TouchdownChapter 22: Orthanc free porn video

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During the first four weeks after Jennifer's reappearance

Cold Calling

Manfred Randolf is sitting behind his desk in the Chief Executive's Office, high up in the dark glass and steel tower of the Randolf Corporation corporate headquarters.

He puts down the phone, takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose as he squints out at his blurred view of the city. His attention wanders for a moment from the financial future of his company to the personal worries of a father who has lost a daughter. Not only has he lost a child, but some very sensitive information has gone with her. It's hard to know which comes uppermost in his mind.

Again, his thoughts are interrupted by the telephone.

"Mr Randolf?" It's his PA.

"Yes?" replies Randolf testily.

"I have Agent Holloway from Houston FBI and his colleague, Agent Anderson, here to see you."

"Who? Oh. Show them both right in," replies Randolf, with much more generosity in his tone of voice.

"Gentlemen, this is unexpected but I am glad you could stop by..."

Randolf's office has three areas set aside for different types of encounter. There is the area in front of his desk, where he dictates to his employees. There's a conference table, where he can hold more detailed debate about policy and operational matters. Finally, there's an area by the window, which affords a magnificent panorama of Corporate Houston. This is where Randolf likes to entertain guests and hold more informal discussions.

"Let's go over to the window..."

"Actually, Mr Randolf, we would prefer seats at the table." Agent Holloway gestures to the conference table. "There are issues to discuss."

Randolf is wrong-footed. He usually directs the goings-on in his own office. In this moment, he has that awful 'free fall' sensation familiar in dreams. His rational mind points out that he is losing control at the very moment when control and the facility to steer the conversation are of paramount importance, yet he can hardly object to Agents from the FBI wanting to do serious business with him. It all depends on what the business actually is? Have his various creative financial sleights-of-hand come to light at last? Holloway he has met before, but who is Anderson? Are these the first polite words before Accusation and Arrest? On the other hand, could the Agents have come with news concerning Tracy's disappearance? The true precipitating causes of her disappearance are in the front of Randolf's mind, especially at this very moment. Most of the details Randolf must keep strictly confidential if he is to avoid sharing a cell with 'that dumbass Jeffrey Skilling, ' Randolf's characterisation of his erstwhile Houston business colleague, now in prison for his part in the Enron scandal. As the trio takes their seats around the table, Randolf ponders when it would be a good point to call his lawyer.

The Agents take seats in the middle of the long side of the table. Randolf has to take a seat opposite them. The position of an interviewee. Warning bells begin to sound in his brain until it occurs to him that this would be the same position he would take if he was interviewing two employees about a project. Maybe he can gain the initiative back?

He tries: "Well, gentlemen. What ne..."

"Mr Randolf," cuts in Agent Holloway, "we have two things to say and some questions to ask." Randolf notices that Agent Anderson has opened an iPad and Holloway has a notebook.

He takes a careful look at both Agents. Holloway is tall, slim, in his thirties and very well presented. He almost has the cliché appearance of J Edgar Hoover's G Men, Law Enforcers of the Nineteen Thirties. Anderson is older but still in reasonable shape. His face has begun to carry the lines of age and responsibility. Randolf guesses he is somewhere in his fifties. He is also letting Holloway do the talking. At least, so far.

"Well, if there is anything I can do..." replies Randolf, cautiously.

"First," continues Holloway, "I think we may have some encouraging news. In July this year, a British female who had disappeared in 2009 was found in Sweden. The British police suspect she was an abductee. She let slip that when she was in captivity..."

"We have to add, Mr Randolf, that those are our words, not hers," interjects Anderson.

" ... she met an American girl called Tracy and we are wondering if this could be your daughter?" continues Holloway.

"The question is, Mr Randolf," it's now Anderson speaking again, "the question is, do you have any interests which might have taken your daughter to Russia, or any business interests which have a Russian connection?"

For a moment, Manfred Randolf is lost for words. The problem is not words to say, but how to carefully choose the right words...

