- 4 years ago
- 22
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My mom and my sister always used to bitch about the amount of noise I made when I snored. Although their bedrooms were on the other side of the hallway, and all doors were closed in between, they said it was still hard to sleep when I got going. It wasn't so much the loudness, but I guess I have sleep apnea and simply stop breathing for fairly long periods when I sleep. I will be sawing away at those dream logs and will stop in mid-saw, with no sound at all for long enough to make them wonder if I died. They say it's the not knowing that makes it so hard to ignore.
I'm not totally insensitive to their complaints, even though I don't feel at all guilty because of what my body does or doesn't do while I'm asleep. One night I decided to leave the video camera running all night as I slept, to make a record of it. I wasn't convinced that it was as bad as they claimed, and I wanted to time the duration and frequency of the periods of apnea. Maybe it was something to see a doctor about.
It was summer time and I always slept nude, usually on top of the cover. I prefer fresh air when I sleep, even if it is a bit warmer than the air conditioning. There was no need to leave the light on as my camera is very light sensitive and there was plenty light from outside to record everything clearly. I wasn't going for detail or art--only facts.
The following Saturday, I rewound the tape and kicked back with a stop watch to make my timing measurements. I fast forwarded the tape until I saw my diaphragm start to jiggle, then rewound it to the start of the action. Man! They were right! I was truly whistling Dixie as I slept. It was hard to know exactly how loud it was because the camera's automatic sound adjustment had cranked the volume way up when there was no sound at all, so I had to wait a second until the camera adjusted. It was still very loud, but nothing compared to that first blast.
The noise seemed to peak right at the point where I stopped breathing. I timed it and found that I went two minutes without breathing, which is about twice as long as I can hold my breath when diving.
I noticed one other "little thing". When I stopped breathing, my dick grew into a stick of wood. With no conscious stimulation and without touching myself in any way, my pride and joy swelled larger and larger until I wondered if it ever got that big when I was awake?
Was I dreaming some good fuck scene? Was it only oxygen starvation? I had read about some guys who strangled themselves into unconsciousness to heighten an orgasm, but had never considered trying it. Was this what it was all about? A natural asphyxiation technique? This was very interesting and intriguing stuff.
I ran the tape a while longer and timed a few more episodes without learning any more than I had seen at the first occurrence, so I hit the rewind and went to the bathroom to drain the old lizard. Even if it was my own prick I had been watching, the repeated scenes of arousal had affected me somewhat and I considered beating it off for a moment, then decided to run down to the kitchen for a bite, instead. A growing boy must eat to keep up his strength. Right?
I was halfway down the stairs when I realized that I had almost seen something at the instant I pushed the rewind button on the VCR. Thinking back, I was nearly certain I had seen my bedroom door start to open, but pushed the thought away. Who would have come into my room? I went on to the kitchen before going over to Ron's house to shoot some baskets.
Later that night, I couldn't get the idea out of my head that I had seen that door start to open, so why not check it out? It took a few minutes to fast forward through the stuff I had seen and the only way I knew it was showing something new was when the door was flung open and my mom rushed through the door at 6x speed, watched me for a minute, then pulled up the hem of her robe and started rubbing her pussy! What! My mom? My mom, the virgin queen who didn't allow any discussion of sex around the house and did her best to indicate that Julie and I were the result of virgin births?
I switched to normal speed after rewinding to the point where she came in and sat back, completely stunned to watch it again. I half expected it to be different the second time, but no, there she was. The door was pushed open very slowly as if she wanted to make sure not to wake me up. She came to the bed and looked down at me with an expression I couldn't read in the dim light.
As she watched, I went through another apnea episode, with the resulting woody as before. There was enough light to see her eyes get bigger and bigger and to see her hands steal toward her crotch. She appeared to be fighting the urge to rub that thing, but was losing the battle. A few times her hand seemed to want to reach out and touch the woody, but so far she had won that one.
Apparently, it wasn't enough to merely rub herself through her thin robe, she needed direct contact and perhaps insertion in order to complete the task at hand. Unbelievably, she hitched her robe higher and higher until her dark patch was clearly visible. As I watched, my woody matched the on screen version in every detail except that I was hammering away at this one and the one on the screen was merely bobbing a few inches from Mom's face as she silently fingerfucked herself.
