Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 3 Monday School
- 2 years ago
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Strange dreams. I'm in school, when suddenly I notice that I'm naked. This isn't the Program; I just forgot to get dressed that morning. With the realization comes intense embarrassment, shame, a desire to hide. But the strangest part is: nobody else seems to notice. I'm walking around, dying of embarrassment, hands clasped over everything as best I can, and nobody notices at all. Suddenly the warning bell goes off, and music starts to play. Abruptly, everybody notices me, and they all point and laugh. I find that I can't move, and as grinning boys walk up to touch me, the music keeps getting louder.
Then I wake up. The music is coming from my clock. It's another song from 2000, this time some guy called Shaggy who keeps insisting, "Wasn't me."
Unfortunately, it is me, in the Program, naked, for the rest of the week.
Deciding I only needed to trim the bush every other day, I took a brief shower, dried off, fixed my hair, and suddenly found that I had nothing to do. It usually takes me fifteen or twenty minutes to get dressed. Today, of course, it took me no time at all. I decided to go to breakfast early and just talk. Mom would have already left, but some of that old-fashioned father-daughter together time might be good for my character or something.
Dad saw me and dropped his toast.
"Sorry Little Girl," he said as he picked it up, "I forgot." Then he looked at me again. "Maybe it's time I stopped calling you that."
I smiled at him. I'd been trying to get him to stop calling me Little Girl for over a year. He'd just forget and say it again. He wasn't being deliberately mean or anything, he'd just forget.
"I've got some extra time. Normally, I'd use it to pick out clothes and put them on, but..."
"Well sit right down and have some bacon & eggs," he told me, as he fired up another burner and deposited two strips of cultured pig flesh on it. Normally, he'd make mine just before I came down, and we'd talk real fast as I snarfed it down and ran out the door. Today we were going to eat together, family style. I liked the idea, and between that and his thinking that the Little Girl thing needed to go, I figured it was worth being naked at home. Not so sure it's worth being naked everywhere else.
"You know, Little ... Anzu," Dad told me as I was almost finished, "your mother and I have suspected for a long time what you and Botilda have been up to."
I looked at him as I picked up my last piece of toast.
He continued. "Well, now we know for sure. And it's fine. We just thought you should know, so you don't worry about us finding out."
"Oh, um..." I really didn't know what to say.
He had more to say, though. "And that means you can quit with all the stuff about how this boy is cute, that movie star is hot, will Kevin ever notice you. You don't have to pretend to be straight around us."
I dropped my toast.
"Dad," I started to tell him, "I am straight. 'Tilda and me, we're just doing this until we work up the nerve to start doing boys."
Dad wasn't buying it. "Uh-huh. Which is why she stays over every weekend, except when you stay with her. Which is why I've never met this mysterious Kevin, but Botilda Hu is almost a member of the family. I know what color underwear Botilda wears, but not what color shirt any boyfriend wears." He twirled his fork before stabbing the last of his bacon. "By the way, when's the last time you had a boyfriend?"
"Just last month!"
This was going too far. I didn't want Mom and Dad to have the wrong idea about me, and man did they ever!
"What was his name?" Dad wanted to know.
"Nikolai. Nikolai Rodriguez."
"I never met him."
"He was a jerk. We broke up."
"And before that?"
"Before that was, um..." Who had been before that? Oh yeah.
"Before that was Fred." I hadn't thought about Fred more than I had to.
"I think that I actually met Fred. Once. For all of about thirty seconds."
I glared at him. "Yeah, well, that was a pretty bad break-up."
"I guess so," Dad said, pausing to sip his orange juice before continuing, "because it took you a year to hook up with Nikolai, who you broke up with before I even heard about him."
Now I was getting pretty exasperated. "I told you, it was a bad break-up. I wasn't in the mood for another relationship for a while. God!"
Dad chuckled at me. Then he drank down the rest of his OJ, stood up, and started gathering dishes. He was carrying them to the sink before he spoke again.
"OK," he allowed, "I didn't mean to start a big argument. I'm just saying: your mother and I don't love you any less if you're a lesbian, and..."
"I'm NOT a lesbian!"
"And we don't love you any less if you're NOT a lesbian, OK?"
"Well I'm not," I assured him, "And neither is Botilda. We just..."
We just what? We just have hot sweaty girl/girl sex together, but we're not lesbians? Guess I can't really blame my folks for getting that idea.
"Look," I tried again, "I know I'm not a lesbian because boys make me horny. 'Tilda and me, we're just experimenting, and trying to get a handle on the whole sex thing, OK? I mean, the whole break-up with Fred was over sex. Over him wanting it, and me saying yes, then saying no, then saying yes, yes, this time for sure, then changing my mind and saying no. I didn't know if I wanted to do IT or not."
Dad was nodding his head, like he actually understood, though I don't know how he possibly could. I hardly understood it myself, and I'm the one it had happened to.
"Something like that happened to her, too," I continued, "so we decided to start being naked together, and talking about sex together, so we wouldn't be so nervous about it. We..."
Oh my God.
"We ... We've got our own Program going!" I had never thought of it that way, but that's exactly what we were doing. Even the sex stuff had started with her asking, "This is going to sound weird, but could you touch one of my titties? I can play with them all day, but that doesn't tell me how it feels to be touched by someone else."
That was a God-damned Reasonable Request! I started to laugh. Here Botilda is scared shitless of maybe being in the Program some day, and she's already been in a scaled-down version of it for over a year! Oh my God!
When I stopped cackling, Dad took my hand.
"Sorry, Little Gir ... Anzu, look; I can accept that you're straight, but experimenting. Most straight people do at some point in their lives. But you and Botilda, well, I think this has gone beyond experimenting. I think it's become love-making."
Botilda and I did refer to what we did as "making love," but I wasn't telling him that.
He gave my hand an extra squeeze. "Now, you run off to school, and you be as straight as you like. But I want you to consider the possibility that you might not be as straight as you let on. I want you to consider the possibility that you might be a little bi, and that your best friend is actually your lover."
He let go of my hand and picked up a napkin.
