Photographic Problems
- 4 years ago
- 29
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Word spread quickly that I was an asset on sales trips. Maybe that would get me out of the office occasionally with trips to exotic places. With Harriett jetting all over the country, sitting home alone even with a substantial and growing porn collection of books, videos and photos was tiresome. So, when I got the email that I was going to see a customer alone, I was quite shocked. I wasn't the shake-hands, smiley-faced deal closer. I was the factual, technically astute back room guy who got overpromises delivered.
The presentation, fortunately, was to a technical team at one of our existing clients. And the material had already been compiled into one of those obnoxious slide presentations. I preferred to have chalkboard chats, although white boards were the new norm. I was told to show the slides but not read them, as some of the sales geeks did, talk about the topic on the slide, ask for questions and move on. I could do that easily.
One quirk in this smooth plan was that Archie Green was updating the current version of the presentation with new product info and he was home sick. I needed to stop at his house on the way to the airport and pick up an electronic copy. No paper handouts with this client, who'd gone completely ecological. Passing out copies of the presentation from a tall stack of sacrificed trees would insult their culture, something even I knew to avoid.
Archie's nose was raw from generic tissues when he answered the door in his bathrobe. His voice was nasal. "Good, you're here. I've got the presentation almost ready on my computer."
Almost? I had to leave, and quickly. I followed him through the bedroom wing of his ranch home. We passed a girl's bedroom, with pink walls and clothes strewn on the floor. A white blouse and familiar plaid skirt lay on the top of the pile. That was Inga's uniform. "Is your daughter in private school?"
"Sure thing. Got to keep her away for sex, drugs and violence."
I chuckled to myself.
The next room was a spare bedroom, the family office. An older PC sat on a desk cluttered with sheets and scraps of paper, CDs without envelopes, magazines, you name it. The presentation was on screen. Looked good to me. I pulled out my trusty USB thumb drive. "Put it on here."
"How much space is available on that thing?"
The thumb drive held my traveling porn set for keeping me occupied in the hotel room. It would certainly save me big bucks on X-rated movie rentals. "A couple hundred meg. Should be enough."
Archie shook his head and snarfed mucus before it dripped from his nose. "Tashun made me add a personal video. Takes just under two gig."
Shit! I didn't have time for this. The file was also too big for a CD. "You got a DVD burner in that thing?"
Archie repeated his negative head motion. "Nope."
I saw that Archie's PC was wired directly into DSL. No home network, so we couldn't use file sharing to get the monster presentation off his PC onto my Mac laptop.
"Now what?" he asked.
"You got anything else? Memory cards or something with larger capacity?"
Archie's eyebrows and the corner of his lips rose. "Claire has a digital camera I got for her birthday. And a two gig memory card." Archie stumbled from the room and returned with a USB media reader with a card sticking out of one of the slots. He plugged the device into his computer and checked for available space. "Damn thing is almost half full."
"Tell you what. I'll burn the contents of the memory card onto a blank CD while you finish your work. Then we'll copy the presentation onto the card."
"Great!" Archie unplugged the media reader and handed it to me. Then he pointed to a spindle of blank disks. While he typed, clicked, changed fonts and repositioned text boxes, I burnt the camera data onto the blank CD. It just fit.
"Done," he announced.
"Me too." I erased the memory card, unmounted it and handed him the media reader. He dutifully saved the updated presentation to the card. In a flash, I was out the door.
I slept in the airport at the gate and again on the airplane. The droning hum of the engine was white noise, letting me catch up on too many late nights surfing for college girls who'd gone wild and naked.
My plan was to check into the hotel and read though the presentation to get comfortable with the sequence of topics and see what new products and services they'd added. I knew the background and details like my own name, so there wouldn't have to be any learning. When I opened my Mac laptop, I noticed the icon for the CD. Damn, I hadn't left Archie the CD I'd burned with his photos. From his daughter's camera. Hmm. I opened my favorite slide show player, the one I'd use to view my erotic photo collection and pointed it at the CD. The CD drive whirred and clicked to life. In a few seconds, the first picture arrived on screen. Was this Claire? I advanced with a click. The next photo was of the same young lady. Someone else had taken these pictures because Claire's hands were in the frames. She might have used a tripod and a timer, but I doubted it.
