Making Wife A Slut Made Her In Whore free porn video

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Myself Salahuddin Rehmaan, after having a wonderful experience with Vinita, I suddenly developed a feeling of Cuckolding, my girl fucking with another guy gave me immerse pleasure. But Vinita was married now and I lost contact with her. So after little pressure from my family I decided to get married. After few searching of girls my family finally picked up a girl. Our religion doesn’t allow seeing girls and so my parents saw the girl and after few weeks I was being married. In the wedding night I came to see the girl for the first time. Nazneen Sheikh was her name, flawless beauty, 5’ 7” tall, slim, fair complexion, and spotless body, average fitted body, slender legs, especially curved thighs, firm and straight boobs as I noticed that she was not wearing any bra. I was amazed to see that even boobs could stand so straight even without bras. She face has an innocent looks and lips were magnificent. Overall I could rate her 12 out of 10 in the mark score. She was a virgin and a shy girl and I fucked her royally at our first night. Our life settled but my fuck rage was so much and my house was so much crowded that I was been caught most of time folding her here and there. Though it was embarrassing moments but it was hard for me to control.

So my parents decided that we two should stay away from the house for few days. My father had another house in the city, few KM away, though it was a small place and had just a bedroom a hall kitchen with attached toilet. But it was sufficient for two of us. I didn’t earn much so my father suggested me to join a transport company as a manager, whose owner was friend of his. I saw the job profile and the earning and immediately took the offer. Now it was three times more earring then the previous job and my father furnished that house and in few days we shifted there. This place was near my office and so I got lot of time to stay with my newly wedded wife. After a month or more I was fucking my beautiful wife in the hall and she was riding me up. The bell of house was short just a day before and so accidently one teenager entered the house. He was stranger to location and was finding someone’s house. But as soon as he saw in the pose he turned back and vanished. But my wife froze, just like the incident that happened with my girl Vinita few months ago. The boy left but soon my erection was gone. I thought that what would had happened if the guy would have pulled his pants down and went straight to fuck in my wife ass. The erection was back again and I decided in myself that I wanted this to happen now. I wanted my wife to get fucked by other men.

But it was not so easy like expected, first she was my wife and second she talked a lot with my parents and a single complain to my parents can ruin my plans. So I decided to put things in order slowly and perfectly. I have no idea to approach to my wife with my plans. Also I didn’t have any contact with anyone who can keep secrecy and fuck my wife. I also wanted to make sure that she doesn’t come to know that I was involved in her fucking plans. So I have three requirement now, she must get fucked by someone else, secondly she doesn’t know that I’m aware of her fucking’s, third the person or persons fucking her can maintain secrecy. After searching several options for many days I didn’t find anyone suitable for it. As it was family function at home so I took two days leave from office and attended the function. During this time I kept my phone switched off as I didn’t wanted any disturbance from office side. After two days I went to office when my office boy gave me a card. He told me that this person came to meet me and tried to call also, but my mobile was switched off. He asked my home address but the owner of our transport company denied giving him, so he just gave the card asked me to call.

I saw the card and a current hit me, it was Kabir, it was good to see his card but the thing hit my mind was fulfilling my fantasy now. Kabir was the perfect guy, heavily influenced to me and could never go against me. Beside that he had lots of mind in terms of girls and could get any girl laid with him. So I immediately called him, he insisted to meet urgently and asked me whether he could come to office immediately. But I insisted him to meet somewhere else, or preferred to meet at his place. He was staying at a hotel, so I offered him to visit at hotel itself. He agreed and in 30 minutes I was sitting in his hotel room chatting with him. He told me about his problem. When he came to city he lost his purse and luggage at station, someone stole it. He checked in the hotel and was staying there since last three days, including food expense. Now hotel staffs were getting doubtful and he wasn’t able to leave the place as his id and address proof was with the hotel. I understood his problem and went to the hotel counter and paid the entire bills, and paid advance for 15 days. Then I went with him and purchased him some clothes. After it I gave him cash and another debit card which had little amount of money, but I thought it was enough for him. He was back again in my debt and I wanted it. After the entire setting was done he started to thank me several times which I stopped him to do.

After that we had lunch and then he said that now he could do anything for me. I smiled and showed him my wife picture and asked how she was. She commented vulgarly, he expressed that it was among the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. I told him that the girl was Nazneen and was married; I said that I wanted him to seduce her and then fuck her solo or with few friends. He expressed interest in it and asked whose wife she was. I smiled and said that she was mine wife. He was embarrassed immediately and said sorry. But I said him not to be and said that I wanted him to fuck my wife alone or with friends. He asked me why I wanted that, I told him a lie that my father was in debt and her father helped my father in his business, against marriage to me. I told her that she didn’t know this but I was been forced to marry her, and if I could prove her slut and get divorced I could marry the girl I loved. He took it as I was forcefully married to Nazneen and wanted to get rid of her. So he asked me what I wanted. I told him every problem and every option beneficial for him. We lived alone, she stays alone at home from morning 10 to evening 6, she talked with my parents and I don’t wanted them to know etc. He thought for few minutes and said that he can make it happen but he wanted to check whether she complains everything to me or my parents or not. If not it can be done soon else it will take some time. I asked him what he wanted, on which he told me to agree Nazneen to wear short skirt and blouse. Then bring her to a theatre at evening show of 7-10. He asked me to take the seat of last row in middle. He told me details of the theatre and it had a flop film running with hardly 5-6 peoples in the evening show. He told me that he will give the picture of Nazneen to his two friends. In the theatre you must make excuse of phone and get out of theatre. His two friends will try to molest her as much as possible. They will texted him when they will finish or fail.

