The Emily Rose free porn video

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This story has no sex. Sorry. It is just a man trying to use his past to understand and handle his present. If you want to leave comments, thanks. If you just want to bash the main character for being a wimp please remember that this is fiction. Thanks.


Did you ever have one of those moments when something that happened years before pops into your mind and it seems so fresh that it feels like it only happened yesterday? Well, I did and in fact it is happening right now.

I’m not really sure why the Emily Rose popped into my mind but it was probably the way my subconscious is trying to help me cope. You see, when I got home tonight I found my wife of thirty two years all dressed up and waiting for me. To say she looked great would be an understatement as Carol is still a stunning woman when dressed to the nines.

At first I thought this might be a special occasion and I began to look forward to a good night but events quickly deteriorated. It was evident that Carol had spent some time preparing herself as she was in a new dress, hairdo and sexy heels. In fact she was a vision of loveliness and it only reaffirmed how much I loved her and how thankful I was to have her in my life. However, within three minutes of her ushering me over to the dining table where she had a Southern Comfort Manhattan waiting for me she dashed all my feelings into dust.

In this story I’m not even going to bother telling you how Carol, my wife for the present anyway, and I met. What for? The fact that we are ending it tonight and how she chose to do it is more significant.

Somewhere between her apologizing for falling in love with another man and going into detail how it had just happened, my mind slipped back to the Emily Rose. As Carol was always a bit wordy there was plenty of time.

It was 1975 as I recall, and I was stationed on a Coast Guard Cutter operating out of Portsmouth New Hampshire. My ship was the Coast Guard Cutter Resolute and we had been on fisheries patrol nearly two weeks.

Normally, these patrols were just boring and routine but this one had taken a different turn. At the edge of the Grand Banks a distress signal had come in from a stricken ship, the Emily Rose. My ship poured on as much speed as we could and reached the injured vessel in a little over five hours.

Upon reaching the scene it was clear that this ship was in dire straits as she was clearly down by the bow. Being a member of the boat crew it fell to me and two others to operate the ships small boat to transport a damage control party to the sinking ship and then stand by.

The Resolute hovered about two hundred yards from the Emily Rose as my small boat circled around waiting for the call to take on survivors or bring more equipment from the cutter.

When we had first gotten on scene I could see the tips of the Emily Rose’s propeller but it quickly became evident that more and more of that propeller was coming out of the water. Waiting in a small boat gave me ample time to observe the ship and I noted a few items about her.

The first thing I noticed was that the Emily Rose was British. On her stern was clearly labeled her home port of Liverpool. The second thing I noticed was her age. This vessel had to have been at least forty or fifty years old but she was in remarkably good condition. The ship was about a hundred and fifty feet in length and clearly showed that as fishermen went, this one’s captain liked his ship clean and well maintained.

As it became apparent that we were losing the battle with the sea for the possession of the Emily Rose, our boat was called back to the vessel to start ferrying the crew over to the Resolute. The crew, about a dozen or so, all looked bleak, as if they were all waiting to hear of the passing of a close family member. This was, in a way, a correct assessment as a sailor does tend to form a deep attachment to a ship. However, this crew remained very calm and disciplined throughout the ordeal, another testament to their captain.

Within in ten minutes of landing the crew onboard the Resolute and then returning to our stand by position the sound of a large explosion reverberated from deep inside the ship. When the eruption faded the boat coxswain yelled, ‘That must have been a watertight bulkhead letting go!’ Almost immediately after he called that out it became clearly evident that the Emily Rose suddenly dipped deeper into the sea. All of us in that boat knew then that the Emily Rose had little chance of survival.

Our radio went off a few minutes later with orders from the damage control officer to return immediately to the Emily Rose and take off all unneeded personnel. As we returned we embarked the captain of the vessel who came along only under protest as he claimed the right of any captain to be the last to leave his stricken vessel. As a young man I was struck by his calm deportment and dignity in this trying situation.

This was the first I had seen of the man and he boarded our boat in the fashion of a true British officer. He was wearing an officer’s bridge coast with a visor hat and had a beard that was speckled with gray. When he moved it was almost with a military presence and you just felt that this man was born to command. However, when you took a closer look, you could almost read the distress in his eyes but by his demeanor he handled this forced removal as if it were an everyday occurrence. The man let no emotions escape, did not raise his voice or argue with the officer in charge. Instead, he acquiesced to the situation and comported himself with dignity and pride.

