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Jeanette Brennan thought "post partum depression" was a damn patronizing concept. "Post partum exhaustion" had been more like it. Her husband Bob had done what he could; but he was teaching a full schedule, and breast-feeding isn't a task that can be shared. They took to going to bed at nine p.m. so that each of them would get something like six hours of sleep during the next ten.

The tide finally turned, however. Her baby -- The Kitten -- decided that it was possible to sleep without light coming in the windows and to entertain herself without a parent in attendance. She remained on demand feeding, but the demand was becoming more predictable.

Bob rose at seven; if The Kitten didn't wake herself before he left at eight thirty, he changed her and brought her in for a feeding anyway. Similarly, if she seemed likely to wake shortly after their bedtime, they woke her before then.

Given a little sleep, Jeanette's body had completed most of the recovery from multiple traumas, and the metabolic adjustment to milk production was complete.

She began by catching up on the housework which Bob thought that he had done. But years of secretarial work had raised her standards of efficiency while they had lowered her house- pride.

The day came when the windows were open, the diaper bag was awaiting the driver, she and The Kitten had both eaten, and there wasn't a household task until time to prepare dinner. She turned on her computer and corrected the translation which she had stopped in mid-stream two months before. She saved her work when The Kitten cried. Her breasts agreed with her baby, it was time for some nursing.

If not quite so infatuated with The Kitten as Bob, who had been known to go into verbal ecstasies over the baby's kicking her legs, Jeanette found many of her daughter's habits adorable. Perhaps the most endearing occurred during nursing. The Kitten would stop every few sips to look up at Jeanette's face as if to say "Thank-you, Mom."

At first Jeanette had responded with only a silly grin, or a "Pretty baby" or "You're welcome." Over time, however, she'd fallen into the pattern of sharing her thoughts whenever Catherine looked at her. Even in the dark, she'd start talking when the sucking paused, and stop when the sucking resumed. Sometimes that produced coherent sentences with long hiatuses. More often the thoughts went on while the speech was suspended; an eavesdropper would have been reminded of listening to a radio with an erratic connection.

Now she decided that she would speak French to her daughter, at least when they were alone. Maybe The Kitten would understand "Dorme!" better than "Go to sleep." She could hardly understand it less well.

She was as tired as ever that night, but over the next week and a half she learned to pace herself. A little talk or a toy dangled in front of her face kept The Kitten interested and awake for longer periods of the day, which kept her asleep for longer periods of the night.

The Kitten didn't like afternoons or the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Jeanette figured out a way to nurse her in the sling while vacuuming in the morning. The baby adjusted. Jeanette learned to share the afternoon naps. Once a day, she turned on the cranky old shortwave before taking The Kitten to the rocker. Radio France Internationale filled her mind while her baby drained her body. When The Kitten looked up at her, she summarized what the announcer was saying.

Jeanette decided to be sure of her new capacities before telling her husband about them. Bob, teaching the last two weeks of summer school, had his own overload. It was a time for her to think again about their relationship, though.

In the first year of their marriage, Bob had seduced her. The word was accurate. Patiently, tenaciously, deviously, he had discovered or created a sensuality in her that she hadn't known in the previous nineteen years. She, in turn, had discovered a tiger caged somewhere deep within the scholar and punster whom she had married.

Pregnancy had rather spoiled both. From her fourth month on, she had been afraid of freeing the tiger. What had been Bob's techniques of extending their sensuality had become makeshift replacements for real intercourse during the pregnancy. When the makeshifts were no longer necessary, she and Bob had been happy to abandon them.

Bob had comforted her when she thought that she would never be a mother; he had cherished her through mood swings and nausea; he tried to do his part of caring for the baby and the household. She knew what he wanted, and she had enjoyed it too. He deserved to have it. As for her, she wanted her tiger.

As she laid her plans, she included Bob's other appetite. On Friday she put a napping Kitten into the Snuggli and visited the corner grocery.

Whether Bob Brennan were remarkably unperceptive or not is a matter of one's priorities. Frazzled as he was, he enjoyed the taste and feel of his wife's lips and tongue during his welcome- home kiss. He appreciated the spring of her hips under his hands. He noticed that she didn't need to be comforted with a chaste hug after the kiss, and even that it had been days since she had. That thought brightened his outlook. Willing as he was to hug away Jeanette's depression, he much preferred to see her happy.

He didn't notice that she was wearing an office dress or that the dining room table was set.

"Love you," he said.

"I love you, too. Now go look at your daughter while I finish up." Ten minutes later, she called him to dinner.

"I can't," he called back. "I'm trapped."

