Sarah Humiliated by her Step Granny
- 2 years ago
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Every since I saw her at the supermarket that first time I knew I had to have her. She was just my type. But I knew there was no way she would ever give herself to a young man like me. She was at least twice my age probably in her late 50's. Some people may think,
"What would a 25-year-old man want with a fifty plus year old woman?"
That's a question I ask myself all the time. But I have no answer. Older women just turn me on. She wasn't a raving beauty or anything like that. She was just plain sexy. Some women are beautiful but that doesn't mean that they are sexy. A bitch can be pretty as hell but there could be nothing sexy about her. This woman had a big fat ass that still swaggered when she walked. She wasn't thin either. She was plump in all the right places. The next time I saw her I followed her around the market, keeping my distance and admiring her fat sexy ass. I guess that's why the third time I saw her I followed her home. I didn't have anything else to do. I guess I was just curious as to what type of life this old lady had going on. She drove one of those New Mercedes Jeeps so I figured she had a little bit of money. As I drove behind her I fantasized about all the nasty things I would love to do to her sexy old ass.
As I drove I wondered about stupid shit, like if she had a husband, if she had kids. Was her husband still alive? But for some reason the thought that really turned me on was, when was the last time she had a nice thick cock in her cunt? My cock got harder as I fantasized about slamming her old ass to the ground and jamming my cock in her cunt.
She drove for about 15 minutes and then turned off the main road on to a dirt driveway. From the main road you could barely she a house behind the dense woods. Right then and there I made up my mind. "Granny was gonna get tossed."
I guess I forgot to mention that I'm a professional car thief. The car I was driving was stolen. And what really made me think I could pull this shit off was what was in the back seat. I guess the car that I had stolen belonged to a UPS man. There was a brown uniform and brown UPS jacket in the back seat. I quickly parked the car wiped down my fingerprints from the steering wheel and the ignition system. Then I grabbed the jacket. "This was too easy," I said to myself.
When I got to her front door I paused for a minute. I wasn't scared or anything like that but I needed a moment to get into character. Stealing is stealing I said to myself. What's the difference? Weather you are stealing a car or stealing some pussy. It's the same thing. You're taking something from someone that doesn't belong to you. I put on my perfect charming white boy smile and pushed her bell.
"Who is it?" her voice shouted from a distance.
"It's UPS... I... I Umm... Have a package for this address." I replied.
"Okay... I'll be right there."
My heart started pumping as I heard her footsteps walking towards the door. I had a big grin on my face just in case she decided to look out the peephole. I placed my left hand in the small of my back just as she started to open the door.
"Hi... Um... You're not the regular UPS guy... Are you new on this route" She said smiling.
"Um Yes... I'm... new."
"Where's your truck?" She asked, looking around behind me.
"Oh... My truck... here's my fucking truck bitch." I shouted as I pulled out my gun and put it right between here eyes.
I always loved this part. Most white people never see it coming. Its just like when I car jack people. My white skin creates a false sense of comfort to other whites. It's a great illusion. And when I strike, the surprise is almost unbelievable. When I place the giant piece of metal to their heads they all have the same openmouthed expression on their face. The Israeli made Desert Eagle is my weapon of choice. It's a massive gun. It's simply a small cannon that fits in the palm of your hand. The barrel is 10 _ inches long and thick. And when you hold this instrument of death in your hand you feel like God. It comes in a few different versions and a couple of different calibers. They even have a small version called the Baby Eagle. I like big things, that's why I like the Grand Daddy of them all, The Desert Eagle.50AE.( 50 caliber). I've tried but I can't even imagine what its like to have this massive piece of steal between your eyes.
"Oh my God." She cried just before I pushed her down to the ground. I quickly closed the door behind me. She was on her knees in pure disbelief.
"Shut the fuck up lady... Not one fucking word."
I quickly looked around and it looked like no one else in the house. She quickly scrambled to her knees. I placed the gun to her head and warned her again.
"Listen up Granny... I don't know if you are hard of hearing or what. But you are going to shut the fuck up and do as I say... Or else you're gonna meet your God a lot faster then you ever thought."
"Oh God... Please don't hurt me... Please sir... Please don't hurt me... take what you want... take what you want."
While I spoke her eyes never looked at me. Her eyes were locked on to the gun. I grabbed her by her hair a raised her up to her feet. Then I grabbed her blouse around her neck and pulled her to me. I placed the gun under her chin and looked deep into her frighten eyes. I could feel her body trembling. The confusion in her eyes told me she scared to death and that she would not resist me. I spoke softly as I pressed the barrel of the hand cannon under her chin.
