A Matter Of TrustChapter 2 free porn video

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So that recouped some of my lost salary, but when Stacy finally got home that night and I told her about it, she gave me that same odd kind of knowing smirk as before and went into the bedroom.

Damn, had all that contempt been there all along and I was just now seeing it?

I tried to use the phone to call out for pizza, since neither of us was apparently interested in cooking. She was on the line when I picked up and she just banshee'd: "I'M ON THE FUCKING PHONE, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!"

Now how am I supposed to know when another person is already on the line? It's not like an office phone where you have multiple lines and the little lit indicators shows that a line is active.

I went out to the Subaru and drove down to Papa John's to get dinner, pondering the ups and downs of these past two days. I had to laugh about the crazy twists and turns of luck these past 24 hours. I was feeling relieved and pretty good and figured I was lucky, and so I thought it was time to challenge fate.

I parked down the row from Papa John's, walked into the next-door convenience store and bought a whole two weeks' worth of plays in the Humoga-Millions lottery. As play numbers, I used all the salaries that had been tossed around. In numeric order, I marked in 28 (for $28K: Gloria's original salary and my first new salary), 40 (my current new salary), 44 (Gloria's first new salary), 50 (Gloria's current new salary), 65 (my old salary), with the Humonga-ball number being 3 for the big whoop $3K savings that Cedric got after all the dust had settled.

The outside display card said that the lottery winnings were up to about $71 million and the biweekly drawing was tonight. I put the lottery ticket in my wallet and went into the carry-out. Ten minutes later I toted the pizza boxes to the car and headed home, with the smell of hot pepperoni making my mouth water.

That pizza was destined to get damned cold before anyone ate any of it that night.

When I waltzed in, calling out that I had dinner, Stacy was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of bourbon in front of her and the bottle right within reach.

Now neither of us was much of a drinker. Mostly a glass of wine or a beer now and then. The hard stuff was for guests when we entertained. Which was never, so I stopped stocking it some time ago.

That bottle of Jack Daniels I'd given away back in the office was something I had taken away from a secret boozer at the company. I caught him hitting it out back one day. He wound up getting fired anyway, and I had never gotten around to disposing of it until that going away chat with Olly and his buddy.

But there Stacy sat with a half-empty tumbler. She had been sipping at it; her face was splotchy red. I idly wondered where the booze had come from.

She ignored the pizza box and stared down into her glass of courage.

"Jeff, we have to talk."

And there it was!

I sat down across from her, wondering what the hell was going on. "We have to talk" in a marriage is the equivalent of "Incoming!" when you're in combat.

I assume she'd been trying to work up the courage for who knows how long to say what was on her mind. The ethanolic fortitude must have been just what she needed.

What she had to say was short and decidedly nonsweet.

"I'm filing for divorce," she said. "This is a no fault state and all I have to put down for grounds is that there are irreconcilable differences."

I was ... what? Absolutely blind-sided!? Gobsmacked!?

I sputtered and stumbled over my own words, looking wildly about, and finally staring at her. She was looking at me, but was not seeing me. I felt once more what I had sensed before — she was there, but not there. This had been one of those non-sex weeks, but it had been barely a week since she had been passionate. What had happened? Why was this happening?

I tried to get her to tell me what was going on ... what was wrong. What had I done to make her want to leave? I asked her couldn't we talk things out; get some counseling, and all that. I asked her what she wanted me to do.

"Just let it go, Jeff, we're done," was what she finally said.

I know I wasn't very coherent. But it didn't matter; Stacy had made up her mind and had already packed her bags.

"I'll be staying with a friend," she announced. "I'll come back for the rest of my stuff on the weekend. This is a community property state., You can have the house, but when the court does the property split, you'll have to sell it and split the equity, or keep it and pay me half of the equity. Either way I get my money, so I don't really care. There is nothing here for me.

Apparently that included me.

"Jeff, I'm filing for irreconcilable differences, but the real reason is irreconcilable boredom! If it weren't for the trips I got us, you'd sit on your dead ass all the time. All you want to do is talk and read and go for walks and fuck. I want some freedom, and night life, and a lot more fun in my life.

"It'll take just over six months for the final decree. I'll be filing next Monday."

She seemed to be pretty much up on divorce law, I thought. When your brain is frozen, you always seem to notice little irrelevancies.

After she left, I sat staring at the bottle, sorely tempted. But I put it away and called Gloria, who by then seemed to be my only real friend. I don't know what she was doing, but when I said I needed a friend, she said she'd be right over. And she was; her car pulled up in 25 minutes.

We sat down and ate reheated pizza and I told her what had happened. We were sitting on my couch by then, and as I got to Stacy's last words I lost it and teared up. Not very manly of me, but hell, I told you I could be girly-man-like. Then the uptight proper Miss Gloria Halop drew me into her arms and pulled my face down to her glorious bosom.

But I didn't even notice. I was too busy crying. Also not very manly, but what did I care? If Gloria took me for a wuss, so what?

My marriage maybe hadn't been all that great, lately, but I went into it full of love for Stacy. How could I not weep over what had happened to that? I still had residual feelings for my wife, even then. Old feelings don't shut off in a few seconds. They're more like a giant flywheel, spinning with a huge amount of rotational momentum. All those feelings were built up over the years. Eventually the wheel will slow down, and finally it will stop. But it takes time, unless someone applies brakes.

I told Gloria everything. Eventually I got to the sex, in that odd on-again off-again pattern, and how it had been pretty good, I thought. But with newfound hindsight I could now recognize it as fairly perfunctory. Any two healthy people could have had what we had, but there had been an ingredient missing. And as I pondered it, with my face between Gloria's large, soft, warm boobs, I recognized the missing ingredient. Love. From Stacy's side. No, along with the absence of love, was the absence of Stacy. She had been there in the flesh, but not in spirit. I had been a convenient fuck partner.

