A Fresh StartChapter 140: Oath Of Office free porn video

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Friday, September 14, 2001

Thursday morning, we got up early. The girls needed to get back into a regular schedule with school, so Marine Two flew them all home to Hereford at the crack of dawn, with Stormy in her travel cage. It flew all of us to Andrews and dropped me off first, and then flew to Hereford. This was some crazy fucked up schedule. I knew that sooner or later it would calm down, but right now we were just winging it and making it up as we went. I kissed my family good-bye and waved as they flew away, and then climbed up the stairs to Air Force Two.

It was a fast flight to New York. The President normally gets priority routing, but with no planes flying, there were zero delays. It was spooky. We really needed to get air traffic flying again! With me on the trip were the Three Amigos, the guys from CIA, FBI, and the Secret Service, who spent the trip up briefing me on what they were finding. It had been two days now, and the results were impressive. The flight manifests for the four flights had been examined, and every single passenger and aircrew member was being investigated, with most of them already cleared of any involvement. On every flight there were four or five individuals, all men, with very sketchy backgrounds and personal histories, and everybody was zeroing in on them. Likewise, links were being found between these names and the names the CIA had in their files.

What I was seeing was the first-hand results of what I knew would be found. The FBI is a huge organization. At the lowest levels, where the agents and the first line supervisors are massed, they have extremely smart and dedicated people and amazing technology, and the ability to flood a problem and pick apart every little piece. Unfortunately, once it climbs up the ladder, very quickly the organization turns into a bureaucracy much more interested in covering its ass. I knew what they would find, that the hijackers had taken flying lessons in the U.S. and had raised a number of red flags in doing so, but when the reports had gone into the system, they had swirled around the bowl and been filed and ignored.

The CIA was similar, with several additional problems. By law they weren’t allowed to operate in the U.S. By practice, they shared nothing with anybody else, especially the FBI. They would be discovered to have followed these guys into the States, filed a classified report, and not told anybody. Furthermore, half the work product these guys were generating was aimed at slanting or corrupting the information heading towards the White House. Not only didn’t the right hand know what the left hand was doing, but half the time they were working at cross purposes.

As for the Secret Service, nobody told them shit.

When we landed in New York, I was greeted by Rudy Giuliani and the Police Commissioner, Bernard Kerik. Rudy, I had met a few times at Republican fundraisers and election meetings; Kerik, I had never met before. Both men had been near the Twin Towers when they collapsed, Giuliani had been invited to the breakfast meeting at Windows on the World but had been delayed, and he had gotten there just as the North Tower was hit. Kerik had arrived afterwards, just in time for the South Tower to be hit. Both men had lost their vehicles to falling debris and had run away to set up a nearby command post.

The two men looked tired and somber. We rode over in the mayor’s car, since the armored limousine the President rides around in was buried in the rubble. “How bad is it, guys?” I asked.

“Mister President, you will have to see it to believe it,” answered Rudy. “I simply don’t have words to describe it.”

“Mister President, I don’t know if you believe in Heaven and Hell, but now I have seen Hell,” responded Kerik.

“Is there any hope? Not just for President Bush, but for anybody who was in there?”

Kerik bowed his head and shook it but didn’t answer. Giuliani sighed and said, “Very little, sir. If you didn’t make it out before the buildings collapsed, you didn’t make it out. We are still trying to figure out who was in there at the time, but so many of the companies that were there ... the records and computers are gone. It might take us weeks to find out who was there and who wasn’t.”

“What do you need? What can I do to get you what you need?” I asked.

Again, they shook their heads, but this time it was a more positive response. “Everybody is being extremely helpful. We are getting everything that is available,” said Rudy. He shrugged. “Money? This is going to cost a fortune.”

I gave him a wry smile. “Spend the money. I work for the Federal government. We print the money, remember. We’ll just have to print a little more.”

Kerik added, “The only thing I can think of is more rescue dogs, you know, dogs specifically trained to search for people buried in avalanches and structure collapses. We simply don’t have very many. We’ve had offers of help but with the airports shut down...” He shrugged in helplessness.

“I intend to get them up as soon as possible. This is not something that can last. I will be talking to the FAA about that on my way back to Washington,” I told them.

“You really fired the heads of the FAA, the FBI, and the CIA?” asked an incredulous Giuliani.

It had been all over the news yesterday. All three organizations, as well as the White House, had issued press releases that were brief - ‘So-and-so resigned today at the request of Acting President Buckman. A-different-so-and-so was named temporary director.’ All three were immediately run down and had microphones and cameras stuck in their faces. Louis Freeh had nothing to say; Jane Garvey was loudly irate and had protested her innocence; Paul Wolfowitz informed the world that I was the worst thing that had happened to American democracy since the British burned Washington in the War of 1812.

I nodded at Giuliani. “Yes, I did. They may not have been personally to blame, but their organizations dropped the ball, and heads need to roll. Congress has already told me that they intend major hearings on this disaster, and I told them I intend to cooperate. Here’s something else I want you two to think about, the both of you. What do we need to do to improve our response, not just here, but everywhere else, other cities? What can we learn from this? When this is at a point where you can sit down and think, put your smartest people on that. I can just about guarantee that is going to make national news, too.”

First stop was Ground Zero, towering piles of rubble where the tallest buildings in New York had been. I was basically speechless. It’s one thing to see it on television, but the reality was a smack in the face, and the smell, that I was never going to lose. There were television cameras around, and I know I said something appropriate, but I can’t remember for the life of me what it was. I needed to watch it on the news later to find out.

