Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad
- 3 years ago
- 41
- 0
I pulled into the parking lot of Bud’s Bar, shut off the engine and then spent five minutes staring at the wall of the building in front of me as the voices in my head fought it out. One voice was saying:
“Go on in there and get shitfaced” and the other voice was saying “You need to remain calm and be cool about this and you can’t do that if you get drunk out of your mind.” “Bullshit!” said the first voice. “Right now you need to blot it out of your mind and the only way you can do that is kill it with alcohol” and the other voice said, “You can’t make rational decisions if you are bombed out of your mind.”
I finally decided that I needed a drink even if I didn’t get drunk and I walked in and took a stool at the end of the bar. Bob, the bartender, came over to me and asked if I wanted my usual (which was a bottle of PBR) and I told him to bring me the beer and two inches of Jim Beam.
“What’s up Ryan? You never drink whiskey.”
“Got to be a first time for everything Bob.”
He left and a minute later came back with the PBR and a shot glass of JB. I knocked back the JB and chased it with the PBR and then told Bob to bring one more shot of the JB. It went down followed by the beer and I told Bob he could take the shot glass away as I was through with the hard stuff. He brought me another PBR and then I sat there taking sips and peeling the labels off the bottles. I don’t even remember when or why I started peeling labels of the bottles, but it had become a habit and I did it without thinking.
They say that bad things happen in threes and I wondered how often all three happened on the same day. The day started out bright and sunny. My wife woke me with a blowjob and then proceeded to try and fuck me to death.
“I need enough to hold me until you get back” is what she told me.
I had a five o’clock flight to Dallas that afternoon and would be gone for three days. It was a very important trip for me. If I could land the Evan’s account it should be enough to get me the promotion to the regional manager’s slot that would open when Chris Mellon retired. The only other person being considered was Marge Walton, but I had more seniority, more experience and a better sales record. Landing Evans should clinch the job for me.
I spent a very productive day at the office and at three I headed for the airport and the first bad thing. I was passing through the intersection of Clairmont and Dexter when a drunk ran the red light and t-boned me on the passenger’s side. I was shaken up, but luckily I wasn’t hurt. The drunk wasn’t as lucky. He didn’t have his seat belt on and the sudden stop caused him to be thrown forward and his head smashed into something, probably the door post and he was bleeding like a stuck pig when the EMTs reached the scene.
By the time the police were through and my car was towed away it was too late to catch my flight. I called John Heinz at Evans and explained what was going on and rescheduled our meeting for late the next day instead of the early morning meeting we were supposed to have.
I called my insurance and let him know that I would be filing a claim, called the airline and arranged for a set on the first flight out the next morning, and then called a cab to take me to the nearest rental car agency. I drove back to the office to fill my boss in on what was happening. It was after five so all the office help would be gone for the day, but Barry (my boss) would still be there. He never left before six.
I expected the lot to be empty except for Barry’s BMW so I was surprised when I got there and saw that Marge’s Mustang was still there. I let myself in the building and headed up the stairs. Before I reached the top of the stairs I knew what I was going to find. I could hear what was going on. It seemed that Marge was a very loud piece of ass.
I moved up quietly and slowly moved to where I could see what was going on. Barry had Marge bent over his desk and was fucking her from behind. Marge’s sweater was pushed up around her neck, her bra was laying on the floor next to her high heeled shod feet and her skirt was bunched up around her waist. Her tits were hanging down and swaying as Barry pounded into her. Marge was a sexy looking bitch and being a bit of a tit man myself I’d always envied her husband being able to play with those 38DDs.
When she moaned, “That’s it baby fuck my ass, fuck it hard” I went instantly iron bar hard. I’d always wanted to try anal, but my wife had always refused me. The combination of those swaying tits and her moaning for Barry to fuck her ass harder made me pull out my cell, put it on video and start recording. I wanted to pull out my dick and stroke it while I watched, but didn’t dare because it might somehow call attention to me. I just stood there as still as I could and watched, listened and recorded the action.
I need to say up front that I was not taping them for use as blackmail material. The only reason I was videotaping the action was so that I could use it when I was alone in my hotel room. I’d never been unfaithful to my wife, but I did sometimes get horny on my trips and I would find some porn to watch or read while I took matters in hand if you catch my drift. I could see where what I was watching would fuel my fantasies for a long time to come.
Barry hissed, “Here it comes slut” and Marge cried “Fill my ass, fill my ass” and I guess Barry did just that.
