Vacation - TwoChapter 10 free porn video

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Sue called Ben and told him to put a pretty good chunk of money in her personal checking account, not telling him what she was going to do with it. I told her we could probably pay for the plane with the cash we had, but she said we should save that; she had some ideas that she wanted to use the money for.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing on the boat, with Dewey taking care of business in his office while the girls sunbathed on the deck. We ate supper on the boat, fixing a very nice meatloaf with mashed potatoes, green beans, and gravy, good down home cooking. Mercy said it was nice not to have to work that night as she was used to working in the show seven nights a week. She did do several little tricks to entertain us. I told her our friends on the patio would love her exhibitions. She told us not to talk to anyone about her ability to read minds. She said it was valuable to generally have that knowledge concealed. People who might have heard of her stage act would assume that it was a trick; letting the real facts out would bring more attention than she wanted.

The next three days, I flew from around eight in the morning to after six at night. I did so many touch and go landings in the area that every local tower knew my numbers. By the time I had thirty hours in the plane, I was beginning to think I should keep it for myself. We really didn't need two planes, and besides, how would I get it back to Florida?

The fourth morning I showed up, the owner's dad showed up too and took me to the FAA office and signed off. They did about the same things that had been done up in Alaska. They handed me my license with my tail dragger endorsement because I had spent so much time in older aircraft. Now I needed some instrument instruction. Sue had me use the older instructor to check me out in the 208. We did the preflight and all the little things that are required before you fire up the engine. When we were ready to get in the plane, I saw Mercy in the back seat, smiling. She said she loved to fly and maybe I would take her up in the 172 now that I had my license.

The plane was powerful and easy to taxi. The brakes were a little touchy, but then this was a heavier plane. The instructor was constantly showing me features and telling me what to do if this or that should happen. We were cleared to the active runway. We did the run-up and released the brakes for the take off. I was amazed at the speed at which we accelerated. The plane seemed ready to lift off long before the airspeed indicator said to go. I lifted off to climb-out to our assigned forty-five hundred feet very fast. We headed east toward the mountains, as I wanted to feel the thermals and the winds crossing at higher altitudes. We went through a pass at nine thousand feet, and when we were clear over the foothills, I banked around and went back the other way. The updrafts did buffet the plane a little, but not bad. I kept the plane at sixty five percent power going about a hundred sixty knots, which is way above one hundred eighty five miles an hour. We must have had a heavy tail wind; with that power setting we normally wouldn't have been going quite that fast. I was surprised how quiet the cabin was and commented about it. The instructor said that the 208 had some other models that were even quieter.

I did two touch and go landings at airports I had not been to yet before heading back to our airport at the assigned four thousand feet. It was easy to navigate using the fancy Garmin GPS on-board system. I was more accustomed to compasses, magnetic and gyro, but the GPS was great.

I didn't try to do the classic three-point that Sue appeared to do, but did set it down gently dropping to settle the nose gear slowly, getting the feel of it so I wouldn't over-steer. I pulled the plane up to the refueling pit and got out and chocked the plane. An attendant said he would refuel and go over the plane, wash, and wax it.

As we walked over, I noticed the 172 I had been using was sitting in front of the office. Mercy and I went in and I asked the owner if I could rent it for a couple of hours and he said to be his guest. He said the plane was just fueled up and was ready to fly.

Mercy came out with me and immediately climbed into the right seat while I did the pre-flight. I did a by-the-book inspection, noting that this plane had a shorter pre-flight checklist than the 208. When we were ready to go, I wrote the beginning hours from the meter into my book and noted them in the airplane's logbook.

We were cleared to the active runway and I took off the way I had been taught in a light plane. Once in the air we were cleared to forty-five hundred feet again, and I suggested we see how this plane acted over the mountains. Mercy said she was game, so we flew toward the mountains. It took a lot longer at only a hundred twenty miles an hour, but we flew through the same pass, turned around, and flew back. We didn't do any of the touch and go landings as we flew directly back to the airport. Mercy said the little plane was fun; she felt like we were really flying it, rather than the airplane flying us.