In the end, Randolf opts for a question. Several questions. "Can I just ask you to expand on what you have just said, just a little? You said the British police thought the British gal had been a captive. For Pete's sake, why don't they just ask her? And who is she anyway? What sort of connection does she have to me?"

Now the Agents must respond to his agenda. He is getting back into control of the situation.

Holloway begins. "It may be easier to take your questions in reverse order. Question Three: What connection does she have to you? We don't know, and that is one of the things we are here to ask. Question Two: Who she is, and this is something to get you thinking, she is called Jennifer McEwan. She was a PhD student in psychology at a British university at the time of her disappearance. She is married to a..." Holloway checks his notes... "to a Joseph McEwan who is a concrete engineer working for a company called..." Holloway riffles through the pages of his notebook again. " ... New Horizons in Civil Engineering. Question One: Abductees, particularly people who have been under duress for an extended period — this lady was absent for almost two years — abductees can suffer from something called Stockholm Syndrome, which is a psychiatric condition in which they strongly identify with their abductors and they put the interests of the abductors first before the interests of themselves or their families or the wider interests of Justice."

"So, we don't know because she isn't telling," adds Anderson, just to make the position clear.

"Well, gentlemen," responds Randolf, "I can tell you right away that I have never heard of Jennifer McEwan or her husband or a company called — what was it?"

"New Horizons in...", offers Anderson

"That's right. Them. Never heard of any of them. So, right now, I am interested in knowing what the British are doing to get some sense out of Mrs McEwan? I mean, for goodness sake. If she has information pertinent to the whereabouts of a kidnapped American citizen, why in hell's name is she not under arrest and made to sweat it out in jail until she finds her tongue?"

"We would prefer to let the British handle the situation on their own, Mr Randolf. She is one of their citizens, after all, and though extradition may be possible, we think a faster resolution will be had if she stays in the UK," replies Holloway.

"Hmm, yeah, well OK. I suppose they will know their own business best," replies Randolf grudgingly, but in the privacy of his mind he feels very differently. If this McEwan woman has information, what could he do to screw it out of her, and fast? And now, he has a name and an approximate location. The faster he has Tracy back in his hands, the safer he will feel.

"So, we were wondering, Mr Randolf," continues Agent Anderson, "about Russia?"

"Why Russia?" counters Randolf.

"Because Mrs McEwan can now speak Russian and she could not do so before her disappearance. Our British colleagues think that's where she might have been. It could be where your daughter is," explains Anderson.

"So, we come back to the question, Mr Randolf," asks Agent Holloway, holding Randolf with his gaze. "Do you have any business interests in Russia which might lure your daughter from Germany and keep her in Russia?"

Manfred Randolf reflects quickly on what he should say. The Randolf Corporation's activities and relationships with other companies are mostly in the published accounts but, of course, not entirely. At this point, frankness would be appropriate but it would be extremely unwise.

"Well, gentlemen, yes, the Randolf Corporation has a number of joint projects with oil interests in Russia. It is not an easy business environment, not a straightforward environment, whether you look at the negotiations or the legal framework or the accounting side. That said, there is a lot of business to be done. We have been in negotiations quite often. Closed some deals. Failed to close others. Some investments turned out to be better than others..."

"Your daughter Tracy disappeared in Germany; do you run the Russian operation from Berlin?" asks Anderson.

"Mainly. We have a Moscow office, but Berlin is our major European base. Family connections there." Randolf smiles to solicit understanding from Holloway and Anderson. "But we try to do as much as we can from the Moscow office. Too much coming from Berlin brings back bad memories for the Reds, sorry, Russians!" Randolf smiles again. To make his point clear, he continues: "You know. History an' all that. Tracy has been in Moscow once or twice, but she is based in Germany. I am looking to her to take over from me as CEO in due course, so she is moving round the company to get a thorough knowledge of how it works."

