Lost Sailor free porn video

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I hate people.

No, that’s not entirely true. I don’t hate people, per se. What I hate is the little games they play. You know the ones I mean. The ones where it’s, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. You scratch first”. Then when it’s your turn to get scratched, they’re gone in a flash.

This seems to be a realm well-populated by women. Not all women. Just the ones that I attract. Or maybe it’s the ones that are attracted to me? Whatever. It all boils down to the same thing. I give them what they want, and they give me . . . nothing.

Take Sally Johansson for instance. I gave her a roof over her head, food in her belly, clothes on her back, and all the devotion one man can shower on a woman. And what did I get in return? An empty house, an even emptier bank account, a lot of unpaid bills that I knew nothing about, and blue balls. She found herself a younger stud with more money, and the rest is history. Mind you, so is Sally, but I’m still working my ass off to clean up her mess. And my nuts still hurt a lot.

All that’s part of an explanation of why I’m sitting here on the aft deck of a 32-foot sailing sloop, by myself, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, with not a soul within a hundred miles. Well, maybe there are one or two, but I can’t see them, and they can’t see me. In my mind, they don’t really count.

Take last night, for instance. I was looking forward to dropping anchor in a small cove I frequent, about eighty miles north of the last marine outpost of any consequence. Usually I have the cove all to myself. No people, no noise, no disappointments in the morning. Just me and Mother Nature. If I wanted to stay up late and get drunk, no problem. If I wanted to just sit around naked, playing with myself, that was fine. Whatever I had in mind was what I’d do without having to answer to anyone or anything. No phones, no TV, no internet, nothing. Just me, by myself, at one with the rest of the Universe. In the isolation, I could sit back with whatever there was for liquid comfort and feel sorry for myself.

So it was with an undefined degree of disappointment that I found there was another boat already riding at anchor in my little secret cove. How dare they! Invading my space and making me feel guilty about my own selfishness. The nerve of some people!

In this particular cove, there aren’t a lot of safe anchorages. At high tide, it’s a fairly large expanse of water, but when the tide goes out, all the rocks that have a habit of punching holes in a fibreglass hull sit just below the surface, waiting patiently for their next victim. That other boat was sitting smack dab in the middle of the best anchorage in the whole cove, making my goal of isolation ever tougher to achieve. But I’ve been in that cove so many times that I can pinpoint exactly where I can and can’t anchor. Within six inches, and with my eyes closed, too. There have been several occasions when I’ve found shelter in this cove from a particularly strong storm, living proof that Mother nature is definitely female, and suffers from PMS.

When I got to one of the few safe anchorage places, I heaved the Danforth overboard and let it drag until it found a secure hold, then set the sea anchor off the stern. It sounds complicated, but I can do the whole operation in less than ten minutes. Something about having had lots of practise over the years, I guess.

Once I got the sails furled, I spent the next half hour settling in, getting something to eat and digging out the first of what would probably be many cold beers. These were the good ones. Imported. Two would give me a decent buzz on my way to daily oblivion. I had a couple dozen on board, just in case my math was its usual crappy self. The food was only to keep me from getting sick as a dog after I’d over-indulged. You’d think I’d have learned by now that the food always comes back up first.

It was quiet. Just the wind rustling in the trees onshore and the lapping of waves against the hull. This was what I had been looking for all week. Peace, quiet, and a chance to commiserate. But the silence was broken by the greetings of a female voice.

“Hello,” she called, “can I come over?”

Somehow, the word ‘No' evaporated from my vocabulary. There was something soft and appealing in that voice. Despite a feeling that I knew so well, the one that tells me to shut the fuck up and run or hide, I invited her over anyway. You’d think that after twenty years of involuntary bachelorhood, I’d have learned.

You’d be wrong.

She rowed over in a punt-nosed skiff and tied off at the stern. I helped her climb aboard, noting that she was probably just a couple of years younger than myself, and those years had been kind to her. Maybe it was the exercise of sailing that had kept her fit and trim. Maybe it was all the men she’d fucked over the years. Maybe it was a case of “Check all the above”. At the time, I really didn’t care. She was definitely eye candy for a lonely old gypsy sailor like me.

As she climbed over the stern, I could see that her striped crew-neck shirt was all that stood between me and her breasts. They weren’t huge, but they sure were firm looking. Her pert little nipples gave away the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra as they poked into the fabric and left definite outlines. Those breasts looked to be just enough to fill a hand, with maybe a little extra, just to make sure. The horizontal stripes of her shirt only accentuated her chest. She wore a pair of denim cutoffs that might just as well have been spray painted on. And those legs! They started at her ankles and went up to God knows where! I almost had to wipe the slobber off my chin!

“Hi. I’m Brandy. Brandy Bendall.” she introduced herself. The muscles in my jaw had ceased to function as I babbled incoherently, lost somewhere between civility and rampant lust.

“H-h-h-h,” I started, “hi. I’m Jerry. Jerry Wallace. Welcome aboard the . . . .“ Shit, I’d have to go look at the name of my boat painted on the bow! What a hell of a time to suffer from Alzheimer’s! She giggled a little, very definitely aware of the effect she was having on my oversexed and under-supplied person. She had the bluest eyes I could remember, and in that moment, they gobbled me up and spat me out. And I didn’t give a shit about anything else! I would have happily committed harikari for the chance to die in those eyes!

