CB&G-AO free porn video

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Kelly was jumping for joy on her bed, she was an almost 16 years old, long blond hair, petite body girl now measuring a b cup bra. 28, 18, 22, she was proud of her body standing some 163 cm tall. She found it funny that boys understood some imperial measurements and some metric. Her 17 years old brother was playing with his band in the garage and the music was very good. Dressed in just her new see thru pink panties and her new matching bra she walked into the bathroom. On the toilet was Keith, her brother’s Tony best friend. On seeing Kelly a girl he did have the hots for, he immediately got an erection.

He had just finished using the toilet and Kelly bouncing around pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet. Keith just stood there with his exposed hard on. Looking at her sexy body. Kelly reached out and started to stroke it. He stepped forward and Kelly, completely inexperienced open her mouth and licked the head. “Just suck like a lollipop please Kelly” Keith asked.

This Kelly did and was rewarded with a mouth full of cum. Kelly shook with the pleasure of Keith cumming into her mouth. She swallow the cum, keeping part within her mouth for taste. Keith bent forward and french kissed Kelly. He did like the taste of his own cum. Tony called Keith to hurry up. Keith said “Don’t tell, please, we will speak later.” Zip himself up and returned to the garage.

Kelly still sitting on the toilet, savoured the taste of Keith cum. She had heard other girls talk about giving head jobs to their boyfriends. At no time did anyone say the pleasure of the taste of cum was so delicious. Flushing the toilet she returned to her room closed the door and using the cum from her mouth she touched her sexy spot between her legs. She came within minutes and pushed the finger deep into her pussy. She wondered if Keith, a boy she liked, would let her suck him again. She decided to watch the boys play their music. She put on a slim short summer dress, one she knew the band boys liked her to wear as she often flashed her panties.

In the garage the boys were playing some Blue’s music. Then decided to play some classical rock and roll music from the 50’s. This had a nice beat and Kelly got up and danced to it. The door bell rang. Kelly answered it and three of her girlfriends, the same age came in. They went into the garage to dance to the music. They were of similar build. Angela had crop top on with a skirt and orange nickers. Kim a white tied blouse with no bra and tight white shorts. Wendy a dress like Kelly. They danced away to the music and sang to some of the 4 boys music. This went on for some 90 minutes. They boys were happy to play for the girls who were flashing nickers as they danced. Every boy had a hard on.

When the boys stop playing they all went to the kitchen for some drinks and biscuits. Around the dining table Kelly sat next to Keith. He asked “When do you girls turn 16 please”. Within two months they were all sixteen. Keith looked at the boys and got a shock as Kelly held his leg, touching his leg very close to his groin, “We could use use you as a backing choir, your voices sounded very nice and a dance group.” He looked at them all finally resting her eyes on Kelly.

They all said yes and then started on costume design. Tony stated we need to check the designs, remember you must be sexy but not rude. All four girls stood up looking at what they had on the ended up on crop top with no bra, the boys agreed. Tight bike pants shorts but short not knee length and a cover dress like Kelly had on so they could do quick change. They sat back on the table with Kelly again next to Keith and sneakily a grab at his leg/groin area smiling at him. He realised he had a chance with her. He put his hand over hers moving to his cock which she grabbed in joy.

The boys went back into the garage. Tony said remember they are an extra to the band and we have to look out for them. They, being boys discussed the sexy nature of the girls and their needs. Keith kept quiet smiling, He knew his choice and the other two boys did not pick Kelly because they did not want to upset Tony. Within 5 minutes each boy picked out the girl they wanted with Keith saying last, OK I will look after Kelly. OK Tony. He agreed as he wanted Angela.

They then broke away and the girls went into Kelly room to change into some of Kelly’s clothes. Even though the colours were all over the place they went back to the garage and paraded the dress look, then quickly stripped off their dresses to show the crop top/ shorts idea. All of the boys got a hard on with seeing the girls strip and the smallness of Kelly clothes. Really showing the girls assets. They applauded the idea. They boys went over to their choice of girl and the girls were happy with their partners including Keith. They looked over the girls and decided on a colour range. Kelly out of sight of Tony, got Keith to hold her boobs, he squeezed tightly and pushed her ass into him, he was showing he was hard for her. She smiled. Releasing her they turned around and agreed on a white shiny dress with a golden brown/yellow crop top/shorts.

The girls ran back to Kelly room and changed again for the boys back into their clothes but they chatted about their boy and what they did. Every girls did allow their boy to feel their boobs. Tony did manage to kiss Angela and she was so happy. Angela suggested if the boys could play at her birthday party as practice and they all agreed to get the boys to play at their 16th birthday. They now had four weeks to get their costumes together. Angela rang her mum and told her what was happening. Her mum was a private dress maker and asked the girls to come over.

Kelly ran into the garage and told Tony where the girls were going. Angela mum has agreed to make them. Also as she stood very close to Keith, asked if they could play at each girls birthday as practice. They boys all look at each other and agreed. Keith said “I/we will need to get together to get a song list guys and practice with our girls, Happy.” They all agreed. Kelly had in the mean time pressed her boobs into Keith arm and grabbed his ass. The boys did not notice but Keith did. He smiled at Kelly. I’ll come around tomorrow Tony and help set out the girls songs. They all agreed. Kelly went back to the girls and told them. They all agreed to be there tomorrow and left for Angela home.

