Devlin's StoryChapter 24 free porn video

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Devlin was on her way back to her dorm room when she saw Jeff. He saw her at the same time and cut across the lawn directly at her. She really didn't want to talk to him, she had just enough time to dump her books and get ready for Cindy's party.

"Devlin?" he said when they were close enough. "Got a couple of minutes?"

She didn't, not really, but she smiled anyway. Maybe she could make this short. "A couple. What's up?"

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday." He looked down. "I, uh, I know I acted hastily, and I wanted to apologize for that. I know we haven't been seeing much of each other lately, and--"

"Not seeing much of each other?" She laughed once. "We haven't been seeing each other at all, Jeff."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to apologize for that, and I wanted to make it up to you. The Church is having a benefit dinner tonight to raise money for our building fund and I got us two tickets. It's a good chance to meet the other people in the Church and let them get to know you. I know you haven't wanted to, but it's really important that you do."

"You should have asked me a few days ago," she said gently. "I already have plans for tonight."

"That doesn't matter," he said quickly. "Look, we haven't got much time. You'll have to change, of course, some of the ladies have commented about how you dress, and, well, women don't belong in pants, even jeans. I know you have that nice dark blue dress you've worn from time to time. It's long enough to be decent, and--"

"My plans don't matter?" she asked, interrupting him.


"You said my plans don't matter."

"Devlin, this is important."

"And my plans aren't?" This was too much. He hadn't learned anything from their talk earlier. He hadn't heard anything she'd said. And now he was telling her how to dress?

He put his hand on her arm. "Devlin, look, we haven't got much time. The dinner starts in an hour, and it'll take us almost that long to get there."

She pulled her arm free. "No."


"You heard me." She stepped back slightly. "Jeff, no. I'm not going with you."

"But this is the best chance you'll have to meet the Church Elders, Devlin. They need to get to know you. They've wanted to for some time, but you never have the time for them. You know that doesn't create a very favorable impression. There've been all sorts of rumors about you, and...""

Certainty congealed in her stomach like a lump of ice. "And I'll never have time for them. I won't join your Church, Jeff, I thought you understood that by now."

He waved that away and grabbed her arm again. "The Elders need to see you dressed up, you know, all proper and demure, not like the rumors I've heard."

"Rumors?" She pulled her arm away again. "What rumors?"

"Oh, you know, rumors."

"What rumors."

He looked down, looked away, anywhere but at her. "Um, that we've been, you know, like husband and wife in my apartment. I don't know how they'd know that, and we really shouldn't, it's wrong, and... and... well, there've been others. Somebody said they saw you in that yellow top you have, you know, the one that seems like it's molded to your, um, your... you know." He made a vague motion in front of his chest.

"They're called breasts, Jeff." She could feel her temper rising. "Every woman has a pair." She clenched her fists, trying to hold back her rising anger. "Go on, what else did they say?"

"But they're so big." He looked at her chest, and then looked away. "Some of the women think you had a doctor to make them so big, and that's wrong, we shouldn't be meddling with what God gave us, our bodies are the way they are for a reason. Now I know you didn't, but how could I tell them that I knew?

"My sister said a couple of women saw you downtown in a really short skirt, you know, that red one you have. It was like you were parading yourself for the men. They were saying only a... a wanton woman would wear something like that, and, well, I know you're not that way, you're so demure and chaste, well, except when we're, you know, when we're like husband and wife in my apartment, and--"

"The only red skirt I have isn't that long, Jeff. It's the proper length for a skirt in the business place today."

"But it's so short and loose. Why a gust of wind could pick it up and show everything!"

She took a half-step back. "Jeff?" She kept her voice quiet. Everybody had told her she had to break up with him. She'd put it off and put it off because she felt comfortable around him. But now she realized she'd been mistaking comfort for a straightjacket. He wanted to force her into one, and she wasn't going to go.

"Jeff, I'm not going with you tonight." She took a deep breath. "I'm not going with you any other night, either."

"But..." He glanced at his watch.

