Councils Of WarChapter 3: Chance Encounters free porn video

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Lady Anne was enjoying London. She had her own dressing room for the first time. Lenora, who was closer to her age than to Deborah’s, treated Anne as a confidant, not as a little girl. Even the secrets she did not share with Anne, she did not share with others. Walter was a darling, and he curled his hand around her finger as if he liked her too.

Anne believed that she had purchased as many clothes in the past weeks as she had purchased in her previous life. On her first shopping trip, Deborah asked which gown she preferred among the fashion dolls the seamstress had shown her...

“I am trying to decide between these two,” she said putting two dolls to one side.

“Very well, then. We shall take these. Now choose the fabric for each.” Two gowns at once! And from there, they had visited another dressmaker to select other ball gowns. Instead of covering her to the neck, her new chemises bared much of the tops of her breasts. Mamselle had been dismissed, and Anne’s time not spent shopping was hers to spend riding. She needed to ride with company; she sometimes expected Mother to assign a maid to accompany her to the jakes. Company, however, was usually available. Deborah, who had not had a child in fifteen months and was not breeding now, feared nothing when on horseback but being hemmed in by London traffic. The one excursion on which they were accompanied by Father was rather staid, but Deborah had Bryan trained to accept her style of riding. James and Charles rejected it, but Deborah laughed at their prohibitions. And, being daredevils themselves, they cursed and followed along. Before the Season started, Anne was half in love with it.

Her first ball was less enjoyable. She had always known that she was tall. She had seen the adults who came to her parents’ house parties every summer, sometimes even met them. Some of those men were shorter than she was. But many of them were Tarleton relations, and they averaged taller than most. When she got to the ball, she was as tall as a good half of the men. Worse, some of the tallest seemed to prefer girls who could stare straight at their waistcoat buttons. Men asked her to dance, but there were crowds competing for the attention of some girls, and Anne was not one of those. She filled her card, but half her partners were over twice her age.

Anne had spent sixteen years being, if not the center of attention, unique in her position. For nearly eight months of every year she had been the only family member at Stroud Hall. Dozens would say, “You are not permitted to be here, milady”; nobody would say, “who are you?” Even in the four months when other family members might be there, everybody knew Lady Anne.

At the balls, if they knew her at all, they knew her the way she knew them. She had spent long hours memorizing the complicated knot which was the ton’s family of ‘family trees.’ But they did not appreciate her, did not know -- as James did -- that she liked puns which played on French-English homonyms, did not know -- as Lenora did -- that she enjoyed feeling the baby kick, did not know -- as Joyce did and Deborah was learning -- that she despised the color pink. They did not know -- as even Cook did -- that when a mama cat was kicked by a horse, only Lady Anne had the patience to get the kittens to drink from a saucer. They knew that she had an ancient name and over ten thousand pounds in dowry. That might bring her proposals, but she would despise any proposal built on that. Meanwhile, the men wanted to dance with china dolls -- many of them china dolls who lisped.

The second ball threatened to be even worse. The ball at Barhill House was definitely the least attractive of the three given on the second night. “Why do I have to attend this ball?” she asked Mother.

“They are friends,” James answered. “You honor friends.” James was there to escort her and Mother to the ball.

“Really, Anne,” Lady Stroud said, “your success this season depends on your family and the associations they have built. ‘Lady Anne’ will be engaged, but it is ‘Stroud’s daughter’ and ‘Dorwich’s sister’ who gets invited to balls where you can meet the bachelors. James is willing to use his connections and reputation to aid your debut; you should not object to honoring his connections. There will be fewer men there than at other balls, but far more than can be your partners during the night.”

“That is the first time,” James said “that you have ever suggested that I have a favorable reputation, Mother.”

“Your past escapades make it unlikely you will ever be invited into heaven, James. They are ideal for getting invited to balls. Anne, there are more women anxious to attend these balls than men. That inviting you and your brothers means that they may get the notorious Dorwich at their balls makes the hosts eager to extend those invitations.”

Since it was raining, and there were five of them, they went by coach. James sat with Joyce and Alice facing Anne and Lady Stroud. At Barhill House, James greeted their host while the ladies went upstairs with their maids to repair the ravages of the journey. There was a slow parade down those stairs and a cluster of men waiting at the bottom.

“Remember,” Lady Stroud whispered to Anne as they walked down, “that your pouting punishes neither James nor me. It does damage your reputation as a pleasant dance partner. And that reputation will last this Season -- probably for years. Smile at them; snarl at us later.” The men did seem somewhat more interested in Anne. Her humor improved a little through the first three dances. It improved even more when her fourth partner appeared to claim his dance. He was Lord Lionel Grant, a handsome blond who was only two inches taller than she was. The quartet struck up a waltz, and they danced smoothly away.

Lionel asked, “So, Lady Anne, how are you enjoying your Season?” This was a waltz, after all. One conversed with one’s partner. This partner, attractive as she was, was a stranger. You could hardly ask how she enjoyed being Dorwich’s sister.

Anne replied, “Comme ci, comme ca,” Even that was shading it.

Lionel said, “Mademoiselle! Vous avez presq’un accent parisien.” And her accent was almost Parisian. Besides, compliments were due one’s dance partner, and to compliment her dancing would be insincere. She danced like a girl a few waltzes away from dance class. Her face was pretty enough; and her striking, jet black, hair and thick-lashed eyes were lovely. He doubted that he could frame a compliment for those that she had not heard a dozen times. Complimenting her attractive shape or the silken white of the tops of her breasts would earn him a challenge. He suspected that Dorwich was a dead shot.

Anne said, “Merci, monsieur. Vous ettes tres aimable.” And he was kind. She relaxed and enjoyed the dance. They continued their conversation in French. Meanwhile, she decided that Lenora had been right; the waltz was more enjoyable when you followed your partner’s lead.

