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Jill had wanted to be a model ever since she had found out the older sister of her best friend was a model.

"You should go for it," Jodie, her best friend, had told her. "You're much better looking than Sadie." Sadie was Jodie's seventeen year old sister.

Jodie knew just where to go, she had often gone with Sadie in recent months, and seen what Sadie was doing. Jill took a little persuading at first, but finally agreed, so one Saturday afternoon, the pair of them had walked about half a mile up the road to the studio where Sadie did much of her work.

They were greeted by a fifty something year old man, who instantly recognised Jodie.

"Hello lass," he said cheerfully. "What's doing?"

"Hi Josh, Jill here wants to be a model, an' I reckon she'd be better 'n Sadie."

Josh had laughed and invited them both in to a very cluttered office. Sitting them both down he had given her a brief outline of what they did, and then asked her her age.

"Fourteen," said Jill.

"Okay, well that's a little young yet, have you got your parents permission?"

She shook her head. Josh just smiled and pulled out a form. "Well, get your mum or dad to sign this, and better still get one of them to come along so we can all talk together okay?"

"I don't know whether Mum'll like me doing this," whispered Jill.

"Well, unfortunately you're under age, so you must have your mothers blessing at very least. There's no rush, bring it back whenever you want, and if you're still interested we'll arrange a test shoot. Okay?"

"Er, okay."

Having looked around the office, and seen all the beautiful pictures hanging on the wall, she suddenly became even more determined that this was what she wanted. She would be fifteen in about four weeks, maybe she could persuade her mother to let her do it for her fifteenth.

It wasn't to be. But by dint of a lot of pressure, some hard work, and very carefully watching what she ate and drank, a few days after her sixteenth birthday she had finally persuaded her mother to relent.

Finally, today, a Thursday evening in March, she was doing her test shoot. A week earlier Josh had sat her down, with her mother and best friend, and told her exactly what to bring, exactly what was going to happen, how much it was going to cost, and what she would get out of it at the end.

There were now five people in the studio. Jill herself, Josh, Jodie, and both her parents. Everything had gone fine at first, her father had waited in the car for a while listening to the football, but due to interruptions, the session was running almost half an hour late, and he had come back in to the studio, expecting to take them all home, only to find Jill was getting changed again.

Trudy, her mother, had not told her husband what their daughter was changing into, indeed it never occurred to her to do so, so when Jill came back in in a low-cut black bra and a skimpy pair of matching knickers, Terry was a bit startled and uncomfortable. Neither Jill nor Trudy batted an eyelid. Neither for that matter did Jodie, but Terry still felt uncomfortable seeing his pretty sixteen year old daughter in just her undies. By the time the fourth set of lingerie came out, this time a much sexier set in soft pink with lace and embroidered roses, Terry was starting to get a hard on, and was extremely embarrassed. He looked around the room, anywhere but at his daughter.

By now Trudy had spotted his discomfort and took hold of his hand, smiling contentedly at him. He blushed, and the combination of her mother holding her fathers hand, and him blushing, caught Jill's attention. She instantly knew what her father's 'problem' was, but was too engrossed in what she was doing to care. Indeed, the thought was suddenly exciting, and she felt her whole body start to tingle. Her nipples began to erect, and she felt a tiny tingle between her legs. She shivered violently. Josh, assuming it was simply because she was cold, finished off a quick dozen photographs and told her to go and put some jeans and a tee shirt on for the last part of the shoot. Jodie followed her out of the room, just as the 'phone went in the office. Josh dashed out to answer it, leaving Terry and Trudy alone for a moment.

Trudy had known instantly what her daughters shiver had been about, had known her daughter had suddenly got sexually excited at the thought of her father getting sexually excited, and that in turn had got Trudy truly aroused for the first time in many years.

"Don't worry about it," she said, lightly stroking her husbands crotch, feeling the hardness beneath the trousers. "Jill didn't mind. In fact she liked it. Couldn't you tell?"

Terry was even more startled by what his wife had just done and said, that he couldn't think what to say. By the time he had worked out a response, Josh had returned looking a little harassed.

"We'd better be quick with this, something's come up that I need to go and sort out."

Jill came back moments later, wearing only high heeled shoes, jeans and a denim top. It was obvious to all she was wearing no bra, But only she and Jodie knew she was wearing no knickers either. Although Jill didn't flash her boobs, Just knowing that she had nothing on under that jacket got both her and her father hot again, and this time both were fully aware of it.