As I came back into the here and now, I realized how nice it felt to be where I was. Without thinking I started nuzzling through the fabric of her blouse and stiff bra. Gloria didn't do or say anything. I reached up and cupped my hand over the tip of the breast I wasn't nibbling on. I felt her sharp intake of breath. And still she did nothing.

Then I came to my senses and realized that this was Gloria!

I suddenly came up for air, and I'd bet my face was as red as Gloria's. Nothing more happened and nothing ever was said about it. We both sat back a little bit apart and continued to talk.

I began going over the past year or so of the marriage. Just talking it all out to my friend. There had been a subtly slow erosion of warmth and openness. Stacy had never been careful about money, but in the recent run-up to this bombshell, in hindsight, she had gone profligate. I'd looked up the recent credit card statements and they had a lot of added charges.

Gloria told me I'd be wise to do a number of things to protect myself, like canceling out our joint charge cards. I could do most of it over the internet, as long as I could pay them off. All I had to do was log in properly and I could move money around.

Once Stacy had started putting her paychecks in her own accounts, I had phased out our joint checking and savings accounts. Now both were in my name. I had to pay off as much as I could of the credit card balances, which flatlined the cash I had available in savings. I was left with one Visa Card that still had a balance, but it had some room on it and I was able to get her name off it. I would pay off the rest of her charges in a few months, and it left me one card that I could use.

I could do it all over the internet, although I had to take some phone calls to confirm some of the moves. They were all 24-hour operations. Taking the confirmation callbacks on the home phone number of record and answering the little security questions got everything done.

I called the 24-hour classified ad line of our big local daily newspaper. I dictated one of those ads about no longer being responsible for the debts of Stacy Markey Grundvig, nee, Stacy Lynn Markey and charged it to my one remaining Visa card. Then I got a 24-hour locksmith service to come change the door locks and I reprogrammed the garage door opener code. I left a message on Stacy's cell phone that she would have to get me to open up the house when she came by to get her stuff. She didn't call back or respond otherwise.

As we waited for the locksmith, Gloria and I continued to talk. I mentioned that bipolar sex thing: having sex on one week or so and then being cold-shouldered the next. Gloria thought that was strange and wondered if there was anything behind it.

"Jeff, you say she didn't say anything about another man in her life, but I'm suspicious. If there were problems, I'd think she'd want a separation. But she is going straight for divorce. It seems like her strategy's all mapped out and that makes me think there's another man involved. Call it my just being attuned to the devious female mind."

I had nothing to say to that. We sat up late, drinking wine. We came to no great conclusions, but I appreciated her company and her sympathy. It got late, and with the wine in her, eventually Gloria wound up crashing on my couch. After my gaffe, I was the complete gentleman.

She got up sometime in the middle of the night and let herself out to go home.

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So I began my third stint living alone. This time was the hardest. Back when I had never been married before, I had no idea what being married could be like. I wasn't together with Nicci long enough to really settle into married life. All I remember of it was great sex and betrayal.

Oh yeah. Betrayal. My mind went back to that fiasco of a marriage.

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The place I went to for my first real job was not exactly a warm, welcoming town. It was no Mayberry, RFD. It was closed, and insular, and not all that friendly to outsiders, and I was an outsider, not one of them.

After I'd been there five months, I met and fell in love with Nicole Stempler. Nicci was a beautiful woman, and I was just stocky old Jeff. It was almost like something out of a storybook. And in true storybook fashion, Nicci smiled upon my attempts to woo her. I set aside my feelings of unworthiness, courted her and won her hand in marriage, as the storybooks say.

Well, marry in haste; repent at leisure, as they also say. Damn it! Why are they always right?

Much too late to do me any good, I learned that my blushing bride had been something close to the town slut. Apparently damned near every man she met was taken with her, and she was taken by a lot of them. I was new, and an outsider and didn't know anyone there very well, or at least not anyone who could or would have tipped me off.

No one said anything to me about her reputation before our wedding day. Not the people I worked with and not any of my neighbors. We got married in a church full of people who had either known Nicole in the Biblical sense, or knew someone who had. There were some odd things said during the reception toasts but they sailed over my head.

I came home early one day after we'd been married less than a month and found Nicci entertaining two of her old boyfriends. Physically. Simultaneously. The police came and took me away for assaulting the two louts. I'm no Chuck Norris, but I can take care of myself in a fair fight. In that fight, I was outnumbered two to one, but the odds were weighted in my favor since my opponents had their pants and briefs down around their ankles when we started.

Luckily, the magistrate was a believer in old-style family values and justice and ruled it was justifiable something-or-other. Mayhem, maybe? I put those two guys in the hospital.

As I waited for my divorce to become final, THEN everyone came forward and told me all about Nicci's history. Well thanks, but the timing was a bit off!

You want to know what was funny? Nicci kept calling me, from the day I caught her and moved out until the day I dropped my old cell phone off a bridge on the way out of town. I never took her calls. If she called me from an unfamiliar caller ID number, I'd hang up as soon as I heard her voice.

She wrote me letters. I'd like to be able to tell you I tore them up unread, but that'd be a lie. I read one of them out of morbid curiosity. She wrote that she had married me because I turned her on AND was a guy with a future, unlike all of those ex-jocks and slackers that she had been messing around with.

Now get this: she wrote that once we were married, she began to realize that she was falling in love for the first time in her life. She had the gall to write that. But she also said that she had such a slutty hunger for sex that no matter how ardent I was, she would still want more. I guess it was like Chinese food or something. You know, how an hour later you're hungry again?