Lionel would bet that she had not heard her eyes complimented in French. He described how lovely they were. Then he held her closer and told her how attractive her hair was. The standard decorations of gold and pearls really stood out against black hair. Her dancing grew more responsive as their conversation wore on. If he had lost sight of her breasts in this embrace, he was more than compensated by the feel of them against his chest. The music ended and he led her back to where her mother had been sitting. Dorwich was there.

“Mon frere,” Anne began, “cet monsieur s’appelle Lionel Grant.” Having switched to English, she continued in that language. “Lionel, this is my brother, the Earl of Dorwich.”

“Good evening,” James said, “or should I say ‘bon soir’?”

“Good evening,” Lionel replied, “we had been speaking French. I must say that I know few Englishwomen who can waltz while speaking French as well as Lady Anne can -- or at all.”

Lady Stroud was returned by her partner at that moment. After being introduced to them both, Lionel went to find his partner for the next dance. Anne was much less angry with James after that dance. Her dance card filled, and she enjoyed the dance and the dinner. She might not be the belle of the Season, but she could waltz and speak French. And the handsomest man in the room appreciated that skill.

Lionel was quite conscious that, since he was not in the market for a wife, his dances with maidens were a gift. He repaid the gift by telling of the good points of his past partners. Besides, having danced with Dorwich’s sister provided him with twice-reflected glory. Not many in his club wanted to talk French while they were waltzing, but the story of Anne’s skill went around.

If Lionel Grant did not appear at the next several balls, Anne had other pleasures. More men were asking to be her partner, and Deborah told her how to refuse requests politely. By then, she needed that advice.

“Remember your purpose,” Deborah said. “Married men will not propose, and neither will a good many of the bachelors. The likeliest are widowers and those bachelors in their late twenties and early thirties. That you want to have a title of your own is not the only reason to prefer titled men. They are more interested in assuring their succession, therefore to propose. Heirs of living lords are even likelier; their fathers press them.”

“Do you think me so unlikely to get a proposal?”

“Not at all. Getting one proposal will not be the issue I want us to have as many as possible to select among.”

Anne wondered whether Deborah expected the ‘us’ who would have the power of selection to even include Anne. This was not the occasion at which, however, nor the company in which, to argue that question. Between Lenora’s sympathy towards Anne and James’s antipathy towards Deborah, they would take her side in any argument with Deborah. Mother sometimes asked Deborah to wait for her death before assuming her position as pre-eminent woman of the family; she would lean towards Anne’s choice, or -- at least -- away from Deborah’s. And there might not be any argument. Strange things did happen.

Finally, on Tuesday of the second week, Anne saw Lord Lionel waiting at the bottom of the stairs as she came down. This time, two other men tried to get her attention, but she turned to Lord Lionel first.

“Lady Anne, might I have the pleasure of the first dance with you?”

“Certainly, Lord Lionel.” And the dance was a pleasure for her. Lord Lionel was as skilled in the minuet as in the waltz. Walking her back to her mother, he asked whether she had been riding in London. “When the weather is good in the mornings, as it was not last week, I often ride with my sister in Saint James Park.”

“That sounds delightful. Perhaps I shall see you there some day.”

Friday, Lionel Grant was waiting at the bottom of the stairs again. She was ready to turn towards him, but he did not approach. When the last of the others had gone, when Earl Darnell was about to take her arm for the first dance, he did speak to her.

“Lady Anne, might I have the honor of the dinner dance?” His hanging back had not been a sign of indifference.

“Certainly, Lord Lionel.” She wrote it in. The dinner dance was a quadrille, which he danced as well as he had the others. He was her partner only slightly more than the other men in the square, but taking his arm and sitting beside him at dinner more than compensated for that. The man on her left was a fop and a bore about being a fop, but Lord Lionel compensated for that, as well. He had been to France and knew the social life of Paris. His descriptions of life there were much more interesting than the old stories that James told.

Saturday, they met again. Anne was riding with Deborah and Charles in St. James Park when she saw Lord Lionel ride towards them with a girl riding along behind him.

“Lady Anne,” he called. She turned her horse and rode towards him at a walk. Deborah and, especially, Charles were constrained to follow. What a scandal were an unmarried woman to converse in public view with a man outside her family without supervision of her kin! “Lady Anne,” he repeated when they were facing each other, “what a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine, Mister Grant. Charles, Deborah, might I present Lord Lionel Grant. He has traveled in France. Mister Grant, may I present my sister Deborah, Countess Standish. My brother Charles Tarleton.”

“A pleasure, Lady Deborah, Lord Charles. And might I present my sister, Sophia Grant. Sophia, this is Lady Anne Tarleton, daughter to the Marquess of Stroud.” Sophia replied politely. Soon, she and Charles were talking while Anne and Lionel were talking. No-one cut Deborah, but she was clearly nobody’s favored conversation partner. Lionel could tell that she was working to keep her temper under control when he decided to bring the meeting to an end. Sophia needed the favor of a hostess more than the favor of a younger son and a debutante. “Countess Standish, Lady Anne, Lord Charles, this has been a pleasure. I promised Sophia a long ride, however.” The Grants trotted away, and the Tarletons rode in the direction that they had been heading when Anne and Lionel saw each other.

“Really, Anne,” Deborah said. “A younger son!”

“Much an inferior sort of person, younger sons,” said Charles conscious that this description fit him.

“Not so inferior as younger brothers,” Deborah shot back. She slapped her horse, which was happy to canter off. The other two followed her.

“Well,” Lionel said in another part of the park, “this ride was productive. Did you like the man?”

“Like him, yes. I was not so smitten as the girl was with you.”

“Smitten? She was merely greeting me politely.”