"Goofus!" she said as she removed his little finger from The Kitten's tiny grasp. "She's asleep. Let's eat while we can."

"Isn't she the cutest baby in the whole world?" Bob asked once again.

"Yep. But it is possible that we are prejudiced."

"Objective reality," said Bob. Then, when he saw the meal on the table: "When did you get corn on the cob?"

"Today," she answered in conscious parody of his style. But he was too taken by her cooking to mind.

"And the dining room. And spare ribs. What's the occasion?"

"Last day of class; we are proud parents; sun is shining; I'm glad I married you. One of those."

"You didn't have any choice about marrying me. I cleverly monopolized your time through three years of high school until all the desirable boys were taken."

"Say grace."

"Grace," Bob said, as she knew he would; but then: "Almighty Father, We thank you for the food that is before us, the baby that you have given us, and the wonderful wife that you have given me. Amen."

Jeanette's "Amen" was the last word that was spoken for the next ten minutes. Then Jeanette brought up current events. Once the staple of their dinner conversations, this had been abandoned five months before. Bob raised his eyebrows but dealt with Jeanette's issues, mostly he just asked what she had heard. He resolved to catch up on Newsweek.

They were still talking when the baby cried. "I'll get her this time," Jeanette said. "You get the dishes." Bob washed and dried the dishes before settling down to write the tests for the summer classes. "Your turn," Jeanette said sometime later. He changed The Kitten and returned to work. When he saved his text and turned off the computer, Jeanette and The Kitten were playing. "Ta tette," Jeanette was saying, touching the proper place, "ton bras, ton coude, ta main. Veux-tu jouer avec papa jusqu'a tu as faim?"

"'Jouer, ' indeed," Bob responded. "Maman wants your diaper changed before she feeds you." His tone, however, was adoring. He took over the game. "This is Catherine's nose, this is Catherine's finger, this is Catherine's knee."

When he brought a recently-diapered Catherine into the bedroom, Jeanette turned to her side and placed the baby's mouth on her breast. Barely noticing that the car seat was by the head of the bed, Bob gazed at his family with adoration, and a tiny tinge of lust.

"Your lecherous papa is staring at us like a voyeur," Jeanette told The Kitten. "Are we going to exhibit ourselves to a totally clothed audience when you're wearing only a diaper, and I haven't a stitch on under this sheet?" She cocked her head toward the small one at her breast. "She says that you'll have to strip if you want to stay."

"Tell her not to talk with her mouth full," replied Bob. "I didn't hear a word that she said." But he was already stripping. " ... haven't a stitch on under this sheet," sounded much more arousing than "covered from the waist down by a sheet" would have. By the time he crawled carefully over to the far side of the bed, he was stiffening.

"I told you that Papa was lecherous," Jeanette confided in her totally oblivious daughter. "I bet he is wishes that he were in your position."

"I certainly do."

"Well, that's taken. You'll have to find somewhere else."

Bob took that challenge. He started with Jeanette's hand and kissed each knuckle. He traveled up her arm in slow stages heading for her neck. Kisses there brought quite satisfactory shivers. Then he licked the back of her ear.

Jeanette forced herself to wait while Bob kissed a path downward at his own slow pace. When he reached her hip she parted her legs. When he started kissing the insides of her thighs, she threw off the sheet so she could watch him. Soon his head was pillowed on her left thigh, his body sprawled behind her, and his lips inches from her lower ones. She could see his eyes, but they were focused on her mound.

Bob was already hard before he inhaled the wonderful odor that told him that he was desired as well as desirous. He expected her to stop him and call him back up, but he was going to enjoy this while he could. Parting Jeanette's outer lips with his fingers, he found her wetter than she had been in months. One lick along the crinkly line of the joined inner lips brought him the heady taste of his love. He tried to ignore his throbbing erection and keep his licks gentle. After parting her inner lips, he looked up along Jeanette's body.

Jeanette had watched Bob's head while she felt his lips and tongue. Their eyes locked just as his tongue touched her core. Love poured out of her through that connection as warmth flooded up her abdomen. The Kitten, first hunger sated, was playing with her nipples and only occasionally sucking hard. Bob alternated licking her inner lips and blowing across them. Borne on these erotic sensations, she floated away from her cares and plans.

Perversely, the gradual realization that she wasn't going to stop him this time hardened Bob until he wanted to be inside right then. Staring into her love-filled eyes, he willed himself to concentrate on her feelings. When she finally looked elsewhere, he noted the tightening of her belly muscles. Her unused nipple seemed less prominent than before, but it was still dark red. He licked up toward her clitoris, hard on the way there -- gently when he was near. He saw more tension. He blew a warm, gentle stream of air across the top of her labia. She shivered. He licked gently until her face took on a look of worry. Then he sucked in the entire front portion of her lips. She tensed even more and looked as if she were in agony. Even when her thighs closed about his head, he continued licking and sucking. He was rewarded with distinct tremors through her body and moans that reached his ears despite the thighs pressed against them.