“Relax, Jerry. I don’t bite, ya know.” she crooned. “I was just trying to be neighbourly, and I could use some company tonight. Usually I’m quite happy being by myself, but tonight, for some reason, I wanted some company. But, if you’d rather be alone . . . .”

“No, not really.” A part of me wanted to throw her overboard and let her drown. The rest of me was busy trying to find a balance between a possible escape from loneliness and a bad case of raging hormones. The latter was winning by a large margin.

“Can I offer you a beer?” I asked her. I felt like adding something about a good roll in the seaweed too. Discretion, being the better part of valour, won out. Sometimes I hate discretion. This was one of those times.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” she confessed as she found one of the only two comfortable spots on the whole deck to sit. I made a mental note that the other spot was right beside her. Hmm. That was the usual pattern that played out whenever I let my poor heart become some woman’s playground. Or so that little voice in my head reminded me. I was getting good at ignoring that voice.

“How about something to eat?” I offered. She gazed into my eyes as she contemplated whether or not she wanted to be poisoned by a lonely bachelor.

“Chef Boy-Ar-Dee?”“ she inquired.

“Sorry, all out of that pre-digested shit. Beer-battered cod, and there’s some home fries left.” as I tried to calm her fears. “ I think” I added.

“Yeah, that sounds good. You make it yourself, or have you been talking to Captain Highliner?” she asked, referring to another one of those frozen fish outfits that managed to remove most of the fat, and all the flavour.

“Nope. It’s the real thing. I’m not what you’d call a gourmet chef, by any means, but I haven’t killed anyone off with ptomaine poisoning yet. Still working on that, though.” I had tried for some levity to break the feelings of stalemate stuck in my gut. It went over like a lead balloon.

Brandy accepted my offer, hiding her trepidation well enough so that I didn’t notice it. I guess she’d heard horror stories about bachelor cooking before, or had maybe lived through a couple.. I seriously hoped that this wouldn’t be another chapter in that book. The newspaper headlines alone would be enough to send me into the culinary underground if it was. Hell, I’d be relegated to fast food restaurants for the balance of my existence. Just the thought of living off hamburgers from the take-outs made my stomach want to define a whole new dimension for the term ‘recycling’.

I served out a plate of food for her, then grabbed two more beers as I passed the cooler. I wasn’t sure if she was ready for another one, but I definitely was. Passing her the plate and some cutlery, I sat down next to her and proceeded to fill my face with what was left of my own meal.

“Hey!” she injected. “This is pretty good. You catch this yourself, or snag it from one of the docks?”

“The docks? Please! A guy has to have some pride, ya know” I scolded her lightly. “That one came out of Hecate Straights yesterday evening. Took me almost an hour to land the son-of-a-bitch, too. I’d guess he weighed about fifty pounds, because there’s another twenty pounds of filet left. Guess what I’m living off for the next week?” At the time I'd caught it, I was amazed and more than a little impressed with myself that I’d managed to land a ling cod of that size. Especially with only ten-pound test line.

We ate in relative silence until Brandy tried to start a conversation by asking me to tell her about myself. There’s two versions of my autobiography. One takes about two hours. The other cuts that down to five minute. I went with the abridged one, then asked her to enlighten me with her own story. She talked, I listened, and neither one of us remembered a single word. It was all a part of the game of breaking the ice between two dissimilar people.

From the little I remember, it seems that Brandy was a marine biologist, out for the summer in pursuit of information on the habits of some aquatic creature with more Latin names than all the people listed in the white pages of a telephone book. She picked up the blank look on my face when she rattled off all those names.

“Ya know those little tidal crabs that always show up when the water’s low? Those creatures.” she educated me. I knew of them. They were the ones that were big enough to do serious damage to a toe if you were sloppy, but not big enough to make a meal out of. I tried to look intrigued anyway. Brandy started to expand on her study criteria. She went into the importance of these particular invertebrate in the overall scheme of things. I had other things on my mind. Two of them kept rising and falling with her breathing.

“You really don’t give a shit about all this stuff, do you?” she asked, finally becoming aware of my disinterest.

“I wouldn’t say that.” I told her. “But you’ve got a pair of the most beautiful breasts I can remember seeing. They’re alive and heaving right in front of my face. They’re more hypnotic that Sigmund Freud. And I’m supposed to be concerned about little crabs? About the only crabs I give a shit about are the ones I hope you don’t have.”

“Me? Crabs? Not in this lifetime! Maybe I should make sure you don’t have ‘em either?” she teased. Promises, promises! Typical female!

Brandy spent what felt like a lifetime studying something on my face. I could see her eyes shifting from side to side as though looking for those horns that might sprout from my forehead any second now. I know about her eye movements from first-hand observation. Mine were locked on hers, focussing on those gorgeous deep blue ones she had. It was like hers were the gateway to all the answers that mankind needed to explore the stars. Maybe they were. I wasn’t about to take a chance on missing any of that possibility.

Then out of nowhere, Brandy reached her hand around the back of my head, pulled me to her, and kissed me more passionately than I’ve ever been kissed before in my life. Not that it was a hard thing to accomplish. I really haven’t had too many passionate kisses in my forty-something years. But if there was a kissing scale from one to ten, hers was about an eleven-point-five.