I understood his arrangement and the plan were set for the next day. I reached home around 5 in the evening with clothes for Nazneen. I passed him clothes and asked her to get ready as we were going for the movie. She took the dress, saw it and completely rejected to wear it. The dress was short skirt which exposed 50% of her thighs and blouse little low cut with only two buttons in front. As it was deep cut so it was very hard to wear any bra with it. I threw the packet aside and sat on the sofa. She understood that I was angry and started to tell me that she didn’t want to wear those. I didn’t say anything, switched on the TV and started to watch. She kept on giving excuses and I didn’t answer her at all. Finally she gave up and said she would wear it. I turned towards her and smiled. She went inside and came after 30 minutes fully dressed. He was looking bomb and not less than a slut. She also was aware of it but didn’t show any discomfort. We came out and rushed to the cinema hall. I left her on the gate and went to the ticket counter. Just then two guys came to me and said “Kabir.” I understood that Kabir send them so they asked me to take seat 11-14 of the last row. He asked me to give 11 and 14 to them and take 12 and 13 with me. I purchased the ticket and gave two tickets to them and took two tickets with me. Then I took Nazneen and went inside. The show was about to start so we took our seat and sat down. Nazneen said that the place is pity bit lonely, and that’s why I made her dressed like that. I smiled and she went shy. For giving her a head start that she was thinking right about it, I shoved my hand inside her skirt from below and caught hold on her panties. I started to pull her panties down. She resisted for a while then let me to pull out her panties. I kept her panties in my seat behind me. She adjusted herself, smiled a little and sat properly. After 5 minutes both guys came and sat on both seats side by side to up. Nazneen was not at all happy with it. She gave me a weird look and asked that they sat there purposely or there seat was this only. I called the ticket checker to confirm the seats. The ticket checker came and confirmed out seats. She looked at me and said sorry. She said that the both guys came purposely to our side.

After 5 minutes the movie started and just after 10 minutes a message landed on my mobile. It was Kabir who said that he will call in 5 minutes and I should start talking with him. Then tell Nazneen that as the sound was high I will go out and talk with the person. Then I must come out and stay outside until he calls me and ask me to get inside. As expected he called in five minutes, I took the phone and started to talk, Nazneen was busy in movie so I told her that I had an urgent call and I’ll be back after talking. She asked where I was going so I told her that just in the gallery, as the sound here was making difficult to hear. She said ok and asked me to come fast. I went outside and Kabir said to stay outside until he calls me back. I went to the canteen took coffee and cigarettes, started to smoke and drink coffee, sitting there comfortably. I sat there for complete 45 minutes and then received the call from Kabir. He asked me to go inside, I asked him what happened so he said to come to his place for details. I dropped the call and went inside. Nazneen was on her seat with hands over her head. I asked her what happened and she told me that she had a headache and don’t want to view the movie anymore. I said ok and we left for home. It was around 8:15 in the evening, so I dropped her home, and then said that I was going to see a friend. She smiled and said ok and asked me to return soon. I was thinking whether both guys couldn’t molest her or what, she didn’t seem tensed at all. So I took the bike and rushed to Kabir place. I went to Kabir room and excitedly asked him what happened. Kabir smiled and asked that I was over excited. I said that it was first step to our plan and I desperately needed anything that can give me hit of a best and fast start. He told me that his friends were there and just went few minutes ago, before I reached there. He told me that it was the best start I could ever get. Saying that he passed me a panty, I took it in confusion, whose panty was that but immediately I remembered that it was of Nazneen.

I asked him what happened after I left. He gave me a summary of the incident happened in the hall. After I left the person sitting side to her kept his hand on her open thighs. She was shocked and responded like current passed through her. So the person grabbed her thighs tightly. She tried to remove her hands and after few attempts he removed his hands. She was sitting alert but the man again tried to slide his hand on her thighs. She removed his hand but didn’t raise her voice. He kept on keeping his hand on her thigh and she kept on removing. Meanwhile the person sitting with one seat gap shifted his place on the seat I left vacant. So as soon as he got the seat and observed that she wasn’t seeing he too kept his hand on her thigh. She was doubled shock now, but she didn’t raise her voice. So now instead of removing their hands both of them started to move their hands upwards. She was resisting a lot but was not able to stop them completely. As her both hands were busy one guy who was a pickpocket opened both buttons of her blouse. He boobs hung down and immediately she realized it and left both their hands to cover her boobs up. This gave them opportunity to reach their hands to her pussy. To their surprise she wasn’t wearing panties and one of them drilled his finger inside her pussy hole. She jumped a little but was too confused what to do. She tried to press her legs close but both the guys pulled her apart. The guy started to finger her in and out. She closed her eyes in discomfort or may be in shame or might be in excitement. So as she relaxed a little, both of them grabbed her hands on her boobs and started to pull her apart. She was resisting but was very less than expected. Her hands were off leaving her boobs uncovered. So they both grabbed her one boobs each crossing their hands from her back. They grabbed handful of her boobs and maul them mercilessly. On the other hand they were fingering her in her pussy taking turns. She was sitting neither resisting nor supporting. But after a while they figured out that she was responding on their moves. Her thighs were vibrating and she was suppressing her moans. So one guys kissed on her lips, she responded but slightly. Then the next guy took turn to kiss her up. They kept on fingering her and mauling her breasts, along with kissing her alternatively until she shuddered and exploded. She relaxed and so both guys left her and came outside. While getting up her panty fell from the seat and one of them asked whether he can take her panty with him. She was busy buttoning her blouse, so just nodded her head. I was darn shocked that those guy was able to do that much.