Josh still didn't notice, but this time because he was distracted by his other thoughts.

Twenty minutes later, after the end of the shoot and a short chat with Josh, they were all back in the car to go home again. They dropped Jodie off first, and then drove the last mile home in silence, but all three could feel the sexual tension in the car.

By the time they had got home, Terry had a raging hard on, and both the women were creaming themselves. As they got out of the car, Trudy whispered in her daughters ear. "Go get him kiddo," she whispered.

"What," hissed Jill.

"Go get your father. I know you want him, probably not much more than he wants you right at this moment."

Jill was startled. "But I'm still a virgin," she whispered back.

Trudy grinned. "That don't matter. My father took my virginity when I asked him to." This wasn't actually true. Trudy had never done anything with her father at all, just fantasized, and it just seemed like a good thing to say to her daughter. Jill seemed to take it in the way it was intended, and grinned at her mother.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to jump Callum I think. Assuming he's in of course, and it's now nearly ten o'clock, so he'd better be."

Callum was Jill's twin brother, and just as good looking in his own way as Jill. Jill grinned conspiratorially at her mother. "Only if I can jump him after you."

Trudy nodded, smiling, and they both turned to look at Terry, who was watching them both hungrily. Trudy patted her daughters bottom, pushing her towards her father. Jill went up to her father and hugged him, pressing her belly lightly against his so that she could feel his erection. Terry was startled, and excited, then even more startled when Jill slid her arm around his waist and turned them both towards the front door. Gingerly he put one arm across her shoulders, but this wasn't quite what Jill had in mind. She took hold of her father's hand, and pulled it further over her shoulder. She hadn't changed since the last part of the shoot, so still had no bra on. Pulling open the front of her jacket, she slid her father's hand on top of one small, firm, breast.

Terry groaned as he felt his erection fighting his underwear, almost strangling his cock as it tried to straighten up.

"It's okay Dad, I've got no knickers on either." She giggled at her father's second groan.

Trudy opened the door just as Callum came out of the living room.

"What's going on," he asked, amazed at the sight of his sister's boobs, and even more amazed at the sight of his father's hand holding one of them.

"I'm about to lose my virginity," grinned Jill. "And I think you're about to lose yours as well."

Trudy grabbed her son's hand and as Jill steered her father up the stairs and towards her own room, pulled her son up behind her and followed them up stairs.

"No, all into the big bedroom," called Trudy.

Jill pushed her father onto his bed, and stood in front of him. "Undress me Daddy, then make love to me," she whispered.

As he lowered her jeans, her blonde pubes, which he guessed may have been partly shaven, came into view, and Terry gave another groan as his prick tightened even more uncomfortably in his own trousers. When her prominent pussy came into view, he couldn't help himself. He reached out and lightly stroked the labia, feeling just how sodden, and therefore how aroused she was.

Jill moaned at her father's touch. No man had ever touched her there. Her own GP was a woman, and even the gynaecologist who had examined her a month earlier was a woman.

Neither Terry nor Jill were aware that Callum was standing right next to them with Trudy kneeling on the floor in front of her son, her tongue licking the tip of his hard erection. Trudy however was totally aware of what was going on right next to her, and was determined that both her children would lose their virginities at exactly the same moment if she could possibly arrange it. Only she was now not naked, and she needed to get that way fairly quickly if her plan was to work. Standing up, she took hold of her son's hand and slid it into her crotch. "Strip me," she whispered into his ear.

Callum needed no prompting, but he did need a little bit of assistance as he fumbled with her jeans, finally pulling them down to her knees. He almost ripped her knickers in his haste to get them off, but once off, he stared in wonder at her huge bush of dark pubic hair, and, just peeping out between her legs, her open pussy, glistening with her arousal. While Callum touched his mother's pussy, Trudy took off her blouse and bra, and dropped them onto the floor.

Like Callum in front of his mother, Terry was also now kneeling in front of his daughter. Both were gently stroking the opening of their partner, though the relative differences in experience meant that Jill was the first to collapse onto the bed as the sensations running up from her pussy caused her legs to collapse. Terry pushed her onto her back and spread her legs as wide as they would go before shuffling forwards on the floor and burying his face into her crotch. Jill gave a little scream of delight as her father's tongue found her centre of pleasure, and rapidly flicked the quivering nodule of her erect clitoris to and fro.

