Devlin's StoryChapter 25 free porn video

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Devlin was nearly back to the dorm when her cell phone rang. Wondering who it might be, she dug it out of her purse.


"Devlin? It's Denise O'Connor."

"Hi, Denise, what's up?" She wondered what it could be. Maybe she was going to thank her for helping Gloria.

"I know this might be a funny question, but where are you right now?"

"Um, nearly at my dorm, why?"

"Have you been to the Athletic Club today?"

"I was just there. Gloria's order came in and she came over to pick it up."

"Ah. Are you going to be at your dorm for a bit? Something's happened, and I need to clarify a few things."

"Um, sure. Anything important?"

"I'll see you in a few minutes."

Puzzled, Devlin dropped her cell phone back in her purse. Was this related to that scream she'd heard at the Athletic Club? Or was it related to her getting drunk last night? She was underage, after all. She smiled to herself. There were a lot of things she'd been too young to do, and she could probably get in trouble for any of them.

She checked her mail--her profit check had arrived, along with a large manila envelope with the latest catalogs. She opened the envelope and smiled at the amount. This had been a very good month for her.

Connie was on the phone when she opened the door to her room. Connie gave her a smile, said something in the phone and hung up. "I think I'll answer the phone for the next few days," she said.

"Why? Who was it?"

"Who else, Jeff. That's the second time he's called since I got back from class."

"What does he want?"

"What do you expect? 'It's all a misunderstanding, can't we get together and talk about it?'"

"I hope you told him I'm not seeing him any more."

"He won't listen. Guys never do. He's in the denial stage right now, and I expect he'll keep calling. He'll probably try to see you after class, too."

Devlin sighed. "That's not what I need. I suppose I'll have to watch out for him and leave by some other door."

"Or leave with friends from class. That will help. It's hard for a guy to isolate you when you have several friends with you. So, anyway, if you don't mind, I'll answer the phone for the next few days."

"He knows my cell phone number," Devlin said. "I'll have to be careful about that, too."

"Aren't guys a pain? You'd think he'd understand a simple 'leave me alone'."

"Have you broken up with a guy?"

"At the end of high school. He wanted me to follow him to U of Iowa, and I wouldn't. He must have called me a dozen times before he finally got it through his thick head that I wasn't going there."

Devlin rubbed her face. Was she going to have to put up with Jeff for a while longer? She hoped not, she wanted things to be over and done with.

The phone rang, and Connie scooped it up. "Yes?" After a couple of seconds she put her hand over the mouthpiece. "A Denise O'Connor? She's downstairs. She's not--"

"She's not part of Jeff's church or anything. She's a customer I helped. Tell her I'll be right down."

Devlin took her accounting book and English Lit books with her. She had class in 30 minutes and didn't figure Denise would take anywhere that long.

Denise was sitting in one of the chairs watching the people in the lobby. She stood when she saw Devlin. "Sorry to impose on you like this," Denise said, "but there was an incident at the Athletic Club, and I had a few questions."

"What happened?" Devlin asked. "I heard a scream, but when I asked the girl at the front desk what was going on she told me not to worry about it, it was probably a mouse or something."

Denise shook her head. "Two masked men broke in on Dan and Sue Mitchell and took pictures of them. They were in bed together at the time."

Devlin sat down abruptly, her hand going to her mouth in shock. "Are they all right? Did you catch the men? What happened?"

"They're still at large," Denise said. "We're investigating and following up on any clues we have. As part of that, I have some questions for you, if you're ready."

"I suppose." Devlin composed herself. "Ask away."

Denise took out her notepad. "All right, were you in the Athletic Club today? I know you were, but this is for the record."

Devlin nodded. "Yes, I was. I was expecting several orders to come in today, and I called to find out if they had. When I was told they had I went over there to see which ones."

"All right. Did you go upstairs to your room?"

"Yes. After I saw which orders had come in I phoned Gloria, then went upstairs to get the order forms I'd filed. I needed them to finish the order."

"How did you get there, stairs or elevator?"


"Did you notice anything unusual, any people lurking around there?"

Devlin shook her head. "No, but I really didn't look for anyone, either."

