A Rocky Start free porn video

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They say you should always start at the beginning, though I've never really been sure who "they" were. But I have to start somewhere, I guess.

When I turned 16 years old, my mom tossed me in the car and took me to the local burger joint and got me a job. I never even talked to the manager, except to confirm that I'd be there the next day and to thank her. I can't say I was too upset about it, though, since the manager was a short, very stacked blonde with a cute face. I blushed a bit with the sort of improper thoughts that are always inhabiting a sixteen year old mind, and looked forward to the next day of work.

Working at a burger joint is about as unglamorous as it gets, but generally speaking all of your coworkers are roughly your same age, and the managers are young as well. It makes integration fairly simple, but the same sort of class warfare that you see in high school tends to crop up. Cliques form, crude language gets thrown around, hazing occurs, and so on. I was a good kid, but not too good. As they say, I'd fractured an ordinance or two in my time, but generally was fairly harmless.

The manager's name was Jen, and I ogled her every chance I got. The uniforms were anything but flattering, but curves like hers were impossible to hide. She had a truly amazing rack, even through that bulky mesh polo shirt. Black jeans were the standard, and hers were never overly tight, except where they covered her ass. She was cute enough in the face, but the body is what constantly drew my attention.

In the time-honored tradition of sixteen year olds everywhere, I set out to gain her attentions in about the worst way possible. I began acting like a damn fool, trying my damndest to make her laugh, and therefore like me. I guess that was pretty well established as my favorite method by that point. As a teenager, I was a string bean, hovering near six feet, but only about 130 pounds or so. I wasn't ugly or handsome, just sort of middle of the road. I certainly couldn't compete with the upper echelon of jocks for the cheerleader set on looks alone. I did, though, have a knack for making people laugh, which became my defense mechanism and tool of choice for wooing the opposite sex.

It worked about as well as you'd think. It got me a few dates, but none of them were with any of the 'beautiful people'. It got me laid a few times, but usually with girls that were pretty low-hanging fruit, which is to say they were quite experienced and not very discerning. To my surprise, though, those girls were generally very kind, and took to my sexual education with gusto. I got some pretty top-notch training, as far as I was concerned, and got to enjoy myself in the process. Sure, none of the dalliances could qualify for the 'relationship' moniker, but when you're a young teenager, a roll in the hay is always welcome.

Jen wasn't amused. Not even a little bit. She wasn't that much older than us, but she was a lot more mature, and didn't have a lot of patience for foolishness. In a stunning fit of immaturity, I had my best friend pass word to her that I liked her. Her response was as blunt and as harsh as I had feared. She made it quite clear that she wasn't impressed, wasn't flattered, and that it was never going to happen.

Well then. I died the death of the broken-hearted teenager and quickly moved on. So did she, come to find out. We had another coworker at the burger joint by the name of Rocky. As far as I knew that really was his name, but I never got close enough to him to find out. He and I were civil to each other, but he was a loud, large, rough-around-the-edges type. Whenever we had trouble with a customer or a drunk who had wandered in, Rocky was the guy we called to handle it. He would make the trouble disappear in a pretty big hurry. He wasn't ridiculously muscled, just very, very big. Six and a half feet or so, and just heavy all over. You could say he was carrying a beer belly, but you'd be pretty sure to say it where he couldn't hear.

Rumors started flying around the burger joint that Rocky and Jen were seeing each other. At first none of us believed it, me least of all. He was nothing like what we all assumed her type would be, after all. But then one day she showed up to work with him, riding in his truck, and they kissed right in front of everyone as she slid out of the seat and came in to start her shift. Rocky peeled out of the parking lot, and Jen came in blushing, but grinning at the same time.

It was a definite scandal, but in a place like that, much as in high school, scandal only lasts so long. By the next week, it was sort of accepted, and we all just rolled our eyes at their frequent displays of affection. Rocky was crude, loud, and domineering, and Jen seemed to be loving it. She grinned all the time, snuggled up to him during their breaks, and generally cooed about him to anyone who would listen. She would regale us with stories of the things he had bought her, or the places they had gone together. We were happy for her, for the most part, though I was still intensely jealous.

It was a hot flame, and it died out quickly. Within a month, they were 'broken up', and Jen was backtracking like mad. She said that they had never really been 'together', but had just gone out a few times. Neither one of them was inclined to talk about the reason for their separation, but rumor flew rampant that he had hit her, or cheated on her, or something like that. With Rocky, just about everything was on the table, and the fact that she refused to talk was extremely interesting to a bored immature workforce.

I got a call at home one day, and was shocked to hear that it was Jen, and that she was wondering if I was free for dinner. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I told her I'd be happy to meet her wherever she liked. I couldn't believe it ... what was this all about? Only one way to find out, I suppose.

I showed up an hour early. I might have been a little overexcited. She showed up right on time, and we smiled at each other and headed in together. I held the doors for her, and pulled out her chair for her, just like my mommy had taught me. She was all smiles, but not saying much beyond trivialities. We ordered, and then I put it to her bluntly.

"So ... what's this all about?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, I can't recall us ever doing this before, I don't think you've ever gone to dinner with any of the other employees, except for Rocky, and you made it pretty clear a while back that you weren't interested in me in any way, shape or form. All of which makes me wonder ... what's this all about?"

Jen blushed at the mention of Rocky's name and looked down.

"You know, I'm only 23 years old", she said. At this point I was 19, so she was only 4 years up on me. I hadn't known that, but also couldn't see the relevance.