"What's your name Granny."? She didn't answer me. I don't know if she was to startled to talk or if she was still in shock. There's one thing I hate to do when I'm working. I hate fucking repeating myself. Maybe she needed a little encouragement.
"Listen up Bitch... I'm not fucking around with you. When I ask you a question you better fucking answer it... when I fucking tell you to do something you better fucking do It... Do you understand me you fucking cunt?"
That's when I let go of her blouse and placed my right hand on top of the gun and pulled the slide back. All you heard was,
Even the sound of the Desert Eagle cocking was scary. I don't know if this old lady knew anything about guns. But from the look in her eyes I guess she knew that my weapon was cocked and ready for action.
"Sally... Sally... my name is Sally... Oh... God please don't kill me."
"Shut up Sally... I'm not going to kill you... but you've got to shut up... and stop fucking begging. That shit annoys me... Do you understand? All I want you to do is nod your fucking head."
She nodded her head and I rewarded her by easing the gun back slightly. She looked scared to death and to me that made her look even sexier.
"Sally I'm going to ask you a few questions. You're going to answer me without hesitation... Don't piss me off Sally, I'm trying to be nice to you... But let me warn you my dear. Piss me off and your head explodes like a watermelon... Now nod your head if you understand me."
She quickly nodded her head, and again I rewarded her by letting go of her blouse.
"Sally how old are you my dear?"
"I'm FFFfffffff... I'm Fifty six years old" she stuttered.
For some reason I thought she was lying. Women always lie about there age. But then I thought why would a woman lie about her age with a gun to her head. Then I asked her if she was married. She told me that she was divorced. I asked her if she had children. She told me that she had three girls. With each question her answers came quicker. It was more like an interview session. But I wasn't interviewing her for a job. I just wanted a little more information about her before I got down to business. Then I asked her,
"Sally... why do you think I'm here?"
She paused for the first time and had a perplexed look on her face.
"Um... You are here to rob me... take what you want... Please take it... just take what you want... my purse is over there... I don't have much cash... but take it."
I erupted into laughter. Sally looked so confused. It was funny as hell. She had no clue.
"Guess again baby." I said while I chuckled.
She just stood there looking stupid. I don't know if she was just playing stupid or what. But soon she would be fully aware of my intentions. I stepped back and took a nice long look at her thick chunky body. Her chunkiness was turning me on big time. She was wearing jeans that a fifty-six year old woman shouldn't have been wearing. They were too tight. The hugged her ass and accentuated her wide hips. But it was the front of her jeans that got my attention. She wore her pants high on her waist and the crotch of her jeans was buried between what looked like two meaty pussy lips. Some guys like thin skinny women. Thin women are ok but a nice chunky momma will get my cock hard any day of the week.
"Sally... you are right my dear... I am a thief and a pretty good one at that... but that's not why I 'm here baby."
"I'm here to steal something... something that's just a little more personal."
I pressed the gun to her temple and moved closer to her. We were face to face when I informed her of her destiny. I slipped my gun free hand onto her shoulder and slowly worked it down her body. When my right hand passed her hip and made a left turn that caused her eyes to opened up. That's when I grabbed two big fat chucky pussy lips. And again, just like before in total shock her jaw dropped open. She didn't move or make a sound. It was like something had stolen her breath.
"Yeah... that's right lady... That's what I want... I want some of that fat pussy."
I palmed her big, fat old pussy while I told her what I was going to steal. But was it really stealing? It wasn't like I could take it with me after I was done with it. I guess raping a woman is more like borrowing. While I debated with myself a tear slowly leaked out of one of her eyes.
"Hey... you stop that shit... Crying ain't gonna change a damn thing lady."
"Please Mister... Please don't rape me... I'll give you anything you want... please take what you want I... I... I promise I want tell the police or anything... Please I'm an old woman... Please mister... I haven't done that in years." She cried.
The more information she gave me the more I wanted her. She fucked up big time. She should have never told a deviant like me that she hasn't had a cock in her cunt in years. That shit only excited me more. She started moving her hips trying to free her meaty cunt lips from my grip. I did two things to quickly put a stop to that. I pressed The Eagle against her head with one hand and I squeezed her cunt lips with the other. I pinched the shit out those two chucky pillows she had between her legs.