“Smitten. She was happy to see you, and Lady Deborah was definitely not.”

“Which was why I broke off the discussion when I did. The favor of the younger two is quite helpful, but it is not worth the disfavor of the matron. Still, you are acquainted with the Tarletons. We are not quite as de trop as we were yesterday.”

Sunday, Anne visited Dorwich House. Lenora greeted her with, “I know whom you are really visiting. Go see Walter.” Anne came back shortly.

“Every time I visit, he is either nursing or sleeping.”

“You should have asked Mrs. Dillon what his usual hours are for playing whist. Really, Anne, at that age, they either nurse or sleep. She has to interrupt his sleep to change his soiled clothes. Have you been enjoying your Season? Mostly, the weather has been beastly; I have missed little by staying in. Have the balls been enjoyable?”

“Not that enjoyable. I am too tall for more than half the men, and many of the rest are too tall for me. I have discovered that anyone of the height of Charles or more makes me fear that they will deal with me by force majeur. James and Charles used to keep me from following them by carrying me to a tree and sticking me up in a fork too high for me to jump down. I fear giving any more men that opportunity, especially huge dark-haired men like my brothers. James would not do that to you, would he?”

Lenora was careful in her response. “We are different people. My memories of being carried are of my father carrying me on his shoulder, and that stopped when I was very young. Being carried is being cherished. On the other hand, I spent three years in a school dormitory in which the beds measured six feet between the outside of the headboard and the outside of the footboard. I went to sleep on a diagonal. If I stretched out my arm, almost if I pointed my toes, I would not fit. Returning to a life in which I am the small one is a comfort. But your comfort is not my comfort. So, your ideal husband should be taller than you, but only slightly, his hair should be light, he should neither bore you nor commit as long a string of escapades as James did, and he should love you and be loved by you. That is a long list of requirements. Take care that you leave anyone of the ton who meets them all.”

“Oh, I think there are some, if you were to remove the last two.”

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday had multiple balls, and the Grants attended different ones from the Tarletons. Tuesday’s most elite ball, however, was given by the parents of one of George’s old friends from Cambridge. The Grants were invited. To honor the friendship and increase their desirability as guests in the future, both George and Lionel went with Sophia. Two bachelors, even though neither was in the marriage market, more than balanced one maiden. The betting in the clubs was that this Season would produce a record number of spinsters.

Lionel saw Lady Anne coming down the stairs. She had introduced him to Dorwich, had greeted him in friendly fashion in the park. He should cultivate her more. The dinner dance was too much; her family would want her to dine with men looking for wives. He was third of the five men asking her for a dance at the foot of the stairs. He stepped back as Sophia descended. She had only two requests at the foot of the stairs, but he saw her dance with four men before his dance with Lady Anne. Anne was on Lord Lionel’s arm when the quartet began a waltz. He took her in his arms and led her in the dance. It was the most pleasant sensation she had had in days. She sank into it, allowing him to take her where he would. His choice was only the dance steps. He twirled them around, took a few steps, and twirled them around again.

“Your dancing is excellent,” he said. “You were skilled before, but the week has polished you.” Actually, he thought, she had been polished before. Now she danced like a warm human.

“Merci beaucoup, “ she responded. He continued in French, and she felt that she was in heaven. All too soon, the music ended. He returned her to where she stood between dances. James glanced over as Lord Lionel raised her hand to his lips. The kiss was no different than other men’s kisses, but her heart reacted differently. Had she found her love? Did he love her? If she could not answer the first question, how could she imagine answering the second?

The other dances were pleasant, and her dinner companions entertaining, if not brilliant. When the hostess led all the gentlewomen away to a parlor, another girl came up to her. It was one of those china dolls, blond and petite.

“Lady Anne?” At least she did not lisp. “My brother introduced us the other day. I am Sophia Grant.”

“Of course.” She looked different than she had looked on horseback. But, for that matter, had Anne’s eyes seen anyone else while Lord Lionel was there. “Will you join me.?” She patted the cushion beside her on the sofa.

“It is kind for one of the belles of the Season to speak to me,” Sophia began as she took the seat.

“Belles of the Season? Where? Half the men who are tall enough to be seen dancing with me prefer petite blondes like you.”

“For which ball this Season have you failed to receive an invitation?”

“That is my family, not me. I envy what you have, and you envy what I have.”

“Do you really want to be a petite blonde?”

“Not really, although it would be convenient right now. You have to fear marriage to a relative giant. I would rather have a husband my own size.”

“Well, there are few potential husbands my size. That is not one of my fears. Should I wish to be able to hold my own against my husband in a battle? Could any woman?”

“That is a point,” Anne conceded. Raising the fear of her husband picking her up and sticking her up a tree would be unfair to her. It probably would never happen. Giving the background would be unfair to Charles. He might have matured, and his misbehaviors, unlike James’s, were mostly family secrets.

But if Sophia’s family were getting fewer invitations than she wanted, that would explain why Anne was seeing so little of Lord Lionel.

The number of balls dwindled until there were few nights with more than one and some nights were without any. The Grants almost always received some invitation, but not always. When their mother attended, both brothers attended. They developed a reputation of balancing the sexes, which stood in their favor. One rainy night, George and Sophia went to a ball at Jardine House. They took the phaeton. After dinner, Lionel rang for a footman.

“Have my coachman ready the coach,” he said. “Mother, I shall go to White’s.”

“It is a miserable night,” she replied. “And the phaeton is gone with its top.”

“I shall take the coach. It is a short journey, but it has the best protection against the rain”

“Do as you wish. I no longer overrule my sons’ follies.”

When the coach was well away from the house, he rapped on the roof. When the coachman stopped and looked inside, he changed the address. Instead of driving to White’s, he cruised slowly down the streets favored by doxies. Soon, he saw one that appealed to him. He rapped for the driver to stop, and opened a coach door.