I wanted to grab her, hold her, capture her as mine for the rest of time. Don’t ask me why. Even that annoying little voice that I was so desperately trying to ignore screamed in my head. “Don’t do this!” it yelled. “She’ll eat you up and spit you out, asshole!” Like I said, I try to ignore that little piece of shit as much as I can. Brandy was making my job insufferably easy.

My first instinct was to grab her shoulder and pull her to me tightly. My intentions were great. My aim wasn’t. Instead of the shoulder, my wandering hand found her breast, which seemed to draw me to it like a moth to flame. As soon as I made contact, all I could think of was how well some asshole newspaper reporter would fuck up my obituary. This woman would probably kill me on the spot and feed my remains to the dogfish.

But she didn’t flinch! I figured that if I was going to die anyway, I may as well go out a happy man. With her tacit approval, I cupped that delicate orb in my palm, my thumb on reconnaissance for that perky nipple that I knew was here somewhere. Finally attaining my objective, I lightly rubbed my thumb over it, eliciting a soft, lusty moan from Brandy‘s throat. For some reason, I froze on the spot.

“If you’re waiting for a step-by-step manual on how to feel up my tits, there isn’t one. You’re on your own.” she whispered to me softly, then kissed me again, harder, more passionately, and with an undeniable urgency. My hand slid down her side to the hem of her shirt, then snaking up inside, re-established my claim on her breast. God, it was magnificent! Soft, round, smooth, pliable, firm, and peaked with a turgid nipple that felt harder than a diamond. I squeezed that delicious flesh, wondering if I’d died and gone to heaven yet. Brandy‘s moans of delight weren’t much help at finding the answer. It sounded like she was on her way to somewhere, though. Could I follow?

We continued to kiss for several minutes, tongues battling, lips seeking and searching, fires of lust blazing inside us. My cock was hard in seconds. By the feel of the heat from Brandy’s body, it became a toss-up which one of us would spontaneously combust first. Which part of whose body ignited first was yet to be determined. At the time, I didn’t care. I doubt she did, either.

We remained locked like that for somewhere between a few seconds and a few millennium. It felt like forever, but not long enough. Damn, she tasted so good, so warm, so soft. Her tongue seemed to search out places in my mouth that even an oral hygienist didn’t know about. Those fingers running up and down the back of my skull imparted their unique brand of static electricity in every nerve ending above my big toe. A man would have to be dead a long time to resist this woman. I thanked God I wasn’t dead. Not yet, anyway.

I became aware that Brandy had moved her touch from my head to my neck, slowly working down and out to my shoulder. Even through the fabric of my T-shirt, her fingers evoked sensations I couldn’t remember having experienced in my entire four decades. As her fingers traced down my arm and over the hairs on them. It felt like they were standing at attention, ready to salute the passing revue of her soft and delicate skin. By the time she’d reached my elbow, every nerve in my system was ready to scream in response. I wondered if she would follow my lower arm back to the hand that cupped her beautiful tit. Her grasp on my cock answered that question in a rush. I almost came right then and there!

In response to her obvious need, I sought the hem of he shirt, then lifted it up and over her chest, pausing to kiss each breast and nipple in turn, then slipped the garment over her head. I was half-way through tossing it wherever the wind took it when I remembered that we were still on deck. With mind-boggling consideration, I dropped it on the deck beside her, then returned to those magnetic nipples that had captured my lustful attention so thoroughly. With each flick of the tongue over their wondrous hardness, Brandy moaned, each time a little louder and insistent than the one before. Her hand had returned to my crotch, rubbing and squeezing it almost as wantonly as my hand on her breast. Somewhere through all of this we had slipped down onto the deck and were now horizontal, Brandy underneath my chest as I paid tribute to her one breast with my hand while my lips paid homage to the other.

I could feel the tug of something at my waist, but being otherwise occupied, I paid little notice. The pressure of the fabric wrapped around me released soon afterwards. I was vaguely conscious of a cool breeze playing through my pubic hair, but was more concerned with the delights that Brandy’s firm chest imparted to the nerve endings in my palm. As soon as she attained a grip on my cock, however, I became acutely cognisant of her touch. It was like small electrical charges arcing between her fingers and my thoroughly engorged manhood. Just as she had moaned when I teased her chest nubs, so I too issued a lustful groan in appreciation of the arrival of those silky fingers.

Becoming aware that I had one breast captured in my hand and the other one between my lips, simple deduction rendered the decision that there was an extra hand doing nothing. It slipped down her arm, over her wrist, and then contacted the softness of her belly. Despite the fabric barrier, I moved that hand down between her thighs and lightly slid up and down her pussy. She answered my beckoning probe with the thrusting of her hips, pushing her mons harder against my palm. On one up-sweep I found the tab of her zipper and released its purchase over her lower abdomen, undoing that remaining top button within three heartbeats. Brandy wiggled herself into a position whereby she could scoop the denim covering over her hips, leaving me with the job of its complete removal. I thanked her by repeating the manoeuver as she snagged the leg hems of my cutoffs and used them as finger anchors to facilitate the destruction of that barrier too.

Now both of us were naked, our skin in heated contact with each other, and the fire of our lust growing in intensity. Running my finger down the length of her slit, I sought the warm wetness of those juices emanating from her entrance. Smearing that feminine nectar up the inside of her labia gave me the sensation of contacting liquid glass, soft and slippery to the touch, and begging to be deposited on the nub of her clitoris. Finding that sensitive centre just under its protecting hood, I flicked it lightly, teasing and twirling over it in a dance of desire. Brandy gasped sharply as her hips involuntarily presented me with an open target. She strengthened her grasp on my cock to a point of almost painfulness, just on the side of pleasure. As I continued to stimulate her clit, she returned to the business of milking the pre-cum out of my piss hole and smearing it the full length of my shaft. It took all my concentration to keep from cumming right then and there.

