A Guide to Threeway Sex
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Written by Michael
My Personal Opinions:It is my firm belief that when a man looks at a woman he is always imagining her as a sex partner. This may be a subconscious act, but it's still happening. The male of the species was designed to be the aggressive partner in procreation and genetically he can't help having those thoughts.
Because the male is the way he is, he will usually be the instigator in any sexual experimentation, while his female partner will usually be reticent or negative about experimenting outside of their monogamous relationship. Women are genetically designed to nurture, and their focus was to build a nest to care for the offspring that their mating has produced.
In this day and age the genetic rule no longer applies absolutely. Women have a sexual freedom that was unheard of only 40-years ago. Now there is true equality between the sexes in bed. Even in birth control.
It is my experience that the partner that instigates threesome sex is mostly the male. That old gene still rules a man deep down. The old urge to spread his seed far and wide makes the male more interested in multiple sex partners.
Here Are Some Facts About Threesomes:The average couple looking for a third partner in their relationship has been together for more than 7 years and the male has not necessarily been completely faithful to his female partner in the past.
In a small proportion of couples looking for an additional partner, the female is the aggressor, (less than 2%) this is usually because the male is passive in their relationship and the female craves a more dominate male sex partner.
Couples who take in a third party usually break up within 3-years of their first experience. This of course is only slightly higher than the general public that shows that relationships for couples under 30-years old last no more than 4.5 years on average.
Statistics that I've compiled imply that over 75% of threesomes are two females and one male. Think about it. If the man is usually the instigator; most men want to have sex with more than one woman, so why would they chose another guy who would get to use his woman.
A Swingers International article some time ago stated that the United States had at least 750, 000 couples that "swing" at least once a month. That's a lot of couples. And out of those couples a good 60% were threesomes. Threesomes are an ever-increasing life style because when it works out right it is intense, exciting and safer. Much more so that partner swapping.
Partner swapping is a fast way to divorce. When you change partners and have sex, that most intimate feeling between couples transfers to a new partner, even if for only a short time. Repeat that experience with the same person several times and the bond grows even stronger.
Threesomes on the other hand can build a stronger couple relationship. I say this because a couple can accept a third person into their bed and share the intensity of their relationship with him or her without losing the intimacy between themselves.
How I Got Started:My first threesome was at the age of 19 and I was in the military. I was stationed in Germany and was having the time of my life. Our base was outside a decent sized town and we generally never had to do any field exercises, so got to go into town just about every night.
I struck up a relationship with one of the girls that did the GI bar scene and soon began having regular sex. Her name was Angie and she was a very good-looking girl with dark hair and brown eyes and a wonderful smile.
One of my buddies was much more aggressive with the women than I was and was always talking about getting blowjobs in the park at night, and was always playing one girl against another to force them to go farther and farther out on a limp sexually.
He was my roommate at the time and one night I'd headed back to base early and was in bed and asleep when sometime later I was woken by someone coming in through the window of our room. It turned out to be my roommate and his latest girlfriend.
To make a long story short -- When he found that I was there, he invited me to join them. Apparently he had already discussed a threesome with the girl and she'd agreed in the forlorn hope that he would love her for it.
Looking back I realize how pathetic the situation was but being 19-years-old my hormones wouldn't allow any other response than to accept his most generous offer.
That night was the first time I saw another guy screwing a girl up close, and it was also the first time any other guy saw me hard, and having sex with a woman. At the time I felt awkward and embarrassed, but looking back on the experience the next day I realized it had been more exciting than anything I'd ever done before, and I never forgot it.
After that nightlong fuckfest I was always trying to repeat it. I think that's why I have been in so many three-way relationships since then.
I've been asked to give you some pointers, to share my experience, and that is where we're headed now. I don't think I can justify this type of sexual relationship other than to say that it is one of the most intense sexual experiences you'll ever have.
You know what it's like to have sex with your lover; it is the most intimate act you can perform with another human being, right? Well times 10 that feeling when you're in the right threesome. The keyword of coursed being, "right".
Why Would You Take A Third Person Into Your Sexual Relationship?Remember how your sex was when you first hooked up with your partner? It was intense and satisfying every time. It was a magical time. Many couples accept that over time their sexual union will slacken and eventually become routine.
What if you met a great single guy or girl that you both really liked? What if you asked them into your bed to share your loving relationship? Would there be a new thrill to your sex? Well, would there?
The trick is to know how to ask them to join in and when it's time to move on, how and when to kiss them good-bye. Because if your relationship is to survive unscathed a firm exit strategy has to be agreed on before your even start.
There are many reasons why a couple will invite another in to their relationship and I won't try to guess what yours is. As I've said my reason has always been the excitement, the feeling of freedom in my relationships with women and the extra intensity of the sex.