Jeanette felt every individual sensations from breast and vulva warm her entire body. Then she felt only the heat. It pulsed, burning within her. Then she was the pulsing flames. She cried out in time with the pulses. Then she was gone, and there was only the flames.

Then there was nothing, nothing at all.

When the trembling stopped, Bob felt the tension go out of the legs squeezing him. Although the weight was still a discomfort, he didn't move. Having had that close-up view of Jeanette's orgasm filled him with awe. He felt that a crick in his neck or a sore ear was a minor price for the privilege and feared that mentioning them might lessen the frequency of his chances. When Jeanette raised her right leg, however, he moved quickly. Experience had taught him that she wanted a little cuddle right now.

And cuddle they did.

The Kitten, whose first nine months of existence had -- after all -- included a lot more motion than her last one, no longer objected to a little shaking while she was being fed. She fell asleep with her father's hand, as well as he mother's arm, on her. "Bob," Jeanette whispered, "her car seat is on the floor by the head of the bed, do you think that you could put her in it."

"Sure," Bob whispered back. He was vaguely aware that The Kitten, once she had decided to sleep, would sleep through a rock concert. The occasion seemed to call for whispering anyway.

He doused the light and reached for the little box before returning to bed. They resumed the cuddle, but Bob's hands strayed. He made space for Jeanette to roll over on her back, then came forward again so that he could kiss her. There was another break while he rolled on the condom.

"Love you," he said.

"Love you. Want you," she replied.

Positioned between her legs, he kissed each breast once before moving forward. He found the spot and slid inside. "Stop," she said when he was fully sheathed. It took an effort, but he stopped. She wrapped her arms about his chest and her legs about his hips. "Now," she said. The multiple sensations in this position more than compensated for the restricted movement. Clasped in every way possible, he stroked in her slick softness.

Jeanette was filled with her lover and sheltered by him. She hugged him and guided him. She luxuriated in the slow motions across her sensitized breasts, against her swollen labia, and deep within her. Then the particular sensations merged into one glorious whole.

Bob felt her stiffen beneath him and tighten around him. Then all he felt was his own throbbing ejaculation.

Jeanette felt Bob drive into her. She heard him grunt. He shivered above her and throbbed within her. That brought her to her own culmination.

They lay panting for a bit until Bob gathered enough energy to clasp the end of the rubber and pull out. Then they rearranged the sheets and cuddled in a spoon. "Love you," he said.

"Love," she murmured back.

Minutes later they were asleep. Hours later The Kitten woke them.

Bob usually avoided the laundromat on Saturdays, but having put it off until after the last class he had little choice. He packed three weeks back copies of Newsweek, since they were discussing current events again. Jeanette napped while he was gone, figuring that he would appreciate a rested lover more than a neater house.

After discussing the world at dinner, they got around to their own day. "I felt like a wuss," Bob said, "taking the car the three blocks to the laundromat." Bob's standards for being in shape came from summers as a road construction worker in his late teens. "The laundry is heavier these days, though, despite the diaper service."

"It is remarkable how The Kitten goes through clothes, seeing as I often keep her in just a diaper."

Bob laughed. "God, but I'm glad that I married you," he said through his chuckles.

"Me too." They had time for a long kiss and a light hug before Bob started the dishes. Then he checked out the tests that he had written the night before. The first was too long, the second too short; both needed to be balanced on periods and type of question. Bob had long ago found write-and-rewrite faster and more effective than write-carefully-once.

The Kitten awoke while he was at the computer. He broke to change her sopping diaper -- he often marveled at how the kidneys in Catherine's tiny body could process such a huge volume of water -- and deliver her to her mother. He had work to do and not an excuse in the world to stay and watch the two of them in the rocker. But pictures of Jeanette's bare breasts with the Kitten sucking on one interfered with his work for the rest of the evening.

Jeanette was similarly distracted. The thoughts that she shared with her daughter were all about "ton papa," "le tigre," "librai," "feroce," and even "seduirai."

The thoughts that she kept to herself were much more explicit. She decided that she would encourage Bob to take her through one climax orally. That was teasing all by itself, and her plans might not allow her to have an orgasm while he was inside. She would delay him even after that until he was really desperate. Then she would hold his phallus, maybe apply the condom herself, at least guide him inside. Finally she would touch behind his scrotum when he began moving quickly. She appreciated her gentle, caring, scholar; really she did. But it was time for a change.