Then the second bad thing of the day happened. They stopped fucking and started talking.
“If we are going to keep this up you are going to need to get a sofa bed or a couch in here.”
“Why? It is easier to bang your butt when you are standing and leaning over the desk.”
“Maybe for you, but it is uncomfortable for me. What is it with you and my ass anyway?”
“My wife won’t let me have hers and you seem to like it.”
Marge laughed and said, “Bill (her husband) would kick me out of the house if I didn’t let him pound my pooper at least twice a week. While we are on the subject of you fucking my ass when are you going to announce my promotion to regional manager?”
“As soon as I can find some way to handle Ryan. I can’t afford to lose him.”
“Just tell him the truth. That I’ve got a pussy and a tight ass and he doesn’t. You promised me the job if I would put out for you and I’m holding you to it. Give him a raise and tell him I’ll sweeten the pot by giving him some of my tight ass too.”
Barry laughed and said, “Mr. Straight Arrow? You would stand a better chance of winning the lottery that getting him to cheat on his wife.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I’ve seen the way looks at my girls. I’d bet money that he would like to get up close and personal with them.”
“Don’t be stupid Marge. You can hide us from Bill, but you would be taking a hell of a chance taking on another lover.”
“Not a problem sweetie; as long as we keep it here in the building and don’t start using motels or hotels he’ll never find out.”
I’d seen and heard enough and I very silently got out of the building, got in my car and headed for home and the third bad thing.
I hadn’t even thought about calling home and letting the wife know of the change in plans. I just assumed that she would be at home watching television or curled up on the couch reading a book so imagine my surprise when I turned onto our street just in time to see her get in a car that I didn’t recognize. She slid over, kissed the driver and then moved back over to the passenger side of the seat.
The car pulled away and I followed along behind. I didn’t bother to stay way back since I was in a rental and I doubted that she would be looking over the seat to see what was behind her. I followed them to the Texas Roadhouse and watched them park in the lot. I was surprised when they got out of the car. The guy was Mark Houser and he had been the wife’s steady boyfriend all the way through high school and college. They broke up just before graduation and I never heard the reason why. I heard that he left town to go to some college back east to get an MBA. Wharton I think it was. Word was that he found a job with some big outfit on the east coast. That had been about twelve years ago.
They walked, holding hands, into the Roadhouse. That and the kiss I’d seen when she got in the car added to the fact that I was supposed to be in Dallas told me how the evening was going to end for them. I debated going in here and confronting them, but public scenes were not my thing so I just muttered “Fuck it” to myself and headed for my favorite watering hole.
As I worked on my PBR I went over the happenings of the day and what they meant as far as my life was concerned. My marriage was toast. Didn’t matter to me if that night was just a ‘one off’ as our British cousins would say or the start of an affair. For all I knew it was the continuing of an affair since I had no idea of how long Houser had been back. It could be their hundredth meeting for all I knew. All I knew for sure was that the wife and I were through.
She damned sure knew my mind set when it came to infidelity. My mother had destroyed our family when she cheated on my dad and I had watched my brother and sister both go through divorces because of cheating. My stance, and the wife knew it well, was if you were going to look for someone else to play with at least have the decency to end the marriage first. If you didn’t do that then in my mind you were a worthless cheater and as far as I was concerned no one in their right mind would stay with a cheater.
The accident wasn’t going to be a problem. I would get a brand new car out of it. The drunk driver was driving a company van and between my insurance and the drunk’s company I’d get enough to get a new vehicle instead of something of ‘comparative value’ which is what my insurance would cover. I wouldn’t be an asshole and sue for a bunch of money. At least I wouldn’t if they did right by me. All I would ask for was that they make up the difference between what my insurance would give me and the cost of the new vehicle. And I wouldn’t be doing a major upgrade like replacing a Ford Escort with a new BMW. All I was going to do was replace my three year old Silverado with a new one.
Of course I would let them know that they had a choice. They could cover the difference or they could say screw off and I’d get an attorney and sue them for everything I could get. I think it would be a good bet that they would take the easy way out. It would cost them more in attorney’s fees to fight my suit that it would cost to give me what I initially asked for.
The job situation was going to be the major problem. I liked my job and until I saw what I had seen I liked my boss and the people I worked with. But that was then. Now both Barry and Marge were cheaters in my eyes and I’ve already put down what my feelings are where that is concerned. Even if Barry hadn’t been married he would still be a cheating asshole for fucking another man’s wife. Barry did say that he couldn’t afford to lose me, but could I continue working for him and working with Marge after they had fucked over me?
