The Teachers' Conference free porn video

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"Damn," Doreen Doyle said under her breath as the sunlight from the open window forced her to open her eyes and greet the new day.

Rolling over in bed, the 26 year old was immediately reminded of the indecent amount of alcohol she had consumed at last night's teachers' party. Sitting up in the bed, she discovered that her head still hurt a little. Who'd have ever thought that a bunch of teachers could party so hard. Doreen hadn't felt so wasted after a party since her senior year of college.

Still it had been fun, at least as much as she could remember of it. When she had been selected as a delegate from her home town of Parkerston, Indiana, the brunette had expected to spend four days listening to boring lectures and maybe having a little time for sightseeing. After all, a free trip to San Francisco was worth a little sacrifice.

What she had found instead was a few quick, quite interesting meetings every day, followed by a nightly party. Every night being a little wilder than the last, with last night's being the grand finale. She wondered if every conference was like this. If the school board knew of it, they'd never foot the bill to send anyone next year. It then occurred to her that was why every teacher who had attended an earlier conference had given her the same advise. "Just go there with an open mind and enjoy yourself." She had thought at the time they were referring to opening her mind to different theories of education.

Moving to the edge of the bed, Doreen noticed her clothes from last evening scattered across the floor. She must've really been out of it when she dragged herself back to her room. Usually she would at least pile her clothes on a chair or something. She had also been surprised to find she had slept naked, something she didn't even do with her boyfriend back home. Sliding her lower body from beneath the sheets, she was presented with an even greater shock. All of her pubic hair was gone.

"What the hell did I do last night?" She asked herself as she ran her fingers across the now smooth skin between her thighs.

Before Doreen could ponder the question too long, the sudden sound of running water from the bathroom made her jump with a start. There was someone in there. Grabbing her glasses from the night table, she took a good look around the room. While the room was almost a mirror image of her own hotel room, there were enough small differences to tell her she was in someone else's room. A quick glance at the other side of the twin bed showed that someone else had slept there. The inescapable conclusion was that she hadn't spent the night alone.

Rubbing her head, Doreen tried to remember what had happened last night. Now fully awake, pieces of the puzzle fell into place. It wasn't the fact that she'd slept with someone that upset her so. She had, after all, been sexually active since she was 17 and slept with her boyfriend Tim on a regular basis. It was that she couldn't remember who it had been.

The image of Billy Thompson suddenly filled her mind. The delegate from Seattle had been trying to hit on her since day one. Was he the guy from the other side of the bed. She did remember him trying to buy her a drink last night.

The sound of running water from the bathroom abruptly stopped. In a few seconds, Doreen would see if it was Billy or not. Hopefully it wasn't someone worse.

Doreen's eyes nearly popped out of her head and her small mouth dropped open in shock as the bathroom door swung open and a tall form walked into the room. Walking over to Doreen, the blue clothed figure bend over and kissed her. It was a warm touch, but Doreen was too much in shock to respond. As her mystery lover moved away from her, Doreen barely heard herself being asked to lock up behind her as her lover in blue was late for a meeting.

The hotel room door closed behind her lover before the reality of the situation fully hit Doreen. Her lover had been tall, blonde and gifted with an incredible body. In addition, her lover had been the last person she could ever have imagined coming out of that door. Her name, Doreen remember now, was Evelyn Howard. Doreen had spent the night with another woman.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Doreen thought as she jumped out of the bed. "What did I do last night?"

Grabbing the various pieces of clothing scattered across the floor, Doreen quickly made for the bathroom and after a quick wash proceeded to dress. As she buttoned up her blouse, she noticed a small razor in the sink, still covered with small brown hairs.

"Guess that explains were my hair went." She noted as she ran her hand through her long dark hair.

Exiting the bathroom back to the main room, she carefully opened the outer door and looked into the hall. Thankfully it was empty. Closing and locking the door behind her, she quickly moved to the elevator and hit the up button.

During the short two floor ride, Doreen felt like every person in the small elevator was staring at her. As if they all knew what she had done. When the doors finally opened on the twelfth floor, she almost ran out of them.