Although she was extremely quiet, I was no longer breathing, so all the sound in the room was the sound of her heavy breathing, which the camera automatically cranked up to normal levels.
Have you ever tried beating your meat while listening to the sounds of a woman in heat, bringing herself closer and closer to an enormous climax? It was a first for me, too, but I came with her. If the camera had been on then, it would have had to crank the sound down a bunch to keep from overloading. My grunts and groans must have echoed through the entire house. Luckily, the family was accustomed to strange noises coming from my room.
I sat there in a pool of cooling cum and watched as my mom slowly wound down from her high, dropped her robe and silently left the room with her head down. It occurred to me that she must have a hell of a time with her guilt after something like that. I wished there were some way to comfort her, but I knew that I dare not mention it. She would die of embarrassment.
Over the next few days I pondered what had happened and wondered if there was anything I should do before deciding that it wasn't my problem. I hadn't initiated anything or participated in any way other than to record something for myself that happened to include another person. Best to simply forget it and move on.
On the other hand, I couldn't help wondering if she ever did it again. This time I set up the camera to catch her. She had obviously not seen it the first time and probably never imagined that a video camera would work in such low light conditions. Mine advertised that it would work by starlight. Just in case she should look around, I concealed the camera in my bookcase and taped over the recording indicator light.
It was hard to wait until the following evening to replay the tape, but there wasn't time before classes. After dinner, I rewound the tape and fast forwarded all the way through without seeing anything other than a succession of woodys.
The following night was the same, and the night after that. Five nights went by with no action and I was on the verge of concluding that it had been a one-time fluke that I had just happened to catch. This conclusion was somewhat reassuring to me, as it fit more within the character that was my perception of my mother.
I decided to give it one more shot before putting the camera away. Since I wasn't really expecting anything, I was reading a book with one eye while the VCR sped through the tape and nearly missed it. In fact, I just happened to look up in time to see the door closing.
Paydirt! I unlimbered my prick and grabbed a handful of meat as the tape rewound to the door opening. I couldn't wait to watch my mom get off again and try to time myself to go with her. I still had the original tape and played it often, just to listen to her breathing as she got off.
My hand was halfway down on a long stroke when the tape got back to the point of the door opening. I was prepared to see my mom come in again, but the shock of seeing my sister entering my room in her little frilly nighty almost made me rake my fingernails across my balls.
You've got to understand now. Seeing my mom in that situation was so unreal that it was hard to fully accept the fact that it had happened. I didn't think of her as a sexual person, but my sister? Ah, that was an entirely different matter. I thought of my sister as a sexual person at all times.
How many times had I tried to find some way to sneak a peek at her body or any part thereof? How many times had I jerked off to the memory of some near miss down her blouse or up her skirt or some imagined crease in her bathing suit? My sister fueled most of my teenage fantasies. Now she was approaching the bed where I slept on my back, sporting an enormous erection. Her hand was in the same position where Mom's hand had been.
Was this some sort of conspiracy? Had they colluded in some manner for some obscure reason or was it simply the fact that they were very similar in many ways and had apparently made the same decision regarding me, only days apart?
My hand fairly flew over my bursting rod as I watched to see whether she would go as far as Mom, or even further.
Julie seemed to lack the hesitancy that Mom had shown. She had her hand on her pussy when she came in the door and didn't hesitate at all as she came up to the bed. Maybe this wasn't her first visit. Apparently not, as she seemed to immediately settle into a familiar position beside the bed. It took a while in the poor lighting to realize that she had a dildo stuck in her pussy and was slipping it in and out while thumbing her clit. She used her other hand to waft breezes across my hard-on, to give it just enough stimulation to keep it aroused.
I came hard as I reached this realization. My senses were close to overload as I kept pounding away on a rod that hadn't thought about shrinking after only one load of cum. How I wished that there had been more light! I was going to have to find some way to provide more illumination. I had to see more detail! (Assuming that this would ever happen again.)