My first impulse when I got in my car was driving over to Barry’s and showing his wife the video and then going over to Marge’s and letting her husband see it, but then I decided not to do anything in the heat of the moment. Maybe wait and see what he offered me when he gave Marge the promotion. Of course I could just show Barry the video and tell him the promotion goes to me or the video goes to his wife. I couldn’t see where doing that would be good for me. Working with Barry and Marge after doing something like that wouldn’t be a pleasant experience. I’d be better off just quitting and finding another job.
I finished my PBR and told Bob no when he asked if I wanted another and then I got up and went out to my car. Once in the car I had a decision to make. Go home or check into a motel? I decided to go home. Might as well get the confrontation over with.
I wasn’t surprised when I got home and found that the wife wasn’t there. I always called home as soon as I checked into the hotel when I travelled so I called her. We gave up the landline when we switched to cell phones so I took out my phone and hit the speed dial for Brooke’s phone. She answered on the third ring and said, “High baby. I’ve been waiting for your call.”
“Hi yourself. Where are you?”
“I’m home.”
“Where at home?”
“Why would you ask me that?”
“Humor me my love. Where in the house are you?”
“I’m in the basement putting a load of laundry into the washer.”
“Hang on for just a minute” I said and put my phone down. I did a slow count to thirty and then picked up my phone and said:
“Nope. You aren’t in the basement. I just looked.”
Silence from the other end for a couple of seconds and then a “Where are you?”
“Home of course. How else could I check the basement and see that you aren’t there? I guess my next question should be are you in a hotel or motel room with Houser or has he moved back and has a house or an apartment here?”
There was silence and then I said, “Guess it doesn’t really matter. House, apartment, hotel or motel room the end result is all the same right?”
I disconnected and turned my phone off. I undressed, took a shower, set the alarm for five and went to bed. Maybe five minute after I pulled the covers up I heard Brooke come in the front door. I wondered what she thought about the strange car parked out front. It took her a couple of minutes to go through the first floor and basement looking for me. Eventually her search brought her upstairs and to the bedroom. I pretended to be asleep and she must have decided to let me sleep and have me awake and clearheaded in the morning when she tried to run whatever story she had come up with on me. I heard her undress and then she got in bed, moved over and snuggled up to me and I heard her whisper “I love you” and then I faded off to sleepy-land.
I woke up at five to six and as quietly as I could I got up and turned off the alarm before it could wake Brooke. She was a sound sleeper and usually wouldn’t wake up until seven. She didn’t need to be to work until nine and I wanted to be gone before she woke up. I was dressed and headed for the door when I heard, “Ryan?” I turned to see Brooke coming down the stairs.
“Where are you going?”
“To Dallas. I’ve got a plane to catch.”
“Ryan? Please baby; we have to talk.”
“Indeed we do.” I said. “See you in three or four days.”
As I backed down the drive I saw Brooke standing on the porch watching me leave. I wasn’t a block away from the house before my phone started ringing. I shut he phone off and didn’t turn it back on until I was in Dallas. When I turned it back on I found eleven missed messages and three voicemails all from Brooke. I deleted them all without listening to them and turned the phone off and left it off from the entire time I was in Dallas.
It only took me two days to hammer out an agreement and nail down the Evans account and I turned on the phone to call Barry and give him the good news and discovered the phone was full of missed messages and voicemails, again all from Brooke, and I deleted them without listening to them. Barry was happy to hear that we had Evans on board, but didn’t seem too happy when I told him that since I had done it in two days instead of the allocated three that I was going to take the third day off to take care of some personal business.
My first stop when I got home was my insurance agent’s office. As I had expected he had a check for the replacement value of a three year old truck. I swung by the credit union and deposited the check and then headed for the local Chevy dealer where I dickered with them over the price of a new Silverado ¾ ton long bed with four wheel drive. We arrived at a price and I wrote them a check for a deposit and got the paperwork started.
Next stop was Comstock Manufacturing. I had to talk to three people before getting to see the VP of Operations. I explained the situation to him, told him the price of my new truck, told him what my insurance had given me and then told him that I expected Comstock to pick up the difference. He laughed at me and told me that I must be smoking dope if I thought I would get any money from them. The man came across as an arrogant asshole and I took an instant dislike to him.
“I’m not going to sit here and argue with you on this” I said to him. “The facts of the matter are that your employee was drunk when he ran a red light while driving a company truck on company time and in doing so hit and totaled my truck. Best you call your legal people and talk it over with them before making a decision not to pay. Your choice is to write me a check for nine thousand forty-two dollars and be done with it or I will hire an attorney and sue you for damages.