We landed and taxied up to the office. I filled out the books before we went into the office. I found the owner and asked him how much he would take for the plane. He replied, "I can't take anything for it, I sold it." I apologized to him for running up the hours. He said not to worry, that the customer understood. I sadly looked at the plane, as I let Mercy call her driver to come pick us up. I had told her we could take a cab, but she said the driver was better.

When he arrived, Sue was with him. She got out and went over to the 172, checked the book and came back carrying it. She pointed to my entry and said, "You did good, you made the log entry correctly. I already know you did it in the 208. You're quite the pilot now. How did you like the 172, Mercy?"

"It was great. The plane is noisy and I bet it gets hot, but it was fun. It was like we were flying it and not the plane flying us."

Sue said, "I know what you mean. Did you notice the difference in speed?"

"It took us a lot longer to go to the mountains and back in the 172, that's for sure, but we did have a good flight."

Sue handed the airplane's logbook to Mercy and told her to show me the plane's owner.

Under registered owner it said, "Steve Sharp."

"You bought the plane?"

"No, you bought the plane. I robbed you of some of your cash and made a deal."

"How is it getting back to Florida?"

Sue smiled, "If you don't want to fly it back, we'll have it ferried. I really would rather have us fly together. They'll ferry it back for very little and check out our ground people on the 208 while they are at it."

"Sounds good to me, but I don't know what we need two planes for," I said.

"Easy, sometimes we'll want to fly a short distance or just fly for the fun of it," Sue was smiling. "That's what the 172 is for. If we want to go to the races or somewhere quick, the 208 will get us there almost twice as fast. Now we both have to get our instrument ratings."

We made arrangements for the 172 to be ferried back to Florida. The owner was very cordial and thanked Sue for slapping him around enough for him to find out he was being taken advantage of. He said the mechanic had already sold three planes besides ours since he started doing that job too.

The three of us rode back to the boat to prepare for our departure for Florida.

Dewey and Sheila were being moony-eyed with each other, considering they had made all of the arrangements to get married, although they were not planning on tying the knot for a while. I asked Dewey if he didn't think we should go back up the coast with him so he would feel safer, instead of doing it by himself? He commented that he wasn't by himself; Sheila was with him, and he had experience sailing by himself. A hundred foot boat is a lot to handle solo.

He finally consented to possibly hiring a college kid to ride with him back up the coast, just so he had someone to help with the anchors and such.

For our last night on vacation with Dewey and Sheila, we decided to eat at the yacht club. All except Sue had martinis before dinner, wine with dinner, and scotches after dinner. Sweet Mercy was an experienced drinker and could hold her liquor. Sue teased her that she was going to be popular among our friends back home because she could drink with the best of them.

Dewey and I spent some time out on the deck talking. Mostly it was me telling him how much fun I'd had with him over the last few weeks. Ever since we met him at Friday Harbor, he had influenced our vacation. He had made it memorable and fun. He helped Sue realize a dream, getting her pilot's license back, helped me get a captain's license, and tolerated my early coming and going while I was getting my pilot's license. The trip had been great.

We talked about Sheila and him coming down to visit. He said that Sue could fly up and get them; she would need the time in her new toy. I told him either one or both of us would come and get him anytime. When they got tired of rainy days, they should come for a winter visit to enjoy our crew in the mornings and evenings. I did tell him that we didn't live very high on the hog down in Florida. We were a little backwoodsy and a lot of Bubba. He looked at me funny and I told him he would see for himself when he came.

He wished me luck with my extra female, but I told him not to worry about it, as Sue seemed to enjoy having an extra lady around. He punched me on the shoulder saying, "Yeah right, Sue enjoys the extra lady, you don't care one way or the other, right? Sure guy, tell me another one." I just shrugged my shoulders. We shook hands, then did the non-masculine thing and hugged, knowing we had a lifetime kinship.

We all went to bed with our own personal misgivings. I was anxious about going back. Sue was anxious about flying her new plane back to Florida and Mercy was anxious about leaving home for the first time.