"I'm not saying it's true," he said as he dabbed at the corner of my mouth; I guess I had egg yolk or something. "Just think about it a little, OK?"
"O ... OK," I stuttered. Dad smiled and pointed at the door, and I left.
I didn't bike today, but just walked to school instead. I had time, if I didn't stop along the way. Thoughts were swirling through my mind like crazy.
Botilda and I joked about the whole girl/girl thing. We called ourselves "lesbians of convenience" and whenever a school holiday fell on a Friday or a Monday we looked forward to a "three-day Sapphic weekend," and we called them that: Sapphic weekends. We called what we did making love, and we weren't joking about that. I'd never had a boyfriend for more than a few weeks, but Botilda and I had been in this Personal Program for over a year. Was she my ... my girlfriend, my lover?
But that's crazy. Boys DO make me horny. My ovaries had never been as pink as when I was in that locker room, surrounded by all those stiff-dicked boys, watching Nick Gordon jack off. I never get turned on looking at girls in the lockers or showers.
Except Botilda, sometimes. But that's different, because when I look at her body, I think of what I've done with it, what I'd like to do with it. That wasn't the same, because I got hot looking at those guys, and there was nothing to remember. I'd never done anything with those bodies, and got hot anyway. So I can't be a lesbian, because I've never done it with a guy.
OK, that made no sense at all.
Another thought: why did the idea bother me so much? It's not like I hate lesbians. I've met a few, and they didn't creep me out or anything. Maybe I've met more, and didn't know it. I knew Desdemona was one, and that didn't make any difference. Her music was good, her dancing was good. Even Sappho, the original Lesbian. Some good poetry.
Every now and then, I'd see a boy and girl making out around school, or at the beach. I thought it was sweet, and kind of sexy. Every great once in a while, I'd seen two boys making out. I thought it was sweet, and kind of sexy. And of course, sometimes I'd see two girls making out. I thought it was sweet, and kind of sexy. It didn't gross me out like it did Jeness.
There wasn't time to worry about it now anyway, because I was at school. The warning bell rang just as I walked in, so there was no time for Reasonable Requests. I hadn't realized how slow I was walking, trying to straighten this all out in my head. I got into Homeroom just before the last bell. Ms. Dunlavy gestured to the front of the class.
"Anzu, do you need relief?" she asked.
"No, I'm fine," I told her. I thought I saw Botilda frown, but I was alright. Just like yesterday, I was more freaked out than turned on. Besides, there was plenty of time for that later.
I took the roll, and then worked on finishing the Monday, Evening part of this journal. After I decided to go ahead and include all the sexual details, I felt maybe I was going to need relief by the time I got to my SMA class. Writing that stuff is a real turn-on! I might write more sexy stuff, just for fun.
Homeroom let out and, you guessed it, I went into the hall and ran smack into Bret. He ginned like an idiot and nodded, almost bowed as he asked, "How are you feeling today, Anzu?"
"A bit naked," I replied, remembering to smile. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I have a bit of..."
"Hey Anzu!"
I turned around to see Elijah. He was running his eyes up and down my naked body, and one hand was already reaching towards me.
"Can I play with one of those cute tittilies?" he asked.
"Can I play with the other?" Farjahd added.
Well, this was interesting. Two boys at the same time, after a lifetime of heterosexual nothing.
"As long as you're gentle," I said, and thrust my chest at them.
I heard a sharp intake of air next to me. It was Botilda. She just stood there, watching, as Elijah and Farjahd groped, fondled, and caressed my boobs right in front of everybody. And everybody was watching, too! I felt myself wetting up. Yep, today was going to be even more erotic than yesterday. Just when I thought I was getting used to the nudity, there was this. Guess that's why they make you wait 'till Tuesday for touching. Would I make it to lunch? Debatable.
I felt a hand glide over my ass. "Whoever that is," I stated, "you're supposed to ask first."
The hand was quickly withdrawn. Elijah gave my left tit a little squeeze and walked off, tossing a curt "Thanks" behind him. Farjahd kept going, and I heard a voice behind me ask if he could touch my ass.
"Sure," I said, "but the warning bell is about to ring."
I glanced behind to see who it was. The same skinny freshman who had wanted me to touch myself yesterday. He blushed but kept rubbing. Bret was behind him.
"Hey Bret," I called, "why ain't you gettin' some of this?"
"Nah," he grinned, "what I have in mind can wait until after lunch. Be better that way."
And with that he walked off. I didn't know how to feel. I mean, here I am, naked, pretty much offering myself to him, and he walks off? What the hell is that?
Then again, did I really want him pawing me? He wasn't a bad guy, except for the whole "getting even" thing. Indeed, he'd been pretty nice to me, if a bit brisk, even after I embarrassed him so much in his Program week. So once he considered himself even, he'd be the same decent person he'd always been. He was smart, too, and kind of cute. If I had to have boys grabbing me, I could do a lot worse.
The freshman now had both hands on my ass, and was rubbing and squeezing like there was no tomorrow. Farjahd was doing wonderful things to my nipples. I could feel the twinges starting.
Of course I wanted them to stop, because it was so embarrassing. I mean, to just be played with like that, in front of everybody! In some ways, it was worse than what the Warlord had done to me.
Ah, but it felt so good!
I glanced around, and saw Botilda. She looked like she was going to cry again. I didn't know what to say to her, especially here, around other people.
I was about to tell that freshman that "sure" meant he could touch my ass, and that my pussy wasn't part of the deal, when the warning bell went off.
"Gotta go," I chirped, walking a little faster than needed to English. I looked around for Botilda, but she was gone. Well, her next class was in the other direction.
I was about to step in when Cynthia Tamaki stepped in front of me.
"Anzu," she started, "Could I ... could I ... play with you a little?"
Now this was interesting. How would I respond to a girl who wasn't Botilda? There was enough time, if I didn't let her get too carried away.
"Sure," I told her. "What did you have in mind?"
"Just touching you, I guess. I've always wondered what it would be like with a girl."
"Well now," I told her, "if you're wondering what it's like to have SEX with a girl, I don't think I'm prepared to help you there. But if you just want to touch, then sure, why not?"