“In the coach,” he said.

“Only one of you?” The woman was plainly frightened.

“Only one of me. Look!” He opened both doors on her side. The inside of the coach was lighted faintly by two of the four side lanterns, but it was much brighter than the street. “And it is dry in here.” That might have been what persuaded her. She climbed into the coach and closed the doors. He showed her the usual price. “You will have to sit on my lap,” he said. “I shall take care of the rest.” He unbuttoned and showed her his shaft growing erect. “Are you wearing briefs?”

“No. What use in my trade?” She raised her skirts up to her waist to show him.

“Open your blouse.” When she had opened it, he said, “Now.” He slid forwards in the seat. With small adjustments, she sat on him facing forward so that he penetrated her. He rapped with his whip on the roof of the coach. The coach set off over the cobblestones.

“What now? Are you taking me away?”

“No. Merely taking you. Feel the motions?” And the jostling of the coach provided some motion. He slipped his hand into her blouse to feel the pendulous breasts. Soon, he required more motion. He pushed himself deeper into her and relaxed out again. That was enough to take him over. He clutched her belly and raised them both off the seat as he shot into her. A minute later, he was relaxed. “You can get up, now.” He gave her the coins. “If you want the same corner, look out the window and tell me.”

“Any corner will do.” she said. He rapped on the roof of the coach for the coachmen to stop. When she was out, he closed the door and rapped again. The coach proceeded towards White’s as he adjusted his clothing. When he got there, he gave the coachman two shillings. The tip not only covered his getting wet so Lionel did not need to; it also covered his silence.

His visit to White’s was brief. The only games going were whist, and joining a table was a commitment to spending hours there. He was back home long before George and Sophia were.

The next night, there was no ball and they all -- even Mother who had the most anxiety and the least participation -- breathed a sigh of relief. They dined en famille and played a few hands of piquet before making an early night of it. The night after that, Lionel accompanied Sophia to the ball. Lady Anne Tarleton, whom he had taken to calling la belle noire in his mind, was there and in demand. A half dozen men were ahead of him. Some of them he considered men seriously looking for wives. He took note of those for Sophia’s sake.

“Lady Anne, might I have the honor of a dance.”

“The dinner dance is free.”

“Might I have the honor of the dinner dance?”

“I would be honored.” She wrote his name in. As she did, he noticed that earlier lines were still empty. Could Sophia be right? Could Dorwich’s sister be smitten with him? He doubted it. Could she regard him as a live prospect? That was, if anything, less likely. His father had possessed a good, but not very large, competence. Three daughters took a small share of that. A younger son took significantly less than half the remainder. If the Tarletons knew nothing more, and were they interested they could find out the entire settlement down to the legacies to the servants, they would know that his income was nowhere in their range. They could tell that much by looking at him and Darrow House. And he had no title and little chance at a title. George would marry one of these days. He watched Sophia through the rest of the first dance, and then went to invite several more ladies to dance. If the Tarletons had a wrong estimate of his desirability, it was not widely shared.

The dinner dance was a minuet, and they enjoyed the silent agreement that this dance encouraged in a pair of partners.

Anne drew out Lord Lionel during the dinner conversation. “And the French,” she asked, “will they be content now?”

“Whether they will or not depends on the situation. But a country which has never executed its king is like a virgin. She does not want to begin. Once the blood has been shed, the question is: ‘Shall I with this man on this occasion?’ It is a different question. The mob tore out the leaders God had given them; then they tore out the leaders they had selected to replace the first. They never tore out Napoleon, but twice they decided that he was not worth the effort to support him. Will they rise again? God alone knows. Can they rise again? Everybody knows. Besides that, the government seized a good deal of wealth from The Church and the first estate. They sold it to pay for more than a decade of war. To whom does it belong? The people who bought it, sometimes cheaply, sometimes not, think it belongs to them. The Church and the descendants of those to whom it belonged before ‘89 think it belongs to them. One vineyard can only grow one man’s grapes.”

Anne thought that she had never heard such a succinct summary of one country’s problems. At home later, thinking about the evening in bed, she became unhappy with the metaphor. Mother, Lenora, even Deborah, were no longer virgins. Were they considering which men they would take to bed? They did not appear to be doing so. Neither did they appear to be considering which occasions; obviously, some times were inauspicious, menses for example, Lenora’s situation just now. But she never heard one ponder ‘should I or should I not’ aloud, never saw evidence of argument.

This was all hearsay, but she had experience as a virgin. She was not particularly reluctant to begin. She was, indeed, looking for a husband. In doing so, she was competing with a bevy of other virgins who were also looking forward to marriage knowing full well what that entailed. Rather the opposite from what he had said, virgins were the ones asking with what man they would have sex, even if they did not express it that way. Lord Lionel had been more than fashionably cynical. He had attributed the male perspective to women.

She had only the vaguest idea of how humans had sex. Now, she had seen dogs and horses. Deborah told her that men and women were face-to-face with the woman lying on her back. Kissing, however, which was related to sex and was also face to face, she had seen. James often wrapped Lenora in his arms and kissed her. She usually embraced him at those times, as well. Lenora had suggested that they closed doors for serious kissing. Anne’s parents, who spoke of the public nature of those activities as something that young married couples would outgrow, kissed in the entryway or the courtyard every time that Lord Stroud went off on a trip without his wife. Kissing she knew, and she dreamed of Lionel Grant’s kissing her. It was like James kissing Lenora, except that -- since it was not in public -- it lasted as long as the dream did.

The balls continued, the dances with Lord Lionel continued. She really enjoyed the waltzes more. A family story had James discovering which balls Lenora would attend and which dances at those balls would be waltzes. She could understand his interest in that, even though the methods would avail her nothing. Even today, James and Lenora danced one dance at their own balls; it was always a waltz.