After Julie finished cumming, she bent over the bed toward my sleeping prick, but it was a very mixed blessing. Her body hid the exact extent of her contact with my private parts, if any, but I got a very clear beaver shot! This one was definitely going into my permanent collection of jack-off material. I immediately christened it with another blast that came all the way from my socks.
Wow! I sat there stunned as the tape played out, trying to come to terms with my new information on the actual sexual attitudes of those with whom I shared a house, as opposed to the professed attitudes they presented at all other times. Wow! What did this mean to me in the great scheme of life? Would I be able to parlay any of this knowledge into an actual piece of ass somewhere down the line? Was there any way to find out what a blow job felt like? I was nearly crazy with curiosity, with no way to fill in the blanks.
One thing occurred to me right away. As much as I had enjoyed the taped action, it couldn't possibly match the real thing. Somehow, I had to either be able to stay awake until one of them came back or I had to find some way to wake up. If I stayed awake, how would I be able to fake the snoring sounds? Try as I might, I couldn't find any way to make them deliberately. There was a sort of whistle that started somewhere in the back of my throat that I didn't consciously know how to manipulate.
Then I realized that I had a very good recording of the actual sounds. All I had to do was to play back one of the tapes until somebody came in my room. I could rig up a switch on the door to cut off the VCR when it opened and they were accustomed to the sound stopping suddenly, so that should work. Now all I had to do was to be awake.
I ran the tape back to the start and checked the actual time that both visitors had come in. Oddly, they were only a minute or so apart and both were near one AM. So, my plan was to sleep naturally until about 12:30, then turn on the tape to provide sound effects as I waited. I would give them an hour, then turn off the tape and go back to sleep. If they came at some other time, I would catch it on tape, so all I had to lose was an hour's sleep.
I turned in early that night, claiming fatigue. Mom and Julie were still watching some silly soap opera that they seemed to enjoy and paid little attention to me.
My little beep alarm roused me at 12:30 and I waited an hour without too much hope. I already knew they didn't come in on a regular basis.
As before, it was about the fifth night before my plan paid off and all my effort and planning paid off.
I heard the soft click as the VCR turned off and I closed my eyes all the way as the light footsteps crossed the room. Who would it be? Mom or Julie? At this stage, I wasn't sure if it mattered, but the reality that it was one of them reinforced the wooden structure in my lap. One arm was thrown across my eyes as it had been on the previous tape, so I knew they wouldn't think anything odd about that, and it gave me a method of concealing my eyes so I could watch them clearly.
It was Julie! Wow! My prick gave another lurch as she settled next to me and began rubbing her cunt. As before, she lightly wafted a breeze across my balls.
The idea that she was right there, within breathing distance, staring at my prick as a sexual stimulant was all it took to push my button. My balls backed up into my belly before blowing a huge wad of cum right in her face. It was the first time I could ever remember cumming without touching myself, but I had come close several times and figured it was possible if I had enough inspiration and I certainly had enough that night.
Before I could cut loose with another shot, Julie's mouth wrapped around the head of my cannon. I have no idea whether she did it to prevent a mess that would be hard to explain in the morning or whether she simply wanted to swallow my cum, but she sucked, I came, and there was no mess. From the gurgling sounds she made, she must have cum, too. I don't know what she thought she might say if I woke up, but I avoided that moment by continuing to pretend and simply grunted and rolled over when I finished- just like men are supposed to do, right?
I tried to see any indication in Julie's actions the next day, but she may as well have been sleepwalking, with no memory of what she had done, for all the notice she made. I was almost convinced that this was the case until that night.
I almost didn't bother with the whole, elaborate, setup the next evening. She never came two nights in a row, or any more often than every five or six days, according to my previous data. Why bother waking up for an hour when she wouldn't be coming. However, I was unwilling to take even the slightest chance that I would miss something.
I was certainly glad I hadn't written her off. She must have liked her taste of cum enough to modify her schedule. My door opened promptly at one o'clock and she quickly took her place beside my bed. John Thomas just as quickly sprang to full attention and waited for her to begin the beguine. To my delight and utter astonishment, she immediately clamped her lips over the head of my dick and began to hum. I couldn't see her hands because they were below the bed, but her arms were moving rapidly.