That night Keith stayed over as his father could not drop him over in the morning. He would sleep in the spare room next to Kelly. She was in second heaven. That night Angela also came over so her mum had free time to sew their outfits. They sat in the garage on the bean bags listening to music. Tony was so busy with kissing Angela he did not realise Kelly had changed clothes to a loose top and skirt with no undies. As the music played on and Angela kept kissing Tony. Keith not only kissed Kelly but had a good feel of her boobs and when she grabbed his hand and placed it under her skirt the fingers found her honey pot. He rubbed her to her first male feel orgasm with fingers. After she had come some three times she turned and pulled out his cock. She sucked away and he quickly came into her mouth. He shot gallons, well he felt he did, into Kelly’s lovely mouth. Every drop was swallowed by her. He kissed her and got his tongue deep into Kelly mouth wanting to taste their juices. They kinds tidied themselves as the last song finished. Kelly parents came in calling bed time.

Keith went into the spare room, Tony to his. Angela went with Kelly into her room. They quickly stripped off and put on their dolly night clothes without undies. And quickly into bed before Kelly mum came in. They hugged each other softly talking about their boys. They both agreed they let them feel their boobs and Angela could feel his hard cock against her leg. Kelly agreed to each action but did not mention her pussy cum and head job. Each girl they played with each others pussy slowly inserting their fingers into each other pussy. They had done this before, but did not go through their hymen. They both came together rubbing tit to tit. They fell asleep in happiness dreaming it was their boy fingering them.

Keith was woken up around 5.30 with the feeling of a warm sexy mouth around his morning hard on, he realised it was Kelly. He laid there enjoying the feeling of her warm mouth sucking, licking and bouncing up and down his cock. He reached for her finding his hands went onto her bare ass. He put his hands under her to her stomach and lifted her body and pussy towards his mouth. Surprised as she did not have any panties on. He push out his tongue and it entered her pussy on the first shot. His tongue felt her hymen. He lick around inside of that warm juicy pussy. She came and flooded his tongue, mouth and face with her juice. This set him off and he shot his load into Kelly. They collapsed in mutual orgasms. Around 10 minutes Kelly left the sleeping Keith, covered him up and returned to her bedroom. She kissed Angela and fell asleep with the biggest smile she had ever had.

The alarm went off at 7.30, Angela could smell something on her lips. Looking at Kelly, who was still smiling, she asked “Why the big smile?”

“I dreamt I was in bed with Keith and he eat me out. Not only was the feeling of being with Keith fantastic, I must have come heaps.” she replied. In reality she knew she did enter his bed and sucked him off as well, Angela was really smelling the cum she left on her lips after she kissed her. They kissed and went to the bathroom for a shower. After dressing in crop top and a skirt with undies this time they went downstairs for breakfast. Kelly parents were in the dining room finishing their breakfast. They had to open the shop and would be returning around 5.30pm. They told the girls to let the boys sleep otherwise they would be grumpy all day. Kelly said “OK mum I will not play my ballet music loud!” they all laughed. They left for work knowing the girls were not involved with any boys. Ha. Ha.

The girls finished their breakfast, looking at each other Kelly said “Shall we wake our boys, and how?”

Angela blushed red “Can I get into bed with Tony, will you mind?”

Kelly smiled “Are you going to let him go all the way?”

Angela replied “No but I just want to feel him naked next to me.”

Kelly replied “How about a pack, we let our boys have us on our sixteen birthday, as a present for both of us and them?”

Angela smiled “Yes that sounds great. Come on lets get naked and wake them up. I might even wank off Tony.”

They rang to Kelly room and stripped off. They entered each boys room Angela climb into Tony bed. He woke as Angela was trying to take his PJ’s off. He smiled and assisted. He kissed her and grabbed her ass moving it so she was on top of him. Angela whispered “I’m still a virgin and I’m going to promise it to you on my 16th if you become my boyfriend.”

Tony looked and kissed her replying “Yes I want you as a girlfriend.” They kissed again. She sat up and rubbed her pussy along his cock. He ended up shooting all of his cum along their body. Angela, using her boobs rubbed the spunk all over his chest. He turned her around and started to eat her out. She was in heaven with his eating, licking, poking and came all over his face. She turned around and madly kissed Tony licking her juices from his mouth and lips. Suddenly she remembered the smell from this morning, she smiled. They stayed like this for some ten minutes just feeling and kissing.

In the meantime Kelly entered Keith bed and pulled back the covers. Keith was asleep and hard again. She sat on his chest and started to wank him very slowly. Leaning over she kissed the head of his cock and just licked around the head. With her other hand she reached for his balls and gently played with them. Keith woke again to the feeling of Kelly’s lips on his cock again. This time her pussy was almost in his face, and a beautiful sight it was. Placing his hands on her hips he pulled that pussy onto his face and rubbed his face into it. Kelly felt the action, for the pleasure she ended up deep throating Keith and had her nose deep within his ball sack. She stayed like this for some two minutes before coming up for air. She quickly gobbled his cock wanting his cum again. He did not disappoint. He shot another load into her mouth and down that throat. She screamed in pleasure, lucky it was muffled by Keith cock deep within her mouth. She collapsed on Keith. Keith then started his breakfast seconds by licking out Kelly pussy, clit and around her asshole. Kelly laid there exhausted and delirious with the pleasure Keith was doing to her body. Suddenly she came and again flooded his face and mouth with her juices. As Keith called his PJ. Meaning Pussy Juice. Keith turned her around and again kissed her deeply. They just laid there in bliss. Keith stirred again with her legs and pussy over his cock. Kelly said, like Angela, “If you become by boyfriend I will let you have my virginity on my 16th birthday.”

Keith replied “Hell yes Kelly, I’ve always loved you since I joined the band and wanted you as my girlfriend. I was not sure what Tony would be like though, me being with you. I do love you.”