After that we went to the command center, which was a beehive of people, many of whom were filthy and tired, all of whom were talking into phones and trying to get something done. That was where I found John Boehner and Harry Reid, and they looked as drained as the others. I shook their hands and they followed me as I trailed after the Mayor and the Police Commissioner into a conference room. A few other people followed me in, including the Fire Commissioner and the head of the New York City Office of Emergency Management, their version of FEMA. Giuliani had things under control, but the problem was massive, and most of the people there had friends who were inside the buildings when they went down. Loss of life, especially within the Fire Department, was enormous.

I don’t know if it was worse than my first time or better. The total death toll was being estimated simply in the thousands. Impromptu memorials were sprouting up all over, as were walls with people hanging pictures of relatives and requests for information on them. It was incredibly chaotic. In some cases, people were being reported as missing who never made it to work that day, or nobody had taken down the picture after they got home. They were beginning to get a handle on it, by setting up a clearinghouse for names, but it was slow going. Some of the financial firms which had been destroyed would need to consult emergency backup records in other locations.

I knew it would happen and that there had been nothing I could have done that would stop it, but it was just incredibly depressing regardless. John and Harry didn’t say anything during the meeting, but several others commented that they had been quite helpful in reassuring people that resources would be made available, and occasionally suggesting ideas for that. I thanked them both.

Eventually things ran down, and I asked everybody to leave the room but Harry and John. They both nodded, and after everybody else filed out, John closed the door behind them, and then sat down heavily. There were bags under his eyes and under Harry Reid’s eyes as well. “Gentlemen, you look like crap! Have you been able to get any sleep?” I asked.

“Not much, Carl. I dozed for a few hours last night in a chair in here,” admitted John.

“Same here, Mister President,” added Senator Reid.

“Harry, I think we can dispense with the titles. It’s just the three of us, and you’ve been calling me Carl for a while now, usually with some other stuff added on,” I said with a wry smile. He snorted and smiled at that but nodded. “Listen, I have to ask the question. The President, is there any chance?”

Both men sighed and looked at each other wearily. Harry answered first. “Not really. Almost nobody got out of there after the buildings collapsed. There’s a few people trapped in the rubble in the subbasements, but they were down there to begin with. Up top? Nobody!”


“Carl, I would like to argue, but I can’t. We are going to have to swear you in. We can delay it, but it’s a lost cause. We’ll be lucky to find anything in this mess. I heard one of the emergency managers talking about putting everything through table sifters to try and find anything but dust.” He lowered his voice and added, “We’re talking about bits of bone and wedding rings and pieces of wallets, that sort of thing!”

“Jesus!” They’d be sifting dust for years! “So, what do we do now? What do you two plan to do?”

Harry looked over at John and then turned back to me. “Carl, later today, John and I are going to call down and talk to Denny Hastert and Tom Daschle. You can’t be in on the phone call, I mean, you just can’t be. You can’t be seen to be influencing anything. They’ll probably talk to you later today.”

“And then what?” I pushed.

“They’ll talk to you later today. That’s all I will say for now.”

I nodded in tired acquiescence. I could see one of two things happening. Either they would decide to swear me in as President, or they could decide to wait until they had proof that George Bush was dead, something that might take years, if it was even possible. If they chose Option Two, I was the lamest of lame duck Presidents, doomed before I even started. There was even the possibility they could make me live in the Vice President’s mansion until I was sworn in, making me an international laughingstock. “Fair enough.” I stood up. “Guys, I am going to get out of your hair. I’ll go talk to Rudy for a bit and then I’m heading back to D.C. You do your thing, and then get a room and get some sleep. You’re not going to help if you collapse from exhaustion.”

They both nodded mutely, and we shook hands, and I left the room. An hour later I was flying back to Washington, accompanied by the Three Amigos. On the way, we talked to the Deputy Director of the FAA and outlined plans to get things up and running by the weekend. The plan was to start slowly and concentrate on getting people back home first, and then ramp up. We would start flying again Saturday morning.

By the time we got back to Andrews and were preparing to take Marine Two back to the White House I had gotten a call that Denny Hastert and Tom Daschle wanted to see me. I told them they would be first on my list. We got to the White House about 4:00 and I sent the Three Amigos on their way, while I headed to my office. Denny and Tom were already there. I invited them into my office and closed the door. “How we doing?” I asked.

“What’s it like up there, Mister President?” asked Tom Daschle, the Senate Majority Leader.

“I don’t know what Harry and John told you guys, but words just can’t describe it. Bernie Kerik said that now he’s seen Hell. There’s nothing left but rubble and dust,” I told him.

Tom looked over at Denny Hastert, the Speaker of the House and a Republican, and Denny nodded back at him. Tom took a deep breath and said, “We need to have you sworn in, sir. We both talked to Harry and John, and we had a few others in the room with us. They were pretty convincing. There’s nothing left, and no chance.”

I nodded and looked at them. “I forget whether it was John or Harry who said that there were plans to start putting all the rubble and the dust through sifters and sieves to look for bones and anything to identify people by. I’ve never seen anything like that! I don’t think I could do it myself.”

Denny muttered something in disbelief and then shook himself of the thought. He looked at me and asked, “Carl, when do you want to do this? How do we do this?”

I gave him a brief smile. “I’m making this up as I go! Hell, how do we have a state funeral without the guest of honor? Answer me that one?” Both men’s eyes popped a little at that. “Anyway, today is Thursday. I’m not sure, but I think we’ll need the approval of the Cabinet, just like when they named me the Acting President. If we had absolute proof the President was dead, it wouldn’t be necessary, but that might take years.”