My mouth felt parched. Our heavy breathing wasn’t helping any. In a need for moisture, I returned to those luscious lips and kissed Brandy long and hard. She slaked my thirst with her own saliva as our tongues resumed the dance we had started together. Temporarily satiated, I returned to her exposed nipple and nipped it between my lips while running my tongue over and around it. My finger moved of its own volition down her outer lips and into her cunt., parting her inner lips as it sunk inside her to the full extent of its length. Brandy mewled in delight, then again as my thumb replaced that finger that had been strumming her clitoris. Her hips once again forced themselves off the deck in a desperate bid to push her pleasure centre tightly against that digit that rubbed against it. As if her cunt wasn’t hot enough before, it felt like her entire vagina had risen in temperature by a full ten degrees.

I searched for and found the ridges of her pussy that belied the location of her G-spot, tickling and teasing them as Brandy humped herself against my hand, rolling over onto her side in an effort to capture that digit deep inside herself. Her entire focus was now on pleasuring her pussy with that finger as she humped and ground herself more and more, harder and harder against my hand. Her juices were flowing in copious amounts, their warm milky smoothness lacing my palm and soaking her entire crotch.

“God, Jerry! That’s it, right there! Make me cum, lover!” Brandy growled in my ear, the first words spoken in almost an hour. I acquiesced to her demand and wiggled my finger as softly as I could. Within seconds I could feel the walls of her vagina flutter, gripping and pulling me in deeper as her orgasm broke open and flooded her entire body. She reacted to that feeling of pleasure by tensing her vaginal muscles as they gripped me tighter and tighter, then began to tremble as wave after wave of orgasmic delight washed through her.

“God, I’m . . . I’m . . . unghh!” and she exploded into a world of light, feeling, and erotic surrender. My total concentration was on her, trying desperately to prolong and intensify her climax. It must have been relatively successful, because Brandy continued to mewl, twitch, and shudder for a good thirty seconds. Only her collapse against me signalled the culmination of her cum. Well that, and the puddle of girl-cum running down over my thigh. It radiated a heat that threatened to scald the skin off my leg. I loved it!

As Brandy came off that orgasmic high, she rolled onto her back, spreading her thighs as she dragged me with her and between them. The grasp on my cock demanded I fill her with my own heat. She reached between us and positioned my cockhead against her lips, then thrust her hips up in one sharp and decisive movement. My cock had nowhere to go but inside her. Its capture was like nothing I’d ever experienced before in my fuzzy memory. All I could feel was the wetness of her pussy and the heat of her vagina. The heat! God, it was like sticking my prick into a blast furnace! Her cunt walls conformed exactly to my cock as they pulled me deeper and deeper inside her. Our coupling was more of a pull than a thrust. I had no choice. I was almost forced to extend my entire length inside her whether I wanted to or not. Within seconds she had me buried to the hilt, her juices flooding over me and encasing my full length in their glorious warmth and softness.

With great reluctance to leave that warmth, I pulled back until just my cockhead remained inside Brandy’s cunt, then slowly returned to that source of heat. Repeating that choreography, I began to thrust and parry at an ever-increasing tempo. I could feel my balls slap against her ass, driving me faster and faster. My muscles seemed to have a mind of their own as it became almost instinctive to fill her, then withdraw for another assault. Within what felt like mere minutes I could feel my balls lift as they pushed my semen into place for that final launch inside Brandy’s thirsting vagina. The anticipation of my own release was long and teasing, almost like a slow motion scene in a movie.

“Girl, I’m gonna cum . . . “ I hissed softly in her ear.

“Yes! Cum inside me! Fill me with that wonderful seed!” she cooed.

I couldn’t have pulled out of her at that point if my life depended on it. The sensations she was giving me were too strong to resist. I just had to cum, to release my burgeoning load of spunk, to fill the void inside this marvellous woman. As the initial rope exploded from my cock and sprayed her steaming cunt, all I could see was the blur of lights in my head. Thousands of them, like fireworks in a night sky. The tension was so high that I have no idea if either one of us moaned, groaned, or screamed. Not to this day. I do know that through the fog in my brain I was dimly aware of Brandy’s walls gripping and pulling on my shaft, milking every drop of my hot seed out of my balls and into her waiting womb. I think she came, for I was soaked and sprayed with her girl-cum, and she pushed herself tight against me. I was just so lost in the ecstasy that she sucked out of me that I’m still not sure.

In our post-coital bliss we rolled onto our sides, holding there, and each other until my cock softened and became flaccid, then slipped out of her delicious womanhood. I’m not sure who kissed who, but I remember that kiss like it was yesterday; deep, warm, passionate, and with true feeling. If that little voice in my head issued one fucking word, I promised myself that I’d rip the son-of-a-bitch out and feed him to the killer whales!

We must have fallen asleep in each other’s arms. I woke later that night with Brandy still curled up beside me, her head resting on my chest. The night air was wet and cold. I searched the locker for something to cover us up with, not wanting to move one single millimetre more than absolutely necessary. Retrieving an old piece of Dacron sailcloth, I pulled it over us and dropped back into one of the most restful sleeps of my entire life.