"Mr Randolf," it's Agent Holloway speaking now, coming to the point of the conversation. "Did you have, or do you have, any sour business relationships which might have provoked your daughter's abduction?"

Randolf can almost see the yawning pit now open before him. There were unorthodox business relationships a-plenty. Tracy was in Berlin trying to sort out the situation, for goodness sake. Promises made but only half kept. Debts paid but not fully settled. The "Special Purpose Vehicles" invisible to the US financial authorities but all too visible to his Russian collaborators. Is this the end game at last? Is he one of the Clantons, facing down Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday in the blinding Arizona heat? He looks at Holloway and Anderson. For Randolf, this might be High Noon. In his mind's eye, he looks down at his gun and then up Main Street at his nemesis. He cocks his weapon...

"What do you mean, for goodness sakes? Who would go after a daughter just because some two-bit business deal has gone sour? That's just plain crazy! OK, when I look back, I have had some business problems, it's true, but they are all resolved now. I don't owe anyone nothing. Not one cent. Not one favour. Actually, some people owe me."

Scott Anderson is an experienced player when it comes to interrogation. He stays calm as the squall of verbal bullets from Randolf whine and ricochet past him because, during the assault, Scott notices a disconnect. Randolf has scornfully denied the very suggestion that a difficult or unsatisfactory business relationship could have provoked his daughter's abduction but, right after, Randolf owns up to problems in the past and moves on rapidly to deny any problems in the present, yet adds the information that favours are owed to him! Implicitly, Randolf had validated the idea of abduction for business reasons.

Scott's experience tells him to take a careful note of this part of the conversation and allow time for further reflection, time to pick the best future opportunity to make best use of it. He merely follows up with a bland and apparently unconnected question of his own.

"Mr Randolf, have you had any relationships in particular with a company called AKE or any negotiations involving a man called Anatoly Kustensky?"

Randolf's face lightens. At last a straight question to which he can give a straight answer.

"AKE? Nope. Not with them. We have not done anything with them or their associates."

The Specialist

"Mr Randolf?"

"Yes, Martha. What is it?"

"I have your 2pm in the outer office."


"Yes, that's right, Sir."

"Show her in, Martha. Show her right in."

A tall, fair, blue-eyed woman appears at the office door. Her camouflage trousers, desert boots and khaki sweat top mark her out as seriously different from the corporate Barbie's that normally walk the corridors on this floor. "Come in, Petra," Randolf calls.

The two shake hands and sit themselves down in the comfortable chairs, by the window.

"So, what's new in Germany?" Randolf watches as his PA shuts the office door and then turns back to Petra. "Have you found out any more about what happened to that dim bitch of a daughter of mine, yet?"

Petra Tennerby gives a tolerant smile. "That's a curious position for a loving father, Manfred."

Randolf snorts, "For a loving father, you're right. For a father that has to cope with the spawn of a bitch like Shanice, it's a reasonable reaction. Do you know about Shanice?"

"No, Manfred. I don't generally get involved with that sort of gossip."

"No, well, Shanice and I got married before we should have and probably for the wrong reasons. Her daddy was rich and my daddy wanted me to marry well and do well. We had a good couple of years ... Tracy was born ... I got more and more busy at the Corporation. Shanice got more and more busy with charities and socialising. I got to thinking she was more interested in what I could provide than she was interested in me. I guess she thought I was more interested in the Corporation than I was in her. Things can grow pretty sour pretty fast in that sort of soil. When Shanice left, well, let's just say things between us have not been amicable."

After a short reflective pause, Randolf gets back on track.

"Petra, this abduction wasn't about Tracy. This is personal. This is to get at me. This was a personal attack on me, something to get my attention, to get my attention to my finances. They wanted to get at me. Well, they did, they certainly did. And now, I've cleaned up every damn mess. All of the dogies are back in the corral (1). But, whichever bastard is running this game still hasn't returned my daughter to me! Now, come on,..."

"So, a loving father, after all?"

