Zak's GiftChapter 4 free porn video

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"Kim, what a nice surprise!" Victor said.

"I had a day off." Kim replied. "I wanted to see you." Victor led her into the house, with his hand at the small of her back, just the way she liked it, and Kim purred with pleasure.

"Kim, this is Penelope." Victor said. "She's staying with me until further notice."

"Some kind of trouble?" Kim asked through a haze of arousal.

"You might say that." Victor replied. His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. "Excuse me." He disappeared into another room to take the call. "Hello?"

"It's me." Mr. Andersen's voice said harshly over the phone. "My acrorectophobia's acting up. Bob me if necessary." Click.

"What the fuck?" Victor muttered. Suddenly it dawned on him. Acrorectophobia was a joke-word Mr. Andersen had read on the Internet, meaning "fear of assholes in high places." And the last comment meant that he expected Victor to help him lose any tail that might get pinned on him. "Something's up." he said to himself. He extended his consciousness, brushing Marie's mind and issuing a compulsory summons. She appeared at the door twenty minutes later with two friends in tow, hurrying them into the house while they demanded to know what was going on.

"Any idea why I just felt the need to be here?" Marie asked after spending two minutes hugging Victor tightly.

"I'm sorry, but something's come up and I'd prefer you to be here rather than out there with whatever-it-is." Victor said.

What's going on? Penelope asked.

I'm not sure. Victor replied. "Ladies, I think you'd best be getting downstairs."

"What about you?" Kim asked.

"I'll keep an eye out for Mr. Andersen. He's coming over."

"Sounds like some party." one of Marie's friends muttered.

"She doesn't know the half of it." Zak said, appearing beside Victor. "You've drawn attention to yourself, Vic, old boy. Let's hope you're as creative as the fellows who wrote those lovely comics of yours."


"Deep shit, I'm afraid." Zak replied.

"Never a dull moment." Victor said, stepping outside. He pulled a gun from the glove compartment of Marie's car, but found only four bullets in the chamber, and no refills anywhere. Fine. he thought. He pulled out a folding chair, sitting with the pistol in his lap, and extended his consciousness outward, scanning for any hostile minds. He found them on highway 84, heading east, matching course and speed with Mr. Andersen's car but staying just out of sight. Searching their thoughts, he found that there was a tracking device on Mr. Andersen's car, which Victor quickly removed. This forced the pursuers to reveal themselves to keep the tail on him, which sent the elderly executive into evasive action. Soon Victor had a firm picture in his mind. Four cars and two helicopters. It was a simple matter to snap the alternator belt on the lead car, the brake line on the second one, a battery cable on the third and a fuel line on the fourth.

"Not bad, for a human." Zak said. "I only wish I could have given you a better effective range."

"You did fine." Victor replied. "Now, if I know Mr. Andersen, he's going to turn down the nearest county road to try to lose the choppers. That'll also ditch the one with brake problems, and that lead car will only be a concern until their battery burns out." He decided to accellerate the process, telekinetically moving the switches to activate the car's CD player and air conditioner. Sure enough, Victor saw through the driver's eyes that the battery indicator needle was now descending at a visible rate.

"We've got a problem." the driver said. "I think we've lost our alternator!"

"Damn it! Radio for assistance!" said one of the other men in the car. Victor disconnected the internal workings of their radio.

"It's dead!" The driver reported, then swore under his breath.

"Control? This is Agent Hooks via cell phone, we are under telekinetic attack!" one of the agents in the back seat said. Victor destroyed the cell phone.

"I guess there's no more need for subtlety." he said, insinuating his image and voice over the agents' perceptions. By reflex, the agents pulled their guns and opened fire. Agent Hooks, in the back seat, was the only one who managed to avoid being killed by his comerades.

"Damn you, Phillips!" the man exclaimed, unbuckling his seatbelt and diving for the steering wheel.

"Sorry, you don't have that authority." Victor replied, removing his psychic presence from the car. With the dead driver's foot flooring the accellerator, Agent Hooks had no time to make the sharp turn that followed. The car plowed into a large oak tree, and he was launched through the windshield, barely missing the tree himself, and landed in a big pile of sand. He was several hours in reawakening. He tried to walk, but his leg was broken and poking through his skin. He had to crawl to the road and hope he didn't get run over by some kid sneaking around the speed traps.