So she had continued screwing around behind my back before, during(!), and after our wedding day. She said that she had just been too stupid and immature to realize that she had to stop messing around, and had to do something about her hungers. The guys had kept calling her and she'd just gone along the way she had always done. It was just meaningless sex, she wrote.

Why do people say that: "meaningless sex"? It sure as hell was meaningful to me!

Well, as I said, I wasn't married to Nicci long enough to learn what being married is really like.

But I had had five fairly good years out of six with Stacy, and I enjoyed them. They taught me that I liked the companionship and everything that went with that. It was not just the sex, although the sex was an important part of it.

It was having someone there who cared for me. Not just screwing in bed but waking up comfortably entwined with a familiar warm presence. Companionship. Friendship. Knowing that someone loved me, no matter how shittily the rest of the world was behaving.

Even as shocked and angry as I was right now, I knew I could not be happy as a single, not for the rest of my life.

But it sure was beginning to look as if the only women I seemed to be able to attract were betrayers. Or that there was something wrong with me that drove woman into betrayal. Well, ok, that wasn't true for Nicci, she was simply a slut, but it sure looked like it for Stacy.

To make things worse, Stacy was still working at AGC in the travel office and I had to pussyfoot around, trying to avoid her. It was too soon to even pretend that I was getting over her or getting completely out of being in love with her. There was a lot of pain and a big void inside. Someone in a movie once used the term, "soul-sick." I kinda felt like that. The flywheel still had a lot of angular momentum and was still spinning.

I brooded. I had obviously been a big flop as a husband. In hindsight, I thought I could see dozens of ways that I could have done better. Been more attentive to her needs, been more open about my inner thoughts, things like that. Why did I take the most important person in my life for granted?

I was brooding on that one day when Gloria and I went to lunch one day, (yes, lunch! A first!), I happened to mention something to her about all that. Well, I guess I was wallowing in self pity and guilt, or trying to, and she shot me down big-time.

Gloria said that all that was bullshit!

"When did Stacy ever think of your needs, Jeff?" she said. "You struggled to pay the bills and she kept all her pay for herself. She had opportunities for you both to travel, but did she ever book places that you wanted to see? Not that I can recall.

"Anyone can look back and see things they wish they had done better. Hell, we're none of us perfect. But from everything I could see, or any one else who knows the two of you, you were a damned fine husband. Stacy was a drone as a wife, in addition to being six kinds of a fool and probably a cheating slut.

"And believe you me, Jeff, there are plenty of woman at AGC who think you are a pretty special guy."

I said, "What? Really? Who?"

"Never you mind," she said, with an odd look in her eye.

But her first comments turned my thinking around. Now I wasn't all that hot to defend Stacy's behavior so much, that's for sure. I was flattered that Gloria thought so highly of me. I decided to not to ask for more details about the legions of AGC women who might be interested in me. That seemed to be something that Gloria regretted telling me.

When I thanked her for her good opinion of me, Gloria blushed.

From our friendlier relationship and the conversations that came out of it, I'd learned that she was 30 and had never been married. Since college, she had been taking care of her mother, Bessie, who had a sharp mind confined in a slowly degenerating body. It was one of those conditions where the nerves that control the muscles were wearing out and could not be regenerated. Gloria never said whether there had ever been any men in her life; that part of her personal life was still off limits.

That bipolar thing, I'd mentioned: the on again off again sex with Stacy, seemed to fascinate Gloria, and she'd been pestering me for specifics. At first I admitted that my memory was not good about stuff like that, but Gloria asked about my planners.

My planners? It's funny the things that are right under your nose and you never think of them. I always kept a daily planner, a little book tucked in my shirt pocket. I started it to keep track of business appointments and deadlines and the like. But I soon found myself using it a little bit like a diary.

If something happened out of the ordinary, even if it was something personal, I'd make a little note. Like a packrat I'd hung on to all the filled up planners. I figured I could never know when I might have to reconstruct something for a long ago expense account or even the IRS.

We dug them out and went through them for the past year. By now Gloria was an almost daily visitor after work. I offered to stop by her place, but she said she preferred coming over to mine. That was OK with me. Anything to have her company. Like I said, she was my best friend.

We figured Stacy's little mystery out; or rather Gloria did, over the next few weeks. Since she was certain there was another man involved, it informed her search for clues. At first I was not on board with her theory, what with all of our past discussions of fidelity. But Gloria was pretty good at planting seeds of doubt.

I had begun to wonder about this friend that she had gone to live with. I could not name a single female friend that Stacy had ever spoken of. There had never been any socializing or girl's nights out. I wasn't about to go sleuthing and following her, but Gloria told me that no one among her friends at AGC could name a gal pal of Stacy's. So who was she living with? Surely, Stacy could not be with another man, could she?

Gloria solved the puzzle. Her resolution traced back about a year to a few months after Stacy had gone back to work booking travel for AGC. Picking apart the changed pattern; the bipolar thing, Gloria kept at it until she nailed it.

I'd described Stacy as a woman who liked sex, and our marriage had been very active in that department. Until around that time.

"About a year ago, Stacy got herself a lover," she said, "only he was not available for sex every week. Either he was married and had to spend some quality time with his family, or he traveled, which meant he was in Sales. When he was available, that would usually be for a whole week, and she'd tell you she was working late ... That was bullshit; she was spending the extra time in the sack with him at a convenient motel."

"When she'd been with him, she'd come home all satisfied and make excuses to cut you off. She didn't need sex with you; she was sated.

"But when he was away or unavailable, she'd condescend to sexing with you. You've been playing second fiddle, Jeff. You were her economic support; your income provided her a comfortable home. As soon as she thought that you'd lost your earning power, she went to Plan B: she dumped you and went to live full-time with the guy. So she's divorcing you.

"Once she'd made the decision for the break, the die was cast and you getting your job back was irrelevant."

