Recomissioned Warrior free porn video

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When I'm motoring around on my trike I look pretty normal--for a 6'6 270 pound biker in leathers. The helmet conceals many sins. In front of a mirror I've decided that I look like the Incredible Hulk had Hulk Hogan's baby--and dropped it, several times. When dressed I guess I look OK. You can't see the faint scars that cover my body like a fishnet. I've been re-wired. I'm faster, stronger, tougher and last longer than any man born of woman. You see, I'm a cyborg.

Fresh out of college I signed up for the Marines. I was tough enough and bloody-minded enough to make it into force recon. I served honorably with my team for 22 bloody months in central and south America until I wandered into a trap room. Boom, and the next thing I knew I was jelly in a vat. I'm a third generation recon cyborg. I'm roughly 70 percent titanium, 10 percent ceramic, 8 percent flesh, 7 percent brain and five percent computer. I know, this doesn't jive with what you know about technology. Well, here's the kicker--I was/will be born in 2166.

I weigh in at about 775 pounds. I can dead-lift about 1800 pounds and punch through a reinforced concrete wall. (If I don't use my special gloves the flesh of my hand will slough away, though. Yes, dammit, it hurts when I do that, and it takes about a week to recover.) I set off any and every metal detector within fifty yards. My power plant sprays neutrons around like champagne bubbles. When I stand down I have to plug in a smart dialysis unit that mimics my old liver and kidneys. I can 'see' visible, IR and RF spectrums. My eyes contain a Heads Up Display that shows computer-assisted target acquisition and avoidance data. I have built-in mil-spec radio and quantum transcievers. When I take a round they don't call the medic, they reserve time on the lube rack. That's what makes me a prototype--I stand out like an electronic sore thumb and require daily close-support maintenance. The're working on stealthing the whole thing but I think they're pissing in the wind. I constantly ping my environment with active sub-milimeter radar. How the hell are you going to stealth THAT? The one thing that made my life worthwhile was they preserved and enhanced my sense of smell and taste. I was a gastronome.

Three inventions were discovered and perfected/miniaturized for use around 2190-- a human-computer interface that didn't drive the human side irrecoverably insane, computer-reprogrammable nanites that work in a networked cooperative 'cloud' and the SQID--semiconductor quantum interface device. The last part is what made the whole project worthwhile to the military. It's a slow process, but I can see densities in 3-D up to about 1800 meters around me in all directions ... yep, that means I can find deep bunkers and access tunnels just sitting there reading/watching a viddie. I can call in an orbital strike or go into penetration mode. I was force-fed enough penetration techniques to bust all but a very few hardened networks and servers. My SQIDs (always in pairs, for some reason) can focus big and slow or tight and up close. This allows me to force electronic gate changes in security sensors and effectors, namely guns 'n locks. I'm a bigger, better can opener. HoooHa. 92nd force recon. Take no prisoners. Leave no evidence. Nobody gets out alive.

Two of my cyborg buds and I were running a deep penetration op in northern China when my luck ran out a second time. We were scrambling around in a deep lab bunker trying to figure out what was being worked on when we found out the hard way. I stepped into a hemispherical room. The floor and walls had compelling discolorations in the surface, and my SQIDs reported that the curves continued deep into the metal. It was thick, too! The floor was over 3 meters thick and the walls about 2.5. I started getting RF field readings off the scale. I could SEE fields sweeping around, curling around each other. The power density kept increasing. I was getting worried. I tried to monkey-wrench the system by un-balancing a driver. Holy moldy shit! It hit the fan with a huge flash and tore a hole in the wall from top to bottom. When I came to after the power went out the floor was tilted at about a 30 degree angle. The air smelled like burned electronics and ozone. I decided to get the hell out of there. I tracked back to the tunnel I came down. It ended in solid rock. Well, shit. The lights were off but I had a hold-out card--IR vision. It's blurry by nature and you can't see any distance with detail, but it's better than blind-man's-bluff. The three of us came down three different access tunnels. I proceeded to the next one.

Something had blown the hell out of the tunnel. There were huge piles of shattered rock everywhere and a big pit mine to the surface that wasn't there when we began this op.