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Hello doston mera naam ali hai. mein rawalpindi mein rehta hun..meri height 5.9 hai..mein ACCA ka student hun.agar koi larki/aunty mere sath sex try karna chati hai mukamal raazdari k sath to mujhe mail kareen at abhi 20 saal ka hoon, Mujay kafi girls add kurten on on my yahoo messenger lakin zayda tur nay keha kay pehlay mobile ka card send kurro then sex kurnay. Mujay sirf un girls say sex kurna ka maza aata hay jo mature hoon our sex ko poorirazdari say kurna chahteen hoon. Eik larkee nay...
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Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. Mera naam Tarun hain. Aur main Ahmedabad se hun. Meri age 26 saal hain. Ap logo ko meri pehli teeno kahani achchi lagi. So ab main apko apni tisri kahani ki or le jata hun. Main aur meri ma’m Jamnagar gaye the. Tab woh unki dost Sweta ma’m ke waha mujhe chod ke chali gayi Ahmedabad wapas. Ab mujhe poora ek mahina, Sweta ma’m ke sath Jamnagar mein rehna tha. Sweta ma’m bohut hi pyari hain. Maine unko unki chut chatke meri ashiq toh bana diya tha. Ab...
Hey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...
Jack was bending over into an empty display case as he refilled it with his signature chocolate cupcakes. They were the very ones that put him on the map and made it possible to open up his dream shop. Sweet Nothings was his pride and joy. The French inspired Bakery and Bistro has thus far been his greatest achievement. He could hear the distant ching of the cash register as he placed the last of the cupcakes from his baking tray into the case. The sound of money always put a smile on his face....
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) main dinu sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze e-mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur satya katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi kahani pes kar raha hun, aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mera ek dost ranjit jo ki mumbai me hi bhayandar me apani...
Hi friends main Ayush Sharma apke liye mere saath ghati ek ghatna ki kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon.meri pichli story aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi mujhe hazaron email aaye thank you kisi bhi aunty ko sex karna ho to please mujhe email karen par Ab main story pe aata hoon is story main maine apni badi maa ko choda hai ye baat may mahine ki hai meri badi maa mumbai me rehti hai uska naam shobha hai uski age 46 hai lekin dikhne mein woh 35 ki lagti hai.uska figure 42 32 34 hai uske dudh...
Hello iss readers mai hamesha iss ki stories padta hu to socha kyu na apni life ka bhi ek hasin lamha apke sath share karu …mera naam kunal hai aur meri age 20 hai mai jaipur mai rahata hu hamari joint family hai aur bada ghar hai. Meri badi maa ki age 29 hai wo bahut hi khubsurat husn ki malika hai unko dekhte hai mera man sex karne ka ho jata hai … Baat aaj se 2 saal pahale ki hai mai hamesha unhe nanga dekha karta tha jab wo bath liya karti thi. Kya batau dosto unke bare mai unke wo bade...
Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...
Hello friends. Mei jay arora apko apni fantasy ka baare mei batane wala hua jismei meine society mei kam karne wali maid ko apni randi maid banata hua aur bataunga ki kaise meine uski chut ka bhosada bana diya. Ab bhi time waste kare story chalu karta hua…..!!!!! So yeah time hai winter ka. Meine subhe subhe jogging karne jata hua rooj. Karib 8 baje jab mei society ka andar enter hua toh mujhe ek sakhat ladki dikhi jo chal ke arahi thi. Hum dono ek dusara ko dekha usne mujhe smile di aur meine...
Main vapas laut ayaa hun aapni chudai story ka 3rd part leke…jinko ahmedabad ya gujarat main se gujarati nhi aati..Wo lok muje mail kr sakte hain .. Main unko secretly translation krke dunga wo bhi live… Hu …. 3rd part kehva maate aai gaayo chu….1-2 part na reviews aane mail maate thank u so much… Haawe direct story per aavu chu.. Drashti nu pani bhabhi na face per j nikli gaayu… Maaru b padvanu htu… Main bhabhi ni bhos ma j paani kaadhi lidhu… 3 jana naga j besi gaya room ma… Bhabhi-wah...