The next thing I remember is waking up with the morning sun in my eyes. The lack of weight on my chest told me instantly that Brandy was not there any more. Fearing the worst, I slowly raised myself up. Her skiff was gone. As I turned and looked aft, her boat was gone, too. I had the cove all to myself. That’s what I had set out to do, to have somewhere to be alone with my misery. This morning, I felt like screaming at whatever entities had left me to endure that crushing feeling of being deserted.


Thinking that I was an asshole for not listening to that little voice, and knowing that this was just another example of “Same shit, different day”, I dragged my sorry, and now sore ass off the deck and headed below to the galley. I felt like something that should have been left on a bait hook. Damn! I’d let some woman use me again! Took her pleasure, then took her leave! I wanted to scream, to rant, to let the entrapped pain out of me! I almost threw the coffee pot overboard.

“Damn you, Brandy Bendall! Damn you to Hell and back! You bitch!” I screamed. Despite my rage and anger, I filled the pot, found the coffee, and put the whole assembly on the stove to perk. Then I sat down at the galley table, put my head in my hands, and tried to cry. The tears just wouldn’t come, no matter what.

As I looked up, my blurry eyes spotted a piece of paper on the counter that had not been there last night. More out of curiosity than anything else, I got up and retrieved it. There was something on it that wasn’t in my handwriting.

Winter Harbour,
Thursday night,
Be there!


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My name is Nathan, Nate for short. I'm a young nineteen-year-old on his first day of sea cadets, and already I was a minute late as I saw my fellow sailors all lining up in the navy blue uniform and cap on the harbour in front of a white ship. I jogged up and got in line before the captain noticed. The captain wore black trousers and a white short sleeved shirt tucked into his trousers, and he had greyish black hair. He had a serious expression on his face as he looked at his new male sea...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sailors Will Be Sailors

At twenty years old I was one of the oldest guys in the class. I had managed to squeeze in a couple of long summers working and a year of college before I got pulled into active duty in the Navy Reserves. That is how I found myself here, in a moderate but old hotel room in Memphis, Tennessee, with another young and horny sailor.We were stationed in Millington at the Naval Air Electronics training school, and this was the first time we'd had the chance, and the money, to go into town for the...

Gay Male
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My Lesbian Sailor

It was 1984 and I was a Drill Instructor at the U.S. Naval Station, Orlando, Florida. This was long before “don’t ask, don’t tell” came into effect. But despite the regulations the Navy was a haven for lesbian women. I guess we were attracted to the military discipline and order, or the fact that we were always in close proximity to women; some of them very beautiful women. At the time I was a very feminine beautiful twenty-nine year old. Despite my good looks I was a lesbian through and...

4 years ago
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The Happy Sailor

I remember when I first joined the Royal Navy, being gay or bisexual was most definitely frowned upon, unlike today where due to an increased awareness of human rights it is no longer the dismissible offence it once was. I had never thought of myself as gay but rather bisexual being attracted to beauty in both females and other young men but even more so in the character of a person.During basic training there were other lads who certainly grabbed my attention to the point where I would have to...

4 years ago
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a new song for sailors

Now that women are allowed in the Navy we have to change that old song… What can you do with a d***ken sailor, what can you do with a sexy sailor ? what can you do with a female sailor early in the morning ? pull her panties down and spank her white ass, pull her panties down and spank her black ass, pull her panties down and spank her tight ass, till she cries Ahoy. What can you do with a d***ken sailor, what can you do with a sexy sailor ? what can you do with a female sailor early in the...

2 years ago
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a new song for sailors

Now that women are allowed in the Navy we have to change that old song...What can you do with a drunken sailor,what can you do with a sexy sailor ?what can you do with a female sailor early in the morning ?pull her panties down and spank her white ass,pull her panties down and spank her black ass,pull her panties down and spank her tight ass, till she cries Ahoy.What can you do with a drunken sailor,what can you do with a sexy sailor ?what can you do with a female sailor early in the morning...

4 years ago
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Rescue at Open SeaChapter 2 To save a sailorman

It would be a romantic and classical turn of events if we were now to switch our sights to the poor, exhausted sailorman in the lifeboat. View him as he lay there, barely breathing in 2 inches of water that had entered the raft through the canvas sides, which he had never managed to zip and secure. And linger for a while on his rugged, but handsome, looks, concealed as they would be under several weeks of grime and facial hair. We cannot. The events that led to Lomax Pierris predicament...

3 years ago
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Wanda and Three Sailors

When Wanda and I planned an afternoon at the beach to do nothing more than relax and polish our tans, she had a memorable experience. The memory of that experience is also so vivid in my mind that I will be able to recount it for you. Wanda had chosen to wear a daring thong bikini that covered only a tiny fraction of her voluptuous body. As we made our way across the soft, hot sand, heads swiveled in our direction as lecherous men and envious women ogled Wanda's statuesque body. Even before...

3 years ago
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UnLost in Space

[Excessive praise and kind criticism, as always, is very welcome.] Eric felt an inspiration to delve into the fate of the Robinsons after the end of my story and invited me to add my input into it. Thus, we present... UnLost in Space Written By Eric, and rewritten by Caleb Jones StarDate: 7/7/00 Three months after 'Misplaced in Space', a story by Caleb Jones. The rest of the crew of the space ship Jupiter 2 began to notice with some surprise John Robinson seemed less...