"Did you hear anything coming from the adjoining room?"

"I heard noises in the room. I thought it was too early for Sue to be back from her physical therapy session, so I listened."

"And you heard... ?"

"The sounds of a couple making love." She gave Denise a wry smile. "Believe me, I know what that sounds like."

"I bet. Did you lock your room when you left it?"

"Yes, just like I always do. I even tried the knob like the management asked me to so I could assure myself it was locked. It was."

"How did you get back downstairs, the elevator or stairs?"

"I waited for the elevator, but it seemed like it was taking forever, so I took the stairs. I had to come through the Women's Locker Room when I reached the main floor."

"What did you do then?"

"I'd called Gloria before going upstairs. After she showed up I sent her into the Women's Locker Room to try things on. She was in there when I heard the scream. After a couple of minutes I joined her. I'd seen the manager going upstairs, and there was nothing I could do, so I thought I'd see about Gloria."

"Dan Sullivan is threatening a law suit against the Athletic Club," Denise said as she closed her notepad. "Sue is hysterical, but calming down."

"I should probably call her."

"And not Dan?" Denise tilted her head quizzically. "Why not?"

"They're both friends, but Sue is the one in need; also, I empathize with her more."

Denise nodded. "I can see that. All right, thanks. I'll admit that for a moment I thought it might be you upstairs, and Sue and Dan were doing something to cover your activities."

"I talked extensively with the porter, he can confirm where I was."

Denise nodded. "I will, and I'll also talk with Gloria. I hope you don't mind, but it's my job."

Devlin smiled. "You'd do it whether I wanted you to or not."

"Well, true. That's what comes from knowing a cop. We do our job, partly because it's our job, but mostly it's because of who we are." Denise got up and stuffed her notepad in her purse. "Sue and Dan are at the station right now. I believe he's meeting with a lawyer."

Devlin checked her watch. "I've got a class in just a few minutes, but I'll give them a call."

"I'm sure they'd appreciate it. Thanks for your help."

"Did they catch whoever did this?"

Denise shook her head. "No, they appear to have gotten away. I'll give you a call in a day or two..."

"Or if you have more questions."

"That, too. Did Gloria like what you did for her?"

Devlin laughed. "She was ecstatic. Its things like that that makes this business of mine so worthwhile."

"I can imagine." She nodded. "Again, thanks for your help, and I'll give you a call in a day or two."

Devlin called Danny's cell phone, but it rolled over to voice mail right away. She left a brief message, and that she'd call again after her two classes. Then she picked up her books and headed for class.

She still got Danny's voice mail after her last class. Sighing, she went back to the dorm and changed. The overnight low was supposed to be in the upper 30's and she didn't fancy walking home from Krissi's in a skirt with it that cold. She did some studying, and at 7:00 sharp she knocked on Krissi's door.

Krissi was smiling when she opened the door. She was wearing a short denim miniskirt and a white blouse that was only buttoned across her breasts; it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra, and Devlin suspected that wasn't all she wasn't wearing.

"You made it," Krissi said, hugging her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm still a little hungover," Devlin said, shrugging. She could smell food cooking on the stove. "What smells good? Don't tell me you're learning to cook."

Krissi laughed. "No, nothing like that." She stepped back, pulling Devlin into the apartment with her. "I have a cooking staff now." She waved at a guy standing next to the stove. "This is Steve."

He was just over 6' tall and thin, with brown hair and a lean face. He had a full-length apron on over his jeans and polo shirt, and was stirring something in a boiling pot.

"This is Devlin," Krissi said, stepping back to close the door. "She's the girl I've been telling you about."

"I'd shake hands or something," Steve said, "but this roux is nearly ready."

"What did you tell him?" Devlin asked as she took off her coat.

"Nothing too personal." Krissi gave her a mischievous smile. "Only that you have the softest breasts, the perkiest nipples, and you're one of the most orgasmic women I know."

"Krissi! You didn't!"

"Well, all of that's true, isn't it?" She laughed. "Well, I didn't tell him that last bit, some things are a bit personal."

Devlin eyed the way Krissi was dressed. If the blonde was going to try to embarrass her, she'd return the favor. "So, are you sleeping with him yet?"

