- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
So I was sitting in this bar. You know, one of the bars you just “have” to be at. One of those places where the truly beautiful and successful people are supposed to meet. Yeah, there were some of those present. Although a minority, they dominated the place in a relaxed way, floating around, hugging other cool people, being at ease with themselves. They seemed to know everyone, be best friends with everyone, to just love everyone. Well, not everyone obviously, but all of the other cool people at least. And then there were the other ones, the nobodies. The mildly attractive or at least not repulsive ones. They were gathered in small, static groups and weren’t flitting around like the well-connected truly beautiful ones were. And then there was the sad rest. The unfortunate ones that tried to cling to their seats in order not to have to mingle with anyone. Being desperate not to be noticed because they imagined everybody saw immediately that they didn’t truly belong here, that everyone saw their true insecurity. Their fears were unjustified, nobody noticed them anyway. They were just the obstacles other, more confident people could float around. They just made the place appear less empty.
Yeah, I was one of those. No, not the beautiful ones. Not even one of the invisible, mediocre group. I was one of those truly not belonging in here.
I had captured a seat at the bar and was busy trying not to embarrass myself and to look like I was having a good time. The problem was that in truth I had nothing to do apart from being insecure. Absolutely nothing, which was terrifying. You don’t sit in such a location and just do nothing. It would have been embarrassing if anyone noticed me doing nothing, which luckily wasn’t the case. A few friends had mentioned that they wanted to meet me here and like a lamb I had come, not being aware this was one of “those” bars and to make things worse, my friends hadn’t even shown up yet. So I desperately clung to the drink in my left hand and watched the crowd, trying to look like a sophisticated observer. Like a knowing man, keeping himself in the background. Not like the shy guy I truly was, afraid of being exposed.
I really wished I had the looks, the confidence or the charm to be one of THEM. The ones everyone wants to be like. Take this guy for example. Well over two meters tall, blonde, tanned, muscled like the Hulk, with teeth white enough to blind you temporarily. And he damn made sure everyone in here saw every single one of them all the time, including the molars. While I really liked the comic heroes he resembled, I already hated him. Mainly because I was unable to find even the slightest flaw on him. I mean, usually you can always console yourself with finding flaws. Yeah, sure, she’s beautiful, but you can already see she’s a selfish bitch. Sure, he’s muscled, but look at his teeth. Ok, he’s a hunk, but he looks dumb as a leaf of bread and his hair is already receding.
The real problem were the truly flawless people, like this guy. He was the total dream boat and he even seemed witty and nice. Asshole. Why couldn’t the genetic lottery be a little fairer, a little more even in the distribution of assets.
And let’s not even talk about the bombshell at his side. Every centerfold would curl up in shame and change jobs if she saw this woman. No, not a pretty girl. This was no girl at all. She was quite tall and built like an Amazon warrior. No, this was no pretty girl by all means. This was a gorgeous, beautiful goddess. And she hung at his lips like he was God’s gift to humankind. Damn. I really hated him. Hated them both. Shit, where were my friends? I still felt totally out of place in there, like I simply wasn’t qualified to be even in the same room with those people. I mean, look at that butt alone. What woman could righteously own and display such a butt in public? This butt alone was enough to drive lesser men insane, without ever having the remotest chance to touch it and surviving the experience. And she made things worse by wearing this ridiculously short pair of tight hot pants. Have I mentioned that life is unfair? I probably have. I looked around and saw that virtually everyone was looking at them, not just the commoners, but also the hip people. These two were the clear winners of the human genome lottery and I asked myself how life would feel to be one of them. Or at least if you were near one of them.
And then it got worse. Mr. Universe turned around and scanned the crowd. All nonexistent guys like me withered under the glance of the in-people. I felt the urge to disappear like a cockroach when the light is switched on. Surely he would immediately notice that I was uncomfortable around here. That I was totally alone. That nobody talked to me. That nobody noticed me. That I didn’t belong in here. Damn, and he would be right.
Now he looked me directly into the eyes, scanned my body with his light blue eyes and began to smile. Bastard. I felt like I was doing something illegal by being present here, by soiling this hip location with my nerdy, uncool presence. He tapped the Amazon goddess on her shoulder and the situation got worse immediately. He pointed in my direction and although I desperately wanted, I was unable to look away. God, was she beautiful. Breathtaking.
She looked at me, at him, at me again, and frowned. I had to agree with her. I would have frowned upon seeing me in here as well if I were her. Luckily she looked away from me soon and started talking to her god-like companion, shaking her head. They even seemed to get into some sort of mild argument, which surprised me a little. Olympian gods weren’t supposed to argue, were they? They were just supposed to watch the antics of us mortals with a contemptuous smile. The observation that their life was less than perfect, gave me a small, but definite feeling of satisfaction. But that feeling didn’t go as far as leading me to drop my dream of trading their life against mine.
I forced my gaze away from the model-couple and pretended to study the bottles behind the barkeep again. I thought that made me inconspicuous until my damn friends would finally deem to grace the place with their long-overdue appearance and we could just escape to a more suitable location.
“Excuse me.” Wow, what a nice, female voice. It was indeed so nice that I decided to give her the seat she was surely asking for before I had even turned around.
Shit. It was her. I felt my blood drain from the upper body parts and my ability to speak fleeing the scene.
“Ummm,” was the exceedingly eloquent result.
“My name is Tina.”
“And you are.”
“Ahh, sure. You can have it.” Now she looked confused.
“The seat. You can have it.”
“What seat? I was asking for your name.”
“Your name. You surely have one, don’t you?”
“Thomas. Ahh. You see ... Tom. Everybody just calls me Tom. Yeah, Tom.” I was still a bit confused by her presence.
