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Jeremy Voss parted the bushes in front of him and pointed toward the tavern half a kilometer away. His friend looked at it, shook his head and retreated further into the thick brush lining the road. Jeremy followed, a frown creasing his brow.

He looked down at his dark haired friend. "What's the matter, Scott? Don't we deserve a little rest and relaxation?"

The shorter youth adjusted his beret and shrugged. "What if we get caught, Jer? You know how the Commandant feels about bothering the locals. This is bigger than putting a smoke bomb in Lieutenant Reily's drawer."

"We're not going to get in any trouble. We'll just go down and see what the locals are really like. Haven't you ever wanted to meet these mysterious Highlanders?"

"What's mysterious about them? They're almost de-civilized, barely above barbarians. They sound like a quick way to get killed."

"That's not what the classified section of the library says." Jer smiled at Scott's look of astonishment, knowing his small friend would never dream of cracking the security around that section of the library files. "According to the files I scanned, these Highlanders are as civilized as we are."

"I don't believe it. What if you accessed the wrong files?"

Jer shrugged. "Then it's just a tavern filled with ordinary men and women. We're being trained to be Suto Warriors, to be rulers of the Empire. I think that qualifies us to handle any trouble some locals may cause."

Scott tugged at the edge of his green tunic. "I don't know, Jer. We've only got a few hours until evening formation."

Jer swatted a leaf with his open hand. "At which point they discover we aren't there and check the computer log. That'll tell them we're out working on our survival skills, just as I programmed it to, and they'll think nothing more of it. Now, are you with me or not?"

Scott shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "What can the locals offer us that we can't get at the Academy? I mean, what makes it worth all this trouble?"

Jer straightened and stepped back from his friend, then turned and pushed his way through the bushes. "Freedom," was his only reply.

Jer stepped aside from the door and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim light of the tavern, forcing down the uncertainty and fear that suddenly filled him. The air was still, filled with the scent of sawdust and spilled beer. His spirits rose as his vision improved. A long bar filled the wall to the right, balanced by a huge stone fireplace to the left. The space between the two was filled with tables and chairs, only a few occupied. Without knowing why, he decided he liked it.

"Grab a table, Scott, and I'll get the beer." Before his friend could respond, he stepped up to the bar and hailed the large bartender. Within a moment, he had two large mugs of dark ale.

"I told you it would be all right," he said as he sat down across the table from his friend.

Scott gave a light snort of disbelief and eyed the large man behind the bar. "What's that he's wearing? It looks like a skirt."

"No, it's a kilt. And, if you get the next round, you'll note that the thing in his sock is a knife." Jer smiled at Scott's worried look and took a long pull on his beer.

"The locals originated on a place on Old Earth called the Scottish Highlands. Evidently, it's a traditional garment they brought with them when they moved here. If it wasn't all sewn up with pleats it would be termed a plaid. They're supposed to be made of enough cloth to fully cover a man at night; kind of like a ready-made sleeping bag."

Scott shivered, as if thinking of a cold night spent outside. "I can think of a few exercises where that would have been nice to have." He took a sip of his own beer and then smiled. "So, how did you learn all about these Highlanders?"

"I told you, I took certain liberties with the security software in the library. How did you think we got those floor plans for the instructor's hall?"

"But why? You could have pulled off those gags without screwing with the computer."

Jer took another long pull on his beer. "Yeah, but when we came up with that plan, I already had access, so I figured I might as well use everything at my disposal."

Scott's eyes narrowed, his thick eyebrows bunching together above his nose. "How long have you had access to the classified sections?"

Jer shrugged and took another drink. "Half a year, maybe a little longer."

Scott gasped. "Why? Why'd you break in?"

Jer clenched his jaw, holding distant feelings in check. "I had to find out what happened to someone. It was classified." He shrugged.

Scott sat back in his chair for a moment. "Half a year, that was just about the time of the last trials. Who did you want to track down?"

Jer made a fist beneath the table. "Drop it, Scott. I've got access, and that's all you need to know."

"Bullshit. You've involved me in a serious crime. I'm not talking about pranks anymore, Jer. They're going to be seriously pissed if they find out about it. I want to at least know why."

Jer forced himself to relax, pushing away the memories of pain and anguish. "Do you remember Sheila Norcross?" Scott nodded. "She was the one I was looking for. I had to find out what they did with her."

"Why? Once someone goes to the trials and becomes a Suto, it doesn't matter where they go. She's probably in some troop out in the Empire."

Jer shook his head. "Don't you ever wonder what happens to the ones that don't make it through the trials?"

Scott frowned. "What are you talking about? Everyone with a great enough psycho-potential to be sent to the Academy has enough strength to make it through the trials. That's what they train us for, to survive the trials and become a fully operant Suto."

Jer gripped his empty mug and looked his friend in the eye. "They lie to us. Only a little better than half of the people who go to trials succeed."

"How do you know?" Scott asked, reaching for his own beer.

"Sheila and I were out one night, looking for some excitement, and we followed an instructor to a meeting. It turned out to be the selection board for the trials. Her name was picked."

He didn't mention that his own had been discussed at some length. "She was pretty excited. Three nights later they sent for her. I happened to be with her. I don't know how they missed catching me, but they did, and I followed them and watched the trials."

Scott took a gulp of his beer. "What was it like? What did they do?"

Jer shook his head, refusing to discuss the painful memories. "It was too intense to describe. It was--" His voice caught for a moment. "Sheila didn't pass the trials. The last time I saw her, she was on her knees sobbing, begging for another chance. The Commandant walked up to her and stared at her for a moment. She stopped crying, and almost smiled. Then an attendant led her away. The next day I broke into the system to find out what they did with her. She was listed on an outbound ship to Asgard. A month later, I learned she was a bureaucrat on the capital, nothing but a fucking servant. I wrote her a letter and she replied with a note that she did not know me; that I must have gotten her confused with someone else."