“That would be good. We can call them together and Denny and I can attend the meeting with Chief Justice Rehnquist handy,” replied Daschle. “As soon as the vote passes, he can swear you in.”

“I’ll call for a full Cabinet meeting in the morning.”

“Very good, Mister President,” agreed Denny.

They were on the verge of leaving when I had a thought. “Hold up a second, gentlemen. Let me bounce an idea off you.” They looked at each other and settled back into their chairs. “I have a worry. There are going to be people, some in Congress and some out in the real world, who will not think I am the legitimate President of the United States. I wasn’t elected, I’m jumping the gun, the real President is in the rubble and I’m stopping the rescue - I mean, you guys can fill in the rest. Will you grant that this has the potential to be a real problem, and not just for me, but for the nation? When we figure out who did this, we are going to war, and we do not need any questions raised.”

“I understand you, sir,” answered the Speaker. Senator Daschle was slower to respond, but he nodded and agreed also.

“Well, it’s not like I am going to get an Inaugural Ball out of this disaster, but we can’t be seen to be hiding this in a conference room in the White House. We need, all of us need, this to be public, as public as possible.”

“Perhaps at the Capitol and on television,” suggested Hastert.

“How do we do the vote? What if somebody gets a bug up his tail and votes no? You don’t need that on television!” countered Daschle.

“Yikes! No, that would be lousy!” I agreed. “How about this? You guys come to the Cabinet meeting in the morning. You tell them what you’ve agreed to, and they take a vote. If everybody is unanimous, we do a public version tomorrow night in the Capitol on live television and Rehnquist swears me in.”

“You planning to speak afterwards?”

“I can. It won’t be big, but I probably should. Something about how democracy continues to march on or something like that. I am not figuring on a major speech or State of the Union Address,” I told them.

“Speaking for myself, I think we could go along with that,” he agreed. “Denny?”

“Same here.”

I stood up and thanked them and ushered them out, and then ordered up a Cabinet meeting for the morning. Then it was back to work.

I got home at a relatively decent hour that night. I was still living at the Naval Observatory, and Marilyn and the girls (and Stormy) were home in Hereford. They had gone back to school today, and if everything went as planned, they would be at school tomorrow. Afterwards, they could come back down for the swearing in ceremony. I ate a late supper and watched CNN for a bit.

The news was a mixed bag. It was all about the 9-11 attacks, of course, but it was about a bunch of different things. There were reports from Ground Zero (and virtually nothing from the Pentagon) with footage of rescue teams and guys in hard hats trying to sort through the mess. They were constantly rerunning any footage of anybody being pulled out, but there were damn few of those. On top of that was vast speculation about the status of the President, which segued into my status as Acting President and my visit to the site earlier in the day. Also discussed was my visit with the first President Bush, as well as some footage of Harry Reid and John Boehner talking to reporters in New York. There was intense speculation about what they were doing there, and who they were discussing their findings with.

There was also discussion of my actions the other day in cleaning house at the FAA, FBI, and CIA. Rush Limbaugh had declared my actions (on the basis of his extensive legal background, no doubt) unconstitutional and justified my impeachment. That prompted all the mainstream networks to call out their guest lawyers to report on the constitutional implications. They needed something to fill in twenty-four hours of airtime.

I was getting out of my chair to head towards bed when they called a late breaking story. “We are now getting a report - this is unconfirmed but from a reliable source - a report that tomorrow the Congressional leadership will report to the Cabinet that President Bush is to be considered missing in action and presumed dead, and that they are recommending that Acting President Buckman be sworn in as President!” I stopped at that and listened. The report was about ninety percent accurate, and it was obvious that one of the Congressional leaders was leaking the story. After that I headed to bed.

Friday morning found me back in the Cabinet Room at 9:00. This time we had Tommy Thompson and Ann Veneman with us in person, and I made sure to thank them for getting back to town. Dick Cheney was present and looking mulish as ever, but I had talked to Frank Stouffer, and he had confirmed that President Bush had talked to Cheney before heading to Camp David. Hopefully he wouldn’t be an asshole today. Also seated in the room were Denny Hastert and Tom Daschle. By now all the networks were reporting that there was going to be a major decision in the Cabinet today related to the 25 th Amendment.

We started with my greeting our guests from Congress. “Speaker Hastert, Senate Majority Leader Daschle, thank you for coming. When we talked yesterday you were getting in touch with the rest of the Congressional leadership. Have you done so?” I asked.

I wasn’t sure if they had rehearsed this or not, but Denny Hastert replied, “Yes, Mister President, we have. We talked to both John Boehner and Harry Reid yesterday and have concluded that President Bush is missing and should be presumed dead. We are here to recommend to the Cabinet that they vote to make you the President.”

There were some murmurs at that, and Cheney turned red and looked like he would explode, but he kept his mouth shut. With his heart problems he was about one outburst away from a heart attack!

The Attorney General spoke up. “Mister President, I have been in contact with Chief Justice Rehnquist about this, and I would like to bring him in at this time.”

“He’s here?”

“Yes, sir, along with some of the other Congressional leaders. I think we should have everyone in.”

I blinked for a second but nodded. “They’re here too? Fine by me.”

Ashcroft turned to a Secret Service agent and motioned him over, and then spoke quietly to him. He left and a couple of minutes later the rest of the Congressional leadership trooped in, less Harry and John, along with Bill Rehnquist. I stood and greeted them. I had known the Congressmen and Senators for years, but I don’t think I had met the Chief Justice more than a handful of times. “Mister Chief Justice, I am glad you could make it. I gather the Attorney General has been keeping you abreast of what has been going on.”