In less time than it takes to tell, my roger became very, very jolly. It might not have been a sixteen gun salute, but it certainly took all the starch out of me. As soon as my glands were drained, I rolled over and she left. I opened one eye just before the door closed and realized that it hadn't been Julie after all. At least it was Mom's robe I saw going through the doorway. It was either Mom or Julie had borrowed her robe and I never had known her to do that.
My mind was in a tizzy. The only way it could come to terms with what had happened was for Mom and Julie to be in on this together. That would explain a lot of things, like the fact that they both did the same thing at the same time of night. Also, the fact that Mom appeared to lose all reticence the next night after Julie must have reported to her that I could provide a mouthful of cum without waking up.
Was everybody in the house in on this sex stuff except me? Huh? How come I wasn't allowed in on these things? I decided to find out some things.
Setting up the camera in Mom's bedroom was a snap. The only tricky part was rigging a motion detector to turn the camera on for a few minutes every time something moved. If anything was going on in there, I would find out soon.
The first few nights, all I got were scenes of Mom undressing and getting ready for bed. She never got completely naked in the bedroom. She apparently kept her nightgown in the bathroom and changed into it when she went in to wash up. This was just as well because I wasn't really trying to invade her privacy, I just wanted to find out what with going on with regard to me and my relationship with the women in the house. After all, both of them had swallowed a mouthful of my cum at this point and I needed to know the story.
I was getting quite good at this business of reviewing tapes. With the motion sensor, the tapes were usually very short. After Mom went to bed, the only action was an occasional turnover, followed by her throwing back the covers and stretching before disappearing back into the bathroom the next morning.
Again, it was several nights before anything happened. I had developed a bit of patience in the process of this investigation or else I would have given up long before, without learning anything.
My senses went on full alert when I saw Julie enter Mom's bedroom in her baby doll nighty. The lights were on, so it was plain that she wasn't wearing the bottoms, giving me my first good look at my sister's delicious ass, as well as glimpses of her beautiful tits.
Mom was reading when Julie entered. She smiled and threw back the covers, inviting Julie to join her.
I had the presence of mind to turn down the volume before they started speaking, to prevent their voices from blaring all over the house. That wouldn't be good at all.
"Hi Mom. Whatcha reading?"
"Oh, nothing. How are you?"
"I'm fine. I just can't forget how much I liked the taste of Jeremy's cum. I can't wait to do it again. It makes my cunt all tingly just to think about it." She threw back the covers and began rubbing the hell out of something I had been wanting to see for a long time. I stroked right along with her.
"Do you think Jeremy suspects anything?"
"How could he? That stuff you give him would knock out a horse. I'm just glad it doesn't keep him from getting those beautiful woodys. He really surprised me that first time he came in my face. I didn't think it would be possible while he was asleep."
"You've never heard of wet dreams?"
"I guess you're right. Still, it's exciting to be able to make him cum in his sleep like that."
This was getting better and better. Mom was giving me something to make me sleep and Julie was excited about making me cum? I came right then, in her honor. It didn't hurt a bit that she and Mom started kissing at about that time. In fact, it felt like my balls sort of double-clutched and starting cumming again on top of the cum that was already flowing out of my balls.
I watched, spellbound, as Julie's lips went from Mom's lips to her big tits and on down to what had up till now only been a theoretical junction between Mom's thighs. Julie was eating my mom's pussy. Holy shit! My mind was dizzy with the effort of assimilating all this new data. My prick was hurting with the effort of staying rock hard for so long and my balls were aching for obvious reasons. Still, I persevered.
I had only cum twice and I was a healthy young stud, but I tried to pace myself a little so I could be sure of making it all the way through their mini-orgy.
Mom had shucked her nightgown by this time, giving me my first good look at her body, which was surprisingly sexy, given my previous image of her as someone who was unaware of sex. Julie's naked body was all that I had ever hoped for. Lithe and lanky, with wonderful swoops and swirls and bumps in all the right places and the most beautiful pussy on earth. At least I imagined that it must be, considering the fact that the two pussies I could see were the sum total of my experience.