She wouldn't have a husband for a while; she would have a tiger. And he wouldn't have a climax; he would have an explosion. "Ton pauvre pere," she whispered to her daughter who had finally let the nipple escape her lips. "Il ne soupcone rien." And then it was time for another kind of change.

"I," she told the unsuspecting father after she had laid the baby down, "need a shower. Your daughter is a sloppy eater." She was expecting, indeed inciting, a response about "your daughter." Bob disappointed her.

He had other things on his mind. He could picture in exquisite detail the area that Catherine had got "sloppy." Rather than repelled by the slobber, he was attracted by the long, erect, nipple. The word, "shower," evoked images of a totally bare Jeanette under cascades of water. He could see, much more clearly than the screen before him, the stream running down her belly and soaking the furry mound before concentrating between her thighs. Jeanette had a habit, perfectly innocent and quite practical, of parting her legs and thrusting that mound forward into the shower's path when she wanted to rinse that area. This memory evoked other memories of similar motions responding to his thrusts.

"Y'know," he said "I always feel grungy after working in the hot laundromat. I should shower, too."

"Do you want to go first?"


"Bob!" Jeanette said two minutes later.

"You asked if I wanted to go first; I didn't." She looked as sexy as he had imagined, even sexier a moment later when she started laughing. Giggles always shook her breasts enticingly.

Jeanette thought fast. She had created an elaborate scenario for evoking her tiger. She knew that her considerate husband would back off if she told him that she had their evening planned. There were drawbacks, however.

"Do you want me to wash your back?" he asked.

"Would be nice. I've already washed my front."

"You know, we can't be too careful of the cleanliness of anything which is going into the mouth of a tiny baby."

Jeanette was not impressed. Blankets, stuffed animals, and her own toes went into that baby's mouth. "You mean that we shouldn't allow any other mouth to leave its germs on such things?"

"Well ... we don't want to be fanatical about hygiene. I'll do your back." But he also did her legs, starting at her feet and moving up her thighs. She decided to put her scenario on hold. Backing off was a poor start for a tiger, and there was a certain charm to being the pursued.

Bob moved the washcloth up Jeanette's left thigh until she stopped him. He began again at her right foot and washed up her leg. This time she didn't stop him. He soaped her delta with elaborate care.

"I had already washed there," she said.

"Then we have to rinse it twice." This took so long that the hot water began to run out. Bob hurriedly washed while Jeanette stepped out. He was shivering when she met him with a towel.

"Sorry," she said. She began to dry him vigorously.

"Hardly your fault."

"I was thinking that a cold shower would be appropriate. But," she said as her brisk rubbing with the terry cloth skirted his erection. "it didn't seem to work."

"Worked fine. I wanted to dry you."

"Still can." He took the towel that she handed him and patted softly at what dampness remained.

"The cold shower worked. I was absolutely, totally, cured of any concupiscence by the shower. Then I stepped out and found the most arousing girl in the state of Michigan (as well as in the state of nature). A saint, a statue of a saint, would have responded as I did." Jeanette took down her robe while he was spinning this blarney. "Uh, that robe looks heavy, do you want me to carry it for you?"

Jeanette laughed, but she didn't put the robe on for the short trip to the bedroom. She also rolled her hips exaggeratedly. Bob actually considered her normal walk sexier, but the explicit invitation thrilled him.

Their kiss in the bedroom was entirely different from the friendly calm of the one at the end of supper. They stood naked, with his leg between hers pressing her well-washed mound. Meanwhile their tongues dueled, and played tag, and tasted each other.

He broke that kiss to cover her cheek with tiny pecks. When he reached her breasts, he kissed an elaborate pattern all over the smooth skin without touching her nipples. He knelt to continue lower.

Her arousal had begun, not in the shower, but in the rocker as she plotted his seduction while nursing baby Catherine. Most of the evidence had been washed away, and her abdomen was devoid of taste as he kissed and licked there. As he approached the twice-washed hair, however, he detected the maddening scent of absolutely fresh arousal. He grabbed her hips to hold her to him as he pressed his lips against her mound.

Jeanette's legs were beginning to feel very shaky. "Bed," she said.

"Rocker?" he responded.

"Man has lovely ideas," she thought but only said "rocker." It took a minute for Bob to fetch the Trojan and sit in the rocker. Then she sat on his knees while watching him roll the rubber onto his erect phallus. "Looks easy," she said. "Bet I could do that." He hissed at the thought, and she giggled. She leaned forward so they could share a long, teasing, kiss while he parted her labia and stroked between.

