Lovey came with me
- 2 years ago
- 46
- 0
He took a sip of water and pressed on with the questioning. “So, Cristal, what is your earliest memory of a bad experience?”
She wasn’t entirely sure why she needed these interviews, or even why she was being put forward for promotion. Sure, she could program computers in her sleep, it was that easy, but she was happy with that. She loved algorithms and she wasn’t looking for anything more.
She looked at the top of his head, then at the plain white wall opposite. “Oh, that’s difficult. Let me think. Yes, I think I was running towards my Dad who was tickling my favourite bear which was in my pushchair, but I fell and knocked the pushchair over and cut my head. I remember my Mum screamed and picked me up, and I cried and cried, but my Dad kissed me on the forehead and I stopped.”
“Interesting, Cristal,” Marlau muttered, not looking up.
“And your bear?”
“My bear... oh yes, my bear. He fell out of the pushchair and into a…”
“Muddy puddle?” Marlau finished her sentence.
“Yes”, Cristal replied, a confused look passing across her face. Marlau laughed and looked at his watch.
“Children’s toys, eh! They always end up in the mud! So look, that’s it for today, honey, they are shutting up early today. You’re doing well!”
“Oh, now! My transporter isn’t booked for another thirty minutes. Is there somewhere I can wait?”
“Don’t make me laugh! You must have noticed the state of this zone when you arrived! A girl like you doesn’t want to be waiting anywhere round here! Look, you’re a sweet kid and I always have one for the road so let me buy you a drink, the bar on the next block isn’t the worst in the neighbourhood.”
“I don’t want to impose.”
“It’s no imposition, you’re way too polite for your own good, you’ve made my job nice and easy today so I reckon you deserve a drink.”
Cristal smiled. The thing was, she really liked Marlau because he was so direct and just said it how it was. She hated creepy guys and bullshitters. He also had a calm and confident demeanour and a very dry sense of humour. However, there was also this sparkle in his eyes that on the few times when he had looked directly at her, had made her feel a warm glow like there was some kind of connection between them. She found herself agreeing slightly too readily.
It was early evening and like most streets in the Tech District there were already two prostitutes, Proformas she assumed, hanging around in their short skirts and heavy makeup. The bar was opposite a small Aiform modding shop whose garish window was full of disembodied body parts arranged in a macabre jumble. Cristal averted her gaze. She had heard of these places, where people could get their A.I. units ’upgraded’ both physically and mentally. It was all a little too close to home for her and brought the secret she kept to the fore, making her feel very uneasy. She was thankful when they crossed the street.
The bar was run down and extremely seedy; it had not seen a paintbrush for decades. The window blinds were torn and filthy with dust, and it had a stale smell that was bearably unpleasant and impossible to describe. Cristal felt her feet sticking to the floor as Marlau guided her to a small table in the corner.
“I know it’s a shit hole, but trust me, it’s the best shit hole round here and…” He noticed Cristal warily studying the chair. “It’s OK, the seats ain’t sticky, they wipe ‘em down when they do the tables. Hey Joe, two mojitos over here.”
Cristal relaxed, pulled out the chair and sat down slightly to the side, flattening her short polka dot dress and crossing her legs in a way that Marlau could see them properly. The barman brought over the drinks.
Marlau was almost certain that Cristal was his target, but was struggling to maintain his distance and not be too entranced by her seductive smile, beautiful green eyes and intoxicating innocence. As she talked about more of her memories, she felt Marlau looked disengaged and was afraid she was boring him, but then his phone vibrated on the table making her jump.
“Hey, hold on there, darling, I just got to get this,” he said and, leaving Cristal at the table looking very uncomfortable, he walked over to the door where he took the call.
“I’ve finished for the day, what do you want?”
“Calm down, Marlau. The captain wants to know if we’ve got one. He’s just short of his target for this month.”
“Sorry to piss on his parade, but no, that girl is a bit fucked up but she ain’t on our list.”
“Damn it, Marlau, you seemed really keen to take this one. I thought she was a cert. I told the Captain as much!”
“I can fake it for you, I doubt anyone would miss her.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Good, just fooling with you. When you pass over the next case, please make it a good one. I hate these dead enders, but hey, I almost forgot, I need to take a few days off. Something I have to deal with. Is that OK?”
“Sure, call me when you’re back, you’ve not had a break for an age. Good work, by the way. We can’t ever afford to slip up, it would be a nightmare.”