Mom had swung Julie around into what I later learned was called the "69" position, which pointed her cunt directly at the camera.
Well, there was no point in saving myself for anything better than this, so I blew my third wad into my towel. Julie's pussy was all I had ever hoped it might be. The fact that it was dripping wet and swollen was enhanced by the sight of Mom's face buried in it. What the hell, I went ahead and blew my nuts again. If I died from excessive orgasms, at least I would go out happy.
?Graymangazer2014-03-20 Justine pays. By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...
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Geoff called round and said he'd like to see me in stockings and suspenders next time. I told him I didn't have any of my own, and my mum only wore tights, so I couldn't borrow any either. "Don't worry" he said with a wink, "I'm going to buy you some".A couple of days later I found a note from Geoff pushed through the letterbox: "Tonight at mine, 9pm".I waited till mum went out to play darts then quickly raided the laundry basket in the bathroom. I could smell her Lentheric body spray in the...
All participants in sexual activities are eighteen or older. Thursday, March 23, 1961 My mom was having one of those “oops” babies—one of those pregnancies that come totally unplanned, which this definitely was. I’m Richard, 18 and a high school senior, and because Mom had to spend the next four months in bed, I was able to drive her car to school rather than take the school bus. After reaching the school and realizing that I was early I drove through some of the parallel streets behind...
The neighborhood I live in doesn’t get much foot traffic through it. Most everyone that comes walking around are the local residents out for a walk. Typically most everyone takes their walks between 6-7pm as it can be really hot where I live so most wait until late in the day when it’s a little cooler. Because of this, I love to sit there in my living room with my binoculars and watch the people. While I do this people watching I love to have my blinds open and porn on the TV just for fun since...
I’ve been in pharmaceutical sales for about 6 years now. The pay is fantastic but it has cost me my marriage. I wine and dine the big medical practices and in return they prescribe a lot of the medications I sell. The larger practices I treat to some expensive dinners at a local restaurant inside a fancy hotel. I found myself booking a room there when I planned on these outings since I consumed a lot of alcohol, along with the staff. The hotel eventually gave me a great rate on a suite.After a...
We sat in Cole’s garage, smoking a giant blunt. Me, Sarah, Cole, Chris, Salem, Samm, and Tyler. We all sold drugs. Last year, We all worked at a coffee shop called, “the magic bean”. It was owned by a guy called Mr. J. As it turned out he was a big dealer. He sold pretty much everything from under the counter. After the police shut it down, he asked us to start selling for him. It was good. It was our last year of high school, but I thinks e all knew that we would continue selling...
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CheatingI passed the blunt to Chris, as Samm leaned on my shoulder. We were on the folding chairs and one couch Cole kept in the garage, It was separate from the condo, so we could smoke without being obvious about it. Tyler was just finishing his story about the first time he tripped acid, last night. “While I was the house, picking up Brad, there were these chicks there man, like, his sister and her friends. One of em over heard me and him talking about it, and asked if we had any to spare. I was...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Wow Dave’s “Momcam” has paid off once again! The camera we had set up in the bathroom caught his Mom and a recent “visitor” in the act. They entered the bathroom and took off their clothes and that’s when the show started. Dave’s Mom puts on the front that she is a church going conservative single mom but guess what, she’s a slut! As soon as they were both naked she was on her knees sucking the dude’s cock like a cum guzzling whore. It was a perfect...
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I can't remember when or where I signed up for the draw but that's not really important. The point is that I won the tickets. Two seats to see our favorite hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs play the Detroit Red Wings. Now, where I live that's a pretty hot ticket. The seats were great as well, fifth row up from the boards. The only thing different was that the teams were playing in Detroit not Toronto where we usually see the Leafs. That meant a short trip to our neighbor to the south, the...
I hung up the phone with shaking hands before returning to my netbook. I typed a quick goodbye to the people I had been chatting with before sitting in the couch by the front door. My boyfriend of two years was finally coming back from his hockey team party. Trust me it sounds raunchier than it is, in reality it's a charity event where all the players wore their jerseys and took younger kids to the mall for a movie and dinner, before going back to the rink and teaching them to ice skate....