But, back then, James, and James alone, had decided which balls he attended -- if he received an invitation. And, even three years before, a bachelor coming alone could receive any invitation he wanted. Anne had not the slightest voice in which balls she attended. She could, at most, plead illness to get out of attending a particular ball at the price of staying home. She had a small influence on which dances she granted, were she to know that they would be waltzes. She could accept Lord Lionel for the dinner dance, but that might well arouse suspicions were she to do it often. She had one to five pairs of eyes on her at every ball. And Lenora, whom she hoped would be the most sympathetic, was the exception who was never at balls.

Her first ball since the birth of Walter would be the one she and James gave on their anniversary. Since she would dance only occasionally at that one, she would be likely to be Anne’s chaperone, the person with whom Anne spoke between any two dances. Lord Lionel would be unlikely to attend that ball. Lenora and James had one of the smaller ballrooms in London. It would hold a mere eighty couples. Making a virtue of necessity, they tried to invite only the elite, the ton of the ton. If Sophia’s complaint had any validity, then that excluded the Grants. Anne, however, was a Tarleton. If less confrontational than her brothers and sister, she was no less determined to get her way. The question was how to get what she wanted.

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Dark Sexual Encounters

Introduction: A 34 yr old married woman from Amsterdam discovers interracial sex with both black men and women Dark Sexual Encounters Part one I was a 34 yr old married woman named Tess that had an over active imagination, along with a very strong and kinky sex drive. I had mixed feelings about a number of perverse sexual fantasys ever since I was a young girl! My interest in dark sexual encounters was so overpowering that public morals, perception and my lack of conscious, as to what was...

2 years ago
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One of Sarahs encounters

We haven’t taken any photos for a while so we thought we’d share with you some of the things that have happened to us in our sexual encounters over the years.Sarah has always been keen on sex and over the years she has had the pleasure of playing with other men, not always fucking them but always enjoying their cocks. A while back, I was waiting to go out with my mate Stuart and Sarah had come back from work, got washed and changed, and come back downstairs with a dress on. She asked me if I...

4 years ago
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Memorable Anal Encounters

Bonnie is number three and Charlotte number twoAUTHORS NOTE: NUMBER 3 – BONNIEBonnie and I had been out several times and we did sleep together each time. She was a great lay with a fantastic body but she had this odd behavior. She always acted reluctant toward anal and oral sex. When I came in her mouth she acted annoyed and when I fucked her ass she acted as if she didn't want to do it, but she always did it and she never once refused to suck my cock or take it in the ass. I suspected it was...

2 years ago
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First gay encounters

I guess there must have been 10 stalls to choose from, with maybe 3 vacant. I chose number 4. Upon sitting down I noticed a hole had been drilled between the stalls which were concrete. Love to know how that was achieved but anyway, back the events of that encounter. I noticed a thick-set guy was jerking off right before my eyes, but all I could see through this 5cm hole was his thighs and cock. His cock was the only one I had ever seen apart from my own - and it must have been about 20cm...

2 years ago
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ALMOST Chance Encounters

The continuing adventures of my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. As always feedback is welcome. — All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. — One of the unexpected side effects of being able to control minds is that I am never on time to anything. When you can make anyone you see do anything you...

4 years ago
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Chance Encounters

“So, have you picked him out yet?” “I’m still weighing my options.” “We all know you’re taking Henry home. He’s your favorite. You practically humped him on the dance floor.” “What can I say? His package is huge.” I sat with my three friends, listening to them decide what poor soul they would be taking home for the evening and using wantonly. I call them ‘poor souls’ because my friends had a tendency to make these men take them to the fanciest hotels, insist on ordering expensive room...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounters

“So, have you picked him out yet?” “I’m still weighing my options.” “We all know you’re taking Henry home. He’s your favorite. You practically humped him on the dance floor.” “What can I say? His package is huge.” I sat with my three friends, listening to them decide what poor soul they would be taking home for the evening and using wantonly. I call them ‘poor souls’ because my friends had a tendency to make these men take them to the fanciest hotels, insist on ordering expensive room service...

Straight Sex
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Chance Encounters

Sorry if there are any typos and loose ends, or holes in the plot. It's been awhile since I actually sat down to write somtething. This story is dedicated to one of my friends here, MrsDank.I guess I should start this story here on Hamster, I was just browsing around when I noticed a quirky status line for a girl. I wrote something back never did expecting a response, so I continued browsing for more porn and then a message pops up, it was a pretty funny response and I guess you should say...

4 years ago
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Chance Encounters

Fictional.I was strolling around the mall one day, just killing some time, when I saw this great looking girl. Nice, firm looking breasts, a good, well shaped butt that looked like it was just begging some someone to give it a good squeeze. Her hair was about shoulder length and brown, and she had just the most beautiful blue eyes that were a clear blue unlike any I’ve ever seen.Needless to say, it was love at first sight. She looked a little confused in the mall so I walked up to her and asked...

2 years ago
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Hotel Encounters

I was tired. It had been a long day and all I wanted was to get checked into the hotel and into my bed. I walked towards the lobby doors and entered, pulling my suitcase behind me, thinking of how wonderful that shower was going to feel. The hotel was fairly quiet at midnight, not too many people milling around, but I could hear the sounds of a piano playing somewhere, the quiet murmur of people as they talked off in the distance. A pang on loneliness hit for a second, and I shook myself,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Encounters.“So, Will,” she nonchalantly nods him over to her and, of course, he follows her voice, “I have a surprise for you if you’re free tonight.” She winks at him, waits for a response. He blushes, deep brown eyes examining the floor. He’s shy and submissive, she thinks to herself, I could have a lot of fun with him.He mumbles back, his whispered words almost lost in the wind, “I’ll come by after work...”She runs home to prepare, knowing he’s home at 4:30 and that will come very soon. ...