It wasn't until the 26 year old was safely in her room that Doreen was able to relax. Thankfully her assigned roommate was already out for the day, attending some conference or other. The school board back home hadn't been willing to pay for a private room so she had been forced to share accommodations. She'd had little contact with her roommate, only having met her twice. A tough old bitty twice Doreen's age, she'd made no secret of her dislike of the night time parties and was usually already asleep by the time Doreen made it back to the room.

"I need a shower." Doreen said to herself as she began to strip out of the clothing she had so hurriedly put on only twenty minutes before.

The hot water felt good against her skin as the fog in her mind began to clear. She began to remember images from the night before and by the time she had towelled dry, was forming a good picture of the events that had led her to Evelyn's bed.

Wrapping herself in a warm robe, she dropped onto the unused bed and closed her eyes. As her thoughts drifted, the last ten hours began to replay in her mind like a movie.

The noise of the Flamingo Room filled Doreen's ears, thankfully drowning out the sound of Billy Thompson's voice. The grammar school teacher from Seattle had been going on for almost twenty minutes on some subject or other, all the while stealing glances down Doreen's blouse whenever he could.

Normally, Doreen liked showing off her breasts. They weren't very big, only a 34C, but she worked hard to keep them firm and pert. It was just that Billy Thompson, while sort of cute, was also an incredible bore. Over the last few nights, she tried every way she could think of to let him know she wasn't interested. She'd mentioned her boyfriend back home at least a dozen times, but still he kept coming back. Eventually she was just going to have to tell him to bugger off, something she really hated doing.

"So I was saying to the Principal..." Billy went on as he took another deep look down Doreen's shirt.

Doreen had finally had enough. Filled with liquid courage, she opened her mouth to tell Billy off when a tall blonde woman stepped alongside her. There were plenty of empty seats around the bar so it was obvious that she wanted something from one of them.

"Maybe she had the hots for "Mr. Rogers" here and is going to take him away from me." Doreen thought hopefully. "Maybe she's a long lost girlfriend."

That hope faded as quickly as the annoyed look on Billy's face appeared. Whoever this woman was, she was no friend of his.

The blonde in the bright green dress looked at Billy for a moment, then turned to Doreen and smiled.

"Sweetheart, I've been looking all over for you." The older woman said in a musical tone. "I thought we were going to meet in the Kiki Kiki Room."

Doreen hesitated for a moment, then quickly replied.

"Oh my goodness, I'm such a airhead at times. I've been having this fascinating discussion with Billy here, by the way, have you met Billy Thompson from Seattle. I must've lost all track of time. You will forgive me, won't you?"

Doreen put all she could into the statement, trying to convey the idea that she was indeed supposed to meet this woman. It would've helped greatly if she knew her name. She'd seen her on a couple of discussion panels but really hadn't paid that much attention.

"Oh course my pet, how could I ever stay angry at my little pearl."

"I thought you said that you came to the Conference all alone?" Billy said to Doreen.

"I ... I ... err ... did." Doreen replied. "But..."

"Doreen and I are very old friends." The blonde said as she reached out and took Doreen's hand in hers. "Very close friends..." She added with a special emphasis that couldn't be mistaken.

"I see ... I mean I didn't know..." Billy stammered as his face turned a bright crimson. "I ... have to go ... excuse me."

With that he was gone.

"I hope that's what you wanted." The older woman said as they watched Billy disappear from view. I've seen him following you every night and you looked like you'd just about had enough."

"Oh yes." Doreen gushed as she smiled at the woman. "I just can't believe you got rid if him in a few minutes. I've done everything but write him a note spelling out that I wasn't interested."

"Evelyn Howard, from San Diego." The tall blonde said as she reached out and again took Doreen's hand, this time for a firm handshake.

"Doreen Doyle from Parkerston, Indiana." Doreen replied as she returned Evelyn's firm grip. "My friend's call me Dee Dee."