Kelly hugged Keith “Yes we are now boyfriend/girlfriend and I don’t care what Tony says. Actually Tony has what he wants, Angela is in his bed now. But I don’t think she in to head jobs yet so don’t mention please. But I will do it to you any time, I love the taste of your cum sliding down my throat.” With that Keith got hard between Kelly legs she was rubbing it along her slit and he sent his third load of the morning onto Kelly’s ass. They both enjoyed the feeling and Kelly did have a small orgasm as well. She could feel the cum slowly running down the crack of her sexy ass. After some ten minutes they walked naked to the bathroom to shower. They dried each other then returned to the bedrooms to dress.

After hearing the shower Tony and Angela waited some ten minutes then also walked naked to the shower and enjoyed each other until the shower went cold. They quickly dried each other then dressed. Kelly and Angela smiled at each other whilst their man got some breakfast. They decided to have some more toast. At ten thirty the rest of the band and girls arrived. With the decision by the boys and the agreement of the girls they decided to practice after lunch. The girls went into Kelly’s bedroom and closed the door.

The girls all discussed their nights. They were all happy with the choice of band member. Neither Angela or Kelly mentioned what happened this morning other than the pack. The other girls agreed and form a plan for each boy at their sixteenth to be away and have their pleasure. Just for information all of the girls had a problem with their periods and were on the pill.

The boys all chatted about the girls and boasted about their pleasures however both Tony and Keith did not discuss this morning pleasures. They did mention the pack and did some arrangements for their girls to get laid. They then went on to discuss a plan for the parties. They agreed on a 6 play 5 break plan with the girls in 4 sets. They would have a go this afternoon. They then discussed the song choice with Keith reminding them they can use the set plan but needed different songs for each party and the same people would be attending. This made the planning harder but more interesting for their song base.

Angela mum rang at 11.30 saying the costumes are ready. Kelly told Tony where they were going. Arriving At Angela’s home her mother showed the girls the costumes. They loved it. Changing they tried on the clothes. Angela mum watched them as they paraded their costumes. The dresses which had a quick shoulder release revealed the crop top/shorts. Angela mum got a shock. It would appear her choice of the light gold fabric together with their suntan made the girls all look naked. The girls all loved it and insisted on keeping the colour. Angela mum objected and agreed to do another colour a shiny Gold. In the meantime they could use them for practice. This kept the girls happy. They returned to Kelly’s with a plan to show the boys this afternoon.

The boys and girls had lunch together with each boy sitting next to their girlfriend. Quite a few hands were below the table top including Angela and Kelly. Keith discussed the sets plan and had printed out a song and set list for the first gig at Jill’s Birthday. She was happy with the song list. They would practice the songs and sets this afternoon. The dress code was the girl would first show their chorus skills with some popular songs so the dress would be needed. Third set would be dance with dress, forth set dance in crop top, final set dance and chorus. Depends on location if cover dress is needed or crop tops/shorts. The girls all agreed. The music show would last 2.5 to 3 hours. With 4 breaks of background/classical music for rest periods which Keith and Tony would arrange. Keith asked Tony if he could stay over in need. Tony agreed if both parents agree. Kelly was hugging Keith’s hard on with the news. He almost cum with her grip.

Keith excused himself to go to toilet. Kelly followed a few seconds later but was not noticed as they boys were too bust smooching with their girls. Kelly ran to the bathroom just as Keith finished and twisted him around sinking to her knees, she swallowed his cock deep within her mouth. It took seconds for him to get hard and within a minute to shoot his cum into Kelly’s throat. She rubbed herself to an orgasm as well. As he finished he lifted her and deeply kissed and hugged her. He zipped up and watched Kelly sit on the toilet. He grabbed her boobs just to tease her. She smiled at him and kissed his shorts just where his semi hard cock was. He grabbed the toilet paper and wiped her pussy having a good feel at the same time. Kelly pulled her panties and shorts up. They kissed again and returned down stairs. They were not missed as the boys were too busy kissing and feeling their girls.

On Keith return Tony finally called practice time. The boys went to the garage, the girls to Kelly’s room to change and gossip about feeling their boys and the boys feeling their boobs in different ways. They all had hard nipples whilst they changed. They practice the way to remove their dresses to reveal their band clothes. In all other instances they would be facing the audience today they would use the band as their audience and watch their band member hard cocks make tents in their shorts.

The band call their first break and the girls joined them, They did their songs together with the happy birthday song. This sounded, according to Tony and Keith brilliant. Three of the girls did had song and dance lessons as younger kids. The third section involved the girls dancing and singing. Rest then the fourth. During the first dance song the girls turned to the band and stripped off their dresses. Well the song went into rapid silent with four boys looking with both of their eyes and cocks at what looked like four naked girls. They put their music instruments down and hugged their girlfriends. As they got closer the band members realised the colour of their material was really not appropriate for shows, practice yes show no. The girls laughed and hugged their partners. Boobs pointing out like the boys cocks hard. After a few minutes of feeling and hugs the band went back to practice watching the girls dance. With the other songs they did just short versions, during the dancing they did full songs, just to perv on the girls sexy boobs and tight camel toe shorts. After the 4th session the girls rested and had a drink. Today for the fifth and final section the girls danced and sang without their dresses. This time with their man and the so called stage area. Quite a few boobs were rubbed against their man. The last song, the last waltz was sung by the girls to the soft music as they played softer and softer. To no band music. The boys held their girls as they finished. The then hugged them in pleasure.

They all hugged and shouted for joy at the completion. Sexual tension was high, when the phone rang. Kelly answered it. It was Angela mum saying the new outfits were ready. Kelly did say the boys did agree with her about the colour, however the girls will use them for practice in lieu of the birthday night shows. Angela’s mum mentioned she would come over. Keith and Tony set up a quick overview to show.