I wasn't able to think up anything better as an explanation. Shit! She had been unfaithful for a year or more. Stacy had been a tolerater rather than a participating love- partner. All I'd been good for, to Stacy, was to fill the gap; nothing more. She'd been using me as a warm dildo when the better option wasn't available!

And after the way that she had talked about and vowed about fidelity!

Now that she was sure she was on to Stacy's game, Gloria went into full detective mode. She used her girls' network contacts to check out the Sales department schedules and figured out what salesmen were away on the string of nights when I had been getting lucky.

Once they knew what to look for, it wasn't hard to spot the guy. The one guy whose schedule matched was one of the top salesmen, Charley Cowell.

Gloria said she'd never seen the guy, but the story was that Charley was a real handsome hunky dude with a bit of a rep as a player among the ladies. The single girls he'd played with said he was quite the man between the sheets. And well-hung.

And according to her informants, he was a hell of a salesman; between his commissions and bonuses on top of his salary, he made twice what I'd been making before I got fired.

I was plotting under my breath about how to ambush Charley Cowell with a two-by four, but Gloria could read my mind. She told me to forget it.

"It would make your bruised ego feel better for a little while, but it wouldn't solve your problems, it would just add to them. Look, Stacy lied and lied and cheated on you. You want her back?"

I shook my head. The cheating was beyond decisive.

"Ok, so what else does it get you? Assault charges. Even if they take everything into consideration and you get probation or community service instead of jail time, you'll have a criminal record.

"And there's another thing. Now Jeff, I have to be honest here. I don't want to be bruising your ego any more than necessary, but even with a two-by-four, if Charley Cowell manages to avoid your first swing, you'd be in trouble. Charley's a seriously large man and a former college offensive lineman. I'd hate to have to have to come visiting you in the hospital, if you get my drift. I'm sorry if that makes you feel disrespected. I have great respect for you, Jeff, but I'm trying to talk reality here."

She was giving me a hug as she was disrespecting me, and it didn't hurt my ego as much as you'd think it would. I really liked the way she plastered herself against me. Naturally I put my arms around her. I thought, well there went my fantasies of kicking his ass in front of Stacy!

To further take the sting out of her words, she leaned forward and brushed her lips against mine in a sweet, tender, completely unexpected kiss. How could I be pissed off at her after that, even though I still felt that she wasn't giving me credit for being able to handle myself.

I thought; tell that to Nicci's bed buddies!

But reality was reality; in this I knew she was right.

The bottom line about Stacy was that for all of her strong convictions and bitter experiences, and vows about faithfulness; all it took to seduce my wife was a skillful seducer, a bigger cock, possibly some sexual techniques that it took a big cock to achieve, and a bigger income than me. I didn't figure that Stacy would have blown up our marriage just to be a kept woman. I suspected that Charley was dangling the old carrot of a marriage down the road.

In addition to whatever else he was dangling.

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I was trying to adjust, but not feeling very good about myself on almost every level. A failure as a husband, a two-time loser at marriage, and a proven also-ran in the sack department, it seemed like.

Gloria and I went out to lunch almost every day now, and my head was so far up my ass I never even noticed how differently we were getting along. Not at first. But things were improving, gradually. Every so often I would lose myself in my work and could spend a whole day without feeling down on myself.

Then, on this one day, we were in the small Production floor snack room and someone said something about Stacy and her new guy Charley Cowell, and it got to me. We were still married for Christ's sake and she was openly shacking up with the guy.

And I was under strict orders about even thinking about two-by-fours.

So on that day I froze up and shut down my first hot reactions. I quietly got up and went back to my desk and soldiered though the rest of the workday. But Gloria had seen my face when I heard that remark, and she watched me all that day. Then she simply would not let me go off to my home alone at quitting time. She invited me out to dinner and spent the evening trying to cheer me up.

"Jeff, you are a much better person than her," she said. What she is doing is giving her body to a guy she thinks will be a better meal ticket. What else is that but whoring?

"And you have it all over him, too. Charley Cowell may be a top salesman, but he does that on his aggressiveness and charm, things that he was born with. You were born with a quieter manner, but you are a decent charming highly intelligent man. And everything that you have, you have worked hard for. Charley breezes into an office and everybody immediately likes him and they are willing to do business with him. He has never shown any evidence of having an original thought, except maybe when it comes to seduction.

"You? Well, I've never seen anyone who was as good a problem-solver as you. And what about all those ideas you have about changing Tech Lit? Where do we stand on that now?"

Well she knew how to change the subject and get me going, that was for sure. I did have some ideas, and they were pretty novel for a conservative place like AGC. I knew from bitter experience that none of them would ever fly as long as Cedric was in charge, but I kept working on them — refining them.

They were damned good ideas, I thought. And talking about them to a sympathetic listener took my mind off the other stuff I kept thinking about, all the negative stuff about myself.

As I said before, I had been thinking about the possibilities of online publishing.

[Jeff's Note: The stuff that comes now is maybe kind of boring if all you're interested in is the personal stuff. Feel free to skip it unless you're really into publication detail. Ok, you have been warned.]

The way we did our documents at AGC was a traditional model. We had all of our printer-ready electronic files stored across town with a sheet-fed press printing service: Acme Printing. When we got down to a certain level of inventory of a document, I'd get a tickler email from the inventory database and would call Acme up and order a press run, usually around 250 to 500 copies.

It worked, but it was pricy. Small press runs were expensive per copy. So why didn't we order a more cost-effective run, like about 10,000 copies? In printing, the bigger the run, the lower the cost per copy.