"Well the first part I got right away," Evelyn grinned. "You're still wearing your name tag."

Looking down, Doreen grimaced on seeing the small name plate clipped to her blouse. She quickly removed it. At least that explained how Evelyn had known her name.

"Well anyway, I'm grateful." Doreen said as she slipped the tag into her pocket. "Can I at least buy you a drink."

"Certainly," Evelyn replied. "But lets move to a table. Standing at the bar attracts too many guys."

By the second drink, Doreen and Evelyn were fast on their way to becoming the old friends Evelyn had fictitiously created earlier. Evelyn, Doreen learned, was 39 and the assistant principle at an junior high school back in San Diego. This was her fifth conference and she sat on three of the permanent discussion groups.

The conversation turned away from education and Doreen talked a lot about her boyfriend, Tim, back home. He was a nice enough guy. A lot of fun, both in and out of bed. But she really wasn't sure she was ready to settle down. This was only her third trip outside of the state, and the other two had been supervised. There was so much to see and do.

"Well no one is watching over you on this trip." Evelyn said. "And there are a lot more interesting people to meet than that bore from Seattle."

"Your right," Doreen said as she lifted her glass in a toast. "To so many men and so little time."

So intent was he on draining her glass that she didn't notice that Evelyn didn't share in the toast.

"How did you ever come up with that idea to get rid of Thompson. I never would of thought of it." Doreen asked as she put her empty glass on the table and signaled for another.

"Well, sometimes with people like that, all you have to do is present them with something they just can't deal with."

"Imagine," Doreen said as the waiter replaced her empty glass with a full one. "Pretending to be a lesbian and that I was your date."

"Oh I wasn't pretending," Evelyn said calmly. "I am a lesbian."

Doreen nearly dropped the drink she had lifted halfway to her mouth.

"It was only my date with you that I was pretending about."

Doreen slowly placed the glass back on the table, her face still registering surprise.

"Is that a problem?" Evelyn asked. "I really wasn't trying to pick you up or anything."

No, of course not." Doreen stammered out. "You just caught me by surprise."

For the moment, Doreen took a long look at Evelyn. Lesbian. The word had never been part of her vocabulary. Back home in Parkerston she had never even know anyone who had ever met a lesbian. At least no one who had ever admitted to it. Of course there were always those rumors about Sylvia Johnson back in high school, but she had moved away right after graduation.

Evelyn had said that she hadn't been trying to pick her up, but just the same, Doreen began to wonder if the older woman was attracted to her. While she never considered herself beautiful, she knew that men found her pretty. Was a lesbian attracted in the same way men were?

A few moments of awkward silence covered the table until Evelyn finally broke it.

"I can leave if you like, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Oh no, please stay." Doreen responded. "I'm sorry for staring but you really don't fit what I always thought a lesbian would look like."

Without thinking, Doreen had whispered the word lesbian. Just like she sometimes heard the old women in her family lower their voice when they wanted to say something about someone. Like "they drink you know" or "They had cancer surgery". It was usually something unpleasant.

"You really don't have to whisper the word, Dee Dee." Evelyn said. "I don't hide the fact that I'm a lesbian. It's not some kind of disease."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had done it." Doreen apologized. She really felt kind of foolish. After all, she was so far from home, who would ever know she had drinks with a lesbian.

As the conversation went on, Doreen found herself being captivated by the woman on the other side of the table. More and more she found herself staring at Evelyn's ample breasts, wondering what it would feel like to touch them. It had been a long time since she had such thoughts. Back in her sorority in college, it was rumored that a few of the girls engaged in lesbian practices, but Doreen never found out if that was true. There were a few nights when she saw girls sneaking into one another's rooms, but she had never been invited. Sometimes she wish she had, just out of curiosity.

Finally, the bartender called last call, and the two women got up to leave. Doreen felt a little unsteady on her feet, a combination of the alcohol and the strange excitement she felt from being with Evelyn. She knew the folks back home would never approve.