Seeing what was happening, Trudy pulled her son into a similar position, and was soon basking in the delights of her son's tongue as he licked and kissed inexpertly around her crotch. A chance nudge of her clitoris at just the right moment caused her to give a loud gasp, which for the first time attracted Terry's attention. He looked at his son, and realising that Callum was somewhat uncertain of what he was doing, gave a small smile, and touched his son's shoulder.

"Callum, watch me, then have another go."

"Err, yes, sure," said Callum sitting up in a daze. He looked at his father, and then at his sister's nearly naked pussy, and his erection, if anything, grew even harder.

Using his daughter's pussy as a guide, and with Callum following him on his mothers pussy, Terry guided his son around the geography of a pussy, showing him where the clitoris was, where the inner and outer labia were, and what each individual part felt like.

Both Jill and Trudy had pushed themselves up onto their elbows to watch what was happening between their own legs. The sure, experienced touch of Terry on his inexperienced daughter's body was keeping her fully aroused, whilst the inexperienced yet soft and tentative touches of Callum were doing the same, but in a totally different way, for his experienced mother. Jill and Trudy watched each other as well as their partners, each admiring the other. Jill admiring her mother's large boobs, wishing hers were larger, Trudy admiring the slim lithe figure of her daughter, wishing hers was still like that.

After a few minutes Terry lowered his head back to his daughter's pussy, and for a few more minutes gently licked and sucked at her pussy, whilst Callum watched. Jill collapsed backwards again, moaning in desire and lust as yet more flames shot up from her superheated pussy and clit and around her body.

"Now you try," said Terry, motioning to Trudy.

Keeping one hand on her thigh and using his thumb to lightly stroke his daughter's pussy, keeping her aroused and excited, Terry guided his son into giving his mother the best he could. Her father's on again, off again, approach to her pussy was driving Jill wild with lust and need, so when he once more lowered his mouth to her dripping cunny, Jill came with a huge cry, bucking and moaning as her orgasm cascaded around her young body.

The sound and sight of her daughter thrashing in orgasm right next to her, excited Trudy beyond measure. She grabbed her son's head and forced her crotch even tighter against the licking, stabbing, tongue, and within moments came with a shattering orgasm of her own.

Terry slid up onto the bed beside his daughter and began to lick and kiss her small firm boobs, one hand still lightly stroking her pussy. Jill could barely feel what he was doing, the combined sensation were almost too much for her, her body just seemed to be floating along in a haze of arousal and orgasm.

Trudy eventually pulled Callum up beside her. Unlike Jill, she had never found having her boobs kissed and licked very exciting, though she acknowledged to herself that Callum would love it, so let him continue. His light touch, whilst not exciting, was not unexciting either, and she got a pleasant glow from the touches of her son on her body.

It wasn't long before Terry decided Jill was as ready as she was ever going to be, and spread his daughter's legs a little wider and slid between them. Trudy pulled her son into a similar position, and then tapped Terry's shoulder. Terry looked over at her and then grinned. Turning to Callum, he said, "Watch what I do, then do the same."

"No," said Trudy urgently. "Together."

"Together?" asked Terry, then his face cleared. "Ah, right. They are twins, so they should lose their virginities at the same time, yeah?"

Trudy nodded, a smile on her face.

Terry nodded and sat up onto his haunches. "Okay, do what I do," he told Callum. Callum moved into a similar position between his mother's legs, and then watched as his father took hold of Jill's hips and lifted them slightly, pulling her towards him. Callum tried to do the same with his mother. Trudy was able to help her son, but Jill was so far gone that Terry had to do all the work for himself. However his daughter was much lighter than his wife, and he was somewhat stronger that his son, so he had no difficulties. He stroked the spongy head of his prick against his daughter's pussy, waiting until Callum was doing the same to his mother. Jill had given another gasp at her father's touch, and was now rocking her hips, desperate to get him inside her.

Holding himself in place, the tip just splitting her inner labia, Terry moved forwards over his daughter's body.

"Are you ready darling?" he whispered to her.

"YES, YES, Yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes, "gasped out Jill, her words getting softer and softer, but continuing.

Callum watched his father, and realised that he was still stroking his prick up and down Jill's puffed out pussy lips while he waited for his son. Callum knelt over his mother in a similar position to his father and blushed as he looked into his mother's sweaty face.

"Are you ready?" he asked her shakily.

"But of course darling."

"Okay, slowly now," said Terry, "Ever so slowly and gently."