We three lay in bed, not sleeping for a good while. I got up to make myself a scotch up in the salon, wearing only a pair of shorts. A few minutes later Mercy showed up, wearing a loose satin robe and wanted something that would knock her out. Then Sue came up, wearing one of her invisible robes, saying she wanted a beer or a small glass of wine to help her go to sleep. We all sat together with me hugging the two ladies to me. Sue kissed me, next Mercy put a heavy lip lock on me, and kissed Sue equally. The next thing you know, robes were loose, and my shorts were torn away, only to be found in the morning. We finally made it back down to bed, having convinced each other that going back to Florida was the right thing to do.

Sue actually woke me first, giving me some non-denture pleasure. The activity woke Mercy, who complained that Sue had an advantage. I began laughing so hard at the tone of the argument, that we forgot all about the activity we had been involved in and just got up. I made coffee and took a quick shower while the girls were still arguing over, or at least intimately discussing, Sue's advantage. I went up to the salon and recovered my shorts, and brought them downstairs to be packed with our meager clothes supply.

By the time Dewey and Sheila woke, we were almost done making a big breakfast. I had made biscuits and pancakes, along with bacon, sausage, and milk gravy, and was just waiting to get egg orders so I could top the breakfast off. Mercy called her driver and told him to hurry as there was a giant country breakfast waiting for him.

The driver didn't arrive alone. Merlin and Missy showed up with him. They joined us, and it was a good thing, as I had made far too much food for just five of us. There were still leftovers after feeding eight. Missy had been mentally communicating with her daughter and knew we were flying back on our own. Merlin was wary, but Mercy assured him that she had communicated with both of the planes we had purchased and knew them to be dependable. She said Sue was a great pilot and she felt very safe with her.

After loading our bags, we all piled into the Suburban and rode out to the airport. The 208 was sitting next to the office, with the doors open, waiting for our arrival. The 172 was already on its way and we would probably pass it later today. Our in-flight time would be about fourteen to sixteen hours, so we were planning to take turns flying nine or ten hours today and finish tomorrow. The weather looked good all the way through. Luckily, the summer thunderstorms had let up and shouldn't be a problem for a couple of days.

The owner and the mechanic that Sue had made friends with assured us that both planes were perfect and we would enjoy our trip home. We were planning on stopping somewhere in Alabama or Mississippi for the night but we would call later if they wanted. Both Dewey and Merlin wanted.

Mercy hugged and kissed her parents, climbed into the back seat, and put on her headphones. Sue sat in the left seat while I did the pre-flight. We communicated each item while she called them out in order. Once done, I climbed in and shut and locked the stairway door. As soon as I sat, Sue began the starting procedure; she had done the cockpit preflight while I was doing the external. Sue called the tower and got a current altimeter setting while the engine was warming. We gave a final wave and taxied out, having been granted access to the active runway. Sue ran the engine up, released the brakes, and we were rolling. The plane lifted off easily, and Sue guided us toward the mountains and the pass I had flown through twice.

The three of us chatted using the headphones. After a few hours Sue said she was going to need a bathroom so we began looking for airports that we could land at and refuel. We were near Goldfield, Nevada so we stopped there for fuel and a quick potty break. Once again a couple of hours later we needed a rest stop. A couple of fields we called were not answering, and we didn't want an unattended site. We settled on one in southwestern Colorado that told us we were welcome and to come on down.

Sue set the plane down and we were granted a spot right in front of the operations building in Cortez, Colorado. Sue wiggled out of the left seat while Mercy opened the door. Sue and Mercy made a dash for the bathroom. I taxied the plane over to the fuel pumps and proceeded to top off our fuel. I was surprised that the turbo was as efficient as it was. Usually faster planes burn more fuel. This one could hold a lot of fuel, but it didn't consume as much as you would think. After refueling, I taxied back over to the operations building, shut down, got out, and grabbed some chocks, not worrying about tie downs for the little time we were going to be on the ground as there was no wind.

I went to the bathroom and came out to find the two girls surrounded by admirers. Sue was wearing a fairly conservative top, but any top on Sue is not conservative at all. Mercy was wearing a tease top, even though her top was only a full B on her slim frame. The idea of these two flying around the country in a 208 was getting their admirer's juices up. When the girls spotted me they both squealed, "There's our husband now," and ran to me. I was given some really dirty looks, but even more "You lucky dog" looks.