"Ohhhhh... I see you want to do this the hard way... I can play that game Sally, I can go that way if you like... How about this... How about I pistol-whip your ass... how about I punch, kick and slap you around for an hour or so until beg me to stop. How about I do that until you beg for me to fuck you so that I will stop beating you... We can do it like that... or, you can take off your cloths, get fucked and live to see your children another day. Think about your children Sally. They'll miss you. Your funeral will be a closed casket baby. Because after I'm done with your ass no one will be able to recognize that pretty little face of yours."
I laid it on thick and heavy, I spoke slowly giving her a chance to digest every single word. I wanted full compliance. I wanted to enjoy her body without any resistance.
"So what will it be Sally... Do you wake up in your bed tomorrow alive with maybe a sore cunt and your pride a little tarnished. Or do we go down the other path where you never wake up and the Coroner takes you out of here in a body bag... You choose bitch."
That's when I pushed her back about four feet. I raised my hand and extended my arm. I pointed my Desert Eagle at her head and said,
"By the way... you have five seconds to make your decision... One."
Before I could say, " Two," She shouted.
"Okay... Okay... I'll do what you want... Please don't hurt me... I'll cooperate."
"Good... Sally you're making the right choice... I'm very proud of you... now time is not on my side... off with those fucking cloths... You have ten seconds."
A part of me felt bad that I had to threaten her like this. But what the fuck was I supposed to do. I wanted some of that pussy and I didn't want to hear any more crap. I didn't even have to start counting. Sally hands were scrambling for her blouse. Her hands where shaking so much that she couldn't even undo the first button. Fed up and terrified. She did the funniest thing I ever saw an old woman do. Knowing that the clock was ticking she ripped her own blouse off her body. Buttons went flying in all different directions across the room. Before I knew it her bra soon followed. Silently I was laughing to myself as I watched this sexy old woman scramble out of her cloths. When the eagle spreads its wings people-fucking move. I've always loved how a piece of steal can make a person jump. She had nice plump tits but I'm really not a tit man. My eye was on the prize. That meaty camel toe had my name written all over it.
Sally quickly kicked off her shoes then she started working on her jeans. In one quick move she pulled her pants and her panties down at the same time. When she stood back up she was completely naked with her jeans and panties bunched up around her ankles. With a kick she flung them to the side and stood straight up.
"Nice... Mmmmm... That looks good Sally... look at that pussy."
Sally put her head down as I gazed and made lewd comments about her body. You could definitely see where time had not been kind to her. But to me that shit just turned me on. She had some wrinkles and some stretch marks but I didn't mind one bit. Her pussy looked even fatter now that is was fully visible. I was expecting to see a big fat bushy un-manicured cunt. To my surprise Sally was bald. From were I was standing I couldn't see one cunt hair.
"Sally you look good... I'm going to enjoy your big fat cunt."
She looked up at me and made a face as though I insulted her or something. Some people just can't take a compliment. I didn't hesitate I quickly started taking of my cloths. I kept the gun pointed at her while I took off my shit. Even though I had her where I wanted her I still didn't trust her.
The next time Sally raised her head she was staring at two guns. The steal canon in my left hand and the 8-inch flesh cannon in my right hand. My cock was rock hard and ready for some old fashion loving.
"Yeah... You like that Sally... Check it out baby... This dick is all for you baby... Don't just stand there... get your ass over here." I barked at the old naked woman.
Sally was well trained by this point. She quickly made her way toward me. She stood in front of me with her head down. I don't know if she had her head down cause she was ashamed. But I knew one thing; she was definitely staring down at my cock. I took a half step forward, and the tip of my cock made contact with her stomach. I pushed forward and watched my rock hard cock push into her soft chubby belly.
"Don't be afraid of it Sally... its only a cock... Touch it... and don't make me ask you twice."
"Mmmmm... Yeah... That's it," I moaned as I felt her soft hand wrap around my rock hard shaft. She still had her head down. I wanted to see her face. So I placed the barrel of the gun softly under her chin and lifted her head. She was crying softly but I didn't care. I looked deep into her worried eyes and smiled. I told her to stroke it. And she did just that. Slowly she moved her hand back and forth. Her hand was nice and warm and the tiny little tremors I felt from her hand shaking added more fuel to the fire that was rock hard and burning between my legs. While I looked into her eyes I felt like I was totally in control.
"Sally... get down on your knees... Lets see if you still remember how to suck a man's cock."
Sally just stood there staring at me as if I was talking to myself.
"Did you hear what I said old woman... Get on your fucking knees and suck my fucking cock... God Damnit."
