slide in where a mad scientist would be waiting for me. Of course I knew it wasn't going to happen but that didn't stop me from laying down on it.
I suppose at this point I should explain that I have never been completely reckless in letting some idiot get his hands on me. To some it might seem that I'm being picky and that if I'm looking to be used as a victim or a slave that I shouldn't have a right as to who gets me and how I am used. But I've never wanted to be caught by someone who simply wanted to rape me, slit my throat and leave me dead by the side of the road. It's one thing to get pulled into a van knowing you're being taken to the lab of a mad scientist who will use you as a Guinea pig to test his new device. It's another thing to just get stabbed by some moron who has to do it just because there's no other way for him to get a woman in real life.
Anyway, now that I've explained that, let's get back to the reality of my life.
I suppose that the easiest way to put things is that I've never had a zest for life. Whereas my sister was an excellent student, joined every club and sport she could, was always popular with a ton of friends, I just never got excited about things and couldn't see the point to them. I wasn't stupid so I passed everything but I couldn't throw myself into studying and getting straight A's, I usually just got by.
I usually had friends but I think it was more a matter of making sure we didn't go crazy from loneliness. I didn't have the close friends. Of course part of this might have been from the fact that when the other girls wanted to play with dolls I was always secretly wanting to put Barbie in dungeon scenes. When they wanted to play 'house', I was wanting to play "victim of the mad scientist." While the other girls avoided playing with boys, I liked it as long as we played 'cowboys and Indians' or 'capture the flag' or anything else where I'd get tied up.
While I don't think I was a tomboy, I was just never into 'girlie' things. Of course I'm sure that, being the younger of two girls, my father had probably been wishing for a boy. And while I was the one he took fishing and played catch with, I don't think that was a big influence. I just never liked playing dress up or anything like that. I remember absolutely hating it when I had to wear a dress of my mother or sister did something to my hair because we were going somewhere nice. I'd always look in the mirror and think I looked incredibly stupid like that. And before you say it, no, I don't wish I had been a boy. I'm not a female to male transsexual. I'm not a butch lesbian. I've just always thought that me trying to look feminine was a stupid idea. It's just not me.
And so I just sorted floated along through life like that. The next big thing that I should probably mention would be my senior prom. Of course I had never had a boyfriend. I had friends who were boys but they were just friends. I'm sure a few of them would have wanted more but I think most understood I wasn't interested in them that way. But by now I was getting pressure from my family. I'd get asked (particularly by my mother and sister) if there were any boys I was interested in and when I'd invite someone over to the house. Just as a side note, I'm probably the only girl I can think of who was encouraged by her mother to date, get her ears pierced and wear makeup. I remember friends telling me of fights they had had with their parents over those issues and the parents always saying no as a way to keep their daughters under their control. I think my family eventually figured out there was something different about me and, because I had waited so long and never brought up the issues, started encouraging me to do those things. Anyway, back to the subject. I didn't go to my junior prom. No one asked and I wasn't interested anyway. But for my senior prom a friend asked me to go. Of course I wasn't really interested in going but I figured if I went it would maybe make my family happy. I made sure he understood that I was just going as a friend and he said that's all he had wanted. He was wanting to go but since he didn't have a girlfriend he thought we'd just go together as friends. Of course my family was excited about the news. And of course the deeper I got into it, the less I was. Let's start with the dress. As I've already explained, I hated anything feminine. I was not into clothes and certainly not into shopping. While I'm sure most of the girls at school had an adventure while picking out their dream dress, I was in a nightmare. I went to the mall with a friend to shop and I think she got a little mad at me because every time she pulled something out for either her or me and asked my opinion, I would usually just say "whatever" or "I don't know". The weekend before the prom my sister came home just to go shopping with me and my mother because I hadn't gotten one yet. Well, they finally picked one out for me. Then the day of the prom my mother sent my sister, a friend of mine and me to the salon for the day. I think my sister was there just to make sure I actually came back with my hair, makeup and nails done. Needless to say this was the most dressed up I had ever been and I wound up feeling like a complete idiot all night.