She put out a hand, slowly, and started stroking my tummy.
"Me too?" I heard Nitushi ask. His name is Choctaw, even though he's an Afrin like me, and it means "Young Bear." He was cute, even though he was hairy like, well, a young bear. He didn't have a touch of Amerind in him.
"Not right now," I told him, "This is just for Cynthia."
She looked surprised, but her jaw really dropped when I whispered, "Nothing's off limits; do what you like."
She took her other hand and ran it up the outside of my leg, over my hip, and up my side, stopping when she got to a tit. She cupped and jiggled it a little, then started teasing the nipple. She let that first hand slide from my tummy down between my legs. She stopped a moment to mouth the words "even here?" I just winked and prepared myself.
Well, I thought I'd prepared myself. She touched, all right, but she also started talking. She looked me in the eyes and just would not shut up.
I should say that Cynthia is almost equal mixes Afrin and Orin, with a little Kazoid thrown in for good measure. Her features are recognizably Japanese, but even without the dark skin, you'd know there was something else in there. "Something else," in her case, is North East Africa, specifically the Nuer of Sudan. Her skin is as dark as mine, and her hair is even darker, though not as curly. But her most striking feature has to be her bright blue eyes. Apparently the Mendelian genetics lined up just right, and one of her Kazoid ancestor's chromosomes clicked, because those aren't contact lenses or the pigment jobs some people get. Nope, those are her natural eyes. Set in such a dark-skinned face, they're really quite striking.
And those eyes were looking straight into mine as she rubbed my pussy, teased my nips, and talked like she was afraid she'd never be able to again.
"Your skin is so smooth. Oh, you're wet down there. Well I don't blame you I'd be wet too if all those cute guys were staring at me but how does it feel being naked in front of everybody but I shouldn't ask you that and beside I'm going to find out for myself. I'm a sophomore and that means I have zero chance of getting through high school without spending a week in the Program but you know what you're not going to believe this but I'm actually looking forward to it. I mean I know I'll be embarrassed and all but I think it'll be fun and sexy and I can let guys play and it isn't slutty if it's just Program sex so who knows maybe I'll go all the way with different guys and stuff but of course I'd never do that any other time but if it's just Program sex then why the hell not, you know? God Anzu, you have such nice breasts! Boys tell me I have big boobs but that's just push-up bras I don't think mine are actually any bigger than yours, well not much but mine droop a little. I'm fifteen years old and I have boob-droop but wow yours are like, I can't believe we're in full-G because these are just so upstanding if you get what I mean. I bet I know what you like, Anzu James; ah-ha I was right. Right there on your little clitty and I can't believe how hot you are inside, you're like fire! Are all girls that hot? Well how the hell would you know any better than I would I mean it's not like either of us runs around sticking our fingers into random girls and taking notes. Oops, we're gonna be late well thanks Anzu it was real nice when it's my week you can do me if you want bye-bye!"
And with that she let go of me and walked into the classroom, followed by an uncustomarily speechless me. After all of that, there just didn't seem to be anything left to say. I lay down my towel and sat at the head of the class.
"Anzu," Mr. Scott asked the inevitable question, "do you need relief?"
I thought about it. It was going to happen sooner or later. I was really horny, and could feel the "pinkness" starting. Let's see; after this class I had SMA, then Biology, then lunch. If I took relief now, I might not be worked up enough for it by SMA, but I might be suffering by Biology, and almost certainly would by lunch. I couldn't seek relief during lunch, and there was NO WAY I was going to do it in Biology. The less reason the Warlord had to notice me the better. However, if I toughed it out until SMA and sought relief then, I shouldn't be too bad by Biology, and after lunch was Homeroom.
"No," I said, "I'm fine for another hour."
As was the case yesterday, the class was uneventful. I turned in the journal, and even managed to settle the ovaries a bit. I mean, the arousal was still there, but no vasocongestion. But of course, the class ended, and I knew what was waiting for me in the hall.
Well, I thought I did. What was waiting was Jeness. She was there, and so was Neil Collins, naked, rock hard and grinning. A crowd had gathered, and I knew that whatever was about to happen, Jeness had planned it. I only had a vague idea how to deal with her, and she had a plan. Between that and her utter lack of modesty, I was doomed. The fact that she was naked didn't help.
"Anzu, my dear," she started right in, "some of the guys have been saying that you're a fuddy-duddy, a prude, a stick in the mud." There were some chuckles. "I hate it when people talk bad about you like that!"
Oh please. Who did this bitch think she was fooling?
"I know that you're not like that at all. You're open, and affectionate, and vivacious, and sexy. Really, I look to you for guidance in these things."
I am so fucking doomed. Whatever she's got planned, it's huge. There's no way she would build me up unless it was to tear me down like never before.
"Well," she continued, "we'll show them. I brought Neil to help out. Neil?"
The naked boy stepped forward. He's part Afrin, but light enough that his blush was pretty obvious.
A sudden whisper in my ear. "I know what she has planned, and it's awful."
It was Botilda. She wasn't even supposed to be in this building until later.
"We can fix this," she continued, "but it's going to be pretty bad for you. Not as bad as..."
"Now, Anzu," Jeness was talking again, "let's show them that you aren't afraid of a little sexiness."
With that, she grabbed Neil's dick and gave it three quick little strokes. Neil just stood there, loving it I guess.
Jeness grinned like she'd won the lottery. "Your turn, Anzu darling. I mean, I know it isn't much, but I'm a little shy."
"Whatever you've got in mind," I growled to Botilda, "go for it."
I walked towards Neil. Botilda followed me for a couple of steps, just long enough to tell me, "Just go along, and be ready." She slipped away and was gone.
Ready for what? But there was no time for explanations. I forced a smile and reached for Neil, and then stopped for a moment. Not because I'm afraid to touch cock; I'd actually stroked a Program boy once before, though I don't think Jeness knew that. So I was pretty sure I could handle this just fine. But somehow I knew that wouldn't be the end of it, and I wanted to give Botilda a couple of seconds.
"Let's do this right," I said, making sure everybody could hear me. "Neil, may I please stroke your nice big cock?"