“Okay Tom. We’re making progress here, I can feel it. You even managed to remember AND vocalize your name.” She was giggling a little and it was surprisingly cute. It gave her a definite non-threatening quality. She seemed to be almost - well, human. Charming, even. Stop this, I thought. Don’t turn this into a ridiculous cliché by falling in love or something like it.
“You see, Tom, we have some kind of problem.” A deep and very manly male voice suddenly broke my trance-like state. Her companion had joined us, unnoticed by me. Hell, everything around me had happened unnoticed while she was talking to me. “I’m Ralph, Tina’s husband. You see, I love her very much. And she just had her 25th birthday.” Why was he telling me all of that, I briefly wondered. “And you certainly know how hard it is to find the right present for your woman.” Lacking the experience of a real long-term relationship, I had not much personal knowledge about this, but I wisely kept my mouth shut. “Well, I kind of failed at the task. I bought her - no, let’s just skip this. It was a ridiculous present. Aaaand, well, she was a little miffed.”
“I was pissed, Ralph. Mightily pissed.”
“Yeah, okay. Pissed. She was pissed, mightily so. So I kind of made her a promise. She would get any present she wanted if I could make it happen. Well, financially, legally and so on, you know?”
“Hmm, okay.” That was my only contribution to the discussion so far and I desperately hoped I managed to conceal my growing confusion. I mean, why was this stranger telling me about his failure to choose the right birthday present? Why was she looking at me in an almost expectant way? Hell, was this even reality I currently was in? It sure didn’t seem so, none of this made even remotely sense. I expected someone to shout “CUT!” any time, exposing me as a prank show victim.
“And that’s where you come into play,” he said.
“What?” Could this evening get any stranger? Where were my buddies when I needed them? I was desperately looking for some kind of exit strategy now. I had finally found the flaw I had been looking for, these people were clearly lunatics.
“I chose my present. Sex with another man, just once.” I wasn’t drinking when she casually said that. Luckily. I would have evenly distributed my drink over the whole place otherwise. I was still coughing when she calmly continued. “Ralph had to agree, obviously. This was a wish clearly within the limitations he had defined.”
‘Defined limitations’, I thought? This woman was no brainless bimbo. But it was sure weird to talk like that about opening a marriage to extramarital sex.
“Yeah, I had to agree, but I didn’t have to like it. My condition was that I could choose the guy and that I could watch the whole thing if I wanted to.”
“Really?” My monosyllabic answers probably led them to believe I was a total moron by then.
“Sure, what did you expect? I will certainly not allow a man that could be a competition in any meaningful way to me to have sex with her.”
“You know, this certainly isn’t easy for me. But I know that I’ve fucked up and this is part of my penance. But I’m not going to let this endanger my marriage. So what I need is a totally unattractive man. Unattractive, ordinary, no charmer, no keeper. All in all, no competition.”
What a weird story. But I finally had an idea why they were telling me this and to be honest, hearing the undeniable truth summed up this way was quite insulting.
“You know, Tom, I agreed to Ralphs conditions. I was even surprised that he agreed at all.”
“Well, I was in a mellow mood at the time. I’ve had a few drinks and really felt sorry about her present. As I said, this is my penance.”
“And you deserve it for that shitty present, honey. Anyway, I agreed that he’d select the guy and be present. But I also set a condition. The guy should at least not be blazingly ugly.”
“Okay, but what are you doing here with me then?” I blurted out.
She looked at me stunned and just started laughing. She really thought that was incredibly funny, but Ralph and I knew better. Ugly was just how I saw myself.
She was still giggling.
“He’s serious.”
“What? Come on ... you’re not model quality. And I would have preferred if you were a little taller. But you’re at least not shorter than me, so that’s okay. And yeah, you could use a few extra muscles. But Tom, you’ll certainly do. I’m not too choosy, this is just for one time of sex. You’ll do. You’re not really that ugly.”
“Okay, but he’s no hunk either.”
“Obviously, yes, Ralph.”
“You wouldn’t normally fancy him, would you?”
“What? No way.”
Truth or not, this was really getting quite insulting. But I endured it and stayed nonetheless. Of course I did, I was presented with a remote chance of getting near that dream woman. I still didn’t let the picture of actually having sex with her enter my mind. That was too much, I would just have prepared myself for a huge disappointment. But just touching or even kissing her would be plenty of reward for this ongoing humiliation.
Their motivations were clear enough. She had every reason to paint myself as an ugly turd as it would placate the fears of her husband. His motivation was equally clear. He surely had no interest to praise the guy that was about to become some kind of competition. These thoughts helped me to keep some smidgen of self-respect.
“But you would have sex with him?”
“Well, he’s certainly no dream boat, but he’ll do.”
“Okay, little guy. Repeat after me: I’m an ugly, wimpy little dude that can’t satisfy a real woman.”
So sue me, I really wanted to get into this goddess’ pants, so I actually did it.
“I’m a wimpy guy that can’t satisfy a woman.”
He smiled smugly, while she had the grace to be a little embarrassed.
“That’s childish, honey.”
“Okay, Tina. I think I can live with Tom fucking you, although it’s still going to hurt. Just remember to use a condom, okay?”
“I know, and I really appreciate it. I know how much you love me and how strong you are.”
“Tina, I still don’t understand it. I should be enough for you.” Wow, this guy suddenly appeared surprisingly insecure, even a little whiny. I couldn’t blame him, being in his shoes would kill me on the spot. I still was a little confused though.
“Ah, guys...”
“Not now, my dear Ralph. We can talk about it later again, you have nothing to fear. I’m yours and I’ll stay yours.”
“Yes, Tom?” Tina asked.
“What exactly does all of this mean?”
“That means that you’re going to fuck her, man. You’re not going to make love to her. You’re not going to romance her. No candlelight dinner. No cuddling, no making out, no kissing. Just a plain, quick, old-fashioned fuck. In, out, ready.”
