ComrieChapter 63
- 3 years ago
- 36
- 0
cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate
trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50
John Boyd 28yrs old
Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old.
Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse
Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom)
Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering
Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make
Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant
deputy Angie Davenport
Janson Marshall Angie’s husband.
Marion davenport Angie’s mom
Clyde Summers suicide victim
Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John
Max Bork Gabby’s fancy man
Willow computer geek
Tom Jasper’s cousin and half ass builder
Martin cameraman
Vanessa producer
Walter Pickering Vanessa’s boss
Lamar the mechanic and junkyard owner
Everette mom’s new bf
Greta a camera person for Country channel
Manson country channel lawyer
Joyce Reedmon TV personality
Dawn Goldman ex-con
Mark Herman corporal with highway patrol.
Lucy Lovett Wedding photographer.
Tommy Lovett her ex
Lucy Lovett’s 13year old son Jude
Ned and Nadine Drake bait shop owners
Cindy SAA member
Lewis Smith excon computer repairman.
The winter months of December, January and February passed without anything significant happening. Sure the fish sandwich trailer got well tested on a few family reunions, and such, but for me it was business as usual. Cleaning up puke in the campground cabin/tents for instance. Keeping things working in the Chilly air was uncomfortable but doable. There are seldom any frozen pipes to deal with, but lots of things react badly to the chilly air.
Forty degrees over several hours feels like thirty. Throw in some wind and it could easily be hypothermia weather. In other words it can still be nasty. Most people in Mississippi don’t dress for the winter chill. They just don’t get out in it for any length of time. Those of us who have to be out in it, dress for it, or suffer the consequences. Fortunately the weather in March was transitional. By the time May day arrived the temperatures had turned decidedly into spring mode.
People were moving around more outside during the days, and spending some time indoors at night. Inside meant clubs and restaurants. The large nightlife venues in my area were located in Starkville. and Jackson. There were smaller places were in Vicksburg and Greenville. There were even larger ones in Biloxi, but that was a whole different market. Both Edwardo and I agreed never to do any business in Biloxi.
Business was good at the campground, and the potential for the fish shack was extremely promising, so naturally something had to go wrong.
“John, how would you feel about my nephew Louis operating the fish shack,” Edwardo asked.
“As long as he doesn’t use it as a front for anything illegal, or to laundry money, I’m cool with it.”
“Why would you even say that?” Edwardo asked.
“Because it’s a natural cover for a drug dealer and a way to clean his money,” I said. “I don’t even know your nephew, but I do know something about drug dealers.”
“I think maybe your racist side is showing a little,” Edwardo said.
“Okay, do you want to buy me out, or do you want to sell out?” I asked.
“I thought we were friend?” Edwardo said.
“So did I,” I replied. “If it has come to name calling, then it’s time to buy or sell.”
“How much for your half, and your promise to stay away,” Edwardo asked.
“Eight grand, and you buy your fillets from me,” I said. Even at eight grand I was covering expenses and nothing more.
“I buy at the same price you sell to your mom minus ten percent. Call it the freezer age discount,” Edwardo said.
“You are a tough customer,” I said extending my hand to him. I also made a mental note to never show up to help him for free again. There would be no more discussion about the business. I did learn yet again that I was not good partner material.
I had a customer for my older catfish fillets and a different customer for the freshest ones as well. That business was still more than simply viable it was thriving. Of course it was just a matter of time, so I needed to look for something else. It was hard to come up with a small business, but if I kept my eyes open, I figured something would come along.
I, like most self employed people, spent my time working on improving and growing the business. I was looking at new equipment, or new products all the time. Something innovative would be a big deal, but when it happened it happened by accident.
It wasn’t really an accident I guess. The guy who tried to steal my catfish business knew what he was doing. I never said much about what I was doing or how I did it. That was because I figured someday someone else would figure out how easy the work was. He likely would begin doing the same thing. What I didn’t expect was for someone to just tie their limb hooks within a foot of mine.
When I first noticed the second colored ribbon of cloth tied on a limb, I had started running my line of hooks twice a day. It was only a few inches from my marker. Who ever he was, he was daring me to get into a war with him. I also noticed that all my hooks were empty of both catfish and bait.
Whoever the prick was, he was stealing my catch, and not re-baiting my hooks. I took whatever fish were on either hook, and did not re-baited any of them. I even used my bowie knife to cut the lines going to my hooks. I had no desire to get into a pissing contest with some other fisherman. What I did do after my trip up river was to check the CCTV camera in the parking lot. There was a live feed on the county’s parks and recreation website.
Since I had taken down my hooks, I had nothing to do but watch the camera while I hung around the house. It took two days, but what I saw was a tricked out Dodge truck pulling a boat and trailer. He backed it down the launch ramp. I watched it continually until the two Latino boys returned with buckets filled with catfish.