"Petra, I am a father who wants his daughter back, is very interested in the security of information about the Randolf Corporation and has no interest in being constantly nagged by his ex-wife. I admit: there were some debts. They have been repaid. My daughter still has not been returned. Now come on! This is your patch, Europe. Germany is still in Europe isn't it?"

Petra Tennerby smiles and starts on her report.

"Yep, it's still there and, as you know, I found the guy in the photograph. We had an 'interesting' evening together. He confirmed he had been hired as a bait. After spending the evening with Tracy, that was the evening of the last day she was in the office, he handed her over to the Abductors. I will spare you the details, but the guy I found is an amateur. On the other hand, the abduction team was 100% Pro. It seems Tracy was shipped out of Germany, probably by freight train, probably to Russia."

"And then?"

"I am afraid the trail in Germany goes cold. Investigating in Russia is a whole different ball game. I don't think we can really handle that ourselves. Yes, we employ people in Moscow, but none of them have the right training to follow through with something like this. They probably don't have the motivation, either."

Manfred sighs. He's not really surprised, but he's disappointed anyway. Still, Petra had confirmed his gut feelings about the situation.

"OK, Petra, now here is some information I have for you. This morning, by coincidence, I had a visit from the Houston FBI. A couple of agents. Holloway, I had met before. There was another one called Anderson who was older, maybe more senior. He was new. Anyway, it seems that some British gal who disappeared two years back has been found and she mentioned she had been held with an American called Tracy. The Feds and the CIA obviously think that this Tracy is my Tracy, otherwise they would not have come to see me. The British bitch won't talk: she has some syndrome or other..."

"Stockholm Syndrome?"

"Yeah. Something like that. I think you need to go and find her and then we will see what needs to be done after that."

"Did they say anything about her?"

"Her name is Jennifer McEwan. She was a postgrad at some university in England, studying psychology. She was found recently after she'd been out of sight for about two years. Her husband — Joseph — works for a civil engineering outfit who call themselves 'New Horizons in Civil Engineering, ' for goodness sake! Also, and this is particularly interesting in view of what you have just said, there seems to be a Russian connection. Anderson was very interested to know if I had any association with a Russki called Kustensky. The answer to that was 'No, ' by the way, but we are in the same business: energy and, in particular, oil and gas. Is that enough?"

Petra smiles. "Yes, that's plenty!"

"So, what next?"

"Now we have this new information, you want me to go on looking, right?"

"Absolutely right."

"So, this is not going to be cheap."

"Compared to being yelled at by Shanice, it's cheap. Besides, I don't like being played for a sucker. I've paid my dues. Someone isn't settling up with me."

"OK: I am heading to the UK to find Jennifer. I will keep you posted."

"Petra, find that British gal and screw the information we need out of her. I don't really care what you have to do and I am not going to ask. If you need me urgently, use the prepaid cell' I gave you. It's virgin. Unused. So, no one will have a trace on it. For routine updates, air letter, please. No one suspects the postman anymore!"

Petra smiles at Manfred Randolf's shrewdness. She smiles back in reply. She merely says, "You got it."


Petra Tennerby steps out from the foyer of her hotel. She's staying not far from London's Exhibition Centre at Earl's Court. It's a cosmopolitan part of the capital, not smart but not shabby either. Petra likes it; it's away from the hustle and hassle of the West End but it's a part of town where no one worries too much about your coming and going.

She's heading for breakfast. There's a special café in the Earl's Court Road, not one of the coffee clone chains: small tables, big couches, food cooked to order as long as it's what the chef feels like doing, twenty sorts tea and if you ask for coffee — well, you just don't ask — but the café also has free Wi-Fi.

Petra sits at a table by herself, orders tea and porridge with maple syrup and gets to work. That's an advantage of small tables. When your laptop is open, there is no room for anyone else and Petra is keen to work alone.