Hi.. I am ahmedabad playboy(name changed)…Main iss ka regular reader hun aur kahin saalo se yeh padta hun…Aage ki story abhi main gujarati main likuunga jo k jyada excited aur real hain jo mere saath 1 june 2016 ko hui thi… Hello frnds…Mara loda ni size common j che…Hu bija badha ni jem gappa naai maaru…Koi bhabhi,chokri,aunty, or je chokri ne bf na hoi to mara email per contact kri saake che…Aapde chat n meetings private rehse aane taamne story vanchya paachi maane jarur mail krso aani hu...
Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. App logo ko meri pehli dono kahani aachi lagi. So ab mein appko apni tisri kahani ki aur le jata hun. Links of the previous parts on top. Mein aur meri madam akshar ek dusre ke sath maje karte the. Har weekend ham kuch na kuch kar ke plan karte the aur ek dusre ke sarir ko sukh dete the. Fir ek din muje company se bola gaya ki appko 1 mahine ke liye Jamnagar , Gujarat jana hain, marketing ke kaam se. so muje dukh hua ki, muje yeh sab chod k udhar pe...
Meri story ki ghatna 1 mahine pehle huyi thi. Mera naam Tarun hian. Meri age 22 saal hain aur mein apni MBA khatam karke ahmedabad mein job ke liye try kar rha tha. Ek din mein S.G. Road mein ek marketing ki job ka interview dene ke liye gaya tha. Waha pe ek madam thi jo hr dept ki head thi. Thodi moti thi, bt bahut maal thi. Unka figure kuch 40-34-42 hoga. Fir mene apna interview acche se diya aur fir bahar aa gaya aur unho ne kaha agar app select ho jaoge toh call kar denge. Fir mein whaa se...
Hello friends maine iss per bahut sari kahaniya padi hai or aaj mai apni kehani likhne ja reha hu pehle apne bare mi bata du mi ek 25 sal ka average ladka 5″5′ or punjab se hu jo job kerne ke liye ahmedabad mi aaya tha or rehne ke liye maine ek flat rent per liya meri pehli kehani hai is lliye please aap log ise pad ker meri galti or apne sujav is email per de Mai yeah per naya tha to jayada kuch nahi janta tha kyu mi Punjabi hu or gujarat mi pehli bar aya tha. Kahni shuru hoti hai jab mai...
Dear ISS readers, I have been reading lots of stories and I thought I would share mine 2. Let me tell u about myself, I am based at Ahmedabad, 5.11″ athletic and weigh around 78 kg. Married Very fit and athletic, work as a senior manager in a big firm, Coming back to the scoop it was around 2 years back I was working with an ad agency then and since there is not much of work at senior level I would log into yahoo chat room. I came across a female and when i messaged her she replied back and we...
This is Raj, from Ahmedabad, one of the very great fans of like u people. I am a regular visitor of this very site similarly as I am to my mailbox. First I would like to describe a little about myself. Simply I would say this only that in the present world where there are many males around who knows how to present them handsomely, in that world girls always give a second look. I would like to share my first sexual encounter with u people as I don’t think so that anybody...
Hi dosto, mere naam krish (age:20) he , mail me : Aur me gujarat ke ahmedabad se hu, waise me jaha taha chodne ke liye nahi jata hu, lekin chodne ki meri iccha bahot ho jati he, lekin muth marke chala leta tha. Intro: Ek bar mere papa ke friend unki ladki ko leke humare ghar aye, woh 12 me padhti he aur bahot sexy dikhti he. Us din uski aur meri mulakat hui. uska naam mitali hai. Woh mere ghar ke najdik hi rahte he, maine use pehli bar dekhte hi aankh mardi thi, to woh thoda sa muskurai. fir...
Hi my name is Jagdip (name changed). I live in Ahmedabad and my email id is . I am 26 now. The story I am going to tell you is real and happened when I was 17. We have a made in our house from last 15 years. Her name is Radhabai. She is really a very good made and very honest. She was almost 35 at that time. I never looked at her as a sex object as she is very average looking female but with a great body as she worked physically for long time. I was a teenager at that time and had started...
Hai Friends, I am Raj (Name changed) 25 yrs from Ahmedabad. I am a great fan of indiansexstories & have read almost all the stories. So today I decided to share my first experience. I was alone so I came to my aunty’s house. Since I have no other relative in the town I have to stay with my beautiful aunt (younger sister of my dad) who was a widow and was about 36 yrs old. My uncle died in a accident. After that she will not accepted to marry. So that they will stay in single in his house. She...