"Jeff, I..." She swallowed. Krissi had told her there would be a moment when she would have to be herself and just lay it out for Jeff. Sue and Connie--Connie of all people--had said the same thing. She hadn't really listened, but now she knew she should have.

"Jeff, you want me to be something I can't be. Your Church wants me to be that way, too, and I-I can't."


She held up her hand, cutting him off. "I can't be the little woman in the background, Jeff, you know, the one supporting her man. Your Church wants me to be a supporter, helping you from behind. They see you, they don't see me." She shook her head. "I can't do that. I'm me, I'm independent, I can't be just a helper."

"You don't have to be," he said. "The Church has plenty of independent women. They help run the Church itself and--"

"Help." She cut him off. "There's that word again. You've told me I should quit school, that I should be more like your sister." She shook her head. "I suppose if I did they'd find me a job."

"Sure." He brightened up. "They could find you a job, even in the big companies here in town. They can get you this great job, but one so you can be home for the kids and...""

"Kids?! How did kids get into this."

He looked puzzled. "But that's what a woman normally does, raise the kids. That's why she needs to be home."

"No. Certainly not, at least not yet."

"But we've been trying to make a baby, haven't we? I mean, this is how it's done. I'm surprised you haven't had one yet. We've certainly tried enough times. Of course it's probably a good thing you didn't get pregnant, I mean after all, a baby without the sanctity of marriage? That's... that just can't be allowed to happen."

Devlin felt her jaw dropping. Didn't he understand she was on birth control? She'd only told him that at least a dozen times in the last two years. She couldn't believe that. Had he been ignoring her for that long?

"Anyway, that's why a woman should only have a job like a secretary," he said. "She needs to focus her attention on the family and helping her husband succeed."

"Jeff," she said quietly. She had to repeat herself twice before he looked at her. "Jeff, you don't understand, do you?"


"I'm not going to be a secretary, Jeff. I'm not going to be somebody's helper. Sure, I want kids, but not now. I--"

"But a woman is supposed to be the helpmeet of the man."

She dug her fingers into her palms. He still wasn't listening. She couldn't get through to him, and now she realized she never would.

Jeff started lecturing her about the role of a woman. She ignored it, fighting her frustration and anger back down. She needed to keep a civil tongue in her head. Screaming at him wouldn't help, no matter how good it would make her feel. When he finally paused she forced herself to smile.

"I'll always treasure that summer before college, Jeff. And last year, for the first couple of months of the semester, that was magic. I'll have those memories of us, Jeff, and I'll always remember you. But please don't try to be part of my life any more."

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "I won't be your helpmeet, Jeff, I won't be your wife. I don't want to be any of those things."

He looked thunderstruck. "Devlin? Are you... are you saying... we're not..."

"Please don't try to see me any more, Jeff." There, she'd said it. "Please don't call me, and don't wait for me after class, either."

She turned to leave, and he put his hand on her arm, stopping her. "Devlin, wait. It doesn't have to be like this. We can--"

"We can... what? Work things out?" She shook her head. "No, no, I don't think so. This is long past 'working things out'. I never should have started seeing you in the first place. I'm breaking up with you, Jeff. I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see or talk to anyone from your Church. I don't want you in my life at all." She searched his face. "Is that clear?"

"Devlin, I--"

"I have many fond memories of our time together, Jeff, don't spoil them now." She looked down at his hand; he snatched it back, his face red. "Good-bye, Jeff."

She walked away, her fingernails cutting into her palms. She felt empty. She felt like she was burning up. She wanted to cry, she wanted to throw up, she wanted to do something, hit something, do anything. She could feel her tears now, and the cold little tracks they were leaving on her face. She didn't try to wipe them away. There'd be time for that later.

She heard footsteps behind her. She half-turned, expecting to see Jeff, but it was another girl, one wrapped up in a heavy coat and muffler against the cold, and clearly going somewhere else. Jeff was standing where she'd left him, watching her, a blank look on his face.