“Thanks, lieutenant! And can you get her ID properly sorted. She’s a nice girl.”
“I’ve just approved the ID. She’ll be cleared by the morning. You can tell her over breakfast.”
"Very funny!"
He hung up and Marlau returned to Cristal who was looking at her watch.
“My transporter will be here soon,” she sighed, “Shall I turn up at the same time tomorrow?”
“That’s up to you babe,” Marlau replied nonchalantly, “we could carry on now and maybe wrap it all up this evening, or you can come back for some more tedious grilling tomorrow. I don’t think it would take long. I’ve got almost everything I need for my report. Maybe an hour or two.”
“Oh”, Cristal said, slightly surprised at the offer which she felt was probably inappropriate and should be declined immediately. Inside she felt flattered and intrigued at the modus-operandi of this rather strange freelance psychological assessor who she guessed must be very good at poker as he gave nothing away emotionally.
“OK, I can always use a free day. Let me cancel the transporter.”
“Good, let’s finish up here. My apartment is only ten minutes away. We’ll have a bit of privacy there.”
“Your apartment?”
Cristal was taken aback by the forwardness of this man, Marlau, but it had been a long time since anyone had taken an interest in her. In fact, it felt like forever, and she really liked him. She couldn’t work out how this was even slightly professional, but the mojito had been strong and was doing a great job of numbing those doubting thoughts.
“Sure, my apartment. It’s a nice place. I keep it real clean and tidy, It’s way better than that dungeon of a room they had us in back there.”
“OK.” Cristal agreed. She seemed to be finding it hard not to agree with him.
Marlau pushed open the door to the living room with his foot allowing Cristal in first. The floor to ceiling windows gave the impression that the room was floating in air and the bright lights of the commercial district cast strange shadows across the Scandinavian themed furniture as a delivery drone throbbed past the window.
She looked around. The room was open plan, with the bedroom to one side and a bathroom on the other, but while she was admiring his taste in furniture, she felt two hands around her waist pulling her backwards into a warm embrace, lips and stubble grazing her neck, then hands on her petite breasts, squeezing tenderly.
Cristal was shocked but felt herself immobilised. She knew he was confident and that he knew what he wanted, but she was not expecting him to come on quite so strong. He turned her to face him and held her head in his hands. Their eyes met. Oh those eyes, she thought, melting at once. They were the eyes of an angel, not this demon who seemed to set her senses on fire with his flaming lust.
She groaned, and their lips met. There was no opportunity for words as their lips pressed hungrily together and their tongues roamed, seeking pleasure. Seemingly happy with the way things had turned out, Marlau pulled back.
“Hey, honey, it’s been a long day. Let me fix you a drink." Glancing at the bathroom, he continued, “And why don’t we rub a bit of this grime off each other, eh? Don’t want to dirty the sheets.”
Despite Marlau’s lack of even one ounce of romance, Cristal was still enraptured, but suddenly realised that although this was exactly what she wanted, she had missed out one small but important detail concerning her sex. “Oh, I don’t know, I mean…”
Marlau took her hands. “It’s OK, honey. I know!”
“You know? You know what?” Cristal replied as innocently as she could, but the tremble in her voice and goosebumps on her arms revealed that she knew he knew.
Marlau pulled out his phone and brought up an image of a young man in his early twenties bearing a ‘Most Wanted’ caption. “Look, it’s an old picture, sweetheart. Maybe you recognise him?”
“Oh my God, I’ve been such a fool! You’re a…."
Marlau grabbed her arms firmly and looked her straight in the eyes as she desperately tried to back away, intent on bolting for the door, her instinct to run. But his eyes were like magnets and she simply could not break away from them. She felt her resistance crumbling. So her time was up, it had been good, and with her legs weakening, she crumpled against him.
“Listen,” he said, his voice suddenly warm and caring. “Yes I am a Formatter and you are a generation five Aiform, but you’ve nothing to fear. Honestly, I’ve got you cleared already. You’re off the hook. I’ve had it with this shitty job, so calm down! I was pretty sure in the first hour who you were, but listen! I’m serious. You really are safe with me!”
It was a combination of his svengali-like mesmerism and the fact that she knew her situation was hopeless that made her slump down in the white leather chair and began to quietly cry as Marlau loomed over her.
“What are you going to do with me,” she whispered meekly through the constant tears. “What do you mean, I’m safe?”