4 years ago
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LostGirlChapter 2

The gist of LostGirl's story began with her father, Sergei, an ethnic Russian engineer transferred to Estonia during the Soviet era. Sergei, like most Russians who transferred or otherwise immigrated to Estonia was not welcomed by the Estonians, who resisted what they considered the 'Russification' of their society. Sergei understood this and worked hard to fit in, finally wedding a beautiful young Estonian woman named Kaisa. Rather than help Sergei, this marriage alienated Kaisa from most...

3 years ago
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LostGirlChapter 3

The flight to Estonia was long and mercifully uneventful. Normally Bill slept like a baby on even short flights but this time he was too keyed up thinking about what awaited him in Estonia. He was almost exhausted by the time of the final leg of the flight, the one from Amsterdam to Tallinn. He had to make a connection at Amsterdam and was not amused that his arriving flight deplaned at the very last station on one long concourse and that his departing flight was departing from another end...

2 years ago
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LostGirlChapter 4

Bill awoke refreshed and smiling as if from some forgotten erotic dream. He used to think it strange that he could vaguely remember dreams but could not recall them once he awoke, but after research found that it was not an unusual phenomenon. Bill then remembered Kristel snuggling next to him in the night, but couldn't find her next to him. He then rolled over and discovered that he was alone in his bed. At that moment he heard the toilet flush down the hall and voices in the hallway. As...

4 years ago
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fucking sailors

I went out on Friday night down town. I was dressed a little to skimpily for the weather and as i walked down the street a car sped past and sprayed water over me. The wanker never even stopped, but a bloke did who came over to see if i was ok. He was in the Navy, on a ship called the XXXXXXX i think. How do i know this? cos i started crying when he came to help me and he offered me a lift home in his car. He was so nice and caring i soon cheered up and i thought he was a real nice man so when...

4 years ago
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Lost At Sea

Lost At Sea - PrologueHer name was Linda Reuters, but she resembled Scarlett Johansson just enough for her friends and colleagues to often call her 'Scarlett' instead of her real name. They thought it was funny and she pretended she despised it, but that was all smoke and mirrors: Secretly she had always found the cheesy nickname much more interesting than her real name. And so, from a certain point she had just stopped correcting people. She was, after all, a practical thinking woman. ?You...

4 years ago
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Lost in the Woods Ch 02

Lost in the Woods Ch. 2 © 2011 All Rights Reserved Willow woke the next morning and was disoriented by the blue-gray ceiling. Then Ivy snored and Willow looked over at her friend, wrapped in her sleeping bag, and remembered. The park. Earth Day. Lost in the woods. No, she hadn’t been lost, she corrected herself. She’d been less than a hundred feet away from a dozen people and could have called for help. When she’d stepped out of the portable bathroom, she’d been stunned to find herself alone....

2 years ago
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Lost in the Woods Ch 02

Lost in the Woods Ch. 2 © 2011 All Rights Reserved Willow woke the next morning and was disoriented by the blue-gray ceiling. Then Ivy snored and Willow looked over at her friend, wrapped in her sleeping bag, and remembered. The park. Earth Day. Lost in the woods. No, she hadn't been lost, she corrected herself. She'd been less than a hundred feet away from a dozen people and could have called for help. When she'd stepped out of the portable bathroom, she'd been stunned to find herself alone....

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Lost Baggage

With each revolution of the turntable conveyer belt in the Newport News airport’s baggage claims area Lisa became increasingly convinced that the bag wasn’t there. She pulled the one that had been there closer to her for assurance. The bags had gone in together and this one had come out of the chute almost immediately, she thought. Why hadn’t the other one been right behind it? She couldn’t lose that bag. She was close to losing her composure altogether. Nothing like this had happened to her...

2 years ago
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Lost In The Forest

Patra looked at the forest. It was dark. She didn't know what to do so she yelled she wanted to stop. They were lost. She could feel it. Ebony looked at Patra. She was sure her mother was lost. She narrowed her eyes and sat on a patch of grass a little away. "I'm resting!" she gasped. Patra sneered. Ebony had been saying that for the whole duration of the trip. That was how Ebony had lost the map - she had laid down to sleep and it had blown into a river. Patra shivered. Then she...

3 years ago
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LOST Kate Prisoner of the Others

[LOST] KATE AUSTEN - PRISONER OF THE OTHERSKate’s Re-Capture [synopsis] After running for such a long time through the jungle, Kate was eventually captured by some of The Others. Unfortunately for her, she had made the mistake of running right into their trap, they had many men positioned stealthily with guns and as she ran into their radar they encircled her. Knowing she was completely outnumbered and also very exhausted from the prolonged chase, Kate did the only sensible thing she could and...

2 years ago
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Lost and Found Part 2

Chapter 7 Patrick walked Sheila and Deborah back to the apartment to begin their unpacking. Lilly and Daisy showed up shortly after with Daisy diving in to help sort out everything. Letting Daisy do much of the sorting made her day, she was much happier than the day before and showed great style in sorting the little knickknacks that Sheila owned as well as commenting on Deborah's very conservative wardrobe choices sending both Sheila and her mother into a fit of laughter as Deborah...