She must have taken after her mother's looks because Archie wasn't close to being this cute. The pictures started out with Claire posing in her pink room. The stack of clothes was familiar, so these pictures had been taken recently. They started out quite sterile, Claire posing stiff with plastered on grins. Then, one strap of her tank top off her shoulder. Her expression turned to anxiety. Was this minor issue a problem? Then the other strap off her shoulder, and the tank top lowered to expose the top edge of an overflowing bra. The photographer was coaching her to disrobe. Damn, a strip show. I unzipped my pants and dropped my jockeys. This was better than some third-rate porn flick on the hotel's cable system. That series ended abruptly but another series started. Claire was wearing a long beige dress, probably intended for prom or some other formal event. Her nipples showed as she stretched her arms above her head. Did she know they were sticking out? In slow increments, she raised the hem of the dress. Facing away, she exposed her calves, then the back of her knees, stopping at her waist, her panties and ass cheeks on display. God, she had a nice butt, roundness protruding from both sides of skimpy undies. The next series were in a bathroom. Claire was in a t-shirt. Again, it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra. The size and shape of her breasts were obvious as she pulled the material tight against her chest. In one shot, the photographer was reflected in the mirror over the sink. Damn if it wasn't Norma of The Perfect Breasts. So Norma was directing these photo sessions. In the last bathroom picture, Claire's t-shirt was damp, either by her own hand or more likely by an unsuspected dousing by Norma. The shape and size of Claire's nipples were no longer a secret. Although her breasts weren't as large or fine as Norma's, they were lovely in their own right, with bloated nipples as a bonus.
I looked down between my legs. I'd been jerking myself subconsciously as I viewed Claire's photos. I'd gotten close to blowing my load. Archie would blow his stack if he knew Claire was a party to this kind of behavior.
I took a pause from the voyeur's tour of my colleague's daughter and took a cleansing breath. I couldn't show him this stuff. Hell, I couldn't even tell him. And what about Claire? These photos were hers, taken with her camera. They were her property, and I was obligated to return them. The idea of being in the room with her, handing her the CD - well, my prick pulsed at the possibilities. Wait a second. This was the daughter of a co-worker. I had rules against lascivious behavior when it came to the workplace. Despite those rules, I'd fucked Tashun's niece Reese six ways from Sunday. What rules applied to Claire, if any?
I went to bed, tossing and turning, unable to get the pictures of Claire out of my mind. So, at one in the morning, I booted my computer and returned to the slideshow that I'd aborted. The next series started out pretty tame, with Claire in a zip-up long sleeve hoodie and jeans. The jeans went first, exposing see-through pink panties. Then the zipper dropped, perhaps three inches per photo, until the hoodie was open and the inside edges of Claire's naked breasts grabbed my attention at the same time my right hand was grabbing my dick. No nipples but plenty of skin. That's when I noticed that Claire's figure had one flaw. From her upper chest to her hips, her body was two straight lines. No curve at the waist whatsoever. With clothes on, she seemed a bit chunky, but in various states of undress, she was positively hot. Maybe because when breasts or groin are available visually, no man thinks about whether the woman has a waist, just not letting her nakedness go to waste.
Claire had changed into a flower print dress. She laid on her stomach in the living room, holding her head up above folded arms. Norma had moved around and took feet-first shots. The back of the dress retreated, until I was looking at a leg runway terminating at Claire's g-string covered ass. My dick was ready for take off. I heard my breathing deepen.
Claire had moved to a sofa for the next shot. She sprawled against one arm in a skirt and sleeveless blouse. As she sat leaning forward, the collar of the shirt hung down. A clear valley between the mounds of her breasts appeared. That position made her tits seem larger than when she stood up. The hanging effect, I call it. When she sat back and hugged her knees to her chest, her panties pressed tight against her pussy between fleshy thighs. I was treated to the shape and contour of her lower lips and the crease between them.
