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“Rihannsu Warbird decloaking at 118 mark 12,” the excited voice of Lieutenant Jenkins called out from the Science Station. “They’re powering up their disrupters!”

“That makes six,” Mark Adams at Navigation took note, “We’re surrounded!”

Demora Sulu, manning the helm of the Enterprise, took a brief second to glance up from the tactical display in front of her and shot a look of incredulity at the officer sitting to her right. In the days her father had sat in the same position she now held, most of that time had been spent with her “Uncle” Pavel at his side. She had the misfortune to be saddled with this idiot.

“Like we weren’t pretty much surrounded when the third Warbird had come out of hiding,” she thought scornfully, “or the two Birds of Prey before that.”

“Chief Engineer reports damage to the main energizer,” said Pierce at Communications, “another hit like the last one and we’re going to lose the warp core containment fields.”

“Then we either jettison the warp core or we go up like a nova,” Anthony Yeager completed Pierce’s thought from the Captain’s chair. “Not much of a choice,” he added, seeing that they weren’t going to last sixty seconds against that force out there without warp power. Even with it, the odds of them lasting much longer than that were growing greater by the moment.

The Enterprise had been patrolling the edge of the treaty zone and responded to a distress call from within. Too late they discovered that it was an ambush.

“The Romulans are making another run,” Adams reported using the old human term for their adversaries, a strong sense of fear in his voice.

“Sulu...” Yeager called out, a supplication mixed with prayer.

The second-generation helmsman’s face held a serious grin as her hands danced across her controls with an artistic flair. The awesome power of the dying starship replied to her command, sending triple spreads of photon torpedoes across the darkness, interlaced with deadly streams of phasers.

The structure of the ship groaned in protest as it spun into a series of near impossible maneuvers in response to her bidding. With all the speed the engine room could deliver, the Enterprise pressed forward into the empty gap that her weapons had just blasted open. If the luck of her heritage held, they might still have a chance.

But there are times when even luck isn’t enough as the closest Warbird and Bird of Prey exploded into fiery hulks, only to have two other Warbirds avenge their deaths as multiple salvo’s ripped through the Enterprise’s shields.

With the bridge exploding around her, Demora held her position, trying to coax just one more shot out of the phasers, hoping to will one last photon out of the torpedo tubes. A final effort that proved futile as screens and consoles went dark all over the bridge as the Enterprise died.

“Well, that wasn’t much fun,” Mark Adams said, as he broke the loud silence that had descended on the dimly lit bridge.

Demora desperately wanted to hit her classmate, preferably with something heavy enough to pierce his thick skull. Her fantasy was interrupted, however, as the even larger fantasy around her ended. The lights of the fictitious starship grew to their normal intensity and a section of the wall gave way, allowing the senior officer who was observing the exercise to step onto the bridge.

As uncomfortable as losing the battle had been, Demora had the impression that the debriefing and critique that followed was going to be more so. It was going to be a very long afternoon.

“You could’ve at least warned me,” Demora said to the tall Lieutenant walking along the shoreline with her. “Then I might’ve been better prepared.”

“It is not a test of preparedness, rather one of character,” her companion, a tall dark haired woman dressed in a Lieutenant’s uniform, replied. “As such, one must enter it without any advance knowledge of the scenario.”

“Well at least tell me one thing,” the newly commissioned Ensign asked, “did you do any better?”

Saavik paused for a moment, her thoughts drifting from their walk alongside San Francisco Bay back to her own encounter with the Kobayashi Maru. Even now, she still remembered making all the right logical decisions, yet still failing to rescue the trapped fuel carrier or to save her ship.

Standing amid the wreckage of her test command, she had protested to then Admiral Kirk that it had been an unfair test. After all, she had reasoned, there had been no way to win. He had responded that a no-win scenario was a possibility that every Commander might face and asked if that had ever occurred to her?

When, in her youthful arrogance, she had said that it certainly had not. The veteran Starship Commander had simply smiled that famous grin of his and said that now she had something new to think about. And think about it she had, about that and so many other things in her life.

As a young child, she had spent the first third of her life on Thieurrull, a failed Rihannsu colony. The daughter of unknown parents, Vulcan and Rihannsu, she had been abandoned along with the rest of the half-breed children to survive on their own or die.

