Alone there at the third floor basement
- 3 years ago
- 37
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September. School. Because Mike was a teacher, the arrival of the fall term had a greater effect on the Ferguson household than on most others. But with everything else that was going on, school starting almost faded to insignificance.
Kristen and Coach reluctantly held off their plans for a quick civil wedding, and organized a small church wedding. A few of Coach's relatives were able to make the trip, and this had a surprising healing effect on him.
Jenny's singing career quickly became established, at least at the local level. Hoss was very glad he had hired Carl, because he now had a crowd control problem every Friday and Saturday night. Jenny stuck to her commitment to having her family with her. Chris and Amy were at the Emporium every weekend night. Chris shrugged off the jokes about him being the 'utlimate groupy.'
Dex also was at the Emporium whenever Jenny was there. He spent his time in discussions with either Chris or Carl. Chris's new job was decent and the salary was very welcome to the young couple. He was not challenged, however, and was discovering a latent entrepreneurial streak, which Dex somehow stimulated. Carl had begun sessions with Dex's sensei to refresh his martial arts skills. Dex spent hours with Carl discussing and practicing the best techniques for controlling disruptions in a club environment with minimum disturbance to others. Carl had proven to have a flair for overall security and crowd management. Using Dex and Hoss as sounding boards, he was developing a course that he would later offer to club managers and bouncers.
Dex bought a car. He was still too young for a license, but it really helped to have a car for Donna to use, and Dex was the frequent benfeciary. The car was not a car, but a Jeep - the Wrangler style. This suited Dex perfectly, and before long Donna was the preferred ride among her friends, cramped back seat notwithstanding.
Donna, using some unsuspected will power, had not told Dex of her decision to go on the pill. Their relationship continued to develop as it had over the past year. They were siblings, very best friends, and sexual playmates. They loved each other deeply, but it was a much different love than that between Dex and his mother. Dex and Donna did not build their lives around each other, as many love-struck young couples did. An outsider visiting the family would only rarely see evidence of any unusual sibling closeness. Karen and Mike observed and discussed this, and it helped to reduce the shock of the impending sexual union between the two teens. It greatly eased their major fear - that the two would fall so deeply in love they would have to be life partners.
The Dex that began his Sophomore year was dramatically changed from the shocked, despondent adolescent that fled from the death of his parents. In the past year, his ability to help some people, Kristen and Jenny in particular, had taken the edge off his overwhelming guilt. It did not, however, diminish his drive to help any female who had been harmed by a man. He did not actually search for victims, but his perceptions were so acute he could sometimes spot them after just a casual encounter.
Dex had never truly been shy, but during his Freshman year, his incredibly busy schedule and his reluctance to engage in typical teen horseplay made him seem a bit aloof. As the new school year began, he was much more open and gregarious at school. Donna, the other women in the family, Margo, and Donna's friends had a lot to do with that. He had experienced complete acceptance and easy camaraderie with all of these females, and was no longer reluctant to initiate interaction. With the boys in the school, acceptance was assured, as it was a certainty Dex would be the starting point guard on a pretty good basketball team. In a nutshell, there had been nothing in the past year to shake Dex's confidence or to increase his guilt, and it showed in his personality growth.
Physically, Dex seemed out of place walking the halls among the acne and the braces. With just a little change in style of dress, he could have passed for a young teacher. He had reached his full mature height of 6'2", and his martial arts training and his weight work had added a lot of solid muscle. He was still slim - he always would be - but his shoulders and arms clearly identified him as an athlete. The football coach had tried valiantly to recruit Dex as a receiver, but fall was a heavy time for martial arts competitions, and Dex declined.
Dex's attitude toward and relationship with girls would have been fertile ground for a psyche treatise. Uniformly friendly, courteous, and at ease, he nevertheless was yet to go on his first real date. Largely because of his involvement with Bitsy, he had regularly attended school dances, and rarely sat out a dance. It was just as rare for him to dance more than two numbers with the same girl. Obviously, his relationship with Donna gave him access to female companionship and, recently, sexual release. Still, he was surprisingly disinterested in the preliminary mating rituals common to fifteen year olds. The idea of any kind of binding relationship with a girl had no appeal to him. Girls, of course, sense these kinds of things. His apparent 'safety' made Dex incredibly desirable as a casual companion.