Fortunately it wasn't long after the prom that we graduated and no longer had to pretend that my friend was really my boyfriend. Off to college I went. Why? I'll never know. Actually I do know. Once again it was my parents. My sister had went to college and became a nurse. Just after graduating she married an engineer. Of course everyone wants to go to college. Everyone has to go to college to be successful. What they couldn't understand is that I didn't want to go to college. But of course I went. This was another huge mistake in my life. I took all those basic stupid courses that everyone needs to take the first year and wound up going into accounting my second year. While I suppose I had more freedom at college, I wasn't sure what to do with it. I still didn't want to date but at least since I was away from my family there wasn't the constant pressure to have a boyfriend. I remember doing a lot of walking back then. Whenever I wasn't in class (and sometimes when I was supposed to be as well) I'd usually be reading or out for a long walk. Could have been my old desire to be abducted by someone driving by in a van but it's probably more like I just didn't want to be around people. Needless to say, I didn't finish college.
So I went back home. Partly because I didn't have any money, partly because I wasn't sure what else to do in life. I knew what I didn't want to do. But for the few things I did want to do (becoming a slave of various sorts) wasn't listed in the help wanted ads (probably wouldn't have paid the rent anyway). Since I had a little office training, I got a job working for a small trucking company.
Life again just sort of plodded along for a few years. I was always trying to avoid my parents questions about when I was going to get a boyfriend, of course now the idea of marriage was in the picture. I don't think it was that they wanted me out of the house as much as it was they just wanted their daughter to be 'normal'. While my parents never mentioned it, my sister did bring up the idea of me being a lesbian a couple of times. I'm sure she was just the front for my mother and reported back to her.
Then after a couple of years, it happened. If you think that means that I met the man of my dreams and fell in love, clearly you haven't been paying attention that closely or you'd know me better than that. While it does involve me meeting a man, it's more like I was leaving work one day and my car wouldn't start. The man was one of the mechanics for the company. He got my car running and I thought that was the end of it. I saw him around after that but it wasn't until someone else in the office pointed out that he had the hots for me that I noticed it. I never was good at figuring those things out. After a while he asked me out and, mostly because I was tired of my parents asking, I accepted. While it was just casual dating, things eventually got out of hand. By that I mean he proposed. And in what I feel like was the worst mistake of my life, I accepted.
Just for a moment I'd like to say something in my own defense. There is a lot of pressure on women to get married. All our life's were told it's the most important day of our life and the older you get without being married, the more people wonder what's wrong with you. Apparently there are a lot of women who get married without really loving the man they marry so I wasn't alone. I've heard many women talk about why they got married to the man they did and one of the most common answers is "he was the only one asking". Sometimes it's the fear of being alone, in mine it was to get away from my parents and to appear more normal because marriage and family are supposed to be important to women. In the wake of that 'runaway bride' story I heard that 1 in 5 engagements never even makes it to the alter. After a few months one of them realizes it was a mistake and they call it off. But a lot of them go through with it. They see all the preparations that were made, all their family and friends already know, so how can they back out? That's why that woman ran and said she was abducted. I wish I had done that. Getting married to someone you don't love or for the wrong reason is far worse. At least I know I wasn't alone in it.
Anyway, back to my story. He was a nice guy and we had fun together. I suppose I hadn't noticed we had been dating for about 2 years when he proposed and I guess he thought that was the next step. If I said no I thought we'd stop dating and I didn't want to explain to my parents why we broke up, so I said yes. Planning for the wedding was like the prom only ten times worse. My mother, sister and bridesmaids were more concerned about my dress than I was. The hours we spent looking and to me they all looked the same after the first three. They'd keep asking me which one I liked better but it's like I couldn't tell a difference, they were all white. It was the same for everything from invitations to flowers. It didn't matter to me. I should have backed out but it kept getting harder as it went. And so one day I found myself married. And that day I would have been more excited to have been at home with a video or out mini golfing.