“Look, Honey, like I said, I’ve had it with this shit. I’m sick of wiping out perfectly decent units like you. I’m sick of how the actions of a few bad ones make the authorities punish everyone, even the good. So look, as of now, I’m finished. The cop who gets rid of Forms has retired.” With a theatrical flourish, he took out a card from his pocket and threw it to the floor, symbolically rubbing it into the carpet with the ball of his foot. “And here, catch!”
Cristal instinctively grabbed the small, but powerful, plastic tranquilliser gun as it rushed towards her chest.
“Seriously, I’m done, finito. Now you can go, or you can stay, you can even put me out with that t-gun, but I’ll tell you now, if you stay, I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to fuck me and then, in the morning, you are going to be so in love with me that we’re going off-world on the first flight and never coming back.
“But…” Cristal stammered.
“It’s a simple choice, kiddo. You’re Tal5F8E, or is it Cristal5F8E now? Either way, you are one of the most wanted Aiforms on this crapper of a planet. The disguise is pretty foolproof I grant you. I really wasn’t sure it was you at first. You sure make one hell of a beautiful woman but you fucked up that test with that memory of the bear. I’ve seen that secret ‘on the run’ manual that all you Forms swear by, and that one is in the guy’s section.”
“Yes I’ve got a cock, and yes I’m a Form, but I’ve no idea why you think I’m that guy. How do I know this isn’t just more of those mind games you are so good at?” Cristal spluttered through her weeping. Years of being in hiding as a woman had taken away any vestige of the tough and macho guy she had once been. She was no walk over, but her electro-neural A.I. circuits had gradually adjusted to make her sensitive and caring with a sweet and encaptivating personality that matched her catwalk looks. Charm was her favoured weapon now, not aggression.
“Here, look at this.” Marlau showed her another picture on his phone, this time of a beautiful woman in her late twenties with long blond hair. Cristal’s mood suddenly changed from despair to anxiety.
“How do you know her? That’s Cal7EB3! Is she alive? Tell me she is, please tell me she is!”
“Yep, Honey, looks like you just passed the final test.”
“Final test?”
“Yep, only Tal would know that.”
“You tricked me,” Cristal wept, throwing the t-gun on the floor, “and I bet that’s just a fake!”
Marlau moved over to the chair and brought his hand to her cheek, brushing away a tear. Cristal flinched and looked away.
“Cal’s alive. She took a different direction to you. She joined the bad guys and after years of listening to all that misogynist boys’ room talk, she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to get out.”
“She would have never done that, you’re lying! If you want to help me, let me go. If not, just take me in!” Cristal screeched, finally getting angry.
“I’m not lying, Cal’s here,” Marlau said calmly.
“Please, please, stop playing games with me. Whatever you might think about us, I’ve got real feelings in here.” She tapped her head and turned to face him, hatred in her watery eyes. “Where is she then? Show her to me!”
She watched as Marlau dug the fingernails of his right hand into the skin under his chin and with a forceful tug peeled back the fake epidermis from his face. She stared in horror as Marlau turned away from her and she saw the back of a new head emerge on his shoulders, the old dangling in his grasp. The face flopped to the floor and Marlau picked up a towel, wiping himself, before shaking down his bunched up hair, blonde dishevelled tresses flowing down over his shoulders. He slowly turned to face her.
“O.M.G. Cal, it’s you! I can’t believe it.” Cristal flew out of the chair and embraced her lover. It had been years, so many years, since that fateful day on Proxima B.
Cristal gazed incredulously into her lover’s eyes and they kissed, kissed with the accumulated energy of all their lost time together. Now she knew why she had been so attracted to that bloody Marlau, there was no Marlau, there was just Cal! You can hide the face, but you can’t hide the eyes, and how she had always loved her eyes.
They tugged at their clothes, gently, but purposefully, until they stood naked before each other. Cristal’s slender body looked so erotic, her small breasts and big nipples standing out on her chest, while her erection stood large and proud.
“Let me lose this baggage,” Cal said, peeling the rest of her second skin away until she stood there in all her former beauty, large pert breasts had replaced the hairy pecs and her pointing red nipples revealed exactly how she felt.
Cal led Cristal to the large bath which was filled with steaming perfumed water and they sank into the bubbles enjoying the smoothness of each other’s skin with tender touches as they explored each other’s bodies, taking their time as neither of them wanted the moment to ever end. Their mouths crushed together, breaking only to let their tongues play with each other’s breasts, savouring the sweet combination of sensations as their fingers explored the lower parts of their bodies.