But she was beyond any need for foreplay. She moved forward and settled over the wrapped erection. "Slowly," warned Bob even though this position never produced deep penetration. And she did move slowly, sinking down, impaling herself on her husband. Finally, when she was resting completely on him, Bob started the chair rocking.

Bob felt her touching him, guiding him inside, engulfing him. Surrounded by the smooth, slick, softness, he gripped her hips before starting his motion. Every time the chair rocked, her nipples brushed him as he moved within her. His hands left her hips and stroked up her back before caressing her breasts.

"This one," Jeanette said lifting her left breast towards him. He took it in his hand and kissed the tip before sucking it into his mouth. He nursed where his daughter had an hour before. At first, the touch and taste of the nipple were enough. But then, rocking harder, he sucked firmly. It was only a tiny taste of milk, but that taste was so warm and sweet. His phallus swelled within her warmth in anticipation. His hands slid down to her hips again.

Every motion of the rocker was transmitted to Jeanette through motion of Bob's chest on her nipples, his thighs under hers, his groin rubbing across her swollen labia, and his manhood inside her. When he held her breasts, recalling which one had to be preserved for The Kitten's immediate need took all the attention that she could apply. Once Bob's talented tongue and lips were adding to the sensations, her connection to the outside world frayed even faster. The acceleration of the rocking was capped by the sensation of her milk flowing.

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“Don’t leave that mask off for too long, bro! You look so sexy with it on, if you ask me!” Denise told me as she groped me in the shower. “You’re not so bad yourself, sis,” I commented as I rubbed her sweet Inuit ass. “You don’t mind short women, that much is clear,” Denise teased me while poking fun at her own diminutive stature. “Short and sassy!” Elvira told me as she lifted her wig to show none other than Brittany, my latest stepmother. “Brittany?” I nearly fainted, but Candace, who...

4 years ago
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The Crossing part 17

I was an escaped PoW masquerading as a dead woman, and soon I'd be a bride. But as the preparations for my wedding continued, powerful forces all around us were moving against Nazi Germany. THE CROSSING - part 17 by BobH (c) 2016 - 39 - "Following heavy bombing over recent days and a thousand bomber raid last night, the coast of Normandy was invaded by amphibious forces of the western allies shortly after dawn this morning. This is...

2 years ago
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Menage for a Hot Wife

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is the seventh story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

3 years ago
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Quiet Ones

I'm not sure why she's here. Or who even invited her over. Is she even friends with anyone? She being this girl I went to school with, Illiana. I think she's my sister's friend. But, she's not home. She never is when Illiana comes over. Her and my mother are talking about some book she's reading. She has dirty blonde hair, but it's always in some pony tail or bun. She's on the shorter side, 5'3" at most. Thick in all the right places. She's kinda shy. She's only ever said,...

3 years ago
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Oh if only it could happen Part 1

We met online and there was instant chemistry, I could tell immediately that there were going to be no games, we just wanted to get to know each other as well as we could when we were separated by such a long distance.We were both married to great people, it was just so exciting to connect sexually with someone else and to be appreciated physically again.The flirting was fantastic, back and forth, back and forth. Telling each other what we were doing, what we were wearing, how turned on we...

4 years ago
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“Darling, we have a problem,” I said to William, my husband, as we rested after a moderately satisfying lovemaking session. “I feel boxed in. Our marriage, kids, work, house, all have become too small for me. I need to be me.”“Who else do you want you to be? You’re my wife, for god’s sake.”“I am more than just your fucking wife.”“Who else can you be, Norma?”“I don’t like normal, never have, never will.”“I thought you love my cock.”“One cock doesn’t make a summer.”He stood up and swung his long...

1 year ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 15

Benni was surprised when Doyan chose Korba, the family drama queen, to guard the spaceman's back in the corridors. Benni considered protesting the pick but the set features on Doyan's face made it clear that she had made a deliberate choice. Not even trying to pretend that he understood, rubbed his eyelids with impatience and frustration. Taking point guard, Benni led the little group out into the hallways of Level Eight. Already Benni could see small changes resulting from the embargo....

3 years ago
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Anything You Desire

I knew that I should have left the house sooner but didn’t count on my neighbor, Tina , stopping by for a ‘short visit.’ She just kept talking, no matter how many times I told her that I had to go! Now I’m stuck in traffic on the highway and I don’t want to miss your train. You’ve been away on business for months and I can’t be late! I am gripping the wheel frantically, as my fingernails dig into my palms, ‘Damn the luck! Damn you, Tina,’ I curse under my breath. Finally, traffic is moving...