I reached out to talk to big daddy and got nothing on the Q-strings. Shit. What happened to take down every quantum link near the planet? I tried for a location update and again got nothing. I tried a satellite ping and got a long, leisurely response--over 1200 milliseconds! Something was definitely wrong. I started an RF frequency scan, trying not to speculate, trying not to panic. Big boys don't cry. There it was. I had a lock. There, another. Another. This was ridiculous. I had locked into Generation II GPS satellites! The time sync really threw me. Instead of 2198 it was 1999. Riiiight. I was -67 years old. I was still on the Chinese side of the Russo-Chinese border though--the contested lands. I was between Russia, Afghanistan, India and Mongolia. It was very, very dark out and quite cold. November 11 near the arctic circle will do that for you. I scooted out of the pit mine being as quiet as I could to maintain stealth. I had no support, no backup, no cash, no home. I knew damned good and well that my "big brother" the computer had over-ride routines that could blow the hell out of what's left of me. I was surprised that I wasn't dead yet.

Interface. Situational ethics report summary.

>GPS returns impeachable evidence. Stand down. Unit must go rogue to exist.

Geopolitical impact report summary.

>destabilizing technology impossible. Unit too advanced for current forensics. Unit at risk from analytic decomposition. Run from people with screwdrivers.

Local impact report summary.

>run like hell. acquire funds and secure shelter. Stay covert or cease to exist.

Well, we had a consensus.

I was armed and dangerous. I could hack any network that existed but couldn't jump-start a car to save my electronic soul.

I had to hijack a vehicle and driver that could get me to a hospital. I needed dialysis within 18 hours. My SQIDs told me that this looked too much like a mining camp to be anything else. Mining camps needed food supplies. I needed to find the camp kitchen and hide out until a delivery lorry came. Easy.

I hitched a ride on the back of a decrepit old ex-Chinese military 4x4. Damn. We were out in the middle of nowhere. If I didn't get to a dialysis unit within about 6 hours I'd have to take the expedient route of pissing straight plasma and drinking water to make up the volume. It was hell on mineral balances.

City lights. I compared my GPS readings with what little map data I had. I was coming into North Urumqi--one of the largest cities of North-West China. I had to dump my ride and head West towards the airport. I could fly anything with a jet engine big enough to hold me ... there was a hospital near the airport which made my choice that much sweeter. At a stop-light I dropped out of the rear of the truck and started loping West in the pre-dawn light. Within an hour I'd broken into the hospital, located a dialysis unit, warmed it up (VERY important!) and plugged myself in. This wouldn't cope with all my metabolic problems, but given a half-case of type-O plasma and an IV rig I could take care of the rest. I relaxed deep in the bowels of the hospital for the next day and half the night.

I dined on boiled fish and noodles (asian hospital food) and made my way deep into the airport with a half-case of plasma secreted in my pack. I didn't know when I'd need to detox again and what resources I'd have available at the time.

I found a DHL jet that was being serviced and hopped a ride to Frankfurt, Germany. From there the jet took a hop to Norway, then great-circle route to Quebec city, Quebec. Jumping through the time zones I found myself in San Antonio Texas where I jumped ship. There was a large miltary base featuring a nationally known burn center there. I needed to visit their research labs to put together the backpack dialysis unit that I needed to survive. I had the chip templates stored in deep memory. I needed to prioritize my actions or I'd either be spinning my wheels or leave myself open to hostile investigation.

First I needed an impeccable, iron-clad ID. I investigated how to build a profile, layer by layer. A birth certificate appeared in Houston, a K-12 school record in nearby Conroe, a college and post-grad track record in Austin and the police reports of a hell-raising womanizer all over the area.

My SQIDs made me a hell of a card shark. I won a small property near Odessa and for the hell of it, travelled to check it out. It wasn't far by Texas standards.

My God. The place was sitting on an obscured oil dome the size of New Jersey. Geosoundings would never find it as there were several refractive layers above the dome that would banjax any seismic detection attempts. I needed some bucks to develop the property--sinking an oil well ain't cheap! I headed down to Corpus Christi to run a few intercept probes into the fiber feeding the data havens in the gulf--the fiber has to come up somewhere, and Corpus Christi is one of the places. A little hole-in-the-wall efficiency apartment netted me the access I needed. My interface and I went to work.