Margo Santee was reaching the point of no return. The incredible events of the spring and summer had brought the barrenness of her life into sharp focus. First, there had been Donna and Dex. The two of them alone had given her a glimpse of the kind of family and love she had forgotten about. The kind she had grown up in but had forsaken for her life with Roger. Then, her affair with her son had unleashed an emotional intensity she thought she had learned to live without. Throw in Jenny's incredible wedding, just after Rick had left for early football, and she felt totally alone and unloved.
She had tried once to instigate a romantic evening with Roger. He had fucked her, but after Rick, she saw it for the empty encounter it was. She had already made a trip to visit Rick, and the sex had been intense. Even in the middle of it, though, she sensed that Rick had entered a new life in which she could never play the same role. The sex could still be there in the future, but that one summer was a time never to be repeated. Their union had been critical to both of their lives, but they each had to take the next step on their own.
The call came during the second week of school, and Donna happened to answer. It was Rick Santee, and he asked if Dex could get on the line, too. A wide-eyed Donna found Dex studying, and got him on the extension. "What's this about, Rick?" Donna asked.
"It's about Mom. I'm really worried about her. Look, I'm assuming you guys know all about what's happened between Mom and I over the summer. She was here for a long weekend, and it tore me up to see what she was like when she had to leave. I'm not worried about suicide or anything, and I don't think she's that much into alcohol, but she is really hurting."
"What can we do to help, Rick?" Dex asked.
"You guys and your family are the only real friends she has, outside her own family. She sees your family as having it all together. I guess I'm asking if you can go out of your way to spend some time with her, maybe invite her over. The biggest thing you can do is help her decide to get that divorce. She can't decide on her own."
Donna was at this point too flabbergasted to speak, so Dex carried the conversation. They discussed how the high school team was doing, and quite a bit about Rick's football and his classes. As the conversation wound down, there was an awkward pause, then, "Donna, are you still there?"
Voice cracking, she squeaked out, "Yeah, I'm here."
"I know I've apologized to you, but until recently, I never really understood how badly I hurt you. I think I understand now, and I regret it more than I can tell you. And Dex, thanks for the wake-up call. I hate to think I might have come here to school the same asshole I was in April. Well, any help you can give Mom will be great. Thanks, guys."
The two extensions were in different rooms, so Dex could not see Donna during the conversation. When Dex arrived where she was, though, she was still staring at the handset, having failed to hang it up.
"Whoever said 'Revenge is sweet' didn't know what he was talking about, did he?" Dex asked Donna. She was still mute and motionless as he took the phone from her hand and hung it up.
That same night, Donna and Dex shared the call with Karen and Mike. Karen immediately set up a lunch date with Margo and invited her for dinner Saturday evening.
The last Friday in September, Karen and Mike were invited out to dinner at friends'. They asked the kids if they would stay home, rather than going to the Emporium for one night. Dex noticed an unusual amount of giggling between Karen and Donna at departure, and Mike clapped Dex on the back in a rather rare move. Dex thought nothing more of it as he headed downstairs to get his weekend homework out of the way. Donna asked how much he had to do, and he told her only about two hours.
At exactly the two hour mark, Donna came down to Dex's room and sat on his lap, straddling his legs. This now-familiar approach meant she wanted something from him, and this time she was naked. Her spread legs exposed her pink inner labia, and Dex was momentarily too distracted to wonder what the request might be. He recovered fairly quickly, and in keeping with the sexy teasing they both enjoyed, this time he put his hands directly on her tits, and kneaded them very gently.
"I learn fast. I'll bet this means you want something, huh?"
"Make me a woman!" There was no clever rejoinder from him this time, only a slack-jawed gape. When the silence continued, she went on. "I'm on the pill. Mom and Dad know all about it. In fact, they know tonight is the night."
Blood began returning to the temporarily abandoned parts of his brain, and he was able to respond "So that's why they asked us to stay home, and why things were a little strange when they left!"
"Is that a yes?" she asked.
"Was there ever a question? Let's shower!"
The shower was as playful as always, but a bit shorter than usual. As they toweled off, Donna found that repeated attempts to dry her crotch were ineffective. They sprinted to the bedroom, and snuggled under the covers awhile until their skin warmed from the cooling after the shower. As they cuddled, Donna assured him that this was what she wanted and she could not wait any longer. She explained how their naked times, the encounter with Rick, and the romance of the weddings had her so horny she couldn't stand it. His hands and his mouth just weren't enough any more.