Once we were married I suppose I tried to be a wife. It probably would have been better if we just tried to be friendly roommates though. I suppose that everything was pretty much normal and life wasn't so bad. We took trips, we did things, we got along well. For a time we even did a little bit of bondage. I never let him know the extent of my fantasies but he'd tie me up and my mind could wander a bit.
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Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex.In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more...
LesbianMindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent. She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk. She planned on calling Damon...
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Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex. In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more than...
As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...
Group SexMindy and Me Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no "friend with benefits" in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba's grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...
Straight SexThe beat up old car chugged up the driveway with labored putters. Mindy peered through the windshield in awe as she soaked in the view. She had driven passed high gates that opened up to grand lawn filled with perfectly trimmed hedges that guided the path. Every few feet was met with an elegant hedge statue of figures in classical poses as if they were part of an old art painting. The path eventually circled a large fountain that was just before the front entrance. Here, the young blonde was...
Mindy Holmes: EpilogueMindy did find success in the corporate world. She rose to prominence quickly… first as a scholar with acknowledgements from many renown universities and intuitions that she had attended and then received degrees and citations of honors from… all proudly framed and displayed throughout her large corner office in the penthouse suites of her fathers corporation. She was the undisputed Second In Command and the heir to the kingdom when the appropriate time came. She was in...
It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just stepped out of the shower after sleeping late when the phone rang. “Hello!” I said. “Hi Mindy!” the voice on the other side said. I answered, “Oh, Hi Sherry! What’s up?” Sherry was my best friend. We can talk for hours about work, guys, shopping, clothes, parties, who got kicked off the model show, and too many other things to list. “Not much,” I said. “Maybe thinking about going to the mall. How about you?” “Want to crash a party tonight?” “Sure!...
It is a few weeks after Christmas and you get to be the fly on the wall as Mindy plays with her new Christmas present from her male parent!!! She decides to take some pictures to show her appreciation, but what subject would be suitable....? Become the fly on the wall in her bedroom before her male parental figure comes home from work and see what she has planned to share with him to express how pleased she is with his...
To all of you... To you frequent readers and contributors to xhamster… I owe you an apology for not following the examples I’ve noted in many of the posts on these pages… a sincere effort to record a fantasy or the memory of an event… and write about it in the best way possible for that contributing individual to express the pent up sexual arousal achieved by these memories or fantasies. I have enjoyed a stimulation or two from your stories… and applaud your sharing with any and all who would...
Mindy and Me Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no ‘friend with benefits’ in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba’s grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...
As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...
“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...
By : Issnet Hi, This is Abhi(24) from Hyd.Here I would like to share my experience with my elder sister priya(32). The story took place when i am 18 and my sis is 26 years of age. My family consists of me,mom, dad, bro and sis. Bro is studying in Bits pilani now.He did most of his schooling and inter in hostel only, so its me and sis who will be at home.I am very reserved person from my childhood, as a result i didn’t make many friends. I hardly have 2-3 friends.One day one of my friends...
IncestChapter Nineteen Splinters exploded as the bullet hit the wood beam, two feet above the gymnasium doors as Sofia ran after the girls into the large empty space, the sound of the men's running feet disappearing as the doors closed behind them. Four seconds she thought, four seconds to get these girls hidden, but where? Sofia looked left and right at the white painted walls, shadows and bands of light shining off the glossy surface from the skylights above looking like demons clawing...
19 year old gorgeous – regal, even – Cara, aka Kara Danvers, made her porn debut earlier with our friends over at ExCoGi, so today BA’s resident camera guy and smooth talker Troy doesn’t waste time rehashing a lot of personal questions. For Kara’s background, personal sexual history, and all the other good personality stuff, watch her ExCoGi scene first, and then come back here. Troy lets Kara believe that today will be much like her ExCoGi scene, “but with...
xmoviesforyouStaying up late to study 11pm. > Doing homework, stupid tiny dorm room. Only a few posters of hot babes on the wall, other than that, totally depressing. Everything is depressing when I’m studying or doing homework. > > Laptop right there on the desk next to my book, all I need to do is just move the mouse and the world is at my hands, I can go kill a few people, watch some porn or something funny, but no, I can’t, I have to finish this tonight. > At least my roommate is not here...