Salvation had come in the form of a team of Vulcans sent to explore the world they knew as T’Vorus. The leader of that expedition, a Starfleet officer named Spock, saw something worth saving in the street urchin who introduced herself with an armed attack on his person.

She had spent the second third of her life as the adopted daughter of Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan and T’Sai Amanda, Commander Spock’s natural parents. Devoting herself to the discipline of d’Vel’nahr, Vulcan by choice, she became as the saying went, more Vulcan than Vulcans. Following the example of her savior now turned mentor, she had followed the path that led to Starfleet Academy.

In the most recent third of her life, the daughter of two worlds had finally come to terms with her dual heritage. No longer ashamed of the circumstances of her birth, she celebrated what was the best of each.

“Earth to Saavik,” Demora laughed as she waived her hand to get her friend’s attention, “come in Saavik.”

Snapping out of the brief journey through her memories, Saavik recalled the question that prompted that trip.

“No, I didn’t do any better,” she said. the faintest of smiles forming at the corner of her mouth.

“Well, if no one ever wins,” Demora replied, her own smile much more evident. “I don’t feel as bad.”

Saavik was about to correct her error, then thought better of it. Knowing that one Cadet had actually beaten the no-win scenario would immediately send her back to the simulators to try and duplicate his performance. Instead she moved the conversation in a more pleasant direction.

“Now that you have taken the Kobayashi Maru scenario, you are officially done with the Academy, are you not?” she said.

“That’s right,” Demora exclaimed, her broad grin growing even brighter as she realized what that might mean for the two of them.

After an extended absence from Starfleet, Saavik had returned to the Academy as an instructor earlier in the year. A former shipmate of her Father’s, Saavik had made it a point to meet Demora and offer her best wishes. They found themselves spending more and more time together and soon became friends. To at least one of them, it was a friendship that was more than just friendship.

Still, technically, Saavik was one of Demora’s teachers and Demora felt that as long as that continued, there had to be some limits to their relationship. Now that Demora’s commission was official, those barriers no longer existed. A fact that had been forgotten by the young Asian woman in all of her concern over the final training simulation.

“We have to celebrate,” the shorter woman continued.

“I had assumed that you would be attending the Cadet Party tonight to celebrate with your classmates,” Saavik replied. “You have much to be proud of.”

“I’d rather celebrate with you,” Demora replied.

“I think you would be better served if you went to the party,” Saavik said. “It would not be proper to ignore your classmates.”

When Demora considered the idea for a few moments, she realized that Saavik was right. Years from now, when she encountered her friends, she didn’t want to be remembered as the one who was too stuck up to show up for the traditional graduation bash.

It had been a long path to the Academy for Demora as well. Like Saavik, her own childhood was far from ordinary. The daughter of Susan Ling, she didn’t learn until the death of her mother that she was also the daughter of Hikaru Sulu, a rising star in Starfleet. The appearance of a seven-year-old child came as a surprise to the helmsman of the Enterprise as well, seeing as he had only known Susan for a brief time years before.

Still Demora, named after the city where Hikaru and Susan had been lovers, was loved no less by her father than she had been by her mother. Turning down his chance to be First Officer of the Bozeman, he had instead requested an Earth bound assignment for a few years in order to be a proper parent to his child.

A task of love in which he was assisted by Pavel Chekov, a friend who became Demora’s godfather in fact if not in name, and Janice Rand, another old friend who provided a woman’s influence when needed. By the time the elder Sulu did return to space, this time as the Captain of the Excelsior, his daughter had grown into a young woman and begun her own path to the stars.

A few hours later, the graduation party was in full swing. The Starfleet Class of 2293 were now officially members of the Fleet. Only one out of every ten who started at the Academy made it all the way through, so the young men and women that filled the banquet hall did indeed have reason to celebrate.

“Demora,” the tall redhead called out across the crowded floor, trying to catch the attention of her roommate.

Pushing her way through the crowd, she finally caught up to the black haired Asian woman she had been searching for. Throwing her arms around Demora, Kathy Stanton gave her friend a congratulatory hug.

“I just saw the ship assignment’s on the Net,” Kathy said excitedly, “You got the Enterprise!”