At 5.30 Kelly parents, Keith father and Angela mum came over arriving within a minute of each other. Then followed by the parents of the other girls and boys. The girls invited them to see what they were doing. The band and the girls did a quick preview including the opening of their dresses for the dance part. All parents did state the music and routines was very good and agreed the material was not a good colour. Angela mum then showed the golden costumes. The girls ran to Kelly room and put it on and returned. They did look better for the shows, still revealing but not rude. The girls mentioned they would not waste the current one and would only use for practice here.

Keith and Angela did ask their parent if they could stay over for a few days to help with the planning of music and dance routines for the four birthday parties. And they were on school holidays. They discussed with Tony & Kelly parents who agreed. Keith and Angela parents kept talking and finding out they were both single parents. They swapped phone numbers.

That evening, at the suggestion of Kelly’s mum, they had a few KFC buckets together. The band and choir went back to the garage to listen to music and talk whilst the parents discussed their daughters birthday planning as they would all attend each other parties. They acted in good steed with their parents around. They did agree to practice each day until this Saturday when some people had other things to do. Basically they wanted to be with their girl.

The parents came in and asked “In lieu of 4 parties how would you like to have one large party at the community hall on the third birthday girl, that was Kelly. The hall is available that night. Talk about it and come out and see us shortly.” They left them to discuss. At this point every girl jumped on their boyfriends lap and they realised they have a few minutes to kiss, feel and cuddle time. Keith and Tony did agree but the girls agreed on the condition they could have a smaller dinner on their day with the boys. It was also discussed the pack the girls arranged and changed to allow Wendy to be a part. That is on Wendy night or the next day the boys could have their reward of each girls virginity. They all agreed. They went out to the lounge room and discussed the planning. It was agreed with all. Wendy did get her parents agreement to have a sleepover in their basement on her night. That room could be locked from the inside Wendy whispered. The parents did agree to each one having a smaller party on their actual day except Kelly with no more than 10 people.

The boys and girls went back to the garage and cuddled each other with wandering hands. Angela and Kelly were the happiest because their man was going to be available in the morning. Some 15 minutes later they separated and agreed to meet at 10.30 in the morning for show practice. The overnight planning was a band and choir name. They all said their good bye’s. Keith and Angela did notice their parent did take a while to drive away. They looked at each other and smiled. They too would like to see their parent happy.

The next morning Kelly and Angela got up when Kelly’s parents were getting ready for work. And sat in the lounge room discussing their party fashions. Five minutes after her parents left they returned to the bedroom stripped off and went to their man. This time they were ready for them being naked. Angela lay on top of Tony and got him to spunk between their bodies. They turned and Tony eat out Angela. She wanked off Tony and got a mouthful of spunk when he shot and she had the wrong angle. She did enjoy the taste and proceeded to lick his cock clean.

Kelly went straight for Keith’s cock and deep throated it. He tongue lashed her pussy and clit hard. She came at the same time he shot his cum into her. She turned and kissed him deeply letting his cum drip into his mouth. Again she held his cock between her legs and made him cum all over her bum. This time Keith rubbed the cum all over her ass and down her crease fingering her asshole from behind. She came again on the pleasure. He moved her up so he could chew on her boobs and managed to get a knuckle of a finger into her ass. She bounced in pleasure. Then collapsed on him.

About an hour later they all had a shower and met the others band and girls. The rehearsal went very will with some minor changes as they now only had one event. After lunch and by agreement each couple went to a different part of the house for kissing and cuddling session. Kelly went into Keith room, with Angela in Tony’s room. The other two stayed down stairs. A timer was set. Kelly did give Keith two head jobs whilst he gave her some 4 orgasms. The timer went off and the girls met in Kelly room, they boys started their first session music.

The girls all discussed how far they went with their man with Angela mentioning she gave a head job to Tony and his spunk tasted good. The others two did do hand jobs and finally Kelly admitted she does head jobs as well. As she stated the taste of Keith spunk is beautiful and she cannot get enough of the nectar. The other two agreed to try with their men tomorrow. Each boy did give their girls at least two orgasms. On hearing the music stop they went down and joined their guys for drinks and kisses.

They practice their singing and dance routines with the boys. Sitting around after three hours playing they discussed a band name. They came up with CB&G. After checking it out it was not used and is unique. The boys and girls parents came around 4.30 and picked them up. Tony and Keith put on some soft interlude music and grabbed their girls on to the bean bags. They kiss cuddled and Kelly managed another head job on Keith. Before their parents came home.

After dinner Keith rang his dad. No reply. He thought he would be working back. Angela rang her mum also no reply. As they had their partners they did not worry any further. They spent the night kissing cuddling and testing different interlude music after some three hours they had two of the sessions agreed upon. They did not work too hard to string out their staying over.

Tonight after Kelly mum said good night Kelly pulled the covers back and attempted to eat Angela pussy. She ended up grabbing the pillow and screamed in pleasure almost crushing Kelly head when she came. Kelly came up and kissed Angela with the pleasure of making her cum. She also came as she played with herself as she eat Angela. They fell asleep happy.

Kelly left Angela sleep as she got up with her parents. They breakfast together with Kelly very happy she is enjoying her brother company now they have music and dance in common. Tony is allowing her to do the dance routines whilst he and Keith pick out the songs for the singing routines in conjunction with the other girls. They did agree on a band choir name of CB&G. It should be an exciting joint birthday party. Only 5 weeks to go. Dad mentioned he was a bit worried about them wearing the practice costume outside. Kelly stated the girls all agreed it was too risky to be out with it. He was happy with her reply. He also asked Kelly to get the full names of all of the boys and girls for insurance reasons. Kelly looked at her dad. He replied it’s just an adult thing we have to worry about. She agreed to do it. At 8.30 they left to open the shop.