“What do you mean?” They were both clearly stunned by my reaction and to be honest, so was I.
“I’m not interested.” Are you completely insane, I was shouting at myself inwardly. But I wasn’t; this wouldn’t work.
“Are you nuts? Or hey, are you maybe gay?”
“No, Ralph, I’m not gay.”
“Have you looked at her recently? She’s as hot as they come.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. But still it’s not going to work. At least not as you’ve described it. No kissing, no cuddling, no romance? Sorry, how is that supposed to work?”
“So you need this stuff? Candles? Kissing? Cuddling? Man, that’s disgusting. I offer you the fuck of your lifetime and you come up with such unmanly stuff? You’re sure you’re not gay? Sorry, I forgot, you’re some kind of wimp. Yeah, I imagine that you’re into that kind of thing.”
Actually, I didn’t know into which kind of thing I really was. Okay, I was no virgin, but at the age of 24 I surely was no Casanova either. My extreme shyness severely kept my male equipment from being used like it was intended to be. But I had read a lot about the issue and I - ahem - had watched quite a few “educational” videos on the internet. For research reasons only of course.
“He’s right, Ralph. I don’t love him and never will, but sex as you describe it won’t work.”
“Okay, do it as you want, but I’ll get her first. You get sloppy seconds.”
“Ralph, honey...”
“That’s the deal. It’s better for you as well. He can watch and learn.”
She just rolled her eyes.
“Okay, let’s just get over with this farce, okay? This little caricature of a man is no threat for me anyway.” It seemed a bit like he was whistling in the dark. But I was glad he was behaving like an asshole, it made everything easier, from a moral point of view. I was a bit uncomfortable about having sex with a married woman.
“Okay, I’m in. But I’ll take the lead sexually,” I boldly stated.
“Deal,” she quickly answered, keeping an even face.
“Great. Just great.” He was sarcastic now and it didn’t help to make him come across any nicer. “You won’t do it in our bed though. I would have to ritually burn it afterwards and it’s almost new. Now where do you live, wimpy man?”
“Just a few hundred meters from here.”
“Fuck.” Wow, talk about a totally unhappy man. I bet he wished he had thought of a better present for her. Whatever he got her, his punishment seemed unreasonable harsh. But on the other hand I didn’t know them well enough to judge them.
We went to my condo, which was quite close, in tense silence. I was leading the way while he grabbed her possessively all the time. For such a manly stud he was behaving a bit clingy. She responded in kind to him, probably to reassure him.
We spent about five hours in the elevator afterwards. Well, that was at least how it felt. The air was thick with tension, Tina and Ralph stood in separate corners. Nobody said a word, everybody looked at the floor or the ceiling, as is the unwritten law inside elevators. It was imperative to avoid direct eye contact with Ralph at all cost. I briefly looked into Tina’s gorgeous eyes instead and she smiled tensely. She didn’t seem to look forward to this at all, which didn’t help to calm my nerves. This situation was just plain bizarre.
After an eternity the elevator door opened and Ralph and I tried to exit at the same time. He used the opportunity to bump me roughly out of the way. I stumbled a little, desperate to keep a minimum of dignity by not falling on the floor. I barely managed it, but disgraced myself by performing a weird dance with my arms and legs. Tina looked at me in an almost pained way while Ralph was smirking. If everything went right, I would have fucked a dream woman by the end of the night, but at the price of the little self-respect I had anyway.
We entered my large living room, which provided a spectacular view over the city. The wall in question was one single, huge window, the whole room looked like it came from some modern furniture catalogue. I certainly wasn’t filthy rich, but I had a very nice income, a spectacular condo and I was able to work at home. Apart from the missing female companionship, my life was quite okay.
“Oh, wow.” They were both quite impressed, although I couldn’t understand why. Sure, this was a beautiful place, but it belonged to an unremarkable guy. They were the lucky ones, the beautiful people. They stood at the big panorama window, looking at the city lights, holding hands and sharing what seemed like a romantic moment. I almost felt like an intruder in my own condo.
“Would anybody like something to drink?” It was time to break them out of their reverie.
“Ah, what? Yes, Tom, that would be lovely. You have some white wine maybe?”
While I fetched their drinks, I tried to calm my nerves a little. I still had the impression that she was far too beautiful to even be around someone like me. I had the brief vision of the universe just collapsing if I touched her because certainly some law of physics would be violated. And to be honest, I was also a little intimidated by her presence alone. I just hoped the pressure wouldn’t stop my dick from working later.
“Quite a nice apartment. You don’t seem to fit in here.”
“Thanks.” I tried to ignore his crude remarks, which seemed the best way to avoid giving him any satisfaction.
“Okay, let’s start with me giving you a free lesson on how to properly please a woman.”
She didn’t seem to be happy with his behavior, but put up with it, probably because she was fully aware how difficult the situation was for him.
“Okay, please follow me to the guest bedroom.”
“No, no, boy. Not the guest bedroom.”
“We’ll take your bed.”
He wanted to hurt me in any way he could, but I couldn’t have cared less. I was about to fuck his wife, the woman of my dreams, with his permission. I just had to keep that in mind and I was mostly fine.
“Okay, follow me.”
My bedroom was far more impressive that the guest bedroom, so that choice was fine by me. It had a similar panoramic window overlooking the adjourning park. As this was the top level of the highest building around, it still provided a bit of privacy. And the room had a huge clear ceiling window. In a cloudless night like this you could see the stars and the moon from the bed.
Ralph hardly noticed this and was casually beginning to undress, but Tina was absolutely in awe. She just pointed at the ceiling with an open mouth.
“This is so...”
“You like it, Tina?”
“Tom, I can’t believe it...”