"I don't know if I lost them." Mr. Andersen said as he parked his car under the carport with Victor's loaner.

"Who is after you?" Victor asked. The agents he'd encountered psychically had been able to shield their memories, indicating long hours of training on their part.

"Not sure." Mr. Andersen replied. "All I managed to get out of the one I questioned was that he's Federal."

"Not a lot to go on." Victor replied.

"I know." Mr. Andersen grumbled.

"Mr. Andersen?" Desiree asked, peeking out of the basement. "What's going on?"

"I talked her out of leaving." Victor whispered by way of explanation.

"Ah, the 'emergency vacation.'" Mr. Andersen mused. "We'll be down in a moment, Desiree. I think it's safer if you stay there for the time being."

"Uh, yessir." Desiree replied, disappearing once more down the steps.

"Phillips, you dog." Mr. Andersen chuckled. "I've seen that look in a woman's eyes before, but it's been a while." He was laughing quietly now, his broad shoulders bobbing up and down in his mirth. "Well, one mystery solved." he said, sobering up. "Too many more to go."

"True." Victor replied. "Starting with who sent those suits after you."

"Can I help?" Penelope asked.

"Who are you?" Mr. Andersen asked.

"Mr. Andersen, this is Penelope." Victor said as the little girl shook hands with the elder gentleman.

"So, the government's after you, too?" Penelope asked. "Join the club, Mr. Andersen. I'm a hacker specializing in defending regular people's rights. What are they hunting you for?"

"Apparently, to get to Vic here." Mr. Andersen replied. "Though I can't imagine why."

"I can." Zak's image said, appearing in a chair. Mr. Andersen jumped. "Sorry, old bean, didn't mean to startle you."

"Who are you?"

"The psychic projection of an extraterrestrial being whose name contains only one syllable we can pronounce." Victor said. "So that's the syllable we use for a nickname. Zak."

"Oh, okay, I'm beginning to understand now." Mr. Andersen said. "The government's power-jealous, so it made it a punishable offense for any American citizen to have contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles, for fear that someone might trade their sister into slavery for a starcruiser and fly it to Washington or something."

"Even if slavetaking races DID come to Sol III to trade, rather than simply conquering the planet, they would hardly be so daft as to give away their cruiser for slaves. More likely a shuttlecraft, but it would require a great many individuals to be turned over. I think one of the smaller urban zones would have to be emptied to pay for a shuttle, and of course the one making the trade would have to capture the other humans himself..."

"Zak, he was talking about government paranoia, not rational thinking." Victor said.

"Ah." Zak replied. "So sorry. I do tend to ramble so."

"So is this how you make contact with other species?" Mr. Andersen asked.

"Oh, no." Zak replied. "I wasn't even supposed to make contact at all, only observe. You are, after all, a pre-hyperdrive species. However, I was captured by covert agents of your government and had to effect an escape. I encountered Victor while attempting to evade recapture, and learned more about your culture from him in twelve hours than we had learned in twelve years by passive observation of your broadcasts."

The sound of helicopters interrupted the conversation. Victor stepped outside, questing outward with his mind. The two choppers cleared the trees and opened fire, carving twin lines of bullet holes on either side of him but failing to harm him.

"Was that a warning shot?" he asked no one in particular.

"Victor Phillips, stay where you are!"

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere." Victor remarked. Flexing his mental power, he disassembled the helicopters in midair. The pilots glanced about themselves in confusion as they found themselves hovering amidst the flying pieces of their vehicles. Victor tossed the pilots into the lake and reassembled the helicopters.

"Wow, that's some trick!" Mr. Andersen muttered.

Zak, do you want to explain it or should I? Victor thought.

"I'll do it." Zak's image said. "You go console the mothers of your children."

"It's confirmed then?"

"Yes, sir, most definitely."

"Very well. Proceed to plan Epsilon."