Claire stood at a wooden door in the next set. She wore a blue sweater and shorts. The sweater was tossed two pictures later. The shorts came down. Now she stood in tank top and panties. She faced away from the camera and dropped the panties halfway down her ass. Now, a woman's crack is never sexy, and neither was Claire's. But she didn't stop. And with the panties hugging the bottom curve of her ass, the path between her buttocks took on a very sensual aura. Because at the bottom of the separation, still hidden from view by the wisp of cloth, was a succulent pussy. Claire turned around, her body bare from just below her breasts to just above her mound. The slope of her stomach towards her crotch was bare. Only her pussy was covered. I wiped perspiration from my forehead.
Then a pose with which I was familiar - bra, panties and white school stockings. I'd seen Inga in precisely the same garb. She'd been hot, and so was Claire. And my dick would have continued merely to throb except for the last photos. Claire, either on her own or coached by Norma, unlatched her bra from behind, pushing her breasts towards the camera. And when the bra slipped off her shoulders and down, she remained in that chest-forward pose. Finally, after who knows how many pictures, there were Claire's tits, offered up for the viewer to savor. Only when I looked down did I see my dripping dick and the cum stain on the rug. I rolled over in fetal position and slept until the walk-up call came.
I'll admit I was distracted during the presentation. Sometimes I had to be asked a question twice, but I never blew an answer. Every idle moment I glanced towards my briefcase on the floor, thinking about Claire's photo CD and my unwitting ejaculation. I thought about it while I shook the customers' hands. I thought about it during the cab ride to the airport, and in the gate area and on the plane.
My plane landed at two-thirty in the afternoon. Instead of going home, I drove to Archie's house. By the time I got there, school had been dismissed. If Claire was lucky, Archie would be back at work so we could talk. If I was lucky, Claire would put on a private show for me. I rang the bell. No answer. Out of the corner of my eye, Claire pranced up her sidewalk.
"Hi. Can I help you?"
Get aroused? Too late. Her starched white blouse, short plaid skirt and white stockings had already pumped me up. "I'm Harvey Marcus."
"I work with your father."
She put her hands over her mouth. "Oh no. You're the one who took my camera chip."
I nodded. "Can we go inside and talk?"
She unlocked the door. Her hips swung as she crossed the threshold. Did she know how sexy that was?
I reached into my briefcase and handed her the memory card. "This is yours. We had to erase it to put my business presentation on it."
I felt the breeze of her sigh, a deep breath that strained her blouse before exhaling. "That's okay. There wasn't anything important on it anyway-"
I held the burnt CD up. "But I copied the memory card before we used it." I held the disk out for her to take. She flattened her hands on her skirt. "Did you, I mean, there were things, oh God, you didn't-"
I nodded. I had, almost all night, without sleep. And in the process, I'd memorized the size and shape of Claire's body. 'It's okay-"
Claire collapsed to the ground, weeping into her hands. I shouldn't have noticed, but the skirt rode high on her thighs. I knew where those thighs led - to a meaty pussy under a slightly rounded belly. "I knew I shouldn't have posed like that. She was trying to help, that's what she said, but she wasn't." Claire looked up with pleading eyes. "You're not going to tell Daddy, are you?" She grabbed one of my calves with an outstretched hand.
"No, I'm not." I tossed the CD to the ground next to her.
For the first time, Claire smiled. She wiped her wet eyes on the sleeve of her blouse. I remembered the wet t-shirt photo. "Thank you." She got up, but not without lifting one leg that exposed her undies. My prick pulsed. The vision of sensuality that I'd spent hours examining in my hotel room stood mere feet away. Could she tell just how turned on I was?
"My friend told me the pictures would help me become popular."
"Norma said that?"
"Yes. Wait, how did you know it was Norma?"
"Her reflection was in one of the bathroom shots. I met her through a mutual friend. So how were the pictures supposed to make you popular? Notorious is more like it." The pictures would certainly inspire lust. They'd done that for me.
"Boys haven't been very attentive. Maybe they think I'm not pretty enough. Or maybe they're scared. I am too, a little. Norma said, either way, seeing me in a different way would knock down the barrier."