She remembered that first night they'd been together back in high school at that dance, and how wonderful the next few weeks had been. The world had seemed brighter. Everything had seemed fresh and new. That was a memory she'd keep in her heart forever, but it was just that, a memory. What had happened in the last few months was a memory, too, but not one she wanted to keep.

"How could I have been so blind?" she muttered. She hit her fist against her leg. "I know what it was, I got hooked on his goddamned cock, not that he was ever that good with it." She laughed bitterly. The other girls on the floor accused guys of thinking with their dicks, and for the last two years she'd done the same thing, only she didn't have the proper anatomy to do it. No wonder she'd gotten screwed up over him.

Connie wasn't in when she got back to her room, that was just as well. Devlin threw her books on her desk and sat on her bed, snuffling. She'd been so stupid. She'd been so blind. Everyone had told her, and she had blithely ignored them. How could she be so dumb?

Alexa must have heard her. "What's wrong?" she asked, coming to the door.

"I just broke up with Jeff." Devlin pulled idly at her coat, realizing she still had it on.

"Good for you, girl. You should have done that a long time ago."

"Yeah, then why do I feel so miserable?" She wanted to lock the door, pull the covers over her head, and shut out the world. An hour ago she'd been bubbling along, thinking about the party at Cindy's, and now...

"Breaking up is supposed to be hard." She pulled Devlin to her feet. "Come on, I've got just the thing for you." She had a small refrigerator next to the desk in her room. She opened it and took out a small container of chocolate ice cream.

"Here," she said, filling a dish, "this is good for what ails you."

"Is that... is that low-fat?"

"Of course not. Eating low-fat chocolate ice cream is a sin or a crime against nature, or something like that, especially when you've just broken up with your boyfriend."

Devlin tentatively took a bite. It did taste good, much better than the low-fat ice cream she occasionally got after dinner. She took another, and was surprised to see the dish was empty.

"Uh, sorry." She handed Alexa the dish. "I, uh..."

Alexa took it and put it on her desk. "Come on," she said, picking up her coat. "You need more help than a single dish of ice cream can fix."

She took Devlin to the restaurant across the street from the Athletic Club. A few minutes later Connie joined them.

"I just heard," she said as she slid into the booth. She handed Devlin a tissue and studied her face. "How are you feeling?"

"You heard?" Devlin looked up from the iced tea in front of her. "Who told you?"

Connie smiled. "Girl, it's all over the floor back at the dorm. You finally had the gumption to break up with him. It's about time, too; everybody's saying that."

"Yeah," Devlin said, "I should have done it months ago."

The waitress put a large bowl of vanilla ice cream in the middle of the table, along with a bottle of chocolate syrup. "One Break-up From the Miserable Jerk Special," she said. She put a box of tissues in front of Devlin. "It comes with this, but I don't have any spare trash cans."

"So," Connie said as she filled Devlin's bowl. "Tell us all about it. What happened? What did he say, and what did you tell him?"

Haltingly, Devlin recounted what had happened. Somewhere in there Alexa bought a bottle of wine.

"I'm too young to drink," Devlin said. "At least in this state."

"This is an exception," Alexa said. She poured Devlin a glass of wine. "Trust me, you need this."

"But won't we get in trouble?"

Alexa shook her head and pushed the glass at Devlin. "Go ahead, just a sip for starters."

Hesitantly Devlin took a sip. Ever since she'd turned 15 her mother had given her a glass of champagne at New Years. This was like that, only not as bubbly.

The first two glasses didn't seem to have any affect; after the third, though, Connie urged her to tell them what she really thought of Jeff.

Alexa nodded as Devlin's explanation ended in hiccups and a few tears. "Well, he's a definite scuzzball." Alexa hiccupped, too. "I met him once, some guy I was dating, an engineer, God help me, and there was this, I don't know, this social thing; the engineering students stand around and talk about engineering while their dates pretend to be interested." She hiccupped a third time. "He looked so uptight I knew it had to be him."