Halfway back to the Resolute we were ordered to return immediately to the Emily Rose to evacuate the damage control party. That damage control party was the old girl’s last hope, without their pumps and shoring up, she was now being consigned to her fate.

We did as ordered, removing the boarding party post haste and began our trek back to the ship. Nobody talked as we left the Emily Rose except the officer in charge of the damage control party who only said, almost to himself, ‘There was no more to be done. The only thing keeping her afloat is her main bulkhead and when it goes she will sink like a rock. I couldn’t justify risking my men based on the structural integrity of one bulkhead.’

Everyone in that boat knew that they had done everything possible to save the ship but there comes a time when you realize that no matter how hard you try there will be no success. As we headed back to the Resolute nobody felt good about it.

Just about halfway back to the ship the last bulkhead let go. I had never heard a ship die before and I hope to never hear it again. The vessel literally sounded like a woman screaming in pain that lasted for about thirty seconds, although it seemed much longer.

When the Emily Rose gave out her death scream I looked over at the old British captain onboard and noticed that he was almost biting his upper lip with his lower teeth, however his face registered only calmness as the vessel he commanded entered into her final death throes. The only tell about his emotional state was in his eyes which showed an indescribable sadness.

After the bulkhead collapsed and the screeching of the tearing metal abated it sounded like someone had turned on a large fire hose in the ship as the gushing water could be heard clearly in our boat. There were a number of large bangs and even one porthole was blown out of the hull as the ship seemed to be dragged down under the water.

The end of the Emily Rose came quickly after her main bulkhead collapsed and within a minute the vessel disappeared into the ocean depths. As she dipped out of the world of men I couldn’t help but notice a tear run from the old captain’s eye.

After returning the damage control party and the captain to the Resolute my small boat went back and patrolled the area looking for debris. After patrolling the area for about two hours we picked up a lot of flo
tsam that included some life preservers and mostly wooden crates. Confirming nothing rose up from the wreck that would be a hazard to navigation we concluded our mission and returned back to our ship.

The next day the British captain of the Emily Rose was shown all the items we salvaged from the sea but he only picked up a life preserver the had the ship’s name and home port stenciled on it. As he held it in his hand he looked at our captain who had accompanied him and said, ‘I’ll keep this Captain, just to prove that she once existed.’ The captain of the Resolute must have felt the man’s pain as he only replied, ‘I understand completely Captain, what are your plans now?’ The old British captain smiled for the first time since I had first seen him, ‘What else Captain, carry on with my life and find another ship.’

That was the last time I saw them together and to be truthful the last time I had thought about the Emily Rose until today.

‘Steven! Steven! Are you alright? Why aren’t you listening! This is important!’ I looked over at my soon to be exasperated ex-wife Carol and responded, ‘Yes Carol, I am fine, considering. Sorry.’

Her face blanched at that comment but she continued on, ‘Steven I still love you, but Roger, well, he touches me in an emotional way that you never have. I love him Steven. I never wanted it to happen and I never asked for it, but it did happen. He makes me so happy Steven and I truly want to be with him. I wish I could do this without hurting you Steve but that would be impossible.’

She just stared at me awkwardly, I could only assume she was hoping for some reply or maybe some absolution from me but I was only mute and so she pressed on, ‘Look dear, I only want what’s mine and no more. I have taken all the money from our savings and the CD’s. I feel that is fair as I am letting you keep the house and your retirement.’ Her voice trailed off as I sat looking unresponsively at my drink.

Carol seemed to be getting vexed as she piped up once again, ‘Steven! Have you been listening to me?’

I picked up the drink and took a slug, then putting it down stared at her as calmly as that British captain stared at his dying ship those so many years ago. In a flat emotionless voice I replied, ‘I have indeed listened to everything you said Carol but I can recap if you like. Let’s see, you met Roger at work. You two talked and found out all the things you have in common. You started to have feelings and so did Roger. Soon you were holding hands and it escalated from there, then you decided to leave me after thirty two years of marriage for a school girl crush. Did I miss anything? Oh wait! I did! The most important thing is that you want to be fair so you only took every spare dime of cash you could lay your hands on in lieu of your half of the house which we still owe a boatload on and as a bone I can keep my retirement. There, I think that covered it.’