It took less that three weeks to peel their encryption like an onion. I had account numbers, balances, routing numbers, authentication phrases and transaction challenge/countersigns. Using Clearstream I opened several accounts in New Zealand and Singapore. Eighteen accounts in all saw deposits of twenty-seven to thirty-five million dollars. A blind digitally-only accessed account in Monaco held my reserves of 660 million. I used an account in Nevis as a feeder to my US accounts I set up three Nevis trusts with 170 million each as backing capital. If I wanted to establish credit I could use them as a base.

I moved into a double-wide trailer that I had shipped to the property so as to maintain a local residence and keep the tax man happy.

After transferring 22 million to an account in Houston and paying off the capital gains tax involved I had a large-bore well sunk into the Odessa property. We struck natural gas at the dome of the deposit. I was able to purchase several square miles of adjoining scrub land along with their attendant mineral rights on the merits of said gas well. I sat on the property for three years while working on my dialysis unit, then ran another land grab hit-and-run against all properties adjacent to mine. The twenty-two square miles I wanted cost me dearly yet I achieved what I desired--control of all drillable land over the narrow, exceedingly deep oil deposit I'd lucked into.

The first three wells were golden. So were the next three. Amoco paid for a feeder pipeline. The oil profits were self-sustaining. I went back to work on the dialysis unit. It was just a matter of time before I cracked the engineering issues. Meanwhile I sold the rights to manufacture several incredibly low-noise amplifiers for enough cash for a normal man to retire on. I kept on rolling. My power plant would quench in thirty years without a factory rebuild. I was racing against several clocks. I had to re-create a hundred years of technological innovation in thirty. Deep down, I was terrified. With the teleomere treatments that I had been given I had a chance to be nearly immortal. I had to fund, innovate and create several technological subspaces as well as maintain a private identity. Quite the three-pipe problem, eh Watson?

I had the dialysis machine down cold ... I built several as backups. I patented and licensed out a permeable membrane technology as well as plans for a simplified portable dialysis unit the size of a large tacklebox. My income exceeded my expenses by an order of magnitude. (means I made lots 'o bucks.)

Even though I knew what had to come next in several fields of technology I couldn't pump them out myself--that would draw unwanted attention. I began to fund the keystone people and projects that I knew would achieve the results needed for the next step forward. I established a holding company to hide behind as I worked.

I fed the plants. I operated the bellows. I provided the money and heat to kindle the next great step forward. I made sure that the engineers were hired that knew what they were doing instead of sweet fuck-all. [[[ We. Achieved. Greatness.]]] We took off-the-shelf fission reactor technology and a theoretical paper on travelling-zone fission and created a simpilified reactor that would burn radioactive waste. We used electrochemistry to implement catalysts that would break families of plastics back into monomers--plastic precursors that could be used again and again. We started turning over landfills to harvest the undigestible plastics. One of the biggest moneymakers in organic chemistry is inorganic to organic nitrogen synthesis. Likewise Phosphorus conversions, but MUCH more toxic. Organophosphorus compounds kill people. Add metals or metal hydrides and you get things like nerve gas. It took us decades to realize that the ecological cost of our packaging was killing us. The byproducts of our chemical syntheses were killing our unborn babies. We ran perfectly administered double-blind tests. We published everything we found. The corporations shut down the results. This was unacceptable. My interface agreed.

We went to war.

Monsanto and Cargill had to go. I knew the formulae for several universal defoliants. They were simple to produce. It took a little time to produce the agents in the volumes we needed as well as to hire the strike teams necessary to spread the agents on their seed fields. Within five years we bankrupted them. We broke the frankenfoods.

Next came the drug companies. Pfizer, Abbott, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Genentech, Novartis, Johnson and Johnson. One after the other they went down for testing fraud and wholesale murder. We nationalized their asses/assets. We freed their international copyrights to public domain. No longer would copyrights be held on genetic sequences.