We bought a couple of bottles of water and climbed into the plane after doing the thorough pre-flight. By the time I had the door closed and locked, Mercy was buckled up, and Sue had the engine going. I strapped in and we were granted permission to taxi out to the active runway. We took off smoothly heading east. About two hours later, we stopped in northeastern New Mexico, took a potty break, refueled, and ate. We headed east again, getting to Lawton, Oklahoma before nature required another pit stop.

We made it all the way to northwestern Monroe, Louisiana before we had to either stop or soil the seats. We thought we could possibly make the panhandle of Florida, maybe Panama City, for the night. If we made it to Panama City, we might just stay over a day and enjoy the beaches.

That was incentive for us to fly through to Panama City. Since we had been losing time all the way across the country we had flown thirteen hours, but because of the time zones, we were now fifteen hours different from when we left. Mercy called her Mom, as her Dad was at the restaurant. I called Dewey and told him we might hole up in Panama City a day. He said he couldn't believe we had flown so far in a day in the small plane. I reminded him that the turbo could really go fast so we made some good time, plus we had a strong tail wind all day.

The airport at Panama City was a quiet place with lots of personal jets and small aircraft. Airline feeder flights occasionally passed through, but most of the traffic was light aircraft. We refueled and taxied to the assigned tie down point. We had the plane secured and our bags at the operations building in minutes. I rented a car and we drove out the causeway to the inter-coastal to go to the nicer beaches and resorts. We found a nice resort on the beach and registered. The weather was balmy and warm. The girls wanted to hurry and eat; they had eaten only sandwiches since breakfast.

We ate a light supper because of the hour, went to our room, put on swimsuits, and went out on the beach. We splashed in the gulf for a half hour then went up to the hotel and rinsed off under the outdoor showers. I checked the hot tub or in this case, a Jacuzzi. The water wasn't hot so we got in and relaxed. Sue was telling Mercy that she may have to watch herself the first time we went to the hot tub at the park because most of the people in our group considered the hot tub as a free-for-all and everything-goes area. Mercy said she was sure she would be fine. She would just follow our lead.

We went back and decided to order one of the biggest steaks they had and split it three ways. We did that and split a bottle of wine between Mercy and me. Bedtime was fun, as Sue wanted me to take care of my marital responsibilities, then insisted I take care of our new wife, as she called Mercy. Sue wanted more after watching Mercy and me. Luckily, I was up for all of this late night fun.

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VacationChapter 75

Day Seventy-five - Friday My face was between two wonderfully full breasts. If there was a problem, it would be that it is impossible to get air when your face is being hugged into Sue's chest. I pulled loose to move up to be able to kiss her. As soon as I kissed her, she pulled my face back down to her breasts. This time I caught a taught nipple in my mouth and sucked, causing a loud groan from Sue. Sue's nipples were like those big hanging controls for the doors at the shop. You pushed...

1 year ago
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One day my girlfriend and I was on vacation in Barbados. She was very excited to go on vacation when it was just us two.My girlfriend was a bbw with big tits flat stomach… One day my girlfriend and I was on vacation in Barbados. She was very excited to go on vacation when it was just us two.My girlfriend was a bbw with big tits flat stomach , and a flat stomach. She told me on the plane, when we get on the beach to wear nothing but speedos and thongs. I instantly thought she was crazy and...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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Vacation made in Heaven and Hell part 1

Vacation made in Heaven ... and Hell part 1 Alison Green and Jeanette Farrell had been friends and neighbours for many years now. Moving into adjoining houses as strangers, the newlyweds had bonded pretty much instantly and soon became the fastest of friends. Fifteen years later they had been through a lot together, the high and low points being the birth of their children and the loss of their husbands. While cancer had taken John Green, an affair with 'that dirty little slut from the...