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A Series of short experiences sexual encounters

I sat in the front row in class, during a Physics lesson, and the teacher's front tooth fell out and landed on the desk, he looked out to the class and smiled, and we all burst in to laughter, strange thing was, because of that incident, I never forgot the lesson, I related the topic to him and could recall the topic.The same goes for sex and sexual encounters, some instances are never forgotten, the romantics always say, you never forget your first kiss, the realists say, you never forget your...

2 years ago
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Halloween Encounters

HALLOWEEN ENCOUNTERS by Throne Emery had decided it was time to go home. This was his first experience being anywhere but in his house when he dressed up. It had been thrilling to take a drive. He even had an excuse if he got noticed. It was Halloween so he could just say he was in costume. Or he might not even be recognized through the car windows as a guy in his mid-20s. A few pounds of extra weight he carried lent a softness to his features. His wig was rather conservative,...

4 years ago
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Law of the BloodChapter 17 Reencounters

The next day, an hour before noon, their party stopped on a slight rise about a mile from Notabir. The army camps were positioned to three sides of the town. Tularkis to the south, the Ghallan clans to the east and Notabir’s own soldiers to the north and closest to them. It was a clear sunny winter day; the majestic mountain chain in the west filled the horizon. Pillars of smoke, rising from another army’s camp, were visible against the snow-capped peaks. Obviously their group got noticed as...

4 years ago
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Wild Encounters

Looking deep into Jack’s brown eyes, I thought I saw the hurt and distrust buried deep within. He met my gaze, not with arrogance or shame, just what looked like that he was waiting for me to throw him a lifeline. I didn’t think that I could be the one to rescue him or wanted to help him out of his misery. I have problems of my own, haunting and scaring me too much to reach out to another. It seemed as if we were two lost souls adrift in the river of life.I wanted to drop my gaze, to shut my...

Group Sex
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Crossdressers first gay encounters

I had met Steve thru a gay dating site, we exchanged messages over a few weeks and then finally agreed to meet. I was very nervous on the way over to Steve's for two reasons. One was it was going to be my first gay encounter. The Second reason, and one i had only agreed to after Steve's insistence, was that i was going completely cross-dressed. I'd gotten dressed at home as Steve wanted. Putting on a satin and lace garter belt which i attached to lace top suspender stockings, then a lace bra...

2 years ago
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Random Encounters

This is the story of how a lonely, frustrated life was changed one day in the most unexpected of places.5'5", long wavy strawberry blonde hair, turquoise eyes, DD cup breasts, voluptuous hour-glass figure. Lonely, depressed, repressed, frustrated, trapped, controlled, engaged. These are the words Beth uses to describe herself...this is what lead her to a random encounter."Crap I'm late again!" Beth mumbled as she ran out of the house and jumped into her car. ‘Buzz -Buzz’ her phone started...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Encounters

Since his last visit to Larry’s Mum’s house, Matt had hardly thought of anything else. Being his best friend’s Mum, he had always attempted to keep any ‘thoughts’ he might have under mental lock and key. Being alone with her in her kitchen, while Larry was in hospital and her husband working away, had gotten out of hand. While his first blowjob and tit-wank from the buxom 39 year old, should have eased his frustrations, it had the opposite effect. Being nearly 17 with a teenager’s rampant...

Wife Lovers
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Taboo encounters

My hands still quiver as I begin to type, but I promised to keep you informed. I'm sipping some teamy nipples are hard, I have many stories to tell. At the present moment I'm perched in this chair, wearing nothing but my morning robe. My pulse is high my legs are free, and my cleavage is well exposed. I'm waiting for Michael he'll be home soon, he's in fora treat indeed. A wonderful secret resides in this house and another encounter is about to occur. The coastis clear his Father is gone, and...

3 years ago
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A few of my sexual encounters

First up is my first lesbian experience.So I decided to do a post on my first "Girl/girl" experience. Well not my first girl, girl experience but full on Sex I guess. I was a lot younger and skinnier when this happened! (before my training days) But it was one of my best memories and even though I love cock. I still love to play with a good pair of tits or dominate a small petite woman.So before getting into the good stuff, let me just give you a short "how did we get here?"A good friend of...

4 years ago
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Random Encounters

So I was alone and horny on a Friday night. No prospects in sight. Wasn't dating anybody. My main friends were out of town and I typically don't go to bars. Especially alone. So there I was. On the wordlwide classified ads to see if someone, anyone was nearby. Didn't matter. Girl, guy, group, I just needed to get my rocks off. I guess I was a bit luckier than some in that for me I was open to all.I saw an ad in the "men seeking men" section for a self described "fuck party." It was...

3 years ago
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Lovely Encounters

LOVING ENCOUNTER Hello all ISS readers, I was not aware of this site. Few days back when I was browsing through net, I came to know about it. I am narrating a story. All names changed for maintaining secrecy, which is most important for me. This is the real incident going on in my life. I am Rakesh from Pune / Nagpur. I am 37 years old man with good health and physique. Two years back I had been to Mumbai to attend marriage of my friend. There I was introduced to one good looking lady of 47 yrs...

2 years ago
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My Fuck Buddy and Porn Partner Pt 2 Chapter 2 Initial Encounters

“You can’t talk to me like that. I am a lady.” “You’re no lady, you’re a horny little girl who loves cock!” “That’s as maybe but I am a lady.” “Oh, ok. We will see.” As we reached the room, I unlocked the door to let Caz go in first. The bed was straight in front of us, with the head to the left up against the wall. There is a window beyond that and a bathroom off to the right. As I close the door behind me, I see there is a full-length mirror on the back of, reflecting most of the bed....