"Yes, sir!"

Kim awoke to the sound of the bench press rattling and moved downstairs to investigate. She smiled when she found that it was only Victor exercising. He was dressed in cut-off jeans and a sleeveless undershirt, and was pressing what looked like two hundred pounds. She knelt at his right knee and waited. When he finally finished, he sat up, gently cupped a hand under her chin, and brought her to her feet.

"Did I wake you?" he asked.

"Yes, but I don't mind." Kim replied, letting waves of arousal flow down the rapport he'd forged with her the night before.

"You shouldn't be naked outside the bedroom." he said. "Mr. Andersen's here, don't forget." At his mental command, an extra-large T-shirt flew into the room and onto Kim's nude body. She put her arms through the armholes herself.

"I'm sorry, Master, I should have remembered." Kim said in Chinese. "I shouldn't be calling you Master while Mr. Andersen's here, either, should I?"

"Probably not, at least in English." Victor replied, pulling her close. "How's this for a consolation prize?" He kissed her then, and she melted against him.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this whole poly-sexual thing." Mr. Andersen said, striding into the room. Startled, Kim backed away, blushing brightly. "I hope everyone you hire for us isn't going to be your breeding bitch, Vic. A whole bunch of women having maternity leave all at the same time..."

"I know, sir, that's why I'm going to do some ... more normal testing, starting tomorrow." Victor replied.

"Glad to hear it." Mr. Andersen said. "Hiring all one gender is never good."

Hours later, Victor was searching through the local college newspaper when he found an article entitled "PROGRAMMING EVIL." Just below the title was the byline Zebulon Lycos. Hooked, Victor read on, and discovered it was a scathing beratement of the writers of the Klez, Melissa and I Love You viruses and the F.B.I.'s Carnivore program and other such snoop devices.

"I think we've just found the next Stone Phillips." he muttered to himself.

"I would have said John Stossel, but Stone Phillips is good too." Zak's mental projection said.

"Weird name, Zebulon." Victor continued. "Still, I guess there can't be too many Zebulons on campus, so he should be pretty easy to find."

"You sure don't look like a Zebulon." Victor said, catching the young man's attenton. Maybe "man" was too strong a word. The youth wasn't too much older than Penelope. A grade-skipper, then?

"That's your opinion." Zebulon replied.

"Oh, I actually knew a guy named Zebulon once." Vic said, intrigued rather than daunted by the youth's firey nature. "He dated my sister in between stays at the county jail. Knocked her up just before he went to the state pen. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. My name's Victor Phillips. I read your article, 'Programming Evil.' Powerful stuff, that."

"You could just send fanmail." Zebulon suggested.

"Actually, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to be a very young John Stossel for a TV station in Waco."

"Wow, liked me THAT much, did you?" Zebulon asked, quirking a smile. "A lot of my pieces get pulled because of stuff like that, you know."

"I understand completely." Vic replied. "A lot of people can't handle the truth, especially if it's about themselves or a sponsor."

"And here you're willing to take the Eminem of journalism under your wing?" Zebulon asked.

"Well, Zeb--can I call you Zeb?--it's like this, okay: the station's getting ready to flush the lazy element out of its system, and we're looking for people with a good work ethic to fill the void..."

"Is my age going to be an issue?" Zeb asked.

"How old are you?"

"Almost fifteen."

"You're legal, kid." Victor replied. "Don't scare me like that again, okay?" Zeb laughed.

"Fourteen months ago you would have been up the minor tributary of sanitation sans ulterior mode of locomotion." Zeb remarked.

"Nice use of big words, kid, but we don't pay you by the syllable." Vic replied. "So, anywho, let's talk about your job skills, shall we?"

"180 words a minute, extensive experience with Internet search engines, and I even wrote an Internet spider-program that searches unsubmitted sites, too."

"I'd be stupid not to hire you." Victor replied with a laugh. "By the way, where'd you learn to be so scathingly insulting without resorting to cursing and name-calling?"

"Even the Mensa sector of AOL is not above the occasional flame-war." Zeb replied. Victor laughed.

"Well?" Victor asked.