Carol’s face drained of color as she seemed to finally grasp that this was the end of us in reality. Without too much fuss she removed her wedding rings and placed them in the palm of my hand. As I looked down on them I was reminded of the captain of the Emily Rose taking a life preserver from the wreckage and repeated his sentiment, ‘I’ll keep these Carol, just to prove we once existed.’ She looked at me with a worried expression and her eyes finally began to mist up as she rose from what was once our table, in what formerly was our home.

‘I have to go now Steve. Please, take care of yourself.’ I nodded my assent and stood also, a memory of that captain’s behavior flashed through my mind and I determined that I would handle this situation with dignity as I said with more cheer than I felt, ‘Well at least let me help you with your bags Carol.’ I think she was shocked at how well I was taking it but then again I had had a good role model in that British captain so many years before.

Grabbing her suitcases and loading them in her car only took a few minutes and it struck me how quickly my marriage had disappeared, just like the Emily Rose had once her last bulkhead had failed. Standing next to her car Carol once again looked at me and very gently ran her hand across my forehead brushing back a lock of my hair that was out of place.

With concern written on her face and a wavering voice she timidly asked, ‘I know I have hurt you Steven and I am so sorry for that, but I hope you know I had to go because I never would have been happy again if I stayed with you and I would blame you and treat you badly and neither one of us would be happy again. Please forgive me my love.’

I wanted to hate her but that was just not in me at that point, maybe later when it had all set in and the shock wore off but not now. With no malice I managed to get out, ‘I forgive you Carol and I set you free. Find your happiness while you can and have a good life.’

The tears were rolling down her cheeks liberally now as she managed to sobbingly ask, ‘What will you do now Steven?’

With more confidence than I felt, I smiled and replied just as that British captain had so many years ago, ‘What else Carol, carry on with my life and try to find another to share my life.’

Carol’s hand on my head ran through my hair with almost urgency as she looked into my eyes and said, ‘Will you kiss me goodbye Steven? Will you kiss me like you still love me, please?’

I looked at her sadly replying, ‘I never go after another man’s woman and as you have now given yourself to another, I can’t, so no Carol, I cannot kiss you. I have set you free and forgiven you. That is the extent of my largesse.’ I gently removed her hand from my head and returned them to Carol’s side.

With those parting words Carol’s resolve broke down and she was sobbing openly as she got into her car and left. Just as quickly as the Emily Rose had disappeared from the sunlight on that fateful day so long ago, so now had my marriage vanished with equal dispatch today. I never dreamed that a dead ship lying at the bottom of the ocean for decades would someday be my inspiration in such a trying time as this, but it was.

As Carol drove off to her new life I recognized that I now had to start finding mine. I was scared and depressed over the prospect, but at the same time just a little bit excited over what the future might hold. Again, I was reminded of that British captain on board the Resolute when asked what he would do now, his response would be my guide from now on, ‘What else Captain, carry on with my life and find another ship.’


The divorce went through quickly and Carol was as good as her word and let me keep my full retirement and our house. I saw Roger at the final decree and was not all that impressed but then again I didn’t have to live with the guy like Carol did. I could tell that she really cared for him and it was good to know that someone would be there for her.

I would like to report that the final time I saw Carol was in court but it wasn’t. After our divorce I started to join support groups for single adults and did quite a lot of dating. I never found anyone that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but then again, I was a bit gun shy after Carol.

About a year and a half after the divorce I ran in Carol in the mall. It was near Christmas and I was out shopping for those few gifts I needed when I nearly ran into her in a store. At first she was shocked but then she hugged me and with an excitement I had not seen in her face for years asked me to go for a cup of coffee. I thought about it and decided why not, so off we went to catch up on each other’s lives in the intervening time since the divorce.

Carol told me that she and Roger were no longer an item and that I was right, it had just been a schoolgirl crush. She told me how Roger had promised to marry her but when it came right down to it he didn’t want the responsibility. She apologized profusely and then shocked me when she said, ‘Steve, I know I was a fool but I still l
ove you. Is there any way you could see your way to forgiving me and taking me back?’

