Robot Ponygirls
- 3 years ago
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I found myself driving through another state headed to a business appointment. An area I wasn't really familiar with. Since I hadn't been here before, and I had a little extra time to kill, I thought it would be fun to get off the interstate, take some back roads and see a little scenery. Explore a bit of unfamiliar territory. I was passing through the mountains when my rental car started to make straining protesting sounds under the hood.
Just as I was thinking to myself this can't be good, I felt something let go. A huge cloud of steam began billowing from under the hood and I immediately smelled the odor of hot antifreeze. Pulling over, fumbling with the unfamiliar latch, and raising the hood a gust of hissing hot steam forced me back. When the steam had cleared, I looked in to see that the main radiator hose had burst. Exploded is more like it. A huge puddle of iridescent green fluid shimmered under the car. A relatively minor problem as repairs go, an easy fix. Minor if it happens to your car in town. Limp a block to a gas station, no problem.
The only problem was I had passed my last gas station about twenty minutes ago. Not a sign of anything for miles but trees. Heading up a mountain? Out of the question. This car wasn't going another foot. I pulled out the rental contract to find the emergency phone number. Then a frustrating conversation of trying to explain to a call center operator exactly where I was, when I wasn't quite sure myself. About 50 miles between town A and town B.
"Can't you be more specific?" she asked. "What are you near?"
"Trees" I answered, "scenic nature". This wasn't going well. Finally getting assurances that somebody would be along "sometime", I got back in the car to wait. Not five minutes later I hear a vehicle in the distance. The sound got closer and closer until an old SUV passed by. It passed me, slowed and began backing up. Far from being reassured, I rolled up my window, locked the door and started to worry.
The last thing I wanted was a bunch of good old boys out for a day of beer drinking and fishing to see a woman in a stranded car, out of state plates, hood up in the middle of nowhere and decide today was their lucky day. As the Bronco back up and stopped even with me, my stomach unclenched and I breathed a huge sigh of relief to see three woman inside. I rolled my window down as the passenger's window on the Bronco came down. An attractive woman with long dark hair leaned her head out and gave my wounded car a long look.
Looking at me she smiled and said " I think you look like you need a little help about now". Thank God. The last thing I wanted to do was waste the entire afternoon here. If I could just get to the next town, I could work something out with the rental car company, get another car and be back on my way.
"How far is the nearest town?" I asked. "I'd be happy to pay for your gas If you'd give me a lift, that is if it wouldn't take you too far out of your way."
The brunette gave me a long look, then turned and looked at the woman who was driving. The driver shrugged her shoulders, looked at her watch, glanced at me, looked at her companion in the passenger's seat and said "Why not?"
So a minute later I was leaving a note in the car for the tow truck, gathering my things and climbing into the back seat of the faded old SUV.
"I really appreciate this" I told them as I settled in for the ride.
"Hey, it's no problem" the driver told me. "What in the hell are you doing out here anyway?"
"Oh, it's a long story. I'm just really luck you came by" We drove down the road a while, introducing ourselves to one another. The driver was a quiet sort. She appeared a little older than the other two woman. Maybe in her late thirties. Bleached blonde hair (with about two inches of inch of dark roots) pulled back in a ponytail.
The two front seat occupants chatted, played the radio, asked me questions and made general conversation. The woman in the back seat with me was very quiet and pretty much looked out the window. She had one of those really short hair cuts that makes some chicks looks cute and pixie like, and on other women makes them look as butch as Johnny Cash. I decided I wouldn't be at all surprised if my seatmate were to break into a chorus of Folsom Prison Blues any minute.
Just about the time I was wondering what these three could possibly have in common, the driver slowed and made a left turn onto a gravel road. Anticipating the question I was getting ready to ask, the chatty blonde driver turned around and told me that they had been camping at a cabin in a state park, and needed to make a stop there first before taking me on. Hey, I was the one bumming a ride, what could I say. We bumped along about two miles into the woods before stopping at a rustic cabin in a small clearing.
"I need to pick something up, come on in" the brunette told me as she got out.
Following the three of them inside I was getting ready to ask where the bathroom was when the woman who had been driving, the bleach blonde slid up behind me snaked her arm over my shoulder and dropped her hand down until it was resting on my left tit. The three of them looked at me, eyes questioning, but not saying a word. Very surprised, I tried to think of some polite way to tell her I wasn't interested. Now I sure didn't want to screw up my ride, but I didn't really want to play with this chick or either of her two friends for that matter.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give anybody the wrong idea" I started to explain, "but I really don't go that way. I don't mind anybody who does, but I'm just not into it".
"How do you know if you haven't tried?" I heard a low voice right next to my ear.
