One Shoe GumshoeChapter 15 Aftermath
- 3 years ago
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I MISSED my time slot at the public telephone box around the corner from my office on Friday night, due to my debrief with Bob Cummings, so my father’s old fob watch informed me. I wondered if I had missed a call from Mary.
It was ten minutes past dinner time by the time I was dropped off by the police car at my digs at Mrs McPherson’s lodging house, but she managed to rustle up something, no doubt to avoid rebating any of my weekly rent, which included a limited amount for laundry and daily hot meals. The rest of her guests were still at the dining table, dining on the remnants of smoked haddock and boiled cabbage. This fare was all that the landlady could gather from our collective ration books, which we had long ago surrendered to her control.
As I made my appearance, the two female guests’ interest in men was suddenly piqued by the clearly bespoke quality of the handmade suit I was wearing, which amazingly fitted me like a glove. My height and build presumably close to Bradford Gold’s, even down to size 10 shoe size. No wonder she had no trouble ordering my dinner jacket from Mr Sims.
Also obvious to even the most casual observer, was the huge pad of cotton wool wadding tied around my head, to protect my damaged ear.
Mrs McPherson was actually moved to apologise for distributing my portion of dinner amongst the rest when I failed to show up precisely at the allotted time.
This apology was almost a first for the stone-faced Scottish woman, perhaps it is true what they say about the apparel maketh the man.
She had previously put some boiled cabbage to one side, which she then married up with some cold boiled potatoes left over from the previous day and, in about ten minutes or so, served me what turned out to be a more than acceptable hot plate of bubble and squeak.
I took my place at the table and duly fended off questions about my envious apparel by stating, quite honestly, that it was all part of an ongoing Police enquiry and therefore a sub judicial subject not to be discussed in public or private with anyone.
Shortly following my afters, consisting of plum duff and reconstituted powdered custard, I retired to my room and washed myself down with a flannel dipped in cold water, as Mrs McPherson only put the hot water boiler on for baths on Saturday nights, before retiring early, quite exhausted from the experiences of the day.
It had been cold, but bright and sunny on Friday, so the evening continued dry and cloudless, with a heavy dew settling almost down to ground level, which froze as a hoar frost on every roof and leafless tree by midnight.
Not long past the witching hour, the air raid warnings sounded and we wearily pulled coats over our nightwear and dragged blankets and pillows down to the nearest garden or communal Anderson shelters or underground stations of choice.
While we assumed the war of attrition went on in the air over our heads, we were finally advised that no bombs had actually been dropped in our area. This time the heavy bombers hit the docks and wharves along the river, impossible to disguise on a cold clear starry night.
The bombers only had to follow the Thames up the estuary to find their targets.
In the relative warmth of the local underground station I had a really good sleep until about four in the morning, when the all-clear sent us back to our beds for the remainder of the night.
It was already light outside on the Saturday morning and I was thinking about getting up. It was warmer that it had been any time up to now this year. I had decided that I would do some sleuthing on Saturday morning, by visiting the Isle of Dogs to speak to a couple of dock workers who I knew kept their ears to the ground. I hoped they would be able to tell me or at least make enquiries how to find out about the activities of Curly Cavenagh. I wondered how it was possible that the petty criminal could have any kind of association with an American film star from Hollywood of the stature of Bradford Gold.
It was during my cogitation that a car pulled up outside the house and one of the local coppers apparently knocked loudly on the door and asked to see me.
I hadn’t heard a thing because of my ear but was almost fully dressed by the time Mrs McPherson knocked on my door saying I was wanted downstairs in the front parlour. I hadn’t put on Gold’s suit, it was really was far too good for everyday wear.
“Mr Onslow,” the local copper said breathless with excitement.
I had to slow him down so I could read his lips, pointing out the large bandage still covering my left ear.
“New Scotland Yard have sent a car over special like to pick you up, Sir. They called in at the station first, ‘cos the driver, a cheeky young blighter called Rawlin’s, didn’t exactly know where you lived, Sir. He says they’ve found a body in the river, Sir, an’ they wants you to go see it.”