I looked at her blankly, ‘Wow, Carol I didn’t see that one coming. I don’t know what to say. Things are a little more complicated now. You see, I started dating a wonderful woman a while back and we have been getting real close. I don’t see how I could take you back without breaking her heart and that is something I can’t do. Do you understand Carol?’

I could see that Carol was bravely trying to hold back her tears and keep her emotions in check, ‘I understand Steve. I was a fool to let you go. We had a wonderful marriage and now I miss it every day. I let it all slip away for a man who proved to be nothing more than sweet words and promises.’ She got a serious look on her face as she haltingly asked, ‘If it doesn’t work out between you two, would you still consider me?’

I looked at her smiling, ‘In a minute Carol, in a minute!’

Drying her tears with a napkin she gave me a sad smile, ‘If you don’t mind me asking, what’s her name Steve?’

This time I couldn’t help myself as I broke into a grin, ‘Well Carol that is the funny part. I met a lovely woman named Emily, Emily Rose and we just seemed to hit it off right from the beginning.’

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Romeo and Emily

Picture, if you can, a small tree-house nestling just above head height in a very broad, old willow tree, just where the fat trunk forks into a half-dozen large boughs. It’s in a copse at the end of a garden, by the ditch that demarks the end of said garden and the fields beyond. The tree-house itself is quite small and well-weathered but well-built with a proper felt roof and tight, boarded sides. It overhangs the crown of the willow slightly and is accessed by a hatch in the floor and batons...

1 year ago
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The Birth of Emily The NymphPart One

I don't often write these types of stories. Nor do I commonly post them online. And it's even rarer that I write incest. So let me know what you think if you're so inclined. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter One Diana dropped her backpack on its usual spot on the floor in her bedroom. She set her half empty glass of water on top of the dresser. The school day had felt longer than usual with testing coming up soon. She...

4 years ago
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Emily and Megan Pissing time

Emily looked towards the bathroom door, “one more minute!” She shouted back to her sister. She had to get ready for this. She studied herself. Her F cup tits almost spilled out of the tank top she was in, her equally large ass sat comfortably in the sweatpants she wore, and her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders. She took a deep breath, it was time to fuck her sister. Or rather, it was time for her sister to fuck her. Megan was into bondage, one of her ex’s got her started and she could...

3 years ago
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The Training of EmilyChapter 8

And so Emily's training routine at the castle was established. Physical conditioning and lessons with Marcel in the morning, followed by more physical conditioning and multiple encounters in the afternoon in which her lessons of that morning could be put into practice and her performance evaluated. The evenings were spent with Melinda where more lessons were learned and practiced. In the days which followed Emily was instructed in such disparate things as personal grooming, especially when...

4 years ago
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Ferry Couple 9 The Neighbour Emily

If you remember I had seduced our neighbour, Michelle, and after Helene convinced her she was okay with that, the two girls had bathed together, washing each other. Helene had told Michelle she wouldn’t force her into anything she didn’t want to do, but the idea was implanted in Michelle’s mind.So Wednesday arrived, and we got ready to all go out together. We still hadn’t told Michelle where to but had told her she would love the music and to dress smart casual.It wasn’t until we got in the...

Group Sex
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It was a quiet day then a simple phone call……. I had been a bull for some time, in fact I was bull for a couple just this past week. But I wanted something more regular so I joined a dating service. I am 5 foot 9 inches and in very good shape. The call, there was a woman interested in meeting me. I drove over and watched her video and reviewed her profile. She was probably a small C-cup, 22, 5foot 4 inches, blonde, since I was 33, I questioned the age difference. The lady at the dating service...

3 years ago
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pregnant emily pt 1

Emily rolled her eyes discreetly as several women behind her giggled when Ulysses entered the room. She was one of 20 women, in varying degrees of pregnancy, enrolled in a yoga class. It was a special yoga class designed for pregnant women. Emily's older sister, Christine, suggested she try it out. The exercises and poses were easy on the joints and easy to do. After several weeks, Emily noticed a significant improvement with her mobility and strength. This helped out tremendously as her...

2 years ago
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Emily Osments Best Christmas Ever

It had been a few months since I'd seen Miley and Emily. Since our last encounter, my family and Miley's parents had decided to rekindle the tradition that we did years ago. I tried to make it to the one last year but couldn't because of a freak snowstorm that swept in dumping 4 feet of snow and ice on my doorstep where I couldn't get out for a week. I told them that I would make it next year come hell or high water since I had to work Christmas Eve and couldn't get to an airport to fly in and...