Together, father and son pushed slowly into daughter's and mother's pussy respectively, each pausing occasionally to allow their partner to accommodate them.

Jill's pussy was exceedingly tight, but also exceedingly wet, so Terry didn't have quite as much difficulty entering his daughter's body as he had expected. He heard her gasp and moan, as her labia spread and stretched themselves around his bulbous prick. Then the head was inside her, but a moment later he had reached her maidenhood, her virginity, her hymen blocking the rest of the way into her vaginal passage. She gave a little shriek as the pain of her hymen stretching beyond its limit reached through the pleasure and excitement of the rest of her body. Terry backed off and tried again, pressing slowly forward against the flap of skin denying him entry to her body. Trudy had seen what was happening, and was using her hands around her son's prick to prevent him from getting any deeper inside her just for the moment.

"Shit," muttered Terry as for the third time his daughter's thick hymen prevented him from fulfilling both their needs. He pulled out almost to the tip and began to tickle her clitoris with one finger, whilst kissing and nuzzling at her sensitive nipples with his mouth. He felt his daughter's pussy spasm around his glans, and with a quick glance at his son, to see that Callum was still copying him on his mother's body, decided to batter down her hymen with one swift, hard, thrust.

"Now," he muttered to Callum, and slammed his hips forward, Callum following his action just a couple of seconds behind him. His prick battered it's way through his daughter's hymen as if it wasn't there, and he was inside her. Jill screamed in pain as her maidenhood was ripped into oblivion, but then the pleasure of her father's fingers on her clit, and his mouth on her nipples overrode the pain. She slammed her hips up to meet his, and in that moment Terry knew his daughter's body had accepted her father's prick. Letting go of both her clitoris and her nipple, Terry hugged her slim body against him, and brought his mouth down onto her throat, face and finally her mouth. Jill revelled in the sensations of the hard male body against her own, the hard prick inside her, and the tongue wrapping itself around hers as they kissed passionately. She writhed against him, feeling him fill her, move inside her, stretching her in ways she hadn't imagined. For Terry, his daughter's lithe body pressing against him, her small breasts pressed against his chest, and her oh so wonderfully tight pussy gripping his prick, life just couldn't get better. Terry loved his daughter, both his children in fact, but he had never lusted after her until today, had never got even vaguely sexually excited by her. Now however she was impaled ecstatically on his prick, and both were loving every second of it. He pulled her tightly against him, caressing her firm body, even rolling over briefly and gripping her tight buttocks, their bellies moving together as his prick slid slowly in and out of her. They picked up their pace, and it wasn't long before he felt himself start to orgasm, shooting jet after jet of his essence into her young and nubile body.

When Jill felt her father climaxing, his prick swelling inside her, and the sperm shooting out to fill her, she came again with another loud cry of delight.

Next to them, Callum was slowly stroking in and out of his mother's body, not understanding why he was doing what he was doing, but doing it anyway because his mother's hot pussy was doing things to his prick he had never thought possible. Trudy had wrapped her legs around her son's waist as he thrust, raising her hips and thrusting aggressively back at him, wanting her own release, but knowing that it was unlikely. Both Jill and Callum, along with their father, all orgasmed within a couple of minutes, only Trudy not coming to a climax. Trudy wasn't too bothered though, she felt satisfaction and delight at what had just happened.

For the next hour and a half, the two couples continued to make love, the adults guiding their offspring in the lessons of lovemaking. Each pair now ignoring the other, though when Terry rolled onto his back, and allowed Jill to straddle him, lowering herself onto her father's huge erection, Trudy decided she wanted the same, and pushed her son onto his back as well, and shortly afterwards, came to only her second climax of the evening, and only the first with her son's prick inside her. Trudy had always liked rear entry positions, it allowed her to manually stimulate her clitoris at the same time, so eventually she pulled him around behind her, and persuaded him to try it.

At first he was confused, thinking she wanted him to fuck her arse, something she wasn't averse to, but didn't want right now. She eventually guided him as she wanted, but it was unsatisfactory at first. Terry, spotting his son's problem, lifted Jill into the correct position, and gently pushed into her from behind, showing his son how to fuck his mother, all four of them coming to howling climaxes before falling into a heap on the bed.

They slept, not waking until very late the following morning. Both Callum and Jill had school that day, they had both not long started their 'A' levels, while Terry and Trudy both had jobs to go to, but not one of the four even considered getting out of bed. Jill pulled her beloved father on top of her and slid his hardening erection into her already wet and waiting pussy, and just moments later Callum was on top of his mother, his erection as deep inside his mother as it would go.