Waiting for the crowds by the elevator to thin out, Doreen continued to stare at Evelyn. In return, the tall blonde seemed to be ignoring her gaze. Finally Doreen concluded that Evelyn might be thinking that she was looking at her as if she was some kind of curiosity and decided to stop. She was curious it was true, but it wasn't fair to treat another person as such.

As the two women entered the elevator, another man joined them. Doreen noted that Evelyn hit the button for the tenth floor while she hit the twelfth. The stranger had pressed four.

No sooner as the doors closed on the fourth floor behind the man, when Evelyn stepped over to Doreen and abruptly kissed her. Caught totally off guard, Doreen instinctively opened her mouth to protest, only to have the protest stifled by Evelyn's probing tongue.

Then as abruptly as it had begun, Evelyn broke the kiss and stepped back.

"All evening, you've been wondering what that would feel like." Evelyn said as she smiled. "I could see it in the way you kept staring at me. So now you know."

Doreen was still too taken back to respond. It was been both abrupt and exciting she had to admit.

Anything she then wanted to say was cut off by the chime of the elevator door's opening on ten. As Evelyn stepped off the elevator, she paused for a moment and turned to Doreen.

"If you really want to see what it's like, I'm in room 1005." She said as the doors closed behind her.

While the elevator moved upward, a dozen thoughts ran though Doreen's mind at once. Could she do something like that? Who would ever know? Would she ever get another chance? What would Timmy think? Did she even care?

The doors opened on twelve and she took one step out, then hesitated. Taking a deep breath, she stepped back in and pressed the button for ten.

Over ten minutes passed as Doreen stood outside the door to room 1005. What am I doing, she asked herself for the tenth time. The elevator chimed down the hall as she heard a few people getting off on this floor.

Thankfully, they went in the other direction and entered their own room. She could tell they were drunk and hadn't even noticed her.

"Can't stand here all night." Doreen said to herself in a low voice. "Either go forward or back."

Taking a deep breath she finally knocked on the door. Long seconds passed and she thought Evelyn might have already gone to bed. She was thinking of leaving when a voice called from behind the locked door.

"Who is it?"

"Doreen..." She managed to stammer out.

A second later, the door swung open and she stepped inside.

The room wasn't much different than her own. Same color, same furniture, same boring art on the walls. Her head turned as Evelyn locked the door behind her.

The tall blonde was now wearing a blue terrycloth robe. Her hair had been unclipped and combed out, hanging loosely around her shoulders. It was also slightly damp, telling Doreen she had just come out of the shower.

"Did you forget something?" Evelyn asked as she smiled.

"I was thinking about what you said in the elevator." Doreen said, her eyes fixed on the soft valley between Evelyn's breasts that was visible through the folds of the robe.

"And... ? Evelyn asked.

"And, I think I'd like to know more." said Doreen somewhat hesitantly.

"You think... ?" Evelyn said in a strong voice. "Either you do or you don't. Now which is it?"

"I want to learn more." Doreen said, this time with conviction.

Evelyn smile grew larger. She reached out and ran her fingers down across Doreen's cheek. The school teacher from Indiana found the touch unbelievably erotic. Her long index finger slid down across Doreen's face and caressed her small lips. Evelyn slid her finger into Doreen's mouth and let her suck on it for a few moments. Pleased with the young woman's willingness, Evelyn removed her finger and took a step back. The bright smile grew to it's fullest.

"I told you in the bar that I was a lesbian." She said as she took the same finger and ran her tongue across it. "What I didn't mention was that I'm also a dominant. Do you understand what that is?"

Doreen had seen the word in a few books, she wasn't totally ignorant. She nodded a yes.

"Tell me what you think it is?" Evelyn demanded.

"I would guess that it's someone who's into Slave and Master situations." Doreen said, proud of her being able to answer. "A person who was a..." She hesitated a moment as she tried to remember the word. " ... Dominatrix." She finally remembered.

"Very good." Evelyn said. "But there are various levels and situations that go with that."

Doreen looked confused for a moment, her reading hadn't covered anything like that.