“Edwardo,” I said into the phone. “Sorry but I’ve decided to discontinue cat fishing on the scale I have been doing it. So I won’t be providing you with product any longer.”
“Did something happen,” he asked.
“You could say that,” I said. “Two teenaged Latino boys has pirated my spots and even taken fish off my lines. Now I have two choices, stop fishing, or kill them. I have done time and I didn’t like it. So I pulled my hooks.”
Since I didn’t have to run the river limb hook line, I practiced with the cross bow every day. First thing I did was to get a bale of hay to use as a target holder. Even with that, I got my exercise searching for the bolts. I usually went home and found something to work on inside the Circus tent. After lunch I took to the river, but I didn’t leave any limb hooks behind. I just sport fished. It was mostly catch and release type fishing.
When I got the text from an unknown number, I was in line at a Vietnamese wash, dry, and fold joint. It read, ‘keep an eye on your mail box.’ I deleted it since I recognized it as spam. I dropped off sheets from the trailers, those got changed twice a week when the trailers were in use. If clean sheets daily were important to a person, they shouldn’t be in a travel trailer at all, was my thinking.
Later that afternoon, I took a break from cutting grooves in my new homemade crossbow bolts, to check my mail. Inside the mail box I found a large manila envelope. It was large enough for the five pages of copy paper, but it had to be folded over to fit inside my rural mail box.
It didn’t appear to be a piece of junk mail, so I handled it carefully. I used my smallest knife with almost not handle to slit the envelope’s bottom flap. Just in case it was a trap of some kind. When I got it open, I took two and a half minutes to stared at it’s contents. I did that while my day old coffee heated in the smallest microwave ever made.
I sat at the counter, where I took my meals, to look over the five pages of type and drawings. They were all part of Lucy Lovett’s autopsy report, and crime scene photos. Lucy died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, which was no surprise.
The results of her drug panel showed that she had high levels of Valium and Percocet in her blood. To my knowledge she didn’t use either. Of course she could easily have scored both in her new friend’s world. It also indicated, she could have been drugged, then put in the car to die of auto exhaust.
The only thing that amounted to a red flag was hemp micro fibers on her wrist and on her clothing. I was no detective, but it all pointed to a possibly staged suicide. I kicked that idea around in my head the rest of the afternoon. What would it mean to her family to change the cause of death. I asked myself would her son Jude’s mental health be impacted more by a suicide or a murder.
In my own case I would I feel less guilt, if someone else killed her. If that were the case, maybe I could stop feeling that I was responsible for her taking her own life. Maybe I could get her out of my dreams. If I could eliminate her from the list of wrongs I had to live with, I might sleep easier.
I needed to know what the cops were doing. The copy of the autopsy report was sent to me for a reason. I needed to know why. Then I needed to know who sent it. With that information I might figure out what to do about Lucy’s death. I was in no hurry to do anything. This turn of events meant slugging it out for me at least. I wouldn’t be a visited by the bird of paradise, in the form of a brilliant deduction. I was no Sherlock Holmes. One thing at a time I told myself.
I returned to the Circus tent and my work on the crossbow bolts. I finished the grooves for the vanes. They had to be in exactly the right places on the soft plastic shafts. I was testing the shafts made of driveway markers. I wanted something cheap for my practice bolts. I cut the groves with a Dremel type grinder. One 48” orange plastic driveway marker, from Home Depot, made three bolts. I just sharped one end with an electric pencil sharpener I found at the 2nd chance store in Greenville. I had bought it months ago on a whim. I finally had a use for it.
I had been working on fletching the shafts most all morning. I finally had all three bolts laying on a counter top. There the super glue would cure making a permanent bond between the Ritz cracker box vanes, and the plastic driveway marker bolts. I had no idea how they would perform at that moment.
I sat drinking iced tea while I thought about my next move in the Lucy Lovett mystery. The only two cops I had a relationship with were Angie Marshall and Sylvia Amos. My relationships with the two of them ran hot and cold with Sylvia the coldest.
Even Angie avoided me since Lucy’s death. Regardless, someone had sent me the copy of the autopsy report. My bet was on Angie, but if I was wrong, it might be a fatal mistake, for one or both of us. I needed to wait for a further contact with my mysterious text person. At that point I was assuming nothing.
I went to the crossbow range. I had built it back when Dawn was part of my life. When I got there, I posted the front page of a local advertisement from a grocery store. I used it’s whole front page 11.5” by 14” as the target. It was pretty much the size of a person’s chest center mass. I drew an imperfect circle in the center of it with a red marker.
Then I returned to my plastic chair to fire the crossbow with the plastic bolts. The first one went though the paper at the bottom and buried itself almost completely inside the hay. I adjusted my aim then tried again. That one was closer to the center but off to the left. I adjusted again, and cocked and loosed the bolt. It was high and to the left still.