Well, this is technical literature, and one thing constant about TechLit is that it changes — all the time. That's because the products and services that were documented in the TechLit were always being tinkered with. Customer feedback might identify a problem and that would get our engineers busy on a fix. Or a parts supplier might discontinue a part that we used and we would have to use an alternative. Or someone might just spot an error in our TechLit. The QA in Pubs was sometimes sloppy, and there was no way that Gloria and I combined could catch all the errors, although we did our best. Things like that happened fairly often.

Same as A Matter of Trust
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I Was Just Trying To Help

I Was Just Trying To Help By SpeechMaster Thank you for all of your kind notes and warm support for my previous stories.Please be aware that this story take a little bit of time to develop, so pleaseread with patience. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to say up front that I did not marry for money. Although it is nicethat my husband is wealthy, it was this amazingly kind, loving and energeticman and his shy 16 year-old daughter that was the true...

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The Special Gueat

You are a 31 year old Army veteran. You're in decent shape and have continued working out and wrestling after your time in the military. You're 6'2, look good but not movie star good. You have chronic joint pain, it's ever present but comes in waves of intensity that only the gods can predict. Alcohol and baths are regular remedies and treatments. You wake up after your week of staycation ends, dreading the return to work. It's really not that bad, your in the distribution industry and drive a...

Group Sex
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Wedding Day

I can't believe it, "that day" has arrived... It has been so long in the making, so many people have come and gone - never quite making the cut.. But Him, He was different.. He earned your love.. He is the only one I would be willing to release you to...For so many years I was the one that was there, helping you sort through the puzzles, helping you pick up the pieces.. Being your lighthouse to keep you from crashing you on the rocks in the worst of your storms.. all the while using you for my...

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Anuja Meri Sali Aadhi Gharwali 8211 Part 2

To friends main ranjit mishra,hazir hu phir anuja meri sali,adhi gharwali- part 2 lekar, ha dosto to anu aur mai hum dono dukan me dakhil huye,aur anuja ne bras aur panty dekhne shuru kiye.. Lady-what would u like sir and mam? Anu- actually i wanna buy undergarments for my self. Lady- yes sure! Your bra size mam? Anu- its 36.. Meri taraf dekhkar anu hansne lagi.. Me- hmm jaldi karo,i hv some patients lined up in clinic… Jb anuja ne choose krna start kiya to lady ne kaha aap ki wife bahot...

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San Angelo

All characters depicted in this fanciful tale are over twenty-five years of age. I am well aware that I am no Tom Cruise. I don’t have his looks, although I am taller. I don’t have anywhere near his money, although I have suddenly come into a huge fortune by my own standards. In my nearly forty years as an attorney I have not earned the thirty or so million dollars he has purportedly made portraying them in film, although financially I have done alright. I do have various complaints, but not...

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The Cruise

The Cruise Ramifications Rod had been invited to join his brother Jack on a cruise for the day. Although he loved to sail, he didn’t really want to go, but eventually agreed. Rod was a single man who had been engaged once in his life. He was a tall, well built man of 43 years and was not particularly looking for a romance. He had dark brown hair and clear blue eyes that shone when he smiled. As he boarded his brother’s yacht, he noticed a few ladies milling round on the dock. He asked his...

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My first Crossdresser Part Three

Harrah's was crowded, loud, and bright. She walked in front of me, holding my hand and leading us through the maze of people. I didn't mind being led because I could watch her walk, her ass and legs were as sexy as any I've ever seen. We made it through Harrah's, lurched onto the street and into the cool night air. The sidewalk was crowded still, but now we could walk side by side, hand in hand. I could hear giggles and whispered comments as we passed other pedestrians, but I didn't care. We...

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Lilys First Time

Lily and her girl friends were sitting around watching the guys play basketball. It was starting to get dark, so they were all going to have to leave soon. The guys decided the game was over and started making their way toward the girls. Lily was watching Steve. She knew that she shouldn’t stare, but he was so good looking. Lily thought she was OK, but not anything special. She had long dark blond hair and blue eyes, but she was bigger than most of her friends. She wasn’t really fat, she just...

1 year ago
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Dannys Mom Part 5 of 6

Danny's Mom - Part 5 of 6 In which Danny picks out some more revealing underwear, his mother begins choosing the clothes that he will wear, he breaks up with Craig, he begins wearing high heels, the neighborhood boys catch him sunbathing, a garter belt is added to his lingerie, his hair takes on a new color and he begins spending more time at the neighborhood bar. May Mom and I were walking through the mall the other day when she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small store...

4 years ago
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Andrew 1

I was in my front garden in shorts and T shirt when my neighbour Karen came walking towards me very quickly and agitated. “Oh Andrew, can you help me please I’ve got a leak in the kitchen and I’ve left Brooke holding a rag round it? I just don’t know what to do.”Karen, brunette and hot single mum, wearing a short skirt and T shirt was the object of my wildest fantasies and needed my help. I jumped up, eager to do my bit, “no problem Karen, let’s see what I can do”. I followed her to her house...

1 year ago
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Mandy Finds Out moms a Cum Slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! Amanda Blake was alone and bored. She wasn't supposed to be alone but her big Brother Timmy who was supposed to be her sitter was across the street at the park, playing ball with his friends. Her were visiting her Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry Barrett. They visited them one or two times a month and spent the whole weekend with them. They were very close, Aunt Cindy was her Dad's sister and Uncle Jerry was her Mom's Brother, They were married in a double...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 6

Hello readers, welcome to this beautiful journey. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Thanks for your feedback for the previous parts of the story. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next day was a Sunday so I didn’t worry to wake up Ayesha, I let her sleep well after her first orgasm of the previous night. She woke up around 10 a.m. and got ready. Mr. Husband had not returned home so we were the only two for the breakfast so we were on the dining table. I was in a kurti and leggings whereas...