"I'm not into whip, chains, leather or anything like that." Evelyn laughed softly as she now ran her finger down the deep valley of her 38D's. She could feel Doreen's eyes glued to it's journey. "I just enjoy the feeling of being in total control. Do you think you could handle something like that?"

Doreen thought about it for a few long seconds, her eyes riveted on the drop of saliva running between Evelyn's mounds until it disappeared beneath the robe. If Evelyn had asked her this a half hour ago in the elevator, Doreen was sure she would've ran as fast as she could. Now after taking the giant steps which had brought her this far she only felt exhilaration instead of fear.

"Yes I could." She replied in a solid tone.

"Really now?" Evelyn countered.

With a flourish, the taller woman turned and walked over to the edge of the bed. She motioned for Doreen to follow.

Standing at the edge of the bed, Evelyn hiked her left leg up onto the bed. She pulled loose the sash around her waist, allowing the robe to fall open. Doreen took a long hard look at the naked body that had just been unveiled. It certainly wasn't that of a 20 year old, but neither was it that of a woman pushing 40. Her large breasts were still full and only sagged a little. They were capped by silver dollar sized aureole, which in turn were topped by erasure sized nipples - already hard and erect. So enthralled by Evelyn's endowments, the younger woman didn't notice at first something she hadn't seen since junior high school gym. A totally nude pussy.

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Mollys Conference

Another boring Monday night on second shift, and Molly knew she would have to work hard to look busy. There just wasn't enough in the schedule to keep her busy for the eight hours she was forced to be there. Oh god, how she hated this job. Tedious, low paying, mind numbing work, but it paid the bills, sort of, if she really worked at it. The only real redeeming part of this job was that the boss was kind of cute, she thought, and if nothing else it might be fun to flirt with him some more. It...

Office Sex
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Computer Conference

Computer conferences might sound very interesting, if you are a computer freak. And mighty boring, if you are not. I'm not a computer freak, but my work happens to be in the computer business and I have attended a number of these conferences over the years in the line of duty. Apart from a slim chance of actually learning something, it's actually a good opportunity to make some informal contacts with people who are working with the same programs and problems as yourself. In other words:...

2 years ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 1

The three teachers knew they had their own reasons for sending the three upper sixth formers to the headmistress.Miss Brent was the thirty-seven-year-old form teacher. Miss Carson and Miss Logan were both twenty-eight-years-old and were teachers of biology and history respectively. They all wore the same outfits of white short sleeved blouses and dark blue skirts. It was summer and they had bare legs, and dark blue high-heeled toeless shoes.The sixth form girls boarding school was always fully...

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Parent Teacher Conference

Let me introduce myself my name is Jason, I'm a thirty-two year old black firefight and I'm 6' 3" and 205 pounds with an athletic build. I'm married to a nurse who works shift work. She is 5'4" and about 180 pounds. We have been married for ten years and our sex life is pretty good. Our schedules are hectic though, I work twenty-four hours on and forty-eight off, so this means I have to do the brunt of the parenting duties on my day off. This brings me to Mrs. Danielle Anderson, she is...

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Teachers Conference

I am a teacher.  A five-foot-six-inch, one-hundred-thirty-five pound, forty-year-old teacher with brown hair.  I have a thirty-six C chest and legs that go on forever. I would say I am a seven on a scale of one to ten.  This last school year was a rough one. Rougher than any I have had in my fifteen-plus years of teaching.  I had several students that I just couldn’t reach no matter how hard I tried. That has never been the case for me and was very frustrating.  I was so frustrated that it was...

Wife Lovers
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The past couple of Mark’s parties have been wild… the beach then out with two chics in the middle of a patch of woods. Not too shabby. I was actually still on cloud nine over the two chics that when my secretary knocked on my door, I hadn’t noticed, that is until she knocked a second time and opened the door."What on Earth are you doing in here Dave? Off in LaLa land again? I just got a call from Mark Sanders, says its vital you meet him for a conference this evening. Do you know who that is? I...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Parent Teacher Conference

Here is where I make my mistake. I thought I was supposed to pick them up at 3:30 P.M when in actuality I was suppose to pick them up at 4:30 P.M. I didn't know this so instead I leave at 3:25 to pick them up. I get to the school and head to the conference room. As I am walking up to the room I see through the window my daughter and wife talking to my daughter's 7 teachers and the principal. The odd thing about the scene was that all my daughter's teachers were male and so was the...