It's 24:00 am in the morning. The Hilton hotel in New York city is silent untill the sound of a key which is being inserted in the lock of a room breaks the silence. Two gorgeous women in their fourties, one brunette and one blonde enter the room.Rachel: I feel like a teenager again! I haven't had this much fan since....FOREVER!!!Cynthia: Don't you go out with your husband?Rachel: Business dinners with foreign businessmen aren't exactly the definition of fun and even these are rare. I've spent...
Mark held out a full day, but the longing to talk to Kara became unbearable. He called her shortly before noon on Sunday. "Hi Kara! How are you?" "Hi Mark! I'm... I'm what? I guess the word would be pre-occupied. I've been doing so much thinking about you. Ha! My studies have gone to the dog. I'm really happy Thanksgiving is coming up this week. It'll give me a chance to catch up." "Kara, can I buy you a present? We can drive to Southglenn Mall, grab a bite to eat, and then shop...
Women's Venom Chapter 3 I never thought I'd want to concentrate on doing random math problems for once. If anyone told you the mind is a plaything of the body, they're probably right. I don't know if girls are naturally this interested or if my sister's handiwork is really that potent. Come on, just work on problems from old lessons, and keep yourself occupied. A loud clack distracts me as Mr. Phearson drops the meter stick he was using to draw some shapes on the board for example...
MY MONDAY WAS JAMMED. I met Cary Randolph at the registrar’s office at SCU and he got me through in record time. Having an official escort when registering for classes was great. One of the courses we’d agreed on was already full and Cary had a signed permission slip from the instructor to allow me to register. We finished and went to the financial aid office to sign all the papers there. I realized right away that SCU was cheaper than PCAD. After registering, Sam Jacobson met us and we went...
– 41 years old immigrant MILF – She is half Ukraine and half Romanian – Has been in the US for 13 years – Moved here because she got married and wanted to stay – Decided to do this for adventure and good young cock – Has worked in the hospitality industry at hotels – Is also going to school for business administration – She can speak 5 different languages – Has a kinky fetish side to her and likes things to be a little freaky – Gets super wet when she is tied up or told what to do sexually –...
xmoviesforyouIt has been a tough time since He was laid off the day after thanksgiving. We were fighting like cats and dogs lately, and I was beginning to wonder if we would make it to Valentines day. It seemed every piece of mail or phone call caused Him to want to run away from the world, and Me to end up in tears. At night we dreamed of an island paradise where it stayed a balmy 70 degrees, surrounded by water, like a Jimmy Buffet song. I knew something had to be done soon. Valentines day was fast...
It took all my strength to sit up, only to be able to support myself by burying my face in my hands. Water…I always forget to keep water near my bed... I said to myself regretfully. A trip in to the kitchen now became a necessity. As I got up, I could also feel how sticky I was from last night. Chewy had spent some time licking our cum off my legs and ass, but the skin on my inner legs was very sticky. I also apparently slept naked last night but since I needed a shower, there was no use in...
“Clair why can’t I have a piece of ass” was such a simple question. It started an unexpected chain of events, it is all the chaos theory. Clair is my beautiful, alienated older sister. Clair is a classic sociopath with few human emotions or feelings. She is a promiscuous slut because she gets pleasure from sex. Now Clair was not your run of the mill High School Cheer Leader slut, she has some class and is slutty with a few selected guys. Clair is a classic California Girl, blonde, slender,...
I am a young guy studying at one of the prime location in mumbai. The story is about the interaction that took place between and my mom’s friend. I am young, good looking, a wel built average guy but surely energetic to satisfy anyone. Coming to the story.. It all began when I was in my 1st semester of graduation, let me tell you about the aunty before I start. She is the main character of this story. Her name is reema aunty . Her vital stats are 38-36-38. She has those beautiful round pair of...