Then I walked down range to make a better assessment of the result and to recover my three test bolts. I spent two hours firing and then recovering the three bolts. They were shooting true, but I wasn’t sure about it how precise they ran. I needed a vise to bench test the bolts to be absolutely sure. I was sure of one thing, the orange plastic bolts were easier to find.
I went back to the Circus tent. I could arrange a twenty foot bench test for the cross bow. Since it was likely to be my last tests with those particular bolts I straightened the vanes before loading the first one into the crossbow. I didn’t cock it until I had the target attached to a hollow core door. I had rescued it from a demolition scrap pile on the side of the road. When I rescued it, I had no idea it’s eventual use would be as a target.
I fired all three bolts into the door frame. They didn’t split the shaft, but they fell within a two inch circle. Two of them were less than an inch apart at twenty feet. I deemed that close enough. All three penetrated the hollow core door and wound up hanging in my circus tent fabric.
I spent another hour patching, and curing the patch with a hand held hair dryer. I walked back to the Titan happy with my days tests of the crossbow. I received another anonymous text during my dinner. I was eating the left overs from mom’s latest catering. The one that night was from the Mexican Buffet. It consisted of a soggy taco and a small bowl of re-fried beans. I enjoyed it even though there was no love lost between me and Edwardo at that time.
The text read, ‘So what did you think? Don’t bother trying to trace this it would be a waste of time.’
My return text said simply, ‘K, Lots to think about.’
His or her reply, ‘Cops r going to shut it dn.’
I wrote, ‘they are going with the suicide shit?’
‘wht do I call u?’
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Hi all, This is continuation to previous sex story. I posted complete story of the first part, but due to some issue, only half was published. I got many requests for complete story. I’ve replied everyone with complete story. If anyone missed it please send a test email to to get complete story of the first part. Some readers asked for pictures.. Guys please don’t ask, no one will share their loved ones’ pics for someone else to shag off. I just share the story, but not their details. Comments...
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LesbianMe my Mum and Carl my step dad, had gone to the Italian lakes on holiday, it was back in July 2008, just after my birthday. About 3 days into the holiday, just after lunch, mum and Carl had gone up to the apartment for a nap. I stayed down by the pool for another half hour or so enjoying the heat of the sunshine on my skin, then decided to go to my room to get some cash for an ice cream. I walked out onto the balcony where I'd left my purse and heard some moaning and groaning coming from the...
Justin loves parties. Good looking with a solid build, my husband is in his element meeting women and having them fawning over him. I don't mind — I enjoy the attention I get from men.I confess I was both surprised and amused that Justin seemed taken aback by my dress as I prepared for our latest party night. Okay, it revealed a bit more flesh than usual but I had a nice body for my age so why not flaunt it? Justin made a few comments but I simply told him to remember who I would be coming home...
I visited the Biograph Cinema in Victoria London in the 70’s as a fairly naïve teenager, who ended up m*****ed. Shame the place closed, I was enjoying being fiddled with by dirty old men.The Biograph was clearly the haunt of the Dirty Mac Brigade, and all of those sorts of men my Mother had told me to watch out for. Aged 18 I’d never even kissed a girl let alone had someone else make me cum. So, I was drawn back to the place. Like any teenager I wanked at least daily, but the previous episodes...
Part One A short flight from my hometown had brought me to Mariners cove. I was escaping from the pain and anguish of a torrid year; the unexpected loss of a close friend, the fallout of a company merger that left me e-mailing CVs again, and topping everything off, finding my girlfriend with her face buried between the thighs of her hairdresser. Mariners Cove was a bustling east coast town, which catered to both tourism and to its small fishing fleet. Just a couple of thousand souls lived here...
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Asian Porn SitesAnna had no real idea how long her mind had been rehashing these kinds of thoughts, but it felt like no more than a blink of an eye when footsteps approached the door. As it opened, she timidly moved her back against the furthest wall again to maximize the distance between herself and those filthy men. As announced, it was Rashid who had returned with his militia. "As you can see, your servant Rashid keeps his promises and has returned to satisfy this young lady's curiosity," the pasha...
Bobby's cock was almost at full erection now, and Mandy was having great difficulty in fitting it all into her tiny, sucking mouth. He reached down to the girl's crotch and began to rub his fingers up and down the hot, juicy slit between her tight cuntlips. Mandy moaned around his cock and hunched her pussy up against his hand, urging Bobby to stick his fingers in deeper. Bobby slid two fingers up her cunt and rubbed her fat little clit with his thumb. Mandy sucked his cock harder,...
My stomach nearly in caves on itself as the fucking asshole blondie puts his fist in my gut. Blood coughs up everywhere. “Are you finally going to tell me why the hell you were fucking creeping on our property?” “I swear, I’m just here to read the meters, I’m with the electric company. You guys are way over past due on your bills.” The smile I fail to hide gets quickly wiped away with a backhand from the sandy blonde-haired man that looks like he spends way too much time crossfitting....