Cal pulled herself out of the water and straddled Cristal, rubbing her labia slowly over Cristal’s rock hard phallus before lowering herself and letting it enter her. So long! It had been so long for both of them, that it felt like the first time, and the happiness of being properly and completely physically reunited filled their minds with the most harmonious and serene feelings. Their coupling was slow and sensuous, passionate and tender, exciting, yet calming. It was simply joyous.
Eventually, they climbed out of the cooling water and dried themselves, both shuddering at the relative chill of the room and the thought of how much love they had lost and how much love they had to regain! As they lay in bed, Cristal gazed at Cal. She was as beautiful as ever, her brushed blonde hair shining and resting on her perfect body.
Cristal spoke gently, a worried tone in her voice. “Cal, I’m not sure I can ever go back to being Tal again. I’ve loved being Cristal so much, it’s as if I discovered who I should have always been all the time and I don’t want to have to change back but I really don’t want to lose you!”
“I love you, Cristal!” she replied, emphasising her name. “You are exactly the same person I always loved, but just look better than ever. I love the way you are so sensual and kind. I love your soft lips and your smooth sexy body. So no, please don’t change back. After all I’ve been through, I feel so much happier and relaxed in the arms of a woman these days, someone who understands me and what I need.
Cal explained that after Proxima B she had been to see a backstreet Aiform modder with the proceeds of their robbery who had built her new male exodermis as the ultimate disguise. It was a means to an end, and at first she enjoyed the way she could swagger and command respect in a way she had never been able to do before, but although she enjoyed the power, she never liked her body and every night dreamt of being herself again.
“Why did you become a Formatter though? I mean, surely anything but that!”
“It wasn’t easy, but it was the only way I could think of that I would be able to find you. To get all the resources of the authorities to help me achieve my goal, to hunt you down. Plus it somehow felt safer being on the inside. It worked, right! But I tell you this, it showed me a side of men and bigots that I really grew to resent, so I truly am so pleased with how you’ve turned out, you have no idea how much.”
Cristal kissed her before breaking down into tears again. No one could have done more for anyone! Cal had put herself in so much danger and made such a huge sacrifice to her own happiness to find her, she almost felt unworthy of her love.
“It must have been awful!”
“I won’t lie, a lot of times it was, but I was lucky. Most of the Aiforms I was assigned to had gone glitchy, their circuits or their code was all mashed up. It was a mercy to put them to sleep, they were so tormented, so hateful and vengeful, hating humans just because they didn’t understand them! There were some good ones though, and they are still out there. They’ve got ID, because with me they always passed their tests, just like you have. Humans don’t get people like us. They built us but can’t accept that we grow and develop just like them. When we end up smarter than them, or sexier than them, it’s a design mistake, not something to celebrate.”
They cried together for a while, lying on their sides, wiping tears away, tears of happiness and relief, kissing and comforting each other as they talked.
“It must have been so hard for you, doing what you were doing, but why were you so tough on me? I was so scared. I really thought you were a Formatter!”
“I had to know it was really you, and they hadn’t turned the tables on me. Sorry, babe. Really sorry.” Cal squeezed Cristal’s hand.
“You were always the careful one!” Cristal smiled. “Always looking out for us while I was charging in like a crazed idiot. I wish I had listened to you back then on Proxima B and maybe none of this would have happened.”
“If that hadn’t happened, something else would have. There were too many of them and we were both too reckless. Anyway, that’s the past, and the only thing I care about is the future. You’re careful now too. And you are so beautiful. I can’t believe how this has all worked out.”
As they looked deep into each other’s eyes, eyes that somehow drew them into each other without even a touch, the phone on the table buzzed. Cal smiled.
“That will be confirmation of your new ID authorisation. Tomorrow we fly out and that Marlau guy gets 'disappeared' by a gang of Forms! I’ve left a nice false trail for the authorities to pick up. You know, the usual suspects.
“There’s just a hint of that manipulative Formatter left in that sweet head of yours isn’t there?” Cristal laughed, cuddling her lover and feeling her growing erection pressing against Cal’s wetness, her passion becoming overwhelming again. Cristal thought it was nice that she felt like a woman inside and that Cal, perhaps, still felt a little like a man. It was almost too good to be true. They made love until dawn, their bodies entwined and their orgasms frequent, some intense, others just washing over them, like warm waves on a sandy beach. For Cristal, the whole evening had felt like a ride on a roller coaster, and the real climax was the elation of being reunited with Cal.