IncestHi it is me Atul (name Changed). I am 25 years old boy from Ahmedabad. This incident happened in my childhood. My friend name is Ruchi. Ruchi is having very slim fine figure. She is always wear tight churidar kameez but very decent color one, no jazzy type. She is very mature type thinking and also very much devotional to god. She is always going temple and like that. But her face is always having mirchi look. Like she will biting her lips with teeth and look from corner of eyes at me sometime....
Now it Begins. If all goes well, this could be a very entertaining group of stories. I was a law enforcement officer for over thirty years. No regrets at all. Many noteworthy things happened in my years of service, most of which had nothing to do with my sex life. This is about the part that did. I hope to share some stories about the young ladies that really like to date the young men in Uniform. BADGE BUNNIESMost people are not familiar with the name "Badge Bunnies". This is a huge...
UniformAfter pulling a second watch patrol shift, I dropped into Fred's Cop bar around midnight. I was hoping there would be a few Badge Bunnies looking for companionship, for a drink, and possibly a roll in the hay. The selection would be slim due to the late hour. The Bunnies looking for a serious fuck would have arrived around 9 pm. Fred's is a quiet bar in a quiet neighborhood. Most patrons are Law Enforcement Officers looking for quick and safe pussy. The Badge Bunnies are ladies who are...
Group SexIt still hurts. Even if they don't say anything to me outright, seeing the looks, watching them whisper to each other, not even bothering to hide what they're doing... it hurts. I remember when I was just a little girl, hiding out on the stairs of our house, hearing my mom in the living room talking with her friends about female solidarity, and how all women were sisters. It hurt like hell, learning that was all a lie. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm getting better at that,...
To start with the story my dick is 7 inches long and my body is muscular as I love to go to gym . Ye tab ki baat hai jab mujhe apni podt graduation ke liye hyderabad jana pada tha uss time mein sirf 21 saal ka tha ( ab I am 24) . Mein naya tha sher mein kuch nahi pata tha kisi ka ke kaise log hai kya karte hai …Tabhi mene college hostel naa leke ek 2bhk ka personal flat le lia tha kyoki mukhe aoni privacy bhaut pyari lagti hai .. Jaise hi mene social networking site pe dala ke ab mein hyderabad...
Thanks to all ISS readers for your valuable comments for my previous story and I am back with another hot encounter of mine with steamy girl Shreya. I am Michael George (name changed), I have a good sporty body which can deliver hot sessions to any kind of women and my hot dynamite is around 7.5 inches length so any girl or aunt, divorced from any side of India can contact me and I will come to your place to satisfy you and ping me at for any suggestions in sex life and your details will be...
Hi to all readers of Indian Sex Stories and thank you for feedback and support I am back with my story. This time it was with my old client and her friend. About me I am cherry age 26 and working for MNC in Hyderabad. Coming to story after long gap I got call from my old client her name is rani(name changed). Her age is 34 we meet in online and chatted for few days and meet had Great fun we meet for two times and have great moments in life and she liked it after long gap I got call from and...
Rupa ko raat bhar chodna ke baad mai so gaya.Subha jab meri aankh khuli to badimaa (rupa) bister par nahi thi mainy kitchen mai ja kar dekha rupa chi bana rahi thi mai pura nanga tha rupa ne white clour ke saadi pahan rakhi thi jise mai use badi gaand bahar ko nikal rakhi thi rupa ke gaand dekh kar mera lund khada ho gaya mai kitchen mai gaya rupa ko picha se haug kiya meea khada lund rupa ke gaand mai lag raha tha mera haat ruoa ke chuchiya masal raha tha rupa boli abhi to chod do raat mai kar...
Hi friends , i am ansh this is my first story and this is very real . Let me tell you about my self. i am 23 yrs old guy with a good built up and I have an elder sister richa.she is 26 right now. I am working in janakpuri delhi in insurance as an asst manager . My sister is MCA and she teaches in a school. Ye story aaj se 2 yrs pahle ki hai jab main job search kar raha tha aur richa MCA kar rahi thi. Hum ghar par sirf 4 log hain . papa , mummy, richa aur main. papa ki job delhi se bahar hai...
IncestAs a uniformed Law Enforcement Officer, I sincerely and honestly try to give the taxpayers a full day or night's work every shift. However, I must confess, that the little head occasionally overrides the big head and has its way. Usually, this occurs on very slow and boring nights when there is a fair maiden in dire need of some special attention. I will give you a few examples. DONNA LEEJust last week, an older Badge Bunny, Donna Lee, who recently broke up from a long-term romantic adventure,...