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I have been married for over 20 years and have a wonderful relationship to my hubby, Jim. We have to two c***dren who now are away at college. It was hard to raise two c***dren and keep our marriage a happy one. Lucky for us that both of us love sex! Even when we went through some rough spots, we still managed to make love. Or at times fuck each other hard. It was our outlet for our frustrations. Sometime when things got real heated, we would fuck each other like it was no tomorrow. One time...

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Money Makes Them Talk

I live a life that most would only dream of. I work hard and I play harder. I’ve always stood by my motto, “money talks,” and it’s one thing I’ve been good at. I’m a very lavish person, one who has worked from the ground up to create his own investment company. I know that there are things you need to do to get to that point where you may never need to worry again. Even with that, there are constant struggles. Money equals power, and power only brings on the power trips. Drugs, drinking,...

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Like Mothers Like Daughters Uh Maybe

Shelly and I were more than best friends, we were lovers. Our mothers Kay Hackney and Ella Farnsworth were lesbian lovers with deep desires to be moms. Through invitro fertilization, they were both impregnated on the very same day. Shelly was born four days before me on October 31, 2002.Our Moms were both ecstatic as they wanted girls. So, Shelly Hackney and Darla Farnsworth were raised as sisters, albeit they were not blood related.Kay was the breadwinner as she worked full time as a paralegal...

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Bob Debbie

George and Veronica wandered about the party, a mix of old friends and new faces. George spotted a couple he’d never seen on the other side of the pool and gently nudged Veronica. "Look at those two," he said, motioning his head subtly at the tall man and lithe woman. Veronica followed George's gaze and smiled. Even though everyone was nude, these two stood out. Their bodies were completely smooth from the neck down, every nook and curve of their tanned skin visible in the afternoon...

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The Chiroprictor The beginning

The Chiroprictor (The Beginning)It was a very brisk day, mid December. Snow was blowing sideways across the eastern coast of South Korea. The car windows fogged slightly on their jet black Sonata as the couple sped south on Koreas main expressway. Gina, my Korean born Americanized wife was smiling as we had just completed our Christmas Shopping. She had also just gotten her Early Christmas present, a very popular Gucci purse from a top name dept. store in Seoul. It didn’t matter to me that had...

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No Good DeedChapter 4

I could barely contain myself until lunch, and I actually managed to get called out in class for staring off into space. When I got into the cafeteria at lunch, I marched to the table we all shared and grabbed a stunned Rachel from behind, lifting her off the ground. “Gah!” she squeaked out in surprise before seeing who grabbed her. “What the hell, Caspian?” “I heard you were the one who organized that counter protest, yesterday,” I said. I put her back on the ground, spun her around, and...

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School Librarian Seduces Enjoys Teen Girl 8211 Pt 3 Going Anal

Dear Readers, I would like to first thank everyone for sharing your comments, experiences, and love for my story till now even though I posted it a long time back. Because of some personal reasons, I couldn’t continue my stories at the time. Only because of your comments and interest I have planned to continue it from now. So welcome back everyone to this erotic ride. I would kindly recommend everyone the first and second part of the stories. You will understand and experience the complete...

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Rough fucking outdoorsa story

I will take you into the woods, press you against a tree, hold my hand on your neck as I m***** you, feel you, kiss you hard, slide my hand up your shirt, under your bra, squeeze your nipples as I press my mouth onto you....My hand will slide down your belly, down your leg and back up your skirt fingering your pussy, rubbing your clit, pressing inside of you as I hold your neck - you feel the tree bark against your back, feel your legs get weak, my fingers thrusting deep into you as I watch...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 12 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Anal Lesson

Michelle Meyers “What, Mom?” Kevin asked after I knocked on his door. I stood before my son’s bedroom in only my lingerie. A gray pair of panties and matching bra. It was a delicious lingerie set that my husband had bought me. It felt so naughty to be wearing it. A hot shudder ran through me. My pussy clenched, the heat swelling through my flesh. I wiggled my hips from side to side, savoring the heat billowing through my body. It rippled out of me. I bit my lower lip, the heat so exciting....

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 8

It was strange. This was the first time she'd ever woken up in the morning with her bed partner beside her (that time with Dave didn't count. They hadn't gone to sleep until 4 am, and only slept for three hours). After a while, lying there, doing nothing, it came to her. The strangeness wasn't because it was a different bed in a different room, and it wasn't the touch and warmth of that naked body pressing into hers. It was the smell. Stacy had her own unique smell. With the two of them...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Manea Valentina Fast Deep Anal Yoga

Manea Valentina was working with her yoga instructor Aaron Rock on her stretches. He was as hot as man can get. Muscles from head to toe. And yet he was not gay. She stripped off her pants so she could stretch better. His eyes liked it. She noticed his hard on. He opened his yoga pants and his giant black dick jumped into her face. She sucked it. He ate her pussy and ass. They fucked. A little in the pussy. The rest in the ass. His dick was way too big for her ass. Yet he fucked her hard. She...

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Amelie part 2

Later that same Wednesday, Amelie left her small, but cozy apartment and took the bus down-town. The incident had been an eye-opener to her. She had not really thought about such things before, but she was keen to learn more about it. At that time, the internet in the building where she lived, was having stability-issues, so when she got off the bus, she walked back a bit and turned down a narrow side-street. There was an old and very friendly second hand bookstore that she had visited on...

1 year ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 26

EDEN Vengal sat in his office on the main Eden airfield. He had long grown accustom to the constant roar of the Raptors taking off and landing, and it filled him with pride at each surge of power the Raptor's represented. Tareif's office and command headquarters was on the far side of Eden so one attack did not kill them both. He had grown quite fond of the High Elf War Master, and over the last weeks he and Tareif had become fast friends, as had their wives. This was a non-training day...