“What’s up there? Honey, we can start now. I’m going to show him how to fuck my woman now.”
“This is soo beautiful, Tom.” She seemed to have tears in her eyes. I loved this window and I always had the idea that women would like it too. But I never really had one in here. The shyness, you know...
“Tina, hello! You’re here with me? We can start fucking now.”
“Oh, yes. Sorry, Ralph.” She started to undress without any noticeable anticipation. It almost seemed like she was preparing herself for a household chore. But boy, what a body emerged from under those clothes.
The thing is, whenever I see a woman, I envision what the parts I can’t see will look like. If I see a nice mane from behind, I envision a beautiful face on the front. If I see a nice cleavage, I already see the naked boobs in their perfect form. The problem is, the reality often doesn’t keep up with these images. When the owner of the nice mane turns around, the face often is less perfect than I had anticipated. And the body of the few women I had sex with had definitely looked more promising clothed than naked. So I tended to fill in the blanks with unrealistically optimistic visions.
In this case, for the first time, this strategy was completely justified. Tina’s body was nothing short of spectacular. Sadly, Ralph’s body was just as flawless and exceptional. These people belonged with each other, that much was clear. They both were at the top of the gene pool. Perfect toned and muscled bodies, good enough for any sportswear catalogue. Her physique and her muscles were intimidating me a little, although she wasn’t taller than me, especially now that she had shed her extremely high heels.
His cock was already erect and he came over to show it to me. I generally wasn’t particularly interested in other men’s dicks, but I felt compelled to at least pay a polite minimum of attention.
“Not bad, is it? I bet you can’t compete with that, wimpy dude.”
What was he talking about? It was just a normal cock. What was I supposed to say? ‘You, sir, have a beautiful reproductive organ?’ That somehow didn’t seen adequate. Luckily, he didn’t really seem to expect an answer.
He proceeded by beckoning her onto my bed. I expected him to worship this female miracle, to appreciate her perfect body, to please her however he could. That was certainly my first instinct. The reality was a little different. He unceremoniously rolled her onto her back and started to align his cock to her vagina. I was stunned. No kissing. No oral sex of any kind. No foreplay at all. She probably was as dry as the inner Sahara. What the fuck was he thinking? How was this supposed to work?
That mystery was soon solved; it wasn’t working. She was wincing when he roughly entered her. She tried to hide her pain, but in contrast to him, I noticed it. He didn’t stimulate her clitoris with his pelvis at all, he just started to pound her. Had nobody told him that many women can’t orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone? Obviously not, as he continued to ruthlessly slam his cock into her like a steam engine piston.
From an athletic point of view, this was surely impressive. His muscles were well defined and very attractive. His body control was brilliant. Overall, in any porn movie he would have excelled. But this was no porn movie, this was real life. The goal here wasn’t to look good, it was to please your partner. He was right, this was some kind of lesson, a lesson in how to not please a woman. The final touch was that he was looking around for a mirror. In its own narcissistic way this was perfect.
Tina was smiling encouragingly at him from time to time, but she was as far from a climax as she was from the moon. She briefly looked into my eyes and we had a sudden understanding. She was clearly desperate. She was maybe even questioning herself. She most certainly never had a climax, at least not with him and she was wondering if it was her fault. Probably wondering how it would be to have one. I pitied her suddenly, which surprised me. And I vowed to use my time with her to please her as much as it was humanly possible, at least with my limited knowledge of the subject. She deserved to experience this at least once, although I was unsure if I would be able to do it. A more experienced man would have been better, but her choices had clearly been limited.
Finally, Ralph began to grunt.
“Come, Tina, I’m almost ready!”
Seriously, he expected her to orgasm on command after this pitiful stimulation? In what kind of reality was he living? Tina made appropriate noises which might or might not indicate an orgasm. I had to admire her. She tried not to outright lie by openly faking it, but she also tried to indicate some pleasure. She obviously loved him and didn’t want to hurt him. I think she needn’t have worried because he seemed to be beyond such subtleties. He even increased his efforts, grunted after a few more strokes and collapsed on her.
“Ah, that was good.” She didn’t comment. “Okay, wimpy man, now it’s your turn for sloppy seconds. Let’s see how you can compete with this.”
He just rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom without paying further attention to her.
“I see your problem,” I quietly said while he was away.
“I love him, you know?”
“Yes, I can see that.”
She had tears in her beautiful eyes. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“I know. But you need to know.”
“Yes. I need to know,” she said in an almost desperate tone. “It has nothing to do with this shitty present, I’m not that bitchy about such things. I just need to know.”
“I might not be your best choice. I don’t have that much experience.”
“You’re my only choice. I’m surprised he agreed anyway. And you surely have more experience than me, he’s been the only one so far.”
“Childhood friends?”
I gulped. A relationship like they had was something special and I was fully aware that it might be damaged by what was about to come, making me feel bad about my role in it. But there was nothing I could or wanted to do about it. She ‘needed to know’ and I desperately wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to worship her, to make love to her.
As soon as he left the bathroom, she got up to clean herself as well.
“Tina, you’ve got to take a look at this bathroom. It’s bigger than our apartment. Holy shit...”
He waited a few seconds until she was gone.
“Okay, man, I’m going to leave now. I’m not going to watch this. No real man should be asked to watch something like this. Remember, just once and with a condom. She’s totally mine and for the rest of your life you can dream about this night, wishing you’d get a repeat performance. But it’s not going to happen. She won’t like your scrawny body anyway. You know ... ah, fuck.”
He looked a bit upset, just turned around and left the condo.
“Where’s Ralph?”
“He suddenly decided to leave.”
She looked a little sad. “Yes, it’s probably better this way. I hate to hurt him like this. But I need to know, I really do.”
“I know. Come here, please.”