3 years ago
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Amy Emily and Me Part 5 Truth or Dare

We both stepped into the shower. Emily and I kissed passionately before she kissed her way down my body until she was on her knees. She then started licking the tip of my cock. She spread the tip open, exposing the inside of my pee hole. Emily took her tongue and pushed it inside a little. I could feel the pressure from her probing and my cock was getting hard again. I'm not sure if I can go with it hard and told her so. I can't help it. I want every drop you have to give me. I understood...

2 years ago
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Pimping Emily Part Two

When Phil woke up, Emily was asleep beside him. She looked beautiful and peaceful in her flower print nightie. He looked at her for a moment before everything flooded back from the day before. He realized he was naked and lying in a dried patch of his own cum. How could he have masturbated and had an orgasm thinking about her and that guy Bob? Imagining a scene he hadn’t witnessed? As he lay there thinking this, and looking at her, he felt his cock stiffen once again. Why was he so excited?...

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mark and emily osment

There were dark clouds that loitered above the small Washington town. There was going to be a bad rainstorm here in a couple of days, mark frowned as he saw them roll towards the town. He ran a hand over his short brown lump of hair as he turned and walked back into the main bar of his coffee shop. There weren't many people in today, but that was typical due to it being almost five o'clock in the afternoon. The main flow of people tended to die down at two or three o'clock in the afternoon,...

3 years ago
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The Story Of Mandy And Emily

"Mandy, time to get up!" "Yes Mom.." The young girl was lounging in her bed, the sun was shining in her eyes. She got up and grabbed her clothes. Mandy was 15 years old now. But she was looking younger, maybe because of the braces she still had to wear. She was a conspicuous slender girl, quite petite and dainty. She somehow seemed fragile. But she had such a cute face, so fresh and innocent with red cheeks. Mandy was very shy. Most girls in her class yet had sex or at least a...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of Emily Part 2

“My God you`re such a little snitch Cassie, you wouldn’t dare tell Mum and Dad.” Stormed Emily to her sister. “Oh I really would Em.” Smiled Cassie. “What do you think they would say when they find out that you`re working at The Secret Life club? Everyone knows what goes on there.” “And what's that then you horrible little bitch?” Demanded Emily. “People go there to screw.” Emily laughed. “And what exactly do you know about screwing, you tight assed little virgin.” Cassie allowed the...

4 years ago
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Abigail and Emily

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I’d always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn’t mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

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Abigail and Emily Ch 01

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I'd always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn't mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

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Emily and Megan

“Fine, I'll let you have it this time!” Emily jokingly said. Megan pulled down on the handle and the door clicked open. She looked back at Emily, she smiled, blew her a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Emily couldn't help but laugh as she half walked, half waddled over to the door. She pulled on the handle and swung the white wooden door open. Megan already began walking to the back of the bathroom towards the toilet. “Looks like I won,” Megan teased. “I'll get you next time,” said...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 6 Memories of Emily

Mike was dead. Well, not all the way. Opening his eyes to the blinding light coming through the curtains, he realized that the sensation of death was no more than the events of the last two days catching up with him. He groaned, sliding out of bed and sitting on the floor. His legs wobbled beneath him, muscles protesting his attempts to stand. His head pounding, he stumbled into the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom sink. “You’re a mess this morning, aren’t you?” Naia’s head and...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Adventures of Emily

Emily asked her mother about it after arriving home from the first day at school, and Alena had sat Emily down in the kitchen to explain the family name. "First of all, you understand that as a witch, we keep our mother's names rather than the name of the male who we decide to become partners with?" asked Alena. "Yes mother" replied Emily, concentrating hard to her mother's words, desperate to know why she was called Cumbucket. "We Cumbuckets come from a line of witches...

4 years ago
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Emily at Nutrition Providers School

She longed to go on to College but realizing the connection between entry and grade average doubted she would ever find a college which would take her. Her mother ,undaunted, wrote away on her behalf to college after college trying to gain admission by way of a scholarship as Mrs Perkins, a widow, had little money of her own. Rejection slip after rejection slip arrived at their letterbox and still Gloria persevered until one day a large envelope arrived. The letter from Fish Memorial...