Kabir told me not to ask her anything and not to mention anything in front of her. Let her confess that herself but if she doesn’t confess anything then he’ll start second phase which will be a real fucking. I listen to his plan carefully, suggested many thing and finally a full proof plan was made. Satisfied with the plan I came back happily. I waited for two complete days but Nazneen didn’t confess anything, neither she did complain or said anything to her family or my family. So I decided to start the second phase of plan. I asked her that whether in her life history she had ever visited a club or pub. She said she hadn’t but she had a dream for it. But being from conservative Muslim family it was impossible for her to do that and beside that her town didn’t had clubs or pubs. I asked her whether she was interested in going with me. She cosily said yes, so I confirmed her to get ready for it and I would be taking her to a pub today itself. At evening I borrowed car from my boss, I told him that I wanted to take my wife out and so wanted car. He gave it to me happily but instructed me to drive slowly and carefully. I left my bike to him and took his car. I reached home around 9 pm and Nazneen was ready in a sari. I looked her in confusion. She looked back at herself then to me and asked what happened. I said we are going to pub not at reception. She asked what’s wrong in sari. I laughed loudly and said nothing but the security wouldn’t let us in. So she asked what she should wear then. I went inside and brought her a packet. It contained jean and t-shirt which I handed it to her. She looked at the dress but didn’t object this time. She got inside and then came back ready in that dress.

After that we rushed to a pub, for our plan I had already took a friend house keys that was out of city for one night only. We reached the pub when inside and then have few rounds of drinks. I was taking Vodka and she was taking Limca so I knew that after third glass she would need to pee. So I kept a pill in my hand, while she was about to take the third glass I asked. I asked whether ever she tried Limca with salt and pepper. She said she didn’t so I pulled her glass and added pepper and salt in it. While she was looking towards the dance floor I slipped the sleeping pill in her glass and mixed it carefully. She started to drink it and said that it tasted good. But after she gulped it up she said that she needed to pee. I showed her the women washroom gate; she got up and left towards it. As expected she just fell down near the gate. I rushed to her aid and tried to pick her up. Suddenly the security guy also came to help us along with Kabir. I didn’t know Kabir was also sitting there but he didn’t show any sign that we knew each other. So I didn’t show him too, he asked whether I was having car with me. I said that I had, so we all three guys picked her up and brought her outside to my car. I made her sit in the front seat and as I was about to get in Kabir asked. How will you take her out at home, would you be able to carry her inside? I looked confused and so he offered help and said that he’ll come along and then I can drop him home as he don’t have any vehicle with him. The security guard also promoted the idea and we three rushed out with the car. In the way Kabir asked me to show our home first. I drove to our home and showed him my place. Then we rushed to the friend place. As we reached there I opened the house, gave Kabir the keys, and gave him car keys which my friend had. Then we carried Nazneen inside the house and made her recline on bed. Kabir asked me whether she had peed already or not. I told him that she hasn’t peed at all. So he asked me to leave then and he would take care of rest. I said that I wanted to stay and see, he said that if Nazneen gets up and even if I hide myself somewhere, she’s see the car and find out that we two were on same side. He said that he will detail me everything in morning and would record the entire event also. I nodded my head and said that he was right and so came out of the leaving them both alone in the house. Kabir came out to see me off, but I didn’t was happy with it. So he questioned me that I was still having doubts then I should take Nazneen home. I assured him that I didn’t doubt him and he should continue with the plan. I got in the car and rushed towards home. The night didn’t go well and I kept awake all night.

Next day early morning someone knocked the gate, I opened the gate and found Nazneen there, she was having a bandage in her hand and on her head too. I showed her shock and she said that she slipped while going to washroom, and got hurt and went unconscious. The manager and the peoples around carried her to the hospital nearby. When she came back to consciousness this morning she came back. I hugged her tightly and told her that I was very worried. I made her comfortable in bed and asked her to rest. I said I will take leave for the day. She assured me that she was alright and I can go office. But I went office and dropped the car. Then took a day off and said that wife was ill. After it I rushed to the hotel but Kabir didn’t reached there. So I moved to my friend’s house and indeed Kabir was there. I said him good morning and he replied meekly. I asked him what happened and he gave me his mobile which was all wet. I asked him what it was, he told me that he pictured the entire event of the night but it was all washed out now. It was indeed sad news but I hoped it was accident and so I said it wasn’t any big problem and we will record it in future if possible. I said him to just tell me that what happened yesterday. He said that he waited until Nazneen peed in her jeans. Then he removed her jeans and her rest of clothes. Then he got some Vaseline on his dick and he fucked Nazneen in unconsciousness. After he was over, he waited until Nazneen was recovering from unconsciousness. When she started to recover, he put his dick in her pussy and just tried pretend that he was sleeping.