"OK... ?"

"I guess what I'm saying is that I'm far from perfect, and that I make mistakes that I'd really like to take back sometimes."

Gulp. Was she saying what I thought she was saying? The question must have been clear on my face.

"The thing is ... I haven't been on a whole lot of dates until now. I made manager really early, and have been working hard at it. They're talking about moving me to Corporate headquarters and making me a district manager, and I'd be the youngest one in the history of the company! And while that's great, it doesn't really leave a whole lot of time for ... other stuff."

"I guess I can see that. But ... what sort of 'other stuff' did you have in mind when you asked me to dinner?"

She flushed again and looked off to her left for a long moment.

"You know about Rocky and me, right?"

"Everyone knew about you and Rocky, but you guys are broken up, right?"

"Well, we were never really together, so broken up is a bit strong, but we're not seeing each other, if that's what you mean."

"That's good enough, I guess ... since we're talking though ... what happened between you two? You seemed like you were really happy with him, and then one day, nothing."

Jen grimaced a bit, then took a long breath.

"I wasn't willing to sleep with him, so he went and hooked up with some other girl. He didn't even bother trying to hide it ... as a matter of fact he did it while I was still in the same room asleep."

I was beyond shocked. Talk about a loaded statement! She wasn't willing to have sex with him, but she was apparently literally sleeping with him at some point. And Rocky had cheated on her! And done it right in front of her face!

"Holy shit", I mumbled.


"I'm really sorry ... Rocky's a dick on roller skates. That's a fucked up thing to do to someone..."

"I know. That's why I broke it off. I told him I didn't want to see him any more outside of work."

"I know it's sort of none of my business and all, but did you guys, uh ... fool around?"

She chuckled a little bit, but the laugh didn't reach her eyes.

"Not really, no. He wanted to, for sure, but I was pretty firm about it. I'm a virgin, and it's really important to me to save all that stuff for after marriage."

Wince. That was NOT the sort of thing I wanted to hear right at this particular juncture. After all, it wasn't like I was in love with the girl, but I was damn sure in lust with her.

"I can understand that, I guess, and I think it's awesome that you stuck to your guns on that."

"Thanks. I know it's sort of an outdated stance, but I can't help it. That's how I feel."

At that point the waitress showed up and took our orders. We chatted for a couple of hours, and those hours flew by. To my surprise, I was able to make her laugh quite easily, and she seemed much more relaxed with me than she ever had previously. I was mildly surprised to find myself having a really good time, and was sorry to see the evening end.

After I had paid for both of us (thanks mom), we headed for the parking lot. She had parked right beside me, and we stopped awkwardly in front of the cars and looked at each other. There was a long, uncomfortable silence, then I managed to remember how to form words.

"This was really a lot of fun, Jen. I'm really glad you gave me a call, and that we did this. We should definitely do it again sometime."

She looked at me for a few heartbeats, then leaned up and gave me a very, very light kiss on the lips, then stepped back, blushing but smiling.

"Definitely. How does tomorrow sound to you?"

It was my first real relationship, and it was with a girl who I had pined over for many years. She was built like my dream girl, had a sweet smile, and we seemed to just click. I couldn't believe my good luck, and got swept up in a whirlwind of hormones, lust, and romantic confusion. This was the greatest I had ever felt in my life, and I found myself grinning all the time. We did all the cutesy things, writing notes back and forth, eskimo kisses, tickle fights ... you name it. She stuck to her guns, though, and there was no petting, no fondling, no undressing, and certainly no touching below the neck. She was always up for a good, long, old-fashioned necking session, though, and we frequently occupied our time that way, ending when we were both red-faced and raring to go. That's when she'd call a stop to the festivities, and we'd usually call it a night.

It was frustrating, but I told myself it was a good thing. She was a good girl, and wanted to do things the right way. It wasn't a whole lot of fun for me, but that body was going to be one hell of a reward once she decided to give it up. I felt it every time we hugged, and I know she could feel me, because she'd giggle sometimes and grind her hips against mine, rubbing her pelvis and tummy against my erection. I'd always groan theatrically, and then we'd both smile at each other.

Jen did have one quirk that was pretty annoying when we first started seeing each other regularly. She didn't want anyone at the burger joint to know about it. She said that after her experience with the rumor mill when she and Rocky were ... whatever they were, she didn't want to go through that again. I kinda understood that, but I have to be honest, it kinda stung. I wanted to strut, and to show her off to people! The fact that I had landed someone like her was something I was intensely proud of. But she said no dice, at least for a while. I went along, and just enjoyed getting what I could have. If I just had her in private, then I'd revel in that, for now. Like the gratification of sex, I could wait for the gratification of showing her off.

A couple of months went by, and I felt blindingly happy. I was quite sure that I had found the right person for me, and that we were meant to be together. I felt foolish and nervous, since I wasn't sure if she felt the same. I saved up a few paychecks and bought a tiny little diamond ring. The tiny chip of a stone was bright, and it was in a simple white gold setting. I drove us one night after dinner out to a small footbridge overlooking the river that ran through our town. It was so dark, and the stars were incredibly bright as I hit one knee, scared out of my mind. I babbled out an awful proposal, and then waited for about seven centuries for her reply.

She hesitated for a long, awkward moment, then broke into a smile and teared up as she accepted. And just like that, we were engaged. I was 20, she was 24, but nobody could tell us that we weren't destined to be together. It was the happiest moment of my life as we embraced on that footbridge, tears flowing and both of us laughing and crying at the same time.