It was after noon by the time the girls and I made it into the water, and I guess we should have stopped to eat, but we didn't. Making do with the bottles of water, we spent the entire afternoon more or less innocently, drifting between the surf and sand. I was called on numerous times to renew the sunblock on all three girls, but we were never alone, and everyone behaved, mostly. At one stage in the afternoon, all three girls lined up in the water, facing me, and mimed lifting up their...
I wandered back to my aunt's house in a daze, absently removing the film from the camera, and replacing it with a fresh one as I walked. I was still stunned at the antics of the girls at the beach, and I'd been replaying it in my mind, over and over. By the time I got back, I could see my aunt through the kitchen window, her smile so like the one my mother flashed from time to time. The one I'd so seldom caught on film. Aunt Sally was a few years younger, and definitely a little more...
The tent glowed early in the morning, when the sun hit the thin orange nylon. The inside quickly became hot, and probably more than a little odorous. That wasn't what woke me up though. It was her breathing. Curled in behind me in the sleeping bag, her breath was somehow both cool and warm on the back of my neck, and even though I couldn't see her, I could feel Stephanie's soft skin against mine, and wondered again how it had happened. The photographer in me recalled the look of her...
I was hot and sweaty by the time I got back to the girls. The scenery was incredible all through the walk. I was pretty certain I had some decent shots, but then realised with a smile that I'd have to be careful where I got the film developed. The first couple of frames were of three somewhat-naked girls. In fact, given that, there was no reason I shouldn't take a few more, and I walked up quietly and snapped the three bare bums. They were all lying on the grassy bank, on their stomachs....
Small beach towns don't have extensive options for clothes shopping, and our best plan was one largish shop that was basically split down the middle. I was dragged into the womenswear section straight away, and told to sit on the chair by the changing rooms and pass judgement. The twins behaved appallingly. I was delighted and shocked at the same time. Heather was more restrained, and I was trying to figure out if that was because she was in her home town, or was just a little less insane...
We stayed at the beach for the rest of the afternoon, swapping stories and sunblock. Okay, so I applied most of the sunblock, and the twins told most of the stories. I took everything they said with a grain of salt, but even if some of it was true, the two of them were unstoppable forces. I just kept listening. By the time we ran from the water for the third or fourth time we'd all had enough of the heat, and Steph decreed that it was time to go back home and get ready for the evening at...
There was a very real sense in which Katie could be considered special. Not only was she a very attractive girl at 22, with long, thick blond hair, big gravity-defying 38D breasts, a narrow waist and an ass that a stripper would be envious of, but she possessed another asset that was rare enough to catch people off-guard. Like some people in the past, Katie's mom had taken part in a project that involved the use of an experimental gender-determination drug, with unexpected side effects in...
"Because..." "Hey, you called him Stud." "Yeah. Stud. Because, Stud, we have..." "... a story..." "... to tell you." I managed a single response. "A story?" Vicki was the quickest this time. "Yeah, a story." "Not just any story." "Nope." "Our story." "Yeah." "So shut up." "And listen." This last was a giggling Heather, from the front of the car. I was mesmerised. It had been another exhausting day. Jake liked the work on the farm, and was pleased to...
I'd been absorbed by the story the girls were telling me, and when I looked up I realised we were already pulling into the car park at the beach. The sun was high, and the sky was blue. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great having three pretty girls to show me around. It's certainly not how I thought this holiday was going to go. We clambered out of the car into the heat, stopping to grab towels, drinks and my camera gear before stumbling out onto the hot sand. Jandals really...
"That's it?" Steph looked at me. "It's... well, not quite." "No?" "No, silly," Vicki interrupted. "How could it stop there?" "I wondered." Steph took over again. "Yeah, but... that's all the sexy part." "Mostly." "Yeah, mostly." "Hold on, please don't both talk at once. I get confused. Can you tell me, Steph? Steve?" "Alright, alright. Lucky you corrected that. He managed to relax in bed with Connie eventually, and she finished the blowjob." "Oh,...
I woke when Stephanie kissed me. Her pretty little mouth attached to mine and I opened my eyes. I was confused for a second. I'd been dreaming of a moment like this, and now it was real. Something was different though. I blushed when I worked out what it was. In the dream, this wasn't Steph. I put that aside quickly though, and paid more attention. Steph had a way of putting something special in a kiss. It was as though somehow her whole body was involved, even though in reality she was...