Nazneen opened her eyes and then try to adjust with the environment. After a while she was sure that she was naked, not at home, someone was inside her and he wasn’t her husband. She tried to push Kabir away and he was pretended that he was getting up from sleep. He sat up and she got up too. She covered her boobs with her hands and legs crossed. She looked at him in anger and amazement. The first question she asked that how did she reach here, second was who was Kabir, third was what happened between them. Kabir told her that she out of pub yesterday all drunk and came to Kabir and said him to take her to his home. First Kabir tried to figure out who she was but later she herself told that she was a whore and give fucking taking money. Kabir lived alone so he brought her home and then she peed in her pants. He opened her clothes and so Nazneen told him to fuck her. So he fucked her three times in night. Nazneen started to cry and told him all about her last night incident and that she was housewife and wasn’t this type of girl. Kabir told her that he misunderstood her and so fucked her, but what happened cannot be changed. She kept on crying and said that how will she go home and what will she say to her husband. He told her the idea of felling down and getting hurt and then hospital and all that which she conveyed me in the morning. Then he insisted to drop her home but she took the auto and left. It was not as per plan as for further blackmailing it was required that Kabir should know her house in her knowledge. Now we were required to think something else for her. But Kabir told me a wonderful idea, which I liked and so it was to be executed in a week time.

After a week I went to office, dropped my bike in the office basement and said my boss that I was having some work at the market, so I asked him for leave. He gave me leave and I said that I’ll collect my bike in the evening or tomorrow. He said that he’ll ask the watchman to lock the bike in the basement. I came outside and went straight to hotel room of Kabir. He was ready with his arrangement; his two friends who molested Nazneen in the cinema hall were also there. They welcomed me up and wished me. Kabir asked them to bring some coffee and cigarettes. They went away and I understood that he wanted to talk with me in personal. So he said that previously he planned for himself only. But after few thoughts he thinks that including these two fellows will be better. So he called them in without seeking my permission. I told him that it was absolutely fine and he was the one planning everything. I just had faith on Kabir and beside this didn’t have that much brain to plan myself. His fellows were back with things said and we all had coffee and cigarettes. After the break they started to do the activities they were been called for. They got my shirt and scratched it bad by rubbing it on ground. Then they gave it back to wear me up. Then they applied bandage on my head and plaster on my arm. It was perfectly looking like I met and accident and the plaster and bandage was wonderfully fixed. We locked the hotel room and then took an auto for my place. In the way Kabir asked me where my bike was and I told him that it was at office. He asked me to give the keys and he’ll bring the bike with him. He told me that he had some more plan for that. I gave him keys and called my boss about it. He said that he’ll instruct watchman about it.

We reached home around 11 am, before getting inside the boundary wall; Kabir told me that these guys were Surendra and Sumit. I nodded my head and we went inside. As we knocked the door, Nazneen opened the door. Seeing me in that condition she was shocked and started to fire question. Sumit told her that I met an accident and they first took them to hospital and the brought them here. He also told that I got a fracture and doctor had given me sleeping and pain killer injection. Suddenly she saw the rest of faces and she was terrified with that. I understood that she recognized them all. They said that its tough carrying me and I must by deposited on bed urgently. She made the way and they carried me and dropped me on bed. I thanked them for that and told them that I was feeling dizzy. I asked Nazneen to entertain them with snacks and tea before they leaves. She nodded her head and I started to pretend that I was sleeping. Kabir suggested that they should leave the room and let me sleep. All nodded in affirmative and left the room, closing the room before leaving. As soon as they left, I got up tip topped to the gate and tried to peep and hear outside.

All were sitting in drawing room and Nazneen was in the kitchen. She came outside after 10 minutes with snacks and tea. She served them tea and snacks and requested them to have them. Surendra said that they weren’t interested in tea and snacks. He looked at him in confusion so he continued. He said that they weren’t interested in these types of snacks on the thought that Nazneen had better things to serve. She still looked confused and so Sumit went near her and tried to pull her pallu. She pulled her pallu back and looked at them in angry look. Kabir smiled and said, “Remember I have your video, hope your husband won’t like it to see in this serious condition.” She started to cry and sob, she said that whatever happened before was mistake and shouldn’t be repeated again, she’s married girl and don’t want to ruin her married life. Kabir asked her to stop crying and said, “Previously I didn’t know your address but now I have your address, your husband link, proof against you, so stop crying and listen. We want to fuck you just now and if you aren’t going to co-operate, we’ll discuss this with your husband and family about it.” Nazneen got on her knees and started to beg them. Kabir said, “Better get nude and then beg, maybe we could consider. And you are so much shy that we haven’t seen you nude before.”