First TimeI was lying in her bed waiting, nervously. Waiting for the first kiss, the one that was supposed to change everything. Months of anticipation and planning couldn’t even prepare me for the moment. When I came out of my thoughts, I noticed as she looked at me — at my lips and then back into my eyes again. I watched her. She was playing with my hair and inched a little closer. She slowly leaned in to kiss me. And hesitated just an inch from my lips. I could feel her breath, as I am sure she felt...
I was lying in her bed waiting, nervously. Waiting for the first kiss; the one that was supposed to change everything. Months of anticipation and planning couldn’t even prepare me for the moment. When I came out of my thoughts, I noticed as she looked at me -- at my lips and then back into my eyes again. I watched her. She was playing with my hair and inched a little closer. She slowly leaned in to kiss me. And hesitated just an inch from my lips. I could feel her breath, as I am sure...
LesbianAround noon, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, there were two very rough looking men there. One was medium height, and seemed to have the presence of a “man in charge”; the other was a bigger, stoic man, who appeared to be a protector of some sort. I got the immediate impression that he was the shorter man’s “muscle”. Well, as you’re about the find out, my instincts turned out to be right. The ‘boss’ said he wanted to speak with my husband, so I turned to the back of the house and...
Introduction: Brain videos something that changes his life – for the better It felt wonderful and exciting as the pair of warm, moist, firm, mature lips slid up and down the length of Brians teenaged cock. This was Brians first real blowjob. One of the young girls his age that he had been lucky enough to be with had put a couple inches of him in her mouth but did not know what to do very well and soon gave up, disappointing him, but here was an experienced woman who was well versed in sucking...
With bags in hand we got in the elevator and headed up to 4th floor and room number 415. Coach Jim slid the key card and opened the door. Bob and I ran in and jumped on a bed, claiming this bed to be ours. Both coaches just laughed, told us that bed assignment was left up to them, and it was time to clean up and get ready for bed. Bob was my new best friend. We had a lot of things in common. We even had birthdays in the same month. He and I are both going to be eighteen next month. Also, his...
Gay MaleSophie slid in behind the wheel of her Nissan Leaf. It still smelled like new car and it made her happy every time she got into it. "God dammit!" she swore. It was already six o'clock and she just realized she was going to have to run back up to her office. Sophie was currently working on a case for a client charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was accused of stabbing his roommate in the leg with a kitchen knife. She had been researching similar cases since two o'clock...
It was a beautiful Saturday late afternoon. I was done with all the things I had to do around the house. My wife was gone for the weekend and I was feeling a bit bored. I thought I would take a shower, shave and pull out the makeup and see if I could do myself any justice in looking passable. Many attempts before had failed, but I was getting a little better each time.I got out of the shower and was nice and clean, smooth from head to toe and went to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of my...
CrossdressingEvery two weeks my mom and I go to the grocery store. However, there’s a reason why I come along with her. Not only to choose what I’d like, but also for ‘him’. I remember the first time I saw him when I accompanied my mother to the store. He’s an employee there and when our eyes first met, I immediately felt a sexual tension between us. The moment he flashed me that flirty smile, I was sold. Ever since, I always joined my mother to the store, hoping I’d see him again. Sometimes I was lucky...
Every two weeks my mom and I go to the grocery store. However, there’s a reason why I come along with her. Not only to choose what I’d like, but also for 'him'. I remember the first time I saw him when I accompanied my mother to the store. He’s an employee there and when our eyes first met, I immediately felt a sexual tension between us. The moment he flashed me that flirty smile, I was sold. Ever since, I always joined my mother to the store, hoping I’d see him again. Sometimes I was lucky...
Straight SexGuys, if you can’t pay the rent your young wife may have to pay it and you may have to help!Mark and Nancy are a young couple that have been renting a house from me for a couple of years now. They are in their mid twenties and Nancy is a real beauty. Dark curly hair, nice c cup tits, a killer dark tan and a smile to die for. They are good renters and always pay on time so when they told me that Mark lost his job and they were short of the rent money one month I agreed to let them float a few...