At 8.31 she was in bed naked with Keith giving him his first head job of the day. He quickly shot into her wanting mouth. Keith then rolled her over and eat her pussy from the back. She screamed into his pillow when her rubbed her clit, tongued her pussy and inserted a finger into her ass. He tried two fingers but it hurt Kelly to much so he stopped. This time he laid on top of Kelly with his hard cock along their stomach. Kelly reached in and rubbed it. He lifted slightly so it was easier to rub him Then he shot up her body he fell onto her and kept shooting between them. They both enjoyed the feeling of cum between them. They kissed and hugged each other and rubbed the cum between each other. Keith moved up and covered her boobs with his cum then moved down and started to lick and chew her boobs. She squeezed his semi hard cock between her legs trying to make it hard again.

In the meantime Angela had moved into Tony’s room just after Kelly got up. Very quietly she wanked Tony and just before he shot she placed her hot mouth over his cock head. He pushed his cock further into her mouth and shot his load. She felt the first shot and swallowed. She kept swallowing until he finished shooting. She licked the head of his cock clean savouring the taste. Like Kelly she enjoyed the taste of cum. Tony moved Angela to eat her pussy pushing his tongue into it. The method from Tony and Kelly was different but both exciting She grabbed his pillow and screamed in pleasure. Tony held and kissed Angela with the pleasure of his first ever head job. They fell asleep in pleasure holding each other.

Kelly managed to get Keith hard and rolled him over she moved down his body and sucked his hard on. She stayed suckling, licking and kissing the head of his cock when he shot for the third time this morning. Kelly savoured every drop. Keith fell asleep with Kelly having his cock in her mouth. Kelly fell asleep sucking on her treasure.

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Hi all! This is Raju again with a new story. I am married for more than 2 years now and is a proud father. Last year, I took my wife on a trip to an island. She is very innocent and conservative. She never agrees to wear modern clothing. But as per my request, she agreed to do it this time as our trip was outside our country’s border. So once we reached there, we refreshed ourselves and went for a long walk along the coastal area. As per my request, my wife wore a short navy blue skirt and a...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 26 Flying High

Sunday November 6 After brunch with my family, I drove to the airport to take my first flying lesson. On Friday I’d passed my written exam. All I had to do now was to pass the practical portion of the training to get my license. I was excited to get started. When I entered the flight school, it was empty, it being a Sunday afternoon. I found Roy Tyro, the owner, in his office drinking coffee and doing something on his computer. “You ready to get started?” “Yes, sir.” He grabbed a...

4 years ago
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Bound for Pleasure

It was on one such occasion that the subject of bondage came up. She mentioned that she had always thought it might be fun to try. He said that it was and would enjoy teaching her. He hinted at all the things he might do to her helpless body and eventually got the response he desired; the waiver of her voice as a shiver ran through her body. He spent a good deal of time finding all the things he would need to make this an experience she would never forget. A soft nylon rope,...

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YOU WIN ELF Revised story list

Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. YOU WIN, ELF It is evening in late July. I am watching television in the common room along with several of the older students at the School. The movie is “Water for Elephants”, which takes place in a circus during the Great Depression. I am totally engrossed in the action, fascinated by this view of what an American circus was like in those...

4 years ago
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Mom Has a SecretChapter 4

"Your stuff is ready." Mother declared after checking the contents of the my father's attaché-case. "Rohan will drop you at the station." "Don't trouble him." My father was ready to leave. "I'll take a taxi." "No..."Mother was insistent. She said firmly. "He'll drop you." "Okay ... okay. " Dad surrendered. "As you say." I picked his attaché-case, carried it to the garage and dropped it on the back seat of the car. Then I started the car and brought it into the portico....

2 years ago
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Fraudsters Punished 3 Saturday Entertainment

Chapter 12. More Saturday entertainmentPutting and extra cushion on her chair, Margaret tentatively sat down and fired up the computer. While it went through the start-up sequence she thought again on the happenings of yesterday. She knew she would view the writings in the diary in a different light. She knew now, Jeremy had only hit her comparatively lightly and her arse was only tender, not bruised or welted except for some quite fine lines, and there were no open cuts. The ones from his last...

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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 18

It was late when we arrived downstairs. Tina and Aleksy were sitting at the table, empty plates before them and the scent of Eggs and Bacon still hanging in the air. "Wondered when you two would get down." She looked up at Bella. I see you found the clothes I sneaked into Daniel's room." "Yes. Thank you, Tina." Emma came in, having sensed that more hungry stomachs needed feeding. She looked at Bella and shouted for Gerry who rushed in. She looked at Bella and then back to Emma....

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Gianna Dior Hime Marie How To Fuck Your Step Sisters

Oliver Flynn has two hot stepsisters, but he’s figured out a formula for how to get into both of their pants. He even made a video on how to do it so his viewers could learn from his method. Oliver claims that there are three easy steps. First, win their trust. Second, start a rumor. Third, strike. Oliver executed the trust step by putting suntan lotion on both girls as they sunbathed, offering them snacks, and more. The rumor he started was that his dick is big, which encouraged his...

1 year ago
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My Reunion

Note : This story is completely fictional! Bill, my brother and I spent almost a year fucking each other. But as we got older we stopped playing with each other. I moved from Jersey to the west coast. We both married and went on with life. I am lucky my husband lets me be a slut and we have had a lot of fun, although he doesn’t know about my brother and me. My brother and I talk on the phone a couple times a month he has a couple of kids and now lives in Pennsylvania. Bill and his wife divorced...