"I don't think either of us gets much sleep when we're near each other," Krissi replied, "about like the way you and I get."

"That bad? Or should I say that good?"

Krissi put her hand on Devlin's arm and laughed. "Don't worry, sweetcakes, he couldn't keep up with you no matter how hard he tried."

"Guys can't. And speaking of hard..."

"No, he's mine, and you can't have him."

"I didn't intend to take him. But that doesn't mean I'm not curious."

Krissi licked her lips. "He gets plenty hard enough for me." She started to lift Devlin's sweater. "Now why don't you get more comfortable?"

"I'm fine," Devlin said, pushing Krissi's hands away. "Wearing a bra is comfortable for me, you know that."

Krissi made a mock pout before smiling again. "I know, and we both know I don't like to wear one." She hefted her boobs. "Though I suppose I should, I don't want the girls staring at my feet when I'm old and droopy."

"Gravity always wins in the end," Devlin said. "That's why you should wear one."

"These last couple of days a bra would only have gotten in the way."

Devlin settled at the kitchen table and eyed Steve. His shoulders weren't bad, better than Jeff's but not like Danny's. His butt was cute, though, nice, tight and pretty small.

"So how did the two of you meet?"

"We've known each other for a couple of years," Krissi said... "Steve was teaching a class I took a couple of years ago, small business accounting or something."

"Accounting and Economics for Small Businesses," Steve said. "I taught it over the summer... You were that blonde with the long legs and long hair sitting in the front row."

"Right where she could flash her legs?" Devlin asked, with a sidelong glance at Krissi.

"Actually, if I recall right, she wore a long dress nearly every day of the term. I thought that was a little odd to wear during the summer."

"Yeah, and nothing on under it," Krissi said. "But you couldn't know that."

"So how did you meet this time?" Devlin looked back and forth between them.

"I was in the bookstore on... Monday? Sunday afternoon?"

"Early Sunday evening," Steve said. "You were in the Young Adult's section."

"I was trying to find my latest epic novel," Krissi said, "Rose and the Lunch Club. The bookstore didn't have it, though I'd seen it in Barnes & Noble only an hour before. He came up and asked me about it..."

"I remembered her because she'd identified herself as a writer," Steve said, "but she hadn't said what she wrote."

"We ended up talking until they kicked us out, and then went to that Waffle House over by the airport and resumed talking." She giggled. "I don't think I've ever talked so much." She looked at Devlin. "Well, except when you and I met. We talked a lot, too."

Devlin judged the way Krissi was looking at Steve. "I suppose that's not all you did."

Steve raised his eyebrows and stared into his pot. Krissi just laughed. "Oh, we came back here, more to change than anything else. That's when I showed him my other books."

"Other books?" Devlin glanced at the shelf next to Krissi's computer. Krissi had hinted that she'd written a few books that she was never going to try to publish; were those them?

Krissi took several trade paperbacks from her desk and handed them to Devlin. "I had these printed up at a local binder. You can see why I won't try to publish them."

"At least under your own name," Steve said.

Devlin looked at the first book. "Rose and the Boy with the Donkey Dick? Rose and the After School Orgy Club?" She thumbed through the third one, Rose and Her Kama Sutra Friends. "These are erotica."

"No," Krissi said, "they're out and out porn. When you write erotica you get into the character's feelings and you gloss over some of the more explicit details; think soft lighting and things like that. When you write porn you're more interested in who's doing what to whom..."

"And how often," Steve said, chuckling. "You're right, those aren't the things you'd want a 13 year-old to read."

"Oh, I don't know," Devlin said, "have you read some of the things teenagers are reading these days? When I was 14 I was reading some pretty explicit things."

"You were also swinging and having sex with an older man five times a week," Krissi said. "That makes you a lousy example."

"Well, true. But the stuff I was reading when I was 12 was pretty explicit, too. I got into my mother's stash of romance novels. Some of those are pretty detailed. I had a good idea of who was doing what, and how, and with what, well before I started trying it myself."

"They're called female porn for a reason," Krissi added. "Anyway, I showed him my other books and he seduced me."