I took sights on AIG, UNH, WLP, royal dutch shell, BP, Chevron, Saudi Aramco, Berkshire Hathaway, Credit Agricole Financial, WellPoint and JP Morgan Chase. We extracted assets, subverted employees and shined floodlights on the cockroaches. Fox/Turner tried to spin the news. We under-wrote and repurposed a phenomenon known as WikiLeaks into an international hammer. The governments of country after country fell as their corporate puppeteers failed The insurance companies refused to pay out. They were judged in breach of contract under international law and their assets seized. It didn't do the corporations one damned bit of good as they fell like dominos. The world-wide depression was savage.

Within six years the people stopped dying. The food markets stabilized. Home goods were produced in small scale--garage industries flourished. Some few computer-controlled milling machines showed up on the market and were snatched up by industrial cooperatives. I made a bundle on the tool bits too, but I didn't gouge. Rail heads went everywhere, highway bridges and levees got rebuilt and manufacturing centers sprang up everywhere. We had linen to cotton to rope to canvas to steel to sheet metal to nails and screws to lightbulbs to tires to bicycles being produced town by town, county by county. I made sure that the Internet never failed. The information on how to make damned near anything never got lost. I hid myself as a board member of Credit Suisse to get everything done. "Ignore the man behind the curtain" seemed to work and Toto remained a stupid little yarfie. We remained solvent as a culture and travelling-zone reactors went into place everywhere people had a geologically stable area to stabilize and burn radioactive waste. We were popular for the time being. I took on more and more responsibilities until I couldn't handle any more.

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Succubus Warriors

In this world of magic and monsters, adventurers of all kinds go out in hopes of fame and glory and wealth, but few truely can say they have achieved that goal. Three women in particular are infamous for these aspects. There is the Warrioress, Samantha Truthseeker, a Mercinary. She fights for the sake of glory wanting to have as many titles as possible so she can be written down in history books as a famous knight. However, the only thing she is famous for is her cockiness and love for...

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Women Warriors

Women of The Civil War. This tale is fiction based on real life events. There were about 2,000 women in the U S Civil War on both sides as fighters. Their reasons varried. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. This is Bobbie again. I was reading some more journals of my husband Barry's ancestors. This story comes from Captian Adam Remington and takes place durning and shortly after the U S Civil War. Today is 21 March in the year of our Lord 1863. This war has lasted too long. The Rebels...

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Nazca Warriors

Jenny Marie Jenkins drove nervously to the airport. She had all the necessary papers and had made the necessary plans for her daughter's summer. Stephanie, her fourteen-year-old daughter was going to spend the summer with her older sister, Ginny. Jenny had worked hard for this summer sabbatical to go to Peru. Jenny had gone to university on a track scholarship and was doing pretty good until she had gotten carried away with her new popularity and gotten pregnant. As a young eighteen-year old...

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Marriage Maintainance Pt 01

The Beginning Maybe you know the old tale that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out. But if the frog is put in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not see the danger and will be cooked. Though I knew that tale, I didn’t recognize that it applied to me too. I now see this anecdote as a metaphor for my inability or unwillingness to recognise the significant changes that were gradually taking over my life. Outwardly I am seen as a success, a well-paid corporate lawyer,...

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Caught my wife in the act

It's no secret that my wife enjoys a cock on the side. It's just rare that I get to watch. She explains like it's for her enjoyment not mine. So the other night was a treat for me. We where invited to a casual get together at one of my wife's co-workers house. It was warm and the dress code was wear something comfortable. I wore cargo shorts a golf shirt and tennis shoes. Since my wife has a hot little body she likes to dress to impress. She wore a short tan skirt and a white cotton tank top. I...

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Here's a little effort for Halloween. * * * * * Hallow-Weenie By Ellie Dauber From the time he was a boy, Edwin Hyde had to put up with Jeckyl and Hyde jokes. It only got worse when he entered college, a pre-med chemistry major. Hard as the teasing was, his medical degree specializing in endochronology more than made up for it. So did the job with Cyto-Tech, Inc. as a researcher. Edwin was good at what he did. Grant money came in, and he soon had charge of his own lab, with...