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Shut Up and DriveChapter 3 Close Encounters

“Teddy, although I really would like to spend the rest of my life tucked-up with you in this bed, I really do have to get back to the house today to see what sort of a disastrous mess Roger’s left the place in.” Stella grinned at him, then she leant down and kissed Ted on the nose. “I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to leave all the taps running or something equally as callous. Besides I’m sure Marie would like to get the use of her driveway back; my car’s been parked there since Saturday...

1 year ago
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Bathroom Encounters

I could feel every motion . My pussy felt so full . And stretched . His bendy cock acquainting itself with my G-Spot . It felt intense . I pulled him closer . My nails almost digging in to his back as I tried to feel every last millimetre of cock penetrate me. I was perched on the ledge adjacent to the sink in front of the window . I had been in talking with a friend, powdering our noses at a house party we found ourselves at after a mutual friends birthday celebrations . It was in a housing...

Sex With Stranger
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A Captain Dorian story A Chance Encounter

Introduction: A steampunk erotica story Bethesda Dorian bounced up and down on the cock of Governor Sowden. Head thrown back, her tits bouncing with her rhythm, she began to cry out as she grew closer to her climax. Rubbing her clit to help her along was like the cream on a slice of pie, the analogy making her smile. Govern Sowden watched in fascination at the female pirate captain. She said she could be persuasive in getting out of the pirating charges. She did not disappoint. The way she...

4 years ago
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A Captain Dorian story A Chance Encounter

Govern Sowden watched in fascination at the female pirate captain. She said she could be persuasive in getting out of the pirating charges. She did not disappoint. The way she rotated her hips as she moved up and down created the urge to let go and cum but he fought it. It took all his willpower not to shoot his load the minute she sank her creamy pussy lips down around his dick. She used an amazing pressure technique that massaged his shaft as she lifted her ass. Then would drop her 115 lbs...

2 years ago
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A chance encounter

A chance encounterA chance encounter.It was late in the summer and the last weekend at the beach house. I was almost ready to go back to the city. One last walk along the beach to soak salt air into my lungs so I would remember it. I walked along the water's edge to get the sound of the sloshing waves inside me. Far away a dark-haired woman was walking in the opposite direction. Against me. She walked in an almost causual manner, yet with her head high up and a straight back. Dangling. As we...

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Chance Encounter

1Chance Encounter        It was just a bit over two years since my divorce and I still hadn’t come completely to terms with it.  I was still looking for other answers.  Maybe I had dedicated too much time to advancing my career and not enough time to her, although my major goal there was always to be the best breadwinner I could be, and not aimed at feeding my ego with my success.  And I always tried to be very solicitous to her when we were together.  Maybe even over solicitous.  She had just...

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The Bella Chronicles Chapter 2 Unexpected Encounters

Part 1 Pleasant Surprises Jake stepped into the shower.  The warm water felt amazing on his back and instantly awoke his senses.  It had been two months since he met Bella and every shower since had him revisiting their final hours together.  They had traded texts and Skyped once, but he felt closest to her in his morning shower.As he made the scrunchy sudsy, the smell of the soap had its effect.  He felt his manhood become rock hard.  He closed his eyes as the suds made a trail down his chest...

Group Sex
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Random Encounters

by: S. M. Jester (jesteranime) The bar was dark and lonely on this Wednesday night, few people with sultry low jazz music playing in the background. Just the way I wanted, a drink alone after a stressful day at work. The barkeep walked by, refilling my Black and Coke and smiling sadly at me before helping the two drunk and obnoxious customers by the pool table. Work had become such a chore. Sure, it wasn’t difficult working in an office and filling papers and entering data in a computer, but...

2 years ago
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Internet Encounters

My favourite thing I used to do was get some horny dude riled up by describing myself as some ideal girl, getting them to meet me somewhere, and watching them get angry, or look disappointed in a diner or a parking lot. My favorite at the time was a guy who beat up his own steering wheel on Valentines Day. I had a pretty good thing going for a while. Then I turned 17. 17 was a hard year, I guess it was the year I became the horniest, and the loneliest. December when school was out was the...

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Locker Room Encounters

The pay that his boss gave him per hour wasn't the best but Jake didn't mind, the job came with other added "bonuses." Jake would often wear his favourite tight speedo shorts and the word "tight" was a bit of understatement. Swimming countless laps of the pool over the years had done Jake a ton of favours and the countless stares directed at his muscular figure bulging out of his speedo did not go unnoticed. On this particular day he noticed a couple of seniors Hailey and Jennifer...

2 years ago
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"Huh?" When Anna walked over to the window she felt someone grab her by the arm, tossing her down onto the bed. "Did I scare you Anna?" I asked her as I walked out of the darkness into the moonlight coming in through the window. "Beth!" Her tone was harsh even though very little anger showed on her face. "Come on Anna, the look on your face was perfect." I couldn't help but laugh a little. Anna reached up then grabbed my arm and smiled as I was suddenly pulled down onto...

3 years ago
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Fleeting Encounters

My name is Robert. I'm 43 years old, divorced, and all my kids are grown. I am a self-employed software designer and have worked from my home office for many years. About a month after my last child left for college, my wife left me for another man. She had apparently been seeing him for almost a year, delaying leaving me until the kids were gone. I was, to put it mildly, shocked and devastated. In retrospect, it was probably my fault. I neglected her needs while I built my business....

4 years ago
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Alien Encounters

Going home alone, I thought, ...again. It had been months since my boyfriend and I had broken up - the only thing that filled my nights after that were flings, and one night stands. It was like no man wanted to hang around for more than a day, and I felt lonely and used. Is my body the only thing people find interesting? I had to admit, I was far from hideous. My legs were thin and long, making up most of my height of 5'7". I was thin, and worked out often, keeping my stomach flat...