UniformMera naam mahesh hai. Mere ghar main main, mere 2 bade bhai aur mom, papa aur 2 badi bahan hai. Papa service karte hai, ek bade bhai scientist hai jo Bangalore main hai aur dusare bade bhai ph.D. Kar rahe hai aur conferences main busy rahate hai. Meri mom aur ek badi bahen gaon par mere grand parents ke care ke liye gaon par rahate hai. Mere saath meri ek badi bahen, papa aur ek bhai total 4 log rahate hai. Mere age 20 saal ka hai aur pure family main chhota hun isi wajah se main sabaka dulara...
Hello dosto sabhi choot balion aur land balon mera land uthakar namaskar meri age 24 year 9″ lamba land hai kasrati badan hai hight 5.7″ hai doston yeh meri 3rd story hai pehi story me me ne apni badi bhabi ki chudai ki thi aur dusri stori me main ne apni choti bhabhi ki chudai ki thi . Lekin kafi saal tak me ne apni badi bhabhi ko nahi choda tha kion ki mere sambandh apni choti bhabhi se ho gaye the isliye badi bhabhi naraz ho gaye thi aur pure 5 saal tak hum ek dusre se nahi bole the lekin...
Mera naam rohit hai age 23 saal,meri body kafi aachi hai me ek it company me kaam karta hu meri family gaon me rahti hai hum logo ke paas kafi khate badi hai, meri family me maray maa baap aur meri badi maa hai jiska naam rupa hai,wo mera pita ke bada bahi ke wife hai yani ke mera bada papa ke,unki aur unka do beta ke muat ke accident me ho gai the karib do saal pahela,rupa ke age 45 saal pati aur betao ke maut ke baad rupa akali ho gai the meri family rupa ke bahut care karti hai,baat tab...
Dear all, thank you so much for all the love and praises for my last stories. This story will be in continuation with the same and will be about Sneha. She is in her mid-30s and married. Some part of it is fiction and some are not – it’s up to you to decide and let me know on my email It was about 6 months that Sneha was back from her Goa trip and was now living her boring life. She had a good social life and things with her husband were also good but same routine. Even her boss with whom she...
Hi telugu people… Manavallandariki namaskaaram… English lo chaala stories unnai but nenu telugu lo raaddam anukuntunna mana native feel raavataniki. Na peru krishna, vayasu 25 yrs, height 5.7″, madi guntur district lo village nenu guntur lo job chestanu… Naa andaalaraasi naa sexy aunty di hyderabad tana peru jahnavi (name changed).. Tana vayasu 29, figure (38-34- 36).. Idi real incident oka 6 mnths back jarigindi…Na email id inka story loki velte… Naku aunty chatting lo parichayam aindi, ala...
Helle dosto ek baar fir main aap ke saamne apni ek nai aur anokhi story ke saath jisme maine apni badi bhabhi ke saath dobara fir se pure 5 saal baad band hue sambandh fir kayam kiye is se pehle bhi me apni do story aur lih chuka hoon “andheri raat me bhabhi ke saath” yeh story meri pehli story thi jijme maine apni badi bhabhi ko pehli baar choda tha jab main kewal 19 saal ka tha aur woh meri zindgi ki pehli chudai thi. Aur doosri story-“meri choti bhabhi ki kasi hui gulabi choot” jisme maine...
Mera naam Manoj hai aur meri age 28 hai aur height 5’7 hai, Main UP ka rehna wala hoon. Toh baat kuch saal pehle ki hai jab mere transfer Mumbai me hua tha, Maine ek room kiraye par liya tha aur mere neighbor me couple rehata hai, Deepak aur uski patni. Deepak ke saath meri formal introduction ho gya usse bat karte karte meine usse bola muje khana banana nahi aata hai tab usne bola mere ghar se khana Lelo uske Baad uski patni muje tiffin dene aati thi fir meri aur uske patni ke saath pahchan...
Hi frndz.. Mera nam Sam he Mai Nagpur me rahta hu or MBA kar raha hu. (For chatting, friendship or Fun you can contact me at ). Ye story us time ki he jb mai 19 yrs ka tha or 12th Board ki exams de chuka tha or meri chuttiya chal rai thi. Mere area me mere koi khas frnd nai tha so mai ghr me baith ke porn dekh kar ya pc me games khel kar apna time pas karta tha. Hamere ghar ke bilkul baju me flats bane the or usme rahti thi is story ki heroine Tina Bhabhi(name changed). Tina Bhabhi dikhne me...