Who Would Be A Good Candidate To Try Threesomes?In short, you would. If you're reading this article you already must have some interest in trying it out. But before continuing on we need to weed out those who are just fantasizing from those who know they will.
You need to be able to accept the following facts of life about three-ways if you're determined to try it.
Some of the time your mate is going to get used by the opposite sex. Don't expect your lover to only accept their own gender for your sake. You'll end up having to share them with someone who looks a lot like you. And that's a fact.
Disease. There are all kinds. I've survived because I don't sleep around with just anyone. But it is a fear that pervades the whole experience. You should try to go with people you've known for a while, and unfortunately condoms are something that is just a why of life. But there are some really cool condoms (lambskins for example) that make the experience just fine if you're careful.
Bisexuality. Sorry but you'll have to get used to that too. You will now have two lovers, and sometimes one of them will be your same sex. I never could understand the guys who think that their women should take to kissing and fondling each other, but when it was their turn to do something with another guy they ended up like vestal virgins, "Not me! No way!"
Body fluids and excretions. If you get three people on a bed having sex there is bound to be messy stuff that you'll have to taste and feel and rub against. If being human bothers you, you should look for one of those plastic doll thingy-mah-bobs.
If you're not ready to give as much as your spouse then you'll end up in big trouble and shouldn't enter into a threesome. (Unless it is for short-term gratification, and that of course would make you a jerk.)
Talk To You Partner First:First you must discuss the three-way concept with your partner. He or she must agree to an experimental lesion. If you're dumb enough to spring it on them your relationship is headed for the rocks fast.
I suggest bring the subject up first during foreplay. Once your partner is obviously aroused tell him or her that you have this reoccurring fantasy about sharing. It can be right out of the blue and can even increase the sexual experience just by talking about it. You might want to pick someone for your "fantasy" you know your partner likes, a TV personality or movie star, or the hot neighbor next-door.
If your partner is generally uptight about sharing his or her body with a third person, my suggestion is to bring your "fantasy" up most times as part of your foreplay. Many partners must be talked into to joining in, this is because most of us have learned from an early age that our Judeo-Christian society frowns on people who have sex with more than one person at a time, and that it is perverted and wrong.
You'll find though, that your partner, over time, will become used to your "fantasy foreplay" and will begin to fantasize on their own about a co-worker or a neighbor, or movie star during your fantasy foreplay. The cool thing about this approach is that they will begin to share their fantasies with you so you will be able to gauge when to take the next step.
All of the above is obvious manipulation of your partner. There is no other way to put it. But if sexual experimentation is important enough to you, you'll just have to stoop to it this once. Once your partner is onboard, the fun can begin and you can be as straightforward as you want.
A NOTE CAUTION: Please keep in mind just because you want a threesome to happen doesn't mean that your partner ever will. Some people will never want to participate in something so sexually bazaar and no matter how much you urge them on, nothing will change their mind.
How To Get Started:Once you and your partner are on the same page it's time to decide with who and how to go about inviting another person into your relationship.
As far as a third party goes, I usually look for a middle-aged man or woman who has been in a long-term monogamous relationship and has recently become single. Middle-aged people (40-55) are perfect for a threesome with a younger couple, they are usually still sexually healthy, and they haven't been playing around during the AIDS ridden era and are usually lonely and very grateful when a younger couple takes them into their bed.
I'm not suggesting that is the only way to go. I have had many three-ways with people my own age and even younger than me, it's just the easiest way to get started with a more willing and pliable third partner.
When broaching the subject with a potential candidate the best results will be achieved when the man brings the subject up with the male candidate and likewise the woman talks to the female candidate. The reasons for this are different but important.
If a man approaches a woman, the woman will think he's coming-on to her behind his partner's back. Even if the man discusses a threesome with his partner sitting beside him, the female candidate will most likely be too embarrassed to speak freely.
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Not by us but too good not to share: Enjoy xxThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to Theater SexCopyright © 2003 The Thinking HorndogPursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. Reproduction for profit is forbidden. Any distribution must include this note and the author's email address. Don’t be caught attempting to make a buck off me!Warnings and disclaimers:This is adult entertainment! Be warned! If you’re not into graphic...
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Guide DogTheir time at fare was had come to an end, as it was for many of the other patrons and stall holders. In all directions there were people closing up stalls and attractions, putting their wares away for another day. On and around the stage was another matter, long gone were the lectures and competitions, making way for a DJ and dancers warming up for a long night of entertainment. The grass field once filled with relaxed people enjoying a sunny afternoon, now filling quickly with an...