She obediently came towards me, with her head hanging down a little. I gently pushed it up by her chin and boldly placed a gently kiss onto her perfect lips. I caressed her body in reverie while simultaneously trying to get rid of my clothes without disgracing myself. Once both of my hands were available, she responded enthusiastically to my ministrations, which encouraged me a lot. For someone that had obtained knowledge about the subject mostly from the internet, I had the impression that I wasn’t doing too badly. As usual, thorough research helped a lot.
We ended up on my bed, where I finally could explore her body completely. She started to take care of me as well, but I firmly planted her on the bed to start kissing, massaging and worshipping every bit of her. I kissed her feet, her legs, her back, her neck, her anus, I turned her around and repeated this to her front. After a short while I concentrated on her clitoris, while sometimes briefly plunging my tongue into her vagina or licking her anus. Meanwhile I caressed her belly, her legs, but mainly her tits, which were irresistible. She was really getting into it, moaning, sweating, writhing and uttering nonsense like “oh my God” or “yes, yes”. This was good, I managed to please this woman like she deserved to be pleased and that gave me an incredible high.
After a while she forcefully turned me onto my back and lowered her mouth towards my dick. Although I knew what she intended to do and should have appreciated it as a man, I was disappointed to lose the scent and taste of her pussy. After a while we compromised on a 69 position with her on top and both totally enjoying what we were doing. I didn’t just lick her, I was also busy caressing her whole body.
--- Stepfather Sleepwalking Surprise (MF, F-solo, inc, nc, oral, impreg, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- Fuck me. People say that when life is getting them down. Something bad happens: "!" If you think about it, why are you saying that you want someone to have sex with you when things turn to shit? I'm thinking about this because that's what happened. Life took a turn for the worse, and then... --- Months ago... At 18 years old you think you...
--- Summer Sleepwalking Surprise (mf, MF, M-solo, nc, 1st, impreg?, inc) by Krosis of the Collective --- When Jesse finally arrived at Grandma's he was tired...damn tired. He had been riding in the car in the summer heat all the way to the coast, then on a ferry, then on ANOTHER ferry, and then he finally arrived at Grandma's manufactured house on some crappy dumb island he didn't even remember the name of, it's that boring. While his Mom and Dad caught up with his Grandma...
When the strange Gypsy father and son team of traveling fun seekers visited the convent the following month, they found the sleepwalking nun almost in the same place by the bus stop waiting for some innocent male nocturnal passerby to take advantage of her trance-like state to guide her into a satisfying carnal landing. They did a perfect encore of threesome copulation with a familiarity that thrilled the sleepwalking nun right down to the depths of her demanding feminine core. This time...
San Diego is a wonderful place, even in the winter. Thanksgiving and Christmas have a different kind of feel when you are surrounded by palm trees, beaches and beautiful women. The lack of snow, and cold weather is fine with me, after all, I live on a boat and have good reason to avoid miserable winters. The first time I was there was in the winter of 1975. My reason for being in San Diego that winter was simple. Eight weeks of fun and sun in the U.S. Navy recruit training station awaited me....
Fuck me. People say that when life is getting them down. Something bad happens: "Fuck ... me!" If you think about it, why are you saying that you want someone to have sex with you when things turn to shit? I'm thinking about this because that's what happened. Life took a turn for the worse, and then... Months ago... At 18 years old you think you can take on the world; that you're immortal. Usually something happens that, in no uncertain terms, tells you that you're wrong. A broken...
“Fuck me!” Nicole couldn’t believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. “Mom! MOM!” she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she’d have to remain bedridden unless her family practically carried her...
When Jesse finally arrived at Grandma's he was tired ... damn tired. He had been riding in the car in the summer heat all the way to the coast, then on a ferry, then on ANOTHER ferry, and then he finally arrived at Grandma's manufactured house on some crappy dumb island he didn't even remember the name of, it's that boring. While his Mom and Dad caught up with his Grandma and Grandpa in the living room, he took his suitcase to his usual bedroom, only to find the bed unmade and girl clothes...
“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...
Please note that this is based off the card game Magic: The Gathering and I Do not own it. If I did I would be really rich. You are the planeswalker John Doe, and you hail from the 'Master plane' of Earth, and are on a mission to build an empire on any plane.
FantasySleepwalking By Morpheus I was just a sophmore in high school when I discovered my unusual talent. One night I said good night to my Mom and Dad, same as every night, then said good night to my sister Annie, who was a year older than me, again like I did every night, and went to bed. Nothing at all unusuall. But when I was sleeping, I think I had a rather strange dream, though I couldn't remember what it was once I woke up. Only an odd sense of drifting, perhaps of...
Dream Shoes The other night I had a dream that was tantalizing. I am not an outward Crossdresser and I spend most of my "girl" time reading fiction and wishing I had the money, time, energy, and clothes to do so. However, I do have a small collection of shoes that I wear when the opportunity avails itself. I sort of have a liking for shoes. That's my weakness like for some of you that might have a liking for dresses, pantyhose, panties, etc. My wife recently bought a pair of...
Cherry Adams was a wiry attractive redhead who needed a new pair of shoes. She owned over three hundred and fifty pairs, a mere pittance according to her. However, she was missing a pair that matched the color red of the new dress her boyfriend insisted she buy. “Cherry, you have red shoes,” he informed her as she slipped on her coat. She sashayed over to her rich, older lover and bent over so she could display her very ample bosom to his appreciative eyes. “Baby,” she cooed. “That red dress...
I entered the small office in the back of the shoe store. The store manager looked me up and down which felt very creepy, but I took the seat anyway when he motioned his hand. I wanted the job. I never expected a callback for an interview since I was still a high school junior and my acne only cleared up three months ago. The manager, who was in his late 40s, sat in his old leather chair behind the desk covered in papers. The chair squeak was horrendous when he leaned back. "So you're...