Mera naam Raj, me mumbai me rahata hun, mera age 30 hai, me bohat hi sexy man ho geya iska karan koi aur nehi mera maa hai….seede kahani batha tha hun. jab me 18 sall ka ta, tab mera mummy 37 age ki ti, mera maa ka naam Babita hai, mummy ka hight 5.5 inch, body size 36, 26, 38 hai, bohat gori hai, mera mummy gym instructor hai, issiliye bohat hi fit rahati hai, aur mera father dubai me rahate hai, papa 3 sall me ek bar ghar aate hai, ,Ghar par, me aur mera mummy hi rahate hai, ek din ki bat...
Mera naam Mahesh hai meri umar 20 saal ki hai aur meri height 5’9’’ ki hai. Mere family main mere dad mom mere 2 bade bhai aur 2 badi bahan ha main family main sabse chhota hun. Meri mom aur ek badi bahan gaon par mere dada dadi ke dekh bhal ke liya rahate hai aur baki log delhi main rahate hai. Mera gaon delhi se karib 800 km door padata hai. Aur main summer vacation main hi mom aur didi se milane ke liye ja pata tha. Lekin idhar 2 years se main unse nahi mil paya tha. Meri mom aur didi mujhe...
Hi guys I’m Manoj and back with 5th part of this story, jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ke kaise maine apni padosan pallavi ko choda agar aapne wo story nahi padhi h to pahele usko padhe. toh main ab sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Uss din baad mujhe 1 mahina usse chodne nahi mila, mujhe bhi office se chutti nahi milti aur uska pati bhi bahar nahi gaya lekin jab wo mere ghar pe tiffin dene aati tab hum kiss karte par ussne chodne nahi diya kyuki uska pati mere baad office jata tha toh mujhe bhi time nahi...
Hi guys I’m Manoj and back with 4th part of this story, jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ke kaise maine apni padosan pallavi ko choda agar aapne wo story nahi padhi h to pahele usko padhe. toh main ab sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Wo nahane gayi tabhi meine bathroom ka door nock Kiya to wo andar se boli kya hua? To mein bola saboon chahiye to wo boli 1 min rukho aur usne bathroom ka darwaja halka sa kholke apna hath bahar nikalte hue saboon meri or badha diya lekin mujhe Sabon nahi mujhe uske sath nahna...
I am Karan from Ludhiana, meri age 23 hai, main ek accha good looking Punjabi munda hu, generally mujjhe bhabiya bahut pasand hai. So yeh baat 6 months pehle ki hai, jab meri badi sister ke liye rishta aaya.. Meri badu behen ek dum model lagti hai super-duper hot figure.. But hai kafi seedhi..Hum log bahut modern family hai. Mere ghar mein mom dad me and badi sister rehte hai, meri azar hamesha se badi behen pe thi,jab vo mini skirt pehenti thi uuuuffff kyaaa lagti thi…Gori gori...
Hi guys I’m manoj and back with 6th part of this kamukta story, jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ke kaise maine apni padosan pallavi ko choda agar aapne previous story nahi padhi h to pahele usko padhe. Jisko bahot sare like mile hai. Toh main ab sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Kuch din baad new year aane wala tha building me new year party ka programe organize ki thi. 31st dec ke raat 10 baje party shuru hui uss party mein pallavi uske pati ke saath aayi thi. Pallavi ko dekhkar mein dang rah gaya usne...
Hi guys I’m Manoj and back with 2 part of this story, jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ke kaise maine apni padosan pallavi ko choda agar aapne wo story nahi padhi h to pahele usko padhe. toh main ab sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Us din ke bad wo mere si nahi mil rahi thi aur mera call bhi nahi uta rahi thi maine usse ke ghar gaya, jab door bell bajaya usne darwaja khola aur mujhe dekh kar band kar rahi thi par Maine darwaja ko pakad liya aur undar gassa tabhi wo boli tum yaha se jao. Meine usse mafi...
Hi friends, this is Emraan from Hyderabad and I am a big fan of Indian desi sex stories. I will continue write this story in Telugu. Na gurinchi cheppalante na age 19, chudadaniki baguntanu. Naku ammaila kante aunties ante chala istam, vallu chala experienced ga untaru and manaki kuda baga nerpistaru. Idi oka real story na life lo jarigindi. Inka time waste cheyakunda story loki vastanu Nenu degree chaduvutunna hyd lo, and story lo ki vaste nenu clg nunchi velli vacchevadini and vacchaka chala...