I hate fucking repeating myself. I told her not to make me repeat myself again. Slowly she got down on her knees. She had one hand on my cock as she stared at it. I pushed my cock forward hitting and then bouncing off her lips grazing her cheek. I didn't want to but I was forced to put my ten-inch steal friend against her temple again.
"Open up Sally."
Watching her lips part kicked my excitement into overdrive. Her mouth was halfway opened when I lunged forward pushing my thick cock deep into her mouth. Sally's head snapped back from the force as my cock hit the back of her throat.
NOTE: This is a purely FICTIONAL tale of INCEST. Please close the window if you are uncomfortable with the incest sex story. Thanks for all the love you guys have shown me so far. Do get in touch with me at My Grandpa had passed away after being admitted to the hospital for the past week. Frankly, we had made peace with the fact that he wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive, given that he was over 70 years old and that it was his third heart attack. The entire week, granny sat right next...
IncestThe Pleasuring of a Granny My name is Tim. I am not, nor have I ever been, married. I have never wanted to be married. I know and have known some very special women. They have shown me that there are a large number of women who, through no fault of their own, are stuck in a loveless or at least a sexless life and that they are expected to endure it because of their ages or ‘position’ in life. Quite a few of them do something about it when the right opportunity arises. I consider myself to be...
The Pleasuring of a GrannyMy name is Tim. I am not, nor have I ever been, married. I have never wanted to be married. I know and have known some very special women. They have shown me that there are a large number of women who, through no fault of their own, are stuck in a loveless or at least a sexless life and that they are expected to endure it because of their ages or 'position' in life. Quite a few of them do something about it when the right opportunity arises.I consider myself to be one...
This is not about my first time to have sex. Hell that story is boring, my friends older sister. I nailed her one night during a sleep over. Did not have a clue what I was doing. Since that night I have fucked her and maybe a couple of hundred of girls over those years. Sex addict you say? Well I might have to agree with you. I do love fucking new women, fresh pussy is what I crave. And if I am not dumping a load in some hot pussy then I am jacking off thinking about it. My granny is in her...
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I have a part-time appliance repair business. This business is a fantastic avenue to getting to be around older white women - my most enjoyable fetish. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always get sex from the house calls, as a matter of fact, it happens maybe once out of ten or so times. The situation has to be right, and the women have to initiate the flirting. Most of the times, these grannies will parade around in something skimpy, or flash me tits or ass. That’s cool. Sometimes they’ll just want...
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TabooOne summer day When I was fifteen my mom sent over to my granny's house to help her go shopping. I had brought my friend Joe and granny had her friend Maggie join us. We set off to the mall. My granny looks like Mrs. Howell off of Gilligans Island if any of you remember that show. She was about five foot five, small boobs-b cup I think, bottle blonde hair. She was very upscale classy looking lady. Her friend Maggie was much the same way. We must have a million stores that day. Granny and Maggie...
It’s a well-known fact that is the biggest name in the porn industry. This site knocks it out of the park when it comes to everything from giving you access to free porn to making it all look presentable in the process. Say what you want about free porn, but you don’t have to pay a dime to use Naturally, this begs the question: Is this the best place for every kind of porn? Well, seeing as how there are tens of millions of videos hosted on the platform, it has...
Granny Porn SitesThis is a continuation from ‘Granny had to pee.’ When we left Granny(Grams) and her grandson(Danny), they were quite a mess. Granny had pissed herself and Danny had accidentally cum on Granny’s shirt, face and one glob had even made it in her mouth. They were about 1/3 of the way through a 3,000 mile cross country trek from Granny’s house in Miami to Danny and his mother’s(Sunshine) home in Los Angeles. Well, actually a suburb of LA, Van Nuys or as many people call it ‘The Valley’. The...
My parents were going to my cousin’s wedding and told me I’d be staying with my step granny. My mom didn’t want to leave me alone. She always thinks I’ll just be playing inappropriate things on my computer. She’s terrified to leave me alone. I love to be alone, but it won’t be happening under her watch. My birthday is at the end of the year. I’ll finally be turning seventeen. All my friends will be turning eighteen. I went to elementary school, when I was four and half. I’m the youngest kid in...
TabooThis is a continuation from "Granny had to pee." When we left Granny(Grams) and her grandson(Danny), they were quite a mess. Granny had pissed herselfand Danny had accidentally cum on Granny's shirt, face and one glob had even made it in her mouth. They were about 1/3 of the way through a 3,000 mile cross country trek from Granny's house in Miami to Danny and his mother's(Sunshine) home in Los Angeles. Well, actually a suburb of LA, Van Nuys or as many people call it"The Valley". ...