Steve gave her a sidelong look. "I think we seduced each other," he said.

Krissi waved that away. "Well, somebody seduced somebody. We went to class to get a rest. I think this is the first time both of us have been vertical at the same time since Monday morning."

"The Boy with the Donkey Dick?" Devlin asked. She thumbed through the book. "He's a 14 year-old boy with a 14" dick?"

"And he fucks every girl in his high school," Krissi said, "and better than half of the teachers. Its porn, so it's always fantastic sex, none of the other boys are jealous, and nobody gets pregnant."

"You're fantasizing about big dicks again."

"Not after trying it with a couple of guys who were that big." Krissi turned to look at Steve. "There were these two guys, Henry and some other guy whose name I can't remember. Anyway, they both had big dicks, but only one of them knew how to use it. The other one would sprawl on top of you and expect you to do most of the work."

"Uh, Krissi?" Devlin asked. "Does he know about... ?"

"That I've been to bed with a few guys?" she asked. She nodded. "He knows."

"More than a few."

"Not as many as you."

"Well, true, but let's not go there."

"You started it."

Devlin nodded. "True. I couldn't help it, I'm a woman."

"And the little bitch cat is always close to the surface. Anyway, I like writing porn and erotica. I think the best part is there are never any consequences." Krissi laughed. "My conscience made me write a short story about what happened after the story ended. He knocked up everyone he had sex with, which meant every girl in the school, half the teachers, and even a few of the mothers of students. Fertile little bastard. The town had a massive population boom, only nobody was saying why."

"Maybe that's a little over realistic," Devlin said.

"Enough about how Steve and I got together." Krissi idly rearranged the silverware at one of the place settings. "What happened between you and Jeff?"

"Well..." Devlin told the story again, including the final argument. Krissi nodded at various points. Steve, after adding things to the pot, put a lid on it, turned down the heat and had a seat at the table.

"I think I know him," he said when Devlin finished. "Medium height, glasses, dark hair, a mechanical engineering major?"

"He's 5'11" to my 5'5"," Devlin said. "When I'm wearing heels I can rest my head on his shoulder." She scowled. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't remember things like that."

"Not unless you want to get drunk and drag it all out again," Krissi said.

Devlin shook her head. "No, I got drunk last night, and once was enough. I don't think I ever want to go through that again."

"The drinking? Or the hangover?" Krissi held her head and moaned theatrically.

"Well, the hangover. It's nice to know there are consequences to things, and a hangover sure is a consequence to drinking." Devlin glanced at Steve. "You say you've met him?"

"He's in one of my classes, and--"

"I didn't mention," Krissi said, cutting in, "but Steve is an Economics Grad and teaches several classes."

"Mostly the throw-away classes," Steve said. "Basic Economics for Engineers, Small Business Economics and things like that, classes the full professors don't want to handle."

"Does that include the School of Business?"

Steve laughed. "No, we get serious with Business Majors. You guys know the importance of economics. And it's not like teaching engineers, either. You don't dare make a math mistake in front of a room full of engineers. They'll call you on it in a heartbeat and do the integrals and derivatives in their heads."

"So what kind of student is he?" Krissi asked. "Jeff, I mean."

"Oh, he's about as serious as the other engineering students, which is to say not much. He does the homework, but I think it's just a time-filler for him. I think he barely understands cost-benefit analysis, and when I talked about marginal utility it went right over his head." He shrugged. "No surprise, it goes over the heads of most engineers. My opinion, most of the ones who don't understand how costs are derived will never be more than just your average engineer."

Same as Devlin's Story
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Playtime Stories Ch 2

2. My cock is so hard as I write this. Occasionally, one hand strokes while the other types. Most guys love a good blowjob. Most guys are afraid to try a finger in the ass, but love it after they do. Most guys want a woman to be a total wanton slut or act like the nastiest whore of their wildest dreams. Most women aren’t loose enough to be that “hot” or that incredible of an experience. I picture myself as everything I wish I could find in a slutty bitch. You know, a total nympho who...