She opens her laptop and makes a list:

Jennifer McEwan



Joseph McEwan

New Horizons in Civil Engineering


Anatoly Kustensky.


Petra is an experienced investigator. Back home, Stateside, she has a Limited Liability Company called Spiral Galaxy Incorporated. The company is registered in Nevada where the state does not require the disclosure of the company owners, merely a local Registered Agent attached to an in-state law practice to receive any legal papers which have to be served and to settle any accounts which Spiral Galaxy cannot settle with PayPal.

Same as Touchdown
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"Was it like you expected? Did I do it right? Was it good Michael?" "You did that very well. It appears that you have had some practice." "No Michael, you are the first man to have his penis in my mouth. At our Academy each girl has a Sensei. She is a special teacher or mentor. All girls have three; four hour private lessons a week; with their Sensei to discuss anything they wish. The Sensei is sworn to secrecy much like a priest in the Catholic Church. My Sensei was born in 1959,...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 65

The Campbell brothers had driven their own cars out to Las Vegas so Cara returned to Los Angeles in the 767 with the Whitfields. The tigers were so eager to return to their chosen mates they were unable to remain still. Both of them endured teasing from all of the people as they restlessly paced up and down the giant aircraft. "Aren't you glad this is a widebody?" Marion asked. "This provides all sorts of room for you and your sister to pace." Duke, recognizing he was being teased, lay...

2 years ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 5 Sunset

A week later, I patiently explained to her quack that I was not a sex-a-holic and that Yvette and I had worked out our differences. "And what about needs outside the relationship with Yvette?" I reminded myself, again, that this man was Yvette's personal therapist. "I don't have any needs outside of my relationship with Yvette." "What about the incestuous relationship - your cousin? Sister?" "Both, at one point actually." I sneered, "I am a red-neck from Verginny." He didn't...

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Captains ChoiceChapter 3 The Busy Season

Del continued to live aboard during the winter. We took on a few charters and it gave us the opportunity to get to know one another. I really didn't know quite how to categorize her presence on board. She was almost like a big sister. A little older, a little more experienced, a little smarter, and yet a comfortable companion. There were times when I thought we could read each other's mind. When something needed doing, we both seemed to realize it at the same time. When we were on the boat,...

1 year ago
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Wife Got Fucked Surprisingly By Hubby8217s Friends

Hi this is Disha 26 years old from Bangalore so this is my true story. I am a housewife n got married before two years. We r settled in Bangalore. In my story if there is spelling mistakes am sorry. So let me start my story. At first wen v r married we had normal sex. N we both loved n trusted each other. Usually we have many fun in home. Some time he makes me roam naked in front of him n sometimes I don’t wear panty n bra n wear top exposing my boobs. My hubby likes to see me seminude. But one...

1 year ago
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Summer StormChapter 14

After twenty minutes in the truck, Jim got out to help us. I told them our decision. Jim nodded. He pitched in while Betty and Allen watched their children. I noticed that Jim worked with Sharon frequently in the hour plus that we needed to collect things to move them to our house. We collected food, clothing, and keepsakes that might suffer with cold weather. We did not take electronics or jewelry though the raiders had removed most that if the pieces were worth stealing. Once at home, I...

3 years ago
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My Male Driver And His Friends Part 1

Hi everyone it has been a really long time since I uploaded my last hot sex story (My autorickshaw driver addiction series). I’ve been very busy and barely had time to do this. But I wanted to share this story of mine. The events have been slightly altered to my fantasies but almost 90 percent of this story is still very true. Before starting I’d like to say. Please do not do things to a girl unless she has specifically given permission and please do not put her in a situation like the one in...

2 years ago
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Village Tales Alexia Pt 04

Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 4 6. The Slave Market Alexia awakened to find herself and other women she had travelled with, in a large bare warehouse. She was saddened that Wanda, the only person in her wagon she knew, was no longer with them. Wanda had been taken from the wagon one night by a brutish looking man and never returned. Although she realized that Wanda was probably better off now than being here in this cold building, it would...