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Ochena Alap Ar Sex

Amr naam reshmi. Ami bibahito. Amr sami khub mejaji maje majei joghra hoy. Amr akta maye ache schoole pore. Khub dustu akdm amr ktha sone na. Amr hight 5’4 amr boobs size 38. Ami jkhoni kono cheler pass dea jai sei “uffs” bole othe. Ami sb smy patla chiffon sari pori jate amr boobs valo vabe boja jai.bolte paro ami aktu dustu sobhaber. Ami roj rate net er bra r panti pore suyi. Tobuo amr bor er sex othe na. Bole pore krbo bole suye pore. Ak ak smy mone hy japani tel nea or bara te rograi. Tale...

4 years ago
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Supermarket sex

This story is about some fun times me and my partner, William, had a couple of weeks ago. It all started with a bet we had on a football game, I lost the bet and unfortunately had to do a forfeit, chosen by my partner. He told me he would give it some thought and let me know. Well, a few days later I still hadn’t had my forfeit and so I thought, or perhaps hoped, that he had forgotten about it. We were running low on food and groceries and so I asked Will if we could go food shopping. He wasn’t...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 5 Interview with the Major

Later, Zulam took us for a cold shower and gave us a disposable toothbrush and a comb and afterwards we lay alongside each other on the bed. Both of turned our heads away from the sight of Sumala's back. He still groaned with pain and I wondered if the nurse would give him another injection before we went to sleep. Roger tried to make a whispered conversation but it was all speculation as to what would happen to us and why were we chosen and by whom etc. It wearied me so much that I curtly...

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The Power of the ChurchChapter 4

At the next meeting; they were all there, all except Samantha Deacons; who for one reason or another was still excluded from the activities of the RJDH, (Reverend James Deacons Harem). As they arrived Peggy brought with her George Smythes the forward boy who had shown the initiative to put his fingers into Peggy's over heated cunt; John Jenkins brought a rather pretty girl of eighteen; she was five three very slim and with 38C breasts; oh yes and her name was Barbara Cowelly but preferred to...

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Tease in the shower

NOTE: This is my first story ever, I hope you like it.....Joe patiently sat in the food court of the mall, finishing his greasy pizza slice and soda, wondering just how much longer he would have to wait to be able to go home. Christmas time at the mall is always a mad house and he never enjoyed diving into the crowds that pushed and shoved solely to get that last ugly sweater for Aunt so-and-so. He wouldn't have come at all if it hadn't been for the fact that he needed to find something for his...

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Unbelievable Sex With My Cousin Sister

Hi, everyone. I am Ajay from Bhubaneswar. Today I am going to narrate a real story of my life which happened 1year ago with my aunt (Bua)’s daughter. This incident happened on my brother’s marriage. She (Minu) came to our house to attend the marriage. Marriage passed and as well as reception. Oh! Let me tell you something about her. Her name is Minu and she was 20 years old, slim and paper white in colour. I didn’t have much more idea about the girl’s size and all these, as I was a shy type boy...

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Wife ke secret khola

My name is Anish 25 old and my wife is Vanitha 23 old living in Tamil nadu married before 2 years. She is very beautiful and very fair with 34 30 32 vital stats with 5.4 ht and 57 wt. We married before 2 years and it was an arranger marriage. She was reluctant in sex during my initial marriage days and later she made me extremely happy by giving very good company. We became very close that we do not have any secrets in between us. Recently after getting full confidence in me that I will love...

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The Day The Axe Fell

For me, childhood memories have always been elusive creatures. At times I struggle with a memory, trying my damndest to bring it to fore and nothing happens. I find myself with the very basics of the memory, but beyond that I can’t grasp anything. Then something happens at random and a memory comes to me in striking clarity. Some unknown visual cue, smell, or sound triggers a memory so powerful I have to stop in my tracks. That happened to me today, while standing in the hardware super-store. I...

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The Forest Nymph

The Forest Nymph The hunter paced silently through the forest, his bow held at a low ready. The sunlight that pierced the thick canopy was tinted a faint green, and a pale smoky mist collected around the forest floor. The hunter stood a proud 6'4'', and was nude but for his quiver and a small animal skin bag. His powerful lean frame attested to his hunting prowess; his muscles stood like knotted ropes, earned by a lifetime of chasing his meals. He had lost count of his age; his kind did not...

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My fantasy with Helen

I am about 47 years old now and this would make her about 42. I am married to a beautiful woman who has lost almost all interest in sex. The wonderful things that medications can do to you. I my fantasy I meet up with Helen at a fast food joint and she gives me one of those wonderful hugs that I just love. She pulls her self up against me and holds me tight as I do the same to her. We break apart and make small talk then go about our lives. But in my fantasy the hug lingers and I...

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Fuck Love

How I got there didn’t matter, nor did the location. As I walked into her dining room, our eyes met and I felt her need. That was what mattered most. Her hair flowed over her shoulders, her lips radiant and eyes sparkling. Our bodies connected, as she stood on her tip toes to seek out my lips and tongue. Hard nipples poked me as an electric shock flashed from my tongue to my toes. Fighting to not tear her clothes off, I gently held her face as our tongues wrestle with heat. Guiding her back...

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How do I explain? What is an affair, and what isn't? All I can do is start from the beginning and let you decide. My wife Rachel and I lived next door to our very best friends and neighbors for several years. In all that time we'd never even discussed, nor approached the possibility of doing anything outside our marriage, let alone with anyone we knew. As friends, we were certainly comfortable discussing and talking about anything and everything of course. Including sex. But that was always...