4 years ago
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 10

That demonstration did it, my reputation was now made as a superlative teacher of pistol shooting. I now had more students than I could handle in a single class. Based on my experience with those three boys, I needed to expand the class to three weeks and raise the price to $75. I set the class hours from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with an hour break for lunch, which we provided. The gunsmith in town wanted to know if I would object to him moving his shop to be adjacent to my range. I told him to...

3 years ago
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The Foxy Ladies

Day 1 - Friday June 27 Robin Dennis' husband had gone a Boy Scouts camping trip for the weekend with their two teenage sons. So she invited 'The Foxy Ladies' over for dinner on Friday night. 'The Foxy Ladies' had become a very close group of friends. Robin and Nicole Williamson had been friends since college and were the founding members of 'The Foxy Ladies.' Rebecca Scott, Candace Covington, Charlene Dawkins, and Raven Peterson had become good friends of Robin and Nicole over the last couple...

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Tailors Dummies

I felt a shiver up me spine, I don’t mind tellin’ ya, soon as I saw them tailor’s dummies. Fair put the willies right up me it did. That explained why the Fence give us this job in the fust place. I mean, I don’t do houses, much, me. Not even much, I never do houses, never. This was a first. Shops are more my line, nice’n’easy-like. Break in by ram-raidin’ the front door or winder and load up the van quick, like. Then show a clean pair o’ round rubber ‘eels and get out afore anyone has a...

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Spicy Sex Life

This story is about two lovely married south Indian women making love and their husbands watching. This is Ambica aged 32 educated house wife with all cuts and curves that a Tamil women needs. I am 5.6 and 65 kgs my breast size is 36, I have been blessed with a handsome husband who works for a software company at Tidel Park Taraimani Chennai. He loves me and cares for me like anything I just need to tell him my desires be it sex, sari or chudi and its there for me the next moment, we have...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Mili Kaamwali Ki Nayi Chut

Hi friends! Toh kaise ho aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer- IIT Bombay) fir se hazir hu aapke samne. Meri pichli kahani agar aapne nahi padha to please padhiye. Ab kahani pe aate hai. Maine bataya tha ki main lockdown mein ghar pe fas gaya tha. Par Pooja aur Aarti, dono behano ne mujhe chudai ki kami nahi hone di. Ye bhi lockdown ki hi bat hai ki mujhe ek kaamwali ki chudai karne mili. Mere papa ka accident ho gaya jisse unka pair tut gaya. Papa kuch kar nahi sakte the. Toh mummy humesha...

2 years ago
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Choices Ch 06

My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine. * ‘Since it’s my turn for Saturday, can you be gone overnight? We’d run up to Martinsburg Saturday morning and you could meet my parents. Then we’d drive back on Sunday.’ Nan had called me Monday night about the next weekend. ‘Give me a few minutes to discuss it with Linda. Oh, wait. Bobby’s still up and I want to talk to Linda after he goes to bed. I’ll call you in an hour or so.’ I...

3 years ago
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Summer Fun Chapter 3 Bartlett Farms

Five days after finishing the second unit, Renee and I started painting, well, painting and our “other activities”, on the third of the five apartments that need a re-paint this summer. The days in between went better this time, I kept my sex drive in-check. Jacked-off a few times, sure, but overall, I did a much better job of occupying my mind on other things. The day started off with some good, sloppy (and loud) fucking on the pile of painter’s sheets before we spread them around the...

1 year ago
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Page SixChapter 12

Last seen: Luke Brown and Emma Graham strolling arm in arm around the Great Lawn, accompanied by her family pooch Trixie (Trix for short), an adorable Yorkshire Terrier. Aww... Emma heard the girls gushing before she even got to the table. Whats up? she asked, setting down her green tray with the light blue emblem of the school on it. Typically prep school: green and light blue ... nice colors. For the first time in a month... What? she dropped her tennis toned butt into the seat, and...

3 years ago
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Show Time

The local adult theater didn’t have many cars in the lot on Sunday afternoon, but that didn’t keep me from entering. I paid my $8 fee and got buzzed into the theater area where there are four different rooms. The first one shows gay flics and I that is where I headed initially. I sat in the back row right next to the entryway. That’s my favorite spot as it is somewhat hidden. When a new customer comes in, they have to turn around to see anyone sitting the seat that I chose.There were two other...