4 years ago
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SOL Games Pet Teachers part 12

Always Start with the Prologue! Then other chapters can be read in any order! Link to all my stories and more chapters to this story are in my profile or the comments. DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through...

3 years ago
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Christmas Carol part 2 the conference

As stated at the end of my previous story, I agreed to meet Carol at a medical conference in Chicago. I was starting to have second thoughts as I was packing for the trip. I had never cheated on my wife in 30+ years of marriage and really didn't want to. I love my wife dearly, she just doesn't have any interest in sex anymore. I decided I'd let fate decide whether or not I'd see Carol. My wife was in the kitchen fixing lunch for us before I left. She never went with me to conferences, she...

4 years ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 3

Eight o’clock couldn’t come soon enough for the three teachers, nor for the three college girls.Miss Logan knew that Emma would be arriving at her room any moment, as she sat on the bed in her nightdress knowing that she had on no knickers, and that as soon as Emma arrived, the nightdress would have to come off.Emma stood in the corridor outside the teacher's bedroom area and they all giggled as they knew that they were about to go in and spank once again their favourite teachers.Emma said,...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex At The Conference

I have had a lot of fun outside my marriage. Thanks to my work which has always made me travel throughout the country and outside it. Luckily, I continue to fly frequently even now. This story is from one of my business travels.Of late I have been delivering a lot of talks at the seminar to increase my visibility and it was at one such conference I met Tanya! While I noticed the leggy lass as soon as I entered the conference hall, she took a note of me only after my session. My presentation was...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex At The Conference

Dear ISS Readers, thanks for the wonderful response to my previous two . The whopping 5000 likes and a series of emails were good enough reasons to write again. However, it took longer than expected. No complaints though, I had good fun all along thanks to the adventurous and horny readers looking for action. For those reading my story for the first time, I am a 33 years old, six feet tall and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. I have had a lot of fun outside my marriage. Thanks to...

1 year ago
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The Business Conference

Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. This time around, my workmate Livy had attended the conference as well. She wasn't supposed to attend; another colleague had been scheduled, but due to the newest merger talks, Livy ended up filling the...

2 years ago
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SOL Games Pet Teachers part 22

This is kind of like a choose your own adventure: -Start by reading the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) -Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) -Then read one or more Level 3 chapters in any order (Hide & Seek, Pencil Sharpener, Anatomy, Dodgeball) -And so on. More to come! See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook...

4 years ago
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Summoning My Succubus Mother Chapter 5 MommySuccubuss Teacher Conference

Chapter Five: Mommy-Succubus's Teacher Conference By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Note: This is based off a one-off story was commissioned by a fan! “Huh, my mom wants me to wait in a safe place,” I said. She was really freaked out about Mrs. Spartan being a witch. Just what would witches do to me? A day ago, I was a normal college student with a single mother that all my friends thought was the hottest MILF. Now, I was the son of a succubus which made me into something called a...

1 year ago
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Threesome sex with Ex teachers

Hello everyone. this is my first sex story. I don't want to waste your time and share you the story of how I fucked my two ex teachers. I am medical student and very much interested in sex and even masturbate thinking about my teachers also. I studied in various institutions but and came across many sexy teachers but always remember about these two teachers in my tenth standard . They were my Telugu and Social teachers. To describe them, my Telugu is a married women of 33 age during my tenth...

4 years ago
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The Conference

Life had been really boring lately. Work was a chore, my sex life was dull and I needed something to spice up my life! Little did I realise that the opportunity to attend a stay over 2 day conference with work would do the trick! I am 5’8”, quite Amazonian in build with large breasts, sex lately had been rather boring, I had had a couple of casual relationships with men but nothing seemed to hit the spot. I was summonsed to the boss’s office and was instructed to attend a two day conference...