The next day was a work day for the both of us, but Jen worked two hours before I did. I was very excited to see everyone's reaction to the ring, and the news. I had it all figured out in my head ... a secret romance that had blossomed into full-bown, perfect love, and two souls that were destined for each other. I showed up to work fifteen minutes early and headed into the back. Grins assaulted me from all sides, and I felt ten feet tall and bulletproof. I headed for the office, peeked my head in at Jen, and whispered to her.

"Good morning, fiancée."

She looked up, beaming, and stood up to hug me. I looked over her head through the glass and saw almost every coworker beaming at us. Everyone except Rocky, actually. He caught my eyes with his and smirked, big time, and went back to work. His jealousy felt like sweet wine on my palate, and my life was complete.

Work was work, and it progressed like it always did. A few people sidled up to me and asked about Jen and I, and I gave them the romantic details. A few people did likewise with her, and she seemed to be telling the story with equal relish. Rocky avoided us both, but smirked at me several more times over the course of the shift. When Jen left, she came up and hugged me from behind and told me she'd call me that evening. I grinned and told her that sounded great.

She hadn't been gone five minutes when I felt a massive CLAP on my back, hard enough to sting through my shirt, and to throw me forward a step. Rocky leaned over my shoulder and whispered into my ear.

"Taking my castoffs, huh? Better hope she doesn't try to wear white to the wedding!"

He laughed, loud and hard enough to hurt my ear as he turned away and headed for the back door. Heading out for a smoke, I assumed, but my temper was rising. He couldn't talk that way about Jen, after what he had done to her! I asked someone to cover my station and headed for the back door myself. Rocky stood there, cigarette in hand and a bemused expression on his face. He saw me and his face molded into a nasty grin.

"Loverboy!" he exclaimed.

"Rocky ... Jen told me what you did to her, and I think it's really fucked up. But I also know that you and she never did anything, and that she's still a virgin, so of course she'll wear white, if she wants to."

Rocky took a long drag on his cigarette, giving me the hard eye.

"So, she told you what I did, huh? She told you everything? You sure?"

"She told me that you got upset when she wouldn't give it up to you, so you fucked another girl in front of her. That's cold, man. Real cold."

"Dude ... you only heard half the story then!" he crowed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that your little princess wanted me bad, but wanted to protect her little cherry. She said she wasn't ever gonna marry me, but that she needed what I had to offer in the worst way. She begged me to let her suck me off, or jack me off, hell she even offered me her tight little asshole, but I told her no cherry, no deal."

Ice ran through my veins, and I almost hit him, but I knew he'd take me apart without even breaking a sweat. I clenched my teeth.

"You're full of shit, Rocky. Jen's not like that at all."

The smirk returned in full force.

"Maybe not for you, little man. But once she saw what I was packing, all that shit went out the window. That's why I called up Justine and fucked her right in front of Jen ... so she could see what she was passing up. In her version of events, did she mention how she was fingering herself like a madwoman while I banged Justine? How she came several times, howling my name and begging me to let her have a go?"

"You're a real asshole, man. You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. Maybe that's your twisted fucking fantasy, but I know Jen a lot better than you ever will. She's not like that, even a little bit. She's a good girl, and you're just pissed because you weren't able to drag her down to your filthy level!"

His eyes narrowed a bit and his smirk turned into a glare.

"You wanna watch your mouth, little man. She comes off all prim and proper, but you need to understand something. If I wanted her, I could have her. She was protecting that little cherry of hers with a passion, but once that's out of the way, she'll be beating down my door."

"You wish, man."

He looked around the back of the store for any witnesses, and then stuck his cigarette in his mouth and started to undo his belt.

"Dude ... what the fuck are you doing?"

"You need to understand, little man. Maybe then you'll get it."

He undid the snap on his jeans and unzipped himself. I started to back away as he dug a hand down the front of his pants, confused about what the hell was going on. Then he started tugging, working hard at something, and looked almost comical. A smile started to spread across my face, but it turned to ice as soon as he managed to work it free.

His dick flopped out. And I mean flopped. He wasn't hard (thank god), but even soft and coming over the waistband of his underwear, it flopped down to lie against his thigh. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I literally couldn't believe it. As a healthy male, I'd seen the standard amount of porn, by which I mean I'd seen an ungodly number of hours of it, and I'd never seen anything like what I was staring at. It was massive. It was huge. It was ugly as sin, too. Mottled with what looked like a birthmark on one side, the veins running all across it in spidery waves, and the head looked slightly twisted to the left. But dear lord it was enormous. He grinned at me and let himself dangle for a few seconds, then started cramming it back into his pants and down the inside of his pant leg. It didn't look nearly as funny this time.

"That's what I mean, little man. She got a good feel of that on the first date, and started to beg for it right away. She offered me everything under the sun, but said I couldn't have her cherry. So naturally I told her that was the price. We used to go out a few times a week, and she'd dress as slutty as she could, make me every nasty promise under the sun, but I told her ... no cherry, no dick."

I didn't know what to say. It seemed impossible ... Jen didn't even KNOW how to dress slutty, much less make nasty promises. When we talked about sex, she called it "doing it", and used euphemisms for everything. The nastiest thing I think I'd heard her say to me was that she 'was a little curious to try ... you know ... the thing with the mouth on Junior'. I'd beaten off to that three times that night.