4 years ago
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Slut convinced for a threesome in Goa

My friend and I were in Goa. Quarantine had us both bored out of our minds. We had to get away for some time. We had wished more of our friends had joined us on the trip. But most of them refused due to covid. That had led both of us to a club one night in Goa. We were both just your average guys. No studs, but we had a game. And we were looking for a once in a lifetime experience. We wanted to have a threesome. We wanted to spit roast a good little slut all night long. The beauty of Goa is...

1 year ago
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My girlfriend the hoe part 2

C and I were driving home from my grandparents house one night. We were taking turns playing a game, seeing if we get off while driving. So I let her drive first, and had completely stripped her and was fingering her and sucking her tits while she drove. She was loving it, and getting closer by the minute. A car came up behind us, and got really close to us. C got nervous, but I didn't care if they saw through the window, and kept playing with her. Suddenly, the lights flashed on, and we...

3 years ago
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The Fifth Visit To The Master And His Men

Gloria arrived as scheduled eager to start another session of adventurous fantasy fulfilment. On this occasion, on her first apparatus, The Master advised her he would not be fitting the eye mask until he had her comfortable. When she saw what he had planned for her she understood why he made this decision. He needed her to be able to see what she was doing. In a small room, with the usual viewing rooms on either side, a leather sling was suspended from the ceiling by four chains, one from each...

2 years ago
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The Noon I Got Lucky With My Neighbor

About me: I’m Charles, from Chennai India. Lately, I’ve discovered that I fetish for aunties. Yes, cougars aged from mid 30’s to 35’s turn me out a lot. I am studying B.Com, this is my third year. I reside alone in my house, I’ve had a very few sexual encounters in my life in Chennai. This is my first one, I’m publishing at ISS on how I lost my virginity to a beautiful, yet sexually active who lives across my apartment. About my physique: I am kind of chubby, I’m visiting the gym nowadays to...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Karlee Grey Busty Karlee Grey Earns Her Keep

Karlee has rented a room for a few days from Jason. When he opens up the door to let her in, he recognizes her and asks her if she is the famous KARLEE GREY? She says yes, he is surprised and excited. He lets her in the house, shows her the bedroom where she will be staying. While she takes a shower, he walks by and sees her. He watches for a while as she soaps her prefect body. And those tits are amazing. She notices him and and to his surprise she invites him in. She takes his dick out and is...

2 years ago
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A bored housewifes amusing tale

Life was a bit mundane for Tracy. She was married for about thirteen years. She was a wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister. But she felt very alone. Things were okay with her marriage. They had great sex, but did struggle connecting emotionally. This frustrated Tracy very much. Her husband was an introvert and she was more social. Then one day she went looking for something a little different. She had no intentions of cheating, but just wanted to see what was out there. She discovered that...

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20 March 2009Chapter 4

“Now this is more like it!” Karen commented as she took one cock up her ass while the other fucked her pussy. She even managed to get a third cock to suck on. She was quick to mention her anticipated gang bang tomorrow in the bondage room “So there you are,” John smiled entering the room. “I can see you’re having your usual fun.” “Hi, honey. What can I say, I’m a happily married slut,” she replied, referring to being married to Dan. She sucked on her cock a few more times. “Aren’t you going...

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A Letter from Santa

Attached is a short, holiday contribution to the list. Feel free to post this on Fictionmania and any free site. Also, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy! A Letter from Santa By JDCopyhack "Okay, Rudolph. You can power down now. Looks like we have clear skies ahead." Santa leaned back in his sleigh and peered out upon the horizon. The cloudy, foggy, snowy, wintry sky had given way to the warm, clear skies of Florida. Looking out the left side of his sleigh, he...

1 year ago
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My Teachers Love Me

This story is not made up and actually happened. I was in grade 10 and my law teacher was incredibly busty and had the biggest tits my virgin eyes had ever seen. She had massage cleavage showing everyday and it turned me into a staring, drooling cave man. The best part was that she knew what she was doing to me. She would bend over in certain angles to only flash her cleavage to me. Sometimes I would zone out while staring at her tits and I wouldn't even notice that she was smiling and giggling...