“Mister President, thank you. Yes, I have talked to the Attorney General several times over the last few days. He was concerned over any possible misinterpretation of the 25th Amendment. We really don’t have a precedent for this, as I am sure he told you,” answered Rehnquist.

He took a seat near me, in effect my old seat as the Vice President. I sighed and nodded. “Yes, sir, he did. I told him that we were making it up as we go. Hopefully you can sit here and tell us what we are doing is legal. I’d really prefer not going to jail.”

There were several chuckles at this, but not many, until the Chief Justice smiled and answered, “You can always write yourself a pardon, sir.” I smiled at that, too, and he continued, “Seriously, though, what you are doing is going above and beyond my reading of the Amendment. On the other hand, the political reality is such that going above and beyond may be what is best for our nation right now. With that being said, I would suggest we turn the meeting over to Attorney General Ashcroft, much as I understand you did Tuesday afternoon.”

“Of course, sir.” I turned towards the Attorney General and said, “You’re on!”

John Ashcroft stood up and said, “Well, it is my intention to repeat the process we had on Tuesday. I am going to go down the list of all the Cabinet members and ask ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ A Yes vote means that Carl Buckman is the President and a No means he stays as Acting President.” He grabbed his pen and a note pad and asked, “Secretary of State, yes or no?”

Dick Cheney turned beet red again, and he growled as he answered, but he said ‘Yes.’ I could see the looks and sighs of relief around the room. Ashcroft ignored the histrionics and continued down the list. It was unanimous. At that he turned to the Speaker of the House and said, “I’ve been talking to the Chief Justice as well. It’s not in the 25th Amendment, and it is not required, but we both think it would help immensely if I asked you gentlemen the same thing. Mister Speaker, yes or no?”

We had the Speaker of the House, along with the Majority and Minority Leaders and Whips of both the House and Senate in the room, all except John and Harry, who were flying home. He went down the list and it was unanimous. Denny added at the end that both John Boehner and Harry Reid had told him they were voting Yes as well.

“How do you want to do this, Mister President?” asked the Chief Justice.

Denny Hastert interrupted and said, “Excuse me, Mister President, but is it still your desire to do this on television tonight, like we talked about yesterday?”

I nodded. “Like I said, I know it’s not an inauguration, but I think the country is going to want to see this. It’s up to you fellows, though. The Capitol is your building.”

“Well, we’ll do it like a State of the Union Address. We’ll have everyone there, let John here run the thing, swear you in, and you make a quick speech. Who is going to be the missing man?”

“That will be me!” growled Cheney forcefully. At all State of the Union speeches there is always a ‘missing man’, a member of the Cabinet who can become the President if somebody manages to nuke the Capitol. “I’ll be damned if I want to watch this crap!”

Denny Hastert wasn’t going to be put off by Cheney. “Fine by me, but if you’re not going to be there, you’ll write out your acceptance right here and now. John, give him a sheet of paper!”

Cheney’s nostrils flared at that, but he was under the stare of everybody. Ashcroft silently pushed a sheet of stationery across to him. Cheney scrawled something on it and then stood up and stormed out of the room. It was rude as hell, but I wasn’t going to make an issue of it, and I was glad to see his back. One of my first jobs would be to replace Cheney.

Denny took the paper and folded it up and stuck it in a jacket pocket. “Okay, I will see you all this evening at eight o’clock. Mister President, get Ari Fleischer to get the wheels in motion. Otherwise, we are going to get out of here and let you get to work.”

“I agree.” I stood up. “Everybody, I will see you all this evening. Thank you.”

Getting back to work involved getting Ari Fleisher to crank up the system for this evening, calling Marilyn and informing her of what was going to happen, and calling Camp David and talking to the first President Bush.

That was an instructive call. He told me that Harry Reid and John Boehner had called him last night after talking to the Congressional leadership, so that he wasn’t blindsided when the inevitable reports came out. The President offered to come to Washington for the ceremony, but that for Barbara, Laura, and the girls, it would be too much, too soon. I promised that I wouldn’t move into the Executive Mansion until they were ready and had moved out. Dignity of the office or not, that would be more than a little tacky! He promised to sit down with me and talk, commenting that he had done the same with Bill Clinton and George W. Then he asked an interesting question. “Have you talked to your son yet? Where is he stationed?”

“He’s at Camp Lejeune. Why?” I answered.

“Get him to the Capitol tonight. This is all about theater. Get him there in a uniform, sitting with his mother and sisters.”

“Huh. I had planned on letting him alone. I didn’t want to prejudice things...”

“Carl, that is ridiculously naïve! You aren’t a Congressman anymore. You are the President of the United States! The guys over in the Pentagon are not going to let him just slide by. If you want him to have any sort of normal life, you are going to have to take that bull by the horns and have it out with them. Now, after we hang up, you need to get your Naval Adviser to get the boy on a plane!”

I chuckled. “Yes, sir. Pardon me for saying it, sir, but you still sound like a President.”

“You bet, Carl! You bet!”

“Very good, sir. I will obey that order. Please tell your family that they are in Marilyn’s and my prayers, and that we hope to see them again in the future.”

“Thank you, Carl, and good luck to you and your family, as well.”

After I hung up, I called Josh Bolten and told him what President Bush had told me. “So, how do we get Charlie up here?” I asked.

“We get Mike Miller in here, that’s how.”