4 years ago
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Sleight of Hand7 Songbird

I had business to conduct before we could leave. The first order was the burial of Jules/Julia. If I remembered the Damsel Rule Book correctly, a damsel who died and was buried on Chaos was returned to Cassandra. I hoped so. Otherwise, I would want to take her body with me to the bank vault. We were a somber group that returned to the Inn. Ariel continued to weep and Lisa whispered to me that she was still in pain. I wanted to wrap up the business as quickly as possible. I had five horses...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 05

© 2011 All Rights Reserved Author’s Note: Thanks again to my beta readers and to estragon for copy editing. Ryan gave herself a mental shake as she got her guitar out. It was Saturday, and in seven days, they’d be headlining at the 9:30 Club. She thought she must be excited, she kept telling herself the butterflies in her stomach meant she was excited. She chatted with Lara and Mitch as they got ready. Nate came in a few minutes later, and Ryan was surprised not to see Jason with him. Mitch...

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FapHouse BDSM

So let me get this straight, moron, you're not the same person who has been flocking to my website looking for blowjob porn, passionate and romantic porn – the most vanilla smut in our world. Now I am supposed to take you as the master of the domain. You have become a crazy sex freak who tends towards life's bizarre and kinky side. It is what it is. BDSM is kinky and requires you not to be fainthearted to like it. Getting turned on when others are getting subjected to painful experiences is...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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I invited you over for what appeared to be some business talk Helen finally found the time to test her new slave Lisa. They had spoken on the phone and Helen had at last got the impression that Lisa was capable and willing enough to spend her life in the confines of a small room that was her dungeon and her cell. Over the last few weeks Lisa completed all sorts of tasks for her mistress, humiliating ones, painful ones and a challenging one: to rub herself at least three times a day...

3 years ago
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Racial SwapNightChapter 6

Alyce had not wanted to wait up for Eddie but she could not sleep and the sleeping pill she had taken the other night made her feel so groggy the next day that she did not want to go through that again. She tossed and turned and tossed so more, every few moments looking at the clock which seemed almost to have stopped, time was going so slowly. Finally at 5AM when she could see a little bit of daylight beginning to filter through the bedroom drapes, she heard him. She was too distraught for a...

3 years ago
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Starship Transient

[Authors Note: Remember to customize the first names/nicknames of your crew, check the Guidelines on page 2 thread, and go to the forums to Story Feedback for discussion and questions, if you want. "Author's Note" will be at the top for the main threads and it starts with "Alcubierre Starship Model" on page 2.] The only technologically advanced, and now a trans-planetary species, in all of known space has conquered The Milky Way Galaxy, so to speak. The vast majority of known habitable star...

2 years ago
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Carolyns Photoshoot Fuck

I’ve been happily married to my husband Mark for over thirty-six years, and during that time I’ve had a wide variety of sex with hundreds of men, including getting fucked, sucking cocks, DPs, gangbangs and more. I’ve always been proud of the fact that despite all that sex, I’ve never done anything with another guy unless Mark was there to enjoy the show or participate.This story is about the one and only occasion when I did start something with another guy on my own. However, Mark did...

Wife Lovers
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Sex Ed 101

The second night home I had came back to my parent's house where I had stayed when on break. I had just been out at a local club and managed to catch up with one of the old flames and ended up back at her place. It was pretty late when I finally got home so I was respectfully quiet as to not wake up the house. Well after inside, there was no need for real quiet as my baby sister, then a senior in high school, was having slumber party with about four or five of her friends. My parents had...

1 year ago
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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 29 Dinner and a movie Robin style

The buzzer sounded and the girls spent the next couple of minutes preparing their platters of snacks, being very careful to not burn their naked skin - so much of it was on display. Robin may be quite used to doing everyday tasks without clothing on, but Amber found the whole exercise quite stimulating. Even if she was not the most exhibitionist of people (though that appeared to be changing), her voyeuristic desires were being well stoked just by these everyday activities. Not to mention the...

4 years ago
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Asian Sleepover

“I won’t,” yelled John as he ran towards his friend’s house, he was 15 years old at 5’10” 130 pound frame with white skin and brown hair. John approached the front door and knocked. His friend’s mother answered the door. She was 35 years old and about 5’4” and about 100 pounds, I couldn’t believe her husband would divorce her. She had a knockout frame with long, shapely legs leading up to a full, round ass. All of this was accented by her pretty, little Asian face framed by long, black hair...

3 years ago
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Yesterdays Panties Part 2

Yesterday's Panties - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - From Yesterday's Panties- Part 1: Tabitha took her hand and put it on my left breast and began to massage it. She pinched my nipple and looked longingly in my eyes. "Maybe you could start sharing bras with me too, then," she asked as she pinched harder and sent a shock of excitement through me. "Baby, I don't think I have the parts that it takes to fill out your bra. ...

2 years ago
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greyhound suprize

I had been on the bus for about four hours already with another four or so to go. I was on an overnight Grey Hound heading to San Diego out of Seattle. Everyone on the bus seemed to be asleep accept for just a few of us. What could you say? It was three something in the morning. I was one of the lucky one and had a seat all to myself. There was one other person riding that way and it just so happened that I had had my eye on her since Sacramento. Not a cover model but still good to look at....

3 years ago
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Sorry Daddy

I've always loved my Dad a lot, but ever since I started dating he became very strict. It's like a switch was flicked off inside him and he became a lot harder and controlling.If he knew I was going out on a date he'd give me a strict curfew. In the middle of what was generally a harmless date, he'd call and ask me a million questions. He'd always be waiting for me when I got home, and almost always HAD to meet the guy before I left.Soon, though, it became too much and I began just lying about...