One summer day When I was fifteen my mom sent over to my granny's house to help her go shopping. I had brought my friend Joe and granny had her friend Maggie join us. We set off to the mall. My granny looks like Mrs. Howell off of Gilligans Island if any of you remember that show. She was about five foot five, small boobs-b cup I think, bottle blonde hair. She was very upscale classy looking lady. Her friend Maggie was much the same way. We must have a million stores that day. Granny and Maggie...
I had a bro over at my pad one night. Yeah, we were partying. Yeah, we were FUCKED UP. And yeah, we got so fucked up we started dishing about the bitches we’ve fucked, the porn we watch, and what it would take to bag a hot alien bitch if she teleported right here, right now in my living room.As I said, we were fucked up.I started telling him about the hot grannies I've fucked and all the sexy, granny porn all over the interwebs. He gave me this putrid look like I had just taken a giant,...
Granny Porn SitesAre you the kind that has mommy issues rooted so fucking deep that they have now transitioned to granny issues? What if I told you there is a whole niche of granny porn? That's right; you pussy starved motherfucker. The name itself is self-explanatory, but I still feel like I have to explain to some of you noobs and newbies; granny porn is just that-porn featuring grannies. I'm talking 60-year olds who still have that sex drive. They may have sagging breasts and wrinkled skins, but these old...
Granny Porn SitesFictional storyWhen I turned 18 both of my parents were killed in a car crash. All of my grandparents were already dead. All I had was my great grandmother on my mom's side. She had been widowed about 15 years ago and lived alone. She was 78 years old. About 5"1' tall and weighed about 200 lbs. I went to live with her and finish my senior year of high school. I was pretty much a loner at my new school. I don't make friends easily. I am pretty shy especially around girls. I loved living...
I can remember the first thoughts of lust that I had about my granny. I was a day that I will never forget, I was sick one day when I was 18 and in my senior year of high school, My mother didn’t want me staying at home by myself with my temperature so high. So on her way to work she dropped me off at my Grannies house. I complained the whole way to her house because I didn’t like it at her house, and I felt I was old enough to be at home alone. But My mother thought that my fever was to high...
Hi friends I’m Ash from GOA, 21 yrs of age Bringing you a story of my granny whom I fucked so badly at my cousins place AMEY on his b’day party. My granny is a widow & around in 70’s having her size of 42 & weighted more then 120 Kgs. 4 yrs b4 when I was 17yrs of age I went at my cousin’s place for the 1st time for his 21st b’day party, it was 18th Feb 2003 when all my cousins & relatives were invited for the same. It was a gr8 party which lasted till 2.00 am after the party got over all the...
Inceston weekends. When I feel sick or while sleeping, she cared me alot and sometimes, she asked me to suck her nipple and sleep like a baby, I used to sleep in same way. I don't have any bad intentions till I am 11 years old. She took me with her to bath also! She used to apply on my body and bath me! While bathing she concentrated on my lower part, which I was not aware of when I was kid. My granny is of 45yrs old widow when I was 7yrs. A typical indian house-wife granny with ...
Tommy was 20 years old, still at home and not married. He went to the university and had got quite some girlfriends, but until now nothing serious came out of it. Because he was free during the Eastern-holidays, Jen, his mother and 39 years old, had presented him to granny for helping her out with the spring-cleaning, but this was done behind his back. He didn't care however because he loved to be with his grandma Geraldine. Geraldine, 59 years, had long black hair that she did wear tied up....
Tommy was 20 years old, still at home and not married. He went to the university and had got quite some girlfriends, but until now nothing serious came out of it. Because he was free during the Eastern-holidays, Jen, his mother and 39 years old, had presented him to granny for helping her out with the spring-cleaning, but this was done behind his back. He didn't care however because he loved to be with his grandma Geraldine. Geraldine, 59 years, had long black hair that she did wear tied up....
I’ve got a bit of a strange-looking link for you guys, and I don’t want you to overthink it. Suffice it to say; this is a dedicated Scrolller section for granny porn, even though, in all honesty, it’s just several categories that I slapped into the URL as a filter. But it works as a great substitute for a site-wide granny category on Scrolller since they may or may not get their content from another website called Reddit. You might have heard of it. Over there, there are dedicated sub-sections...