1 year ago
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Disgusting Doctor D

This is my true story. One that I never thought I would have the courage to tell. Embarrassingly, looking back, I almost am turned on by the memories. This is, of course, over a decade after the humiliation that I suffered. Today I feel pretty well recovered, but I guess that is obvious since I'm sharing it here. I had been having abdominal pains, kind of like cramps. My annual exam wasn't due for another four months, so I had put off going to the doctor. Evidently, I put it off too...

3 years ago
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What a Foot ball Game I

I had worked the morning shift, one Saturday, as I was heading for the corner bus stop, Mr. Ronald pulled up beside me. Mr. Ronald was a constant customer at the burger joint I worked at, he had expressed his desire to help me make some money if I wanted too. I had been avoiding him since the night that he showed me how much I could make. 'Come, I have some friends that want to meet you,' he said. I looked at him and smiled, 'sorry I've got to get home,' I began to say, lot's of home work to...

2 years ago
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Busty Cousin Sister Gets Fucked

Hi guys and girls! This is Rahul and I from Chennai. I am currently 23 years old and I fucked more than 20 girls. This is my real life story. I had sex with my mother when I was in 12th standard. I have already posted my story about the sex with my mother, (that story name is busty mom gets fucked). I also had threesome sex with my mom and her sister. I have already posted that story. (threesome with my mom and her sister). I have got more than 500 mails regarding the reviews of my story. I am...

2 years ago
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A Little Trim 8211 The First Cut

I always got my hair cut at Schroeders. You know the one, down on Harbor Blvd., towards the beach. I went there, not because they were the cheapest, or the best, or even the fastest. I went there because they had the best looking ‘cutters’ around. I came to call it “Rock Slut Hair Cuts” because all the girls were young, thin, and looked like they fell right out of a rock video. It was very late Friday night when I stopped by. There were two other people getting trimmed...

1 year ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 3

I was wrong about the police waiting for me when we got back to the apartment. In fact, it looked like no one was there at all. Cassandra accompanied me in. I hadn’t thought about it, but it was her night on the rotation. Since it was so late, and there wasn’t anything else I could do about Jordan tonight, we went straight to bed. She showed me just how much of her costume was ‘tear-away’ and then crawled over to me as if it were like any other night we had spent together. The problem was, I...

2 years ago
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Frustrating beginning

I was invited to a party at a friends house after work one night and really didn't feel like going. Im Charly, 56 male and recently divorced. I didn't feel like trying to date just yet and decided to just do things stag. I made myself get ready and took my time.  I had a few drinks as I got ready and decided to just put on shorts and a tanktop as it was still warm. I decided to go commando as I felt a tingle in my nutsack after my shower. I had a cigarette as I put on my sneaks and rolled a...

1 year ago
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Swinging with D true story

Dear D, do you remember the night we had together?,At first you were reluctant. We met, it was strange after so many messages on Facebook. I was pleased to meet you, I confirmed that I liked you, and I think that you also liked me. You were sweet and smiled a lot. But then you were a bit tired, you were thinking of going home. You said that you were not dressed to go to a nightclub, and it was true, but I explained that this nightclub was diferente, you only needed lingerie. You were timid and...

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Friends with benefits

I'd known Jason since we were in third grade. I knew he'd had a crush on me for a long time, but I thought of him as more of a brother through school. We were very good friends. I dated a lot through high school and into college. Jason had the occasional girlfriend, but really don't date much and when he did it didn't last long. When I broke up with my boyfriend in college, Jason and I hung out a lot. I got real comfortable around him and would even change my clothes in front of him without...

3 years ago
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cock teaser

Tracey the cock teaserTracey was in her early 50s with an hour glass figure and large 38DD tits she had a bubbly personality and would flirt with everybody in her early years she was known to sleep around a bit and had got a bit of a reputation especially for sucking cocksTracey got on well with Brian who she worked with they were of similar age and had the same taste they would often flirt with each other often commenting oh I would love to fuck you Or I bet you would love me to suck your cock...