She got up from knees and wiped her tears. She said to excuse her and went towards the kitchen. She took 15 minutes there, while Kabir and others were talking. She returned in 15 minutes all naked, and walked towards the drawing room. As she reached there she said that she had come. They all looked above and Sumit announced that he is going to fuck her first. As soon as he reached towards here and tried to grab her, she begged, “Not here, my husband will come, will be mess.” Sumit looked at her and she said that to move to bathroom. So both Nazneen and Sumit moved to bathroom. I said shit to myself, the chance of seeing her been fucked ruined again now. Kabir came to my room and saw me peeping. He said that the plan to see her has ruined again and I should better not to go near bathroom, else if door opens and she comes out first then it would be hard to explain. I also understand that so just nodded my head. I but still kept on peeing. After whole 30 minutes Sumit came outside, all naked. He was having his clothes on her arms and he rushed towards the drawing room. He said to Surendra that it was his turn and better to go without clothes. After 2 minutes Surendra came in view all naked. He moved towards the bathroom. The gate was already opened but Nazneen wasn’t in view. So Surendra got inside locking the gate behind. No sound was coming out and beside bathroom was so far that if some sounds were coming out then also I wouldn’t hear.

After 40 minutes Kabir went to the bathroom all naked. He knocked the gate and after two knocks Surendra opened the gate and peeped outside with a smile. Kabir started to have conversation with him and after little conversation Surendra gave him side and he also vanished inside. Now both were inside along with Nazneen. After 10 minutes, Surendra came out and the door was closed after it. After 30 minutes Kabir came out and went directly to the drawing room. Before reaching the drawing room he looked at my direction and gave thumbs up with a smile. Then he vanished in drawing room. After five minutes Nazneen came out of bathroom. She was in mess, hair all messed up, lipstick smeared up, and many parts of body redden. She went to the kitchen and locked herself inside. She took 15 minutes to dress up and then came outside. She moved towards the drawing room and I tried to peep and hear. Kabir told her that it was wonderful experience with her and they will be leaving now. He said something more but in very low voice. Then they all excited the house, Nazneen came back closing the gate from inside. I knew she would come to my room so I just got in bed and started to pretend like sleeping. She came and checked me out then went to prepare lunch. After lunch was made she woke me up and we had lunch together. After lunch I went to sleep and she was having a nap in the drawing room. I was not so tired but she definitely was, suddenly my phone rang and it was my boss on the other side. He showed concern about my accident and said to rest for two three days instead of coming office. I understood that Kabir went there to collect my bike. I thanked him and then went for a nap.

I woke up with some murmuring in the house. I got up and peeped outside, I couldn’t hear the talking but I instantly notice the voice. It was indeed Kabir, but what he was talking and why so suspiciously. I looked at the clock and it said 6 in the evening. As Kabir was gone I came back to bed. Nazneen showed up in the moment. He passed me pills and said that the guy who dropped you here forgot to give your medicine. I thought what a mess, if I haven’t met an accident and then what’s the medicine is about. Still I took the medicine and opened a pouch. Nazneen passed me a glass of water. I looked at her and said that it was cold water and better she brings me hot or boiled water. She just smiled and said sure and went to kitchen. I threw the tablet outside the windows and opened the drawer to get a fever tablet. When she was back I ate that tablet and went to sleep. When she was sure that I was sleeping she went outside and I got up to and peeped outside. She called someone and said that I was sleeping and she will be ready in 30 minutes. She went to bathroom and had a bath and came out. I rushed to bed and started pretending to sleep. She came back with a packet in her hand and opened it in bedroom. It was a dress, so she got out from the dress she was wearing and started to wear them. As she turned towards me I got to see that she has shaved her pussy. That was strange as she never shaved her pussy at all. She got in dress in 10 minutes and my god it was tiny skirt, I brought her a tiny skirt when she was been molested in cinema hall but this one was way too more short then it. After she adjusted her shirt she pulled her panty out. Hell that tiny skirt and no panty, what’s in her mind? She was topless above but instead of wearing a bra she directly wore a shirt. But the shirt didn’t have buttons at all. So she just tied the bottom end of the shirt. Wow she was looking like a real whore now. She got in high heels and went outside locking the interlock from outside. As soon as she went outside I tried to peep from the window. She was sitting with someone in the bike and it was dark outside. I was pity not sure that who she was sitting with but the bike was mine.

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Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

4 years ago
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Lisas introduction to becoming a BDSM slut whore

LISA'S INTRODUCTION TO BECOMING A BDSM WHORE SLAVEGIRL CHAPTER 1Lisa looked at herself in the mirror before she left home with her husband, John. She was 26 years old, 7 years younger than John, and knew she was a real looker as John would say. Her hair was a golden blonde cut just above her shoulders and kept in a very simple style, she had large blue eyes, beautiful cheek bones and a pretty nose, she thought her mouth was a little too large but she had lovely shapely lips and nice teeth. Lisa...

2 years ago
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The Renters 8211 daddy8217s slut whore

You walk up behind me where I’m picking flowers in the back yard and put your arms around me, and whisper in my ear, “Are you my girl?” You can feel my familiar response, as your words immediately excite me, and I answer breathlessly, “Yes, John.” “Good girl!” You begin to nuzzle my neck at my collarbone, at that place you know makes my knees weak, and you slide the tip of your tongue up the side of my neck and gently tease my earlobe. As you hear my...