Granny Porn SitesAbout four years ago I got divorced at 49. I dated a bunch of women in their late forties and all I heard about was there ex’s or their screwed up k**s. Then one day I was in an upscale bar in Tucson and noticed a group of about twenty-five well dressed and obviously wealthy older men and women talking and having a great time. I went over and discovered they all belonged to a singles-over-sixties group and I was shocked!!! These women looked great and I would fuck any one of them.This began my...
Why do you fuckers have me reviewing shit like this? I know I’m supposed to be ThePornDude, the one and only who covers every type of smut under the sun, but have we really sunken this low? Granny porn? Really? That’s what you’ve got me talking about? Why? What’s the fucking appeal? Is it that their skin feels exactly like the surface of a raisin? Or is it that pungent old people smell that you hear so much about? When I get old, I swear I’m just going to fuck myself to death to spare the world...
Live Granny Sex CamsBoy, I’ve really scraped the bottom of the spank bank for this review, dudes, and dudettes. Iwank is clearly a porn tube aggregate site that brings in content from around the web all in one place, and you know what I think about these kinds of sites – in theory, they bring in more variety and content than any particular tube site can, simply because they are not limiting their supply. That being said, every aggregate site is limited in quality to the tastes and sensibilities of the person...
Granny Porn SitesFridays had become the worst days of the week. I never had afternoon classes, and rather than spend it seducing bimbos on dating apps or fap to the latest porn content, I had to sit my ass in a nursing home that smells like shit and death with my eight years old grandpa with dementia to be taught Calculus. The fact that he would repeat the same thing for two hours made more. Until this fine afternoon, when I was strolling in this hellscape's corridors, I heard some sounds I could only associate...
Premium Granny Porn SitesMy neighbors at Delhi were from Kushalnagar in Coorg. The family consisted of uncle (defense services), Aunty (govt service), son (working in US) and daughter (married , away at Kuwait). Uncle must be about 52 yrs, aunty about 47 yrs. She carried herself well, She was a stunning beauty even at that age. Lovely boobs, smooth stomach, rounded ass, few tires also. Uncle’s Sister (57 yrs) had come from coorg, As I had holidays after my 10th, I used to spend time with her. She played chess and carom...
I was still in the process of looking for a summer job when word reached my parents that mom's mom, in other words, "Granny" had fallen and hurt her back. I'd finished high school, and though I'd earned a partial scholarship from having played football, it still wasn't near enough to allow me to attend even one of the local universities. My folks were in no financial condition to help much either, so my going was going to entirely depend on me earning and saving up enough money to do...
It was very sad, but at the age of 92 my old granny died. She did however leave me her house and its contents. It wasn't a big house, just two bedrooms but it was all paid for and now all mine. Most of the contents could be dumped and this I did just as soon as I moved in. At last everything was done and I could enjoy the fruits of my labours. The only thing left was the attic. The very last thing down was a medium sized locked suitcase covered in years of dust. I had no key so I broke the...
This is a real story that recently happened.Ok first off im a young horny black guy who loves bbw mature and big asses and tits so happen my grandmother has all of that. I live with my grandparents. One day it was a hot muggy rainy day in Houston. Lighting struck our a/c unit outside so it stopped working but we still had power. I was home alone and really bored (horny) and pulled out my laptop. Iknew my grandfather wouldnt be home soon but my grandmother would be home in 45 minutes. I went to...
"You know there is one thing we have overlooked. Probably not the cops, but we don't know why this got reported. If I'm the nanny, and I'm in on it, just as soon as I get somewhere safe I have the bad guys call mommy and say no cops or the kid dies," I said to Vlad and Anya. "So, if that is the case, who reported the kid missing?" Vlad asked. "She was grabbed at noon and the cops were on it by 12:30. I agree who reported it." "Let's find out before we go all redneck on the...
Introduction to the Joys of Meeting GranniesAbout four years ago I got divorced at 49. I dated a bunch of women in their late forties and all I heard about was there ex’s or their screwed up k**s. Then one day I was in an upscale bar in Tucson and noticed a group of about twenty-five well dressed and obviously wealthy older men and women talking and having a great time. I went over and discovered they all belonged to a singles-over-sixties group and I was shocked!!! These women looked great and...
Note to the reader: please keep in mind that english is not my first language and that my text therefore may be severely flawed . Also please remember that this text is purely fictional. Thank you. My hot BBW GrannyWhen I was young we often visited my grandmother. She had a big house outside of town and was always a very lively and outgoing person. Plus she was a perfect cook, which my mom never was.I never knew my grandfather, as he had died at a relatively young age, when I was still a small...
