The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 14
- 2 years ago
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Five years went by before I began to feel the need to move on. Because of our extreme longevity, vampires don't share the same regard for time as ordinary people do. I thought of collecting my parchment but that was out. The university faculty would have collapsed with collective cardiac arrest if I turned up at the registrar's office after disappearing for so long. Worse yet, surfacing after an absence of five years would trigger an investigation into the circumstances of my disappearance and my sudden reappearance. At any rate the university would have forwarded my passport to the embassy where, doubtless, it would have had its validity cancelled. I worried about my lost passport and fretted about how I could return to my own land.
"You're forgetting what you are, Kaid. Use your powers," Odali said. "People will believe anything you want them to. You only have to put your mind to it."
"Like telling them this leaf I'm holding is my passport?" I retorted sarcastically.
"Yes," she snapped in exasperation. "Haven't you remembered anything I taught you? You can tell a woman to forget that you were inside her and that you had drawn a pint of her blood and you cannot tell a foolish clerk that that leaf is your passport, whatever that is."
"I forgot," I grinned sheepishly. "I suppose it's the realisation I'm going to miss you that makes me like this."
"O foolish man. I made you so why can you not make one for yourself. You will be thinking of me as your mother next." Her smile was sly and provocative.
"Well, aren't you? And how many men have made love to a mother as beautiful as you, my beloved." I gathered her into my arms and she responded fiercely. We coupled with a fierce passion. When we were sated we lay side by side. She turned to me.
"It is good that you leave. This jungle is becoming too small for the two of us and I think it is time I moved elsewhere. The world is a big place and there is still much to see." I marvelled she could say that after two thousand years.
"Remember to be careful whom you choose for a companion. Forever is a long time," she added.
First I had to find the means of purchasing an airplane ticket and that was the easy bit. With Odali to guide me I 'raided' several temple ruins in that jungle. It was shocking. Kings' ransoms lay carelessly strewn under leaf mould and in the rubble of fallen ruins. I picked the choicest diamonds, flawless rubies and even emeralds, from the pits where Odali told me to dig and wrapped them in a soft leather pouch I had stolen from a village a few days before. The precious stones were worth a king's ransom — close to a million Brit pounds, I would discover. Before I bade Odali goodbye we made love one last time after sharing the blood of a maid whom we lured away from the herd of goats she was tending. We left her in a stupor but alive, with no memory of what had happened.
We parted at the road some twenty miles from where the rest house was. There were no tears or promises to return from either of us. We exchanged smiles and she said, "Be well, my love." She turned and disappeared into the jungle. I wondered if I would ever see her again.
I bundled my old clothes in a sheet of cloth and slung it over my shoulders. The dhoti and dingy turban I wore had been liberated from several clotheslines. I walked until I reached the trunk road that led to Madras; Chennai as it is now known. There were travellers on the road with me. We exchanged greetings and talked as we travelled. No one suspected that I was anything but human. I had a moment of unease when a Sadhu, a holy ascetic, gave me several long searching looks. That night I slipped away and joined another group of travellers, some five miles ahead.
Some left the road as they reached their destinations while others continued further. New travellers joined the stream of buses, trucks, cars, bullock carts and people on foot like me. I could have gone faster if I chose to hitch a ride but the slow, leisurely pace of my passage on foot was both soothing and exciting. It also helped me to adjust to living in the real world. I fed secretly at night when my fellow travellers went to sleep in the dust of the roadside or on the cement platform that surrounded the peepul tree in a village square. Usually, when the weather was good, we wrapped ourselves in our thin blankets and slept on the hard ground. I did not feed on my travelling companions as that would have been foolish.
I would watch a village for women who ventured to the well at night. I would then lure them away and bite them, taking only enough to satisfy my hunger. Then I would fuck them to their great delight. I don't want to sound immodest but I have always been endowed with good equipment and the change had made me quite superior in that department. Couple size with vampire vigour and you have the makings for a great party piece. I kept away from maidens because I knew what hell they had to go through if they lost their virtue. Indian culture and customs prized virgins for marriage. Even during the early part of my new life, or Un-life if you prefer, I had qualms about causing unnecessary distress to people.