"You may," he said, his voice almost breaking, "Oh may you ever."
Well what was he going to say: no? I reached out, made sure everybody could see, and gave him, not three strokes, but five. It was completely different doing it when we were both naked. I have to admit, I liked it.
"See?" Jeness called out to the crowd (and it was a crowd), "I told you. Now..."
"Bah! That's nothing!" It was Botilda. "She already jerked off a Program boy two months ago. It wasn't just three or five strokes, either; she made him cum."
God, 'Tilda, you didn't have to remind everybody!
"If she really wants to prove that she's brave," my best friend continued, "she'd make out with YOU."
As a roar of approval rang out, my first thought was, 'Botilda's turned against me?' But it was just for a split second. What she'd done was pure genius. Instead of all the expectations being on me, they were now on me AND JENESS. And as unpleasant as it might be for me to make out with her, it was going to be a lot worse for her. If I acted like I even might be considering it, she'd probably back down. And if she didn't ... I knew I could stand it longer than she could.
"Weeelll," I drawled, all bashful innocence, "I geeeeuuusss I'm game if you are." I looked at her and smirked.
She was pale and her jaw was hanging open. She saw my smirk, glanced around, and realized that this whole plan of hers had blown up in her face. She couldn't refuse without showing everybody that, rather than being the brave, shameless girl, she was actually more skittish than virginal little Anzu James. But if she didn't refuse, she was going to be doing something she couldn't even stand to see. I wondered which was stronger: her disgust or her pride?
"Sure," she said, stepping towards me with her arms open. "Why not?"
Pride. It goeth before a fall, I couldn't help but think.
I threw my arms around her and pressed my body to hers. She shuddered a bit, and I knew it wasn't lust. Good. I didn't hold anything back. I knew I could take this longer than she could, but I was concerned that she might hang on until the warning bell went off, giving her an excuse to get away. I rubbed my titties against hers, ran my hands up and down her back, and even squeezed her ass. I kissed her full on the lips.
Hesitantly, her hands began to stroke me, to pat me here and squeeze me there. She was determined to keep this up as long as I did. If it weren't for the warning bell, she wouldn't have stood a chance, but ... I needed to escalate things somehow. I noticed that while she wasn't pulling away from my kiss, and she was even puckered up, she hadn't opened her mouth.
Not good enough. I made a big show of licking her mouth all over and especially her puckered lips as I fastened my wide-open mouth over her tightly closed one. It was Botilda who saw what I was trying to do.
"Come on Jeness, slip her some tongue!"
Several guys and a few girls echoed that request, and I felt Jeness shudder against me again as she slowly parted her lips and opened her jaw. Immediately my tongue was in as deep as I could get it. I ran it over her teeth, across the roof, and of course I stroked her own tongue with mine. She let out a little sob, real quiet. I doubt anybody but me could hear it.
I was loving this. I was wet between the legs, and the ovaries were getting pink again. It wasn't just the kissing or the naked body against my own. That felt nice, of course, but there was something else. She hated this so much. I could tell it was really creeping her out. Everything I was doing to her made her sick. She really did not want to be doing this.
But she was. And that turned me on so much. I wanted to gross her out, to disgust her, and to make her do things she didn't want to do. She could stop this at any time, of course. Just tell me that she isn't a lesbian so a Request to make out with a girl isn't Reasonable. But she wouldn't. She didn't want to lose. She didn't want to lose worse than she didn't want to make it with a girl. Well, maybe I could change that.
I'd noticed that she wasn't returning all that tongue action. Her tongue was just pulled back as far as she could get it, and she was doing nothing with it. Oh no, that wouldn't do. It wasn't enough to do things to her; I wanted her to do things back, to be an active participant in her own defeat.
I put my hands behind her head. I pulled my mouth a tiny bit off of hers. As I expected, she tried to use that as an excuse to break the kiss. I held her head tightly in my hands, so she couldn't break away without it being obvious. I then stuck out my tongue and licked her lips before slipping it back into her mouth. I knew that everybody watching could see my tongue, and that hers wasn't doing anything.
"C'mon, Jeness," a male voice, "Return the favor. Fair's fair."
Another sob, and I saw a tear form in her eye. But she did it. Her tongue slipped out and began sliding along my own. I felt her body shudder again.
I was so turned on, maybe as much as in the locker room yesterday, maybe as much as with Botilda last night. I dropped my hands back to her ass and just caressed it. I sucked on her tongue, and I felt her tremble. I sucked it in and out of my mouth, like I was giving it a blowjob or something. Then I released it and stuck out my own, making it obvious what I expected. There was a long pause, and then I felt her lips seal around it, followed by her sucking it into her mouth. Without even realizing I was doing it (Botilda told me later) I started humping against her. Our legs were straddling each other, so we were almost making pussy-to-pussy contact, and that's what did it.
Jeness jerked away from me, pushing me with both hands. She looked at me for almost a second, and then she bolted down the hall, one hand clamped over her mouth and the other trying to shove people out of the way. The warning bell went off just then. I don't know if she made it to the restroom or puked in the hall. There was some cheering, and a lot of laughter.
I nearly came on the spot. She hated it SO much, and I'd pushed her to the point that she couldn't force herself any more. I made her puke! Juice was running down my thigh, and if Botilda had told me she wanted to do me right there in front of everybody, I'd've let her. Hell, if some boy had asked to fuck me right there in the hall I'd've probably said yes.
But the warning bell had rung, and everybody was hurrying to class. Botilda gave me a quick hug.
"You were great, F.L. Gotta go. Gonna be late as it is. See you at lunch."
And with that she was off, ignoring every "No Running In The Halls" rule that had ever existed.
I staggered to SMA, Space Manufacturing Applications. The final bell went off almost a minute before I made it in.
"You're late, Anzu," declared Captain Obvious. Mr. Glazer is a decent teacher, but he doesn't like tardiness even a little bit. No teacher does, but he hated it more than most.
"Sorry," I managed to squeak out. "Reasonable Requests," which was kind of true.