Feeling warm enough to throw back the covers, Dex started some serious foreplay, only to have Donna push him back gently. She took his hand and put it on her well-moistened pussy, then gave a few perfunctory strokes to his already rigid cock.
"You know I love this part. In fact, it's all we've had until now. Right now, though, I want get past the painful part and feel you in me. Here, roll over on your back on this." She placed a towel under his ass and had him roll onto it. He could not supress a chuckle.
"Some horny virgin you are! All this planning!"
She slapped him playfully on the shoulder. "It won't feel any less wonderful if I keep the blood off the sheets, will it?"
Leaning over to kiss her, he said "Sorry! You really are amazing, you know that?"
"Well, I've been living around this amazing guy. Now, let's get that amazing cock in me."
She straddled him as he lay on his back. Holding his cock upright, she struggled a few moments to get the head positioned properly, then dropped down a bit, popping the head into herself.
Dex's mother had been relatively tight, considering that she had given birth and had endured years of forced intercourse. Donna, though, was a completely different matter. His initial penetration felt like someone was squeezing his glans hard with their hand, except that it also felt very, very warm. He looked up and saw a wave of concern and uncertainty cross Donna's face. "Donna, if..."
"Don't say it! I know I will stretch and I know it will fit. You're sweet to worry about me, but this is something a girl's just gotta do." With that, she began a wriggling motion, not really up and down, but the result was incremental progress down onto him. It wasn't long before she winced as they encountered more serious resistance.
"I'm going to move up and down on just the end for a while. I want to get as loose and slippery as I can before we pop it." She continued the wriggling action, but added a definite vertical motion, making him worry that he might pop right out. She kept this up for about a half a minute, then with no change in expression and no warning to him, she dropped about two inches further onto him. With her face contorted and a couple of tears tracking on her cheeks, she let out a sharp hiss.
Dex had a lot of practice steeling himself against the unavoidable suffering of a woman he loved. It did not make this any easier. Donna was no pansy, and the rupturing of her hymen was obviously more painful than most. He could think of nothing appropriate to say, so he took her face in his hands and wiped the tears gently with his thumbs. For almost two minutes, she sat motionless, waiting for the pain to ease.
When Donna tentatively began wriggling again, Dex spoke up. "Donna, we don't have to go any further tonight."
"Oh yes we do! I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Just because it hurt a lot more than I expected, I'm not giving up."
"I know this is a huge night for you, Donna, but I've been looking forward to all the nights that come after. The pain will be done, and we can just relax and enjoy each other."
"How do you always know just what to say, you charmer, you?" During this short exchange, she had sunk all the way down. There was still pain, but the stretched and filled sensation was thrilling. If she moved even slightly, the arousal was already masking the pain somewhat. Cautiously, she began more vigorous up and down motions, hoping to work through the pain. After about two minutes, the pain was still there, and her arousal had not increased at all. Her whole body slumped a bit as she realized things were not going to get better.
Ever attuned to her moods, Dex knew something was wrong and there was little doubt what the problem was. Not giving her a chance to object, he rolled them to their sides and pulled out of her. Telling her sternly not to move, he got a wet washcloth and another towel from the bathroom, and gently swabbed the blood from her crotch. By the time he finished, Donna was whimpering in frustration.
"This isn't the way it's supposed to be," she sniffled. "I've been dreaming about all the neat things we'd do tonight, and I... I just can't." The whimpering changed to full-fledged sobs.
Dex just pulled her close until she calmed down, then asked her, "Donna, Honey, do you think all those things will still fell neat tomorrow night - or Sunday - or Monday?"
"There you go again, always saying the right thing. Yes, they'll still feel good. I'm just upset that I had to disappoint you tonight."
"Whew! That's a relief. I was worried you'd be turned off on sex forever."
Once again the mock-angry slap on the shoulder. "Fat chance! You know me better than that."
"I think you could really use a little pampering tonight, don't you? Can you tell me where your body lotion is." She told him, and he went off to fetch it and a large towel.