After about two weeks on the road I met Indra. I caught her washing at the well behind her house. It was late, about ten, and unusual that a woman would be out in the dark. She didn't even have a lamp to light her way. She gasped when I grasped her and sank my teeth into her neck, puncturing her artery. I drank slowly. She sobbed when my canines stabbed through her flesh and then she sighed with pleasure while I drank, my hands fondling her soft round melons. She leaned into me and pressed her rear against my crotch and raised my mast.
"O Kali piara, beloved of Kali, if you are a demon spare me from death. Grant me a moment's pleasure instead," she murmured her teeth chattering. She was a widow who escaped the suttee, or ritual cremation of the surviving widow along with her deceased husband, because there was now a law against such things. When I had drunk enough I loosened my dhoti which fluttered to the ground and turned her round. She looked into my scarlet flecked eyes and my fanged mouth stained with her blood. Her eyes opened wide.
"Ach! Demon. You are indeed sent by Kali," she whispered, her face animated with a lively interest. I was surprised by her reaction. I had yet to tell her to forget and instead of being repelled by me she was attracted instead. I took her by the waist and lifted her off her feet and positioned her on the tip of my erection. Immediately her arms went round my neck and she lifted her legs and snaked them round my waist. I lowered her slowly. She moaned softly as she engulfed my rigid piece until it could go no further. Holding her in that position I walked away from the well and sank onto the grass still connected to her. I fucked her as hard as I could and she reciprocated with everything she knew. We discharged violently, grinding our lips together to muffle the cries of ecstasy that gurgled in our throats. I flooded her with my thick seedless semen. She begged for more. We fucked again and then again and finally I drank her blood once more while we were in the throes of our orgasm. She collapsed exhausted.
I rose from her body, cock throbbing still, and made to go away.
The next night Rose brought her younger sister along and the three of us had a great time. Siew Har was new to the game so Rose charged me the premium rate. I was happy to pay it. It would seem strange that I would pay for their services when all I had to do was the command them to bend over, literally. The girls had to make a living and I wanted their services exclusively so I made sure that they did not moonlight on the sly. Put it down to an idiosyncrasy. "For that kind of money I get to...
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MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART V By Michele Nylons The Predator walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a handful of toilet paper from the dispenser and then strolled over to the ottoman. He looked at the transvestite whore lying there, her lovely blonde bob and white nylon blouse were covered in the biker's semen, her stockinged thighs spread wide crudely displaying her red nylon panties soaked in her own emission and that of the biker who had fucked her. With her leather mini...
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WARNING: This is a gay story. It involves sexual relations between a minor and an adult. It also involves vampires. If you find any of the above criteria or anything listed in the tags offensive, please do not continue to read! If you have any problem with homosexuality, please do not continue to read! It is not my fault that you choose to read a gay story and get upset about it, so please, no nasty comments about that. ALSO!!!! The first part of this story is very slow. Since this is the...
Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!"Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of the shower...
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Chapter 1: Night Falls by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail D'Angelo controlled her fear as she pushed open the doors of Neil Armstrong High School. She hadn't expected to be on the hunt when she came back to town to visit her sick mother. She stared into the dark school. It had been fourteen years since she strolled the hallways. The last time had been to kill a vampire, too. In some ways, the school looked unchanged since that bloody night, in others it was radically...
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Chapter 5: Feeding the Fangwhore by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The angel Aurora trembled. Her wings fluttered. She had crossed over from the Ether into the material world and intervened on the vampire Damien D'Angelo, preventing him from killing the youthful Mary. Instead, the Angel twisted him to turn Mary into a vampire. “ was the only way to keep him on track,” Aurora spluttered. Gideon's eyes were wide behind his glasses. The more scholarly angel swallowed....