Scott finished his beer and shook his head. "Maybe she just wanted to put it all behind her."

"We were lovers, damnit! We meant more to each other than that. She wouldn't have sent that note."

Scott glanced around the room. "So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that the Commandant reprogrammed her mind when she failed. He's a full Suto. He could do it as easily as I could rewrite a piece of code."

"But why would he do that?"

Jer waved two fingers at the barman and then truned back to Scott. He smiled with cold humor. "What's the motto of the Academy? 'Loyalty.' If she remembered her shattered dreams of being a Suto, would she stay loyal to the Empire? Would she be a productive member of society? Now, she has no choice in the matter. She's loyal and supporting the Emperor to the best of her abilities. I doubt that she even remembers her life here."

They sat in silence until the barman walked up to their table and placed two more drinks before them. Jer paid him with an Imperial mark.

Scott smiled his thanks and took a sip. "So what do we do about it? It's not like we can go somewhere else. I'm not even sure I would want to if I could." Jer frowned at him. "I mean, we're being trained to become the rulers of the Empire. You said as much yourself. If we do make it through our trials, we'll be the leaders of millions of people. We'll have mental powers unequalled by normal men. Isn't that worth the risk and pain?"

"We'll be slaves of the Emperor, you should say."

"Everyone's a slave in one sense or another, Jer. Being a Suto is a much better lot than many others I can think of."

Once again, Jer stared into his mug and then looked up. "If it's such a good life, why do you jeopardize it by coming around with me?"

Scott flushed, then grinned. "Okay, maybe I dream of something different too. That doesn't mean I'm not going to make the best of what I've got and enjoy it as much as I can."

Jer smiled back. "Then what do you say we stay here tonight and see what the locals are really like?"

Scott looked at the barman and then at his beer. "Are you really sure about fixing the computer log?"

Jer grinned and raised his glass in a toast. "As sure as I am of anything, right now." The two friends laughed and turned their conversation to lighter topics as a fiddler across the room struck up a tune.

Rashid Denera, Commandant of the Imperial Academy, looked out the door field at the rows of cadets lining the parade ground before him. The ranks and files neatly meshed with the smooth symmetry of the quadrangle that was the focus of the Academy. He took a great deal of pride in that symmetry; the blending of a multitude into a single organism with one purpose and goal. Filled with the warmth of satisfaction that the evening parade always brought, he stepped out into the chill air of the drill field. The pine scent filled his lungs and he let himself relax as muster reports cascaded up the chain of command.

"Nursery Regiment, all accounted for," a senior responsible for infants called out. It would be silly to have the babies trundled out of their creches every day.

"Youngster Regiment, all present or accounted for," reported another.

"Junior Regiment, one unauthorized absence. Cadet Pierson, sir," called a third voice.

"Senior Regiment, one unauthorized absence. Cadet Voss, sir."

Symmetry crumbled. He waited a moment, received the official report from the Cadet Corps Commander, and then returned to the warmth of his office.

"Captain," he called as his door field closed behind him.

"Yes, sir?" his adjutant's voice replied through the computer link.

"Bring in the files of Cadets Voss and Pierson. I want their readings as well."

"Right away, sir." A moment later, a young man stepped through a door field across from the Commandant's desk. "It's all right here, sir," he said as he crossed the room and slipped a disk into its niche in the Commandant's screen.

The Commandant quickly scanned the data. "I thought so. This isn't the first time Voss has been in trouble. In fact, it seems that he's believed to be responsible for quite a few shenanigans."

"But sir, if you look at that last entry--" the adjutant pointed to the screen-- "it says they're both out practicing survival exercises."

The Commandant snorted. "It also documents the fact that Voss has had over two hundred hours of survival skills practice. Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd?"

The adjutant flushed. "Um, yes, sir, now that you mention it."

The Commandant touched the screen, scrolling past volumes of records to get to the cadets' mental readings. He took in the figures with a glance and converted them to images his mind's eye could search for. Forcing relaxation, he closed his eyes and began to scan the countryside.

In his mind, he soared high above the forested slopes the Academy rested on. Slowly, sparks lit the landscape as he touched minds far below. Yellow marked the minds of cadets and staff, white those seven other Suto allowed on Highland with him, and two distant sparks of red told him where the missing cadets were. Satisfied with himself, he withdrew from the search and refocused on his surroundings.

His eyes snapped open. "They're in a local pub just outside the southern boundary of the Academy. It shouldn't be difficult to find them and bring them back. Use a troop of the staff and make certain you don't antagonize the locals."

The adjutant swallowed hard. "Yes, sir."

The Commandant looked at the screen again and then leaned back in his chair. "And when they do return, bring Voss to me. He's been a bad enough influence on other cadets already. It's time we take some action to turn him around."

"But, sir," the adjutant said. "We can't do anything too drastic or we'll risk upsetting his psycho-potential. Surely you know how delicate his balance is at this age. If we handle this in the wrong manner, we may loose the opportunity to bring him to operancy."

"I don't care about his psycho-potential." He slapped his palm sharply on the desk to accent his words. "I don't care if he has the potential to become the most powerful Suto in history. He's worth nothing to the Empire if he has no discipline. That's what our job is here, instilling discipline, not coddling young rebels." The Commandant stood and paced the length of the room once. "When those two return, bring them to me. I'll get to the bottom of this lad's problems. It may destroy his chances of operancy, but he will still be able to serve the Empire in some loyal fashion."

The stress on the word loyal did not go unnoticed by the adjutant.

Jer motioned at the growing crowd in the tavern. "See, Scott, I told you it would be all right." As he looked over the mass of locals at the tables around them, a harpist joined the fiddler and they began to play a lively tune. Jer turned back to his friend.