This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! In Her Shoes By Pretzelgirl 1. Closet One of my earliest memories involves me learning to walk. Crawling on the hardwood floors of the cramped duplex my parent's once lived in, I still remember the smell of lemon floor wax. I'm sure I knew how to walk at the time, but for one reason or another had chosen not to. I was always slow when it came to social conventions. I used to crawl...
Her name is Adema (Ah deem ah), and if you think with an Indian accent, it's a very pretty name. And she has the most beautiful of lady's feet, or so I imagine. She adorns them with a horde of girlishly feminine shoes. My problem is that she removes her shoes as she enters her apartment. She leaves those shoes outside of her apartment at her door. And I have to walk by those gorgeous shoes every day. I can't help but stare as I walk past her apartment. I have the strangest of desires,...
Shoes Bill looked down at his shoes. They fascinated him. They made his feet look so small and dainty. They looked so feminine and pretty. Bill had to admit his feet did look pretty in these shoes. He looked past the hem of his skirt and down his nylon clad legs to the girlish feet in the shoes that held his attention so strongly. He sighed at the appearance of his legs and feet in the skirt and shoes. His attention to the feet and the shoes did not go unnoticed by his wife Helen...
As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that mydaughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly sockswere laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each beenseparately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care,certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discardedthem by flipping the shoes off in 2 different directions and then pullingoff the socks, turning them inside out and balling them up. No....thisseemed...
Still, in my teens, I was hitchhiking in the California/Nevada mountains. Don't recall where I was headed at the time. I was on a very desolate two-lane road. A grizzled hard rock miner had given me a ride to what seemed like the middle of nowhere, where he turned off the paved road to get to his mine.The landscape was dry and rocky. High altitude desert country. The road was not well-traveled. In the hot afternoon quiet the only sound I heard was the buzzing of a few tiny wild bees, going...
Gay Male"Good morning, Ma'am. How may I serve you?" Katrina felt a shiver run down her spine to see the young man kneel beforeher, as if someone had run a pin-wheel along its length to lightly prick herskin. Such a charming welcome! Such sweet obeisance! She had heard whispers of this shoe store for some weeks now, rumours ofthe originality of its goods and the unique service it offered. It had takensome time to find, though, it never bothered to advertise, its name was nevermentioned in the press,...
Chapter 8 "Man Dating" - New Shoes If the story is new for you... start at Chapter 1... no rush ...just relax and hope you enjoy... more to come. The room was empty now, his crying had stopped, his bottom felt like the fire was dissipating but he was sure what ever make-up Debra had applied that morning was now in smears and dripping down his face. The private room had a second door and he hoped that it would lead to bath room or such that included access to a sink and a mirror....
Do you believe in love? I try to believe in it, deep inside I want to. But reality has shown me that love is far from the fairytale in a book or movie. Love can be excruciatingly painful and often doesn’t have the ‘happily ever after’ ending. I’ve seen enough of bad endings, with family, friends, and even myself. I thought I wasn’t destined for true love, the love where you walk with your head in the clouds all day, where you can’t stop smiling because butterflies are tickling the inside of...
Love StoriesGuys have to understand something about women. For us, it’sall about the shoes. Maybe it’s an exaggeration for me to say that a pair of Louboutin boots or Manolo Blahnik pumps is better than sex. But really, it would depend on the quality and duration of the sex before I could honestly make that call. My husband and I are discussing sex fantasies, and he has just mentioned one particular hot night on a recent cruise. “Oh, yeah…that’s the night I wore my silver sandals,” I recall, closing my...
Guys have to understand something about women. For us, it’sall about the shoes. Maybe it’s an exaggeration for me to say that a pair of Louboutin boots or Manolo Blahnik pumps is better than sex. But really, it would depend on the quality and duration of the sex before I could honestly make that call. My husband and I are discussing sex fantasies, and he has just mentioned one particular hot night on a recent cruise. “Oh, yeah…that’s the night I wore my silver sandals,” I recall, closing my...
Straight SexA Mile in Her Shoes By Mister Double-U "I tell you Sylvia, it drives me crazy." Allison said. She and her friend Sylvia sat sipping coffee at an outdoor caf?. It was a beautiful spring afternoon. "Every time we have to go out somewhere nice, he's ready in 20 minutes. He's stomping his feet and screaming at the top of his lungs telling me to hurry up." She sat back and took a sip of her coffee. "I tell you, I can't stand it anymore." "I know exactly what you mean, darling." Sylvia r...
Walking down the street, Pansy Pumpscock knew exactly what to do. She needed to make men cum. She needed to feel them throb and spurt all over her hands as she pumped them. After all, giggles, she was Pansy Pumpscock. She also needed to coat her face with their salty-sweet man goo. She needed men to face fuck her hard until they shot ropes of cum down her throat. And she needed them to butt fuck her so that she could feel the jets of sperm shooting inside her. She didn't really care...
Shoes Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown The damp morning breeze was still chilly, but I left my bedroom window open anyway to get rid of the smell of recently dried paint. The lacy white curtains fluttering in the breeze didn't really look right for a boys room, but they would do until Mom could find some decent ones that fit my window. I was laying in bed, staring up at the slanted ceiling and wondering how much of doing nothing I could fit into my first day of...
‘Sometimes I think about how odd it would be to catch a glimpse of the future, a quick view of events lying in store for us at some undisclosed date. Suppose we could peer through a tiny peephole in Time and chance upon a flash of what was coming up in the years ahead? Some moments we saw would make no sense at all and some, I suspect, would frighten us beyond endurance. If we knew what was looming, we’d avoid certain choices, select option B instead of A at the fork of the road.’ These words,...