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“Can’t wait to feel a hard cock shooting cum inside me.” I was trying to sneak past my sister’s bedroom door, but that phrase rang in my ears and rooted me to the spot at the top of the stairs. At sixteen, my older sister Jenny was an annoying sibling. Shallow, nosy and a tattle tale; she seemed to revel in any trouble she could get me in. So I always did my best to avoid her. It wasn’t too hard for me to get away from her nosiness, but I always had to be careful. The difference...

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How a disgusting midget stole my beautiful young wife Part II

Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART II As you can imagine, I was completely devastated. I couldnt believe my nightmare had gotten this far. The thought of my wife having full on sexual intercourse with that disgusting little creep was like pure poison in my heart. And yet it was all my fault. I kept telling Kelly how sorry I was. She was incredibly kind and said it hadnt been that bad, even though she said it was obviously pretty strange...

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There and BackChapter 75 Dwarven Politics

The first discrepancy between the real Orzammar and the game was stairs. There was a massive flight of stone stairs, wide enough for a platoon of soldiers to march in formation, leading down into the mountain. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. It made little sense that you would enter at high altitude, even with a mountain in front of you, and be able to go up a tier to the Diamond Quarter. The Hall of Heroes was a lot more impressive than in game. It was probably the width and...

4 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 5 Coming Home

There was a festive atmosphere in the gym. West-Central had a pretty good football program and they had defeated their opening day patsy thirty-five to ten. Most home games had a dance afterward in the gym, and the band was set up to play for their own school for the first time. Everyone had heard of them, but most hadn't actually heard them play. Some eyes were to be opened for sure. The band was first introduced by Jan Simmons who was the student council president. "You've heard a lot...

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Fantasy gay fuck

I guess seeing that Matt is on of my friends made easy. I worked and spent most days with him so that October night was bound to happen. We went out on the town and crazed a couple bars and had a few drinks, Matt had said he was horny and needed sex, but it was a night of masterbating for us...or was it I passed out in his spare room but awoke to soft moans and a squeezing bed, I listened for a while then my curiosity got the best of me and walked down the hallway and thew a cracked in the...

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WifeSwapping Sex With ISS Couple

Hi ISS readers. Thanks for so many responses to my previous stories. After writing about my sexual experiences on ISS, I received many emails from readers. Of all the mails I received, I connected very well with another guy from Gurgaon. He was very happy when he read my story of me and my brother swapped our wives. also about how I had arranged for a gangbang for my wife. He introduced himself as Raj in his mails. He told me that he and his wife were also looking to spice up their sex...

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Second ChanceChapter 33

My mind was whirling around trying to make sense of the information as it was being developed and related to me. What sort of madman wants to take on the entire Unites States Government? Who all is involved in this conspiracy? Why does someone from The Czech Republic, who lives in Germany and banks in Geneva hate Sam Brownbock enough to hire a madman to shoot down Marine One with a hand held missile? How do these people smuggle a missile that close to Marine One? What is the end game and...

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Neighbors Teasing WifeChapter 7

Meanwhile, over at Joan's house, the rest of the plan was being carried out. Don had accompanied Joan to her place, bringing his tool box, totally unaware of the job she really wanted him to do. "So what's the problem, Joan?" he asked. "Bad switch? Loose wire?" "No, Don." She grinned. "That's not really it. I don't want you to fix my wiring. I want you to fix me." "Excuse me?" he said. "Let me make us a couple of drinks, and I'll explain," she said, leading him over to...

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Abducted BrideChapter 4

Monique smiled complacently to herself as she had entered the taxi several hours earlier in front of the hotel. She had reason to be satisfied. After all, she mused, this was the fourth girl she had brought to Marseille in the past month and the market for them was good. Since the tourists had stopped going to Algiers because of the Arab takeover, the demand for young white girls to fill the Arab brothels was almost unlimited. They were bringing up to two or three thousand American dollars...

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my mother1

When I was growing up I thought about fucking my mother a lot. I do mean a lot. I must have jerked off every single night thinking about fucking her. I would look for her underwear every morning and sniff them. I was in love with my mother’s womanly odors. When I graduated from high school and went off to college I was sure that it would never be the same again. I really missed smelling mom’s used panties and watching her body move around the house as she cleaned up. At the very first...