He didn't look to be buying it. "You have the right to say no to those if they're going to make you late," he reminded me. "OK, I'll overlook it today, because it's easy to misjudge how long a Reasonable Request will take. But you be more careful. If this happens Thursday, you won't just lose the three points for Thursday; you'll lose the three for today as well. Got that?"
"Yeah," I said, my voice still a bit squeaky, "that would be six points off the final. I don't want that. I'll be careful."
He actually smiled a little. "OK, then. Now, do you need relief?"
"Yes," I said without hesitation. I needed it so bad.
"Do you want to do it yourself, or would you like to ask for volunteers?"
I glanced around the class. "Um, I'd like a volunteer."
Immediately most of the boys and two of the girls raised their hands. I picked the only boy in class who's older than I am. He came right up to the front and asked me, "How do you want it?"
This story is fiction. Actually, the setting of an artificial world in Space and the year being 2109 should have been enough to clue you in about that. I don't care how old are. I don't care how young you are. However, the law does care, so if you are too young, go away (or at least try not to get caught). If this story is against the law where you live, then like the young folk, go away. Or at least... Anzu James: Naked in Orbit, Part 04 (Monday, Evening) by Coach Michaels (zero-G...
I woke up this morning as soon as the alarm went off, and wasn't dreaming. Just as well, because the song playing was something about independent women and angels and some guy named Charlie. Hate to think what that would've had me dreaming. The tune was catchy, though. The group was called Destiny's Child, which is a good name. Bathroom, no trim today, shower, hair. Oh, I've been brushing my teeth every day, too, just been forgetting to mention it. I'm supposed to floss every day, too,...
Botilda met me at the bike racks, and we started for Lagrange Dojo. There was an uncomfortable silence. I didn't want to say anything to set her off, and she ... well, only she knows. Finally, however, she spoke. "I'm trying to be the supportive best friend," she started, "and I'm trying to understand. Really I am." I smiled, nodded, and brushed her hand with mine. I didn't think I should speak yet, because it was clear she wasn't finished. She heaved a huge sigh. "It was easy...
For some reason, while writing this I went into a lot of detail about what people, Anzu in particular, ate. In that case, why not include actual recipes? Also, I feel that a few things are due explaining, for instance: why isn't Mendocino crawling with nanotechnology? Well I'll answer that one first. A fully mature nanotechnology is such a game-changer, makes everything so different, that I felt the story would pretty much be ABOUT the nanotechnology. And I didn't want to write a story...
I not only granted every RR I got on my way to the bike rack, I asked every last one of them if he wanted to do more. They didn't really seem to be after anything excessive. There was a good bit of groping and a little bit of nipple sucking, but I was a bit surprised by the number of guys who wanted to kiss me. One freshman girl did, too. Well, I like kissing, so why not? But before long the warning bell rang, and we were all on our ways. When I got to the bike rack, I found that my bike...
I'm walking though school, wearing my favorite jeans, blouse, and my hummingbird jacket. My Program week is over, and I'm dressed again! I'm so glad not to have to be naked anymore. But as I walk to class, I notice that the mural on the wall isn't the collection of space pioneers, but instead a collection of Program kids. No Yuri Gagarin, no Alan Shepherd, but Bret is there, and so is Jeness. Neil Armstrong is not to be found, but Neil Collins, from yesterday's dick-grabbing encounter,...
I got to the suite just as Botilda was going in, and we didn't get the door closed before Rashida showed up. "You ready to jee-up 'till you burn?" the somewhat sweaty-looking dark Monroe asked. Botilda started laughing, and couldn't seem to stop. I was entranced by the musical quality of my lover's laughter. Rashida rolled her eyes, but then she looked at me as if studying my body. "You're not really wearing a see-through scarf, are you?" she asked, "'Cause I don't think...
This story is fiction. Actually, the setting of an artificial world in Space and the year being 2109 should have been enough to clue you in about that. I don't care how old are. I don't care how young you are. However, the law does care, so if you are too young, go away (or at least try not to get caught). If this story is against the law where you live, then like the young folk, go away. Or at least... Anzu James: Naked in Orbit, Part 02 (Background, The Program) by Coach...
I'm not writing this for English or History or any other class. I'm just writing this for myself and for you, my readers from a hundred-plus years ago. All through the last journal, I tried to pretend that somehow, you really would see this, and I'm going to maintain that pretense now. It is now Monday, June 3rd of 2109. Three months ago, I was inducted into the Naked in School Program. A week after that, I put my clothes back on, but I was a changed woman. Not all of the changes were...
The first thing I had to do, of course, was to rush to Mr. Scott's room and deliver Tuesday's two chapters to him. And rush I did, ignoring Reasonable Requests along the way. I wanted to grant them, but there just wasn't time. I got to his room just as the warning bell rang, so I wasn't late. I gave him the chapters, asked him if he'd like a quick grope, and giggled like a little girl when he thumbed my nips. But then the Program kid for his Homeroom class came in. It was Marsha...
I'm sparring with Botilda, and I'm beating her. Badly. I can tell she isn't really trying. Then I'm sparring with Bret. I didn't even know he knew veegeewushu. But he does, and he's good. But I find I'm beating him even worse than Botilda. It's like he's throwing the match. And then it's back to Botilda, and I know she's throwing the match, and worse than she has to. I suddenly realize that each is trying to get beaten worse than the other. What the hell? I woke up. It was at...
The Major and his friend Commodore Richard Cuthbert, RN, approached the trim little cottage in this small northern English town. A short, spare man in his 50's, trim of moustache and military of bearing, was crouched over doing something important with a spade and flowerbed. When he saw he had visitors, he arose to greet his guests. "Commodore, fancy meeting you here, and whose this with you? James? Is that you? You look so ... different. Say, I'd heard you'd been picked up." "Do you...
Susan When I awakened Tuesday morning, it was like awakening from the dead. Good grief, did I sleep! And no wonder: Monday was the most emotional day of my life, ranking right up with the first day I met Mom after being beaten by Mabel Mason who then took a shot at Mom in the courtroom. I showered and then looked for something to wear. In the process, I found my Levi's from the day before; the crotch was still soaked. Since I was going to be naked, I decided to just wear Levi's and a...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 James We got naked and then headed immediately for my dad's class. He had thoughtfully provided us with stools to sit on. As the class filed in, we drew a mixture of stares, snickers, and averted gazes. After the announcements, Dad began the class. "As you can see, two of our Program Participants have volunteered to provide a live demonstration of human sexuality. Since such an opportunity doesn't come around very often, I have moved that section to this...