"No, really..." I started when I felt the hand which had been casually resting on my tit suddenly tighten. Trying to turn away I was stopped by teeth biting down on my ear. She bit down so hard I thought her teeth would go clear through. The grip this bitch had on my tit turned into a vice. She squeezed so hard her knuckles were white. I threw my elbow back into her, connecting with her side just as the other two fell on me. I got a couple of punches and kicks in but remember having my hair grabbed, my head wrenched back, and the brunette, the one who had seemed so friendly and attractive taking a fireplace poker and cracking me across the knee caps with it.
The next second I was down on the floor and my hands were being tied behind me. The three of them tore my clothes off and the blonde seemed especially interested as my tits came spilling out. She grabbed a nipple in each hand, pinched down hard and twisted.
"OOOOOWWWWW Fuckin cunt bitch!" I screamed as the one with the short spiked hair knelt down and put her knee on my neck. She leaned forward, putting more of her weight on that knee pressed into my throat until I thought I would pass out.
"Want to lick my pussy slut?" she asked me as I gasped and struggled. Pulling her knee off, she asked again. "How about shoving your tongue up my pussy you whore?"
Still gasping, I shook my head. She threw her head back and laughed. "Aaaaawww, sissy girl would rather have a cock, wouldn't you?" she teased.
The brunette, who had been sitting on my ankles to keep me from kicking, picked up the fire poker. I was afraid she was going to crack my knees again. They were already swollen and throbbing. Instead she picked the remaining lengths of rope on the floor and selected a piece to her liking. She tightly wrapped several turns of line around my ankle and tied it off. Next she secured the remaining loose ends to the hook of the poker. Taking another length of the line, she repeated the tight loops and knots around my other ankle. Finally pulling my legs wide apart as if I were a wishbone, she hitched that ankle to the other end of the poker securing the rope through the handle.
Sitting back to admire her work, the others laughed and congratulated her. Legs spread wide, no way to get them closed I felt totally exposed and truly worried about what may come next. Lying on my back, my hands tied behind me, I became aware of the numbness and pain that was shooting up all the way to my shoulders. I tried to shift my weight, and begged to be let go.
"What?" The blonde responded. "I don't think so. I like to see those big tits shake and wiggle while you shift around and struggle". I could see that pleading wouldn't work, but my arms were sending shooting pains all the way to my neck at this point. I started to scream at her. Calling them dykes, and worthless cunts. The blonde stood up, took a step back from me, reared her leg back and kicked me in the tit closest to her. I screamed as she kicked it viciously several more times, and came down on the other one with the heel of her hiking boot. Screaming I managed to somehow flop over on my side in a desperate attempt to escape the kicks.
"Oh, you want to turn over? Not comfy?" she yelled at me. "Ok honey, let me help you".
She leaned down and put one hand on my shoulder, the other on the poker and held me firmly in position on my left side. My left tit spread out on the floor. The long haired brunette walked over and stood in front of me. I could see her boots, not hiking boots but the kind with high chunky heels. She casually slid her foot in front of me and raised her heel slightly. Positioning it right over my nipple she lowered her heel down and stood there. Crushed between her heel and the floor my flattened nipple throbbed with pain.
"Why don't we go out in the truck and see what we may have for our Miss Tourist?" she said to her friends laughing. The short haired bitch fished out her keys and went outside. I could hear car doors opening and slamming while I bit my lip and tried to ignore my aching nipple. Suddenly the heel was removed from my tit and my tormenter stepped away and said she was going to the bathroom to take a piss. I kept looking down at my nipple which to my shock was now dark purple.
"No, hold it a second" the blonde called out excitedly. "I have an idea". She let go of me and reached for a cup on the nearby table. It was one of those huge 44 ounce convenience store paper cups. The kind designed to hold more soda than anyone could possibly drink unless it was about 100 degrees outside.
"Do it in this" she winked handing the cup to her friend.
Smiling, giggling the brunette set the cup on the floor in front of my face. She pulled her pants down to her ankles, squatted over the cup and let go.
"Oh wow, I shouldn't have had those couple of beers" she laughed as I watched warm piss gush out of her slit. I could smell it, and feel some misting splashes on my face as it kept flowing out of her. Finally the last couple drops dribbled out.
"Hmmmmmmmm, no fucking toilet paper" she muttered. "Oh my mistake, here it is". She scooted forward and ground her piss soaked pussy and damp dark bush on my hair. She humped it over my hair several times and ended by sliding her cunt across my face. The smell of her piss and pussy covered my face filling my nose with every breath. Just as she was finishing up, the one who had been searching the Bronco emerged through the door carrying an old tool box.