"Now all we need to do is meet some of these people." He shot an appreciative glance at the young ladies in modest white blouses and brightly colored skirts, many with matching scarves, as they were escorted onto the dance floor.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, Jer. Besides, how are we going to approach them? They barely speak Standard."

Jer laughed. "They speak just fine, if you take the time to decipher their accent." Seeing Scott's apprehension as he looked around the room, understanding began to dawn in Jer. "Don't tell me you still haven't gotten over the spring dance."

Scott flushed and stared at his beer. "There was nothing to get over."

Jer reached out and hit him lightly on the shoulder. "That's the attitude." Scott looked up. "That's not what I meant. You know how they arranged dates for most of us?" Jer nodded. "I was sent with a Senior Cadet."

Jer grinned. The Academy only had one reason to match a Junior with a Senior--for experience, and not the kind of experience that could be taught in the classroom. "It must have been fun."

Scott scowled. "It was a disaster."

Jer looked away from his troubled friend. "That doesn't mean tonight will be."

"Oh, she and I performed just great, but I thought it meant more than ... I tried to see her again the next week. She laughed at me. I don't want to go through that again."

Jer stood up and looked down at his friend. "Look, Scott, there's only one way to get over that sort of thing, and that's to get right back into the thick of it."

"You mean give it the old academy try?"

Jer ignored the sarcasm in Scott's voice and grinned. "Now that's the right attitude, Cadet." He glanced toward the bar. "I'll tell you what, since we seem to be sitting at a table for four, I'll go find two young ladies and ask them to join us. Then we can dance with them or just talk." He turned and headed for the bar.

Jer slid up next to a lovely young lady as the bartender spoke to her. "Ah, Barbara, is your father nae comin' t'night?"

"No' this evenin', Charles," she said in a cool, airy voice.

Jer looked her over out of the corner of his eye--green eyes, a small, pointy nose, and dark brunette hair pulled back into a thick pony-tail.

"When I ge' home an' tell him o' this crowd, he'll probably wish he hae come."

Jer waved four fingers at the barman. She was wearing a simple outfit, a red and green plaid skirt, a white blouse with loose sleeves and a modestly high neckline, and a scarf matching the pattern of her skirt draped across her right shoulder.

"I just wish Rachel an' I could find a seat."

"Aye, there is nae a seat left in the place." The barman did not sound truly disappointed at the large crowd. He placed four beers in front of Jeremy without really looking at him.

Jer picked up the mugs and turned toward the girl. "I'd be most honored if you and your friend were to join my friend and I at our table, miss."

Barbara turned to him and smiled. For a moment, she looked him up and down and Jer wondered what she thought. Hope nearly died as he caught sight of the badge securing her scarf to her blouse--a round tower of white with "Virtue Mine Honor" on the encirling belt.

Just as he thought she was going to say no, she nodded. "We'd love to join yea."

Jer smiled and pointed over the crowd toward the table.

Before he could say anything, she laughed and patted his arm. "O' course we know where yea be sitting. It's no' like the room is full o' Imperials." Jer smiled at himself as she turned away and he made his way back to the table.

"Yea hae' no business 'ere, Imperials."

The Commandant's adjutant went cold at the sound of the voice in the darkness. "We mean no harm. We're looking for two lost cadets."

A large man stepped into the road, his hand resting on the hilt of a long sword. "They are no' lost. They be up the road a bit, enjoying a pint or two."

"But they belong back at the Academy."

"Tha' is for them to decide, just as i' is for you to decide if yea shall break the treaty. Is tha' what yea wish, Imperial?" His voice was filled with menace.

The adjutant was about to argue further, when the bushes rustled on each side of the road and a dozen additional men stepped into the scattered moonlight. Swallowing, the adjutant turned around and motioned his men back toward the Academy.

"Is it always this crowded?" Scott asked. The musicians had stopped, taking a much deserved break after an intricate piece the girls had called a hornpipe.

"Oh, no," Rachel replied with a smile. Scott realized that he might be just the slightest bit drunk when he caught himself hoping that she was smiling for him. He chastised himself for the thought. What would such a lovely woman want with the likes of him? It was not as if he was the dashing, recruiting poster type, like Jer. He took a pull on his beer and then returned his gaze to Rachel.

He had to admit that she was a striking girl. Not beautiful in the classical sense, but very pretty. She had eyes of the darkest brown and a quick smile filled with beautiful teeth. Her hair was flaming red and fell with reckless precision to accent her neck. Her skin was lightly tanned with an abundance of freckles, and Scott thought they looked just perfect on her. Her figure was just a little bit fuller than Barbara's, but Scott barely noticed Barbara, even as she began to reply to his implied question.

"Tomorrow's a gathering, so there are a lot o' people in the area who are coming ou' tonight."

"A gathering? What's that?" Scott asked as Jeremy returned with another round of drinks.

"Twice a year, all the people in the area ge' together for a huge feast an' party. I' starts tomorrow. The last gathering I went to lasted for nigh on three days."

"That sounds like fun," Jeremy said as he took his seat. Barbara turned toward him and smiled a thank you as he slid her beer in front of her.

"Oh, i' is fun. You and Scott should come an' see," Rachel said with a soft, yet penetrating voice that demanded attention.

"I don't think so," Scott said even as Jeremy motioned for him to be quiet. Rachel frowned at Scott.

"Why no'?" Rachel asked.

Scott took a deep drink of his beer and stared across the table at Jeremy, hoping he would say something. Finally, Scott said, "Because Jer and I are going to be in enough trouble when we get back as it is. They probably won't let us out of their sight for a month." Jer 'humphed' at Scott's understatement.

"Then don' go back," Barbara said softly as she placed her hand on top of Jer's.

"It's not that simple," Scott began.