For the first time mother's and daughter's heads were right next to each other, their shoulders rubbing as their partners thrust in and out of the higly receptive and aroused women. After a few seconds Jill reached out a hand and touched her mother, taking hold of her hand. Trudy turned her head and looked into her daughter's eyes for the first time since they had reached the bedroom.

Jill saw love, lust, and just sheer delight in her mother's eyes, while Trudy saw much the same from her daughter.

"Thank you," whispered Jill to her mother. "I love you," she mouthed.

Trudy smiled tenderly at her daughter, and reached her arm around Jill's shoulders, hugging her daughter against her, even as both of them were still being joyously fucked. As soon as Trudy felt and heard her son orgasm, filling her once more with his essence, she pushed him free and rolled onto her side, hugging her daughter against her. Terry orgasmed a few moments later, filling his daughter once more, and then he too was pushed away. Both women had virtually ignored their own partners for the last few minutes, almost longing for them to finish.

Terry had a slight suspicion about what was going to happen. He'd always known that his wife had some lesbian tendencies, and he wondered now whether he was going to see her have sex with their daughter.

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Aroused Nudists

My wife and I have been social naturists for the past 15 years and have practised the liberating lifestyle at naturist resorts, clubs, beaches and waterfalls in over 10 countries to date. We continue to enjoy the exhilaration that naturism gives and the privilege of meeting likeminded people of many nationalities, ages and persuasions. We cherish the memories of naturist incidents and the emotions that they evoke which we discuss as two broadminded adults.One such incident took place while we...

4 years ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 27 Interlude Comes to an End

“Roll over when he’s done, and you can get some human cream to go with all that doggie milk!”. Cooper yelped, people were moving in and around his bitch and he was not done with her. Hunching his hips, he slammed his cock into his bitch with increased urgency, his muzzle dipping down and growling in her ear as he took control and fucked her. Over and over he slammed his cock into her hole, and as his knot formed he thrust deep, shooting his thick cream deep inside the eager wench. “Fuck,...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Makes Me An Ass Slave 8211 Part 5

Thanks for all the encouragement you provided me with for my story. Contrary to what I believed, the response was overwhelming. Since you enjoyed the story, I am encouraged to write more. Keep sending me your emails. This is part 5 in the series. Here I will share with you my sad and sexy tale of getting more and more enslaved by my girlfriend and committing unspeakable acts. After today, I changed entirely into my girlfriend’s slave, ready to do everything to please her. You will also see her...

2 years ago
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More of Hellen

The next day I was out and about when I saw my neighbour Jim, from a few doors away, ahead of me and soon realised he was following a mum pushing a buggy. She had a good pair of legs, no tights and a nice arse. I walked behind him for a while watching the show and then took the bull by the horns and caught up with him and said “nice arse”. Caught unawares he tried to deny he was looking but I started chatting to him and it ended up us both agreeing she was well worth a wank.We carried on...

1 year ago
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My Give Away WifeChapter 5

Lea became noticeably more nervous when Jim left a sizeable tip and we got up to leave. It’s time. The games are about to begin. We left the car in the restaurant parking lot again and just like before, Jim unbuttoned one more of Lea’s buttons, leaving only three buttons between Lea and getting arrested. We walked down the street and went into the same bar we played pool in two nights ago. I suspect a lot of people heard what happened and have come in this evening hoping Jim and Lea would...

3 years ago
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Summer Lawns Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Curtains twitched nervously, with a mixture of admiration and dread, as Charles took the long walk up the white graveled driveway to the Manor house, that Monday morning. As he stood looking up at the tall windows, he wondered what destiny lay inside. What adventures would all this lead him on, and what wisdom would he seek? But what really concerned him, was to be part of all this wealth, to plug into it like a ring-main. The thoughts of those wild sex parties burned into his...

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Office Revenge

Office Revenge by Heather Alexander ©2004 I stepped into the elevator and pressed for the 8th floor, the doors closed and I stood there in trepidation. The doors opened and stepped out, it was late at night so the office was deserted except for a light in the director's office. A office that only a few days ago had been my office, then suddenly we had been subject to a hostile take...