"He's a little young," Mr. Andersen replied, "more than a little controversial, he seems to have a problem with authority..." Victor sighed, sitting back in his chair. "It's about time we were able to compete with Bill Maher. I'll set up an audition, get some of our idea men working on a premise, get the legal department started with his contract negotiations. He's a little young, but he's old enough to legally work in this state, so that's old enough for me."

Victor chuckled. Mr. Andersen was good at making people think he was going to say one thing when he was really going to say something else. Kim came out of the bathroom looking a little queasy.

"Are you alright, Kim?" he asked in Chinese.

"I did not feel good, Sir." Kim replied in the same language. "I think I may be pregnant. This is the second morning in a row this has happened."

"There are saltines in the kitchen, I will get herbal tea for you later."

"Thank you, Sir." Kim responded.

"What's all this?" Mr. Andersen asked.

"Personal business." Victor replied.

"Whatever you say, Vic."


Victor steeled himself in response to the premonitive terror just before the psychic assault came crashing down on him. He was able to deflect the first barrage almost harmlessly. It took his assailant a few seconds to gather for another strike, in which time he made ready for a counterattack. Locking into the frequency of the second assault, he sent as much anger as he could muster down the line of transmission, battering back at his foe. He extended himself outwards, scanning the memories of everyone he could reach within the time he had before his enemy recovered, finding as many painful memories as he could, be it injury, death, grief, loss ... anything. Gathering the memories into a psionic dagger, he thrust it forward, amplifying the accompanying emotions as he stabbed the mind of his foe. Within moments, he was tuned in to nothing but the psi-static of a catatonic. He withdrew back into his own body, opening his eyes once again. He was on the floor. Kim and Mr. Andersen were kneeling over him.

"What happened?" Mr. Andersen asked, helping him up.

"Psychic attack." Victor groaned, clutching his head. "Almost caught me completely off-guard, but I had a bit of warning."

"It was Penelope." Zak's image said, appearing at his side. "She has a great deal of precognitive potential, activated by the evolution process. It is rare. I will have to consult with someone as to how to proceed."

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I'm sitting in French class as I feel my phone vibrate from inside my pocket so I discreetly slip my manicured hand inside and pull out my phone. The buzzing pulsates against my palm and I feel my heartbeat quicken, hoping it was Shawn. I check and see his out of state area code and read over his intimate message. No phones in class was a rule strictly enforced by teachers so I knew I was risking myself but the thrill and excitement I got from talking to strangers I met online outweighed my...

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Torched Cherry

Xavier was away studying in college which was just fine by him because he and his stepmother just didn’t get along. Now he was coming home from Miami for the holidays. I never took well to Xavier, he was a bit effeminate though naively I never suspected he was gay. His personality rubbed us all the wrong way, nothing was ever good enough for him. The food was always too cold or too hot and his elitist attitude made it hard to warm up to him. But the thing that pissed me off the most was his...

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Love Making With Payal On The Shoot

Hi friends, this story is about the sex which I had with a model during the shooting. It was in the month of April when I got one shoot for a digital ad. As it was the still shot so selecting the model was a little tedious task. Finally, we got the model name Payal and she was from Delhi. The shoot was in one of the farmhouses situated at Faridabad with lots of greenery and covered swimming pool. Due to the hot weather, we decided to shoot in the early morning and went to our rooms. Everyone...

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Jason DunlapChapter 3

Jason hoped to resolve the problem with the Chippies without the residue of violence expected from the Goslins. There was little chance of that, but both he and Betty still hoped for the best. That night, Jason dressed in his "working clothes" and set out for the headquarters of the Chippies. Stanley Rush was the leader of the Chippies and no more likable than Vic Swan; however, he was reputed to be a little more intelligent. Jason hoped that this latter characteristic would make him more...

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An Erotic Seduction Of My Savita Aunt 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone. This is Rohan from Mumbai. This is a real story of seduction, love,lust, romance and sex which happened with me when I was 23. I was working with a software company in Mumbai. I was not satisfied with my salary as had joined just 1 year back as fresher. So I started searching for a new job which I got in Bangalore and had to join in few days. My parents had contacted some relative in Bangalore for accommodation.They were ready to keep me at their home as paying guest. I came to...