1 year ago
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Private Veronica Leal Katrina Moreno Gonzo Anal Threesome

Today in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 we bring you the sexy Latinas Verónica Leal and Katrina Moreno, a spicy duo with big tits and asses who have come to www.private.com to take on stud Nick Moreno in a scene of true private class, gonzo style! Watch these babes show off their incredible bodies as they get down and dirty with some quality deepthroat ass to mouth action before enjoying a spectacular anal threesome that has them taking turns fucking and screaming all the way to...

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I Lost My Virginity To My Maths Tuition Sir

Hi friends, naan jamila naan padikum pothu kidaitha muthal s ex anubavam thaan idhu pls do comments at Naan ippo 1st year college padichitti irukken idhu ennoda school lifela nadanthathu naan maths subjectla knjam week so tution poga plan pannen so enga area sisters kuda tution ponen adhu enga sir oda veedu thaan eve 4 to 8 padipom saturday special tution undu Enakku sex la neraiya aarvam undu aana adha avlova velipaduthinathilla adha velipadutha oru naal kidachathu oru saturday class ku...

2 years ago
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Poetic Stimulation

This story is dedicated to the curvy, voluptuous women who will always be loved, while I was inspired by a woman in particular, I was also inspired by a song from Isaac Hayes, “The Look of Love”, respectively ©1973. However, I dedicate this to the curvaceous, the confident, and the lovely voluptuous women in the world. Cindy was a caring, warm-hearted woman who just got out of a bad relationship with a man of four years. She cooked, cleaned, and worked two jobs just to keep him happy. A...

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Stepdaughter surprise

Today, as I was sitting at my computer in my home office jerking off to live cams on xHamster, my stepdaughter walked around the corner and saw me in all my glory. She is 21 and is staying with us for a few days while she looks for a new apartment and in the morning walks around the house clad only in panties and a t shirt. She usually sleeps late so I thought I could get a few minutes of jerking off to xHamster. As I was saying, she saw with with my dick in my hand and as I stammered and tried...

3 years ago
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Weekend with the Twins

My parents divorced when I was fourteen. My mom married the guy she had been running around with, and they moved north. Because they needed time to get to know each other and didn't need a rebellious teenager, my parents decided it would be best for me to stay with my dad.My dad and I had always gotten along great, so I had no problem staying with him. Besides, I was in the same house with my same room and could still hangout with the same friends from the same school. It honestly didn't feel...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 2

Dinner was surprisingly normal. I wasn’t sure what I had expected. Maybe for my wife to come home and immediately realize that I had been screwing my stepdaughter all afternoon. Maybe for her to notice that something was different about me: that I had a silent, unspoken air of confidence or something. But no, Barbara clicked into the house on her high heels — late, she’d been working late a lot recently — wearing her tight little pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse, looking like a million...

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ZebraGirls Karlee Grey Nia Nacci 05022020

Nothing like a woman’s touch. Nia was Karlee’s masseuse for a long time. Until one day she finally crossed the line. Who can blame her…having to rub and caress Karlee’s naked body, spreading oil all over her voluptuous tits and her beautiful round ass, must have been torture. Well, Karlee actually enjoyed every second of it, but wasn’t ready to cross that line yet either. When Nia slid her hands between Karlee’s thighs and began to softly caress...

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Jilnar Jardalys XRated Live TV

Hi guys,I remember my favourite news day...During the bulletin we had a guest come into the studio to do a live interview. I've always had a weakness for black men and their huge, thick, long, hard cocks so imagine my excitement when the guest turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous big black stud!I tried to stay focused and keep my questions on the subject but all I could think about was how much I wanted to see, feel, taste and ride his big black cock. My hungry pussy ached for it and was...

2 years ago
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A Chance Reunion

It had been 5 years since I graduated from high school, and that long since I had been back to my old hometown. A lot had changed in those years. The town was bigger with new buildings everywhere. I had changed a great deal also. When I graduated I had been 5’7′ and 120 pounds. The only thing that got me noticed in school was my singing voice. For such a skinny kid I had been blessed with a rich baritone voice. But that was nowhere near enough to get me in with the ‘in crowd’. Off I went to...

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Eerie Saloon Seasons of Change Spring part 4 of 13

Eerie Salon: Seasons of Change - Spring By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson © 2014 Sunday, April 21, 1872 "Arnoldo," Teresa hissed, "you are walking too fast." Her mother was holding onto her right arm, as they walked. "I am sorry, Mama." She slowed her pace. "Is this better?" "Si, fine." The woman smiled. "I suppose that I should be happy that you are in such a hurry to get to church." "I'm just happy that I don't...

1 year ago
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Screwed My Maid With No Mercy 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, this is my first sex story so please bare with me My maid is a sexy busty slut with big boobs and sexy plum ass. She is a horny widow. She used to work in my house when I was 12. She used to do all her work with neatness and was very hygienic. I was very much dependent on her and she used to to all my work. She used to teach in a school and also stayed in a servants quarter in my house. I was very fond of her since 12. After hitting puberty, I started lusting for her. She was...

1 year ago
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Zaryab And Adnan Ki Sexy Kahani Gay Sex Story

Adnan ko mein koi ek saal sey jaanta hoon…..wo koi 18-20 saal ka bara chikna launda tha…..6feet ka lamba slim aur muskarahut yau ghazub ki….jiski missal nahii…wo Toronto -Canada shayed refujee status pe aaya tha….aur ek apartment building mein 3 Pathan key saath raheta tha….usskey saatiyoon mein uski jo sub se ziada madad ki uska naam Zahin Khan jo taxi driver bhi hai….aur shayed koi 40 saal ka hooga…isska room mate tha… Waise daikhney mein Adnan bara chikna…aur ager kissi larki ke kapde...