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No Nightmare ThisChapter 4

The shrill ringing of the phone startled Rachel. Could it be Madame Tussard already, it seemed barely 5 minutes ago that she had ended her first phone call with Madame Tussard. How could they have confirmed her assignment in such a short period. There was only one way to find out and she anxiously lifted the phone from its cradle. Madame Tussard: "Rachel! Its me again, I have marvelous news. The client simply adores you and cannot wait to meet up with you tonight." Rachel: "Tonight, oh...

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Home Is the Sailor Home From the Sea

The scene was somewhat surreal, at least to me. The surroundings were common enough, but the circumstances were very strange. I was in my bed, at home, naked, with my wife, Patty. I had just that very morning returned from a seven month deployment. Just before I got my nut in the cunt of the first American woman that I had seen naked in better than half a year, and it wasn't my wife's, I pulled out my still very stiff cock, snapped my fingers, and plunged it, still dripping with my best...

4 years ago
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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 12

Jack looked at me knowingly when Istrolled in, more than an hour late."Shut up, man," I said. Though he hadn't actually said anything."You look like you could use a coffee," he said.I shrugged. "Sure."We left the office building and went next door. After grabbing our coffees, we stood outside with them. It was raining out, so no one else was likely to join us."Heard about your little adventure last night. Good for you.""Yeah, I guess. How did you hear-"Jack waved the comment away before I could...

3 years ago
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Enjoy the View

"Hush. Shh. It's all right. You don't need to say anything. I just want you to sit there and enjoy the kind of view you like to see so much. You don't get to enjoy this as much anymore since I've been going out with my friends and leaving you at home all alone lately. You don't have to say anything at all. Just enjoy the view, sweetie. I've really learned to like it when men look at me! You like women who dress up so they can be looked at, don't you? It turns you on, doesn't it? I'm...

1 year ago
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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

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The Janitors Secret

José Garcia had worked for the high school as a janitor for several years. He was a good, hard worker and friendly enough on the few occasions he spoke with the staff. He had more interchanges with the students than the teachers and faculty though, preferring the younger, friendlier students than the aloof standoffishness that most of the teachers and faculty usually showed him.One day he was called to the girl's shower for a plugged pipe. After knocking on the door and announcing himself...

2 years ago
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THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ROMEROby theduck1930IntroductionRomero was a very plain looking young man of 33 years old, though he had a body that would make even Mr. America jealous to look at it. Abs that looked like a rippled sidewalk. His hips were small and his chest large giving him a near V shaped torso, green eyes and blond hair and a full on tan without tan lines. His legs were muscled and bulged in all the right places. In all respects he was an Adonis if it were not for his face.Romero had...

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My Boyfriends Father and Me

My boyfriend Mike and I were fucking in Mike's bedroom when his father came home early and found us in the middle of a fuck. We both freaked out when he saw us. He stood at the door and smiled.This was not good I believed. I was petrified.Mike had pulled out immediately and pulled the covers over us to cover our nudity. We both thought he was going to read the riot act to us. He didn’t. He was extremely pleasant. I could not believe it. Mike and I looked at each other and wondered what was...

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It all began when my girlfriend asked me to house sit for her. I was to watch the house for about a week while she was out of town on business. Jan was the manager of a profitable business, and so she is out of town, every couple of weeks. It was the first time that she'd ever asked me to keep an eye on things. I would stay there whilst she was at the conference. Jan left on the Friday morning after work I went home and packed some things to stay at her house... A few essentials that I would...

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A Recent Visit to Bath House

A recent story of my visit to a bathhouse and one of my regulars ... I am a discreet bi oral bottom with an athletic build and smooth bubble ass that gets a fair amount of attention among gay/bi men. I have an affinity for black men that has grown stronger over the years ... I will fuck white guys, but generally my preference is black. I have 3-4 regular black guys who I see on a 2-3 week basis (depending on my schedule or theirs). This frequency of cock usually keeps me satisfied, but...

2 years ago
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Working late night

It was turning 8pm and the boss had a few employees working late including his secretary. She was a cute 20 something year old with fiery red hair, slender legs, a nice round buttocks and a perfectly sized pair of tits. She started to get fed up and was ready to go home and had planned to run herself a warm bath to relax in and play with herself to relieve some tension. As she walked towards her bosses door she realised his blinds were closed. Looking around to check no one was close she peered...

1 year ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 1

This had better be good” Beth muttered under her breath as she reached for the telephone. Who the fuck would be ringing her during “Big Brother” anyway? All of her friends and family knew to avoid calling Beth at this time as Beth was highly likely to become most unreasonable, like a bear with a sore head whilst menstruating and she didn’t take too kindly to being disturbed. “Yeah?” Beth almost sang down the phone. If this was some marketing call, she’d rip them limb from limb. If she wanted...