Back in his room, Dex treated Donna to a long, tender lotion massage over her entire body. He did not provide the running commentary on her body parts as he had with Kristen, but he did keep up a casual monologue on any subject he could think of. When he had finished both sides, he rolled her onto her stomach again and lightly stroked from her shoulders down over her ass. It took barely five minutes of this and she was out.
The usual morning erection felt different as Dex clawed his way up to some sort of awareness. As the initial confusion cleared a bit, he had a brief flashback of his mother sucking him to wakefulness all those months ago. His head jerked up, he saw Donna, and the present reality settled upon him. It was not an unpleasant reality at all, as he saw his naked cousin in enticing profile in the feeble light of dawn. It was doubtful she had sensed his momentary panic, and he decided it was best that she never know his reaction.
There was no way he could continue this delightful activity without bladder relief, so he reluctantly eased Donna's off of his cock, and walked to the bathroom. He had a long wait before he softened enough to pee. Fortunately, Donna chose not to torment him. She was sitting demurely atop the covers when he returned.
"Dex, there's no way I'm facing Mom and Dad this morning without you having come inside me. I want to try it again."
"Um, Donna, I don't want to hurt you. It can't have healed just since last night."
"It won't be quite as bad. Besides, I need to do this no matter how bad it hurts."
"OK, we can do it, but on one condition."
"Oh, oh! What's that?"
"I want to make you come a few times first. Then maybe you won't feel much at all."
"Would you really fuck an unconscious woman?"
"I wouldn't fuck you at all, Baby. You know that."
"Yeah, I know. Sometime, though, that may be just what I need."
"Well, I'm sure you will tell me when that happens." With that, he kissed her soundly. After a long, steamy kiss, he moved his mouth to her tit, and brought the nipple to life. At the same time, he used his hand to stroke her pussy, exerting extra pressure with the heel of his thumb over her clit.
To put sexual responsiveness in automotive terms, Donna was a top fuel dragster. The first few times Dex had made her come, he was amazed. His mother had been responsive, but the joyful task of bringing her off usually took most of ten fun-filled minutes. Several times, Donna had exploded in way less than half that time. It apparently was not a consequence of the newness of her sexual activity, either, as her acceleration had slowed very little over their months of intimacy.
Except for the occasional episode when time was limited, the two teens took a relaxed pace in their sexual play. It was normal for both of them to come twice, and Donna often came even more. Thus, Dex had not made an idle boast. He had every reason to believe he could bring her to three climaxes - he had done it several times before. It was more important now than ever, though, as he knew she would be very disappointed if she could not make him come inside her. His own urgency was not trivial, either.
Donna must have been quite worked up as she roused Dex, and she quickly went into full writhing and squirming mode. Keeping his mouth on her nipple, he got down on his shoulder and reached his other hand underneath her ass. Sliding his middle finger up her crack from beneath, he was able to stroke her slit from both the top and the bottom, being careful not to stick either finger very far inside her. This was something he had not done to her before. Keeping the movements of both hands in rhythm, her entire crotch area soon felt stimulated. Her bouncing in response became so vigorous, he was challenged to hold on. When she stiffened and convulsed in climax, he was barely able to keep his upper hand over her clit area.
The sight and feel of a woman in orgasm had made Dex an addict from the first time he clumsily brought off his mother. His favorite strategy during foreplay was to keep his partner aroused so she never completely came down before the next orgasm started. It was particularly thrilling with Donna because of the way her supple young body moved during her throes, and the erotic little moans and gasps she uttered. This morning, he had threatened her with three warm-up comes, but he intended to enter her after the second.
As soon as he could pry her tensed legs apart, Dex moved down and began lapping at her labia with his mouth. To avoid accidentally bringing her down through sensitivity, he avoided her clit at first. He reached one arm up to caress a breast and stimulate the nipple, being very cautious again to give it time for its sensitivity to ease. Getting into a steady rhythm seemed to be the most effective technique on Donna, and he fell into in quickly. As he lapped with his tongue, he paid more and more attention to her clit. After several minutes, her movements became erratic, signaling she was on the way. When she seemed to have almost lost control of her breathing, he focused on the clit, sucking and rubbing it vigorously with his tongue, all the while rolling her nipple with firm pressure.