1 year ago
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Little Dove

By Beagle9690 January 2008 We had just returned home from the Gun Smoke after spending a wonderful evening of dining and dancing with our friends Adam and Rose. Laura loves to dance, and although I am a fair dancer as the result of her help, it is my little dove that shines at this endeavor. Laura makes me look better than I actually am. After a night of dancing, Laura is shall we say… stimulated…..no, make that romantically inclined. Our lovemaking is quite special afterward, and we...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 02

I didn’t set the alarm clock for Monday morning, I simply let the autumn sunshine gently wake me. The coffee was waiting, I gathered up the morning paper which had been deposited at my door and plopped on the sofa to dwell over it and the rest of the pot of coffee. As my mantel clock struck 9:00, I realized it was time to get ready for my luncheon with Mr. Emerly. The magazine people were anxious to see the story and I hoped I could finish the interview this afternoon and polish off the...

2 years ago
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BonnieChapter 2

The motel the cabbie delivered me to was no Holliday Inn but it looked clean and well cared for. I added a five-dollar tip to the tab. I checked in and paid for one night in a single. As soon as the door closed behind me, I unlocked the padlock to lift Bonnie out or her escape pod and sat her on the bed. "Are you OK? I'll bet it was stuffy in there." She made a little 'coo' sound and crawled up into my arms for a hug. I sat on the bed and held her, rocking back and forth like I was...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 95 Profs Degree Bombshell

Friday, April 22, 2005 (Continued) On the way to the shower, Pat asked, "How come Julia has three robes in her closet?" For a panic-filled second I thought Carol's and my incest had been caught through circumstantial evidence, but then I realized we were safe. Phew. I answered, "This one's mine, and you two are wearing Julia's and Carol's. Julia's is the short one, of course." "Oh, does Carol sleep here sometimes too?" There'd been a comment that I'd nearly made earlier, but...

3 years ago
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Two SistersChapter 10 Feasting at the Garden

Sue spoke first, "Oh, Alice, that was so wonderful. Will we ever be able to experience anything like it again?" "I don't know, Sue. We can sure hope so." "I hate to get up, but we can't stay like this forever," Alice finally said and rolled gently off of her sister. "Besides I must have crushed you, didn't I?" "Hardly. You were like a feather. A very sexy feather," she laughed in response. But when Alice sat up she realized that after a whole day of passion and no food, one...

1 year ago
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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Fifteen Angelic Lusts

Chapter 15: Angelic Lusts by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Damien D'Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire's throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust's office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien's blackened soul. His wife's every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart....

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Wills new old home Part 8

Introduction: the plot advances as Pierce and Will witness Rachel drop the ball about Mark and the woman in the restaurant, Lynn and tells her dad that shes a Lesbian and Brook devises a plan to get rid of Amy lewis That night Haley called Brook on her cell phone. Hello? Brook, i have to tell you something What? Brook asked. Its something bad, and I need your help Well what is it? Its Pierce and Will. Ms. Lewis makes them come in early everyday or stay late, and she-uh-she makes them do...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Flight Book 1Chapter 4

"What does that mean for us arriving in Philadelphia today," Pam asked as she hurried back into her seat. Turning toward both girls I tried to smile as I told them, "I won't bullshit you. Based on past experiences with various airlines, it means they are going to find an airport that can handle the needed repairs just before we run out of fuel. What he did not say was that we will most likely end up landing at a small airport in the middle of nowhere. By the time we are on the ground the...

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Morning LightChapter 18

"I can't decide what to wear," Jennifer said to Jimmy as she walked into his bedroom. "What do you think of this outfit?" Jennifer had on a pair of tight green capri pants and a short sleeved V-neck sweater. The pants molded to her like a second skin and the top showed a good amount of cleavage. She also had on a pair of high-heeled sandals. "You look great mom," Jimmy said honestly. "But I think you look great in anything or... nothing." Jimmy stood up and pulled his mother into...

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BangBus Eliana Rose Low Key Freak Hops on The Bus

The bus don’t stop. We stay lurking boy. We have our eyes glued to the streets, searching for some desperate chicks. All we do is drive around the city carrying a stack of cash to flash in front of these money hungry hoes. This week we creeped up on this hottie walking home from a job interview. We talked to her about some bullshit fake sketch show and got her to hop on. inside the bus, she turned easy real quick. Our boy Derrick Ferrari was the one in charged of dicking this girl down, and...

4 years ago
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Dont Use Moms Panties 811

I went into my bedroom and quietly shut the door. I dropped my robe to the floor right there and went at it. My pussy was so hot and wet. Have you ever been so turned on that you can feel the pulse of your heart beating in your pussy? I was so swollen and aroused it was like every pump of my heart was sending the blood to my pussy lips. I went to the floor and lay down on my back, spreading my legs wide. The nightgown was short enough that I only had to brush it out of the way to get my...

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Fist time Bisexual experience

I can't believe that I, the consummate heterosexual male, am writing to you about something that I never would have thought even remotely possible.I am married (happily) and enjoy a great sex life with my wonderful wife. We do all the "normal" sexy things that two people of the opposite sex can do together. We have even gone so far as to have sex in the car while driving (oral only, thank you), and had intercourse in a public park at night, and a few other risky activities, but never in my...

1 year ago
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Little Miss Love

LITTLE MISS LOVE (You give her a name.)[The author does not condone sex with minors. If there is a problem with age, this can be corrected asap, so please don't be in a hurry to mark it for deletion. This story has not been proofread, so please ignore spelling and grammar errors. I was typing with one hand (you know why) so, kindly report any inconsistencies and they shall be corrected.]She lived a few blocks from my house. My house is enclosed with a fenced garden and a path leading up to the...

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