While I was working in Jeddah (Saudi Arabian) I meet a lovely couple form Texas and since I was on single bases they took me under their wing, They were both swinger’s and great at organising parties, one they held was in three parts, firstly was for the k**s, ice-cream and soft drinks, second for adults drinking moonshine (homemade hooch), third was for the broader minded, at the beginning was all very family, c***dren, couples, and the odd relative, one who came was a 68 year old lady from...
What’s up, freaks? It’s me again! Do you have a thing for cougars? I mean real cougars. The ones with stretch marks from when their husbands went to Vietnam. The real older ones. Yeah? You’ve got some mommy issues, huh? Haha! Don’t worry; there’s no discrimination here, you sick fuck! I’ve got just the thing for you.Well, have you ever heard of Perhaps it’s not the biggest whore streaming platform on the market. It’s pretty humble compared to the LiveJasmin behemoth, sure! But,...
Live Granny Sex CamsHave you ever realized how older babes have a lot more energy and skills when it comes to cock-pleasing? They know all the right angles and have a plethora of naughty techniques to show off. Well, that is simply because the older babes have had so much experience, that they have tried it all. Thus, they tend to be a lot more open-minded about all sorts of naughty things.If you are searching for the perfect place where to watch hot GILF porn movies, I have just the place. Welcome to...
Premium Granny Porn SitesThe wisdom of our oldest humans is not as respected as it once was. No longer does the tribe look to its elders for guidance and advice. We would rather listen to mildly attractive dumbasses than look at a wrinkle no matter how informed it is. Evolution made us successful, not necessarily brilliant. Myself, though, I like to trust the wise words of the ancients.One can receive all the schooling on earth, but it doesn't equate to the value of experience, and there's only one way to do that. You...
Granny Porn Sites"You taking Granny out on a date?" she asked in a flirtatious tone. "Hell yea....we're going to have a ball together." I shot back with a wink. She went upstairs and got dressed and I hopped in the shower and did the same. I put on a tight burgundy polo shirt that showed off my large chest and arms, with fitted jeans, and a Kango hat. I didn't wear a fitted because I wanted to dress a little older if you catch my drift. I sprayed some cologone and sat on the couch to wait for her. She...
I had never thought of Fucking my Girlfriends Old Granny, but for some reason everything changed.Granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 92 years old and my Ex's Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better for her and safer if she went into care.I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with.While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadn’t had any good attention in years. I can’t tell...
If teens are Loved for their innocence and pristine bodies, and MILFs are loved for their experience and cocksmithing, then grannies are loved for their intense desire. Old bitches aren’t like old dudes. You see, an old man’s cock stops working one day. All the essence is removed and what’s left is a shell of its former self. The skin sags, the tip frowns, and the foreskin regrows. Even if it did still get hard, who the fuck would want to sit on a cock that looks like count Dooku?An old bitch’s...
Granny Porn SitesThis happened a long time ago. I was in my first year of college. Being just 18 at the time, I was always horny and felt the need to masturbate practically every day, however, being a somewhat religious young man I tried my best to avoid masturbation. The tension would build up after a few days to the point that my balls would ache and my throbbing cock wanted me to stroke it. It was a constant struggle.Anyway, this incident with her granny happened during a break from college. I traveled to...
I don't even know why I bought the magazine the first time. I mean, why would an attractive 24-year old lad with an 8-inch uncut cock want to look at something called Swinging 60s? If you don't know it, it's a soft porn mag in which women over the age of 60 take off their clothes and talk dirty. I'd split up with my girlfriend six months earlier and I hadn't had so much as a sniff of another lady since then. I think I was so fed up with young girls that I swore to myself I'd concentrate on more...
So as you can all see i like to get up-skirt. I still consider myself a novice but i try and usually take risks. The penalty for up-skirting is not something i want to face. The two things that get me wanting up-skirts more and more is of course getting to see the ultimate prize of knowing what kind of panties a woman is wearing under her skirt or if she is even wearing any at all. The second thing is the adrenaline rush which comes from knowing you might possibly get caught. It was about a...
A friend of mine grandmother need help around to house,and he asked if i I could help her for the next few weeks,I figured since i was off work for awhile i would help.She lives about 2 hrs away,so packed up some clothes and my tools.The next day i headed out to her place,when i got she was seating on the porch,I greeted her and said my name is Paul and she said her name was friend Bill did they me anything about her but she was my idea of the most perfect granny.Flo was about mid 70's...