"Sure it is," Jer interrupted as he entwined his fingers with Barbara's. "We can find some place to stay tonight. We don't have anything better to do tomorrow. Why don't we?" It was more of a challenge than a question.

Scott could tell that Jer planned on staying whether he did or not. He frowned and tried to think of a way to talk his friend out of such foolishness.

He was still trying to muster the courage to stand and leave when Rachel placed her hand on his forearm. "If you're going to ge' in trouble, yea might as well 'ave some fun first," she said.

Scott felt her hand softly stroke his forearm and inhaled deeply to smell her light perfume. When he thought about what was going to happen when they got back, whether tonight or tomorrow, he decided it was no decision at all; this was the first time he had been happy in years.

"You're right." He stood up and looked across the room at the musicians. "Hey, how about some music." His shout met with immediate approval from the crowd, and much to his disbelief, he soon found himself guiding Rachel around the dance floor.

"I've no' ever met anyone like yea before, Jer," Barbara said as she matched his stride and nestled herself into the hollow of his shoulder.

Jer took a deep breath of her honey scented hair and gave her an impulsive hug. "Surely I'm not that different from your local boys."

They walked on a few steps before she answered. "In many ways, no, but in others, yes. Yea seem so full o' life, unafraid o' wha' might happen to yea."

"So reckless?" he asked.

She laughed. "No, no' reckless. I've the feeling tha' yea think ou' everything, but weigh the risks less than most folk."

Jer smiled, surprised at how close she was to his very method of determining what course to follow. "It's not that I don't think of them, I do. I just can't see why risk should stop me."

"Even a foolish one?"

"If the reward is great enough," he responded.

They walked on until they reached a small rise in the road. Together, they turned and looked back at the tavern. "We should head back and get Rachel and Scott," Jer said softly.

Barbara turned to face him. "Let's give them a little time together." Slowly, she rose on her tiptoes and leaned into him. Their lips met, at first tentatively, and then with greater force. Jer pulled her closer. After a moment, they separated, both with a smile.

"Yes, let's give them a little time together," he whispered.

Barbara laughed and stepped back. "Tell me wha' it's like a' the Academy. Do yea hae a girl?"

"No, I've no girl back there."

"Good. I've no intention o' sharing yea wi' another." She darted forward for another light kiss. "But wha' is i' like, at the Academy?"

Jer shrugged and pulled her closer once again. "I've nothing to compare it with. We spend our lives learning to use our minds and bodies in service to the Emperor. We study and train and study some more."

"Tha' sounds terrible." Her hand stoked his shoulder.

He brought his hand up to stroke her neck, and then her cheek. "In many ways, it is terrible. I feel that I've no control over my life while I'm there. That's why I'm here now. When I'm breaking the rules, I know that I'm doing something for myself, something free of control."

"But wha' o' the price?" she asked as her fingers brushed his jaw.

"Once, not long ago, I thought I'd rather die than continue on at the Academy. Then I realized that nothing they did to me could be worse than wanting death. It gave me a new outlook on life."

"I never knew they were so cruel." A shiver raced through her.

"You're cold," Jer said. "We'd better head back."

Barbara nodded and slipped under his arm once again. "Do yea think I'm a great enough reward for a foolish risk?"

Jer hugged her to his side and turned to kiss her ear. "You're the greatest reward I can imagine, but what's the risk? A boyfriend?"

Barbara laughed and hugged him back. "No, I've no boyfriend, but I do hae a fearsome father. My Da' may no' be to keen on my bringing a cadet home."

"Then I'll have to be on my best behavior."

She kissed his hand as it rested on her shoulder and then smiled at him. "If yea are, I'll be truly disappointed."

"Furthermore," Commandant Denera dictated, "while the treaty defines certain limits for both parties, it also implies certain obligations. It is my belief that under these obligations I am fully justified in demanding the return of Cadets Voss and Pierson to the Academy. Signed, Rashid Denera, Commandant of the Imperial Academy."

The Commandant punched the stop button and waited for the transmittal copy to be displayed on his screen for proofing. "It's just this type of foolishness that leads to problems," he muttered to his adjutant sitting across from him. "It was a similar incident, just before I took over, that lead to the Battle of Maclean's Rock, and the modification of the treaty."

The adjutant leaned forward in apparent interest. "I don't think I've heard of that battle, sir. Where was it fought?"

The Commandant looked at him in surprise, and then let his features soften. "No, I don't suppose you would have heard of it. Several cadets went over the hill and the locals would do nothing to stop them. We decided to increase the Suto presence here to help restrict the cadets. Well, the Highlanders didn't like that at all. Maclean's Highlanders took the field for the first time since the Wars of Federation, but this time in opposition to the Suto, not as allies. A full troop of Suto could barely hold them off. After a week, the treaty was modified, and the Suto withdrawn from the planet. Since then, we've been limited to eight Suto here as Academy staff."

"What did we get in return, sir?"

The Commandant snorted. "Not enough, that's for sure. Maclean, the chief of the land all around the Academy, agreed to pull all of his people away from our borders, to limit the attractions cadets have a habit of finding. That tavern those cadets went to tonight was a good twelve klicks past the border."

"Will this letter to the Planetary Council have any affect?"

The Commandant looked out the window and shrugged. "I hope it does, or we'll have more trouble on our hands than I'd care to handle. After the last time, the Emperor said he would not tolerate any further interference here. I don't think it was an idle threat."

"Yea're a beautiful sleeper," Barbara said as she stroked his chest with a delicate hand.

Jer smiled and kissed her. "But you're beautiful all the time."

She smiled and returned his kiss. Then, with a touch of cold air, she slipped from the bed. Jer watched her hurry across the room to the fire. She seemed as unconcerned about her nudity in the cold as she did about her father sleeping down the hall. She returned to the bed with a small hop and snuggled against him beneath the heavy blankets.