"Damn, I gotta go too" she said. "I almost wasted it outside, but this looks much better". She was wearing shorts and had them down and kicked free in only seconds. Pushing the cup so close to my face I could feel the heat of it's yellow contents, she squatted and let go a long stream. She wiggled her ass about halfway through, causing her hot piss to miss the cup and splash down on the side of my face. When she had finished, she proceeded to wipe her piss dripping pussy on my hair also.
"Hey bitch" she asked me, "I'm going to ask you again. Do you want to lick my pussy? Want to lick it now?"
I turned my face away from her. She reached down, grabbed a handful of my hair and spit in my face. "You'll be fucking begging me for it., and I'll wait for it. I guarantee you'll be crying and pleading to lick my cunt."
Meanwhile the blonde had been rummaging through the tool box from the SUV and cried out excitedly, "This is perfect". In her hand was a plastic funnel. Dirty, smeared with motor oil she held it in front of my face.
"You're going to love this" she promised me. "We need to flop this hog-tied whore over so I can get to her ass" she told her friends. "Let me make her nice and comfortable first".
Fishing back in the metal box again she held up a small plastic tube of carpet tacks. Emptying them out on the cabin floor, in an area about a foot wide or so, she them grabbed me by the shoulder and the hip and rolled me over face down. My hands tied behind me, my tits were crushed under me. Pressed down into that nest of carpet tacks. They had landed in every random order on the floor. Some on their sides, and some points up. I screamed and squirmed as my weight pressed down on them.
I felt hands push the spreading poker hard towards my body. I was being forced as high as I could go on my knees. Face down on the floor, ass way above me pointing straight to the sky. Then I felt a thumb rub against my asshole. "Look at this smooth, puckered little hole" I heard the blonde telling the others. Her thumb rubbed against it for another moment when I felt something cold and foreign. Something greasy and plastic. The next second I felt my asshole invaded and opening as the plastic funnel was forced in. Opening me up, pushing in until the wide mouth was pressed tight against my hole and wedged between my ass cheeks.
Then I felt the warm sensation inside me. The blonde had the giant cup held over my ass, and was pouring the piss into the funnel. She would pour for a few seconds and stop, allowing it to run into me. Then pour some more. My intestines began to fill with the still warm piss. My stomach rolled and growled, she kept pouring. I got the sensation of being filled deeper and deeper, fuller and fuller. My stomach bulged out, it was getting tight and uncomfortable. Sensing how my insides were filling up she kept pausing, allowing the liquid to fill and expand in me. The pressure had become painful by now. And the thought of being filled with their piss humiliating. The urge to just push and let it all go was getting overpowering.
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u.i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up.i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table i...
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Rachel stared in awe at the absolutely huge green tiger that now stood before them. Jade’s powerful shoulders stood five feet above the floor, and the lighter viridian lines that normally accentuated the alien girl’s formidable curves now formed the tiger stripes that covered her powerfully muscular feline form. The other girls laughed with delight at seeing Jade transform into this shape, and they walked over to stroke her soft, dark green fur, while John scratched behind her ears. Jade...
I was shocked. The girls were misbehaving. They were having a pillow fight, while wearing absolutely nothing at all! Their most private areas were completely bare to my disapproving eyes. I am a single, abstemious, middle aged man of bookish and quiet habits. Because I am between jobs, my friends often hire me to baby sit for their children when they are out for the evening. Because they trust me without reservations, I am allowed to punish their children if they misbehave. Fortunately, it was...
As a part of the Gamma Films family, Girl Sway (or is it Girl’s Way? I am not entirely sure…I’m going to just go with Girls Way because I like it better) is one of the production company’s most popular sites, and one of the most popular all lesbian porn paysite providers on the web. Gamma Films is also known for its other premium paysites, such as 21st Sextury, Fantasy Massage, and Pure Taboo., however, has attained, arguably, the best reputation when it comes to all lesbian...
Premium Lesbian Porn Sites// I'd like to use the first chapter as an author's note. Feel free to skip ahead if you don't wanna read this, but I encourage you to at least take a look. First of all, I obviously don't own any of the pictures used, the girl in the cover of this story is @jennalynnmeowri and at the start of the story, all of the girls will be referred to as their Instagram @s Second of all, please do not leave disrespectful comments on any of their photos, and don't take this story too seriously, as it ISN'T...
FetishMeg and Sarah are twin sisters, both are 18 years old and are seniors in high school. Unlike most women, they have both male and female genitals, a fact that is known to everyone at their school. It's early in the morning and Meg woke up with her cock totally hard. She got up and watched the little of her reflection that you could see in the mirror due to the darkness in the room, seeing the girl with long black hair and big breasts. People close to her said she had her mother's body, but her...