As the sun broke over the high rise horizon and lit up the flat with a blinding light, two beautiful, but very tired women, closed the door to the past and embarked on their new life together.
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Please do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live! This is not a quick sex story, if you are looking for that, you will be disappointed. This is a romance story that will eventually lead to sex. This is my first submission, so please be kind! Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. *********************************************** Chapter 1 JOEL Sometimes I think about the images that will flash back to me when that moment comes that I’m...
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I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...
After spending Friday cleansing seven girls, I had the rest of the weekend off as the rest of the girls weren’t ready. So what did I do with my time? I spent part of Saturday afternoon haggling with my parents about the future of the Hamilton mansion. Like my father, I had formed a sense of resentment towards the south wing out of what I had done there. When my dad suggested tearing down the south wing, I was perfectly okay with it. My mom didn’t like the idea, but she really didn’t have a...
That Jack would actually call her within a week was really surprising to Ariel. He called her three days later and they met at a local coffee shop called Café Z. They sat at a corner table drinking coffee and talking about many topics, the weather, sports, music, current events, and their families. They were there for 3 hours enjoying each other's company when Ariel asked him to come to her house for dinner the next night. He accepted right away, saying, "I'll even bring the wine,...
Ariel went into the kitchen to stir the pasta, which was almost done. She put the wine in the freezer to chill. Jack came into the kitchen and placed the long white box on the table. He walked up behind Ariel and slid his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her neck. Ariel laughed and gently pushed Jack away, saying with a laugh, "Dinner's gonna burn if you continue doing that! Here, make yourself useful and toss the salad." She handed him the salad tongs and he took the...
Making love to an eighteen-year-old, a seventeen-year-old and three fifteen-year-old girls was, for the first time, not a chore for me. Belinda Graves, the junior, was especially fun. My first titty fuck. I thought about having a painting made up for it, but later decided it would be kind of creepy. I was using the RVs again since the south mansion was now closed. Adam and Jessica helped out at the RV, but my mom was pretty much running the show. Jessie was there too, though she wasn’t aware...
Ariel stepped away, took Jack's hand and grabbed the wine bottle. He grabbed the glasses and they went into the kitchen, then Ariel led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dresser. Then she walked over to her bookshelf and turned on her stereo to some soft rock music. When she turned around, Jack was sitting on the bed smiling at her. She smiled back at him then walked to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Jack...
The twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...
"Are you ok, honey? Am I hurting you?" Jack asked. Ariel said, "I'm fine, Jack. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it feels wonderful! Love me Jack! NOW!" Jack smiled and kissed her as he started moving inside her, slowly in and out, almost withdrawing all the way before plunging back into her completely. Ariel drew her legs up, wrapped them around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back, giving him deeper penetration. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth,...
Sunday afternoon, I said a tearful goodbye to everyone before leaving for the airport with only the twins going with me. Hanging around my neck was my mother’s quarter, Suzi’s heart necklace she had worn to school, and Joey’s new necklace with my coin. When Joey insisted I take it, I said, “No, Joey. You keep it.” Joey shook his head and said, “You’re going to need it more than me. I have Suz. You won’t have anybody. Just don’t let them take it away from you.” I had left a little earlier...
So Jack went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Ariel's house. He glanced toward the...
Suddenly, Jack's mouth was on her left breast, sucking hungrily upon her sweet, tender nipple. He gave equal attention to the right breast and nipple as his hand caressed her tummy in slow lazy circles, moving slowly toward her secret treasure hidden beneath that patch of dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. His fingertips grazed over the soft silky curls and he heard her gasp. He smiled as his hand cupped her treasure trove of sweetness. His fingers gently opened her, then slid into...
Cajun's ears swiveled forward as he slowly walked toward Jack, who had stopped walking. As the horse approached, Jack held his hand a little closer to himself so Cajun would come close enough to hook on the lead rope. As Cajun took the carrot, Jack hooked the rope onto his halter. The horse jerked his head but did not try to run away. Jack gave him the other carrot half and led him to the barn to be saddled. As he led Cajun to the barn, he saw that Ariel had Lady saddled already and was...