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Missed Wife

My name is Ramnis and I am from Godavarikhani presently working in mm. I just wanted to share one of the most interesting incidents which happened 2004. When I was 30 years and in my official job in I had one of my distant uncle wish to give his daughter(heart),but i married other , But I must say she is one of the sexiest women I have ever come across in my life. I don’t know her vital stats but she had good round boobs and her belly was just right. Her ass was good as well. Her...

1 year ago
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Long Bus Ride Part 1

It was the summer of 1983. I was going on a cross country bus trip to see my aunt in California. This was my first time traveling alone. As a teenager, I felt great to be having an adventure of my own. I was always horny, and after a few hours, my cock was getting hard, for no apparent reason. I looked around and figured I could stroke one out under the blanket I had with me. I brought the blanket up over my shoulders, and below my knees, creating a tented area for my stroking. I pulled my gym...

3 years ago
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Valentine Be Mine Ch 01

Valentine, Be Mine, Ch. 01 By Cherysse St. Claire © This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters herein described and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. *** "That's it," Joanna gasped. "Right there. Keep doing that. Yeahhhhh, oh yeah. Fuck me, Baby. Fuck me harder!" I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life than the flushed face of my wife in the throes of sexual ecstasy. 'Glow' just doesn't do her aura...

2 years ago
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How I Love Them

Missed my window.After yet another week of late nights at work had kept us from doing anything but sleeping in bed, I’d finally managed to escape at a reasonable hour.  I knew it was almost that time, but I had hoped I’d beat the clock.  No such luck.She was only wearing her bra and panties, getting ready for a shower when I walked into the bedroom.  Her panties let me know I had come up a day late and a dollar short.  They covered more than any others she owned, but looked just as amazing on...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 6

Tracy woke from a short, deep sleep and had heard the phone ring and parts of a brief conversation. Some instinct told her that it had to do with the NiS team. Being as secretive as she could, she opened the door of Porter's spare bedroom a crack and listened as Porter argued with someone. In the process, Tracy heard Porter repeat an address. Taking no more chance of discovery, Tracy hurried back to bed and faked sleep. It was a good precaution because Porter looked into the room just before...

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Neighbors Daughter

It was about three in the afternoon when my doorbell rang yesterday, I looked through the peephole, it was our neighbors daughter, I truly was in no mood for company so I left her outside, she rang again and again, AND again I finally came out and answered the door. “Hello Mr. Andrew, sorry for…” “What’s wrong Dia?” I asked angrily, my first day off in f-g weeks and here I am being disturbed.“I forgot my keys at home and I wanted to know if I could stay here until my mom gets home from work”...

1 year ago
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New City New Fun

After going to pick up my luggage at the kiosk I rolled out to the curb of the airport and waited for a cab. As one pulled up another woman walked up beside me and asked to share if we were going the same way. I told her I was heading for the downtown Hyatt, and she said she was going to the Sheraton just a block away from it. No problem. We could share. I am a tall woman with short, curly brown hair. I have a toned figure because, in my business, you have to look good, and I did. My breasts...

Quickie Sex
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SongbirdsChapter 7

Melissa and I talked once or twice during the remainder of the week. But it wasn't the laughing, intimate conversations we had shared in the past. We chatted about mundane things and trivialities. Finally, it was Friday and Greg called me early in the morning. "We'll get to the arena about noon," he said. "We'll do a sound check and then head out for supper. You want to meet us and go to the show with us?" I thought about it for a few moments. "How long have you been on tour?" I...

3 years ago
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Hot Summer Days

Hot Summer Days Elena watched the sheer white curtain panel waft in the afternoon breeze. Or it tried to waft in the only few breezes that came through the window. All of the fourth floor apartments always were the hottest in the summer and hers was no exception. Elena laid on her back, legs apart, sprawled out on the small twin bed that took up most of her bedroom. She was naked trying to keep cool and comfortable but to no avail. She was miserable. Elena thought back to her college days when...