The log she had thrown on the fire caught, filling the room with warm light. "We hae modern heaters," she said. "But I like the fire so much more. It's more romantic."

"You make it sound as if you've had a lot of romantic experiences."

She laughed softly and kissed his shoulder. "Only enough to be thankful tha' yea are less than a perfect gentleman."

Jer stroked her long locks of thick hair and chuckled. "If your father hadn't been asleep already, I don't think I'd have had the courage to come in."

"What? A risk too great for the reward?" she asked, brushing her breast against his side.

"Well--" he paused to kiss her-- "you might have convinced me, if we had enough time."

Her lips traced a slow line from his ear to his throat. "Aye, but we've no' much time left. Soon, I'll hae to be off to my own bed." Her hand traced a spiral across his stomach. "But I'll be thinking o' yea 'til dawn."

Jer rolled on his side to face her, slipping his hand to the small of her back as their nipples grazed beneath the covers. "Tell me what it's like to live here, in freedom."

The warmth of her hand descended to his hip. "We're no' entirely free. We hae obligations to our family and clan. Sometimes it can be a heavy burden. Mostly though, we are happy, but no' so much because o' what we hae. We're happy because we need or desire so little. Yea probably think us crude, but we'd never live any other way, e'en if yea offered us an easier life."

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There once was a man who loved to swim. Whenever he could, he frolicked all day in the waves. When he was working, he pined for the siren song of the sea. Luckily, the man had a lovely witch of a wife who could help him with his passion. She gave him a spell that granted him gills, with the warning that he must never use it for more than a sun's trek across the sky. The first time the man spoke the spell, he very nearly forgot his wife's warning. The joy of being able to fully...

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It hadn't gone well, Darla thought, as she leafed through an old magazine. She shifted position, took her shoes off, and curled her feet up comfortably beneath her on the couch. Across the room, Michael was still typing away. They'd been working together quite well on the book, and then he'd had one of his sudden fits of inspiration and had shooed her away, irritably, because he didn't want her "looking over his shoulder." As if he hadn't looked over mine enough, she thought. And leaned on it...

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Cam Girl Ch4

Right at seven pm exactly he heard her come through the front door.  He clicked on the ‘stream’ button and reluctantly, record, as he settled back down onto her bed, with a recently worn thong in his hand, sniffing the triangle where it had recently contained his daughter’s young sex. Ashley walked in the room, appearing to be nervous.  She was wearing sweatpants, and a tight v-neck t-shirt that didn’t hide her erect nipples on her softball sized boobs.He had turned the volume on the computer...

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A Come BackChapter 20 Messing Around

There was no way I could refuse Eddie, not without making a fool out of myself. I thought to myself as I slipped into what little clothes I'd worn. There was not even a reason to want to keep them apart. It wasn't like they could compare notes! Feeling foolish I hurried to join Eddie already by the door. "We have to go around by my place. I'm not dressed for ... people." I said gesturing towards my outfit. Eddie just grinned and held open the door. To his credit he said not a word but...

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How do you solve a problem mike maria Part one

How do you solve a problem like MariaA parody based on "The sound of Music" The year is 1936 and just above an ancient convent outside Saltsberga pretty young blonde girl is singing on a grassy hill.Maria was an orphan who lived at the convent as a novicewith twelve other young girls of various ages.Maria is a slight girl of five feet in stature and has honeyblonde hair and these are her adventures at the conventand at Captain Von Trapp's mansion where the goodcaptain lives with his six...

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Metamorphosis of Narcissus

I was down at the gym with Phil and David. We went there three times a week after work. Phil was a bit of a bodybuilding nut but David and I were just trying to keep the middle-aged spread at bay. Phil was spotting for me as I puffed and grunted my way through the third reps, or, more accurately, tried to prevent the bar from crushing my rib cage. There was the usual early evening crowd of overweight business types plus a few guys from the local Rugby Club. And there was Charles. As usual,...

3 years ago
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Sometimes a little reminder isnt

“So you needed a little “reminder”? Forgetful? Hmmmm….ok” My words keep ringing through your mind as you drive to our designated “spot” behind a building.“What does he have in store for me now?” You ask yourself, as you think back to how you found yourself in this predicament…..and loving every second of it. How you, a professional, married , mother of two ended up being a secret “fuckslut” for this intelligent, soft-spoken, brown-skinned man. Your pussy plumps in remembrance of how, at...

3 years ago
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Garage TV 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is your friend directly come to the story ye kahani un dino ki hai jab main 12 class me thha. mere uncle ne ek garage khola thha. meri uncle se achhi patne lagi thhi to mai bas garage me hi baitha rahta thha unka naam thaa “raj”raj uncle ko sexy books and magazines ka bahut shauk tha. wo apne garage me un kitabo ko bahut secrecy k saath rakhte thhe. Khair maine ek do books dhhondh li aur mujhe bhi maza aane laga un kitabo ko padhne me. to phir kya ? jab kabhi uncle kahi jaate...

1 year ago
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Grandpa made a woman of his granddaughter

It was shortly after midnight. The New Year had just started few minutes ago and a lonely girl was laying in her comfortable bed, unable to fall asleep, thinking about her sexual life. To say the truth, there was none. She'd been still a virgin and there seemed to be no man who would be willing to make a woman of her in the closest future. She was desperate. She wanted someone to make love to her. Or rather to fuck her to unconsciousness. She'd longed for the great feeling of a big cock inside...

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Charlotte part 2

THE FOLLOWING DAY I open my eyes and stare around at the strange room. It's undoubtedly a man's room- very formal, with hardwood wardrobes and chests of drawers lining the walls. For a moment I don't remember where I am, but all of a sudden, yesterday's events come flooding back to me. With a sigh, I throw back the covers and walk into the en-suite bathroom. I smile as I look at the package waiting for me on the counter. the label has a very simple message written on it- 'with all my...