"When I brought Justine in, Jen had been sleeping in my bed for two nights in a row. She was wearing almost nothing, and kept pushing those huge titties up against me. She fondled my dick in my sleep, and when I woke up with morning wood, she almost cried trying to get at it. I couldn't have that, so I told her that this was it. I'd show her what she was missing and give her one chance to change her mind. Justine jumped at the chance for some of my dick, and she has never minded an audience, so we put on a little show. It didn't take a whole lot of acting on her part, though. She screamed her damn head off and passed out a couple times, I think. Not that I gave a shit. I pounded the hell out of her little twat, then when she got too sore for that, I fucked her ass for a while. After I came, I grabbed the bitch by the hair and made her clean me off with her mouth. I was staring hard at your little princess the whole time, and she knelt on my bed, naked, pinching one of her titties and frigging that little pussy of hers for all she was worth. I gave her one last chance, waving my hard dick at her. I told her it was time to choose ... cherry, or get the fuck out. She cried, man. Big time. But said she couldn't give up her cherry. So I kicked her dumb ass out and told her not to bug me any more."

I was reeling. This couldn't be true. I KNEW Jen. I had talked with her so much more than this Neanderthal ever had. I understood her, what made her tick. We had discussed everything under the sun, up to and including sex, though it was naturally discussed very carefully. She was as reserved about it as she was about everything else, and the mental image of her begging this jerk for his big dick, or fingering herself in front of some stranger, just didn't compute at all. I looked at him for a long minute, silent, and he just puffed on his cigarette and grinned at me.

"You're lying." I said at last.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep. I know Jen. I love her. And she's not like that. That's your sick fantasy that you dreamed up."

"Then tell me how I know that she has a freckle above her right nipple and that when she comes, she squeaks like a mouse for a second, then holds her breath, and lets it out in a growling roar?"

I just stared at him.

"You're ... lying..."

He didn't say anything more, just flicked his cigarette away and shouldered past me to head back in to work. He left me with the quiet, and with my thoughts.

I confronted Jen the next day. I had to, in my head. I hadn't been able to sleep, and the thought of that damn snake that Rocky had showed me haunted my thoughts. Maybe the rules were different when you had something like that swinging between your legs? Maybe women DID change when they got a look at it. I had never really thought too hard about things like that. I was average-sized ... maybe a tad more. 7 inches or so, per last measurement, and I had never gotten anything but compliments from the girls who had sampled me, so I thought I was pretty well-equipped. But Rocky's hammer was something else entirely.

Jen sat and listened as I related the whole story to her. I told her everything Rocky had said to me, but left out the part where he had showed me his dick. She sat and cried as I talked, and continued to cry when I was done. I felt frozen. What did the tears mean? Was she ashamed because it was true? Oh god ... I felt my stomach start to lurch inside me, and felt like I might throw up.

"He's such an ASSHOLE!" she hollered out of nowhere.

"He ... what?"

"I can't believe he's saying that kind of shit about me!" she moaned. Tears continued to flow, and she started to hiccup. Some women, I've heard, can look beautiful when they cry. Jen was a mess.

"So it's not true?"

She whipped her head up and glared at me, hard.

"Of COURSE it's not true! Don't tell me you believe that shit! I thought you knew meeeeee!" her words tailed off into a wail and she buried her face in her hands.

I was so relieved I had to bite back a giggle as I took her into my arms and held her close. I rubbed her back, and whispered to her how much I loved her, and how I knew he was full of shit all the time. Rocky got fired the very next day. Jen was off that day, but had placed a call to the district manager and told him that Rocky was sexually harassing her by proxy, spreading awful rumors about her, and that was good enough for Corporate. Jen was their rising star, after all, and her word was good as gold. I heard that Rocky didn't take it well, either, and I saw the evidence when I got into work myself. A very large dent was in the manager's door, right about eye level. I asked someone what had happened, and found out that Rocky had punched it on his way out the door.


Jen and I were married in Forida, on the beach. It was a simple, amazing wedding, and our families were both there to wish us well. Jen looked awesome in her low-cut white dress, which emphasized her amazing cleavage without being TOO risqué. The reception was simple, with a flute player and a small cake, plus a couple of bottles of champagne. Nothing overdone or crazy about it.

By the time the limo took us back to our suite, we had already started the festivities. I got my hands on those huge tits for the first time, and her palm was rubbing up and down my hard cock through my pants. When the driver opened the door, we leapt apart, blushing, then clambered out of the back and rushed into the hotel. When we got to our room, we slammed the door shut and ran for the bed, shedding clothes. She got naked before I did, and I was stunned by what I saw. She had a figure sent straight from heaven. Those tits were enormous, and sat proudly on her chest. Her waist tapered nicely, and her hips flared back out in a delicious hourglass. Her pussy was visibly wet, even from arm's length, and she looked simply incredible. I was hard as iron, and struggled to remove my pants. She groaned when my dick came into view, and grabbed it in her little hand. I returned the groan as I yanked my t-shirt over my head, and we embraced. Her naked body against mine was pure heaven, and her little hand was moving across my hard dick, driving me mad.

"I think ... we'd better head to bed. Otherwise I'm gonna explode too early." I said, sheepishly.

She grinned at me and turned towards the bed, holding my dick like a leash and leading me behind her. I watched her ass undulate as she walked, her hips swaying with each step. I swear I think I might have been drooling. She released me and climbed up onto the bed, then rolled over and spread her legs, ever so slowly. I was close to hyperventilating at the sight. Her skin was so smooth, her little pussy a pale, pale pink, and she was so wet she looked to be dripping with excitement.