I felt like an idiot, but I had been cut out of so much the last few months, and there were so many people working at the place. “Okay, so who’s Mike Miller?”

“He runs the White House Military Office. If he can’t do it, he’ll know who can.”

“Well, stop talking to me and call him. Bring him on in when you find him. Thank you.” I hung up and started making some notes about what I wanted to say tonight. I didn’t want to talk for a long time, and it wasn’t the place for anything legislative, like a State of the Union Address. I needed something uplifting and patriotic, something that would let people know we still had a functioning government and one that would keep them alive. I put out a call for Matt Scully and Mike Gerson to stop by.

Before they could come in, Josh returned with a Navy Captain, an O-6, which was much higher up the food chain than the O-3 Army Captain I had been. “Mister President, this is Captain Miller. He should be able to help you,” said Josh.

I stood and went around my desk to greet Captain Miller. I had probably seen him in passing but couldn’t swear that we had spoken. “Captain, I have a small problem, and maybe you can help, or at least point me in the right direction.”

“Yes, sir. Whatever I can do.”

“This is in the nature of a personal emergency. My son is a Marine Lance Corporal at Camp Lejeune. I haven’t had a chance to even call him about this, and I don’t even know what he is doing, but I need him here in Washington tonight.”

Captain Miller didn’t bat an eye. “Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it. Where should he report to, and what is his uniform to be?”

I opened my mouth but didn’t reply for a moment. “Captain, you seem to be smarter than I am. I like that! He needs to be at the Capitol by eight this evening, for when I get sworn in. You should probably get him to the residence at the Naval Observatory. We made sure he has all the uniforms he could need there. I would think that the Blue Dress Uniform is too much?”

“That’s more like a tuxedo, sir. He should wear his Service A uniform. We’ll let him know.”


“With your permission, sir?” he asked.

“Thank you, Captain. I am sure we will be talking some more. I hope you get him here on time.”

“The difficult we do immediately. The impossible just takes a little longer.” He turned and left.

Same as A Fresh Start
Chapter 140: Oath of Office Videos

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Phil felt someone sit down in the vacant seat beside him. He couldn’t see his friends and family from the runway of the small community airport. Jenvieve Borchard had told Phil that the price of renting a private plane for the trip was comparable to purchasing 13 round-trip first-class tickets. Phil had done the math and found she was correct. It was a bit more expensive but the convenience of being able to land the small plane closer to Heilman would more than make up for that. Now the...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 140

Since we had the list the next thing to do was find a place to make the stuff. I could disappear during the day to mix the stuff and package it, without arousing suspecion. The place had to be 100% secure. We were going to have to store the equipment and the raw materials there. I did not want any more shine in my apartment. It was my intention to mix all the product for a complete runs at once. No since being on the road any more than necessary. Even so, the first one would be small, since...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 140

~~Damien~~ His leg worked again. Barely, but it did. Tomorrow night, he’d go back to work, helping the Invictus secure their borders and priority locations against Carthian fingers. But for the moment, he’d enjoy what was left of his free time with his lover. He eased his hips back, and gently pushed them forward, until every inch of his girth sank into his girlfriend’s trembling body. Once he was snug inside her, he spent a few seconds lightly caressing her ass, before he lifted his hand,...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 140 Flame of a DoubleEdged Sword

(Leaves drift over the battlefield as Kenshin stands at the ready.) Houji (thinking): He... he stood up. No... calm down, all he's doing is standing. It's highly doubtful he still has the strength to use the succession technique Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki. The burns of the Homura Dana and the explosion of the Guren Kaina... it's obvious he won't survive. Lord Shishio is too strong for him... And yet... this chill! this unease! this fear! (Kenshin roars, sending out a blast of ki that...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 140

February 5, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, After a good night’s sleep, I woke curled into the back side of Celeste, my arm over her. However, I realized that my left arm was touching another arm, so opened my eyes ... only to see Celeste’s back at very close range. I lifted my head to look to my left and saw Brett’s hand draped over Celeste’s left arm and near mine. I could see nothing else of him, but for his hand to be there, he had to be tucked tightly into the front of Celeste. That...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 140 I Decide to Become an Internet Millionaire

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) I was still in a bad mood fifteen minutes later, and cursing how stupid people could be, when Julia and Ava arrived. "What a pain in the ass that was! I can't believe how stupid they all were. Did they honestly think I could have ten different conversations, with forty different people all trying to butt in?" Julia said, "Yes, they were stupid, but they wanted to be around you because you're a big deal to them. The good news is that it's probably...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 140

Cussing at Work Dear Employees: It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated. We do, however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers. Therefore, a...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 140

Roseanne, Corry and their boyfriends were several minutes late. We were all still in the office in our meeting when they came. I had them wait in the lobby. Marcy continued with her meeting while I waited on the word that the North 6 was done their homework for tonight. Marcy had four of the six rental cars that were at the college picked up, now that the insurance company had settled with the students from the transformer disaster. One of those independent auto haulers had been contracted...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 140

Epilogue These letters were discovered by my cousin and me as we checked the archives after the death of my grandmother Sage. We knew a bit about the Poseidonat branch of the family. John did travel there once he became a citizen and his research led to some advances in ship hulls that saved many lives by preventing hull breaches from causing catastrophic decompression. I have to admit that I never knew just how active Willow and Erica were in the war. These letters got Vladimir and me...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 140

As Art, Sandra and Bobby looked into the living room, they saw Jeff and the General sitting by the window. "I'll talk to Jeff while you two help with supper," Art said, quickly kissing the nurses and walking over to greet the men. Sandra and Bobby went on to the kitchen, opened the door and suddenly stopped to stare at the activity. The women weaved by one another, chatting and laughing. The clatter of cookware and the whir of kitchen machinery added to the seeming chaos, but it only took...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 140

Bernice and Randi certainly knew how to take the pain of losing Trina away. Laura was actually satiated for several days after her bouts with these two. I must be getting old, she thought. I used to be able to fuck for days without noticing it, except with Karen, when it hurt afterward. But I can remember making love to four different girls in the same week. I must've come over fifty times. Now just fifteen or twenty make me smile and glow for days. She was still smiling and glowing when...