2 years ago
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Vacation at the Beach 2

I was having a terrific dream, my sister Sarah was sucking my dick and I was just about to blow my load down her throat. I opened my eyes to see that it wasn’t a dream, it was real, my sister was sucking my dick and I was about to blow my load down her throat! She looked up at my face and her eyes lit up seeing me smiling at her. I reached out and stroked her hair as she continued to bob up and down on my dick. Next to us in the bed was our mother, naked and still asleep, the three of us...

3 years ago
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Vacation to Tobago Island

Introduction: While on vacation, Sam finds a little black hooker that he specds time with. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ______________________________________________________________ Thirty-two year old Sam Stevenson saved his money for a couple of years to afford the vacation that he wanted. He had long wanted to go to the island of Tobago. Finally he was on the...

2 years ago
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Vacation Playmate Mg cons

Vacation Playmate By SpectreOfHell ‘So,’ Nick said as he studied the little girl sitting across from him. ‘What do you want to do?’ She shrugged, which was all that he had expected from her. He rolled his eyes, which she couldn’t see because her eyes were fixed firmly on the floor, and tried once again to figure out how he’d gotten stuck with babysitting duty. It certainly wasn’t what he’d planned to be doing on his vacation. Nick was forty years old, and this was the first vacation he’d...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Aruba

21 year old Jimmy Baker looked out of the hotel room's slider out over the beautiful beach 8 stories below. The tropical weather was perfect and the water crystal clear. A light breeze came in off the water which helped offset the 80+ degree temperatures. He was glad he decided to come to Aruba for this seven day vacation. He really needed it. After saving for almost two years he had hoped to be taking this vacation with his girlfriend, Beth. Unfortunately, just two weeks before their...

4 years ago
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Vacation With Your Best Friend

[First Name = Your Name] [Last Name = Friend's Name] The sun is shining brightly through the car windows as you speed along the highway toward your destination. You yawn lazily from the passengers seat; getting up at five in the morning is not your idea of a relaxing vacation, especially after two months of working at your summer job. Now it's only a few weeks until college starts back up again and you've only got a week of true vacation. Thankfully, you're spending it the only way you can...

4 years ago
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Vacation orgy

My wife and I were staying at a resort on a relaxing vacation for a few days. Our normal routine was wake up, have sex, then go site seeing. This day, after sex, we decided to lounge at the pool. We were a little annoyed by a bunch of teens being loud while playing in the pool. Fortunately, they had drink service at the pool so we were getting drunk. It seemed like they were staying right in front of where we were trying to relax in the lounge chairs. I started looking towards them and realized...

2 years ago
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Vacation on a distant island part 1

There was a sense, a certain feel to it. The way it was obvious what about to happen. And he could see she had become troubled with how to behave about the consequences. He expected to be told not to look. Dabby flinched. Ben tried not to look, but it was too gross to ignore it. It wasn't the first time he'd expect her to get mad. But still, they haven't been exactly coming to terms with any of this. *** Couple of months ago they had been on vacation. The whole family been there, on...

3 years ago
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Vacation Surprise Part 2

As we walk into the bathroom, I notice it has a modern design to it. She opens the door to a large standing shower and turns on the shower. I can see how wet our bodies have become and she beckons me in with a sly smile on her face. She pours water all over my body, giggling as she does and I chuckle and tell her that she had better be careful lest I jump her. "Oh my! Wonder what will happen if I don't stop?" I lean in and give her a passionate french kiss, catching her slightly off guard....

3 years ago
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Vacation surprise

Having had a day of sightseeing and dining at various locations, I decided to wind down the evening with a relaxing drink. Being in a different country was exciting and was alone and didn't know anyone. I came across a quiet local bar, didn't seem to have many tourists around. As I walked in, I realised that I was the only black guy there. The patrons didn't really pay much attention to me as I walked in. I walked up to the bar and greeted the bartender who was pouring a drink. I said hello and...

3 years ago
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My wife of 30 years Terry and I had planed our vacation for weeks. We were going to take our 26' sailboat the Four Kings out and spend 2 weeks sailing around Lake Mead. The 2 youngest of our 4 k**s had planed on going. Scott 24 and Mary 28 were both at the house with us planning what all we would do when the phone rang.Terry walked back into the family room frowning. She looked at Scott. "That was Marty from planning. It looks like our trip is off Scoot. They want to open that new store this...