The second orgasm was considerably stronger than the first, almost foiling Dex's plan with the strength of her movements. While it was barely under way, he kept his thumb rubbing over her clit while he moved up, struggling to keep her clenching legs apart. She was at maximum lubrication, and he was at maximum hardness, so initial penetration occurred with ease. Once barely inside, though, the extreme tightness came into play again. Remembering her use of small rotating and jiggling motions, he tried to duplicate them, and could fell himself sinking in without directly thrusting.
Progress was slow, and her orgasm was waning when he reached the depth of her torn hymen. He watched her face for signs of pain, and saw her wince at his first contact with the torn tissue. He went motionless at the sight, but she had regained some awareness and stammered at him "'S OK! Don't stop! Want you in! 'S OK! 'S OK!" Her face was still a bit tense as he resumed, but he did not see another strong sign of pain. At the point where his glans was well past the wounded area, her face relaxed considerably. "Better now! Gonna do it!"
Happy that she seemed more comfortable, but still cautious, Dex worked his way completely in, then began thrusting, but in very short strokes. He wanted to keep his head from touching the wounded area. Until now, he had been totally focused on her pleasure and comfort. Now, he gave in to his own need. Still monitoring her expression for signs of pain, he fell into a very rapid, but very short motion. It was enough. Being left hanging last night, then this morning's activity had put him on a hair trigger. He unloaded into her while holding himself motionless. By the time he finished, his arms were quivering with the effort of holding himself above her.
This morning, Dex's little habit of requiring two comes to soften posed a bit of a problem. Pulling out while still stiff would bring the head of his cock past Donna's wound again. He really did not want their coupling to end in a twinge of pain for Donna. If he could soften inside her, he might be able to withdraw with no discomfort to her. As if she was on the same wavelength, Donna raised and spread her knees even farther, then reached down with both hands and began caressing his tender balls. She started moving her hips against him, then told him, "C'mon, Lover. Gotta come again!"
"Don't want to hurt you!" He panted back.
"I'll hurt YOU if you don't come again!" She teased him. It was a great relief to see her spirit back to normal, and he started stroking again, knowing his own tenderness would not last long. Between her tight channel and her hands, the stimulation was incredible, even with the reduced friction from their combined fluids. His arousal was no longer encumbered by his concern for her, and he let himself sink into the sensations, although he did keep his strokes very short. Within three or four minutes, he stiffened again, and shot another load into her.
The second come always left him exhausted, and he rolled them to their sides and lay panting. "Sorry there were only two for you," he was able to gasp out. She hugged herself to him without responding and they lay silent for several minutes. When his shrunken penis slipped easily out of her, she sniffled a bit, and he asked if it hurt her.
"No, you goof! You were thinking about my pain all the time, weren't you?"
"I know how disappointed you were last night, and I wanted you to have your wish."
"God, Dex, sometimes I wish we COULD think about being together forever. You are so good to me!" He didn't respond, except with his hands stroking her back and her ass.
The freshly showered teens were the first in the kitchen for the now traditional naked Saturday breakfast. Kristen had not joined them since meeting Dennis. Jenny and Chris came over occasionally, but would not be there today.
When Karen came down the stairs, she headed right for her daughter and gave her a big hug. She released her and hugged Dex as Mike took her place in Donna's hug.
"Was it good?" Karen asked Donna as she came back for another hug.
"I should have listened to the Doc," Donna answered. "She offered to cut my hymen, but I declined. It hurt pretty bad last night. We had to wait until this morning."
"You know, I debated whether to talk to you about that," Karen said. "I had the same problem, only your poor Dad had to wait until the third day of our honeymoon, it was so bad."
"Hey, it was worth the wait!" Mike interjected, hugging his wife from behind.
"Well, at least you were able to enjoy it this morning," Karen said to Donna.
"Dex was so sweet and gentle! I'm afraid we're going to have to hold off for a couple more days, though. Sorry, Lover!" Dex merely hugged her in reply.
Margo had been invited for an early dinner, as the teens wanted to be at the Emporium for both of Jenny's sets. It took Margo about three seconds to know that Donna's virginity was gone, and she pulled the girl aside. Donna told her all about it while Karen finished dinner preparations.
Donna had not seen Margo since Rick's phone call, so she gave the older woman a replay. Margo's eyes were damp when Donna finished, and she could not think of anything to say. "Margo, that certainly is not the same Rick I ran from last spring. Not even the same one I tormented this summer."