"I think I'm ready to lose my cherry, honey," she said, crooking her finger at me.

I laughed and clambered up onto the bed, making an awful squeaking noise. I rolled my eyes and positioned myself over her as we both giggled.

"I love you, my wife," I whispered.

"And I love you, my husband, but right now I need to get screwed!"

I beamed at her and sat back on my haunches, taking my dick in hand and placing it at the entrance to her tight little twat. I looked up at her, looked deep into her eyes.

"You ready?" I asked.

She bit one corner of her lower lip and nodded at me, her eyes gleaming.

I'd thought about it quite a bit, actually. How best to go about business when we got to this point. Jen and I had actually discussed it, and we both agreed that the 'band-aid' route seemed to make the most sense. Yank it off all at once and get past the pain as quick as possible. I took a deep breath and lunged. I felt her hymen, and it was strong. Stronger than I had expected, and I didn't get all the way through the first time. She cried out, and tears came to her eyes, and I hurriedly withdrew a little bit, then pushed harder. There was a definite tearing of the hymen, and then I was through! She gasped at the intrusion, then squeezed her eyes shut tight and put her hands on my abdomen.

"Don't ... don't move" she whined.

"Does it hurt, honey?"

"Yeah, but it's ... going away. Just ... just hold on a minute please..."

"No worries, sexy. I'm not going anywhere."

There was a noise behind me, and Jen's eyes flew open and she gasped. Then there was just pain, and lots of it. I toppled off the bed sideways, my head feeling like it was clasped in a fiery vise of some kind ... pressure and burning sensations and nausea. My vision was swimming, and I closed my eyes to keep from throwing up. Then, mercifully, everything stopped and went dark.

I woke up in the back of an ambulance, with an EMT over me withdrawing smelling salts from under my nose. My right eye was closed, and I had a large icepack covering the right side of my head. I was on a gurney, and my wife was sitting next to me, sobbing and rocking back and forth, holding her stomach.

"Jen?" I asked.

Her eyes flew to me and she gasped.

"Oh thank God! I thought you were dead, or in a coma, or..."

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I didn't believe it. There I was sitting in a bar on the Greek Isle of Los. Working hard all those summers during high school and college, I saved my money. Now it was paying off. I deserved a vacation, and the Mediterranean was my first choice. Lots of girls, dancing and booze, my three favorites and in that order.The music was changing as the clock pushed past eleven. The DJ was playing for the younger crowd that was starting to come in. There were lots of girls just out to have a night of...

4 years ago
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Rocky Harte gave me a good seeing to u

I asked one of my friends with benefits, Fay Marsh, to write an account of the last sex she had with me for xhamster readers. This is what she said.....Last week I had sensational, satisfying sex for a long time that I can remember. My pussy felt rejuvenated. We were not getting along and I thought at the time that the relationship had run its course. I was in the kitchen getting a bottle of chilled champagne from the refrigerator. I closed the door. When I turned around Rocky Harte...

4 years ago
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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita 8211 Part 2

Hi all, This is continuation to previous sex story. I posted complete story of the first part, but due to some issue, only half was published. I got many requests for complete story. I’ve replied everyone with complete story. If anyone missed it please send a test email to to get complete story of the first part. Some readers asked for pictures.. Guys please don’t ask, no one will share their loved ones’ pics for someone else to shag off. I just share the story, but not their details. Comments...

2 years ago
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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 1

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

4 years ago
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Mmmmm I can feel it now as Rocky still has my throat full of his gigantic huge cock as he caries me over to the bed his giant form toweres over the bed as he dropes down to his knees and slides his huge cock out of my mouth and lays me on my back on the bed he lays the gigantic long shaft overtop of my body sliding the shaft up over my stomach through my cleavage up till the head is resting on my lips ,im trembling with both fear and anticipation my tiny virgin pussy is spasming waiting for it...

4 years ago
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Rocky My First Time

His name was Rocky , A Big Old Boxer that was still a Virgin like Me . He was owned by the old sister of My Sexual Abuser that lived in a huge old corner house with their 90 + mom . I would visit on occasions but not for sex . I had never been entered by My Sexual Abuser as he only fucked My Virginal Ass Cheeks like They were Breast and would Cum Quickly on My Back and Ass Cheeks . They would all go downstairs for dinner and Spanish TV for hours and I would tell them I was going upstairs to...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror Halloween part 4 5 6 nice ending

Rocky Horror Halloween Part 4 I stood shaking in the cold October, ok, since it was two am, November air outside the Moonlight club. The high heels where starting to ache. I clutched my arms around my chest and rubbed my arms, my boobs jiggling slightly above my arms. The place was already packed, the line of girls in skimpy costumes, and the guys trying to pick them up wrapped around the block. I was just another one of those girls, except for one problem, I wasn't a...

2 years ago
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rocky my giantess shemale lover

I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller : I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

1 year ago
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I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller :I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

3 years ago
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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 3

In the last episode Rocky and Bullwinkle, along with their temporary ally Natasha Fatale, were frantically searching for a young lady who had wandered away from their group. The young lady was none other than that villainous spy, Boris Badenov who had been transformed by an errant shot of exotic radiation developed by Pottsylvanian scientists. This occurred as a result of a bungled— "Don't make it sound so bad, darlink," said Natasha. "You don't want to embarrass the lady, do you?" Of...