1 year ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 11

NATALIE (Friday 11/25) Fortunately, I was awake enough to take a shower -- and I needed it. I'd never been inside a whorehouse, but I probably smelled like one. My pants were wet all the way through to my ass -- I bet Bob would like the present I left him all over the seat of his truck! My boobs were so sensitive I could barely wash them; just the water running over them got my nipples crinkling again -- Jaysus, would I ever turn off? Somehow I managed to wash most of the smell off,...

2 years ago
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Hard Hal in Bermuda

Hard Hal in Bermuda By Pamela ([email protected]) "Oh my God Hal, not more lingerie!" Debbie was holding up a pink negligee. Hal winced at his wife's irritated remark. They were sitting next to the modest Christmas tree in their living room as they opened presents. "Every Christmas you buy me some ridiculous negligee or bra or thong or something - all covered in lace - I wear it once to make you happy and then you never see it again. Right? Am I right?" "It's just honey...

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Poker Night

The property in Arlington, Virginia was initially built as a duplex. The double driveway led to two garages separated by stairs leading up to two front doors. Each side had a living room and kitchen. One floor up there were two bedrooms. The builder had owned the vacant lot for twenty years expecting to build a home there. But the lot backed up to a hill that didn’t adapt to a typical Arlington home.Thirty years ago a young lawyer named Malachi Bernstein purchased the duplex expecting to rent...

4 years ago
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GILF sex

I still find it hard to believe that I could find myself in the situation that I'm in. A month ago I was a happily married fifty-two-year-old mother and grandmother who doted on her husband and family and would never in a million years imagine doing anything to put their happiness at risk. Today I am an unfaithful wife who has fallen under the spell of a man young enough to be my grandson who revels in making a cuckold of my unsuspecting husband.It all started about a month ago, when my...

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Game of Mothers

For as long as you can remember, you've been an orphan on the streets of Westeros after your parents died of a plague, or so the wizened old septas who ran the orphanage told you. Small for your age, shy, quiet, and scrawny, you were picked on by other orphaned children growing up, and have sorely regretted the lack of a mother to protect and comfort you. After you grew into adolescence, you were finally able to leave the stifling orphanage and decided to go wherever the wind beckoned, doing...

2 years ago
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Build a Sex Demoness

Thank you for calling IMP INC. We are here to supply all your needs. How may I direct your call? If you know your party's extension please dial it now... Please listen carefully for some of our menu options have changed.

3 years ago
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A Big Mistake

A Big Mistake By MistressD Dec 2019 Bobby is addicted staring at his his female coworkers. He uses it as fuel for his collection of dark sexual fantasies. His coworkers consider him a creepy visual rapist who needs to be taught a lesson. Lately, Bobby has become quite successful at creating fantasies that seem incredibly real and lifelike. A seemingly slight mistake forces Bobby into unknown territory. Rating XXX, [email protected] - - Bobby Mathews is a wimp. To...

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A Wild Friday Night

Introduction: A wife treats her husband to a suprise party, a once in a lifetime type party. I had just come home from work Friday night hoping to spend a quiet evening at home with my wife alone. When I walked into the house I didnt find it empty like usual, instead I found two of the most beautiful women sitting in my living room. Curiously I asked them how they got in and what they were doing in my house. While they pretended not to hear me, they got up and walked toward me without a word...

3 years ago
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Just going to a bar after office

Friday night some of my office mates invited me to have a drink at a nearer bar after work. It had been a very long week, with too much stress; so I accepted.My husband was out of town; so, nobody at home was waiting for me that evening…Once in the bar the conversation centered around work, gossip, promotions and … even more gossip. We danced amongst us with some light flirting until last call. I was seated at one end with Mitch and Pete around me.We were good friends and office mates; but I...

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A Picnic in the Park

It was a beautiful spring day, the kind of day a girl starts to think about wearing her new bikini to show off her hot body for lots of men. I was feeling frisky and thought meeting some new men would be fun. There was a county park near my town where lots of men go to meet up for some good blowjobs and hot encounters. I planned to go there today.My new bikini still had the tags on it and was smelling fresh and new when I pulled it out of the drawer. It was a sexy little silver bikini with a...

1 year ago
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My erotic train journey

Just a bit of information about myself. I'm young and reasonably tall with a modestly sized modestly shaped uncut penis. I am bisexual but I have very few sexual encounters with men. Except for this... I was sitting on an empty train coming back from somewhere in my county. Its the same train I get every week its about 3 hours long and normally very full with all the commuters. I began to read my book. Like most boys my age I wore my trousers low as a sign of being "cool". So I was unaware that...