"Scuzzball." Devlin rolled the word around on her tongue. "Yeah, and you're right, he's uptight, too, and so's his whole Church." She reached for her glass, snagging it on the second try. "You know what I liked about him?"

"It had to be s-something," Connie said. "It wasn't his perso-perso--It wasn't him."

"His dingus. His dick. I liked it because it was about this long." She held her hands nearly a foot apart.

"You're kidding," Alexa said, her eyes wide. "Guy's things don't get that big. They'd have too much blood loss or something."

"I don't know," Connie said. "No blood means no thinking, and that describes a guy with a hard-on. He's not doing any thinking, his dick is, and it's got only one thought in its little head."

"Jeff's is that long, trust me, I measured it one night." Devlin set her hands on the table, still holding them apart. "The first time I danced with him, you know how guys'll get hard when you dance with 'em..."

"Sometimes that's the best thing about dancin' with 'em," Connie said, nodding slowly.

Devlin nodded. "Yeah, even if they stuff socks in their shorts to make their ding-dongs seem bigger." She tried, and failed to take a bite of ice cream. "I am drunk," she said, putting the spoon back.

"No matter, feels good. Probably feel like hell tomorrow." She paused, trying to remember what she'd been talking about. "Oh, yeah. Jeff's dick. Yeah. We were dancing, and it kept getting' bigger an' bigger. Stupid me, I just had to see how big it was. Didn't believe guys could get that big."

She waved her hand airily. "I've seen other dicks, big ones, little ones..." She giggled. "There was this guy, teeniest little dick you ever saw. Swear it was only that long." She held her thumb and finger about 3" apart. "Looked like a babies', you know? But he an' his wife, they've got three kids, so it was obviously long enough."

"If they're his." Alexa licked her lips and leaned forward. "What's it like, you know, when they're that big? I've always wondered."

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The plane arrived on time, right at 7:45 PM. Fifteen minutes later, I saw Michelle walkingdown the lobby, wearing the leather skirt and sweater, no bra. She looked just as I had envisioned, like a goddess in a dream, so unbelievably beautiful. When she got to me, she wrapped herself around me and gave me one of the best, most emotional kisses of our lives. Obviously, her modesty toward public displays of affection had dissipated significantly over the weekend. When she finally broke away from...

Wife Lovers
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 22

A week later - Polly arrives too late - Thursday, 10-June [Polly] The girl who opened the door was a real mess. Skinny, ugly, dirty, wearing jeans and shirt that hung on her like rags. My heart sank. Oh! Mum. What have you done? - found this wreckage for Robert. Never. Better press on. I put out my hand and she took it limply. She was staring at me with a pathetic appeal. "I'm Polly - Robert's step-daughter. Are you Sarah?" I had a vague hope that there might be another girl in this...

2 years ago
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Suicide Squad Fuck The Justice League

Meet the Squad: Amanda Waller put a file on the table: "This is the squad I talked to you about. Do you think you can handle them?" William Butcher picked up the file from the table: "Well, let me see what kind of Cunts I'm dealing with." William opened the file and began to read it " 1.Harleen Quinzel AKA Harley Quinn: Ex girlfriend of The Joker Former psychiatrist and Professional Crimnal 2.Floyd Lawton AKA Deadshot: Professional Assassin and Mercenary 3.Jason Todd AKA Redhood: Ex Robin Rogue...

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Gay Bar Pickup

When I was in my late twenties, I had been single for a while and like most single men and women, my main form of sexual gratification was masturbating. Like most people, I have six or seven fantasies in my head that I use when masturbating. Most of my fantasies involve performing sexual acts with beautiful women, but I also had a couple of homosexual fantasies.I have always liked looking at men with an erect penis and when I watch porn, I take as much notice of the guy’s hard cock as the...