HOW TO FIST OR PLAY LARGE, ANALLYI get asked quite often how to “stretch” or train oneself to take larger toys and fists. I normally say the boiled down, simplified version of… “It is just a matter of relaxation, muscle control, plenty of lube, along with time and determination, and caution to do it right, at your body’s own pace.” This is the unabridged and detailed description that I have compiled from several sources over the years, so that I could have it in one place.Putting things in your...
To be obvious: this isn’t a story, but a guide to the series. Since the series covers 24 episodes, I thought this list would help in keeping track of the major characters, especially their descriptions and basic history. It may not be comprehensive guide, but I hope it’s helpful. If there’s something that should be here and isn’t, please let me know, I would be happy to improve this guide to serve its purpose better even though the series is concluded. I’ve learned in the course of my life...
We at the Incest Institute have conducted over 1700 interviews with individuals who have either attempted or experienced consensual incest. With this data we have made progress toward the understanding of how successful incestuous sex can occur. Our mission is to simply gather and share knowledge of this rare and fascinating aspect of humanity and we would now like to offer a brief and basic outline of strategies for those who seek it out. First Threshold: The Idea If having a...
Times change, but some things should go on forever. In its day Uncle Al and Screw Magazine were the best source of information for the city. There were other underground papers but none got to the nitty gritty like that little tabloid. At a cost of two bucks it was a wealth of information on the sub-rosa life of the city. Some time in the past I discovered and became fascinated by Transexuals and Shemales. Looked at the few 8MM loops that were available, bought some of the color XXX...
SRU: The Good Wifes Guide. by Darkside --------------------------- This contains actual extracts from a Home Economics textbook printed in the early 60s. It did the rounds at work a while ago and it just begged to have a story written around it. This is my one and only sojourn into the 'Spell R Us' universe. So I hope you all like it. As an experiment, I've deliberately left much to the imagination. This is more of a covert TG story than most. At was also an experiment in that I...
This issue dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and Prosper! Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of... "The TV Guide" You Are Not The Only One To Get Shifted! When the Great Switch happened, and almost all people all over the world were suddenly thrust into the bodies of random other people, everyone - including those of us here at TV Guide - were too busy adjusting to new bodies and the great mess that followed to do...
There are some advantages in holidaying alone. Choosing ones’ own walking pace; destination undetermined; the option to embrace an opportunity should one present itself. It was under those circumstances that I chanced upon the camp. Distracted from the narrow meandering pathway that wound its’ way through the old forest, I ventured stealthily through the close trees in the direction of the girls’ laughing voices. Concealing myself amongst the dense undergrowth at the edge of the...
Foreword: When talking about oral sex most men automatically think first about fellatio, blow jobs etc. and only later on maybe about cunnilingus or eating pussy. It is such a common male attitude and unfortunately as well a widespread image in magazines, films and groups/communities on the net. A picture of a naked girl on her knees sucking a guy’s cock doesn’t raise an eyebrow anymore, but a naked guy on his knees eating out a girl always stirs the emotions, especially when the girl is still...
by anon y mouse Apologies dear readers for the lack of sex in part 1 that was the sce setter for this part of the trilogy. Milly and Julie had met on the corner of Richard’s street and were walking up to his house. A lady who Milly had cleared some leaves for called out to her. “Young Miss” she shouted “Young miss hold up there please?” Startled Milly turned round and recognised her. “Mrs Anderson, good morning?” “Morning dear” The woman replied “I was wondering if I...
Ever since I was young I always wanted to take a trip to Saudi Arabia. The middle-east always fascinated me. I took a plane to Saudi and met my tour guide at the airport. I had no prior knowledge of who my tour guide was to be but my expectations were of a man with considerable knowledge of the land. As I walked out of the plane I saw one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. She wore a black jilbab with a black hijab and black sunglasses. She had fair skin and nice lips. To my luck she...
Ever since I was young I always wanted to take a trip to Saudi Arabia. The middle-east always fascinated me. I took a plane to Saudi and met my tour guide at the airport. I had no prior knowledge of who my tour guide was to be but my expectations were of a man with considerable knowledge of the land. As I walked out of the plane I saw one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. She wore a black jilbab with a black hijab and black sunglasses. She had fair skin and nice lips. To my luck she...
The "How To Give Oral" Guide Tasha, Honey, you can not have it both ways. You want to be a "sissy" dress in sexy silky lingerie and skirts, tops and dresses, but you do not want to have to pleasure your men. Is that right? "Stephanie, I really like to wear my sexy lingerie and dresses and feel like a woman. But I do not want to let a man put his cock up my ass and I do not want to suck his dick" "Well, Tasha, you are a 'sissy' now and you need to learn how to pleasure your men....
Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...