4 years ago
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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 6 Nancy Goes To College

Some months later when Jim came in from the fields I handed him this letter from our Nancy. Nancy was now entrenched in college and this was our first letter. She had spent the summer with us again and had left to go home to get ready for her freshman year at college. Our summer with our young Nancy had been fabulous. Nancy had matured and had learned and practiced a lot more about sex. All of the old "connections" had been renewed this summer plus several of Nancy's young friends came to...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Boyfriend

Hi all Guess I would have been introduced to you all already…by my dear MAN…Kaps…..Now I may be far way from him physically, due to other considerations, I might just make it back to Malaysia to be with my loved one. Anyway felt in his story Kaps had presented his side well, but there are far too many broken links from my end…ends which only I would be able to fill in because I was the one who had experienced the emotions. Apart from the flattering description Kaps had given me, let me...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 7 Time to Celebrate

When I made it out to the living room Kim was just entering her self. I looked at her and almost had a heart attack. She was dressed in a long blue and white dress that had been her mothers and she looked just as gorgeous as her mom did. I was so stunned that I felt like I had my wife back. I suddenly realized that all the time I was looking at her I was holding my breath which I let out with a whoosh. Kim asked me "Do I look all right dad?" Still a bit stunned I gasped and fumbled out the...

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Doing it in the woods

This crazy, wonderful thing happened to me last summer. It happened when I went camping with a friend, just before school started. I thought I'd write about it. I hope you enjoy it...Kala* * * * *It was late summer when I was invited to go camping with my friend Debra and her parents. Debra and I attend the same high school and we shared a couple of classes together last year. Before that, we were in elementary school together.I've never been camping before and I was really excited! We were...

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Your Choice

Husband cheats on wife, is a very common tale but it never turns out to be as straight forward as in it seem from the outside looking it. My name is Violet and up and till a few days my life was totally straight forward and I saw no reason for that to change. I had a happy life with my husband of five years Ryan who was an attractive I believed to be very sweet and genuine, this all changed when a string of affairs that he had been having had come to light through doing some digging I was...

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Seducing My Sister And Making Her My Wife

Hi guys this is Vijay again. Thanks for your overwhelming response from my previous ISS story “Sharing My Sister With My Friend”. And thanks for your msgs to my id. I and my sister read all your msgs and to some of u we have replied too. Many have asked us whether it is a real story or fiction. It’s a real incident happened between us and today I am going to tell u how I seduced my sister and how we became Incest. Hope my life will be a guide for every person who wants to seduce there...

4 years ago
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Killer BsChapter 5

The early part of the week was kind of a drag because we stayed home for all of the time we were not in school—no movies, no visits to the burger stand, no goofing around with friends. Well, maybe “drag” was not the best way to describe what happened. Dad began to show us a lot of things we didn’t know about self defense. We discovered that the Krav Maga that we had learned was only the tip of the iceberg in what one well trained person could do to another person. Sometimes the practice was...

1 year ago
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Doctors Staff

I walked up to the office of my doctor, Dr. Rossi, for my 4:30 appointment one summer afternoon. It was only my yearly physical. Turn and cough, that sort of thing. All I hoped for during these things was that they wouldn't tell me I was dying, and that some guy doctor wouldn't make it too awkward when he had to check my package. That's all: in and out. Or at least that's the way it had been... I walked into the office and saw that no one was there, except a hot receptionist...redhead, green...

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Love can be in plain sight

“Wendy, Bill?” I asked. I got no answer, so I tried calling her. I heard her ring tone coming from somewhere, so I walked towards it, I got near the two bedrooms and it began getting louder. “It's just Jennifer, I'll call her back,” I heard Wendy say. So she was with someone, but I was a noisy woman and I had to know who it was. We had seen each other with a number guys before, so I didn't think it would be a big deal if I just took a peak in there. I walked over to her bedroom...

2 years ago
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Wilful Slave Nitya

Hi friends, This is Ansh, back to share my continued experience with Nitya who accepted me as her master to satisfy her sexual needs. I got some great feedback on the previous part and thus decided to go ahead and pen this one down as well.   You can reach out to me on for feedback and fun. Any females in Delhi/NCR looking for fun and want privacy ensured can ping me for sure. Now coming back, in last part I described how I and Nitya, who’s a young divorced female became sexual partners from...

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The Naturist 2 Nudism and New Relationships

The most significant change for me was Jessie. She pretty much moved in and was now in my bed nightly. Not that I could complain; Jessie was an insatiable lover. We went to bed making love and woke up making love. And afternoon delight was on the menu when both our schedules permitted. Jessie and Christy still spent a lot of time together. Mostly just doing girl stuff or talking, but I would occasionally hear their lovemaking. They had both become much more open with their affections but...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

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Early Rising

‘Wake up, Nora!’ Nora wasn’t really ready to process his words at that moment. She had been in a dead sleep, as he woke her, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards him. She was naked, as she always was in bed. The room was dimly lit by moonlight streaming in through the blinds, and she had no idea what time it was. As she struggled to make her brain work, she saw why she was being awoken. Master was guiding her head towards his hard cock. Her heart started beating quicker, as she...

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Men Suck Cocks Better Gay

Look, I don't think I'm all that unusual. I think that there are at least a few men out there like me. What's that mean? Well, here's what I am talking about -- you tell me if you identify with me, okay?I hit my twenties in the beginning of the 90's. I smoked pot. I experimented with other d**gs. And I actively explored my sexuality. Somewhere I read a challenge by some women -- "if you think cock sucking is all that easy, go ahead and try it." And, of course, that also got applied to anal sex...