It was going to be cold by the river and my only warm overcoat was covered in blood and hopefully being cleaned by Mary’s hotel cleaning service. I only had a light raincoat on Mrs McPherson’s hall stand, so I returned to my room and pulled my warmest jersey over my shirt and vest, and hoped that four relatively thin layers would do to keep the damp cold of the river out of my old bones.
The police driver was of the taciturn type, a thin young man with a weasel face and longer than strictly regulation hair. After saying he knew “nuffink”, just told to fetch me from my digs in Mile End, the driver never said a word as he picked his way through the dockland streets littered with debris from the previous night’s bombing, so I was left with my own thoughts.
I would think there would be only one reason for me to be summonsed by New Scotland Yard to the bank of the river Thames to examine a body, it would have to be that of Bradford Gold.
I had thought yesterday, when we heard from Mr Laws, the estate agent, that Cavenagh was collecting the rent from his tenant instead of Gold, that this was a piece of opportunism by the criminal. Perhaps he had heard that Gold was missing and unable to collect the rent, or else he had a direct hand in the actor’s disappearance.
This meant that Gold was still held somewhere and there was the risk that if Cavenagh disappeared too, that might precipitate Gold’s early release or his murder, depending solely on the desperation of those who were left holding onto Gold.
To then hear the result was the actor’s death and found in the river, be it by fair means or foul, was a likely outcome, but even so, I hadn’t expected to hear of a body being found quite so soon. The muddy River Thames was notorious for keeping its secrets.
I felt for Mary, too. I knew that she would not only be very upset, but as much as she had played with my affections as she admitted she did with everyone, I knew that she loved Gold deeply and would be devastated by his tragic end.
As the car slowed, and I could see the river close by, it looked like the Press had been tipped off too, as the crowd of photographers and reporters was enormous, even the Pathé News film cameras were present, crowding the narrow streets leading down to the river bank.
The Press’s presence at crime scenes was a subject that often rankled with me, as there always seemed to be some dirty copper who was willing to tip off the Press for a quid or as much as a fiver if something juicy, such as the death or arrest of a famous person, fell into a category of interest to the newspapers.
This part of the Thames, close to the docks, was definitely in Cavenagh’s country, and, if the death proved to be a foul deed, was possibly close by where the actor had been kept since his disappearance, and disposed of once Cavenagh was killed. Cavenagh’s accomplices possibly cutting their losses by disposing of their charge and hoping to get clean away.
On the other hand, of course, war takes its toll on the human mind and Gold could just as easily have jumped off a bridge upriver, and floated up and down on the twice daily tides, just under the surface, the cold water only holding off the natural decaying process within the body for a while, until it would bloat the body sufficiently that it could be buoyant and more noticeable. Or it could have become buoyant enough to be beached like a dead whale on the ebbing tide.
When I saw the body, I knew it was indeed Bradford Gold. I immediately thought that my latter theory was the most likely, that Gold had committed suicide. This was the plain clothed Police Sergeant from Bob Cummings’ office’s opinion too, as he expounded his theory by the side of that sad muddy beach next to the impenetrable grey water of the Thames as I arrived.
“ ... in summary,” the Sergeant continued, nodding to me and, knowing I was deafened yesterday, he considerately kept his face in my full view, except where the way down looked dodgy, as we made our way down the slippery steps to the waterside. He continued, “that it appears the actor had found that his part in the war wus not the bed o’ roses wot it looks like on the silver screen. I reckon that he found it bloody hard going, particularly after his aircraft crashed and he lost part of his crew. It looks like it ‘ad played on his mind and, out o’ guilt, remorse or his own failin’s during ‘is part in the war, he’d gone an’ bleedin’ topped hisself.”
He stepped to one side and the Coroner directed his stretcher crew to the side of the body. Bob Cummings stood with his back to me and was in deep conversation with the Coroner’s doctor. The new arrivals put down their empty stretcher and were about to roll the body onto the stretcher.