4 years ago
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Babs Final Conference

At 63 Babs had taken enough of working life and she decided to hand in her notice and take early retirement. She would get to spend more time with her husband and perhaps they could have even more passionate times than even what they were having at the moment and that was not too bad at all. It would also give her the chance to re-ignite her passion for writing. She had written for many years mainly for the likes of MILLS and BOON but now she wanted to write from the darker side of her life...

2 years ago
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Out of Retirement Breeding Conference

Wife was lured out of retirement to attend just one conference as her expertise on the subject made her former employer feel they had to throw a truckload of money at her as she's the best on the subject. Frankly, their attention on her made her feel fantastic and very much needed. She attended the 2 day conference and excelled at her presentation and Q & A session. Company secured a huge order and based on the order was to be paid a retainer for a couple years whether she worked another...

2 years ago
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Episode 88 Copenhagen Conference

Author’s NoteThis story is part of a mini-series that started with a little girl called Grace going shopping with her Dad for a new black bikini in Episode 83.No characters in this episode are real except for Alia (sorry babe – only a brief mention) and Lola G-spot (who might be able to read it if she ever gets her PC working properly).All events are purely the result of my warped imagination.At the time of writing, I believe that no SexBots are quite as advanced as Suchi – we wait in...

4 years ago
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A very boring conference

I had to attend a conference and left Victor home alone. My loving husband had been stressed during last months and then our sex life was a real mess. It made me be fucking horny and aroused most of the time…After the first day the conference was absolutely boring to me; but after dinner, I met some interesting people there at the hotel.One of my colleagues was called Tom, a divorced lawyer who was there assisting, but also looking for a good time. He was attending the conference in the company...

3 years ago
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Sex With Hot Girl With Big Boobs At Company Conference

My company had organised a three day conference and executives from all over India branches of my company attended it. My company had booked flats in service apartments. One of my responsibilities was that arranging and taking care of executives’ accommodation and their other needs. After receiving few executives and shown their flats, I was bit tired. That’s when I saw her. A cab came through the front gate of the society and stopped in front of the apartment. She came out of it. She was...

4 years ago
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The Annual Day Fuck With Two Teachers

Hello guys, its me Arjun again. I’m pleased with the responses I received to my previous stories – ” me and my friend with our teachers ” & ” how I got my telugu teacher ” . In this story I would like you tell you about my second encounter with my teacher on the annual day of our school. First for those who dont know me, i’m arjun of 19 years, staying in hyderabad and pursuing my btech. I am just a average guy with nice 6 inch tool that can make all girls hungry for me Coming to the story, I...

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Teachers Lake Fun

Both of them had left the school system. Both of them, at one time, were teachers who taught kids who were seniors, and both of them got to “know” one another on quite the personal level too. However, one thing or another led both of them to leave the school, and for that matter teaching altogether. A couple years went by. Her husband, it seemed, won the states lottery. Yes, it was a lot, but the couple was “adventurous,” and he decided to do something with some of the money. He invested it in...

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Fucked 4 teachers

Fucked my 4 teachers togetherThis is a sex story of me and teachers.first ill give a introduction of my 4 teachers. First teacher name is Manjula. She used to give lots of punishment to all the boys. and she was very polite to girls.This made us build up enemity with her.She was not too young or not too old maybe she was around 35.Her face tone was medium.She had pimples on her face.She had very small tits and a medium sized butt. The second teacher name is Soumya. She was very polite to all of...

4 years ago
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The Conference

It was really flattering, really, to have my boss ask me to speak at a conference in Reno. Yes, I was the one who'd done most of the design on the water quality model, but I still feel like a peon, someone holding up the totem pole from the bottom. When I think of conferences like this, I think of the important people speaking about important work they've done. I don't think of simple, staff engineers talking about basic tasks they've done. It was actually at that point that I realized I...