"Does that mean you're changing your mind about him?" Margo asked.
"Could be. Could be," Donna replied thoughtfully.
"Sweetie, you have just given me enough hope to keep me going."
Margo had met Mike at the wedding, but this was their first extended exposure. Karen could not surpress an occasional smile at the scrutiny her friend was giving her man.
When the kids left for the Emporium, Margo got up to leave as well. Karen insisted she stay on, as there was nothing planned for the evening, and they could all relax together. The talk quickly turned to Margo's marriage, and she surprised herself by how much she felt free to reveal to Mike. Karen, of course, knew all about Margo's situation.
When the kids came home much later, Margo and Karen were still chatting in the living room. Donna sat down on the other side of Margo, and together they convinced her to stay the night. They got past all the predictable objections about toiletries and sleepwear, and Margo was hard put to appear reluctant.
The house was quiet and Donna and Dex were cuddling naked in his bed. She appeared slightly withdrawn, and he assumed it was disappointed over not being able to have sex. "Hey, Donna, don't worry about it. Maybe by tomorrow you'll feel up to it."
"Oh, I wasn't thinking about that. I really feel bad for Margo. Dex, um, would you consider, uh, having Margo come down here with us?" She playfully took hold of his cock, and feeling his immediate response, said, "Good, I'll go and get her." She scurried off without bothering with any clothes. When he stopped chuckling, Dex got up and put on some boxers and turned on the small mood lamp on his dresser. Seeing the lotion bottle still on the dresser from the night before, he got two large towels from the bathroom, and spread them on the bed.
Up in Donna's room, Margo had just rolled over wide awake for about the forty-fifth time, when Donna entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Finding Margo's hand, Donna tugged gently and said, "Come on downstairs with us Margo. You shouldn't be alone."
"You're not interrupting anything. I'm too sore for sex tonight."
"But Dex..."
"Dex is fine. He loves you, too, and hates to see you hurting. It will just be friendly and loving. You don't have to do anything. We won't embarrass you."
Donna was not to be denied, and Margo was pulled to her feet. At the door, she hesitated. She was wearing a rather thin nightgown of Karen's, with nothing on underneath, as she had been hesitant to borrow someone else's panties. "Come on, Margo. Don't worry about it. Your body is gorgeous, but Dex won't rape you if you happen to give him a little show."
Feeling ashamed of her timidity, Margo made a joke. "Oh, damn. I was kind of hoping..." Donna giggled and planted a firm kiss right on Margo's lips. They continued down the two flights of stairs with no more comment, until they reached the basement and saw Dex waiting beside the bed with lotion in hand and towels ready. "Oh, I... I... ," Margo stuttered.
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MasturbationSCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 11 "This is a really bad idea." Sam stood with his hands perched on his wide hips, watching as Rivers quickly checked the corridor outside of their room. "There's no-one around, we've got time to do this." Rivers stepped back into the room, wedging the door awkwardly shut against the now splintered door frame. He took a spare chair from under the desk and wedged it against the door handle. "Oh, like that will stop them," Sam commented dryly, folding...
Here on xhamster and many other porn sites you can find a video of a housewife from Iowa who has sex in a shopping Mall bathroom with a man she meets online. My story which is different from hers. But like hers it is true and also takes place in a shopping mall. However, my story doesn't involve a housewife but a very pretty white teenager named Maryann who I had met by the swimming pool at the apartment complex where my ex and I lived. In subsqent meetings we always kept it friendly but...
That night Bailey and I slept together, not as in sex, but just sleep. I held her in my arms while we slept, I felt so great it felt like I could take on an army. When I woke up she had her head on my chest. For another hour I just watched her sleep, she was so beautiful I wanted to paint her and put it in a museum labeled ‘The Beautiful Woman’, but sadly I was not a painter. When she woke she saw me watching and said ‘I love you,’ ‘I love you too and I will until my heart stops beating....
Shit! Jerry stood outside the classy little jewellery store in the strip mall near his house, staring at the locked door and ‘Closed for Christmas’ sign like it was going to magically disappear. As he looked frantically about, his gaze fell on a couple exiting a little boutique-type shop: ‘Lushious Intimates & Gifts’. “Lushious?” Jerry muttered. “Well that’s just daft, do people not know how to spell anymore?” He stood in a quandary, trying to talk himself into venturing inside, when an...