Well, I might have agreed with the Sergeant’s summary, as certainly the body, lying on its back in the mud, looked as though poor Gold had been in the water for some time, with that waxy skin that was familiar to any copper that had his beat close to London’s notorious river. I remembered all too vividly back during the financial crisis of the late Twenties and early Thirties, we were fishing poor buggers out of the water on a daily basis. And Gold was certainly had the look that one might have expected. But I instinctively felt something wasn’t right.
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THEY welcomed us with open arms at the estate agents. I assumed that houses and flats were hard to shift with so much uncertainty about the future and the war going against the allies quite so badly. Also, all the breadwinners of new or growing families were being conscripted, so there were fewer opportunities for families to obtain mortgages from banks or building societies. Although the bombing had caused homelessness elsewhere, the war had bypassed this little corner. We had peered...
LATER that Monday evening I sat down in the hotel room and tried to figure out what I could from the information we had. That is what I was good at in all the years I was at the Yard. Brad’s notebook was written in a rotation code of 13 letters, so written letter A was really letter M. It was originally a code used by Julius Caesar in Ancient Rome, which was then based on a rotation of 12 as the Latin alphabet had only 24 letters, without U and J. The notebook was a sort of diary that filled...
MID-MORNING on Thursday we arrived at the remote East Anglian railway halt, named after the airfield we were heading for, the bomber squadron base that missing pilot Bradford Gold had operated from for about five or six months the previous summer and autumn. The halt could barely be called a station, we had been warned by the station master at the nearest mainline station that the platform was only long enough for the first of the two-carriage rural train to alight. The terrain was flat for...
“WHERE are we exactly?” Mary asked when we stopped. She looked a little worried. We were outside a corner shop in a smart suburban avenue filled with a mixture of large detached and semi-detached villas, built only ten years earlier. “My sister Hettie’s house is just down the street.” I said as we got out and started to walk, “I didn’t want to leave the car right outside their door, so we have a two minute walk with a couple of twists and turns before we get there. Hettie’s husband Jack...
IT WAS quite late when we reached Liverpool Street station and I knew that by the time I got home to Mile End I would miss Mrs McPherson’s evening meal, yet again. It was Thursday, which meant cold cuts and home-made pickles with watery mashed potatoes, made with margarine instead of butter under war-time rationing, followed by something like tinned peaches and Bird’s powdered custard made with water rather than milk. It wasn’t much of a meal to miss, even though I was quite hungry. Miss...
“I JOINED the Metropolitan Police as a temporary officer helping typing up policeman’s reports, bagging and processing Crown evidence,” I said to Mary after the all-clear sirens had sounded and guests were permitted to return to their rooms or suites for the remainder of the night. We had changed into our bed wear and donned respectable dressing gowns supplied to the suite and resting in her sitting room. Mary was curled up with her legs comfortably tucked under her on a chaise langue, and I...
MARY sat down on Gold’s bed with me to survey what we had collected from our survey of the two-and-a-half floors of the flat, it really wasn’t much at all. There was an empty trunk and two suitcases in the unfurnished bedroom up in what was once the loft; they were locked but I opened them and they were indeed empty. All we had gathered was the framed photo, of course, a diary, a pair of reading glasses and an unmarked cigarette lighter that Mary thought she recognised. “If you think I look...
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“HOW did we meet?” Mary repeated my question, after the debris of the starting course, which was an acceptable brown Windsor soup, had been removed and while we waited unhurriedly for the main course. We were sat at a table against a corner of the restaurant, in front of blackout curtains, which appeared to cover not just the windows, but lined the walls completely all around the room. There were wide spaces between the occupied tables, so here we were quite private and free to talk...
AS WE started to rise to leave the dining room, a waiter immediately came over and told us with a whisper that a bombing raid was imminent, the air raid warnings had been sounded above ground and we wouldn’t be allowed to go upstairs to our rooms. I hadn’t realised until that point that the restaurant had been relocated in a basement. That is the problem with these lifts, I didn’t notice the number of floors we took going down. My excuse is that I was blinded by my ‘date’. Then I realised...