Thursday, October 18, 2007 Amy James was waiting for me when I got to school. I noticed that he hadn't even bothered to dress. "I've figured out a plan," he said, "we start a club to advocate for a comprehensive sexual education curriculum, and get other schools in the state to do the same. We can stage petitions and letter writing campaigns, and when a bill gets put to the legislature, we'll organize a rally to support it." "That sounds like a great plan," I said, "what will we...
The drama shop was a zoo. OK, sure, Dee Muntz was there, but so were about a hundred other kids, all trying to jam into that little room. Nadia and Ben seemed to be getting things organized all right so I decided it might be a good time to take a pee. Mistake. The lavatory was just as crowded and Reasonable Requests were rampant. Somehow I avoided getting propositioned on my way to a toilet, but then some guy wearing a football jersey, a pleated skirt, and bobby socks insisted on watching...
Caitlin and James - Part three By Cherie Petersson Chapter nine James dozed off to sleep soon after we had sex. I lift up the covers and admire his naked body. It's not that muscular, but it is well toned, quite beautiful in a sort of androgynous way. The condom is hanging off his spent penis, threatening to fall off, I remove it and grab some tissues and wipe his penis. He stirs a little but stays asleep. Poor guy, he must have got up very early to get his hair done and...
James reluctantly left his bedroom with a slightly wistful glance at Fiona still asleep in his bed. She was sent over from his Service to help him heal from injuries suffered during his last mission. She was doing more than just heal his physical injuries, but also reminding him that even with his replacement parts, he was still a man! His still healing leg was stiff and uncomfortable, but he knew he had a very important appointment to keep and one does not keep her waiting.The young Queen...
SteampunkI felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest as James and I drove west on route 95 towards Summerlin. Had I been alone in the SUV, I would have texted Gianna to let her know that James and I would be dining in the restaurant this evening. However, with James sitting next to me, giving her an advanced warning didn’t feel appropriate. I tried everything I could to hide my nervousness, but I felt as if James could see right through me. Did he know what a nervous wreck I was? Normally...
James is sixteen years old and a sophomore in high school. He lives in a medium size Midwest City where his father is a successful businessman who owns three hardware stores in the area. His mother is a nurse but only works part-time. He has one sibling, a twin sister named Jamie. This family is very normal looking in all aspects. The year is around 1970; with no cell phones, no home computers, and obviously no internet for personal use.The parents are about to embark on a two-week vacation...
First TimeBy Docker500 Chapter 1 James Hunter was nervously sat in his living room waiting for his two best friends to pick him up it was his 18th birthday today. And they had a surprise for him. James’s mother was busy tidying up the house before she disappeared to go to her new Saturday job. Wendy hunter finished tidying up the living room; she gave the kitchen one last wipe down before she went to get her coat. She gave her son a little kiss on his cheek and again wished him. “A...
Part 3 James Enjoys Being On The Farm By Docker5000 Introductory. James and his dad are on a remote Scottish farm miles from anywhere helping his dads widowed aunt and cousin after the death of his dads uncle. James hates it until his dad’s cousin show him the fun you can have on a farm with no other men around. James and his dad with his dad’s aunt and cousin were now in Gwendolyn's old Land-rover heading the 50 miles to where she had a small farm. James looked completely board as...
When Karen left James's room, she took the magazine that she was looking at with her. She still could not believe what had transpired this afternoon. Part of her was telling her it was wrong, but another part of her was reminding her of how much fun it was, and it would be ok as long as James didn't cum in her or Carrie's pussy. She laid in bed, her asshole still feeling a little weird, but she couldn't believe how it had intensified her orgasm with her brother's finger in there. She was...
James sat on the ground and sniffled and . Garima and Nuzla and their mighty Girl Power ruled his entire world again. Once again, the girls had fully embarrassed James and put him in his place. Again, James sat in public wearing only a tiny thong panty and had given dozens of blowjobs as Garima and Nuzla laughed at him. Garima and Nuzla had made certain that James was the most embarrassed person in the history of the world. They had kept him sucking cocks non-stop, so James had sucked hundreds...
Gay MaleCumslut sissy James knelt before Naksh. James wore a . Naksh pumped his hips as his 10-inch cock jetted back and forth in James’ mouth. James slurped with lip-smacking perfection as his tongue slid from side to side under Naksh’s monster cock. James sucked Naksh’s cock three times a day. James moaned in pleasure because he loved slurping on Naksh’s huge cock so much. Naksh grabbed James’ head as he thrust hard and pushed his gigantic cock very deep into James’ throat. Suddenly Naksh moaned as...
Gay MaleSo James sat on the floor of the room. He was dressed in a little cheerleading uniform. His short pleated skirt was barely long enough to cover. Under his skirt was a pink stringy thong panty. James was completely a panty boi. He was blushing from incredible embarrassment. James had just sucked off 28 Indian guys and guzzled down all of the cum they fed him. The slutty cum-gulping cheerleader licked his lips and blinked his eyes in staggered amazement. He could not believe that his secret as a...
Gay MaleGetting a table at the restaurant was no problem, as it was only 5:30 p.m. local time. To James, completely befuddled by the time change, it wasn't clear what time it felt like. His stomach was full of hunger, his eyes were full of Kristy, and his mind was full of questions. The waitress had tried to show them to a table next to the window, but James had pointed instead to a booth hidden in a back corner. Kristy scooted in and James sat next to her. He eagerly opened the menu... ... and...
Chapter 1: A Meeting WithMr. James?Please, sit down.? They had arrived at my Highgate consulting rooms on a damp afternoon in April. The weather had been dismal for the two weeks since Easter. It was showing no signs of improving. The chimneys of London were still pressing black, coal smoke into the air. The streets and slates of the roofs were still silver with the sheen of recent rain. Gas light from the posts in the street and in my own hall had leant a warming glow as I opened the door to...