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My boyfriends brother

This story is partly true and partly wishful thinking. It involves myboyfriend, who is 8 years older than me, and his younger brother who is 17.My name is Matt, which is short for My Ass Takes Terry, which happens to bemy boyfriend's name. If you are concerned whether the names have beenchanged to protect individual privacy then you really ought to get a life!This story is dedicated to 2 guys whom I've never met, but for over a yearhave helped me cope with getting my life back together...

2 years ago
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Two Different WorldsChapter 14 No Moon At All

"Do you think that Neal is all right?" Amy sounded as worried as she looked. It was growing late, and Neal was still with Prince Arragin. "I'm sure that he can take care of himself," Jewel reassured her, then stiffened as she heard a faint scratching from the back of their tent. A hand signal alerted Amy, and their knives glistened in the flickering lamplight. "Stand easy," a hoarse whisper cautioned. "Remember me?" "Jal?" It was Amy who first recognized the burly soldier who...

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Helpful HannahChapter 12

My eyes slowly opened, and I was surprised to see Kelly staring back at me, a sleepy smile on her face. “Good morning, Hannah.” I sat up with a start. “What’s happening? Where’s my brother?? He’s not alone, is he?” Kelly laughed, and leaned in to softly press her lips against mine. My heart was still racing, but I opened my mouth and allowed her tongue to slip inside until it was dancing with mine. “It’s fine,” she whispered. “Your mom is taking care of it.” I sighed in relief, and lay...

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The party piece a fantasy

I was asked to write down one of my fantasies by someone.I thought I'd share it with you all too.Having read it back, not sure if it's really a fantasy/story. It could be read as a detailed description for a play scenario.It concerns being paraded and used at a party, just a ‘play toy’ to be taken advantage of. I suspect this is not an uncommon fantasy.=====In my mind, I am dressed in a corset, breast forms, bra, suspender belt and stockings. Heels would be locked on – not that I would be in a...

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Just the Tip

“ Now slowly pull down his boxers,” Joi commanded from her leather office chair. The thin brunette reached down to the waistband of the man across from her and slid her fingers between the fabric and his flesh. “Stop, Ashley.” The girl freezes in position. “What is this game?” Ashley, scolded, withdraws her fingers. Her knees cross as she fidgets. Joi glances at the gap between the girl’s inner thighs. Joi looks over the top edge of her glasses. “The game is service. And that means?” Ashley...

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Bent Slowly

They had always been an active couple sexually. They constantly sought new and interesting way to please each other and had created a playful activity called “hot dates” for the last 3 years of their 5 year marriage. Activities on these dates ranged from crude sex in the backseat of the car, to blatant exhibitionism. Veronica had once removed her panties as they had eaten dinner at a restaurant, even letting Darin feel her up to see how aroused she was. They had tried many new things as they...

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The Incubus Curse

You are Will Goldman and you were always what one would call a geek. Specifically one of the gamer variety. You're naturally introverted and become a stuttering mess around nearly any girl you don't know at all. You're rather intelligent though. Some might be intimidated by your staggering height of 7'0" (215cm) but you're definitely not the most scary guy, being surprisingly lanky in your frame. Deep down, you're just an introverted nerd with a stuttering problem and unfortunately...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 13 Pets Promotions

Jim dimmed the dungeon lights to their minimum and led his pets to Trina's quarters where they all laid down. With a pet's head on each shoulder, he kissed them each and told them. "Trina, I'm making you my house pet. Cindy, you are now my special pet. Trina, you will have a lot more freedom around the house, including parts of my quarters. Can you cook? Cindy, you are now my special pet. These are now your quarters. You will be in charge of the dungeon and pet training when Trina or I...

4 years ago
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Seat of Discipline

" class this is important and I'm sure it will be on the next test, so if there are there any questions speak up now!!!" "Well that's just wonderful, no questions," she said a little sarcastically, "with the marks some of you are earning you'd think you'd have a question or two!!!" The room was dead quiet, when from the back row Zoey raised her hand, and in a sweet voice asked, "I have a question Sister Nora!!!" Sister Nora eyed the eighteen year old with a little...