3 years ago
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Vacation Paradise

Fantasy and reality are lines that can easily become blurred when the right mix of elements are combined. When chemistry and passion mix with pure unadulterated lust, add sensuality with a touch of sweltering Jamaican heat, top off with downright uninhibited fun and the results are downright explosive. Such was the case when Lisette and Phillip got together for a much-needed vacation to Jamaica that would leave them scorched by the flames of hedonism.Leaving the damp and rainy weather of...

2 years ago
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Vacation what Could go Wrong part 2

Beth was quite pleased with herself as she admired her friend Pam in the lightweight sundress she had picked out for her at the airport boutique. Beth had wanted to show her appreciation for being invited on the trip, and had not let Pam talk her out of buying a new dress for each of them. "You look fabulous." Beth had told Pam only minutes earlier. She had used all her powers of persuasion to convince Pam the thin, cotton blend dress was not too revealing. The spaghetti strap style didn't lend...

2 years ago
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Vacation with friends faily

I've known these friends for about 12 years. Ever since their k**s were little c***dren. One boy, one girl who were then 4 (the boy) and 6 (the girl). We've grown fond of each other and the k**s now look at me like I'm part of their parent's close friends which I am. For the sake of this story I'll call them Jeremy and Lisa - you'll soon see why.Bringing you back to reality, the k**s are now 16 and 18 respectively and they've grown into very nice young adults. We recently took vacation to the...

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Vacation With My Mami Day2

Hey, guys, I am back with the continuation of my sex story with my hot and sexy Mami? Before this vacation I had just heard the proverb “jab bhagwan deta hai tho chappar fad ke deta hai” but during this vacation I experienced it. I have written this experience with my mami’s consent. I thank you all for your replies. Any girl or woman (up to 40yrs) can contact me if they are not satisfied or if their sex life is not spiced up. I assure you, that you will have the best time of ur life and 100%...

4 years ago
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Vacation Vixen

I only cheat on Ron once a year, and to be honest, he deserves it. It’s when we’re on vacation, when he deserts me for his beloved golf, so I have nothing to do with my time but to seek out lovers. It started about ten years ago, when we’d been married around eight years. Ron’s parents had agreed to take young Sam for a fortnight to allow us to have something of a second honeymoon, so we’d flown off to the Med. But reliving our introduction to marital sex was the last thing on Ron’s mind...

3 years ago
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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes last days

This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...

4 years ago
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VACATION Beautiful, Friday and work was over, I just had to drive home, a 20 mile commute. I usually enjoyed the drive, and as I drive I often fantasize about being a sissy; oh some of those daydreams are so good, creating a never ending story. It was hot, and I drove our old car, brutal even with all the windows down; but my wife Kellie deserved the car with air conditioning. Anyway, the intense heat turned me on somehow. I unconsciously began to daydream, thinking back to the...

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VACATION I was told by my company that I needed to take a vacation, I had worked for two years straight and it was now mandatory. I decided to take a week at the town of Mesquite, Nevada. A small mini Las Vegas, casinos, entertainment, golf courses, all the attractions of Las Vegas but in a small setting. I called and made a reservation at the Casa Blanca resort for the week. The morning of my departure I decided to check my e-mails one more time before I left for Mesquite. Nothing...

3 years ago
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Vacation Playmate Mg cons

Vacation PlaymateBy SpectreOfHell"So," Nick said as he studied the little girl sitting across from him. "What do you want to do?"She shrugged, which was all that he had expected from her. He rolled his eyes, which she couldn't see because her eyes were fixed firmly on the floor, and tried once again to figure out how he'd gotten stuck with babysitting duty. It certainly wasn't what he'd planned to be doing on his vacation.Nick was forty years old, and this was the first vacation he'd had in...

4 years ago
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Vacation Is An Occasion

By: Appikkuttan I can feel my cousin’s tits touching my back. I don’t know what made her to press herself on to me. Yes! The scenes on the TV she is trying to imitate the heroine, who is pressing her boobs on her man’s chest and sipping his lips being on top. They have started such kinky things a little before on the back of a melody. Before, the man on the TV caressed the heroine’s shoulders, took her face and covered the screen with his head – he was kissing her. They rolled in the...