It was Saturday, and Garima had big plans for the sissy cheerleader, James. She planned an entire day of entertainment for her and her friends. Entertainment often meant that she and her friends would be embarrassing James as much as possible. James had been publicly embarrassed so often that thousands of people had witnessed it directly. With the website that Garima and Nuzla had built for James, with all of the videos they had uploaded. Millions of people worldwide had seen James being...
Gay MaleA sat on the hard floor and made little squeaky whimpering noises like a chipmunk. His brain had been fried with intense embarrassment. He wore only a tiny pink lace thong panty. Nuzla and Garima stood nearby giggling at their blushing panty boi. Nuzla reached down and grabbed his left arm, Garima grabbed his right arm. Each girl lifted James about 8 inches off the ground and then slammed his butt cheeks firmly down on the floor with a hard PLOP! James grimaced, rolled his eyes, and blushed....
Gay MaleA blushing James was so so embarrassed. He was lying on his back on a bed wearing only a tiny thong panty. His legs were pulled up as he revealed his adorable butt cheeks to everyone in the room. Naksh was straddling James’ chest and had his humongous Indian cock down James’ throat. Naksh bounced up and down, fucking James’ throat with such unbridled authority. James’ eyes watered as he took the tonsil pounding of the year. Garima, Nuzla, and Racine all watched and laughed at James. This throat...
Gay MaleI woke up in the middle of the afternoon. I smiled at James sleeping face. I ran my fingers on his face, feeling the smoothness of his cute face. Then, James opened his eyes and smiled at me. We looked at each others eyes for a while. "wanna do round 2?" James said teasing. "hell yeah!" I replied. Then, James jumped out of bed and said 'make me!' I jumped out of bed then i chased him out of the room. James ran back and forth until i pinned him down on the floor of my living room....
Bennie and James are two of my fellow college students, the three of us enjoy sexual escapades at times. I was made aware of James and Bennie by accident, the three of us were at one of the after hours clubs in the warehouse district, neither of us knew that the others were in attendance. It was near dawn when the orgy was dying down that we became aware of each other. Bennie was servicing three or four burly men and James was handling a set of guys switching out in rapid fashion of anal sex....
We have a lot we need to do before this evening, and we need to get started," James said in a commanding tone.He paid the check and we walked out of the café, his arm securely around me. It was the first time he had touched me since we woke up naked together that afternoon.We walked outside to the valet station and he handed his ticket to the attendant. It was a beautiful sunny day, maybe mid 80's I guessed, typical spring weather for Las Vegas.There were several couples ahead of us, so I knew...
It was an absolutely hilarious sight. sat on the ground wearing only a tiny tiger-print thong panty. Water poured from his fluttering eyes. His face blushed bright red with embarrassment. His lips were stretched around a large 10-inch Indian cock that hammered his tonsils with power. Loud slurping sounds came from his slutty mouth as James was given a brutal face-fucking. Garima and her friends sat ten feet away and giggled at a helpless and humiliated James. His mouth had guzzled down,...
Gay MaleJames stood before a group of girls blushing. He was wearing a tiny pink thong panty and black lace thigh-high stockings. He had a large pink bow in his hair and black pumps on his feet. He looked so very effeminate as The group of girls included Garima, Nuzla, Racine, Hannah, and Carly. Each girl had a personal investment into wanting to see James be as embarrassed as humanly possible. They had, of course, embarrassed him thousands of times. But the girls strongly desired to keep James...
Gay MaleIt was just before ten o-clock on Friday evening and James Henry was sitting alone in his bedroom nursing his scotch. His usually tidy brown hair, was ruffled from him consistently running his hands through it. He had arrived at tonight’s gala event late and unaccompanied. He had stayed only an hour before heading home, alone. He was not in a good mood, and hadn’t been for the past month. He couldn’t keep his thoughts off of Alexandra Morgan. It kept him in a continuous state of anger and...
On this unseasonably mild December day, as they made their way to work together, Julia was looking out the window as she and James approached downtown. As the office tower that holds James’s office came into view, Julia was reminded of the erotic tour she had of James’s new office and the fantasy she fulfilled as she seduced him in the chair in front of his desk. It had been a wonderful evening with dinner and the Messiah at the NAC, followed by the seduction. The seduction actually started...
About a half hour later, James knocked on my door. As I ushered him inside, he asked if the lunch offer was still open. Richard said, "Certainly, I think the hotel dining room has closed already though so we'll just step down to the local pub and see what they have on special." "An authentic English pub! Sounds wonderful... I've read about them in books. I'm quite a fan of Peter Robinson's mystery novels, by the way, and they describe pubs quite well but I've never actually seen...
Susan After the short soccer meeting — we were playing the only other team in the area that was undefeated; we had to win — I met up with Jake and we went to the main entrance to get dressed. For some unknown reason there wasn't nearly as much interest in our dressing in the afternoon as there was in our undressing in the morning. What a surprise! At any rate, Jill came running up to join us, and we were off. It wasn't even four o'clock, so it was the earliest I had left school in a very...
Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day. Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building. Spotting him...
Straight SexJames, the dirty cumslut, was on his knees wearing a pink stringy thong panty and thigh-high black lace stockings. Before James stood Naksh with his very masculine ten-inch cock shoved deep into James’ slurping throat. James looked up at Naksh with watering eyes and blushing cheeks. It was a brutal face-fucking. Naksh pumped his hips with undisputed authority, and James slobbered the cock passionately. The huge cock jetted back-and-forth deep into James’ throat with power. Naksh face-fucked...
Gay MaleJames pulled into the mall shopping lot and started to look for a parking space. He hated shopping, but it was time for some new jeans. Just the thought of walking around the mall made him mad. It was no fun at all. He found a spot near the back of the parking lot. The car pulled in, he got out and headed for the mall entrance.As he walked through the door James noticed a sexy woman to his left going in another door. She was a little older than him, pleasantly plump and had the most beautiful...