2 years ago
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Fantasies of Lauras Unwanted Gangbang Part

NOTE: this is a fantasy story, not real. Any relating matters that match to this story is by luck. This is an adult fantasy story, and there will be ****, d**gging, and a depletion of whatever humanity you have left. You have been warned. It was two weeks ago. I finally got the call, the call to start preparations for, 'the ultimate experience'. My buds lent me some cash to get the supplies, you know, rope, handkerchiefs of many lengths, handcuffs. The stuff which Internet BDSM...

1 year ago
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Private Alice Wayne Jessika Night Lesbians Unleashed

Private Specials, Private Babes on Fire 2 has a real treat in store for you today and it comes in the form of a stunning lesbian scene that truly shows why is the best! With her big beautiful natural tits Alice Wayne is the tied up prisoner of Jessika Night as these horny teens show each other the real meaning of pleasure in some hot bondage action. Watch Jessika play with Alice’s busty chest and juicy pussy then get the toys out to show her a real orgasm before Alice returns the...

3 years ago
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Facesit Anal And More With Delhi Hottie

Hi readers, this is Samir from Delhi back again with my another sexcapade. Thank you for your comments, mails, and love. To tell you about this fling, this was my another sex session with a girl who i had met recently. The other day she called me, came to my home and immediately took ou all her clothes and was naked in front of me.she said she was horny and wanted me badly. I got down between her legs without wasting time and began eating her pussy. She has the tastiest and clean pussy. I...

2 years ago
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Wolf Pack

Over the horizon a speck appears. Slowly it's features form, and a speck is transformed into a full sized dust cover van with a jet black paint job. Clouds of dust are thrown into the air as the v-8 roars wide open as it nears. Evey so often a flame is evedent out of the tail pipe resulting from a backfire. The van enters the shabby gravel lot and skids to a stop. With a final back fire the engine is killed. From the van came a fairly large man. A cloud of dust rises when both of his black...

2 years ago
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Alls Well That Ends Well

It has been said that "All is well that ends well" but who is it that determines what is "well"? A case in point: I find out that my wife is an unfaithful whore and I toss her out on her ass and I'm rid of her. It ended well for me right? Then how come I'm so fucking miserable? It started six months ago when I married my secretary. Hillary was hired by my dick. The day she came in for her interview and walked into my office my brains shot right down into the head of my cock and it said,...

4 years ago
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Eye of the Demon

Perik crouched behind a bush, shivering with mingled impatience and fear. Out in the clearing something waited, yet she had to go that way. Go that way, and soon! She whimpered, muzzle low to the ground as she peered through bluish-green foliage. A sheer cliff rose to her right, and on her other side the swamp crowded close. The clearing was her only path to her cubs, and it was blocked. Amy looked out of place in her neatly pressed lab smock. Her blond hair and clear blue eyes called for a...

1 year ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 6

I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn’t stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can’t remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she’d used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...

3 years ago
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Reunion With My College Hottie

Hello ISS readers, I am here with yet another story this one is about my college hottie Seema who I met 10 years after we finished college. Seema my blast from past, I had a huge crush on her during my MBA days, she was fit to be a hot supermodel standing 5’6” tall with an hourglass figure & perfect curves at correct places, her blue eyes used to shrink when she smiled forming the cutest dimples on her fair cheeks. I still remember during our last of our college days we all were clubbing when...

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Debbys Deep DesiresChapter 4

The leftovers of their homemade pizza and drinks were on the coffee table while Steve cuddled with Mandi, his daughter’s fourteen-year-old best friend. The man’s cock had been hard in his boxer briefs nearly the whole time since the girl’s mother had stopped by briefly a couple hours earlier. He knew Karen, Mandi’s thirty-year-old mother, had spotted his rock-hard bulge, yet she said nothing except to see if it was okay if the girl could spend the whole night at his house. Steve figured...

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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 16

Jamie took a long pull on her beer, emptying it. Seeing John’s was empty also, she grabbed his empty beer bottle and dumped them both in the trash. She walked the few steps to the ice chest, bent at the waist and fished out two more beers. Jamie noticed the gallon jug of homemade brandy their campground neighbors had given them. She took it out and sat it on the small table next to the plastic cups. Jamie struggled but managed to pull the cork out of the tightly sealed bottle. She splashed...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Aila Donovan 04062021

Elias had heard his stepmom was taking art classes at the local junior college but he did not expect to come home and find a big huge naked black man modeling for her in the living room. Shocked that she would be doing this with his father at work, Elias is even more astonished by the massive cock this Jax guy has. It’s fucking huge. Not only is he repulsed and mortified by the obscenely big penis pictures she is sketching, she has the nerve to ask if she could see the cock harder. Can...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Katie Kush Filthy Doll8217s Anal Show