I felt the lick of her tongue first. Vicki's hot, eager little tongue. She licked slowly up the lower side of my cock, making it jump. Making me jump. My eyes popped open. I'd woken from a dream I couldn't remember, and I didn't want to go back, because what was happening felt so very nice. I gasped as her tongue was replaced by her lips. She kissed me. Short little pecks that would almost be innocent if it wasn't for the part of my body she was paying attention to. Little sweet kisses...
By the time we made ourselves presentable again, and stumbled back out of the storeroom, everyone seemed to be kissing everyone else. We both happily joined in. I didn't kiss any men, but the girls weren't nearly so picky, and got up close and personal with just about anyone who wandered close. In the midst of this mild oral orgy I managed to find a moment with each of the other two girls. Vicki was first. "So, stud, did she keep her promise?" "Uh huh." "I hope you repaid...
"Heather? Heather!" The voice slipped through the thin cover of the tent, and across to my groggy mind. I sat up suddenly, as I realised the call was coming from her mother. I was too late to do anything about it, as a head poked through the tent flap, letting in the slightly cooler air, and the morning sunshine. "Heather, are you ... Oh, Christ. Paul? What in hell are ... God, just sit there. Heather, wake up!" "Uhh ... Morning, Mum." "Don't you 'morning Mum' me, my girl. What...
Heather and I were in my car, driving back to the beach. The radio was on, and the windows were open. It was hot, and I was confused with trying to sort things out while I drove. She interrupted my thoughts. "They told you, didn't they?" "Huh? Told me what?" "Oh, don't start that. A little secret? Something they'd been hiding?" "Shit. Yeah, alright." I looked across at her. "They told me you liked boys after all." "Huh?" "Oh ... that's not ... what little...
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Last February, an external accounting team came to perform reviews within my company. A selected group of persons were chosen for the interview, I was one of the chosen ones to be interviewed. I began to suspect that the audits were just a cover-up. Working in the company's logistics I had nothing to do with corporate finances. I turned up for the audit, where I was welcomed by a team of four people. The interview went smoothly. They asked me innocent questions about life and work at the...
Mind ControlJesse was alone in the motel room. On a road trip into the past, along old Route 66. Sitting and thinking back on the time when he had lived just a few miles from this very town. On this Friday evening he was studying nostalgia. He'd been only nine years old. And his world had shattered and then been put back together as something completely different. It wasn't his fault, but he had paid the cost. He still remembered the sense of loss and pain as he sat here in the room, listening to, but not...
Love StoriesLife is all about memories. You never know when a small incident can turn up into a memorable time and long lasting memory in your life. Well, I am Anand; I am working in Bangalore now in an IT industry. About myself, I am a very average looking guy. The incident I am going to share with you is of about 13 years back when I was a student studying in a college. I used to travel by train to reach my college everyday which is 60 Km away from my home town. Very first day in my class, I saw a very...
The following story is complete fantasy. It was about three o’clock in the afternoon and I was on my way home from classes at college. Being 26, a horny pervert, and not wearing any underwear, my dick was acting up again. I was rushing to the train, thinking about which video I would jerk off to when I got home. I probably wouldn’t need a video, I usually didn’t. I’m horny all the time, I’ll admit it – heck, I think about sex constantly. I had awoken that morning with a throbbing hard-on – I...
Masturbation*See ‘Preparing for my fantasy’ for the beginning of this story* * It takes twenty minutes to rouse you from your sleep. Gentle prodding, whispers. Part of me wants to give up because I am afraid, part of me stifles giggles. I send you a text ‘wake up’ and a wink. When I don’t hear your phone, I sneak it out of your pocket and place it next to your head. I send a few pictures of what is waiting for you… Each time I try to wake you, I race back to the bed. I am nervous and excited when I...
This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity. My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last night...
A Special Memory By Milik the Red Life has its ups and downs and I have of late been in a period of change and reflection. Among those changes have been thoughts and emotions that have kept me away from writing for some time, but as with all passions my desire to write has rekindled within my heart and I find myself looking to my own past for the spark of inspiration. I find myself looking back some thirty years to the days of my youth. Days filled with the nervous insecurities that a boy in...