The Predator was stunned; it dawned upon him what had happened; he had fucked and been fellated by a transvestite. A man dressed as a woman! He looked at the pathetic sight lying before him on the bed and laughed. He thought to himself that she was just as good as any 'real' woman he had fucked; and she sure wasn't going to be telling anybody about this evening, that's for sure; you could see the look of terror and disgust in her eyes. He might as well enjoy the rest of the evening. He...
Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!" Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of...
Let me tell you a little about myself if you don't know. I'm a Vampire of about 600 years of age. Vampires are actually a type of sorcerer initiated into the mystical art of bloodsucking to fuel powerful spells that keep us young, healthy, strong, powerful, and full of a variety of magickal abilities. We can sustain our powers with just a few gulps of blood per week, so we need never kill anyone. We have the power to control people's minds to various degrees. I was gifted in that skill and...
Given I look very human I blend in with the rest of you, therefore you wouldn't know that I'm a witch by looking at me. I eat, drink, and sleep - and when I fly I’m a passenger in a plane and not on a broom. Incidentally, I'm nearly two hundred years old. Relax! I don't look that old. In fact, I physically turned fifteen years old last July. Confused? I'd be. Now, where should I start? I guess everything stems from a Halloween Party that I attended eleven years ago. I...
The Predator walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a handful of toilet paper from the dispenser and then strolled over to the ottoman. He looked at the transvestite whore lying there, her lovely blonde bob and white nylon blouse were covered in the biker's semen, her stockinged thighs spread wide crudely displaying her red nylon panties soaked in her own emission and that of the biker who had fucked her. With her leather mini bunched around her waist and her red high heels wide apart...
Being a vampire is strange. If I had to name a single reason why, I'd say it's because you're dead. When you're alive you barely even see life - not the bugs crawling on the sidewalk or the mold growing in the gutters. When you're a vampire, they all glow. Dead things glow too - now that I'm one of them, I feel like they're my friends, my family even. I know I'm not so different than a rock or a velvet Elvis painting. We get along, other not-alive things and I. We understand one...
Ok guys I finished part two. I can't wait to hear what you think I want as much feedback as possible. All criticism welcome as long as it is constructive criticism. For those who don't already know this series is not a sex story with vampires in it. This is a vampire story with sex in it. Parts one and two follow the same format in that there is a lot of story that ends with a sex scene so if you are just reading for the sex you might want to skip to the end or better yet just read a...
I Was A Teenage Vampire By Paul G Jutras It was early fall and Reggie Shack sat with a glum face at his desk in his maroon turtleneck and blue jeans. He brushed his long blonde hair off his shoulders and took his glasses off to clean the lens. Glancing out the window, he saw multicolor leaves falling gently to a ground starting to be covered with frost. "Reggie Shack!" Mrs. Starch asked with her white hair done up in a bun. Her painted nails curled around a wooden ruler and...
Chapter 13: Bloody Orgy by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The vampire Faust stared with fear at the priest. Father Augustine had changed in the time since they first met in the early hours of the morning. The priest was possessed by the demon Jezebel, Faust's patron, sent to protect him. Augustine's eyes bored into Faust's while the priest's hand gripped Lynette's black hair, working her mouth up and down his cock. Lynette was Faust's vampiress and lover. Her wanton moans twisted...
-----Earlier that year---- I had picked up Kayla at a bar earlier in the year. She was cute and very drunk. It was pretty clear that she was using a fake ID, but she was just so adorable and wasn’t causing any issues, so the bartenders just shrugged and looked the other way. I figured that I’d get a snack and probably get laid at the same time. It had been a while since I’d had any action in that regard. Kayla was extremely hyper and was just about at the point of dancing on the bar when I’d...
Chapter 4: Slut on the Altar by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The metal door boomed shut behind Abigail D'Angelo. The room was pitch-black. Her naked feet flexed on the cold concrete. She didn't mind the cold or the dark. She could see. Everything was painted in hues of blue in the absent of light. This was her room now. Her Sire's orders. Abigail felt the oppression of the sun outside the room and the walls of Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. She curled down naked on the floor,...