3 years ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Thursday After Lunch

Roberta - Study Hall Since our study hall is near the lunchroom, we only got stopped a couple of times for reasonable requests while going to our study hall. Today we actually came prepared to study. We had realized on Tuesday that we were taking both Spanish and French. Since Pat had some Spanish-speaking friends, they ended up learning Spanish as a pre-teen. They decided to try to learn French as a third language, while taking Spanish as well for the GPA. My story was pretty much the...

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Rubber Necking

The weather was just too hot, there was no way you could stay inside, and a fine day in Dublin was so rare, that you had to take advantage of it. It was part of Irish culture; on the one sunny day you got each year, you had to get out and go for a full burn.I’d decided, as always, to walk up to the Phoenix Park. It was going to be packed as fuck there, but if you put the effort in to walk beyond the main field, there was a lightly wooded part near the back of the park, where the crowds were...

1 year ago
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The Cursed Castle Chapter 4

"David, can I... can I see it?""Ask me the right way.""David, can I see your... cock? Please?"David pushed her gently back until the mattress caught her at the back of the knees and she was forced to sit down on the edge of the bed. He stepped forward a bit, bringing his crotch within easy reach of her. "Give me your hand."Arabella extended her hand and he took it, placing it on the very apparent bulge that lay under his loose-fitting pants."OH! Oh my..."He moved her hand up and down the bulge,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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PrettyDirty Dahlia Sky Two Cocks One Hole

When aspiring actress Dahlia Sky answers a want ad to audition for a role in a blockbuster film, she’s impressed by the studio and the green screen where the director John Strong says they shoot lots of CGI movies. When the actor Mr. Pete runs through the script with her, she reads her lines and takes direction like a champ. However, she’s a little surprised when John wants to see them kissing, until John explains they’re shooting a love story, and he wants to see passion, as...

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I’m a 34-year-old hot wife. My husband and I have been together for 16 years and married for almost three years. I never used to be so open with my sexuality. I have figured out over the past few years that girls are often taught, while growing up, to be prudes about sex. No sex before marriage, monogamy, and you don’t ever talk about sex outside the bedroom. Those are the top rules.I first started fucking other guys because my husband felt bad about leaving me home alone much of the time. He...

2 years ago
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Dog Training at Hargreaves

This is a fantasy story and all the locations, characters, corporations, facilities and practices herewith described are fictitious and stem from the author's imagination alone.Dog Training at Hargreaves.Julian Hargreaves looked disdainfully at the latest intake of patients for his up-market Institution in the foothills of the Anderson range in Malvern County, they came as ever in SUV's, the road far too tortuous for Limo's, every one pampered and preened like they were attending a Hollywood...

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Leanne and the old folks home Halloween Special

Leanne walked up to the old people's home and looked at the sign; 'Rosefield Manor'. The building was dark and grey, sending a chill down her spine just looking at it despite the relatively mild autumnal afternoon. The bare trees outside, as black as the gothic looking stone the building was made out of, did nothing to ease her worries. There was always something odd about this place, she remembered it freaking her out when she was younger and it still had a bit of a hold over her now. Ancient...

3 years ago
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Tight Fittin Jeans

Copyright© Tight Fittin'Jeans Composed by Michael and Mike Huffman Performed by Conway Twitty THE STAMPEDE, BIG SPRINGS, TEXAS She tried to hide it by the faded denim clothes she wore But I knew she'd never been inside a bar before And I felt like a peasant who just had met a queen And she knew I saw right through her tight fittin' jeans I'd been coming to The Stampede since I was old enough to drink beer. It was a well-known dance/music hall a few miles east of the...

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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 9

“Put him in my section,” The redhead Talsy and I had dick-pictured the night before told the seater as Jess, Nisha, and me entered the restaurant. “Put me in Adelaide’s section.” I said to the seater. “Oh, um...” He looked over his shoulder at the redhead. “Customer is always right.” I said. He nodded and took me across the restaurant under the scathing gaze of the twisted facial features of the redhead. “You guys want anything from the bar?” He asked. I ordered a round of beers. It was...