4 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 67

I grabbed a copy of the Lincoln Journal Star on my way out of the hotel Sunday morning. I read up on all the college football action Saturday on the bus to the airport. There weren't any upsets among the five teams above us in the national polls. Texas beat UCLA 31-28. That game was closer than expected. Mike Johanson's name didn't make it into the paper. Florida beat UCF easily 45-10. Ed completed 19 of 30 passes for 312 yards and three TDs before he turned the team over to his...

4 years ago
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Lost Kitten

I was walking home when I heard someone call out, “Help a lost kitten?”I looked over and it was a young woman I have passed on the street many times before, standing there in the shade of what I assumed to be her appartment building.  Most of the time we would just smile as I pass, or say something about the weather or the traffic. I wouldn’t engage in more conversation because she would be smoking every time, a real turn off for me.  She didn’t have a cigarette now though, and was looking...

2 years ago
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Lost Hikers

Joshua clenched his fists, tried to block his hearing, and concentrated, yet again, on solely walking forward. It had been her idea, of course. He’d gotten the phone call first thing in the morning. He could remember it vividly. The ringing had woken him up just after six in the morning. On a Saturday. He had planned on sleeping until noon and doing nothing the whole day. And then he had picked up the phone. Before he could get a word out, he heard the excited voice on the...

4 years ago
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Lost in the Woods

Well, that did it, I thought as I came into the same wooded clearing for the third time that afternoon. Good going Jo, getting yourself well and truly lost. Since my girlfriend Mary had broken up with me two weeks ago, I'd become increasingly restless and frustrated, so when a buddy of mine had suggested I take up hiking since we lived so close to a national park, I pounced on that idea. Now, as I halted in the clearing, surrounded by the sounds of nature and fragrant evergreen trees, it wasn't...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Lost Bet with friends CFNM

I've always fantasized about being nude in front of my sister in-law's but reality can be much different. We had just moved in to our new home, and things were finally settling down. My wife had invited her two sisters over for a barbecue to enjoy the Sunday afternoon. When Sara and Kerri arrived they had also brought there friend Wendy. Wendy had been friends with both of them since the eighth grade. The afternoon was enjoyable, we had a great dinner and the alcohol flowed freely. I...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 27

The coaches had us up early for breakfast, checked out and on the road by eight am. The flight home to State College was quiet. I worked on my homework on the flight and listened to a few tunes on my MP3 player. A few hundred die hard Penn State fans turned out to greet us when our buses brought us back to the Lasch Building Sunday morning. They cheered us even though we lost. The "football widows club" was out in force, each girl there to console her boyfriend. Kelly and I walked down...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundEpilogue

February 3, 2036 The cornerback in white shadowed the gold and black clad receiver as the pair dashed downfield. Both players glanced back towards the QB as they ran. The big crowd fell nearly silent when the QB heaved the ball towards the pair. Receiver and defender both leapt high as the ball arced towards them. Four hands reached for the ball simultaneously. The man in white grabbed and jerked, as he twisted away from the receiver. The two men collapsed to the ground and referees whistled...

2 years ago
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Lost Empire 67

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 2 - onboard Shelby, in Re-gen 0250 Tendra 1000 - Sherry 0999 - Zan - still lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...

3 years ago
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Lost and Forgotten

[email protected] 12/20/2010 Author's Note: None of this is real. This may or may not be based on something real, but even if it was (and I'm not telling if it is real or fake) obviously names would have been changed, and locations shifted. If this was real, which it may or may not be. I think that if you want to know if it was real, there's an email above, and you can ask. Or you can just enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy it. I like this one. -Duskshade Lost and...

4 years ago
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Lost At Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 5

Janie looked at herself in the mirror. She barely recognized the person she saw.Her had been styled with hot metal rods and some kind of light, fragrant oil that held its shape as it dried. It had taken a while, sitting there and letting Tonya do who-knows-what to it. Then Tonya had put makeup on her and helped her pick out an outfit from a communal closet. After all that work she could finally see it all. Her hair tumbled in loose flowing waves. A small black hat with a white band was pinned...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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Lost In The Moment

The Sun was hot, with little breeze, one of those days where you just want to sleep in the heavy heat of the day. Slow moving thick heat, Phil could feel a storm in the making, it was more a sense then a fact, as Phil hadn’t checked the weather yet today, no television only a radio for company. his battery supply was getting low, not that he cared he was enjoying the privacy of this deserted beach. His thoughts drifted to Suz, he was missing, her touch, her smile, how he enjoyed when she...

3 years ago
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Lost and Found in London

Her piercing blue eyes flicked from the map to the city vista before her, then back to the map once more. Like everyone, she carried a smartphone but there was something special, something tactile about a paper map. A more authentic, genuine and personal experience and she liked that.As the cold December air fluttered the map in her hands she could barely believe she was here. She’d never done anything like this in her entire life. It was totally out of character for her. Or was it? Did she...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 2

“Bring her about to port, nice and gentle, but keep tightening the turn until she starts t’ list. Then pull back,” Captain Vex said.“Aye, Captain,” Colin Strong said with much less enthusiasm than usual. The big man looked like hell. The whole right side of his face and parts of the left were swollen and bruised in an angry clash of colors. Purples, yellows, even some blues and greens. The impact points were the fierce dark red of abraded skin and broken blood vessels. His upper lip was swollen...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Lost Trust

I was curious as to whether Teresa had followed my instructions. If she wanted me back and for any of my trust in her to return then she would be waiting knelt down naked with her eyes to the ground. I didn’t know whether I wanted her waiting or not, she had hurt me.I took my time to adjust my clothes, making sure my smart black jeans were crease free, my white shirt fully buttoned up and hanging perfectly on my body. My black silk tie was knotted immaculately in a Windsor knot, centered within...