3 years ago
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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita

Hi All, This is the story about sex with my colleague wife which happened few years ago (All names are changed for obvious reason). I’m Rocky 5.7, athletic body. Kind at heart, jovial and good guy. Can reach me on Comments and responses are welcome :) My colleague Deepak is a best friend to me. Before marriage we used to hangout a lot. First I got married and after two years Deepak got married. I helped him in his love marriage against their parents wish. Her name is Kavita. Deepak is from...

2 years ago
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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 1

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing atmosphere...

4 years ago
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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 2

When we were last with Rocky and Bullwinkle, they were frantically digging a hole into the ground with the goal of reaching China on the other side of the world. Flying there wasn't an option. "I can't get my antlers past airport security," said Bullwinkle. Their goal after reaching China is to get a strange weapon repaired for none other than those two nefarious arch villains, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Or perhaps, should we say Natasha Fatale and a cute little girl? "Please...

2 years ago
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Rocky fucks a innocent gay 2

Hi this is Rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. Contact me at I told in my last story “Rocky fucks a innocent gay” that I had a guy with me in my college, His name was Jimmy, and He was really a innocent guy. He was slim, not so good looking but an ordinary guy. We Became good friends n started to visit each other’s place.My last story was liked by many n got many mails too. so thought of telling u wat happened after that story………. As i told jimmy`s mom saw rubbing...

4 years ago
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Rocky Shores Submerged Desires 1

Cass giggled as she ran across the wet sand, dropping her bra and panties behind her onto the deserted beach. Her feet made little splashes as she ran into the chilly surf. Once the water deepened, she began to swim with strong, confident strokes. After swimming a couple dozen yards, Cass tested the depth with pointed toes and was satisfied that she could still touch sand. She turned in the shoulder-deep water to face the squeals and gleeful shouts on the shore behind her, barely making out...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Rocky fucks a innocent gay

Hi this is Rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. Contact me at I had this guy with me in my college, His name was Jimmy, and He was really a innocent guy. He was slim, not so good looking but an ordinary guy. We Became good friends n started to visit each other’s place. He never talked much with the girls, which looked lil strange to me as at this age all boys try their lucks at least once. One day, when I visited his place, he was alone watching TV. He told me that his...

3 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Two

Rocky Mountain Road Trip: Part Two Friday morning finally came and after I got out of the shower, all slick & shaved, I discovered my clothes for the day laid out on the bed. Looks like Mark laid out a black leather high waist pleated skirt with suspenders, a red tube top and red, spike heeled leather platform pumps. No bra, No panties today. This outfit was super hot and showed a lot of leg and way more than that if I wasn't careful getting on and off the bike. The tube top allowed my tits...

2 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Ten Final Chapter

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart TenSo while I was sucking John he stood up and I justcontinued to suck his cock. Then he opened a knifehe had taken off his belt and for just a second I gotscared. I continued to suck him but my heart was beating faster now and I thought, what the fuck is hegoing to do with that knife? Then he bent over me andcut the rope off my wrists and then said, "Undo yourpants and pull them down enough to finger yourself while you worship my cock slut. You have permission...

1 year ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Nine

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart NineWe really enjoyed the tail end of the concert andafter saying good night to our two new friends,with some long, hot kisses, and plans to meet forbreakfast in the morning, we went back up to ourroom and got a well deserved good nights sleep.Saturday morning would be a new day and we'dbe ready for whatever the day would bring.Next morning we all showered, shaved, and thenafter dressing in the clothes that were laid out forus girls, tight pants, high heels, and...

4 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Eight

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart EightKathy was kneeling before Mark & Keith with her back to her husband who was laying on the bed with his armsaround Sherry & Angel looking very content.Mark told her, "Lick my hand and suck my fingers as ashow of submission and do the same for Master Keith."Kathy said, "Yes Master Mark." Then she took hold of bothmen's hands and obediently licked and sucked fingers.After awhile of licking and sucking Master Keith told her,"Continue sucking our fingers and...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Seven

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart SevenWe all went up to our room and once the door wasshut Mark pulled open a drawer and took out my leash andclipped it to my collar and Keith did the same with Angel.John and Kathy looked on with, I would have to say, greatinterest. We were led over to where John & Kathy were seated on the bed and told to kneel before them.John said, " Wow, we've had fantasies but never actuallytried any bondage. So what are the rules here?"Mark said, "We practice consentual...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Six

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart SixAfter we showered and put on some makeup we found the clothes the guys had laid out for us and got dressed. We were feeling sexy and looking forward to dinner and an evening of fun.We were both now dressed in very soft leather dresses which had 2-way zippers running fully up the front and a wide belt around the waist. Underneath our dresses we wore seamed, full fashion stockings and open cup shelf bras that pushed our tits up but didn't cover our nipples. No...

1 year ago
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Rocky Mountain Road Trip Part Five

Rocky Mountain Road Trip Part FiveMy husband Mark now took charge and we both waited to see what he would do with us? It's always exciting when I don't know what's coming but I do know that Mark is a creative master.Mark looked us over and then said, "Both of you on your knees." We immediately obeyed him and dropped down onto our knees with our hands palms up on our knees and heads down in the classic "Submissive Presentation" pose.He walked around us and then he took a bowl off of the dresser...

2 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Four

Rocky Mtn. Road TripPart Four:During the ride south we went over several high up passes and what they call the "Million Dollar Highway." What a great ride with fantastic views and before we knew it we were there.We rolled into Durango and found the hotel. After parking the bikes Mark clipped my leash onto my collar and Keith did the same with Angel and we were led into the lobby to check in.There was a large biker event in progress so although we did get some looks, these events can be pretty...