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Cousin Fucked Me Like A Whore

Hello guys and girls of indian sex stories doot net , this is kamran.I am back with another story.if you have not read my previous stories then first read them then you will know about me. About me mera nam kamran he aur me 1 gay bottom hoon.meri body girlish type he mean mere bade aur naram boobs he aur meri gaand bhi badi aur bohat naram he. Mera lund chota he. Mujhe chudwane me bohat maza aata he. Me pure bottom hoon aur kafi log meri gaand ke deewane he. Story parhne ke baad feedback zaroor...

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The White Breeder

James Enfield is a 19-year old boy living in England. He lives with his step-mother Lisa, his father William and his sister Emma. James and his family have been hired to go to a remote African village and teach the natives about European culture and christianity. He has never liked the bible or any religion and since he is a virgin he's constantly looking for someone to take his virginity. James is average height, muscular and has chestnut brown hair. He also happens to have a really big cock....

4 years ago
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Tim and GraceRound 2

Much later, they were relaxing as the waiter again took the table decorations from the rest of the deck. Just like yesterday, the last jar mocked them, sitting there with its sprig of mountain lupine.Grace idly ran her finger around the top of the jar. “Do you think they want us to leave?” She asked, teasingly.“I don’t know, but I think that’s a fine idea,” Tim replied, reaching for her hand and slowly massaging her fingers. The shock of his touch ignited her responses anew.“Ok.” She was...

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Double GlazingChapter 7

Up to this time commission had been paid according to the value on paper of the order. Bob had instituted this, years ago, and had never envisaged a situation where the average gross profit margin of forty-five percent could be eroded. However Aubrey with his manoeuvrings often reduced the margin, sometimes to dangerous levels. I had put the facts in front of Bob on a number of occasions, but he wouldn't act on it. Now I put it to Andy that commission should be paid only after the true costs...

2 years ago
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Silver WingsChapter 2

Jump School was a thoroughly unpleasant experience. I think the Army outdid itself in selecting the toughest and meanest SOBs alive to fill the ranks of the Airborne Course cadre. From the minute I arrived, until the day I left, those guys were up my ass like a pine cone suppository. The CO and first sergeant back at Camp Crocket hadn't done me any favors by making me a corporal, because the promotion made me the senior man in my class during detail week. As such, the cadre expected me to...

4 years ago
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A Better World IIChapter 27 Living in Three Dimensions

For the rest of the days, Monday through Friday, we got to go to the hospital for a week of in-depth physical and psychological exams. All three squadrons did this. No one washed out! Our paths diverged after this. The Feline Squadron and the Solvang Squadron had San Jose State classes and jet hours to complete They would start on space training after spring break. Morning came early 0445. Thank God for those chronometers. We assisted the other squadrons by giving them a wake up call...

3 years ago
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Delivering the GoodsChapter 6

Friday afternoon I said goodbye to my boss at the bus depot, and then headed home to load the pickup for the trip to Columbus. My boss had offered me a weekend job at the depot, and free bus fare back-and-forth to Columbus, but I reluctantly declined. The money would be nice, but, hey, the University Experience had to include Ohio State's football games at the Horseshoe. I dreaded the confrontation with Marty Granville when I got to Newark. I knew he'd be giving me the Stone Face the whole...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Gina Valentina Mi Ha Doan Case No 7968433

April 25th 7:00pm – Case # 7968433 – Twin suspects were apprehended and taken for questioning in LP office. Suspects attempted to use their 5th amendment right to not incriminate themselves. Further bickering between the suspects caused them to reveal more sensitive information. An escape was attempted but LP officer caught the suspects in the act. A deal was made by LP officer to ensure the girls freedom and humiliate them for the rest of their lives. Evidence logged on Apr 25,...

4 years ago
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A Good Old Mexican MMF Surprise

Breelyn and Ethan were your typical mid 20’s upper class couple. Both came from high profile upper class families and didn’t really have to work for much in life. It seemed as though they had it all and were going to get more. Like most people with everything, the couple had to step outside their conventional boundaries and expand their sexual horizons. It wasn’t hard for such a couple in their position and looks. Breelyn was a twenty two year old black/white mix, her father an ex pro...

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