Demora smiled, the same infectious grin she had inherited from her father. She had known about her assignment for the past few days. Starfleet Command was very specific that each Cadet received and acknowledged their orders before they were posted for public consumption.

“And you are going to Starbase Nine,” Demora replied.

“Well we all can’t be lucky enough to be posted to the newest ship in the Fleet,” Kathy replied, “but I know you got there on your own. So I’m only a little jealous.”

When she first received her orders to report aboard the new Enterprise as helmsman, Demora worried that some of her classmates would consider it nepotism. After all, hadn’t her father had held that position for many years on both previous versions of the Enterprise under James T. Kirk? She was glad that at least her best friend of these past few years didn’t take it as that.

“When do you ship out?” Kathy asked.

“I report aboard next week, but they’re not going to launch her until the end of the month,” Demora answered. “I hear that Starfleet is going to make a big show of it all.”

“Well Harriman has some pretty big shoes to fill,” Kathy commented. “April, Pike, Kirk, Spock. I wouldn’t want to be in his place.”

“I’d like to remind you that’s my Captain you’re talking about,” Demora said, already defending her new superior officer.

“I just meant that it’s hard enough to be the Captain of a new ship, without the weight of history on your shoulders as well,” the redhead offered in way of apology. “Especially after today’s announcement.”

A quizzical look appeared on Demora’s face. It was obvious that she hadn’t heard what Kathy was referring to.

“They’ve invited Captain Kirk and a few other members of his Command Crew to the launch of the Enterprise B,” she explained. “Talk about adding even more pressure on Harriman.”

Demora spent a few brief moments thinking about the announcement. Despite her father’s half lifetime of service under Kirk, she had actually only met him once when she was a child. Still, she knew the legends that followed Kirk well enough through the media as well as countless letters from her father over the years. It was a legend that Harriman would indeed be hard pressed to live up to.

“I’m sure Captain Harriman will be up to the challenge,” she finally replied. “I hope,” she silently added to herself, remembering her father once making reference to John Harriman as owing his advancement more to Starfleet politics than ability. Since Hikaru Sulu rarely uttered a negative opinion about any of his fellow officers, that casual comment said a lot.

“Anyway,” Kathy said, snapping Demora’s attention back to the present. “A bunch of us are planning to take a shuttle down to San Pablo after the party, interested?”

“Maybe another time,” Demora said, a faraway look on her face for a second. “I’ve got plans.”

“Oh no,” Kathy said with exasperation. “You’re not going down that road again are you? Haven’t you figured it out by now that it’s a dead end?”

The newly commissioned Ensign just shrugged her shoulders in response. They’d had this conversation more than a few times in the last few months.

“Five thousand people at this school and you have to fall in love with a Vulcan!” Kathy said, hard pressed to keep her voice low. “When are you going to realize that she’s never going to reciprocate your feelings.”

“I can always hope,” Demora admitted.

“Well,” Kathy said as she glanced at her chronometer. “I have to meet the others. If you wind up needing a shoulder to cry on again, I’m only a communicator call away.”

Demora watched her friend disappear into the now dwindling crowd and then caught a glimpse of her and some classmates heading out the door. An hour from now, they’d be continuing the party down in San Pablo, far from the watchful eyes of the Academy facility.

The party here was definitely winding down as small groups like Kathy’s left for other locales. Not wanting to be the last to leave, the daughter of one of Starfleet’s finest quietly made her own way out one of the side doors.

Despite the lateness of the hour, Demora knew where the object of her thoughts would be. It had become Saavik’s practice to meditate late at night on the observation lounge overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. It was normally deserted this time of night.

As the double glass doors to the lounge opened at her approach, Demora was surprised to find the lounge empty. She had been so sure that Saavik would’ve been there. Stepping into the large room, she stood for a moment and looked up into the clear star filled sky.

“Kathy might be right after all,” Demora considered as automatically looked to the spot she knew Enterprise now orbited. “Maybe I am wasting my time.”

In the four months since she had become infatuated with her career advisor, the twenty-four year old had made no attempt to keep that interest from the older woman. Older being a relative term, Demora reminded herself. By human measures, her advisor was a decade older, yet by Vulcan standards was considered barely out of her formative years.