3 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Three

Rocky Mtn. Road TripPart ThreeAfter we got back on the bikes and back on the road again Mark spotted a bar with alot of Harley's out front and we pulled in looking for some lunch.This was a pretty normal biker bar. They had two pool tables, lots of stools at the bar itself and small tables and chairs around the stage. Yeah, they had a low stage right next to the juke box and right in the middle of the stage was a gold plated pole. Very much like the ones I used to dance on in my younger...

4 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part One

Rocky Mountain Road Trip: Part OneWe were kicking it after dinner the other night and Mark said, "I spoke with Keith this morning and we planned a road trip on the Harley's for a few days of riding. We'll leave Friday morning and do a two nighter then back Sunday. Both Keith and Angel have the 3 days off so it should be a kick ass weekend."Keith & Angel are a couple in their 20's who work for Robert at stores he owns at the mall. ( See my first two stories ).I said, "Sounds like fun baby,...

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Rocky Horror first time

My wife Michelle had booked two tickets for Rocky horror show, I knew what she was up to ,last 6 months I was constantly dressing up for her not that I really minded but I guess I could maybe get away with a public display as a lot of guys get into the spirit of the show ,just didn't want to embarrass myself. She had been buying a lot of clothes lately & had become a bit more forceful & had taken a more dominant role & I had become a lot more submissive ,to tell the truth I had...

3 years ago
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Rocky Bullwinkle

I just spoke to a Lana, heard a great story and she asked me to write. Lana was out with a large group, all Iowa alums, with one black guy in the mix. The guys are all super good pals. In this bar/club there were a whole lot of southern boys up north participating in some outdoor sports promo. One funny guy is getting on Shawn saying stuff like "stay close to us, these guys might see your size and want to take you back home" Another adds on something like "big neck, that ought to be a strong...

2 years ago
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Rocky Horror Pegging Show Part 1

This is the story of my first and really only cross dressing and pegging experience. It was 2003 or 2004. I was dating Christine at the time and we lived a good hour apart which meant that we usually only saw each other on the weekend. She was about 5'6", red hair cut above the shoulder, B cups that looked large on her small frame, and a tight little ass. She had a strong sexual appetite almost exclusive to the vanilla category. Or at least that's what I had thought and what she'd...

4 years ago
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Rocky Horror Pegging Show Part 2

I woke early the next morning from a very wet dream and instantly regretted opening my eyes as I knew that I'd be missing out on one hell of an orgasm by leaving the dream world. But as the morning light coming through the blinds cleared some of my fog I realized that I was still in the wet dream. It had followed me out into the waking world. I was flat on my back with a set of very supple lips wrapped around my cock bobbing up and down. She was drawing up until only the head was still in...

2 years ago
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Rocky Mountain High

Back in the 70's, I worked, at a restaurant, in a resort town in Colorado. The cook and I became good friends, during and after work. We mostly talked about missing our lovers and school. One weekend, my friend invited me to go camping with him. I eagerly accepted because I love the outdoors and the beautiful mountain scenery. I didn't expect anything much beyond hiking, fishing and relaxing. We drove to somewhere in the Rockies. We set up our tent, fire pit and decided to take a short...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror Picture Show

I’m sitting there staring at my cock with nothing else to do. It’s still standing very proud and tall. The veins have subsided a bit since I’ve been able to cum, but the knob that is the head of my dick is still expanded out. I haven’t lost any of the expanded length of girth either. I’m ready for a good fuck. I want to follow her into the bedroom and lay her out flat on her back, but I’m very intrigued by the plan that she has in store for me. I’ve never seen her this intent on having...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror Picture Show Part 2

I’m sitting there staring at my cock with nothing else to do. It’s still standing very proud and tall. The veins have subsided a bit since I’ve been able to cum, but the knob that is the head of my dick is still expanded out. I haven’t lost any of the expanded length of girth either. I’m ready for a good fuck. I want to follow her into the bedroom and lay her out flat on her back, but I’m very intrigued by the plan that she has in store for me. I’ve never seen her this intent on having...

4 years ago
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Rocky Mountain High

FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Hey, dude, your luck’s changing. Didn’t I see you out at MacMurdo’s Friday night with some hottie? FROM: Mike Olson TO: Paul Mason Nope, no hotties in sight. Friday night I took my little sister out for a burger and a movie. She’s a great kid, but I wouldn’t call that a change of luck. FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Wait, that angelic brunette in the white sun dress was your sister? My God, man, you’ve been holding out on me! FROM: Mike Olson ...

4 years ago
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Rocky Mountain Summers Part II

Marci was disappointed she couldn’t go on the hike planned for this morning because of her ankle injury. It was to be the final hike of the week, as several people had to leave that evening for the airport. Kayla had gotten up early, around 6:30 or so, to join the group and had woken her. Marci had tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. She lay in bed for a while thinking but finally decided to get up. Marci stripped out of the night clothes she had slept in and pulled on a pair of jeans and...

4 years ago
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Rocky Shores Submerged Desires 1

Cass giggled as she ran across the wet sand, dropping her bra and panties behind her onto the deserted beach. Her feet made little splashes as she ran into the chilly surf. Once the water deepened, she began to swim with strong, confident strokes. After swimming a couple dozen yards, Cass tested the depth with pointed toes and was satisfied that she could still touch sand. She turned in the shoulder-deep water to face the squeals and gleeful shouts on the shore behind her, barely making out her...