1 year ago
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Slut Wife Tina Loves being a Party Whore

Terry was away on business for the first few weeks after Thanksgiving this year and after the first few days I was getting pretty horny. I decided that I'd break a couple of my own rules at least just this once by going out without him. All year long I've received quite a few emails mostly from guys that I've been fucking at parties but a couple from women who have seen some pictures. Of me naked, and to tell the truth reading what they said they would do to me made me hot and wet to. Some of...

Group Sex
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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Slut and Whore

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Synopsis: As you read Mistress Dyvia's latest tale, you...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

2 years ago
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Preachers Wife Chapter 4 from Peachers Daughter Se

Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...

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Rupali Indian wife trained in a kinky leather slut

There is one scene in the Bollywood movie Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge I watched on video over and over again. Simran and her friend Sheena walking in London, discussing the trip to Europe. Why? Sheena is dressed n a hot leather dress and walking in hot boots. From that moment I decided that I would do my best to change my future wife in a leather slut. Not only leather and boots turn me on. I have another fetish: a gag in the mouth of a girl. Nothing is so good as a ball gag between the red...

3 years ago
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The Sheriff the Rapist and the Child Whore

He thought about doing the rounds of the local bars, checking on the whores and all the other onerous duties of a new territories Sheriff but he couldn't be bothered, so he just sat there. Around three o'clock Jake Bannister arrived in a tearing hurry, "Sheriff, Sheriff, come quick, Widder Mason been raped!" "You sure?" he asked, "Why she has to be fifty and she bigger round than a barn door!" "In the night Sheriff," Jake explained. "You get a description?" he...

1 year ago
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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 2 Becoming Mikes Slut

Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...

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My Stepmothers She Male Whore

My Stepmother's Shemale Whore I'm staring to get dressed for my first client of the evening, I just got out of the bathtub after shaving my legs and soaking in the perfumed waters. I start to put on my gaff to keep my penis between my legs, it is so small now it don't take much as I feel my now emptiness where my testicles used to be I begin to cry and start remembering how I got to be who I am now. I used to be a normal boy of sixteen when my father remarried, my mother had passed...

2 years ago
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The Preachers WifeChapter 2

The city traffic was light as Jack drove through the all too familiar streets from the seedy part of town to his hotel, tall gray buildings whipping by on each side as he fought the urge to floor the gas pedal. But the preacher's wife didn't see the buildings -- or anything else. Deep in thought, her eyes stared blankly out the windshield. Her body and clothes were covered in several men's sperm, and the taste of the boy's semen lingered in her mouth. She wondered how the wife of a...

1 year ago
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Slut wife hubby and friend fuck watching wifes f

This story has male bi sections. So don't read if that's not your thing. Wife's fav porno is Sasha Grey deep throating flick "Trhoat"I put "Group Sex" even though it's just a 3 way. I think "Group Sex" should be only for situations with 6 or more people.The three of us are on the couch watching one of my wife’s favorite porn flicks, Throat, starring Sasha Grey, about a deep throating slut who’s only able to orgasm by cocks hitting her clit which sits at the back of Sasha’s throat. Only deep...

4 years ago
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My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun

My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of...

3 years ago
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Horny Hermione Slughorns Slut

Introduction: Hermione soon learns Professor Slughorn has his own agenda DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes. Dont sue me, I have no money. WARNING: These stories are just fantasies but well be dealing with mind-control, non-consent, public sex, and whatever else I want to right. Heed any warnings I put up. Ill try to make each story in the series a stand-alone so if you dont like something happening in it, you can...

2 years ago
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From Beloved Maasi To Cockslut Whore

Hello to every Indian sex stories reader over here. This is my first and real experience based story. Describing myself I am 18 years old living in Mumbai. I have a 7-inch thick cock. Further details would be discussed with the interested people. Telling you about my maasi . She’s in her mid 30’s right now with a very attracting figure. She is not married(says she is not interested). Fair skin and tough complex. I had often seen men ogling at her and my kind of liked it Coming to the story...

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Sue becomes a pain slut and cum whore

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...

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Sue becomes a pain slut and cum whore

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...

4 years ago
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Sue becomes a pain slut and cum whore

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...

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The Preachers WifeChapter 4

The preacher's wife was still enraged that Jack made her perform sex with him in the church room while her husband conducted services within earshot. And the audacity of him to actually shake hands with her husband afterwards while the taste of his semen lingered in her mouth and his sperm dripped down her thighs. So you can imagine her surprise when Jack stood there smiling on her porch when she opened the front door. Marge immediately slammed the door shut, but Jack was a door-to-door...

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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

2 years ago
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Preachers Wife Chapter 8 and My Wife

Pam, the MILF preachers wife had been doing as told since I last had her fuck young Katrina with me (see previous stories).Pam knew I planned to have her fuck my wife, but had no idea I planned to have her fuck her d _ _ _ _ e r as well. I was planning a special 24th birthday present for Pam's lovely girl.However, this is about Pam fucking me and my wife.She met me as usual on Sunday before church and I used her, only this time as she told me about fucking her hubby with the strap on, I turned...