Yet despite her interest, the relationship the two of them shared never varied a millimeter out of proper bounds. Oh they’d shared hours in discussions on topics they both enjoyed, as well as field trips to points of interest in the area. Yet in all that time, Demora had never heard a single word that might speak of love.

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Younger sister sits on his cock

To set the scene: We're sitting in the lounge watching a film. The lights are off and the glow of the screen is the only way by which to see. On the two-seater couch are my parents. In the deep armchair in the corner sits my younger sister Imogen. I myself am sitting on the floor between my parents, resting my back against the front of the couch. We don't own enough furniture for everyone to sit at once, probably due to the fact that I'm rarely ever at home. College keeps me busy for the...

1 year ago
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My Wifes New Tatas

My wife and I had been married for twenty-one years. She was the love of my life. We married right out of high school, and she delivered the first of our two children, ten months later. Eighteen months after our son was born, she gave birth to our daughter. We were inseparable.Ever since I have known Angel, she had taken care of herself. She was a cheerleader in school and she worked very hard to keep her body in tip top condition. Even after two kids and at forty years old, she still had the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Mamavin Mundru Pengalai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale enathu peyar Anbu vayathu 19, uyaram 5’5″ paarpatharku azhagaga irupen. Enathu veetil naan oruvan matum thaan annal enathu maamavuku 4 pen kuzhanthaigal, athil oruval matum thirumanam aagi vittathu athanal ennal avalai adaiya mudiyavillai. Enathu petrorgal ennai muzhu aandu vidumuraiyil ennai mama veetil vituviduvaargal. Angu maama mami matrum enathu mundru muraip pengalum irupaargal. Nanggal anaivarum santhoshamaga irunpom. Naan oru aandu vidamal angu sendru viduven, appadi...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Sasha Coxx Horny Sub Orders A BDSM Master

Sexy Russian newcomer Sasha Coxx is horny and has so many naughty thoughts she just can’t manage them by herself. So what is a nymphomaniac like her to do? Order in a seXXXperience of course! And what better for a submissive like Sasha than to have BDSM on demand? So horny she can’t wait and masturbates herself before Master Kai Taylor comes over at her request and puts the brunette beauty in her place – in a BDSM collar with his thick dick in her mouth and a whip to her ass....

2 years ago
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The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years DroningBy Tcheser The policy and the laws that enforced it had been in place for twenty years. Prior to its implementation society in the latter half of the twentieth century had nearly collapsed under the economic strain put upon it by its penal system. Toward the end of the millennium the imprisonment of nearly a tenth of its population for varying amounts of time nearly bankrupted the western nations who...

3 years ago
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Jungle Mai Mangal

This is the story of a mom seducing her son in the jungle. Coming to the story my name is aryan and I live with my mom only as my dad left us when I was 7 years old.Now the heroine of the story is my mom rupa she is 38 years old having lovely body stats of 38-26-42, a figure anyone would die for, the men in our colony used to watch her booty and masturbate every day .She was very fair and 5’4 tall and had a well-maintained gym body. I was 18 years old and had an athletic body with a height of 6...

1 year ago
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MyDadsHotGirlfriend Lana Rhoades 22979

Seth would be all over his dad’s new young and hot girlfriend Lana Rhoades it he wasn’t already over her. All she does is spend his college fund and his dad’s hard-earned money on whatever the hell she wants. Seth complains about all this to his friend Damon while they’re shooting pool when, lo and behold, who walks in with charges from the mall? Lana! Seth gets even more miffed when she starts flirting with Damon right in front of him! But it gets even better when Seth goes looking for Damon –...

3 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 39

When Emily and I got to the airport at around four thirty, both Cindy and her mother were waiting for us. Mama had apparently told Laura that she would be sending Hans out with the limo to pick all of us up at the hanger, in Bolling. Cindy didn't seem very pleased to find out that her mother was going to be a guest of my mother. She was also surprised to learn that I was planning on piloting the plane we were to fly in. I took a minute to let her know that I was fully trained, licensed and...