The Friday after I had met Jane, just six meagre days since we had fucked hard despite meeting one another only a few hours beforehand, I was sitting at home watching TV with the events of that Saturday still on my mind. I had asked Jane for her phone number that night, but she had advised me that she did not own a mobile and I didn’t bother asking for her home number as I assumed with that answer Jane had no interest continuing our relationship after this, I was her one night stand. I then...
My name's Lucy and I'm a 21-year old student from Cornwall, in the south-west of England. I recently came out to my parents, and that's where my story really starts.I've known since I was 11 years old that I was a dyke. Well, I didn't know what I was for a couple of years, I just knew that I got a hot flush when I looked at other girls in the school changing rooms after swimming, and that I liked frigging myself off to the pictures of nude women in the dirty magazines my holier-than-thou father...
"Granny" by Littlejo When I moved in with my grandmother and her sister Elenore during the summer after graduating high school (in order to live closer - and rent free - to the college I'd be attending), Grandma immediately laid down the law. She was not very pleased about my academic performance during High School. I guess you could say I majored in partying and boys. Within five minutes of getting unpacked, Grandma called a family conference. She let me know in no uncertain...
Mom and dad were going on holiday and I said I would move back home for a couple of weeks, just to be with my eighty year old granny so they did not worry about her being alone.She was sprightly for her age, tall and big bodied but with typical granny type looks, short curly white hair, a few pounds over weight and always wore dresses for as long as I can remember. She moved in with mom and dad after my granda died over 20 years ago and looked after me when mom and dad went to work when I was...
Life is very unpredictable. You never know what will happen next. Happiness and enjoyment matter in life. Self- belief in chasing our dreams and following our heart with purpose can lead us to make magical memories. Either we keep thinking about sex without experiencing it and regret later. Or we can find our right partner and enjoy wonderful sexual encounters with them. This is Vinay here from Chennai. I boarded Shatabdi Express for a meeting in Bangalore. The train was about to depart in 20...
The one thing free porn has allowed us all to do is to find pornos in every genre. The porn tube sites that we all know and love have a video for every category. Every niche is included. Today we’re taking a look at and how they incorporate granny porn into their website… Wait a second… Granny porn? Well, I guess I can’t judge anyone.
Granny Porn SitesNote : This story is completely fictional!I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed.My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 87 years old and my Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better for her and safer if she went into care.I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with.While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadnÂ’t had any...
ote : This story is completely fictional!I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed.My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 85 years old and my Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better for her and safer if she went into care.I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with.While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadnÂ’t had any...
I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed. My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit so it was better for her and safer if she went into care. I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with. While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that had any good attention in years. I can’t tell you how many times I had to run to the bathroom to stroke my aching...
Another satisfied GrannyA month after re-fucking Nancy I was pottering around in the garden when Nancy was stood talking to another older woman. As I approached them she introduced me “This is an old friend of mine, Liz” I looked at her she looked around 65ish 5’5” quite over weight, silver hair, she was wearing a red and black dress that came to just above her knee.As we talked Nancy had to go to an appointment and I was left talking to Liz. Her husband had died 15 years ago but she was glad...
For years I have been super attracted to this checkout clerk. I have never had the guts to tell her I wanted to have a chance to have my way with her (not exactly in those words to her) I’d go there and buy something, have small chit chat with her and leave. This had been going on for years. Finally on this night I grew a pair and asked her out for coffee. She said yes, which made my cock flinch because I know I’d be fucking this woman tonight. She is a mature Bbw. When I say Bbw I mean Bbw....
So my mom has been working with this older lady that she knows, in her early 60s, and she lives in a really nice part of town. She has a big house and her husband and her can't really do most of the hard labor around the house so my mom decided to volunteer me to help while I'm on winter break from college.So I had been over to their house a couple times (its a 3 story house right on the ocean in Long Beach, Ca) and did some yard work and moved some furniture around the house. She looks very...
I was sat at home watching tv with my wife after having Lunch, when the phone rang. My wife answered it, and told me to pop over to Granny Caroline as her washing machine was leaking. Caroline only lived 2 doors up from our house. I got up and went over to Granny Caroline's house and walked round to the back door, as her kitchen was round the back of her house. I looked thro the window and Caroline was leant looking out of the window, still on the phone to my wife(her Granddaughter), so I let...