4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 140 Renewing acquaintances

“Now?” Lyvia asked, her eyes like saucers as she gazed up at John. He glanced down at Marsendra Helewynn, the once-haughty matriarch now sucking lovingly on his cock as he came down her throat. Her belly had started to swell, the creamy load rapidly filling up her stomach and creating a noticeable bulge. Lyvia’s hand was caressing that rounded bump, feeling her new friend’s expanding tummy as she hungrily devoured everything John could offer. “Yeah ... now!” John gasped, easing back from...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 140

The following are compliments of Mike S Back in the olden days, Queen Elizabeth 1 was always on the lookout for a viral man for her bed. If the male in question didn’t satisfy her, the next thing was a trip to the tower and ‘off with his tackle’ so to speak. Anyway Sir Walter Raleigh having just returned from a sea voyage was summoned to attend her bedchamber. Knowing the fate of others before him and as his ship was being refitted, he cut off 3 feet from the bottom of the main mast, hid...

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Six Times A DayPart 140 Simply Irresistible

"YES! YES! YES! MASTER! OH, MASTER! AAAIIIIEEEE!" Alan was fucking Brenda's ass hard and fast. He'd already been fucking her at a good pace for over ten minutes and was getting tired, but still he kept on drilling her back door. Susan and Suzanne had gone to his room so he and Brenda could have some semblance of privacy in Susan's bedroom. "OH MASTER! PLEASE! PLEASE! YES!" She kept yelling "please," and for the life of him, he couldn't understand what the "please" was for...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 140

We found one, and the three of us masturbated. I wasn't at all sure who Girl Scout was but she was interesting. I wondered if she was Happy, or even if she was a she. I felt like I was pretty good with deciding who was real, and who was not. It didn't bother me that they were plastic girls, it was just a curiosity thing. I felt like Girl Scout was a girl and quite likely Happy, but I would never know that was kind of our unspoken deal. Whenever I went to one of the adult room for every ten...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 140 Mollyrsquos Run

What the heck did the mystery machine do last night and what is in the slot that opened? When I went over and looked into the slot I saw there were multiple smart card IDs like my top-secret badges. One just had Smith on it, my picture, and three QR codes instead of letters. On the back it had a huge set of different types of digital patterns. One looked like the one on the back of my Dad’s insurance card. The rest I couldn’t even guess at. There was another one with Smith on it that had...

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Runaway TrainChapter 140

The band was back together. Or at least that’s how it seemed to me when I walked into Liz’s conference room with her and Morrie Epstein. “Ain’t this a motley crew,” I said. “I want Brian to be the drummer!” Jill said, laughing at her own wit. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, looked befuddled. Dom leaned over, held his hands a foot apart and whispered in his friend’s ear. Brian grimaced, lowered his head and shook it. “That means you have to be the centerfold girl,” I said, coming to...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 140

I was up early and had a light breakfast before going to the oval desk. I was there even before Connie and Troy arrived. I practiced tonight’s speech on the teleprompter; I was satisfied with the speech. Aides started arriving with notes and information I needed to look at. One of them stated that Oregon’s legislature had worked until midnight. I wondered if burning the midnight oil was moving towards a solution or just for show. Twelve more hours would tell. Another extended email was from...

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Double TearsChapter 140

“To die will be an awfully big adventure.” —J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan I LOVE MY OLDER GIRLFRIENDS. Wednesday night, I had all three. Granted, V1 thought of all three as cute young girls. But Donna, the youngest, was eleven years older than V3. Add four more years for Sophie, and ten more to that for Nanette. Yes, for those who are slow with math, that makes them 28, 32, and 42. And for some reason or another, these three remarkable women had also fallen in love with a seventeen-year-old...

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There and BackChapter 140 Walking Nightmare

It was two more days before my brother finally returned. While we waited, Sigrun resumed caring for Faren, and Alim shut himself in the library. Alistair went out to meet with Conrad, who’d seen no sign of darkspawn on his patrols; he was worried, however, that Rolan and his patrol hadn’t made it to their last meeting. The patrol routes were planned such that each group met with one of the others once per day, and the former templar hadn’t been there in the morning when Oghren, Conrad, and...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 140

Wayne stayed the night in Los Angeles and used Walt's Auto CAD program to revise the plans. He took them to the planning commission the following morning and they were approved with only a cursory look by a mid-level bureaucrat. It wasn't much different from life in smaller communities, he decided. "You'll need to obtain ecological and environmental surveys before you start," the woman said. "Once you have all your permits in order, stop back in and I'll issue a building order." The...