1A Vegas EscapadeKim & James StoryChapter 1 My friends James and Kim where coming to Las Vegas for 10 days vacation. They asked me to make the arrangements for them as they had never been here before. I was happy to take care of their needs while here. We have a saying here, ?hat Happens Here, Stays Here.” James and Kim planned to do some gambling, partying and generally let loose and have a good time. Every thing had been arranged and was ready for their arrival. The Limo...
By the time they'd left the Christmas house party, the world had become white. The cab driver hadn't wanted to go the extra two hundred yards on the untreated surface of their street, so he'd pulled up at the corner and Clare had stepped out onto a snowy carpet that enfolded her feet and hushed her heels as she walked alone towards their house, leaving James to pay the driver.The key won't go into the lock. Is this the right door? Yes, she is sure it is. But the snow has changed everything,...
Wife LoversCaitlin and James - Part two By Cherie Peterson Chapter five "Oh Caitlin, he's getting so excited about going on a date with you." "He begged me to go shopping with him for a special outfit for your night together. He even wanted to get some nail polish, special lingerie, a nightie and a negligee. I think he's expecting to get lucky," Justine says with a wink. Justine and I are on the train and she is telling me about the preparations James is making...
James, the slut, sat on the floor, wearing only a tiny pink lace thong panty, and looked up at Garima. She stood over him with her hands on her hips and giggled at his predicament. He panted to catch his breath, with his face blushing bright red with intense embarrassment. He had been bouncing up and down on his butt cheeks on the floor. His butt was now very sore. But the most embarrassing part for James was that he had been fed 35 Indian cocks as Garima watched and laughed. His throat was so...
Gay MaleA few weeks later on a Saturday evening, James and Julia prepared to join Diane and Megan for the evening. They had decided to take taxis each way so that they could enjoy the wine that James had selected from their cellar. The hostesses had suggested that they dress comfortably, so James wore silk boxers, Dockers and a long-sleeved Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt. Julia wore a sweater and black pants, with dark green lingerie underneath. Shortly after arriving at the townhouse and ringing the bell,...
James had cheated on a few girls. Those girls got together to teach James a few lessons he would never forget. It was a spectacular encounter of revenge and karma. It was perfect poetic justice. Nuzla, Garima, and Devika joined together to unleash their Girl Power in ways that would be memorable for each of them. They kidnapped James and stripped him down to his little girly panties. And tied him across a spanking bench. It was a bit of a surprise to discover that James was wearing a tiny thong...
James found himself, once again, tied up and bent over a spanking bench. This time, the girls had him put on his cheerleading uniform. His skirt was so short that it revealed his butt cheeks and lacey red thong panty while he was bent over. The girls each held a ping pong paddle and stood on either side of James. They took turns swatting James’ sweet butt cheeks. First the right, then the left. They spanked him for 20 minutes non-stop until he was whimpering. He kept saying things like,...
Gay MaleJames went to school the following day as normal. He arrived to his form room. Nobody looked at him, nobody said anything about him as far as he knew. He sat down in his usual seat. James knew Bob didn't go to form, because he was highly autistic and liked to go to the school Plus club. At break, Bob wandered over to James. "That was fun," he said. "You didn't turn me in?" Replied James. "Why would we? You weren't there when I was screaming. There was no need to add you in," Said...
James sat on the ground, his butt throbbing with pain and red hot as if it was on fire. His mouth was wide open in disbelieving shock. His brain sizzled with uncertainty as his mind was blown beyond all imagination. He was frozen, speechless by a staggering level of extreme embarrassment. James had been thoroughly embarrassed by Garima and Nuzla more times than he could count. But this level of embarrassment had never been achieved by any human in the history of the world. As Garima and Nuzla...
Gay MaleAndrew helps me put my stuff in my car, then he climbs in the drivers seat, to take me back to his house. Or so I thought. The man drove to the cute little boutique in town. "A Dream for Him" , Andrew lead me through the door with him holding my hand. An older woman built like a brick house stepped out from the back room. "Hi, Louise" Andrew said. Louise came over and kissed Andrew on the cheek and gave him a hug. Andrew introduced me to her and told me to go look around, as the two who...
watering eyes fluttered as loud slurp and gurgle noises exuded from the back of James’ throat. Jake’s huge manly cock pounded, plunged, and throttled down James’ throat. James fully accepted his role as a sissy bitch and surrendered to Jake’s superior masculinity. Jake’s hips quickly thrust like a powerful hydraulic machine. James was taking the deepest deep-throating ever and the face-fuck of the century. Before you feel too badly for poor slutty James. It is important to note that Jake’s...
Gay MaleIt was six a.m. and I was wide awake. I heard James softly breathing and realized he was still asleep. I tried to close my eyes, but it was no use. I might as well get up. Very carefully, I slid out from under James’s arm. I picked up the baby-doll and thong that we had thrown on the floor the night before and walked into the bathroom. After using the toilet, I put on a bathrobe and snuck back out into the bedroom. He was still fast asleep and I really didn’t want to wake him, because I knew...
James is upset about his wife Anne's relationships with her lovers. To marry Anne he signed a prenuptial agreement to share her with other men. Anne has an overactive libido. She has had this since she was 11 years old. She is now in her early twenties and beautiful. Frequently the phone rings at home in the evening or phone messages from men for Anne are received. Anne is gone a lot. My name is Anne. My husband James and I have been married for 2 years. We are in our early twenties. We met in...
WifeIt was the last day of the summer holidays and James was sitting in his social ed class. To say a little bit about James, he is a 14 year old boy, he is 5ft 9 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Plays rugby and does some boxing so he is fairly muscular and has an outstanding 7 inch cock with the diameter 2 inches. So James was sitting in his social ed class as his teacher rambles on about the summer holidays and how not to do anything stupid etc etc. But James couldn't care less of what his...
A city break. Five stars.Back from the restroom. Clare smiles at James as she eases herself onto the restaurant chair. She is distracted, sits side-saddle for a moment looking back at the door through which she has just entered. "Is everything okay?" James asks."You men," she says, turning to him and slipping her bare legs beneath the table."I should never have listened to you.""Has some bloke come on to you?" His eyes are bright with expectation. "I told you there'd be interest if...