3 years ago
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Danganronpa Couple Toilet Troubles

An alarm bell rings. A hand groggily slaps at it until it stops. Makoto Naegi, average in all ways but luck, slowly raises his head to look at the clock."9:25?!?!? I only have 35 minutes to get ready to hang out S-Say... oh god I'm ACTUALLY GOING ON A DATE WITH SAYAKA!?!?!?". He could only scream in shock, as he was only revealed to win the Sweet Orchard (Sayaka's idol group) dating raffle just 2 days ago, and still couldn't believe he could finally see her in person again. "Oh man! I have so...

1 year ago
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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

3 years ago
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Spousal Persuasion

Cindy fresh out of the shower stood glazing at herself in the full length mirror admiring her gorgeous married figure like she has done so many days before. A natural blonde gifted with large natural full breasts. A thin waist most women would die to have and full round hips with an adorable round ass. She loved to flaunt her petite body and enjoyed the attention she received from other men. Married for nine years to a wonderful man that adored her, provided for her and gave her anything her...

3 years ago
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In the land of Pudenda once ruled a mighty queen who was as powerful as she was beautiful. She was loved by her citizens, adored by men and idolized by women. Single lords, princes and kings fought for her hand in marriage and even ladies, princesses and queens dreamed of being her other half. Nonetheless, she had never married nor sought someone to share her bed with. This gave her the nickname "the virgin queen". There were 8 persons that she would let close to her though, 8 women, part her...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 45

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” I moaned and plopped into one of the Situation Room’s ergonomically designed conference chairs. I massaged the sore spot on my shoulder and shifted and squirmed and as I searched for a less uncomfortable position. Nothing worked. I hurt in places I didn’t even know I had. The steaming mug of fresh brewed Colombian laced with the Sisterhood’s brandy warmed my hands and took the edge away from the pain in my ass. Java and joy-juice will cure...

2 years ago
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Just To Avoid Jail Part 2 Fucked Two Cops

I don’t want to waste your time so telling only common things in the beginning.  It was 21:05 when he under a building which was nearby the ring road. Rafiq said: Bhabhiji, aaiye humari haveli pe pahonch gaye. Chalo upar chalet hai ab. (Bhabhiji, come down we have reached our palace, let’s go upstairs.) As soon as I came down from my car, Salim grabbed me from behind. Before I could adjust my saree to walk properly as it was high up to the hips. And then he pulled me and put me on his shoulder...

3 years ago
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My first experience

This story happened during my college days in coimbatore. This incident happened in a college festival in my 3’rd year. I used to participate in fashion parades along with my friends. We won second price that time and I went to receive the prize from chief guest who happened to be a local industrialist, along with my friends. We all went back stage and started opening our prizes. It was a memento and a cheque for 1000 rupees. My wrapper had an additional piece of paper, which asked me to come...

3 years ago
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Johnny Be Good Pt 2

Johnny Be Good Part II Dee Cypher Well, I guess it's time to get cleaned up, Johnny thought to himself. As he made his way up to the master bedroom, Johnny was relieved that his father, now husband, was out of the house running errands. He was sure it was only a matter of time before they had to come clean about what had happened, but for now, he was going to be able to get his bearings in his new body. Luckily, the master bath was connected to the master bedroom where Johnny was...

2 years ago
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It didnt take long for her to get to Freds place. She looked at the normal sized home with a shabby lawn and heard loud music from coming inside. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. THere was no answer. After numerous tries she decided to walk in. It didnt take her long to notice that the house was filled with guys who all looked about 18 and they all were drinking. Mindy saw beer everywhere. She decided to ask one of the guys (who all had no idea she had walked in) where...

3 years ago
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Jaynes story

Jayne opened her eyes, blinking a few times before rolling onto her back and looking up at the ceiling. Glancing over to her left side she tried to see the time, displayed on the digital radio and CD player, eventually sitting up to see that the display read 9:06. When she finally pushed the sheets off her and sat on the edge of the bed the clock now read 9:10. With a yawn she stood up, a discarded t-shirt and pair of panties lay on the floor by her feet, stepping over them she walked from the...