BisexualThe Batfamily were the united heroes of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne when he first became the Batman decided he needed help to save Gotham. He brought in Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Eventually Bruce expanded so far, he had four Robins and three Batgirls. ——————- You play as Dick Grayson, the oldest of all the Batfamily and you are assigned to a mission with the three Batgirls
Pokegirls were created long ago by an evil and perverted scientist called Dr. Sukebe as super-soldiers, sexual partners, and servants. However, when he created these Pokegirls, rebellion broke out, and a war began. During this time, people learned that they could make Pokegirls loyal to one person, and soon, this knowledge spread - the ones who made these Pokegirls loyal to him or her was called a Tamer. Now, these Pokegirls are either used as sex slaves, partners, or both. There are female...
"Pokegirls are products of nature's power. They are linked inextricably to the world around them. Tamers, pure blooded people at one point in time - now those who by the age of 16 have not undergone 'Threshold' - have the ability to stop these Pokegirls from reverting to a more animalistic or feral state through the use of heavy endorphin release during orgasm. A culture has grown over the years between these Tamers - to see who has the most beautiful, the most skilled and the most powerful...
Saturday,11:00 am. I was having a shower trying to get rid of a rather nasty hangover when the damn doorbell rang. Loud. Damn near made my head bust. I tried to ignore it but some idiot kept pushing the bell. Shelly, my wife, works Saturdays so I had to answer the damn thing myself. I turned the shower off, grabbed a towel, held it round my waist and stumbled down the stairs, dripping. ?OK, OK. I'm coming.? Every ring set off explosions in my poor head. I opened the door. ?What is it?? A young...
InterracialThis story is intended only for readers who are lawfully certified mature, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and literate. All others fuck off. BiGirls by Vickie Tern i. I sell insurance, industrial, liability, all kinds. I know. But it's a living, if you work at it, and it's a product people need, so they buy it. If they luck out and it turns out they didn't need it they feel cheated. So...
Had gone to Denmark to visit a good friend who moved away from Sweden.For some reason, my horniness steered me to the city of Horsens, south of Aarhus.Come out to the yellow house on Nygade 10th Rang and Manja opened.I had not been with her ??before. But she seemed nice.Manja. She is an adult blonde bimbo, at 35y.o..She is as tall as my 178 cm, but weighs just 63kg distributed on a golden porn star's body.Always with a twinkle in his eyes, full lips that you just wanted to kiss.She has them...
by Fidget RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the...
RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the no-nonsense gait...
Mind ControlRosalind held the crotch of her panties lightly, stroking her swollen clitoris with her middle finger. Her cunt itched, slippery juices seeping and dampening her fiery thick cunt hair and her silky panties. She tightened her butt muscles, pushing her cunt against her hand as a shiver climbed her spine, and the tingling wave of lust stirred from her slightly chubby thighs to her ample, shapely breasts. The 38-year old redhead stared lustily through the door of the canvas tent, which fell just a...
Thursday, June 6th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – South Hill, WA Mary and I exited the Heavenly Creature's Salon, arm's wrapped around each other's waist. "Where's your car?" Mary asked, peering curiously around the parking lot. "I got rid of that P.O.S.," I told her, leading her to my new, silver Mustang. The original owner decided to be an asshole to me, so I swapped cars with him and sent his wife into an orgy to punish him. "Here's my new ride, Mare." Mary raised her eyebrows at...
October was nearing its end, and I was starting to slip. My performance at the mill was getting worse. All I could think about was the Finklestein house, that lesbian coven of weightlifting and murder. Every so often I would see Rachel driving past, and she would laugh. But I hadn’t seen Becky since last Saturday when she almost killed me for endorsing the wrong Fraggle. Sherry and Andy were away again and I was back in the garage. I thought about lifting weights, but when I examined the bar...
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Popular Porn BlogsReddit Real Girls, aka r/RealGirls! When we jerk off to porn, we’re jerking off to a substitute for the real thing – as humans, we mostly want sex and food in this life, everything else is second to those two basic animalistic necessities, so it’s imperative that we eat and fuck as much as we can in this life before we die. Now seeing as how we’ve evolved into a never before-comprehended society with incredible technology and socioeconomic factors which people living 1000s of years ago could...
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Free Porn Download SitesMeh, I'm not looking for "kind girls", but "nude girls"! People tend to get repulsed by all the obscene pornography on the internet. We all know that female nudity may be celebrated in a way that's much more respectful. Matter of fact, seeing all these girls getting stepped on, spit on and fucked roughly has destroyed the way we see girls. Not all women want to get bent over and pounded hard until they can't breathe properly.Rather, most girls really aren't into that, and modern pornography...
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