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Golden Desire Ch 07

Victoria and Daniel were out for a walk when they came upon the building site of a large house. ‘Another mansion?’ she asked looking with wonder at the scale of the construction. ‘Yes, another man who made his riches in the gold fields, I hear,’ Daniel replied. ‘I guess I’ll be meeting him soon.’ As the bank manager he met personally with all of the bank’s wealthier clients. She looked wistfully at the soon-to-be mansion. ‘Henry said we would live in a house like that,’ she said. ‘In New...

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First time with a ladyboy at the San Francisco Sou

It  had been a long week at work. So I decided to go to the Sound Factory for a drink and maybe get lucky with the ladies. As soon as I got to the bar, I spotted a beautiful asian lady wearing leggings with pantyhose and a sexy little top. She offered to buy me a drink, who am I to refuse. So we had a few drinks and went to the dance floor. The music was pumping and we started to grind on the dance floor. After awhile she suggested we go back to her place to get a little more familiar with each...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 18

Ikbar stood outside the laboratory of the great ship, waiting after having been summoned by the Chief Physician. He didn't knock, as the Chief Physician, Sibilius, would know, telepathically, the instant the Enforcer arrived. An instant later, the panel door slid open with a quiet hiss, allowing him entry. "You wanted to see me personally?" Ikbar asked, wondering why Sibilius didn't simply access the Praetor's database mentally to find out what he wanted to know. The Praetor kept...

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Living Next Door

An older story of mine, with a probably predictable outcome, but I don’t think that diminishes it any. — Nearly twenty years had passed since they moved in next door. For most of that time, Melissa and I had been friends. As children, we had played and as we got older, we became each other’s confidante, talking over the fence or in each other’s garden or house. It wasn’t as if we were alike. She grew into a beautiful ‘girlie’ girl whereas I, I have to admit, became a bit of a geek, but she...

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A friend asked me if I could do some house repairs for a senior woman he said had no money to do necessary repairs. I do it a lot for seniors with little money and most times don't have to charge them. He said she was a 72 year old widow with a big house.I got to the house Saturday morning and was met at the door by a short woman with a mean looking face but the next thing I noticed was her hair. It was multi colored. It was red yellow blue purple white and all sticking up all over the place....

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 9 Jonathon

"Mmmm, that feels so good," I told Jackie. "I'm glad you came in to see me. I was going to go to your room, but I didn't think it would be a good idea with Mo there." "My sister would have loved it. She has a crush on you, almost as bad as I do." Jackie began stroking my cock from the base to the head. She stopped, pulled the blanket back, and stared at my member. Sliding down, she started to move my cock around and look at it. "Your cock is so nice, although I really don't have...

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Broken PromisesChapter 18

“Well, okay, I’ll go get her and bring her down here,” said Ava. The man across from her sighed. “Okay,” said Blake. “It’s time. Go ahead. Get her.” Ava nodded, turned, and headed for the stairs. “Blake Willis, went to the wet bar thirty feet across the floor from him. Arriving, he changed his mind and went back to the table he’d journeyed from and retook his seat. He waited, impatiently waited. “Candace, your daddy and I have something to talk to you about,” said Ava. Candace’s door was...

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like mother like daughter

So I literally bumped into a somewhat average looking mature blonde the other day.she looks as if she has some things on her mind .so I make a little small talk as I buy some things I need.she gets hers ,we go outside I see she has caught a look down at my pants.mind you that day I was dressed casual.its spring time so a nice pair of dockers and a polo shirt. I wear no boxers on occasion as i like the freedom and it shows when I see a nice pair of legs or feet.that my dick will get semi hard....

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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 2 The Wooing of Natalie

Natalie all but ran out of the dining room, as soon as her host said dinner was over and dancing would start in the ballroom. She was furious, how dare he say such things to her, who did he think he was to make fun of her like that! "Oh dear, I do wish she would walk more sedately, such an ungainly child, I shall never get her married, with her odd looks and being so unusually tall." sighed Patricia to Jacquilt. Jacquilt simply looked at Patricia knowing he need not say a word for her to...

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The Book of Reality

Authors note: Normally I wrote this story with Matt as the main character but I wanted to give everybody their own freedom. So I added something small as a first chapter. The Book of Reality went trough a lot of universes, to some it helped but in some cases it generated total caos. In every world there are some who prefers chaos to harmony. Each Master of the book was different sure some of the book inputs were the same or had similar meanings but The Book of Reality granted every input...

Mind Control
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Cousin Sue

This is my first story, please be gentle.I had just gotten home from work that afternoon, when I walked in the kitchen to find my mom on the phone. She waved with little interest to me as I made my way to the fridge, whoever she was talking to must have had serious news. As I pulled a pop out of the fridge, I heard her say “Okay Peg, he just walked in, I'll let him know, and we can be off in the morning.” Peg was my aunt, she was a widow (uncle Dave died when I was young) and lived about a...

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A Second Chance Ch 06

‘So Dad how was it?’ Kelly, Matt’s daughter asked as he came through the front door. Matt set down his bags. ‘Not even a hello or I missed you?’ ‘Sorry, Dad.’ She gave him a hug. ‘I’m glad you’re home. Did you have a good time?’ ‘Yes, yes I did.’ He reached into his wallet. ‘Remember the $10 you gave me? Here it is back.’ Kelly looked disappointed. ‘And here’s $90 more, your winnings.’ Kelly hugged her Dad again. ‘Wow! Thanks, Dad.’ ‘Look, I’m going upstairs and change. I want to put my...

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Expect the Unexpected Pitching a Tent

“Carter?” “Hm?” “Do you mind if I take my pants off?” I lay there motionless, stunned. Whether or not the question should have come as a shock to me, I really couldn’t say – but it did. I tried to think of how I ended up in this situation. Jennifer had always been my favourite cousin, but now things were getting as close to the edge as they could. For the last few years as she had navigated through puberty, I had found myself strangely and wildly attracted to her more and more...

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