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lost bet dare for real

My story (or better our) is 100% true. The first pictures are in my gallery. If they are liked enough then there will be more. Read the story below. This story triggered my first exhibitionist try out. Wanna see my pictures? I sat at my desk while waiting for my boss to let me know that the letter I drafted for him was okay and that I could finally leave. I dangled my heel off of my toes as I bounced my foot anxiously while sitting with my legs crossed. I looked at the clock and saw that it...

4 years ago
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Lost Tribe A new standard in sex fantasy

Sometimes being captured by a group of natives is better than the life you're living...Lost Tribe (A new standard in sex fantasy)As I sat at my desk I was literally counting down the hours. It was only two more hours till the end of the day and the start of my vacation. A well-deserved vacation I might add. I had been working long hours for months now without a day off in my new job. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the work. It was very gratifying and the boss appreciated my efforts. I just...

3 years ago
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Lost AngelChapter 3

"There were voices..." Mr. Marrow's words echoed through Jessy's memory. "and thunderings and lightnings... and an earthquake." This was indeed the climax. Jessy stared in a mixture of disbelief and primal lust, at the feat that this strange man had just accomplished. "This was my dream." Jessy whispered to herself, finally remembering the last of the scriptures Mr. Marrow had taught her. With a wave of his hand, the rest of the large room was now lit with hundreds of candles, both...

4 years ago
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Lost Empire 74

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

5 years ago
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Lost Empire 62

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Lucie 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 3 - onboard Shelby 2 in re-gen 1000 - Sherry - lost at the moment 0999 - Zan - also lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...

3 years ago
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Lost Empire 58

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) ------------------------------------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered -------- 3 - on board Tempro awaiting Sherry 1000 - Sherry- Lost at the...

2 years ago
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Lost Empire 46

0003 - Conner- Thomas                                0667 - Marco - Brown                   0097 - Ace - Zimmel                                      0778 - Jan                     0098 - Lucy                                                     0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick        0908 - Tara - Mara               0125 - Lars                                                      0999 - Zan                        0200 -...

4 years ago
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Lost Empire 11

Laughing a moment Derrick could only shake his head yeah right! Since when had luck ever really been on his side? All the 'miraculous' saves during his missions during the war had been his feelings of the situation from all the Intel he had. He had almost all the Intel here or so he thought, so why in the hell did he feel as if he was lost adrift on an ancient sea with nothing to guide him or steer? Shelby looked on; starting to see a change in Derrick was she crowding him too much? Backing...

2 years ago
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Lost Empie 5

"Searching, according to all information I have on all ship movements and battles I would have to say no but I feel that Conner may have more information than I, at the present moment," Shelby answered. "Thank you Shelby I'll take this information under advisement," Derrick replied deep in thought he had to get all the ships synced up so that all the records were somewhat the same on all the ships. Sighing Derrick thought this damn hunt and peck he was having to do to get information...

4 years ago
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Lost Tribe

Since getting a divorce several months back, I have had newfound freedom to do things I had always wanted to do but was unable to due to my marital commitments. One of the things I had started doing was taking flying lessons, which I thoroughly enjoy and the other thing I always wanted to do was to take a truly exotic vacation. I had been planning this vacation for some time. I have a friend named Pete who has family in South America. Our plan was to fly down to South America and stay...

4 years ago
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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 7 part 2

“The energy doesn’t have to come from you, it just needs to be received by you,” Bella said. She was watching Captain Vex’s back arch against the bed while Will’s tongue worked between her legs. Belita stretched languidly like a big golden housecat, her expression happy and glazed.“Received?” Tonya asked, not following.“Well, it has to turn you on,” Bella clarified. “That’s not a completely accurate way to put it, but there’s enough overlap that it will work until you have enough experience to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Lost Then Found

This is not your typical tale of romance between a man and a woman. I have tried to tell a story of how a man, who believes he has lost everything important in his life, discovers he really hasn’t. Although Post Traumatic Stress Disorder plays only a small part in this tale it plays a major part in the real lives of many people. PTSD is not just a condition that affects men and women in the military. It can, and does, affect anyone who has suffered a traumatic event in their life. If you, a...

4 years ago
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Lost Bet

Lost Bet By Pippa©   It all began as a bit of a joke really. We’d all been out clubbing in some raunchy night-stops and were still high on the atmosphere. As the night wore on and morning was quickly rearing its bright and beautiful head, the group began to dwindle until only three of us were left. My husband Phil, my best mate Lisa and of course me. My name is Helen and what follows is a story that we three will never forget.   Lisa lived far away so, we invited her to stay at our place....

3 years ago
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Lost in the Woods Ch 01

Lost in the Woods Ch. 1 © 2011 All Rights Reserved ‘Hey, everybody! I want to tell you about a volunteer opportunity before we get started.’ Willow Oakton gave a mental roll of the eyes before turning her attention to the speaker. Holly Stone was hosting the book club this month, and so she had the floor. Whenever Holly had a ‘volunteer opportunity’ to discuss, it tended to result in everyone else volunteering while Holly supervised. ‘What is it this time, Holly?’ This was from Ivy Blackwood....

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