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My College Club Ch 5 The Drunk

Sorry for the short chapter. You lease go back and read the earlier chapter of this semi- true story. All the people and places have changed, the events are real but divulged upon to make a better story. ——————4am Lindsay and I were awoken from our naked slumber to the lights being turned on and the sound of Lindsay's roommate Kristen gasping. Hooooooly shhhhhhiiit. Youu two were fuughhkking!!!" Kristen yelled out in a drunken slur. She stood at the foot of the bed and stared at the mess that...

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Parole Dad

At the age of thirteen my family life imploded, when my stepfather was sent to prison for ten years, having been found guilty of manslaughter. He would only be eligible for parole eight years later. I loved my stepfather, and although he was a ‘fun’ dad, he was also a hooligan who never grew up. He was perpetually in shit and drifted from one job to another. Pool hall fights were a weekly occurrence in his life, and on one occasion he simply went too far. A year after his incarceration my...

Gay Male
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A Surprise Assfucking in Panties Part 2

So, I am walking down the street holding the hand of a beautiful woman who, just five minutes previously, had her hand down the back of my jeans caressing my lace panty-covered arse and finger fucking my asshole. The once hot cum in the front of my panties is now cooling against the front of my crotch as I try my best to walk, still weak at the knees, down the street. I am still unable to believe the brazen way in which Emmy just had me like that in the darkened corner of a public bar, yet here...

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Bad Karma Part VI

Bad Karma - Part 6 - A Bad Business All Round Jasmine admired her reflection in the mirror and then spritzed some perfume on her neck on both sides. She was nearly ready for her date with her husband whom she'd just heard had returned to the house downstairs. Having seen her substitute daughter off to the Prom, she'd had the house to herself to get herself all dolled up. It had been a veritable orgy of modelling all the different dresses that the real Jasmine had in her wardrobe for...

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BBC for Us Both Cuckold

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head.My name is Walter, and I'm a pretty average 62 year old married, white man at 6' tall, 185 pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny k** who had a hard time defending himself. My wife Sheila is a 60 year old white woman...

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Help Me Mom Part 1

My story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of times, but the fact that it never happened to me was cause for worry and I began...

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My Daughter in Law day1

away I decided to drive there, I was pretty tired when I got to their house. We sat, had a couple of beers and visited for a while. We were catching up on what was going on in our lives. As always when around my daughter in law , I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Becky is barely five foot tall and might weigh one hundred pounds. Her boobs are large in proportion to the rest of her petite body. She has the perfect little round ass that makes my cock hard. Her long brown...

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Fucking girl friend ass

Her name is vanaja ,23,tall, 5,8 with a vital sttistics of 36-32-38.even though she is bulky the most amazing feature of her is that she does not have a fat abdomen.vanaja is married to my another cousin devan.vanaja was earlier in maharashtra with her husband who is a sales executive in alarge mnc.they lived a happy life and gifted with a son .however since last two years she lives with her mother due to sudden demise of her sister, she also take care of her sisters son she is a expeienced...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 20

They arrived at the dilapidated Guild Hall. The compound consisted of six main buildings and several rows of cottages for the people who would live here. Darcy could see that things had been going downhill here for a long time. Darcy waited for the two Novices to join them from the carrier. Tomas introduced his friend as Matte and they both wondered what Darcy planned to do here, as the place was a disaster zone. Melisa had told him that they had not had a head for the Guild here for at...

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Smut Anthology

This "story" is meant to be a replacement for my tumblr, since they decided to fuck themselves right after I started a blog, and since all my content was erotica anyways, this seemed like a serviceable choice. As such, within you'll find a variety of short stories and flash fiction, rather than an overarching plot. Fair warning, I lean heavily towards male-dom and dub-con themes but I'd like to think I'm just as likely to go lighter as I am to go darker. This collection is meant to be just as...

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Tres Fashionable

TRES FASHIONABLE Luke Bishop was over the moon. He had just received confirmation that he was about to graduate from his Fashion Design course at university with a First Class Honours degree. Not only was this an amazing reward for all his hard work over the previous three years, but it also cemented the offer of employment made to him by Zing Zang Zou Fashions. Their offer had been provisional, subject to him getting this class of degree. He could now start on his chosen career path...

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The Babysitters SecretChapter 10

Nancy Dodge was getting ready to graduate from high school. She was close to eighteen years old now, but she still looked like she was much younger because of the way she dressed and her juvenile hair style. One of her secrets was that she had close to one hundred thousand dollars stashed in her safe deposit box in the bank downtown. She had made regular deposits there ever since she had opened her babysitting business when she had turned sixteen. Normally a babysitting job didn’t pay that...

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Bob and Koen Part 1

Bob was cruising the beach looking at all the beautiful boys when his eye caught this one good looking kid who was about 16 yo. Bob took a picture of the boy when he noticed that the boy was smiling at him. The boy wiggled his hand into his shorts and manipulated his package. This was a hint that the boy was interested in Bob. As Bob sauntered toward the boy, a sexy smile crossed his lips. ‘Hi,’ Bob said, ‘you come here often?’ ‘Only when I’m looking for someone.’ ‘I guess you haven’t found...

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My black step cousin part 2

(this is the continuation of "My black step cousin part 1")My step cousin had made sex to me for the very first time and we were both covered in sweat, slowing down from that beautiful moment.He got down from me and laid down next to me, staying with me in the bed, we looked each other in the eyes. The moment felt extremely romantic and a little bit weird, but even more romantic because of that forbidden feel it had. My eyes moved in a slightly nervous way as I looked at his eyes, they were...

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Father Time 2

Chapter 2 "The harvest" In the control room, Dr. Miriam Mauls received the collected specimen, and immediately gathered her personal belongings to leave. She was expected at the High Council meeting and she knew that she must face them with something of substance, or find herself admonished for failure to deliver. She rushed ahead, knowing that while she possessed the Specimen, she had yet to receive the complete lab report validating the quality of what she carried. It was a calculated...