Gina had been walking home, when she had passed a newsagents. Realising that she hadn't yet purchased her week's quota of magazines, she had ducked in and picked them up. It was quite late that night when she finally got around to opening up the bag and looking at them. Cosmo, Seventeen, Teen Magazine, Playboy... "Woah!" Gina said, blinking twice in surprise. "How did that get in there?" She thought that the newsagent had looked at her strangely. Well, the money was spent now, and...
There were large linesmen pliers in my glove box and I pulled them out, then looked around before opening the door of my personal taxicab. I went prone on the asphalt and crawled under the truck that was between my cab and their sports car. It took only a moment for me to cut the hot wire to their starter. When they walked out of the store I started my engine and backed down the row of the parking lot. I could tell now one was an inch or two taller. She walked to the driver side of their...
"I wondered how your first year in New Opportunity has been, dear?" Liza didn't often get the chance to talk with Effie, her granddaughter these days. Like all young people she was forever busy; working hard at her studies, growing up, having fun. It was nice to have the chance to talk with her. She was growing up so quickly. It hardly seemed like any time to Liza since Effie had been starting school. Effie liked talking to her grandmother. Of course, she was ancient - 60 or more, Effie...
Wyoming Trucking, 8 By: Malissa Madison We both busied ourselves packing for the trip. Rose packing more since she would be gone longer. "Momma, you've got enough for a week," she pointed out. "Rose, I'm not just going to drop you off and leave. What if you don't like it and want to come home? What if," she interrupted me? "Momma, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself. And if it isn't what I want I know how to call home," she said. Everyone else returned while we were...
When I awoke fairly early on Monday morning the hotel rooms were quiet but I was not alone in bed. Sometime during the night Miranda had crept in and joined me and was now more or less awake herself, with her left arm wrapped around me and her head lying upon my chest. The fact that she was still clothed didn't really help to mitigate the situation much. Sensing that I was now awake as well, she snuggled up to me even tighter, if possible. "Hold on there, Princess Tiger!" I muttered. I'm...
From Part I.....I continued to lick lightly all around her dripping slit as if to clean her up for the next round. The sweetness of her juices were like fine wine. My mind began to wonder about the next phase as Angie removed her knee from the barstool and tried to steady herself with her back against the counter. Looking up at her, she pinched at her nipples and gave me her sexiest smile. "You know that was just a warm-up don't you?" she said slowly and with conviction. She grabbed her beer...
Oral SexI hung up after that. I couldn't talk any more, the tears that suffocated and humiliated me wouldn't allow it. I couldn't sleep either. I couldn't stop thinking about Connor. Why can't I stop thinking about Connor? His perfectly swept hair, his musky yet brilliant scent, his plaid shirt collection all manifested in my mind. Time slips away and it's only till the sun peaks it head that I notice the time. "Oh no" I think as I remember school in the morning. And my first period...
Susan's Ordeal.I was awaiting my Master to return from hisDay at the office..I had readied myself as her requested..I stood against the wall of the living roomDutifully attired in red wig, black dressLong gloves and seamed nylons…I had applied my makeup and used my deepestRed lipstick to coat my lips….My legs ached from wearing the six inch heelsHe ordered me to wear…I do hope heWould allow me to take them offOr at least sit…as I found these heels veryPainful…and almost impossible for meTo walk...
I had taken my wife and our son to a shopping retail park about twenty minutes out of our town. We’d been shopping around fifteen minutes when the time was right he needed to start trying some clothes on, as my son disappeared into the fitting room with my wife in tow I sat on a chair outside, next to an older lady who was waiting for her husband.As we chatted away about this and that I learned that she was 68, her husband was 76 and they were both retired. She wasn’t bad for her age, a little...
For Daniella all was darkness. The sleep mask he had slipped over her eyes encased her in velvet black. Every other sense was heightened. She heard the soft whirr of the fan and the rustle of his clothing, as perhaps he crossed his legs or shifted in his seat. She smelled the honeysuckle through the open window and the sharp tang of cologne whenever he drew close. She felt the prickling of cooling sweat on her exposed skin every time the fanned air brushed her. And she felt the tautness of the...
Der Handwerker Ich bin der erste, der zugibt, dass es nur Glück war. Ich hatte schon seit Jahren mit Aktien spekuliert, mit mehr oder minder Erfolg. Doch plötzlich, für mich völlig unerwartet, schossen meine Papiere durch die Decke. Ich starrte ungläubig auf mein Portfolio und irgendwann, als es mir unheimlich wurde, verkaufte ich. Wie sich herausstellte, war ich gerade noch rechtzeitig ausgestiegen. Wenige Tage später kam der Crash, aber da hatte ich meine Gewinne schon realisiert. Beim...