3 years ago
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Amy Emily and Me Part 8 Fantasies

Amy turned around facing me and asked, How did Emily SHIT in your mouth...??? She was smiling with a curiosity but also looked a little jealous. You know that Emily sucked my cock and swallowed my cum Amy.... Right...??? Yes Kevin..... Well.... I felt like I needed to return the favor.... So.... I had Emily get on top of me and get in a sixty-nine position. I admitted. Yes.... And then what...??? Amy asked. I could tell that this was intriguing her. Her eyes were beginning to sparkle with...

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Emily Takes It Up The Arse

Adam was not too happy the next morning because sitting down was uncomfortable after the whipping that Emily had given him so the prospect of possibly spending most of the day in the driving seat of the car was not very appealing.To add to his discontent he had had a row on the telephone with his, sort of, steady girlfriend who he had been neglecting recently both with his time and sexual attention. He had not helped matters when she demanded on the phone, "Are you shagging someone else?" and...

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Introducing Emily

My girlfriend Emily and I were interested in having a threesome for some time. This is how it happened. Emily and I have been together for several years. We met at a small pizzeria that I had started to run due to it being purchased by the company I currently worked for. The owner was a young Syrian gentlemen with a large family that I had come to know quite well. His brother Sal also worked for the company. I met Emily the first day I had gone to work there. We had a...

2 years ago
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Introducing Emily

My girlfriend Emily and I were interested in having a threesome for some time. This is how it happened.Emily and I have been together for several years. We met at a small pizzeria that I had started to run due to it being purchased by the company I currently worked for. The owner was a young Syrian gentlemen with a large family that I had come to know quite well. His brother Sal also worked for the company. I met Emily the first day I had gone to work there. We had a meeting to introduce me as...

1 year ago
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My sex slave sister Emily Continued

Note : This story is completely fictional! Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emily's house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o'clock. After dinner Emily said she was going to take a shower and for me to pick out a movie for us to watch when she finished. So while she was in the shower I went into her bedroom and put on a hardcore porn movie that I had brought with me then called my friends and told them to...

3 years ago
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Emily and the surprise

We’d both giggled and shared our time through puberty and had no shame with each other. We had often “beat off” in each others company, staring at the latest porno mag we’d got hold of or looking at internet porn pictures. Jack’s cock was long and thin, like him,although it appeared to be longer than mine, because mine was much thicker, my stature mirrored my cock, shorter and stout, it was the same length, yes, we had measured each other. Never had we touched each other or even thought...

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Emily Awakes Ch 3

Emily made Evan’s transition to married life as easy as possible. She achieved her goal of making him happy, as happy as he had ever been. His colleagues at the university noted that he became more confident and outgoing. Always grounded in his own professional knowledge of his discipline, Evan even seemed to be more assured of himself in his interaction with students. He continued to enjoy the basic survey courses taught to freshmen and sophomores. In his graduate studies courses he challenged...

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Jessie and Emily The Hunters Second and Third

I was driving to my favorite grocery store to stock up on essentials. I saw a blur appear in my peripheral vision and woke up two days later in the hospital. I had a broken leg, a broken wrist and a concussion. A delivery truck had run a red light and broadsided my car. Luckily for me, a policeman was witness to the accident and had quickly gotten an ambulance on the scene. Even better for me was the four moving violations issued to the driver of the truck. The company had sent a...

1 year ago
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Emily Kirsty

Note : This story is completely fictional! My storey starts two years ago when I was married and very happy, I worked from home and my wife had a good office job, I and my wife had hired a new Nanny named Emily to help look after our daughter Sarah. Emily was a pretty little 18 year old sweetheart, lovely pert tits and a stunning curvy ass that had me drooling every time I caught a glimpse, after a few weeks it got to the point where I was flirting with her every chance I got and I was sure she...

4 years ago
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maddy and emily in big trobules

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mandy and Emily in big trouble, Part I by BlackMass "Mandy, time to get up!" "Yes Mom.." The young girl was lounging in her bed, the sun was shining in her eyes. She got up and grabbed her clothes. Mandy was 15 years old now. But she was looking younger, maybe because of the braces she still had to wear. She was a conspicuous slender girl, quite petite and dainty. She somehow seemed fragile....

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