Chapter 3: Virgin Blood by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail turned the sedan into the parking garage beneath Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. The sun's rays lightened the horizon. Fear rippled across her skin. The sun meant death. Its light was fire reduced to its most pure essence. And purity was deadly to a vampire. But Abigail didn't fear for her own safety. Dawn lay a few minutes away and already she had pulled the car into the sanctuary of the parking garage. The dark,...
I felt Ka'lath finally begin to move, keeping to the shadows but edging closer to where his leather-clad prey continued to wait. I had only known this "master" vampire for a few weeks, but I already was beginning to think he was a bit delusional, and this night only served to deepen that suspicion. His chastisement regarding how I should have waited for him was a prime example. He left me to starve, then unlocked the door to my room and left. In none of the conversations we'd ever had...
Ok so this is my first story ever so keep that in mind. I got a big thing for vampires so that is why this is based on vampires. I hope you will all comment with advice and constructive criticism. I intend to continue this story either way so if you like it let me know and ill put more up, otherwise i wont bother. Also there is alot more set up than sex. This story is not intended to be mostly sex in fact it is meant to be a story that has sex in it but who knows how it will develop...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon’s head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive. ‘Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order,’ she heard behind her. Natasha jumped from her ledge. ‘And you need to know when to learn that I don’t want to deal with you tonight,’ Rhiannon retorted, as she...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon's head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive."Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order," she heard behind her.Natasha jumped from her ledge. "And you need to know when to learn that I don't want to deal with you tonight," Rhiannon retorted, as she looked...
An hour later I walked up to the bar. The brunette was still working, though she looked rather tired. “Double shot of O negative and double of B positive if you have it.” I called out. The bartender nodded, slid two glasses over towards me and then handed me two water bottles. “What are these for?” I asked. “You’ve been busy tonight. Quite a show back there. You might be a vampire but you still need to hydrate on something other than blood.” She replied, giving me a slight smirk. I’d...
In her sleep she loosened her grip but we were always touching, I had awaked very early trying to come up with an idea of how to handle this whole big mess I gotten myself into. Here I was in bed with the one person in the world that I connected to and possibly love, even though I've known her for only two nights. But how would I to tell her that I was not human. Gwen stirred and started waking, she looked at me sleepily she smiled. "Good morning, someone's an early bird." She leaned over...
From a great story by Heather St. Clair. Unfortunately J. Whedon and the mutant enemy own the copyright. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Switch 3 By Eric The infamous vampire Spike 'the Bloody' leaned back and relaxed. Listening in at Buffy's house was better than the soaps he used to watch during the long day light hours. Dawn whined at her sister Buffy who tried to keep her temper (often failing). Willow and Tara where back together again. Bland...
Book 1: Target Girl Part 4 Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The board over the pantry door creaked as the rope tied to the inch thick ‘eye-bolt’ imbedded in it was yanked downward. Béla dangled from the other end of the rope, secured by a tight knot around her wrists. She was naked and bleeding from several cuts in her body. As she twisted back around, Jake carefully aimed another dart at her tiny breasts, then threw it. “Ah!” Béla yelped as it stuck right in the middle of...
Chapter 6: Unholy Communion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Aurora's words of defiance echoed through Heaven. The crystal foundations reverberated with her defiance. Aurora had rebelled. She was tired of Heaven's rules allowing Hell's success. No longer would she play the game that led mankind to ever increasing levels of depravity. She would guide her tool, the vampire Damien, and use him to right the wrongs. She would see Faust destroyed along with all the others whom polluted the...
Chapter 15: Angelic Lusts by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Damien D'Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire's throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust's office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien's blackened soul. His wife's every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart....
Chapter 10: Sinful Holes by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The ecstasy of the feminine ghost's embrace fled Father Hyrum Augustine. He shuddered and blinked as realty leaped back around him. He had moved. He stood by Faust the vampire. The pair were before the large windows that looked out on Chicago. The eastern horizon lightened. The vampire Faust, a wineglass in hand, eyed the priest. Faust sipped from his chalice. It held wine instead of blood. Everything had made sense while the...