It was nearly 1:00 am when I found myself stood alone on the platform. I took a deep inhale of my cigarette, holding it for a moment before exhaling slowly into the cold air. The smoke floated out above the tracks and was blown away as the train came screeching into the station. I staggered and stepped back. In my half-drunk state, I hadn't noticed the trains approach. I took another quick pull of my cigarette before flicking the rest off the platform. There was a soft ring as the doors...
InterracialI was walking home one day from school and was within a block of my house. I had gotten some money refunded by the school and had bought a wad of candy and couldn't eat it all before I got home. As I turned the corner to go home I stopped and wondered what I was going to do with all of this candy. There was a little house next to a bigger house that faced the street I just came down. It was vacant and hadn't been lived in for some time so I went to the screen door to see if it was open. ...
When I was 18 a senior in high school all of us guys talked about all the girls we had fucked and how much more we were getting than the next guy in reality I had never been laid except by mmy on hand. I was pretty sure my friend Tim had been laid but not as uch as he talked about. Tim's parents would go out of town on trips all the time leaing him and his older brother Dan alone. Dan was 20 and attended a local college rarely staying at home most of the time staying with friends. This...
Her gaze fell onto the wheels of her computer chair. The round blob of very dark gray plastic was covered by a thin hood, as if it were a real car tire that could throw up dirt. The color was supposed to be black, yet it was not nearly dark enough. Thousands of tiny little impurities in the surface kept the surface matte without reflection. Surely, this was the most boring thing to focus on. Yet, it provided peace and calm to follow the mechanical details of the chair. ‘Your friends don’t love...
Nasty Boy/Lovely Girl Part 2 By Wendy Wendy's punishment for the next two weeks was very intense. I could not begin to write a detailed synopsis of each and every event and humiliation which Wendy had to endure. But I will try to give the reader some of the high lights, or low lights from Wendy's perspective, which might be of most interest to the discerning and interested reader. The first events which I will recount...
it was a pleasant evening when i decided to meet up with my ex-bf for dinner. He fetch me from my office and we couldn't find a parking space when we arrive to the restaurant. So he suggested that we brought it back to his home for dinner. I was a little naive to agreed upon his request. When i arrive to his house, we spent our time in his home-office where he show some of his travel photo to me. Thing are working out fine for us, we chat, we laugh and we share some updates on our life after...
Chapter 1: We Get Married Melissa and I have been married now for over 10 years. Like most people, we have had our ups and downs as far as our relationship is concerned. We remain together because we love each other and it's where we belong. Melissa and I had met in high school and have been together ever since. She had never been with anyone else when I first took her there in the back seat of my car after a dance at the school. We were in love and in lust and I craved her hot, sexy body all...
Hello guys this is akshay thakur I am 25 years old 5’11 athletic body not heavily built and this is the first time I am writing on this platform about incident happened with me 8 months ago and since this is the first time please forgive the mistakes. I’ll be writing the story in english, hindi and marathi in between so that you can enjoy the story to fullest and you can also communicate your comments and suggestions on Now coming to the story, in 2015 I shifted to mumbai for my work this is...
Being in compulsory education I had the pleasure of seeing very attractive girls all around me. During my last year I started to be in the same class as a girl called Jennifer, who was, I kid you not, the hottest girl I had ever seen. Being in Sixth Form we didn't have to wear uniform so she often wore clothes that showed off her remarkable figure. On this particular day she was wearing a white laced top with a white vest top and a pair of tight skinny jeans. She had 32D breasts that bounced...
Straight SexDecember, 1812 One drawback of having the tenants reception on a Sunday after church was that Thomas had to go to church. He had been very busy the days before going over the records and the estate ledger with Mr. Conway, setting goals and allocating funds. He also took Mirabel into Guildford to have her measured for more clothes and other accessories which she would need. Mirabel of course protested against the expenses, but Thomas overruled her. If Mirabel was staying in Gibraltar, she...