2 years ago
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Salamander 2Chapter 22

Wednesday, 5th of December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke up feeling refreshed, the tiredness and aching of my muscles gone. I got myself ready for the day ahead and then wolfed down my breakfast. I packed my bag and was out the door as soon as D turned up. For some reason I felt very happy to be going back to school, I was practically skipping along. Maybe it was because I knew at least one of my enemies was no longer there to torment me, but it was also the fact that I could see my friends...

2 years ago
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New Home New Adventures

THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL Around the age of 16 I moved into my fathers home in Florida... It was more like moving in with a room mate more then a father. I had rules yes, but mostly his only concern was i did not miss school and i did not do drugs. No bed time, no curfew, nothing. Growing up with a strict mom this led me to run wild with excitement, parties, booz's and fucking girls became a regular thing for me. Hell in one months times i fucked 5 different girls, all of them were...

2 years ago
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I had an urge that needed satisfying Part 3

As a sixteen year old girl, I’d say I’d had the best day of my life. I’d experienced so many firsts, from my first orgasm through masturbation, to having sex with my five best friends, two girls and three boys and now Issabella and I were alone, she was staying the night. We hadn’t bothered dressing after the others had left, trying instead to tidy up the house and prepare the nights meal for when my parents came home from work. My bedroom was tidy, bed made with clean sheets and duvet cover...

4 years ago
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Dianas TrioChapter 2 The Battle

"Halloween," she agreed as she held still under his pinning hold. The beast inside of her snarled. She had very little time left. "Now, let me go, Dustin, before you tempt the beast to attack." He dropped his hands and backed away from her, seeming to be satisfied that he had gotten his promise. He didn't seem concerned about her beast attacking but Rebekah was. She never wanted to hurt either of her best friends. Settle down. she tried to sooth the animal inside of her that was...

2 years ago
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"Wait, wait, wait," Alan started out, "you're The Merlin? King Arthur? Camelot and the round table? All of that?" "Well yes, is there another magic user on earth called Merlin?" The man smirked, though it was hard to tell with the long growth of beard the man had. Alan stopped and turned toward Hopix, "I thought you said that the earth now has a dampening effect on all magic users? That was the reason I couldn't..." "A dampening effect? Only on Magic users?" The man...

1 year ago
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Winning the Bet Part 4

We're at the movies, but neither of us is paying any attention to what's happening on screen. The movie is a few weeks old and there are maybe seven other people in the theater. None of them are sitting anywhere near us. The lights have been out for twenty minutes and she's whispering filthy things in my ear. We've been seeing each other for a couple weeks now ever since I caught her masturbating at work. The sexual chemistry between us was intense, but we were still getting to know each other...

3 years ago
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Arrogant Bastard 3

"Lexxa, go to the party with me," Ally whines as she fixes her hair in my bathroom. "I already told you, no," I tell her. "But whyyy?" she whines again. "Adam will be there!" "I don't care. I don't want to see him," I say, my heart twisting at the mention of his name. "Lexxa, please go with me," she begs as she stares at me through the mirror. "For me, please? You're my best friend, it shouldn't be this hard to convince you to go somewhere with me," she accuses. I groan and stare at her....

2 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with strangers Part 3

The throb started deep and hard. Something was happening, I just did not know what. I mentioned in my previous stories that I had this energetic connection to my wonderful woman. The throb did not start for nothing, so she was sending me telepathic signals, and I was feeling them. I was busy working, so sex was not part of my thought process at that time, but the feeling existed, hard and strong. I momentarily forgot about it when a few minutes later, I received the following text message, ...

4 years ago
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My first experience

Ever since I first told him I wanted to try bondage, I knew he was dying to try it. He was shocked that I wanted to try something like that, since he was convinced that I was innocent. It wasn’t that our sex life was boring, because it was far from that, but this was something new that neither of us had ever done, so it was exciting for both of us. He surprised me one day by buying handcuffs and testing them out on me while we were making out in my car. He cuffed me to the steering wheel and...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 7

"The BITCH! What does she think she's playing at? You both saw it; you both saw that David used his beam weapon to take her? Is there any remaining doubt about what these people can do? Are we going to stand around and wait for them to use this beam to take our children one by one? "Thomas, how long before the missiles are ready to launch?" Adam demanded to know. Elizabeth and Thomas were still stunned at the sight of Hannah rising up into the sky. Adam's anger snapped them out of...

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