2 years ago
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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 2 Suntan and Sisters

The cook served me breakfast and said that she and the other staff would leave at 9 but be back tomorrow at 5. I thanked her and she said, “You and your sisters are very close. It’s good that you can be as intimate with each other as I saw the other morning.” Alarm bells went off in my head, thinking where this conversation was going. “I was as close to my two brothers,” she said, “and wouldn’t change a thing. I love them both. We still get together when their in the country.” She took my...

3 years ago
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The Swap ClubChapter 13 Phil Collins

Debby and I couldn’t make the next party, at Dan and Cindy’s. We had gotten free tickets to see Phil Collins at the Coliseum and were going there, instead. Or I should say Debby won free tickets, which was a crazy story in its own right. She won them only about a week before, the Monday before the party and the concert. I had tried buying tickets everywhere, but the concert was one night only and had been sold out within hours of going on sale. Debby really wanted to go, but we resigned...

1 year ago
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Full Figured Chic Ch 03

Gregor Sabatini sat at his desk putting the final touches on a cashmere shawl he’s been working on all week. The intricate lace edging set off the sheer thin weave of the cashmere, making this design, in Gregor’s opinion, one of his best so far. He paused to stop and look. ‘Greg. Get in here.’ The phone intercom buzzed at him, breaking him out of the reverie that captured him so deliciously. Jay. And by the sound of the tone, he was upset. Gregor reached for the intercom. ‘No problems...

1 year ago
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My Sons Girlfriend

My Son's Girlfriend - Part 1 by CutePatti My son Paul was what you would call a 'late bloomer' especially when it came to the opposite sex and...well, girls, in general. I was even starting to think maybe he was gay. Not that he had any out-of-the- ordinary relationships with guys...but still, ya know? He was 18 and a freshman in community college before he even had a date. So it was a welcome surprise when that finally happened. And then he became serious with the girl he first...

3 years ago
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The Foot Slave

Mistress Pandora beamed at her lovely foot slave. Her beautiful, willowy body, with tanned and soft skin, gleamed in the low lighting. In the short time that they had been together, Victoria had been perfect. She knew the right way to sit; her legs slightly parted and totally naked. “Victoria, I have a surprise for you,” Mistress said. Her foot slave remained silent, but had a small smile. Pandora watched, as she sat straighter; opening her legs a bit wider. Victoria loved to displayed, and...

2 years ago
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I Lost My Virgnity With Friend8217s Mom

Helle dosto ye mera pahela chudai story hai. Mai apne 1k online friend k bollne pe story likhne k liye ready hua hu.Pahle mai apna introduction de deta hu mera nam raj hai, age 20 height 5-10, skin fair,land size more than 7 inches aur mota bhi hai. Mai sports man hoo iss wajh se mera stamina bhi acha hai. My friend name is arjun [name change] ye mer colg ka dost hai ham flat le rakhe hai aur sath hi rehte hai goa mai studies k liye ye bhi mere hi age ka hai.Mere dost ki maa ka nam renu [name...

1 year ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 27

Kat thought about joining in; she even pictured herself climbing up onto the counter and covering Lexi’s sweet face with her crotch. But for some reason she decided not to. Partly it just seemed too physically taxing for this hour of the morning, but mostly her mind was just elsewhere. After watching Lexi and her mother go at it for a minute, Kat poured herself half a cup of coffee and went back up to her room.Upstairs she powered up her computer and started looking for an article she needed...

3 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 6

Bill called me Sunday night. At first, he pretended that he had called just to talk to me, but then he kept asking me questions about Kate until I finally asked him if he wanted to speak with her. He told me that he wouldn't mind just saying hello to her. I called Kate to the phone and she and Bill talked for the next hour. I was in the living room when Kate came to get me to tell me that Bill wanted to talk to me before he hung up. I went back to the phone. "What did you and my cousin do...