I always remember the first no matter how many times I get to watch. Every time I see her fucking I remember seeing that first cock push her lips apart, hearing her initial cries as it slipped inside her horny cunt. Seeing how wet she was, seeing her juices coating his entire shaft. Remembering how she had sucked him first, looking at me as she took his cock in her mouth, stroking the wet shaft while she sucked his balls. How she lay down for him, pulled him on top of her. Seeing her legs...
I lay in my bed, propped up with precisely3 pillows behind my head and back. The time was ticking between day and night as I sat and watched several different movies. The time has passed slowly, and yet you are still not here. I unconsciously watch the USA and Canada hockey game, knowing where you are you are watching it as well. That’s the closest I can get to you. I have not felt your touch in months, your kisses are faintly remembered, your touch is unfamiliar, and I long for you to come...
1 Great MemoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan The Liberty, International Airport; Newark, NJ or the Newark city in NJ, none of these is new to me. I used to live in Newark NJ little over 5 years ago. The mother fucking city was dirty, smelly and crimes ridden even then but except one small portion across the rail road tracks where most of the hard working white collar migrant people lived; ready to fuck any criminal element in a flash to keep their community clean and safe. I rented 2 rooms from such a...
WHAT A MEMORYBy: Londebaaz ChohanLangdon; although very old and very sick, remembers and tells this to all his buddies like he won the gold medal in Aeronautical Science and that too when he was hardly 18 and had not even studied a word about this science. He admits of having no girlfriend then and being a freelancer providing the services of his cock to all needy cunts and young asses alike; just to get the relieve for his sexual tensions and truly wanting to be a known as a bull for all needy...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
I found this pic a while back and it reminded me of a great true account, and a fond memory from my past. The girl in this pic looks almost EXACTLY like the girl who pretty much made my foot fetish official when I was about 15 and she was 14. I thought I'd share the story in a casual way (and I'll try to keep it short and sweet if I can) for you foot lovers who may enjoy the sentiment. So without further ado.. I think I was in about the 7th grade when I started noticing girls' feet and feeling...
It had been almost 5 years since the last time we saw each other. Jenn hadn't changed much. She is what most consider a little on the bigger side but she it very good looking Mexican woman. Beautiful shoulder length brown hair and piercing green eyes on top of the large boobs and round butt that comes with a big beautiful women. Dressed in a tight black dress and with what must of been her husband in tow she made her way across room and sat next to me at the bar. The 3 of us exchanged awkward...
Alec and Amy had known each other in high school. They had both gone to college and moved on to adult lives. What Alec didn’t know was that Amy had fallen madly in love with him in high school and had never recovered from it. She was a year behind him and had not developed physically, while he was a stud upperclassman on his way to college and success. As their lives went in different directions, she kept up with his every move, hoping that someday she would connect with him again. That...
Straight SexMemory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...
This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity. My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last...
Straight Sex--------------------------------------------- She came through the revolving door as if she were gliding on air. She had an elegance that belied her age ... just 24 ... and her smooth stride somehow masked the fact that she was 6-foot 2-inches in her heels. A few steps in, she stopped. She told me she was a model but people lie so often I didn't expect the claim to be true. But she most certainly was runway material. Her leather-clad legs were miles long. Her hips, while slender, tapered...
"For the sake of everyone involved, I'd rather not go into the details of the things that happened leading up to this because to do so, could point to our real identities and the last thing in the world that I would want is for anyone to find out. For the same reason, I've changed our real names too. However, that first night between daddy and I is etched in my mind and it was the most wonderful night of my life and because of that, I just wanted to put it in writing. Once I did that, I...
I am Rajendran and I was 18 years when this real incident happened on Nov 2,my 18th birthday. Now I am settled as a computer engineer in Gulf with my family and enjoying a very good family life but still I am cherishing the fantasy sometimes because I cannot forget my first lovemaking with my fantasy lady. It was with my fantasy lady, JAYABHARATHI, the famous actress of Malayalam. Now I have the film in CD and sometimes I used to watch it my computer. My wife knows regarding my crush about...