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Arranged Marriage

Introduction: Arrangements that work out well… but for who Nadia, you should really start to settle down said Aunt One It is a shame to your family that at 23 you have no husband! said Aunt Two Your are causing so much distress for your poor mother said Aunt One As a Pakistani girl, your priority should be marriage not a career said Aunt Two Do you even have a boyfriend Nadia? asked Aunt One Please Nadia, we do not do lesbian in our culture! said Aunt Two in disgrace NO!!!, No Aunty I am not a...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 7 Sunday

When I woke up the next morning I found both myself and the bed pleasantly dry. Nevertheless, I wasn't taking any chances. I headed straight for the bathroom, then straight for the shower, then straight for the drain hole. Draining myself of excess semen took less than twenty seconds and after than, pissing was a breeze. When I left the bathroom, I found Mom standing naked in the hallway. "Adam, there you are," she said. "We have crepes and blintzes in the kitchen. Get 'em before they...

2 years ago
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Franks wife part 3

Sue helps out her friend, Cindy. Story by: SindyxSin AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a continuing sexual story. It may have some rough sex and should not be read by people not into that type of sex. It’s not for everyone, pain, humiliation and other sex acts used to degrade a person it not for everyone. If this turns you on I’m happy but please don’t try any of this on unwilling partners. Story that precede this are, Franks wife and Franks sex toy. subtitled: Paul's gets a new sex...

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Designer Children Part 14

Designer Children Chapter 30 by OneShot20XX Standing there was Tracy. Decked out in a light blue cardigan and a flowing knee-length skirt, she looked like Kathryn and Ava's mother, read: preppy as fuck. The young woman quickly waved to Kathryn, who still hadn't left, and slowly, with the speed of a lethargic snail, she crawled away in the SUV. Tracy led me inside the modest bungalow. It clearly looked like they had only just recently moved in, with only a single picture on the wall...

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Business Account

Chapter one Business Meeting This started as many things do in the business world…with a phone call. The woman on the other end introduced herself as Miss Sunny Starr. I was immediately struck with the unusual name. Seemed like a name fit for a movie queen or, frankly, a hooker: however, something about her voice and the way she put things together in the conversation; quickly put those thoughts away. She was organized, direct and very knowledgeable. Clearly, she had done her...

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Because Itrsquos my Birthday

I closed the French doors shutting out the noise of the partybehind me, then took a sip of my sangria and walked out onto the deck outside. The flavors of the ice cold drink swirledover my tongue and teased my senses. The night's coolair felt good against my skin. I sat my drink down on a tablenear a chase lounge chair then took a deep breath in. I releasedthe cleansing breath, letting out the stress of the evening.Just as I was getting a little relaxed while taking in thebeauty of the night, I...

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Sex With Teacher

Hello, my name is Rahul 22 years old guy from lucknow ,average in body shape,lit bit black in colour and my penis is 5 inch long and 2 inch tick .if any female want to make any relationship with me than email me Now i coming back to my first story when i lost my virgin….. Hi…friends and this incident happened 1 years back when i was in kanpur and studied in final year of I was very good student in my class and always scored good marks in exams. When i entered in final year of my...

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Final Flight

To: Director, Organized Crime Section Fm: Leader, Evaluation Team Three Subj: Falconi Family (Current Status) Attached is the official transcription of the Log Book found at the site of the crash of Angelo Falconi's Gulfstream, along with the bodies of three of his lieutenants. Our interpretation is that the body found in the exploded cockpit was Falconi, in spite of the Mexican Government's position that it was the pilot of the aircraft. The logbook was under his body, obviously intended to...

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Wifes week away with black coworker day 1

Kelly had been seeing Marcus on and off for a few months. One night, she came home from work and said she needed to talk to me about something and I could say either yes or no. After dinner, she said that the IRS wanted a couple of agents to go to Ogden, Utah to attend some training on the new laws coming out for the upcoming tax year. She said that Marcus wanted to go since this is where he had transferred from and knows the people and the area. Kelly said “Marcus asked if I would go too,...