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Mariana Martix 140000

Social media has made it easy to access and stay in touch with your favorite stars. Before now, the only time you heard from a celebrity was when they appeared on TV or had an interview with a magazine. However, social media has changed that.Today you can stay updated about your favorite pornstars and interact with them frequently via Twitter, Telegram, and Reddit. No shit, I was talking about adult film stars! The only celebs I keep tabs on are pornstars. Twitter is one place you can stay...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Scarlet Chase 300 140000

Scarlet Chase, also known as Your Secret Crush, has been in the business for around five years now. She started when she was 22, which makes her 27 years young as of the writing of this article.What Dat Pussy Do?Scarlet Chase is white and petite at only five foot four and 119 pounds. To make up for some of her small stature, she has enhanced her tits all the way up to a 34C from A or B cups.She has several tattoos, including on her left flank, under her right bicep, along her upper spine, and a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Boathouse Revisited

We’ll need a little genealogy: My uncle Robert, born in 1935; my mother, 1938; my brother Terry, 1961; me in 1963, and my Jeremy, 1986, and Rochelle, the year following. Jeremy says the odds of three generations being boy-girl are 1:64. I didn’t learn anything that interesting when I took biology from Mrs. Thornton, though I read about this lady who had nine daughters in a row. I’ll bet the last one never got a new anything. So here are three pairs of siblings in our family tree, one line per...

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A Quirk of FateVIIIthe boathouseE173part1of1

"They say that at our age we have to empty our balls at least once a day and it looks like the duty is going to fall to you." Damon said. “I suppose that’s your way of asking for a hand job?” "You could suck us off instead. We’d like that better." Damon replied with a smirk. A Quirk of Fate-VIIIThe boathousePart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF slut who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy Norwood. My son Frank. And my husband...

Cheating Wife
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Freshers Night

Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...

3 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 10 Oaths and Honor

Wearing our Legion Armor with the special undergarments was much better, as Grandpa Dave and Uncle Con had suggested. I was used to calling them that already. It hadn't needed the meditation session, or that amazing refining my mind got during Grandpa Dave's joining with ours. They made it so easy for me to feel like family. What did Sid think of me in nothing but the Legion undergarments? He said I was the sort of vision around which legends are written. He wasn't just trying to get me...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 19 Oaths of Vengeance

Puma sat in the lee of a rock, letting the rain run over her without paying it much heed. Shuria appeared as a dim shadow and squatted next to her. "Tomorrow, eh?" he told her. "Yes," she replied economically. "You've been quiet most of the trip." "I've been doing a lot of thinking." He grinned a bit. "I've been doing a lot of anticipating the trip back to Xipototec when it's just the two of us." "I've been thinking about that, too." A lightning bolt cut a jagged path...

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A Boathouse Orgy To House Of Pleasures

I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...

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Dads BoathouseChapter 3

Michelle and Peter In the span of a few weeks my entire world had turned itself upside down then righted itself, only to be turned all topsy-turvy again. Maybe it was a lack of sleep. My little brother Peter and I have classes at Sam Houston State University and should have been in bed, maybe even actually sleeping in those beds. Sleeping? In a bed? How odd ... Sleeping in separate beds to prepare ourselves properly for school. But instead we were both staking out the boathouse together,...

1 year ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 14 Dees Diary The Boathouse

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, JUNE 12th (Continued) On Saturday, Fred got the old johnboat working in the boathouse down by the little pier, and told us that he'd be taking it out on the lake for several hours. Before he left, however, Brenda said she had something to suggest, and she went into the bedroom and emerged holding two bikinis. She'd purchased them the day before, and since the weather had turned warm, she asked Fred it the two of us could lie on the pier and soak up some sun. I was...

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Are you hungry? Looking for some "Fresh Scat"? Is there really a need for me to introduce a site with such a straightforward name? Sure, some people might be confused as to what freshscat.com has to offer, but then those people are probably too young or not into this particular fetish. Well, if you do not know what scat means, that is basically pornography that includes a lot of disguising (for me) yet tasty (for some) fetish with shit, and sometimes other things as well.If you do not have a...

Scat Porn Sites
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Fresh MMS! Greetings, freaks, and deviates. On today’s menu of amateur sluts, we’ve got super hot Bengali girls slithering into bed to show off their tits and muff, Arab girls in hijabs getting fucked hard, and Desi girls railed from behind in hotel rooms. FreshMMS.com has this and more, all for free.I have to confess, I’m a little late to the Fresh MMS party. The site showed up around 2016 and has been steadily growing in popularity. The last year or so has been fucking great for these...

Indian Porn Sites
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It was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...

She Males
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Fresh Flemish Female Friends 1

Fresh friends invite me to meet them at a big beach in noman's land along the border between our two countries.I agree to meet them three at about three to shoot some fine footage for the couple and their dear daughter there.I arrive with my camera rolling and focus at the tight tiny titted teen who pretends she does not notice now me at all.Fresh friends watch with me how she dances in the waves and lets her waves flow for us as a sudden surprise!Fresh friends with no names yet to protect...

3 years ago
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Fresh Start

Fresh Start By Julie O Synopsis: Dr. Liz Reid takes a job at a spa following the death of her husband. For her son Josh, the trip will result in a life changing experience. Fresh Start By Julie O Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Josh Reid stared out the window of his mother's Land Rover as they drove towards their new home. He was lost in thought about how much his life had changed in the last year. His life had changed dramatically...

1 year ago
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Feeling naughty and the 2 officers

I awoke to a over powering feeling of a day of being horny,sexy and naughty. I have always wanted to be naughty but never had the nerve. I got out of bed, showered and dressed. I wore a black leather mini skirt and a leather bra. As I stood and looked at myself in the mirror , I thought "Damn I look good". Now the only problem I had was to find someone to be naughty with me. Today was the day. As I drove around town thinking "where would I pick up a man who would like to get naughty"? I wasn't...