2 years ago
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My White Wife Lori Becomes a BlackCock Whore

This is an interracial cuckold story written for and in the first-person voice of the Lush reader and enhanced for your reading pleasure.The last thirty years almost seem like a blur as I look back at my rather unconventional, but sexually-fulfilling life with my wife, Lori. My name is Howard, and now at the age of fifty-six, and Lori at forty-nine, we are celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary this year. It is still amazing to me, given Lori’s conservative religious beginnings, how she...

3 years ago
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My wife now his whore

Introduction: Cheating Wife Ive been happily married for nine years to a voluptuous 32 year old Italian girl. We have two small children. Amanda has incredibly smooth olive skin and big soft tits that are fairly firm for their size. She also has a full round butt! Her lips are soft and full, and her brown bedroom eyes will give anyone a instant hard on! I was surfing the web one day when I came across a surveillance camera built into a teddy bear. I had no reason to suspect anything, but I...

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My wife now his whore

Amanda has incredibly smooth olive skin and big soft tits that are fairly firm for their size. She also has a full round butt! Her lips are soft and full, and her brown bedroom eyes will give anyone a instant hard on! I was surfing the web one day when I came across a surveillance camera built into a teddy bear. I had no reason to suspect anything, but I thought it would be great to see what happens in the house during the day while I’m at work. I put the teddy bear up on a bookshelf that...

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My wife Now His Whore

I’ve been happily married for nine years to a voluptuous 32 year old Italian girl. Amanda has incredibly smooth olive skin and big soft tits that are fairly firm for their size. She also has a full round butt! Her lips are soft and full, and her brown bedroom eyes will give anyone a instant hard on! I was surfing the web one day when I came across a surveillance camera built into a teddy bear. I had no reason to suspect anything, but I thought it would be great to see what happens in the house...

1 year ago
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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

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The Preachers WifeChapter 6

Marge's heart pounded in her chest, beating faster than normal as she fidgeted in the car seat. She kept looking at Jack who would glance over and smile. He drove silently to an unknown destination. The only thing he had told her was that all her desires would be met. She felt so many emotions -- nervousness ... excitement ... apprehension ... desire ... wickedness. Yes, she felt wicked, but that only added to her arousal. Now that her sexual appetite was unleashed she couldn't get enough;...

4 years ago
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Stepbrother Made Me His Slut

My twenty-year-old stepbrother, Jim, my five-year-old son, and my loving husband were waiting for dinner at the dining table. I adjusted my red top, grabbed the bowl of meatballs and came out of the kitchen. I didn’t want to flaunt my cleavage, sending any wrong message to my stepbrother. However, when I bent over the table to serve him, he didn’t miss the chance to take a brief look at my cleavage. My husband was busy talking to my son. He didn’t notice Jim checking out my cleavage. Jim gave...

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My unexpected re education addiction and descent into a submissive slut and cock pleasureing whore

with the ladies.I've had some fanasticly erotic and also some perverted times with a select few ladies storys for another time perhaps. But this post concerns the awakening of my very submissive bi side quite by accident late one night and what followed it. Like most males had the usual moments of homosexual experimentation so to speak- a couple of friends and i would show ourselves off to each other and wank each other off. Also developed a big interest in girls & serious big...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

3 years ago
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The Preachers WifeChapter 5

Marge awoke to an empty bed, the preacher being an early riser. Staring up at the ceiling, she thought back to the previous night when her husband pumped his cock into her. It was quick, not passionate, and definitely not enjoyable for her. She knew he would never satisfy her sexually. And that thought caused her to realize she wanted -- no needed -- what Jack gave her. She liked sex and liked the way it made her feel. For the first time in her life, Marge consciously moved her fingers...

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Preachers Daughter Ch 8 and Preachers Wife 1

Well, for those of you following the stories, for the next few weeks I fucked Jaimie at least once a day, everyday, or at least had the slut meet me for a blow job. She was turning into such a whore she would text me her par_ents were away the last it me I went over to see her, she texted they were away and the door was unlocked. I drove over, walked into the parsonage, walked down the hall to Jaimies room and opened the door. My little slut was kneeling wearing stockings, heels, garter belt,...

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Medieval RolePlay Wife Wench and Whore

Stuart's PerspectiveThe Mid-Atlantic region of the United States has played an important role in the development of American commerce, culture, trade and industry. The Jamestown settlement in the old Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in that area of the Americas and is about fifty miles southeast of Richmond.The northern Virginia area is steeped in the history of those early settlers, so being born and raised in Richmond has given me an appreciation for our heritage....

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Making My Wife A Whore

Hi, This is Rajendra(Not real name) from Mumbai. I am 28 years old and recently got married to a 23 year old beautiful girl. Now before marriage i used to watch a lot of porn and blue films. So once i got married in the starting i used to fuck my wife a lot. My wife is very beautiful and has a damn good figure. But she dresses in very simple clothes and hence a lot of people do not look at her. I go to different states due to Business trips. Once i was going to Goa and my Colleague who was...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 6 from Preachers Daughter S

Pam, the 38D MILF preachers wife that had become my willing cum slut and sex slave had been getting fucked by me about once a week and before church each Sunday morning, although she did not know it, her husband, John, the preacher I was blackmailing him too.It had been two months since I fucked John but we would text or call on the phone and I kept him informed of how I was using his wife and 23 year old daughter, whom was pregnant with my c***d...he would jack off while I talked to...