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Halala of My Virgin Cousin 1

Now further: You may recall that I had a cousin, whose name was Sarah and she was about nineteen years old. She was married to our cousin Imran and they had lot of love among them. But then due to reasons unknown to me Imran divorced my cousin sister in anger and for that reason she did not come to the wedding which I was attending in delhi . After giving this divorce, my cousin Imran regretted it later and wished to marry Sarah again, Maulvi Sasheb ( The priest) told that as per ...

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Jumping at Shadows

There is no actual sex in this story I thank Asylumseeker for his patience and editing skills. * If anyone tells me that life is supposed to be simple, I might just start crying. For me life, and especially relationships with women, has been a never-ending mystery. My story starts when I was in grade school. My father was a struggling building contractor with a lot of experience in framing, but lacked the depth of experience in dry-walling. One day he ran into Steven, another struggling...

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A shiny extra large piece of used rubber

That morning, I had stayed at home, since my Boss had asked me to complete some paper work and I could do it at my own desk, without going to the office.Anita had left to her work early, asking me to do the laundry and empty the trash can in the bathroom.She sent me a kiss in the air, saying she was in a rush.I made my paper work and later I decided to have a rest; meanwhile, I could do the household.As I looked into the trash can, something caught my attention.There I could see a gold foil...

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Triptych InterviewsJack

Saturday, October 22 (After Chapter 21 of Triptych) aroslav: Welcome, Jack. It's good to see you again. JACK: Hey ya old goat. What's new? aroslav: More of the same. JACK: So you want to interview me for your story? aroslav: Might have a bigger role for you someplace along the line. Do you mind? JACK: Can't hurt. aroslav: So, name, age, and birthday. JACK: John Daniel Wade, also known as Jack. Born March 13, I'm 59 years old. aroslav: How did Jack ever become a nickname for...

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The Blind DateEpilogue

I shuffled and dealt the cards still thinking what the game it was we were going to play, making up rules and fantasizing about possible performances that made us horny and wet. By the time we were half undressed in a kind of strip game of poker and trying out variations blackjack as well, each one of us had come up with the most wonderful ideas, some unrealizable and complicated however. We decided to drop the strip games for now but came up with a new plan that all of us could agree on....

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Toms Calling

M/f, MF/f, F/f, M/m, F/m+ exhibition, cbt, fisting, incest, pregnant, size, teen, modification, Young, S/M, slavery, bondage, bestiality, interracial, chastity belt, real, consensual, Extreme.Toms Calling:  Part 1, IntroductionThis is a life experience where a young man (Tom) with a keen interest in S&M and extreme body modification intersects with men and woman who prefer and enjoy the harsh, brutal conditions that slavery brings to them sexually.Tom was introduced to S&M when he was in the...

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Assassin No MoreChapter 11 A visit from Relatives

Song’s daughter was born in the early morning and Flower spent most of her time with Song and her daughter I had named Autumn Sky. It was strange for me because before a week was out she was back to cooking and often she would just come out and put Sky in my arms, “She is restless.” For being restless she was always calm for me but holding the child in my arms felt comforting. The guards seemed amused when she did it. I had hired two young homeless boys to care for my stables and they often...

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Ye Olde Pickup PlaceChapter 9

Ron: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but this is a pickup..." I turned my head to regard the hulking bastard whose urbane tones had nonetheless filled the room -- through amplification, no doubt. "Those of you who are sponsor-class and have an interest in volunteering, would you please make your way to the bar? Those of you who are colleagues on active duty and would like to avoid seeing a circus you can't go to can meet Corporal Wiggins at the...

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The New Yorker

I have been married to my husband for a bit over three years and a while ago he brought up the idea of us being in a threesome with another woman. I know the idea sprang from a talk we had while making love, I had told him that I found the female body attractive and on occasion had wondered what it would be like to be with some very attractive women I had seen from time to time. Now my husband thinks I am beautiful, me I’m not so sure about beautiful but I do know the opposite sex finds me very...


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