Copyright© 2004 "Please Mr. Foster!" the little blonde teen was almost in tears, "It's just that Mom's been sick and hasn't been able to work!" Actually, her mom was hooked on crack, and everyone in the building knew it. It broke my heart, because I had enjoyed having little Peggy running around the apartment building ever since she was four. Now, ten years later, I had no choice but to evict her and her mother. They were three months behind in the rent, and I wasn't going to keep...
I work in the fashion indstry so a lot of my mates are homosexual, I've been told by my homosexual friends guys do it better, deepthroat, hand jobs and general fucking. So me not being one to judge before hand, I started browsing Craigslist and found a candidate who's a bottom, after brief discussion, I went to his apartment, to which was as stated in his ad, the door wasn't closed only ajar, I walked in, a few meters from the computer was a blanket covered person with a hole for my dick to...
Recently, I'd had the opportunity to watch my wife have sex with someone else, and it turned out to be an unbelievable turn-on for both of us. We planned to repeat the experience as often as possible. This is one of those times. Finally - my hard work had paid off. I had just received a promotion to director of my division, with a healthy raise, and a celebration was in order. My wife and I, along with some family and friends, were at a local eatery, where we had a large room to...
It had been a couple of weeks since Darryl and I had started to train my ass to be able to take his big black cock, and we had made great progress. By now I wore thick-based plugs almost 24/7, keeping my hole open and stretched as much as possible. I was able to take quite large toys in my ass with barely any preparations, just some lube, and my ass took them eagerly. Darryl loved my stretched hole, he couldn’t get enough of it. We saw each other almost daily, and every time he spent ages...
InterracialDerek stood on a mat in the center of the patio. He wore a traditional white gi, with white slippers. Around his waist he wore a black belt tied in a special knot. On the black belt were three embroidered braids, also black, indicating he had achieved the highest dan in at least one of the martial arts he’d been schooled in at the nearby dojo. From time to time, he would flow into a new position of the Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese martial arts discipline with highly prescribed moves. The...
Luckily, he had quit gambling six months ago, but he still drank his beer every night. The six pack Frank drank nightly no doubt contributed to the disappearance of the six pack on his stomach over the last five years since they'd graduated high school. His six pack abdomen had been replaced by a lump of pale, shaking flesh. Heather was worried that if his paunch kept growing, he might not be able to get his entire 5 inch pussy plower into her. She'd loved his dick back in school and had seen a...
I figured out that sharing a two-bedroom apartment was cheaper than paying for a one-bedroom by myself, so with what little savings I had, I managed to cover first and last months’ rent for a two-bedroom apartment just outside the downtown area. I immediately put up flyers and advertised in the local paper for a roommate to cover half the monthly rent. I was a bit surprised at how few responses I received. I was getting kind of desperate when I got a call from a guy interested in sharing the...
Katie Jackson slowly opened her eyes as her clock radio played some rock-n-roll. As she reached out to shut it off, she winced in pain as her arms ached. She lay in bed as she took a hold of each forearm and began to massage them. The muscles burned from stroking Phil Dorman’s cock with reckless abandon until he squirted his cum squarely in her face. Mrs. Jackson sat up in the bed and tried to clear her head. She regretted everything the past few months such as not paying her insurance and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was 18 yrs. old I started to think that I should be getting some pussy. Jerking off was the best I could do.I use to go to my Grandparents house on the weekend, my Aunt was 3 yrs. older than me. She had the biggest tits I had ever seen. Saturday night was bath night,my aunt went first. There was a small crack in the door and a could get a peek if she stood in the right place. This night she stood just right for a long time. I got a perfect view...
IncestCraig's Dad Tom Part 3I'll be known as my nickname 'G' in this part. Saturday night was uneventful apart from some cock play and dirty talk so I'll just skip to Sunday. SundayTom was up early, he had a new spring in his step, we went out for breakfast then for a walk in the woods, do you fancy a bit of fun as we walked through the trails, oh that'll be good I replied, I was about a step in front, Tom grabbed me from behind and pinned me up against a tree with his belly, I'm gonna fuck you, he...
Amber was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...
Tammy was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...