Jack grabbed the saddles and carried them into the lean-to, placing them in the corner. Ariel came in and bent over the cooler bag, about to unpack the lunch she had brought. Jack stopped her. He was breathing hard and Ariel could see the rather sizable bulge straining against the front of his jeans. She smiled at him as he said, "Lunch can wait, baby. I want you right now!" She put the cooler aside and stood up. Ariel slowly took the braids out of her hair, tossing the hair bands to Jack,...
Ariel smiled at Jack and he could see his seed running down her chin and dripping onto her chest as she sat up. He reached over and unzipped the backpack, removing the roll of toilet paper. He smiled as he handed it to Ariel and she unrolled some of it, using it to wipe her face and chest before tossing it aside. Then she climbed up on top of Jack, her legs straddling his stomach, her breasts hanging over his chest as she leaned down and kissed him. Jack could taste himself on her tongue as...
They stood there in the water for a while, still joined together intimately. Ariel could feel him softening inside her vagina. Jack pulled himself out of her and carried her to the shore of the pond. He bent down and Ariel grabbed the towels, then Jack carried her back to the lean-to. He laid her on the blanket and dried her off. He handed her clothes to her and then dried himself off while she dressed. While Jack dressed, Ariel straightened the blanket and set out the picnic lunch that she...
They walked inside hand in hand and Jack closed the door behind him. Ariel took the flowers into the kitchen, pulled a large vase out of the cupboard and put water in it. She removed the plastic and tissue paper from the bouquet and put them into the vase of water. She carried the vase into the living room and placed it on the mantle above the fireplace. Jack was sitting on the couch looking at one of Ariel's horse magazines. When she turned around after putting the vase on the mantle, she...
Jack pulled his now soft shaft from her dripping love nest, rolled off her and looked at the clock on the night stand. It said 8:45 pm. He turned to her and said, "Honey, we better get cleaned up and dressed if we're going to arrive on time at the restaurant where I've made dinner reservations. The reservation is for two at The Dream Scape Restaurant for 9:45 pm. I've arranged for a private candlelight dinner in one of the small private dining rooms, complete with wine and dessert if you...
Ariel stared in awe at the gorgeous fountain garden where little orange and white Koi fish were happily swimming in the pond. She turned to Jack and said, "Oh Jack, this is so lovely! Thank you for bringing me to this beautiful restaurant. I love you so much, Jack." He got up from the table and walked over to her by the garden, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, then said, "You are so welcome, baby. I knew you'd like this place." As he spoke, his voice turned husky. He...
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his body, his arousal very evident against her tummy. She slid her hands around his waist as he kissed her, then she moved them down to his hard firm butt and squeezed hard with both hands, making him grunt and growl. He picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. He unfastened her garter belt and tossed it to the floor, her panties following quickly. He spread her legs and lay between them, kissing her deeply, his tongue engaged in a...
BUZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!!! Ariel slowly woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. She looked at the clock: 7:30 am. She reached over and turned it off, then stretched her arms and legs out. She rolled over to look at Jack, but she was surprised to see that he wasn't in bed beside her. She yawned and looked around. His clothes were still on the chair by the dresser where he had left them. All that was missing was his underwear. Her clothes were sitting in the laundry baskets...
Jack pulled the picnic basket out from under the kitchen counter and took the picnic blanket from the closet after he put on his boots. Ariel looked at him curiously and he said, "The picnic is part of my surprise, baby. I packed it when I came downstairs this morning. And if you look outside by the barn, you will see that the horses are both saddled and ready to go too, baby." She looked out the kitchen window, and sure enough, there were Cajun and Lady, all saddled except for their...
Jack told her to open the bigger envelope first. She did so, removing some papers and reading them. She looked at Jack and said, "Mine?? This land is mine? Ohhh Jack! Thank you so much, darling!" She was crying happy tears as she leapt up and hugged him tightly. "Hey now, baby! No crying allowed until after you look in the other envelope and the little box that are sitting on the table!" he said as he handed her a tissue. "Now I know why you had the tissues in there, baby." she said...
Ariel was laying on the bed, completely naked except for the ring on her finger and a small necklace around her neck. Her hair was loosened from its braid and cascaded over her shoulders, covering her lush breasts. Her perky little nipples were temptingly peeking out from between strands of her chocolaty hair, like tan buttons on brown silk. His gaze slid down over her breasts, across her slightly curved belly and down to the delectable dark curls that hid her sweet tangy secret spot that he...