WE SAID our farewells to Petersen and headed down to catch the bus back up to Chiswick, where we would use the Underground from there. “Are you alright, Edgar?” Mary was concerned. I suppose I had gone rather quiet while Petersen discussed the different operations carried out on his leg, before the doctors finally decided to take it off. “Yes. I hadn’t had the same problems as Petersen, Mary. You know, the series of operations, the hopes first raised and then dashed each time. I was dragged...
“READY!” PC Brown hissed to us, but it was far too dark this early in the morning for me to read his lips. Mary tugged my sleeve twice, the signal that we had agreed and I was alert and ready. Mary and I were given the opportunity to call on known criminal contacts of Curly Cavenagh, which Mary’s husband, the late Brad Gold had identified as being connected with active Nazi sympathisers who were affecting the war effort resisting the Axis Powers’ domination of Europe and North Africa. I...
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1 time when we were in Vegas Angel wanted to go shoe shopping, but she wantedto do it in a KINKY way & see how many pairs of shoes she could get for FREE. Before we left our room she had me take a marker pen & write 'I'LL TRADE YOU'in about 4 inch letters from her upper right thigh, across her cunt mound, toher left thigh so that when she sat down to try on a pair of shoes the shoesalesman could easily see it written there just above her shaved cunt. Then shehad me take 2 little red...
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I thought it would be great working at a shoe store. However, I have a foot fetish and am constantly aroused with all the incredibly sexy feet to look at. A long time ago, I found out that feet turned me on.I had a girlfriend that liked to dominate me in the bedroom. She got incredibly turned on when I sucked her toes. At first, I didn’t really like it, but the more I did it I became a fan. It was very exciting and erotic to me. There’s nothing better than a woman who cares for her feet. ...
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Shoe Shopping with MomSue, 43 years, housewife and motherMary, 69 years, pensioner, mother, grandmotherIt was a hot summer day in july and Sue gets visited by her mom. It was at the end of the month, and Sue was a little bit pissed off,because it was summer and hot outside, but she didn’t have some money to buy open shoes that she wanted all the time.She told her mom that she would like to have some flat and open shoes but that she don’t have the money.Her mom deiced, to go with her to the city...
Shoe Shopping with MomSue, 43 years, housewife and motherMary, 69 years, pensioner, mother, grandmotherIt was a hot summer day in july and Sue gets visited by her mom. It was at the end of the month, and Sue was a little bit pissed off,because it was summer and hot outside, but she didn’t have some money to buy open shoes that she wanted all the time.She told her mom that she would like to have some flat and open shoes but that she don’t have the money.Her mom deiced, to go with her to the city...
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After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...
The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...
She was starting a new job Monday and was very excited. She would no longer be a waitress for minimum wage and her college education was finally going to pay off. Her new company gave her a bonus for signing on with them and she had spent it on a new wardrobe for work.She only had one more stop and that was to buy new shoes for work. The company was very specific that skirts and high heels were mandatory for all managers. She was going to be a manager, high heels would be fine with her.She...
Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...
When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...
Jeff no longer had to hide the way he used his mother's dirty panties to get off in secret. She allowed him access to her panties and shoes and anything else he fancied so long as he acceded to her foot jobs on his rampant cock and let her almost suffocate him with her smelly slit and brown eye. After a few sessions, he realized just how much he liked the way Linda, his mom, rode his face and talked real dirty to him. It was like she was another person and he didn't think of her as a mom...
Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...
The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...
[MANY THANKS to all the wonderful reviews of this series of stories. I am far from being gifted with words so please let me apologize now for past and future mistakes in grammar, spelling, etc. For those clamoring for more, rest assured they're on the way with several in the works and several already completed.] If the Shoe Fits By Taytana Mason I had been on edge for most of the day. Why? Because tonight was the night we were going shopping for shoes. Or, should...
It was a hot, muggy and cloudy Tuesday afternoon at the end of July. As usual, my uncle had gone off golfing and the store was dead. Maybe ten customers all day and none since lunch. Then, in the middle of that sultry afternoon, The Rack walked in. She was a real bombshell, probably about ten years older than me, and her boobs were incredible. They were huge and yet appeared to be firm, no hint of sag. She wore a peasant blouse and there was a real strain on the neckline, I can tell you. She’d...
Straight Sex