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The Meeting Cortney and CiCi Part 1

The Meeting …Cortney could not keep herself from thinking about the upcoming date with CiCi as she sat in the luxuriant bath water and shaved her legs. She planned to fuck the glam slut whore long and hard. But first, the metamorphosis to turn her into the dome bitch - Cortney. She rose from the bath, patted herself dry and admired her slim male body in the mirror. Her soon to be she-cock rose to attention and she fondled herself. She thought of CiCi and stroked her cock. This was the last...

3 years ago
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Nuclear Option

When it came down to the nut-cutting, she really didn't give me many choices at all: Accept, adapt, or move on. "Honey," she asked, "do you see Ted much any more? Any golf?" That's all it took to make her point. Ted had been my best buddy and golf partner since high school. After divorce he was a broke and broken man. No cash for green fees. Too much pride to allow me to pick up a lunch check. Working all the overtime he could get, he had no time to stop for a beer or barbeque. He spent...

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Bra Heaven 1

So this is one of many bra experiences I've had over the years. One of my favorites in particular. Katie is a blond, about 5'5" skinny and small perfect tits. I would always jump at the chance when she would wear a tank top and i could see her sexy white push up bra thru the tank top. My history with her bras and panties is pretty extensive.The first experience I had with her underwear was at a friends cabin. I had already seen the white lace push up bra thru her shirt, and was hoping I would...

3 years ago
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Just taken a shower, walked into my bedroom the sun was bright and beating down on my bed, I dropped my towel and laid down taking in the hot relaxing sun. I had just started to get hair down there it was soft and my nipples had just started to grow, they were nipple buds about the size of a pop bottle cap, I touched one and felt a feeling I had not felt, I was feeling aroused, I put one hand between my legs and felt a small hard bump but when my finger touched it, it felt good. I had never...

1 year ago
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A desperate housewife

To the world looking in, Paige was a good girl with the perfect life. The only thing was Paige didn't want to be a good wife and mother anymore. She wanted to be free, free to be herself. She wanted to be the Paige that still went to concerts and on random road trips. To go to a bar, and dance all night with whomever she wanted. Maybe even take someone home if she had the urge. PTA's and Church bake sales were wonderful, but she needed more. "Are you going to let my dinner burn or are you going...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 11 Going to Vegas

The miles went by quickly. One hundred and forty miles later, Ken saw a sign welcoming them to Hurricane City, Utah. Ken reached over and slapped Ted's arm, waking him up. "Hey, Ted, wake up." Ted jerked away. "Yeah, Ken? What you need?" Looking around he saw buildings and civilization. With a yawn, he asked, "Where are we?" With a glance at Ted, Ken replied, "We just entered Hurricane City. Look for a restaurant. We'll stop for a stretch, get something to eat and use the...

3 years ago
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Just Like a Girl Part 5

Just a Girl Part 5 by Mellissa43 After the last part there was feedback that the end seemed rushed - which it was, and the end was a bit dark/horrific - which it was. So given my extremely limited writing experience I am going to carry on. Well if Dallas can do it for a season......... I awoke suddenly with a jolt. What a nightmare I had had, it was far worse than my reality - a grown man, cuckolded by my wife, dressed as a baby, unable to speak. If the nightmare I had just had...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetClassics Hannah Hawthorne Jazmin Grey Itll Be Our Secret

This Team Skeet Classics update features Hannah Hawthorne, Jazmin Grey, and Eric John. Originally released on February 28, 2019, this Family Strokes scene was and still is a major hit! Pervy Eric is sent to teach his stepdaughter Hannah a lesson after the grunty Jazmin finds her daughter shaking her amazing ass for her cellphone camera. Eric offers to keep her mom out of her back if she does a favor for him. As Hannah goes willingly for her stepdad’s cock, she savors it with pleasure to her...

4 years ago
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Landyn Gets It Down Under

Landyn always liked talking and meeting new people, she especially liked it when they were from places far from where she lived and the person she had just met was from a place farther than she had expected. This particular person found her this time, his name was Finn and he was from Newcastle, Australia. This seemed pretty cool to Landyn and they seemed to hit it off quite easily and became really good friends. After awhile and a lot of talking, they became boyfriend and girlfriend; and the...