Previously: ----In just a few days during the summer holiday shutdown at the factory, Angie managed in a couple of sessions of sheer unadulterated a****l lust to, not just cheat on her husband Gary, but to contrive to have sex with four black studs and now she has to live with the consequences of her actions:For the whole original story of Angie’s first story read: Tuesday evening was the worst in 34 year old Angie’s young life so far...
Life sucked! Staci could not believe how bad things had gotten. When she and Don had married life had seemed so full of promise. They were crazy in love, Don had a good job, they lived in a nice part of town and everything was coming up roses. Then, in the blink of an eye everything went totally to hell. Don had helped pay his way through college by joining ROTC and after graduation he had served three years on active duty and then come home and gone into the reserves. He and Staci had met,...
I'm Matt an average 40 something guy who until recently lived a normal life in southern England. I don't claim to be a sex god or hung like a porn star, although my wife calls me her little sex god. It was just us at home until 9 months ago when my life changed forever. My wife came home from work and asked if I'd be ok with letting one of the girls who worked for her stay at ours for a while? I asked who it was and the reason for them needing to stay at ours. She explained that it was a...
Previously, Amy asked her friend Cara to help her prove or disprove that her boyfriend Roger was cheating on her. She sent her boyfriend to the shoe store where Cara works and asked Cara to try to seduce him, to see if he would remain faithful. When Amy mentioned the size of Roger’s cock, Cara became curious and then actually seduced Roger in the stockroom of the shoe store, but both swore they would never tell Cara. A few days later, Cara received a phone call from Amy. “I need to talk to you...
CheatingKay repays the compliment Story 3 (fiction)Having returned from my business trip and found that coming home can have some serious benefits, Kay had promised me that she had some ideas of her own to explore going forwards.Well, some three weeks later Kay had asked what we had planned for the weekend ahead. Having checked the calendar it looked like we had a clear schedule and I asked Kay what she had planned, never you mind Vernon I just want to check so don’t go planning anything. Now I am...
Mera email id Doston or iss k reader main aap ka dost sexy vicky phir ek story lay kar hajir hun jaisa k mainay aap logon ko pehlay bhi bataya hay k main mumbai k gahtkopar main rehta hun ameer baap ki bigdi hui aulaad hun or meray lund “8”inch ka lamba or 2.5inch mota hay main dikhnay main kafi smart hun sub say badi baat ye hay k main ik no.ka chudakkad hun laikin main sirf mast maal he choodta hun aisi waisi ko main ghaas bhi nahi dalta agar koi mumbai ki mast maal mujh say chudna chahay to...
Have you ever heard about My Free Paysite? Well, now you have, and there are a couple of reasons I decided to tell you about this place. Now, if you have already visited the site, you might be thinking “Why the fuck are you reviewing this place”, but the answer is quite simple; because I think it’s worth to review, and that is the only crap that matters.However, I must say that the person who created the site has probably just come out of the programming school, because that is literally how...
Free Porn Tube SitesIt had been a few weeks since Annas experience with Carl. She kept thinking about his large dong and how amazing her orgazms were with him. He was so strong and good looking and just hung like a horse. She had just gotten out of bed with Mike and was thinking about how guilty she felt. Mikes penis was so small and the romps in the sack with Mike barely last 15 minutes. In fact, this afternoon she dressed in a cute little pair of shorts and a half top and Mike lost his load as she was given him...
InterracialMaria counted out the stack of twenties and small bills and put them back into her Bible on the kitchen table for safekeeping. Once again, she didn’t have enough for the rent, and her landlord would not be pleased. She worked hard at her job, but it didn’t pay enough, and there were also the daycare expenses for her two year old daughter. Maria was barely into her twenties. She was a nice looking young woman with a pretty face and long wavy black hair. When she became pregnant, her boyfriend...
To bring you up to date wife went crazy with bills now she starts working at a strip club to pay her bills off. She is at home a getting ready to start her new job . She is in bathroom and she has finished shaving Hera pussy and is ready and waksmoutnand starts to get dressed . I look at her and watch her and say are you sure about this ? She says I need to pay thes bills. She is dressed in a sweat suit and sneakers and has her pull along bag as she walks to me and kisses me.mi ask do you want...