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Movie Theatre Meeting Part 1

Movie Theatre Meeting (Part 1) A story I recently read resonated with me due to the similarity between the writer’s experience and an incident that occurred to me many years ago. At the time I was in my early twenties, had only recently married and was working as a sales representative. On a cold and wet winter’s afternoon, when sales were really slow, I decided to go to a movie to kill some time. It wasn’t an x-rated movie, just a regular mainstream one. Partway through the movie I got up and...

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Showing Off SusanChapter 4

Chet and Joe helped Susan back into the booth at the western club after the trip to the restroom. She had been crying and had the look of a frightened animal on her face. But she was still helpless and she didn't show any signs that the drug was wearing off as she slumped against Joe in the booth. The bartender had been keeping an eye on them. It looked to him like she was passed out. He stopped at their table and warned them that the local town cops were due to stop by the club and make...

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Trim your pubic hair so you have hardly any. Watch you use your vibrator Sit on my face A golden shower Another woman to watch me fuck you “I am fine with all those, let’s do it, though a hung, younger man would be my preference for number 7,” she emailed back. Kelly is a Libra and the sexist woman I have ever known with brilliant thighs and as I have told her countless times, ‘the world’s best ass’. Forty-three inches of magnificent dimple free beautifully proportioned and formed...

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Felicity Ch 61

I was a regular at a small club that was known to be a ‘meat market.’ Women of a certain age, divorced and horny were there often. I was there every Friday night and the occasional work week evenings but mostly on Fridays. I knew who the regulars were and their preferences. I knew who the witches, the desperate, the players, and the losers were. There was a smattering of women that were there just to dance and a smattering of people that did not seem to belong. I was one of those. I was too...

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Brothers slave 2The training

For the rest of the night my brothers kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn’t try to take care of the orgasmic pressure that has built up inside of my pussy. Even when I went into the bathroom either mark or tony was close by listening to what I was doing. Sometimes when our mother wasn’t watching they would give my ass a slap or give my pussy a pat putting pressure on the dildo that has been stuffed in my aching pussy. Every time they would do it I couldn’t help but let out a...

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Her One True Prince and Master

Her One True Prince and MasterbyDorothy StrangeloveIntroduction: After the Bullets and Broken GlassWhere does it all begin?  I ask myself this question with my back against the wall as I look around for a clock but there's no clock in this room.  Blood is drying on my white shirt,  I see it on my sleeve, on the back of my hand,  I can feel it drying on my cheek as well. I don't want to wash it off.  I don't want to leave this room,  or do anything until I know... I look down at my black mini...

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The Artist

've heard stories about news photographers who get shot because when they put the camera viewfinder to their eye, they forget that they're actually in a dangerous situation and think they're just watching something happening to someone else. It's like extreme voyeurism. I know it sounds strange, but I believe it. I believe it because it happened to me.I'm not a photographer. I'm an artist. Well, I want to be an artist. I take my sketchbook everywhere I go and when I get "in the moment," I'm...

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Computer Lover

Mike pulled the straps making sure that they were tight. He then checked the wire harness. The suit was a wire mesh woven into a spandex leotard. The wires transfer my movements to the character in the computer. I bend it bends. If I scratch my nose it dose, just like any other V.R. unit. Mike had adjusted this suit for what he called virtual feedback. I was supposed to feel what ever happened to the computerized character. Electronic impulses created by his program would trick...

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Hot Sex With A Slut

Hello to all the readers. This is a story about the woman who I fucked hard and fucked good. I knew her for awhile then one day we started having an actual conversation and it led to making love. She was a really thick woman with fats in all the right places. She had a beautiful face. She was always kind of bitchy but she was actually a good person deep down. She was in her late 30s without a husband and was really lonely. Soon after we started talking there was chemistry in the air. One day I...

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Puppy Love Ch 02

Dear Readers, I apologize that this took a little while to post, it had a couple of technical issues that delayed its approval. Hope you enjoy it and continue to read the series. Please take a moment to rate my story, and feel free to leave feedback, it’s always appreciated. honey28 ************************ I drove home floating on a sea of endorphins. I had never been asked out before. After my divorce, I thought for sure the only way I’d meet a new guy would be on an online dating site. ...

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