Straight Sex
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Chachi I Miss You 8211 A Fantasy Of Having Sex With My Chachi

I live in a house where we only have 2 bedrooms when my chacha got married I used to sleep near the kitchen (chacha used to live abroad and whenever he got any holidays he would stay here). When they got married I had to leave their room. But then his holidays got over and he had to leave just 1 month after his marriage later chachi also left to her place (mayke) and I got the room. Coming to chachi (Pallavi) she was quite young (19 years) and she was taller than me may be at that time 5.5″...

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Stargazer II

She was giddy with endorphins, in the afterglow of her best orgasm ever. He enjoyed hearing her sighs and giggles, and whispered to her to roll onto her right side, facing away from him. The uneven ground beneath the tent had cooled her, but as he snuggled up to spoon with her, she felt his body heat warm her back. She laid her head over his right arm as he held her close with his right hand on her left breast. His left hand remained free to run softly caressing fingertips everywhere from her...

Straight Sex
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 149

After seeing my family off, the first thing I did was read the details of all the intel intercepts for the last ten days. While on vacation I was receiving just the summaries. I read part of them then went to the national security briefing on the second floor. There is where I had an unusual awakening. Iran was in worse shape than previously thought. Their military was now getting paid with script and not cash, not even every week but every other week. The script could be deposited and then...

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Teasing Wife

My wife Kyla is a tease and I say that with the utmost love. It started right after our honeymoon. As we were virgins when we got married our sex life started out slow and quickly picked up speed. I would work during the day and Kayla was off for two months before she returned to work. Kayla was fascinated by sex and all the events leading up to me taking her. On our honeymoon she gave me head with extraordinarily little encouragement on my behalf and quickly showed she had a great skill set in...

Straight Sex
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My first time

I am a 17 year girl. My name is Sapna. I have fair and slim body and height of 5 feet 4 inch, long curly black hair. My body structure 30-26-30. I have 30 B size breasts. I am studying in a school and its my real true story of first time sex. I had sex with a classmate boy, Rajiv. He is tall 5 feet 9 inch, handsome and has 7 inch cock. It happened like this… We used to have group tuition. We are 6 students in a batch – 3 boys and 3 girls. Alternate days we used to have tuition and it happens at...

2 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 98

Dear Willow and family, I've never thought of my becoming a Civil Service Officer as part of protecting people, but I suppose that it is exactly that. I think that it is why I have concentrated on inventing weapons and armor to improve your safety while you're on the battlefield. That is my desire to protect you focuses that way because I can't think of another way to protect you while you go out and kill Sa'arm. The unfortunate fact is that I can do nothing about interpersonal...

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Spacetran Part 4 and 5

Spacetran By Beverly Chapter 4 I turned angrily upon the crowd of gaping crewmen and snapped out an order. "What are you all bloody gawking at? - And leave that container alone." The only sound was the stuttering wind stumbling around the flight deck as the ship increased speed and steered to rejoin the rest of the fleet. Suddenly I was doused by a spraying 'cats-paw' and I realized my lightweight summer frock had become transparent. If I had given the...

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The Rendezvous

The dimly lit room was difficult to see in when I opened the door. Thin streams of light filtered in through the windows from in between heavy d****s. The evening light was soft and had a warm glow to it. I could barely make out your silhouette on the bed under the sheets. The soft rise and fall of the sheets meant you were sleeping. I could also hear your heavy breathing.I close the door softly behind me, so as not to wake you, and start taking off my clothes. The anticipation already...

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How I discovered masturbation

I was in kindergarten so I was 6 years old when I discovered the joys of masturbation. Every day at school we had recess for 30 minutes and on the playground was a fort that had ladders, a bridge and a pole that you could slide down or climb up. One day I was climbing up that pole and I felt a really good feeling between my legs. At the top of the pole it went in at a 90 degree angle so I could hold on to that part and keep rubbing up and down. After a minute or so I got a real intense feeling...