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Slutty tales 2 ch 1 Beckys filthy fantasies

Becky and Corey met on one of the many kinky dating apps about a year ago. They both had just ended long and dull relationships and wanted nothing serious. They wanted fuckbuddies for occasional great times. Their chemistry seemed to be a perfect match. Becky liked it rough, fresh and exciting and Corey more than enjoyed giving her what she craved. As they explored their likes and dislikes their appetite for deviance gradually grew.  It was Becky who suggested they should involve a third or...

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A World of Discovery

They arrived at the campsite about a half hour late, but they found themselves alone nonetheless as they got out of the car and started to set up the equipment for the weekend. "Where is everybody else?" asked Amber. "I have no clue...they were supposed to be here like a half hour ago, so who knows. Maybe they won't show up..." said Ryan, continuing to set up the tent. "Ugh...that would be a boring weekend...Hey, I think I see a car coming up the trail!" she said. "Oh yeah?" inquired Ryan,...

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Marys fantasy part 2

“Look at your slut wife!” I stood and looked at Mary. Her whole body glistened with oil, her cunt gaped wide and her asshole pulsed and was shiny with oil. As I turned to look at the now nude John, I made an almost comic gulp! Laughing at my response he said “Yes big isn’ t it! 8 inches long and 61/2inches thick! But it’s the knob that is going to make your wife scream!” His knob was almost triangular in shape flaring down to the base it overlapped his dick by a ¼ inch. “It sets up a vacuum as...

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Legal Drug

Insomnia: The perception or complaint of inadequate or poor-quality sleep because of one or more of the following: difficulty falling asleep; waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep; waking up too early in the morning; or unrefreshing sleep. The clamour of the nearby fast food restaurant preparing food jolted Daniel Burghess from his thoughts. He stood up quickly, and then sat down just as fast when a wave of dizziness washed over him. Taking a glance at his...

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Workout with Lara

Workout with Lara by Noj © This story is contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. This is in no way connected with the subject and is entirely ficticious. Don’t use this without my permission. Now, on with the story! Angelina Jolie was getting prepared for her biggest film yet. Tomb Raider. She had been given the chance to take over as the pneumatic, energetic, pixelated babe. She knew she’d need to do a good job, and uphold the sexy reputation of Lara. She...

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Lap DogChapter 3

Several days later Angela Sims was out in the yard hanging out the wash. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold, with an exhilarating breeze. The lovely young blonde cast a fond look to where Hans lay sleeping in the shade of the fence, acting for all the world like this had been his home all his life. The young housewife felt that somehow the dog had enriched her life and was grateful that Jack had brought him home. Once Jack had sobered up, he had told her all about Harry's...

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Show and TellChapter 3 The Asteroids

Thursday dawned bright and, being August, quite warm. Tanya was quite grateful for the air-conditioned comforts of the limo, even if it was taking her back to durance vile. Her morning shower felt like it was weeks ago. Surprisingly, a crowd of reporters were clustered around the entrance to the Studios. Security had to clear a path for the limo through the paparazzi. Sam met Tanya and Mitch at the parking lot. "What's up with the vultures," Mitch demanded. "They're circling like...

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My Friends 43yo kinky Mother Fixed Formatting

My name is Arthur and my best mate, back then, was Mike. We met in the early years of high school and became best friends. Often, we would have sleep-overs at each other's house. Our friendship continued after leaving school at 16, and we got jobs working in the same factory. Every Friday, from age 18 on, we would 'clock off' from the factory and get ready to hit the town's nightlife. (In the UK, back then, you had to be 18 to go to night clubs and bars.) Payday was like...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 8

Kyllos' footsteps echoed despite the softness of his shoes as he walked towards the dais in the throne room of the Imperial Palace. His tired eyes beheld the throne in another vain hope that the Emperor had come to his senses and taken his rightful place. Instead, the blood-stained sword still lay across its hand-rests, and dust covered the seat. Kyllos folded his hands and stopped at the foot of the dais, allowing himself a rare sigh as his eyes swept the chamber. He had heard that one of...

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Suzys HoneymoonDay 5

"Oh Brad," groaned Suzy as her husband held her naked body close and kissed her deeply. Suzy reached down and took his huge manhood in her hand, caressing it softly in her dainty hand. Suzy's chest heaved anxiously under her handsome, muscular husband. She swam in his caresses and returned them with equal desire. "Are you ready?" Brad groaned softly into her ear. Suzy nodded and guided his throbbing manhood to her private area so he could connect with her. She pressed the head of his...

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What Ive Done

My name is Kenneth Jason Sturgood. Friends call me KJ for short. I’m a student at Illyria College in the city of March Wood, Maine. Although a native of South Central, Los Angeles, I’ve grown quite fond of the city and the college which welcomed me. Illyria College is a fine school located in a fine town. I sometimes miss my friends and my folks back in Los Angeles but life is about change, the way I understand it. I needed to get away from Los Angeles and Illyria College provided the perfect...

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A House DividedChapter 3

Can't you see that I'm lonely... Rescue me! Joanne's promise to keep in touch lasted a little over a week. She phoned three times the week after the Memorial Day weekend and then twice the following week, followed by a brief Sunday call in the next two weeks. She seemed to sink deeper into her job with each passing week and there was no hope she would be home on any weekend during June. The Fourth of July was a mid-week date and I wondered how Jo would mark that Holiday with her family. I...

4 years ago
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I was in the ancient warehouse practicing with one of two old replica crossbow pistols. I am a architect and this whole area was scheduled to be destroyed so more huge sky buildings could be built. The crossbows only had a light pull so they were not considered deadly weapons. I had three dozen of the small bolts and was aiming across the empty space. When I heard the yelling I crossed to the broken window and looked out to see three men facing another. I blinked and pulled my comm and started...

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