Dirty blonde baddie Katie Kush loves nasty butt sex. The filthy fuck doll kicks things off with a sassy intro, looking lush in glamorous lingerie. She performs a sexy strip show, and she masturbates for the camera. Veteran stud Michael Stefano shows her the charm of playing with an experienced man. He subjects Katie to a nasty face fuck. The drooling doll makes lewd sounds as she gives a blowjob, and she moans when Michael stuffs his big cock into her young cunt hole. Katie’s cooch cream...

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BBW Highway

I voyaged the BBW Highway all morning, and boy, are my arms tired. My keyboard’s also an absolute mess of lube, so forgive me if you find any typos below. It’s hard to type when everything’s so slippery, and it’s frankly a little hard to even think after getting my fill of fat horny chicks. But, you know what they say: the bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin’!BBW porn isn’t the right fap fodder for anybody, but most mainstream porn isn’t suitable for the average chubby chaser. On most...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Martha our shy nieighbor

My sweet wife had left me alone that whole week; she had gone nursing her niece Patricia to a not so far town from us.Friday night I was getting bored at home after having a light supper; so I called Ana and asked her for any suggestion to do by myself. My naughty wife laughed in the phone and she said I had two choices: I could jerk myself inside the bathroom or I could go to a stripper club to watch some naked bitches; but I should not touch, just look and suffer with my cock aching inside of...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Guy

The door crashed open and at practically the same time, all three of us squeezed our way in through the door way. I was drunk. The difference between every other time and this specific time, was that this was the first time I was not only twenty-one, but went out with a group of my friends dancing. Did I mention we had a blast? It was 3:34 in the morning. I was lucky my best friend was allowing me to sleep over because a cab to my own house would have been absurd money. She had told me earlier...

2 years ago
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Swim Coach chapter 4

At practice the next Tuesday Sally told us that the next meet was the biggest one before the state championships and that we would be swimming against the two best teams in the northern half of the state. Our performances at the meet would be used as qualifying times for the state meet and a poor performance could mean a poor seed or even the possibility of not qualifying for a race. Beth squeezed my hand as we listened to Sally, and then to Matt discuss the week’s training schedule and...

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Fuck Buddy

I hated him. I hated him. I hated how good he fucked me. I hated how good his cock filled my holes. I hated how hard he could make me cum. I hated how much I loved the way he treated me. I fucking hated him.But I couldn't resist him. I did what he said, when he said, where he said. He was my weak spot, my curse.This time was no different than the others. He simply texted me "15 minutes whore". I know what that meant. He would be here in 15 minutes and fuck me senseless. He didn't care what I am...

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The Neighbors in 3BChapter 8

Tuesday and Wednesday flew by quickly for some reason. I didn't do anything special, although I did manage to spend a lot of time on the phone trying to renew my contacts with some of my former university classmates. Most were surprised to hear from me, out of the blue as it were, and, to be truthful, a fair percentage that I contacted were unable to remember me at all. Of the ones who could place me, and who seemed happy that I'd taken the initiative to get back in touch, they'd both quit...

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A bit of Posh

Right then… in my ‘pretty woman I am not’ post I mentioned 2 other ‘gentlemen callers’ that had recently made my acquaintance. Well in this entry I am going to fill you all in on the second one. As with the first, my inspiration for nicknames has for some reason or another vanished, and as he already said he really didn’t want to be called ‘cutting-in’ (suggested for a couple of reasons… all of which clever I thought) I needed to go back to the ‘sex-inspired’ drawing board. I kind of had the...

3 years ago
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The Mrs Hollingsworth Project part VI

"The 'Mrs. Hollingsworth' Project" (part VI) Another two months went by with Tim living in Ms. Lawrence's apartment. The lessons continued. She now had him dressing fully every day as a proper young lady and in vintage period clothing, and at night sleeping on satin sheets in a similar vintage feminine nightgown. His male clothes had been cleaned and pressed and now hung unused in a garment bag out of sight at the far right side of the closet. Ms. Lawrence continued her...

1 year ago
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The New Exhibitionist

One of the many things I love about my wife is that she is an exhibitionist at heart. That doesn't mean she wanders around the High Street in the nude or that she sheds her clothes off anywhere for every man she meets, although that might be fun. It means that she loves being a bit carefree and daring; stripping off to enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her naked body and the sensation of doing something very naughty. She is a conservative mother of three with what you might call a super...


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