2 years ago
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The Legal Conference

After several years of university, I decided it was time to leave study behind for a while and get a full-time job.Truth was, I hadn’t been too successful at uni and had switched courses on several occasions hoping to find the one that I’d really enjoy and apply myself to. But each time, it was the same. I’d be all enthusiastic for a few weeks and then I’d decide that partying was more fun and my studies would suffer.Plus, my Austudy was a pittance and at twenty-two years of age I was sick of...

1 year ago
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The Conference

I learn the true meaning of women’s empowerment at a women’s empowerment conference. My name is Laura and I work for a medium size company, owned by a woman and I am considered a rising star in the company. A conference was being held in Miami for women’s empowerment and the owner of my company decided I should go. I think she picked me because I am single and the conference is five days from Wednesday thru Sunday so it wouldn’t be a problem for me being there for that amount of time. I checked...

3 years ago
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Teachers Made Me Gigolo

Hi readers I am male 19 yrs from HYDERABAD which is capital city of the Andhra Pradesh,India and now and doing my degree. But the truth that I am going to narrate you is the truth of my life. All r welcome to comment n im always at ur email is kanthalav at . So without wasting your time I am going to narrate my truth of the past which is following me till date. Well I was very much of fond of sex when I was in 10th standard. My Height is 5 feet 7 inches and well slim body...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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2 Teachers at once

Note : This story is complete fictional - never try to do it in real live! Hi, My Name is Adam I was 14 at the time of what I'm about to tell you, I'm Tall, Dark hair and I have brown eyes, and i'm reasonable hansom. It all started on a school trip to Spain, two of my teachers were goin on it aswell as another 6 teachers because after all there were 2 coaches of 30 going. Well the two two teachers that taught me were Miss Day and Miss Lavery, Miss Day was tall, brown hair, brown eyes bout a C...

Group Sex
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Teachers Gold Star Pupil

Teachers Gold Star PupilThe set up: two lovers separated by distance are texting each other late at night.Man: I really want to eat your pussyWoman: Well you can’t - you need to wait ;)Man: I know - just sayingWoman: I know - I was meaning it in a teasing way. Like I’m the naughty teacher not letting her student have what he wants yet. And I’m wearing fishnet stockings and a very short skirt. And I keep knocking things off my desk and I have to bend over right in front of you to pick them...

2 years ago
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Sex at a conference

We are sitting in a conference room and I am bored. She is sitting in the room, she is beautiful and also seems bored. We furtively glance at each other, and then look away, we glance again then look away. She is blond and I am brunet, she has blue eyes and mine are brown, she has a dimple on her left cheek and I have a scar above my right eye. We stare at each other, we both stand up and leave the conference. Her room is nearer and we make for it. She fumbles with the keys, but then we are in....

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cheating at The conference

This happened when I was 26 years old. I am married. The only person I had ever had sex with was my husband. We were trying to have a baby so I had gone off the pill. I had to go out of town for a conference for my work. The conference was to start on Tuesday and finish on Thursday afternoon at 3pm. There were no flights until late Thursday so I scheduled a 1pm flight on Friday. That should get me home about 3:30.The conference finished on time and I went back to my room. There was nothing on...

2 years ago
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Married Stranger at a Business Conference

I've had sex with women I'd just met, several times. Some from online, some from bars and clubs and this one from a work conference. We were in a fairly large city on the east coast for a large sales conference with about one thousand sales reps from my region. On the last night, we all went out to party. I actually didn't have much luck at some of the more fun clubs. I stopped in at a bar next to the hotel on the way back to my room and chatted with some VP's with one of our vendors. They...

2 years ago
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Intimate massage at a conference

I was seated in the row furthest back, to the left of me sat a fairly short girl with black hair ending somewhere around her shoulder. She's was average looking girl but not without any real fashion sense and a bit shy, however she had the nicest ass around, round a bubbly.We were sitting right next to each other in the empty back row when the speaker told us since it was a long conference a quick massage would do us goodWe were told to stand up and turn to our left. The girl I had just met was...

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