4 years ago
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Rocky Mountain Summer

Cathy had finished her shower and toweled herself off. She stood nude in front of the mirror brushing her teeth. As she brushed she looked at her body, knowing it would never go back to the way it was before the baby. While she was down to her pre-conception weight, she was still pudgy around the middle, but that was to be expected. She finished brushing her teeth. She glanced in the mirror again and cupped her breasts in her hands. She was self-conscious about her large breasts before giving...

3 years ago
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Rocky Mountain Way

The wind caught Cheryl’s map as she tried to orient herself to the little town. She knew that almost everyone had cell phones with navigation on them, but she still had an old non-smart flip phone; the kind where you had to push the numbers several times to just get one letter when texting. Needless to say, she didn’t text much either.She had pretty much pinpointed her sister’s cabin on the map; her final destination. She had been here years earlier but didn’t remember all the turns. But she...

Love Stories
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Rocky Encounter With Married Neighbor Woman

Hi this is Dhruv Desai. I am software techie works with MNC in Mumbai. I am married. To be very frank with you all since childhood it’s my desire to do wild, aggressive and innovative sex with married matured woman. Finally I got that opportunity one fine afternoon. I was alone during that weekend due to my wife’s visit to my in-law’s place. It was around 2:30 in the afternoon when I was at the ground floor in my building. I saw beautiful gorgeous stunning ravishing woman with waist height...

3 years ago
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Rocky Roads

Chapter 1 “Assaying office, Bridger here.” “Jake, this is Craig Johansson in communications. Jimi Anderson is on a scout and would like to speak to you.” “I’m a little busy right now, Johansson. What does he want?” “He didn’t say. I’m assuming it’s about the roid he working.” “Damn it, kid, I don’t have the time to deal with every roid-rider that’s unhappy with the assay report. Find out what he wants and call me back.” Slamming the phone down, Bridger muttered under his breath and...

3 years ago
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He watched the smile slowly, her lips stretching out and open and her tongue gingerly licking the white smear. ‘I told you whipped cream was a good thing.’ cracking a smile of his own, ‘a little more to the left now sweetie, you’re missing a spot. A lot of spots actually’ laughing and leaning into press a kiss to her cheek. They lay against each other, giggling as they kissed, savoring the wet taste of the cream slurped down their tongues. After a while, she broke away and pulled out from...

1 year ago
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This was an incredibly difficult paper to write the research and verification involved came quite close to defeating me several times. Starting a fire is the hardest when you need it the most. These instructions are for times such as that. A calm or gently breezy, dry day makes the job a lot easier! One, it's damned hard to start a fire with wet wood. How can you tell wet from dry firewood? If it feels cool or cold when held against your lips then it's too wet to START a fire with. It...

2 years ago
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Rockys Kingdom Ch 05

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the fifth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief — you could call him a pimp in other circumstances — of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

2 years ago
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Rockys Kingdom Ch 08

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the eighth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief — you could call him a pimp in other circumstances — of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

4 years ago
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Rockys Kingdom Ch 07

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the seventh in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

4 years ago
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Rockys Kingdom Ch 09

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the ninth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

2 years ago
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Rockys Kingdom Ch 06

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the sixth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

3 years ago
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Slow Starter

I didn't lose my virginity until I was at University. Slow starter, I know. While those around me seemed intent on filling every orifice they had with everything they could find, I kept to myself, so to speak. It's not that I was totally inactive, mind you. Some of the things my mind was capable of imagining couldn't be repeated, even here. My right hand had translated countless fantasies to orgasm, releasing copious quantities of white stickiness to the open air; tissues and sheets were the...

1 year ago
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Just For Starters

I have been there for some time... I open the door just enough for you to see my face. I smile and tell you to close your eyes. Obedient, you comply. I look at your pressed khaki pants and spotless polo shirt...you are badly in need of some kink. I lead you through the door into the room, grateful that no one is in the hallway to get an eyeful of my leather bustier, stockings and obvious fetish-wear 5 inch heels. Oh, and the strap-on dildo would surely have been a dead giveaway that...

2 years ago
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Just For Starters

Introduction: No time to prepare…just take whats coming to you. You knock on the door of the hotel room. I have been there for some time… I open the door just enough for you to see my face. I smile and tell you to close your eyes. Obedient, you comply. I look at your pressed khaki pants and spotless polo shirt…you are badly in need of some kink. I lead you through the door into the room, grateful that no one is in the hallway to get an eyeful of my leather bustier, stockings and obvious...

3 years ago
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For starters 6 After starters

CHAPTER 6I continued mi life without George and Mike, but I really needed some time alone to decide what I was going to do with myself. My dad was urging me to take some “decent job”, he was convinced that behind me being in possession of enough money to buy new clothes, records and go out every week end something strange was hidden, as according him running odd errands for local shops didn’t pay enough.I started spending more time strolling our small town. Some nights, in the quiet of my room...

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Experiences of a Late Starter

I have decided to describe my first adventures with men here. Maybe some of you will recognize the experiences and feelings. It is no fantasy story but an account of what happened during the last half year.During many years when I watched porn I always liked to watch women being butt fucked doggy style. My wife never let me fuck her ass. A few years ago I discovered that I actually wanted to be the one being penetrated. This feeling became stronger every day.  I had being using anal toys when I...

Gay Male

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