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Vacation With Tenant

Dear readers, I am Ravichandran 39 yrs old I live in Tamilnadu. I am a regular user of this site and I enjoyed all the stories, today I have decided to share one of my own story which happened to me few days ago. I am an engineer working in gulf country came on vacation to home located in Thanjavur city. The incident happened 15 days back at my home with my tenant Jaya whose family is living in first floor of my house. Jaya is 41 yrs old, a medium height, fair in complexion, not so bulky body,...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Portugal

I looked at my wife, my daughter, then back to the sunbathers. My wife Inez and I had been to a couple of nudist beaches before, but that was years before we had a fifteen-year-old daughter and her brother in tow. My son didn’t look so hesitant, he was ogling damn near every female within range of his view with a broad smile distorting his lips. But his sister; she was ready to dig a hole in the sand and bury herself to keep her eyes from straying, “What do you think?” I asked Inez. “I’m...

2 years ago
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My wife Becky and I were taking our first vacation this year by traveling across the western United States. We planned on visiting the Grand Canyon and perhaps a few Indian Reservations. My wife has always been fascinated by the native Indian culture and we had arraigned our vacation to coincide with several Indian ceremonies that are open to the public. Because it was July, Becky bought a whole ensemble of new summer clothes to wear on our trip. We have been married only four years and these...

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Chapter 1 After college with a degree in accounting. I went to work for a large CPA firm, the only woman who was a full CPA. For a couple of years it was work, work and little time for men or recreation. When my vacation time had built up to the point of using it or losing it I set up a trip to Jamaica. A girlfriend of mine laughed when I told her where I was going. She told me that Jamaican men have the biggest thingies in world she read on the Internet. We laughed it off after a little more...

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Vacation at the BeachChapter 10

Sam had spent two hours teaching her older sister all about Kegels and what to do with them. The noises she made as she practiced what Sam had taught her woke Rudy up. She snarled at him to go back to sleep. “You’ve had your turn, you little weasel,” she panted. Then she went back to work flexing her Kegels around my iron-hard penis, upon which she’d been perched for fifteen minutes. She’d already had two orgasms by then. It was amazing. She barely moved, but it felt like I was being...

4 years ago
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VacationChapter 6

Day Six - Saturday Don't know why, but I didn't have a hang over, not even queasy. I made coffee and went out to the patio. I cleaned up the empties and put them in the recycle bin then sat down to enjoy my morning's coffee. I was sitting there thinking of the previous night when J.J. came running over. "Good morning Steve. Mom wants you to have breakfast with us. Come on, she's making pancakes." I went inside and refilled my cup then followed J.J. to his house. The kitchen was busy...

2 years ago
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VacationChapter 9

Day Nine - Tuesday I woke up about six with the TV playing an exercise program featuring a skimpily dressed babe and a slick looking guy with an eight pack, far past just the standard six pack abs. The only thing those programs were good for was to drool over the workout chick and remind yourself that you probably ought to workout yourself. Thinking about it, I should probably get some tennis shoes and run or something. I could walk down to the pool and swim some laps. That would be good...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 2

Eventually the train arrived at the very basic structure that was the station for the new village. The passengers alighting at the station got off, including the Montford sisters and their tourist guide. Then the flatcar and its cargo was shunted into the single siding and uncoupled, so the train could continue to its final destination. Amelia operated the controls to swing the ramp round to land on the hard compacted earth, then returned to the caravan to back it off, down the ramp on to...

1 year ago
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Vacation with aunty

100% fiction! In my vacation i went to stay with my own aunt . She was married and have a boy who is working abroad. She is 40 now and have the look of native indian with a plump body. We both were attached very deep but when i grow into my teens i started to enjoy the woman in her rather than aunty. Occasionally when she visit our home she used to take me with her for a bath in the village pond. There i say her woman for the first time . I managed to see her breasts in her bra and her wet ass...


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