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The Sacred Band Ch 09

I had not realised how much I was victim of my childish arrogance until I met Denise. I had been used to being one of the two or three prettiest girls in school, and, being good at games, a bit of a leader. In fact, I must confess that when Mary Holland was made Head Girl instead of me, I was filled with jealousy. I kept it well hidden up to the time when we had an inter-house hockey match and I shoulder-charged her so hard that she broke her collar-bone. I can’t say I had any pity for her....

2 years ago
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A Party with Carol Pt 2

The sight of two beautiful small firm arses presented to me certainly made me grow. Okay, I am around six and a half, maybe seven inches, is that enough girls? Was this heaven? They parted their legs allowing me access to push my hands between them and stroke two hot and very moist pusses. Wow, that had me even more turned on. “Oh yes. More, more,” they were moaning, writhing under my touch. I stood back and spanked Jane’s right cheek. “Ooh, yeah.” Taking my very swollen and hard cock in...

Straight Sex
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A New Submission Part 1

Samantha sat on the train heading into London and staring out the window. She tried to keep her composure but inside she was shaking with nerves, this was going to be a day she would never forget.To set the scene correctly, Samantha is 22 years old, a petite 5’1” and weighs just 49 kilos. However despite her small frame she has a more than ample 34D chest that certainly gets some looks! Her hair is long straight and brown and she has a very pale complexion. Her white skin on this day is...

1 year ago
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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 9

April got Viv's attention by waving as soon as she entered. She invited Viv over with a come hither gesture, then motioned for her to sit. "Viv you remember Detective Rice?" she asked. "Sure," Viv answered. "Are you two friends?" "Oh I'm not sure just what April and I are," Lois said. "We are the kind of friends that two women who have screwed the same guy become," April said. Before Lois could object she went on. "So are you out trolling?" "Came in for a drink. I like men...

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Rainy 4th makes coeds wet

The PA system crackled one last time and as if to put an exclamation point on it a peal of thunder shook the skies and the drops of rain that fell got a little bigger. “So much for fireworks tonight.” I heard one of the college girls say as we all scurried back into the rear of the orchestra shell that had been erected for the night. Fortunately, it was deep enough that we could all put our instruments away without getting soaked, but getting to our vehicles was going to be whole different...

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My first time

This happened to us during summer break from school at a young age with my best friends girlfriend and a friend of mine. My best friend Brian had been seeing Becky, one of the girls in the neighborhood for a few weeks now. Becky was a blonde not chubby nor thick, maybe between thick and your normal girl with tits bigger than any other girl of her age I'd say C cups. Brian was the textbook bad boy, always getting into trouble and girls were drawn to that big time. The night before Brian and...

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Swimsuit cum walk in public

I was on holiday very close to the beach, a year or two ago, to cut the story short I met a few guys and things progressed. Early one morning we had arranged for them to come to my room, to which I answered the door in one of my many swimsuits. The swimsuit I wore to answer the door was a sporty one, quite tight on my body, hugging it very well and felt goodto wear, a blue and black colour. Well needless to say the 7 of us had some good fun with them sliding their cocks in and out of my pussy...

2 years ago
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Unwanted attention Chapter 10

Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 10 ...

3 years ago
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Fb Friend Abhay Ne Mom Ko Choda

Hello friends. Ye sexstory mere mom aur unke ek facebook friend abhay ki hai . Abhay ne phele meri mom se dosti ki aur phir wo meri mom ke saath sex kia. Meri mom ek housewife hai aur unka figure 38-32-38 hai. Unke boobs aur gaand kafi bari hai .Wo ghar pe jada nighty pehenti hai jisse dekh ke ass pass wale uncle unko gandi najar se jada dekhte hai. Ye story tab ki hai jab papa kai week ke lia bahar rehte the aur mai hostel me. Mai unka facebook id dekh raha tha ki ek abhay naam ka ladka unse...

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