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Its all in the mind

Note from the author: Note from the author:Since this story was first published as ?Hypno happiness? on BDSM Library the site has changed hands.? The new owners have adopted a policy of refusing or removing anything depicting pre-teen sexual contact.?  I entirely respect this decision. As a way of enabling me to continue to publish this story I have re-written it so that it does not contradict the new rules.? To avoid any confusion I have re-named the story. I hope you still enjoy it. As...

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First True LoveChapter 4

"What do you mean you're going to Tampa for a week?" said Jenna with a sense of despair in her voice. "I have a potential client down there that I want to try and land. The company I have been doing stuff for in St. Louis told them some good things and they want to talk to me." "You can't pick up a telephone?" said Jenna. "These things have to be done face to face Jenna. I need to look at their setup and write up an analysis and present it to them. That takes at least a week,...

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I was in bangkok and had been in touch with a Domme House . I was picked from hotel and to the place . After a waiting of 5 mins a mid aged lady walks down, with boots , every step with deliberate thump , my heart beating , wanting to run away but my will was stronger.She enquired abt my desires and experiences , which, i thought would be narrated to the Ladies incharge of me.But which was'nt done. Anyways i paid for 4 hrs and was handed over 2 young lady dommes , totally inexperienced machines...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Liz Jordan Pristine Edge An Unfamiliar Bed

Liz Jordan looks worried, so her stepmom, Pristine Edge, joins her and asks what’s wrong. Liz reveals that she has an upcoming field trip that will be multiple days long, and she’s worried she won’t be able to rest in an unfamiliar bed. Pristine is reassuring as she suggests that they rest in each other’s beds this week, so that Liz can get used to being in a different bed. Even so, Liz frets that she won’t be able to rest AT ALL, so Pristine says that she’ll...

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Sasur Fucked Bahu In Aggresive 8211 Part I

Sarvasstri ( sastri) is the daughter in law of my neighbour married just a few days earlier but in the honeymoon itself she came out of the bedroom wiping that her husband has not penis but a neuter gender . All assembled on her cry but many try to console her but in vain . She told it is her life time problem and she has been cheated by her in law family as they showed her a new boy strong and stout and married her with this penis less effeminate . Her mother in law took her to their bedroom...

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Choto Temple Ch 05

‘She just appeared there, like a scary groupie or something?’ I interjected, for clarification. ‘No no, it wasn’t like that. She called first and asked if I minded if I would like a visitor. She was very thoughtful and all that. ‘I was theoretically prepared for a visitor by the time she actually was at the door. In reality I was a complete mess. My mind and my heart were both racing, so fast that I really couldn’t make much sense of what was happening. Actually it felt a lot like how you...

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Eva and I chapter 2

It was the beginning of the summer holiday and I had a surprise in store for my beautiful little girl. I had booked a 2 week long stay at a resort in the bahamas and decided to present her with the air tickets this morning. Her eyes lit up with excitement when I whipped out the tickets and she immediately hugged me with the enthusiasm of a five year old. Our holiday was due to resume tomorrow, so we had to get packing right away. Fast forward to the resort, we booked in around noon and...

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A neighbourly visit

THIS HAPPENED IN 2006Rosie and her husband are very good friends of ours, they’re neighbours also and we often pop round to each other’s houses for no particular reason, we’ve been doing this for nearly 28 years. Rosie isn’t my type of girl but she’s been called a bit of a prude when it comes to sex so this specific morning that I called round surprised me.I walked in and as usual she was nowhere to be seen, her husband was out at work and she’d left the door unlocked which was the norm for...

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Business Liaisons Ch 02

-= Chapter 2 – Self Directed Assets =- When Cyndi got home from work that afternoon she found a message on the answering machine that Reg wouldn’t be home until after six. One of the advantages of going into work early was that Cyndi got home early every afternoon. She’d originally shifted her schedule when her family was younger, but now enjoyed having some extra time before dinner. With all of the activities lately, Cyndi felt like she’d been on the run for weeks. This was the first...

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