SeductionBecky bounced out of the pickup and waved her arms at me shouting “hi Jimmy, how’s the fishing.’ I don’t know why but I just hated being called Jimmy and Becky knew it but would say it all the time just to rub it in. So I gave her a hurt scowl look and she came up to me with that puppy dog look and kissed me on the cheek. Usually this is as far as it goes, it was becoming a private game between the two of us, but this time instead of saying “there, there Jim it will be alright” she...
After driving home from work naked, I couldn’t get dressed in the car, so I just slipped on my shirt and went in the house. It was after midnight and I doubted any of my neighbors were up. This gave me a new idea. A few days later we had a rainy day. I decided it was time to put my new plan into action. This would be a little risky and the rain would give me at least a little cover. I went to work as usual. I wore a skirt, a white button front blouse, pantyhose, bra, etc. and an overcoat for...
ExhibitionismSharon Cayle walked in to her kitchento see her favorite sight. Herhusband John was cooking as he always didi on the weekends. Wearing just his favorite dark blue apron, chef's hat and a black jock strap. Everyman should cook like this on the weekendsshe thought to herself. At least mine does. Her husband was average height about 5'10", dark hair blue eyes with a swimmers lean build. His looks were average but John always had smile on his face. "What are you looking at?" he asked as he...
Heather and I got up at 8am after having a lovely morning session. Heather loves to wake up and get her daily spunk. This morning I managed to get her into a sixty nine session so I could have my energy juice. We both had a glow of enjoying our love making. We had some toast and fruit for breakfast. Heather seem very happy to make breakfast whilst I check my emails for any work. Once I am finished we can have the day together. I was still finishing breakfast when the front door bell rang....
The Life and Times of Bethany Clark written by LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 2 - Twintuition The drive to the airport was an uneventful one, and I pulled my car up next to the curb where the parking meters were. Putting a dollar's worth of quarters into the meter, I messaged my brother that I had arrived and wanted to know which terminal he was in so I could pick him up. The tension was extremely thick as I walked across the airport. I kept waiting for a text from...
Melissa told me that the feeling of a man coming in her drives her over the edge and the warm gooey feeling of cum being shot inside of her drives her crazy. I already knew this fact, but with the exception of one or two of our playmates, most men don't cum in large amounts. We decided to put up an add seeking men who cum in buckets so to speak. After posting the want add, it was like a flurry of action. Every guy with a dick responded as we had posted a pic of Melissa's shaved...
Shortly after hanging up Darlene asked me to hand her panties to her. I found the tiny pair on the floor just out of her reach. She grinned upon taking them. I watched with great interest as she stuffed them just inside her cunt. Darlene stood up then carefully. A trail of cum oozed from one side so she stuffed the panties in a bit farther on that side. I looked at her quizzically and she said, "I'm saving this for Eddie to see when he gets home." I laughed at that and went to my room to...
Although my wife rarely works nowadays, it was her endeavours which helped us achieve this lofty status. Most of her time during her 30’s years, plus a year or two either side, and apart from the obvious three pregnancies, she worked as a private consultant, which was an occupation she seemed to have greatly enjoyed. In truth, I was never quite comfortable with her often being away from home, sometimes for several days at a time, especially with having to leave our infant and growing children...
Introduction: Can It was noon. I was horny as all fuck. I was thinking about my girlfriend and i had a massive erection. I was wearing blue sweatpants with white stripes on the sides and an orange t-shirt that had my fraternaty name on it. I paced back and forth in my lonely apartment waiting for my girlfriend to come in the door so we could have an amazing fuck. I waited 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 2 hours….nothing. So, I was really depressed. I decided it wouldnt do me any good to be depressed...
This is a continuation of another story, "Change of Power", a sequel to Tigger's "Change of Direction". Change Of Life By JRD Joe, Bronwyn, Julie, and Joe's children were at the dinner table telling stories into the night. Julie could barely contain her joy. Less than a week ago, she had despaired of ever seeing her child again. Then, three days ago, her child came back to her on, of all days, what Julie thought would be the last day of her life. Then, after he saved her life...