Group Sex
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E140 And More Of A New Direction

After they dine and another drink, the four head back to the bed for round three.  Donald on his stomach, his face in Emma’s twat, which is, as always, wet and ready.  Sasha and Joseph are at each of his sides.  As Donald licks and pleasures Emma, which is so nice to do, the other couple begin to massage, caress, kiss, lick, and suck, all over his bodyThe massage they are giving Donald over his shoulders and down his back is added with the running of Sasha’s and Joseph’s tongues down his spine...

Love Stories
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Room 1408

Room 1408F Mike exited his apartment and walked over to the mailbox. He hadn't checked it all week and assumed it would be full of junk-mail. Sure enough, he found it filled with letters. He quickly went through it sorting out his roommate's mail in the process. John was just as forgetful. People of his generation never used the mail. That was what email was for. Finally, Mike came across an odd post-card. It was a picture of an old hotel in the middle of New York City. ...

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Room 1408 Part 2

Room 1408 Part 2 (Based off the Novel and Film 1408. This is a sequel to my Room 1408 story so please read the first in the series.) Brittney took her key and opened room 1408. She looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. She looked at the carpet half-expecting blood stains; there were none. She looked at the bed and found that it was perfectly made. She sighed bored and then went into the room keeping the door open. She ventured into the bathroom and found it...

3 years ago
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Room 1408 Part 3

Room 1408 Part 3 Ron and his girlfriend, Jane, decided to make a fateful trip to New York City and stay at the Dolphin hotel. Ron was a white tall bald muscular man wearing a suit while Jane was a very slender, short, tan-skinned Puerto Rican wearing a black dress and high heels. Ron motioned for Jane to stay behind with the suitcases while he went to the check-in desk. The hotel was as elegant and busy as usual despite the horrors that lurked in one specific room. "Welcome to the...

3 years ago
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Flight WAC 1403A

New York, Wednesday 24th April 1974. After a severe winter the spring had set in. Sun rays bathed the Central Park in New York. Birds chirped happily. Senior citizens greeted each other, happy to have survived the cold weather. Children played noisily while their mothers gossiped. It seemed that the world was at peace with itself but not everyone was happy. Mr. Graham Hussley, Chief Editor of The Crime Watch, was a worried man. He looked out from his office window, which overlooked the...

1 year ago
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Dads BoathouseChapter 2

Michelle returns home. This is the tale of a young woman’s journey of self-discovery. Initially the protagonist is unfamiliar with the correct terminology for, use of various items, and safe practices. Please forgive her many errors. Don’t use this story as a how-to guide. There are several ‘daydreams’ in this story most are in fictional settings, the one at the University is imagined by the character. SHSU probably has rules against what is described. SUNDAY NIGHT I woke up snuggled up...

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Boathouse fun

It was getting late and we had all had quite a bit to drink. Everyone had gone except for Jen (my wife), me, and Jason (wife's best friend's husband). We were still out in the boathouse throwing darts. Jen and Jason were flirting a bit and it was making me horny. So when Jason went out to take a piss, I decided I was ready for a piss as well and followed him. While out there I asked him if he would like to join us in a 3-some tonight and he said SURE! I told him I'd work on getting Jen naked...

2 years ago
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FOUR BAD-ASS JOCKS, TENDERIZED AND READIED FOR USE."God Fucking Damn! ... I need me some ass ... NOW! ...", shouted the burly bro nastily. Stroking the outline of his cock in his army camo. He roughly squeezed the shoulder of master Lucas's bitch sitting next to him. "How about it Greg? Want to go another round on this?", joked Jeremiah. "Hands off my boy, Jerry! ... His ass is still gaping from the last time I let you borrow his hole.", said master Lucas sternly. "Shit man, ... If I don't get...

4 years ago
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Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread By Wonder_DadStory #3Our high school was where all the food that was prepared for the lunch programs throughout area cooked. Every morning we were greeted by the smell of fresh bread cooking in the kitchen, loaf after loaf of fluffy white bread lined the tables of the kitchen. Some students worked in the kitchens with the cooks until their classes started. For a quarter, these students could buy a loaf of fresh hot bread. They were allowed to sit and eat it before class. If you were...

3 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand III Executive Secretar

Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...

4 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand II Language School

Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...

3 years ago
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Fresh Start 2

Fresh Start 2 By Julie O, Amelia R and Bob Arnold Edited by Amelia R Synopsis: Josh Reid was a typical teenage boy before he was transformed physically into a young woman. She became Jirra Reid and struggled to accept her new female persona. This is the continuation of her journey to find balance in her life. This tale also contains cameos of characters from many of Julie's other stories, including Ambition, Celestial Awakenings, and the Turbulence series. It also features a...

2 years ago
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The Officeplay

Your handle was officefuck69. This intrigued me. I checked the rest of your profile and thought you were worth sending a message to. 'Hi: Thanks for the flirt. I checked out your profile and you have my attention. What exactly are you looking for? Tell me a bit about yourself and feel free to ask me anything. I will answer any and all questions.' SEND I checked out a few web cams, read a few articles and was about to log off when I saw that I had a message. 'I'm looking for...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Officemate

As every day passed by, I began to notice the good things about her – not of the character but of the body and figure. To complement her dangerous character, she possessed this dangerous kind of beauty too. She would not be called ‘beautiful’ but she was definitely attractive. She usually wore a saree, and occasionally a dress. She had a well-kept figure, well –groomed skin, fingers, feet, and toes. Her lips had this peculiar way of twitching involuntarily that would generate heat in any sexy...

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