IncestThe last thing Lynn said as I walked out the door was, “I’m off shopping this morning, where will you meet me”. “Your choice” was my reply. Lynn said, “Ok. Meet me at the Shoe Shop about midday, I need some new shoes for the Annual Dinner next week”. I replied “Yes” and left the house to visit a mate. If you’ve been following Lynn’s escapades, you’ll know that we’ve been married for 25 years and she is a blonde aged...
DR. Jean Marlin was a sex therapist. She had a big house and lived alone. Always busy working; the DR hired a cleaning agency to do her housework. They assigned an older gentleman who she met at their office while signing the paperwork. He was black in his late 40’s. He seems to have been there a while so the DR had no reservations in giving the agency the code to her alarm system. He was to come once a week at 2pm on Fridays. Light dusting, sweeping, laundry and sheet changing and bed making...
FetishSilver Shoes By Ryoko Dan looked at his watch for the third time in the last few minutes, while looking through the window of his office, he pointed to the phone and almost instantly the sound of the phone breaks the silence. "Liz, has Sharon called yet, she knows that I expect her to phone me as soon as she returns from picking up the kids." "No Mr. Sharpe, I will let you know as soon as she calls, she probably is being held up in traffic." "Well, please let me know when...
Image and perception do not always provide you with the full picture. I look like a woman in her early 30's, and you could reasonably assume that I have always been a woman, but I was once a teenage boy. I will never be that boy again, and I no longer want to be him. I did not know it at the time, but a trip to the local convenience store would change my life. I walked to the store to buy a loaf of bread, and I made my way down the damped street after I finished my transaction. I...
"Come here you dirty little slut!" I didn't think I'd been beckoned in a worse way, and though the vile manner in which I was spoken to, caused a rush of juices to pool inside my lower lips, my arousal was still a secret. "Fuck you!" I said and turned my head back to my laptop. In my head, my wise voice, the one who always gets an opinion, but rarely makes any real difference, spoke the words. "What a cunt! Don't you dare give him a thing!" "I already said 'fuck you!' I silently respond. "I...
Straight SexNarrator: "Nathan Edward Bledsoe, of the Bowery Bledsoes, a man once, a specter now. One of those myriad modern-day ghosts that haunt the reeking nights of the city in search of a flop, a handout, a glass of forgetfulness. Nate doesn't know it but his search is about to end, because those shiny new shoes are going to carry him right into the capital of the Twilight Zone." A late model Chevy four door car stops in an alley. Two men get out and open the trunk. They wrestle a body of a man out...
So I just got off the phone with you setting up a special brunch date at one of our favourite sidewalk cafe's. I requested that you wear something specific and that I would be checking as I laughed when we hung up the phone. I quickly jumped into the shower and prepared for our date in a few hours. The whole time I was daydreaming of what I had asked you to do. These thoughts caused my cock to stir as I was hoping that you followed the instructions that I issued. Now I also told you there would...
Lance emerged from the landscaper's shed and walked towards the front of the school. He was wearing the new dress he got yesterday. He walked with confidence as his heels clicked on the sidewalk and his dress swished across his legs. Students looked at him and smiled. Just then a girl came by. "Hi, Simone, I'm with the school paper. I'm doing a piece on the prom court nominees." "Hi," Lance said smiling. "I don't think we've met." "I'm Trudy." "Trudy, it's nice to meet...
BIOCHEMISTRY 4: THE FUNERAL By JRD Sam and James were at the mansion of Elaine having a simple get together. This was one of the things that Sam liked so much about being with Elaine. Despite all the trappings of wealth that Elaine had, she was really just a simple girl at heart. Many of the "wealthy elite" that Sam had to deal with maintained a rigid "air of civility", a wall of class distinction, between themselves and their servants, but Elaine was really just one of the...
Tammy was wearing a new pair of shoes today. They were black ballet flats and since she'd noticed that I'd been staring at her legs lately, I think she wore the flats to see if I'd look at her legs even more. Last week she took off her panties at lunch and gave them to me, requesting that I wear them the next day. I followed her instructions to the letter and enjoyed the feeling of wearing her delicates so close to my skin. Today was no different, except instead of those cute socks...
Adapted from the 1997 Usenet entry "Baby Gets A New Pair Of Shoes," by the author Polly. This was their one and only post, and no contact information is known. Kelly slowly turned the sandal in her hands, eyeing it cautiously. It seemed to be a perfectly ordinary piece of footwear. Red, with a 4" high stacked heel, it had a number of straps and buckles. So gaudy. She checked the size printed on the insole. 7 – her size. Oddly, no sign of a label was seen anywhere on the...
FetishHow did I know Kayla? She was a girlfriend of my nephew, see a pic of her here wearing my wife’s shoes: nephew and Kayla went out for a number of years. This provided me with the opportunity to get to know her quite well. What she liked, what she didn’t like, her quirks, all stuff that I thought I would never need to know or use in the future. When they broke up it was your classic deal where they both hated each other and vowed to never...
"The Red Shoes" By Jennifer Richardson My fianc?e Beverly was away on a girl's only holiday to Ibiza for two whole weeks. At the airport when I'd dropped her off she'd laughed and told me to work hard while she was away. "Plenty of overtime Alistair, then I can blow it all on decorating when I get back!" I waited until she'd checked in she met up with her friends in one of the bars and had sent me off with a disinterested wave. There had been catcalls and raspberry's directed a...
The shop was lit with the warm glow of patent leather shoes. Stilettos the colour of fresh bruises, tip to heel with black knee-high boots and mossy court shoes. The rich scent of polish washed across my skin and I almost forgot, for a moment, that I needed to be back at the office by 1:15. Over by the counter, the sales assistant chatted to some fashion victim with less dress sense than money, oblivious to my presence. With no shoes or credit card anywhere in sight it was obviously a social...