4 years ago
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A serial about a horny husband and his lovely wife Sue and their sexual encounters

Sue had gained a good position at a company and was dressing quite sharp, not overly sexy, but not hiding the fact that she had a very nice petite figure. Whenever possible she went bra less, causing her pert 34B tits to giggle around, much to the delight of all who noticed. Dresses and skirts hung off her legs as she had one of those cute asses to die for. This night she told me, the going away party for Geoffrey, was being held at lunch, the next day by the staff and management, at a local...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Encounters

Since his last visit to Larry’s Mum’s house, Matt had hardly thought of anything else. Being his best friend’s Mum, he had always attempted to keep any ‘thoughts’ he might have under mental lock and key. Being alone with her in her kitchen, while Larry was in hospital and her husband working away, had gotten out of hand. While his first blowjob and tit-wank from the buxom 39 year old, should have eased his frustrations, it had the opposite effect. Being nearly 17 with a teenager’s rampant...

3 years ago
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More Beach encounters

Lying face down, my were legs spread and my head and cock about to explode as my unnamed friend caressed my inner thighs. My legs opened further accommodating his inquisitive hands. Just when I thought it could get no better, he gently inserted his finger into my anus. I groaned and writhed restlessly, pre cum oozing from my cock. His other hand explored under my full balls and cupped them in his hand. I lifted slightly and he placed his hand up the length of my shaft. Pushing his finger into...

2 years ago
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Alien Encounters

Introduction: Lucy is in for the surprise of her life, feeling unwanted and unloved, her sexual and emotional fantasy suddenly comes true. Mist spiraled through the air, and the chain links that ran under my fingers felt crumbly with rust. It was a typical Oregon evening, minus the rain. My auburn, wavy curls were kissed by the slight breeze and the light of the moon that permeated through the ever-present clouds. A sigh emitted from my full, bare lips. Going home alone, I thought, …again. It...

3 years ago
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Online Encounters

(Please feel free to add Chapters) Tammy woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, She rolled over looking at the empty space next to her. She had gotten used to this sight, ever since she married Scott. It wasn't his fault, he worked as a haulage driver but over the years the firm got bigger and now he was working long distance haulage going from country to country, he'd be gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time. When he was home he was always tired, never in the mood for sex, no matter how...

4 years ago
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Close Encounters

Two years ago the governments of the world brought to light an answer to the age old question: are we alone in the universe? The answer was an astonishing no, and came with the news that for the last 60 years an amphibious race we called the Novaxans had already been sharing our underground. Deals had been being made and hashed out over the decades between their leaders and our own across the globe. An agency called the Novaxan Placement Program was created, assigning Novaxans who signed up...

4 years ago
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Drifts encounters

It’s been a while since Drift has seen or met anyone from his world. About a year ago he was in the Californian desert, minding his business, when all of a sudden, he got transported to another world. He’s adapted to the change, but once in a while, when things get slow, he remembers his home. He had a good life. Everything was great. He even got his friends to start calling him drift. But happened. Drift has friends on the island, and truthfully, life was great. And then the orb...

3 years ago
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APB Reloaded Covert Encounters

(Setting of San Paro and its major characters are adapted from the game APB:Reloaded) Welcome to San Paro! A crumbling police force and widespread crime epidemic has forced the city's municipality to implement the City Security Act, which allows civilians to bear arms and enforce the law on their own dime. As a new entry to the scene, you're here to get shit done. As an Enforcer, you will essentially be freelance security, working with Praetorian Private Security or the Prentiss Tigers. As a...

2 years ago
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Hot Encounters

You are walking home one night, what a night it was. You didn't drink to much at the party though and no one seemed to be paying attention to you. You look at your watch. "It's only one, damn". You live in a small suburb, by no means a ghetto but in no way like the rich neighborhoods across Cherry Street. You probably shouldn't be walking home alone but what the hell you should be fine right? You stop. You notice the old spooky alley you cross when you get home. What is that? A strange bright...

2 years ago
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Son In Law encounters

I've confided in a close friend who has been in a similar situation that I'm in and she told me writing about her experiences has helped her so I'm going to do that same on here. Recently I've been in a sexless marriage my Husband never wants me and I've never been a taboo girl along with never thought about cheating. Never found my daughters boyfriends or now husband attractive in a sexual way. That has all changed ever since I accidentally saw him naked. Now I cant get the thought out of my...

3 years ago
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Sophis college experiencecasual encounters

After my parents got back from their vacation they had no idea about all the men their little femboy son had allowed into their house to violently fuck his little plump, round bottom. The house was intact and my sisters cloths were cleaned of the strangers cumstains. I hid all my lace outfits and toys in my car and none of my family will ever find out what a little sissy slut I was while they were away. Months passed I started taking hormones in secret. My hips grew wider, my skin got softer,...

4 years ago
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I went to a boys boarding school. As we were reaching puberty, we discovered that I was a slut. Any time one of my classmates had a new urge to explore, he would take me into the woods where we would strip and I would bend over and he would fuck me with his brand new stiffy.Soon the whole class knew that I was easy and hot for cock, so they would all take me into the woods. Thy would strip me naked but keep their clothes on. They would make me unzip their pants and takes their cocks out. I...

4 years ago
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Hairy Lady Next Door II Hairy Encounters

I was asked if this is real, did you really had that fling with your neighbor May?- Yes, it did happen exactly like that - a movie that has kept on replaying in my head in the two and half decades that have passed since. It’s been over 27 years, I’m almost 40 now, she’s 43 or 44. A golden memory that is more effective than v1agra, when having the occasionally boring sex, it happens to all of us...I must add though that at the time my body had just started developing and that a hand now and a...

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