2 years ago
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Clarissa masters wife workers whore

I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door  and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected  station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster looked out from the old station house across the road...

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Wife Seduced By A Whore

This story relates to my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck lots of prostitutes of all age .I had a special prostitute named muskan and she use to give me a wild sex giving me all positions to fuck and eshe even used to allow me to fuck her ass and used to take all my cum in her mouth.After my marriage with rittu I stopped seeing muskan or any other prostitutes and was enjoying the sexy body of my younf wife.Rittu was however not accomplished in...

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Cheryls New Slut Friend

Cheryl’s Slut FriendI walked in our house Friday afternoon to the sounds of two women giggling and chatting upstairs. I climb the stairs listening to Cheryl and an unknown female voice in the bedroom.“You look stunning and so slutty in that outfit, sweetie,” Cheryl congratulates the unknown woman who giggles in reply.“You should definitely wear that this evening,” Cheryl adds, then lets out a little cry of pain.I turn the corner into our bedroom to see Cheryl sitting slightly sideways on our...

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My wifes cousin Sheryl

My wife's cousin SherylThis is a true story I managed to see her again a couple years ago. Will post soon...Enjoy the story let me know what you think.Back in the early 70's When i was in High School i use to hang out with my wife older brother Jay. We were freshman he was telling me his cousin Sheryl was coming over. Jay had said" she was a Hot Red Head with nice tits an she didn't mine show them off" i was 14 that all I could think about. Never having sex with a girl at this age. That Friday...

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My Wifes Friend is 2 Whore

Annie had been my wife’s best friend all through high school and college, as well as the through the five years that followed. She had not only been her maid of honor at our wedding, but she had also been present for the birth of both of our c***dren. In addition to the fact that she was one of the sweetest women I knew, she was also very easy on the eyes. In fact, she was one of the best advantages to me putting in the large in-ground pool in my back yard a couple summers ago; I figured it...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 1

PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...

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Twiceraped Preachers Wife

Debbie Bingham stood in front of the mirror, naked, knowing she would not be interrupted by anything, least of all by her husband, whom she knew would be gone for hours. He would be gone ministering to his "flock," to the regular people he always ministered to during the week—visiting the sick, the infirm, the ones whom he felt needed his support. Debbie felt somewhat guilty, but not that much. She felt that it was a small sin at the most to view herself totally naked in the mirror. And in...

3 years ago
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My Wife His Whore

My Wife. His Whore. by Victor Mann Leena and he had been married for 25 years and their life had been good,he thought. No doubt they had gotten married young and had kids rather tooquickly, but theirs had been a close-knit family, it had seemed, and both thechildren, now attending college on the other coast, were happy and well adjusted.Money had not been a problem. His accounting firm had been modestly successfuland Leena had developed a good career in academia as a professor of...

1 year ago
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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 2

Chapter OneIt’s been about a week since my newly retrained slutwife has returned home. I can say that she was not wavered once in that time. She has maintained our house, keeping it clean. She’s had dinner prepared and ready for when I arrive home from the office. Now mind you, she never cooked before. Her meals have been scrumptious too.Each evening she is naked, except for her collar, in the “Ass up” position. It’s where she’s on all fours, with her legs spread, her head is on the floor, her...

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My wife cousin Sheryl part3

(True Story!)After seeing Sheryl and having sex we had taken a shower got dressed talked about our lives and family. I had taken Sheryl out to dinner. We had opened up about sexual likes and dislike. Had been honest told her sex between me and the wife had changed due to medical problem for the wife. We would have sex maybe if I was lucky 3-4 times a year. I told her that I was Bi but preferred women. She said she was also Bi but preferred men. That couple years back she worked as a Dominatrix...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

2 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

Introduction: Suzi is the perfect wife, cooks, cleans and is an ass slut Suzi — My wife and My whore It didnt take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, its nice to see the actual proof. Im watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. Well probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and lets see if we can make...

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Preachers Wife

On this particular day, she was wearing a decently short black dress. She had on bright red lip stick and sexy black see through leggings. Her tits where so amazing, at least 36 C's. I was wearing some jeans and a black dress shirt. Every time i looked at her from across my bench my cock got harder and harder. It was a typical boring service. We went back into a teen class, which she taught. We went in and man was she sooo hot. There was about 13 or 14 teens. About 8 of them were guys, Every...

1 year ago
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Preachers Wife Chapter 5 from Preachers Daughters

Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...

3 years ago
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Chorley slut Catherine

So, I want to tell you all about a woman I met while on a business trip to Chorley. Her name was Catherine, and what a slut she was, well is. I had finished my business meeting and stopped at Costa to finish my paperwork and do a few emails. I was sitting at a table for six people and was fairly spread out. I noticed a woman with her tray and looking for somewhere to sit. I collected my papers and offered a place to her at the other end of the table. She sat down and took her coat off. It was...

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