Introduction: Victoria finally meets her neighbours son…when he is released from prison Miss Goody Two Shoes As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. Victoria, I dont really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday. she muttered. Thatll be nice for you. I didnt know that you had a son, I replied, somewhat in shock. Wed lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and theyd never mentioned a son. Hes been away, she...
Story is in the 60’s before cell phones and PCs when small stores actually had sales people that serviced clients. This is a close to true story, well sort of the mature fuck is real. As part of his high school business class requirements, Jim had gotten a job at a local shoe store. The owner had gone out for the afternoon and left Jim to stock shelves as it had been a slow day. He was in the back when the bell rang telling him someone had entered the store and he went up front. He...
As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never...
“You need to alter your face, big time young lady!” The harshness of the words from her father had cut Leah much deeper than anything her mother could have said. That was always the way.“Just remember, this isn’t your day. It isn’t about what you want. It’s important that your big sister is there for her friend as she marries the man of her dreams. So I suggest you stop sulking about who has the better dress – take some time out and get your act together.”Leah stomped off. If truth be told her...
RED SHOES By JoAnna Michaels I eased the car into the driveway and shut off the engine. My hands began to shake again. I glanced at the three small children, two girls and a boy, playing in the Hanson's front yard. The little boy, who I vaguely remembered lived two houses down the street from us, was being chased in erratic circles by the girls. His delighted shrieks mingled with the late afternoon cacophony of traffic and barking dogs. I wondered if Helen...
As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my...
Tammy is a family member on my wife’s side. From day one of meeting her she has always had no issue with teasing me with her shoes and feet. No matter where we were, pick nicks, random parties or even at the bar, she would dangle, slide in and out of and crush whatever pair of shoes she had on. So, as you might have guessed I have had a real issue with Tammy. As time progressed she and I would get bold with each other, planning which shoes she should wear to a given event or which pair was...
One Friday after school i stayed at school to help set up the spring school dance.After i finished setting up the things that i had to i went back to my teachers room (she organizes all the dances so the supplies are in her room) to get my bag.No one was in the room I looked to the side and saw her shoes, then i went over too her shoes knelled down and smelled. Wow it didnt smell bad it was making me horny. i opened my zippers and got out my cock. then i heard steps so i pulled down my shirt to...
Kath had become sexually dominant after we had bought a pair of red high heels from a little charity shop near our flat. We were students and living together in the middle of the city, and had seen them in the window one day. We had both laughed as the same thought went through our minds - 'Wouldn't it be cool to wear those and fuck?'As soon as we got home we both got naked, our young bodies shaking with excitement. I took the shoes out of polythene bag and knelt at her feet as she sat on the...
A Mile in Her Shoes by Vickie Tern "Relax, sweetie! You aren't the first man ever to do this. Everything will be fine! Why so worried?" She has to ask? All I could reply was, "I'm not worried, Sharon. Only just plain scared to death!" She smiled to herself. It amused her. Her big strong man, afraid to do things that women do all the time? As if it challenged my fundamental sense of self, my manhood, of all things? Defeating it? Of course...
I take you shopping to Meadow Hall to buy you a new pair of 6" High Heel, the ones that have a padlock attach to the ankle strap. It as been a good day, we found your shoes and you have behaved yourself all day, so when we get home I asked you to go upstairs' to our play room, where I instruct you to get completely undress and wait for me.When I get upstairs and enter the room I do not speak and I see that you are completely undressed naked, wearing nothing except your new high heels.I bend...
I opened my online mail box as usual, looking down the list in case any new spam was in amongst the thirty-seven mails I had received. As I scrolled down the page I noticed a new mail from one of the sites I used to find new partners for sex. I clicked it open straight away not wanting to waste any time, hoping that this mail for once was from someone more sane and rational than the usual, and hopefully close to where I lived. Hello Kylie, My name is Peter I’m a 31 year old straight male and...
CrossdressingIf you haven't read part 1 I suggest you go back and start at the beginning. Lol My cousin Grace had dropped a bomb on me telling me what she and my sister Sue had done while I was sleepwalking when I was only 11. This was a couple decades later. We were drinking and smoking a bowl, and getting pretty fucked up. I asked her if they ever did anything else after that. I was really turned on by now and my cock was raging hard. She smiled mischievously, and told me that they started making plans...
from sleepwalking IV We laughed for a few minutes before she looked at the clock. "Shit, I have to get this stuff back. I wish I could see you again Martin, I really do." "Why can't you?" She kissed me deeply, causing my dick to stir once more. "I'm engaged. Tonight is my last night at the conference before I go home to get married next week." "Wow, I didn't know. Hope I gave you a good last thing!" I smiled, chuckling softly. "Fulfilled almost all of my fantasies. Oh god that was...
I am Kevin (name changed but rest all name are real). I am 26 years old living in uk, but i spent most of my life in india as my parents had a business there. I am originally from a town in gujarat. I am 5’11”, well athletic built though i don’t have 6 abs, brown eyes (friends says i have amazing eyes), black navy cut hairs and a 6 inch penis. My friends think abt me that i am not that handsome but a good charmer and can get girls with my talks, well i have never believed this though. The story...
This is a story about new love. I hope you enjoy it. * I was smitten the very moment I saw her. A girl with a striking mop of curly bright red hair that cascaded to her shoulders sat near the head of the table, her eyes fixed on a form in front of her. She looked like she was deep in concentration as she held a pen which she absentmindedly tapped the non-writing end against her lower lip. As I walked into the meeting room she looked up from the form to me and I immediately noticed her...
BIOCHEMISTRY by J R D James Smith was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now James was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and James was unconscious before he knew what was happening. He woke up later. He had no idea how much later. He fought through a haze, his mouth pasty from some kind of drug. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they were restrained somehow, and much more securely...