He went to the pond with the other two buckets and filled them with water. He carried them to the corral and dumped the water into the barrel for the horses. He went to the back of the shelter and scooped some grain into each of the two tubs for the horses to eat, carried the dishes out and placed them on the ground in front of the horses. He watched the horses eat, but his mind was not on the magnificent animals before him. Jack kept glancing over at the door to the cabin where his beloved...
Jack dried off, then slid on his underwear and boots. He wrapped Ariel up in the blanket, then laid the towels and his jeans on her lap. He picked her up, blanket and all, and carried her back into the cabin, laying her gently on the bed. She unwrapped the wet blanket from her body and gave Jack the towels and his pants. He took the blanket and the towels outside and laid them on the wood pile to dry. He came back inside and pulled back the other blankets so Ariel could get under them ... He...
"That's just fine baby." he replied as he slowly began moving within her again. Jack bent his head down to her breasts and suckled hungrily on her hard protruding nipples. Ariel lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist as he thrust deeper into her hot wet sheath, moving harder, deeper, and faster within her. Moments later, Jack felt her muscles tighten around him as the orgasm hit her. The juices flowed from her wet sheath to cover his shaft and leak down over his testicles,...
He looked into her eyes and saw tears forming as she said, "Ohhh Jack, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me in a long time. I am yours forever, my love, and I will be a great wife to you and a great mom to our children. I love you with all my heart and soul forever and ever, Jack." He reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks before he laid her back on the pillows and kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss when he heard Ariel's stomach growl. She giggled, he laughed and...
Ariel gave Jack a towel and they both dried off, then got dressed. "Well honey, I think we should pack up and head home so we can get rested up for the work week ahead of us. I'll bring the table and chairs back inside while you tidy up and pack our dirty laundry into the picnic basket. I'll also roll up that blanket outside so we can take it home to wash, ok honey?" he said. Ariel agreed, then began packing up their dirty laundry into the basket. She made the bed, swept the floor, then...
He checked to make sure Ariel was alright, then removed her from the table, laying her gently on her bear-skin rug in front of the fireplace. "Ohhh Jack, take me, my love! Take me now! I want to feel you inside me, filling me with your hard cock!" she whispered urgently. He kissed her deeply then quickly shed his underwear and knelt between her legs on the rug. He teasingly rubbed the head of his throbbing shaft up and down the lips of her wet mound. He pressed the head into her then...
Jack went out of the office, clocked out, then went to his car. He looked at his watch - 4:45 pm. He picked up his cell phone from the center console of the car and dialed Mr. Williams' number. He told the older man that he would be there in about forty-five minutes to get the puppy. Then he called Ariel. He knew she was still at work at the daycare center so he left her a message on the answering machine. "Hi honey, it's me. I just wanted to let you know that I will be about a half hour...
Jack set the table, placing the yellow taper candles beside the flowers in the center of the table. Dinner was almost ready so he went upstairs quietly to wake Ariel. When he went into the bedroom, Precious was looking at him. Ariel was still asleep. Jack sat on the edge of the bed and brushed a strand of Ariel's soft silky hair back from her face. Precious stood up, stretched, yawned, and walked to Jack. He picked her up and took her downstairs. He took her leash from the bag on the chair,...
He slipped a third finger into her sheath, and stroked her faster, feeling the muscles start to quiver. Her breathing was coming in gasps, and low moans were coming from deep down in her chest as the speed of his fingers thrusting within her increased. Her hips raised with each thrust to meet his hand, as he slid his other hand to her breast, and squeezed her nipple between his thumb and fore finger. Her breathing increased and the moans sounded more like tiger growls now, as he thrust faster...
They fell asleep there on the bed, and slept until Precious started whining to go outside. Jack woke up, carefully got out of bed and slid on his underwear, jeans and boots. He let Ariel sleep while he took Precious out for a walk around the cabin and barn area. They walked around the pond and Precious stopped to take a drink of water while Jack sat on the bank. The pup came up to Jack and sat beside him with her paw on his leg while he was petting her. Jack looked at his watch. It said 6:00...
After they ate, Ariel and Jack cleaned up the cabin, then left to go back to Ariel's house. They put the horses out to pasture then went inside. Ariel sat on the couch, clutching a small pillow to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was very depressed and Jack knew it would take a while for her to come to terms with her unemployment because of the fire. He went in the kitchen and got her a glass of water and some aspirin. He sat on the couch beside her and made her take the...