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Two Tiny Tool Tales

TWO TINY TOOL TALES by Throne For years John had considered himself an accomplished cocksman. Many women had succumbed to his considerable charms and he had bedded them all. Then he picked the wrong woman and found himself in trouble with The Revenge Court, an all female group dedicated to vigilante justice for egotistical cads like himself. Their sentence had been simple. He was to have his eight inch tool reduced to a mere hint of its full glory. John was stunned. His life...

1 year ago
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1000Facials Vanessa Decker American Glaze

Vanessa Decker is one stunning babe. With her perfect tits and amazing booty, she would make anyone have wet dreams about her. This Czech starlet is here to suck some hard American cock. She starts by stripping down, exposing her gorgeous body, and as soon as Brad Knight joins her, she instantly pulls out his large dick to suck on it. She swallows his knob far down her throat while stroking it. She even lets Brad fuck her beautiful face. Vanessa surely knows how to give a deep and sloppy...

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Checking the night at work

Normal bat as always Railway control room Featuring an hour. 23:40A car drew up behind trumpeted opened the window to find out who and went to open the door.Mr. Thomas was a nice hunk controller always liked it. Elegant cool little that is low.Consequently, that turns me off sex with men recently came over me on anglers or guys in rubber boots or waders fishing.So, as always, I sit alone on duty brought himself to work waders that at the time of excitement with masturbation excite them and...

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...

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Pradnya8217s Loses Her Innocense

Hi, my name’s Abhay and thanks ISS for publishing my sex stories. I’m an average guy, I’ve described myself earlier in my stories so I wouldn’t waste my time doing that now my current fiancé who was previously my girlfriend her name’s Anushka she’s a fair girl of 5 feet 6 inches in height, slim, having dimensions of 32,26,36. She’s a fun-loving & open-minded person though this happened when we finished our college both of us had got jobs we wanted to celebrate. My girlfriend Anushka was now...

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Wild night

I had just finished college and had moved into a house with my friends. There were always girls hanging around and some of them were known to be real sluts.I typically don't pay attention to girls who are overly easy but, one of them was smoking hot. I had heard a few stories about how wild she was in bed. I kept catching her looking at me and then looking away. It turned me on to see a supposed slut acting so bashful.Our next party was raging. Everyone got loaded, even myself. I saw this...

3 years ago
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I Have My Wife To Thank

Rolling my hips and violently thrusting my cock deep in her, she arches her back and I can see she's having an amazing orgasm. I lower my head and suck her nipples. Then I feel my own orgasm hitting me. I grip her hips and my loud moaning echoes through our bedroom."Oh fuck, Darla," I moan releasing my seed deep in her."Darla?" "Yes, Devin?'"Have you given any more thought to what we talked about last night?""Yes, I have. I have to admit it's all I've been thinking about. You?""Well, yeah, you...

4 years ago
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Norman and Anastasia

For the first time in my life, my uncle Norman was not pleased to see me. His sister, my mother, had not heard from him in a little while and was worried so I had been volunteered to drop in on him and make sure that all was well. So here I am stood on his doorstep and he is peering round the door at me, holding the door open as far as he can to make sure that I can't see in but so that he can see me. He wears an annoyed look on his face. I am disturbing him in some way. It is then that all...

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Orgies With My AuntChapter 4

The recently concluded disastrous Sunday was really not as bad as I thought it was at the time. In fact, My mum was much more understanding of the way her sister Maggie and I managed to get a lot closer than blood relatives are intended to become. Our mutual friend Mary was a slut of the worst sort, but she was extremely giving in the sense of making certain we both experienced proper releases when push came to shove. The (ever ready to copulate) Mary called Maggie early the next Saturday...

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Yoga Pants Suck

very blue eyes was not lost on her. After her "lost signal" moment, as her mom would call it since her brain would disconnect from mouth in a day dreamlike stupor, she managed to squeak awkwardly,” What?" Inwardly there was a scream building shaking her insides with a fury of disbelief. "What" that's ALL she could get out?! He smiled with his eyes, his goddamn eyes, and repeated his question, "Can I ask a favor?" "Uh sure, I guess..," she managed to sputter while she...

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The Untamed Lands v2

(This story has a game engine that I'm building into it to simulate randomness and track progress. Game mode is essential to the story making any sense. I highly recommend it) (current version rebuilding everything from the beginning, simpler and easier to make, that way I have a chance at making actual progress) You tighten the last laces of your knee high boots, adjust your sword belt and throw your cloak over one shoulder to give yourself a look in the pitted stand mirror. Today is...


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