The first councilor was laughing at the Clivastone. He was a fake, a real Clivastone could have stopped all the executions with its mind. This... “Enjoy the small victory. I will kill you. You can’t hide from me, know that right now. Nothing you can do will stop me. Know that I hereby declare war on the IP. For each you kill I will take a hundred of the IP. Enjoy when I find you, you will die as slowly as I can kill you, as you deserve.” The councilor’s eyes were wide at the threats. What? A...
From the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford; I just felt like being a dad was 'in my blood'. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meeting—she was still 18. Barely a month after we were married, Jess was pregnant and we were on the path to having the large...
Now that he knew his squad, and his position, Bret began to study the responsibilities of the scout. Since Bret qualified for the games during the first thirteen days, this left him with forty-seven days before the actual start of the Games. Bret began to think he should go and get a first-hand look at the actual terrain. Thinking for the first time that one might come in handy, Bret bought cell phones for himself and the three girls. Since Bret had never used a cell phone, the girls had to...
Growing up in an ultra conservative town made what I was feeling at age 13 like an outcast. I had been taught that I should be interested in girls. And for a while I tried but always ended up in just the friend zone. I was undersized for my age, in every category, from my height, muscles, and my cock. I was skinny, pale skinned, with long white blonde hair and from time to time was mistaken for being a girl from behind. Needless to say, I wasn't very athletic besides being good at running. I...
‘Your one o’clock is waiting in exam room one.’ I hear as I walk in to the office. ‘I didn’t know I had an appointment.’ I say, glancing at my watch. ‘Or, I would’ve been here sooner.’ I sigh and grab the folder off the counter, without even looking at the name. I knock on exam room one and walk in, my head down. ‘Good morning.’ I say, mindlessly, but then catch my mistake. ‘I mean, ‘Good afternoon.” Chuckling, I look up to the patient in the chair. My jaw drops as I recognize that its you....
"PHILLIP! WAKE UP PHILLIP!" "Uh, wazzat?" "WAKE UP PHILLIP, THERE IS AN ALL STUDENT MEETING IN TEN MINUTES!" Sitting up, "Alright. Alright, I am up. Ten minutes? What time is it?" Looking at the clock Phillip saw it was 1:52 and since there was light coming from their large windows, he assumed that meant it was in the afternoon. "I have been trying to get you up for the last five minutes. Please tell me you are not a night owl and I won't have to continually scream to get you up...
Frankie and I have been in an open relationship for about six months now. The big problem we have, is my struggle with my sexuality. Frankie knows he’s gay, but for me, I know I enjoy dick, but I also enjoy pussy. Frankie is always telling me, I need to make up my mind. He says, you either like dick, or you like pussy. That’s easy for him to say, he knows he has always liked dick. Frankie just doesn’t understand how I feel. I can’t help I’m attracted to both sexes. I hear Frankie walking...
Country music star Sara Evans was getting ready for bed. The 33-year-old black haired beauty was seven months pregnant with her third child. She was due this September. She and husband Craig Schelske had a son Jack born in 99 and a daughter Olivia born in 2003. Sara had a good pregnancy so far, it seems like her cravings were different for each one. This time she seemed to need sex a lot. Her body seemed to be on the verge of arousal constantly. As she brushed her long black hair she could...
The afternoon was getting late. She had chatted with both Rita and Rex that day on the computer. Yuletide Eve was fast approaching and Rex had told her he wanted that Sabbat Eve to make her his High Priestess. She reiterated what she had told him before but he didn't listen. Then she mentioned to him that she had left her husband and moved in with Keith. She could tell by the tone of his voice, he wasn't happy to hear this. "Why didn't you tell us? You could've moved in with Rita and...
Hello guys, I am back after a very long time. This story is long and focused much on setting the plot and directly doesn’t jump to fuck and sex. So sit back and enjoy it. I live in Pune, and this is the story of a girl who lives in my building. We used to meet each other in the lift. Let me describe her, she would be around 5.7” in height. Her stats are not so great. Her boobs would be around 32 but firm, her ass would be around 36 in size. Her skin color is on the darker side but possesses...
Reddit Xsome, aka r/Xsome! When you hear the name /r/Xsome for a subreddit, what do you think of? Sure, you might think of free content that is known for, but what else? Oh, you know fully well what /r/Xsome is about just by hearing the name. You’re about to see some of the best threesomes, foursomes, and fivesomes (and even higher numbers than that) on this subreddit. Who knew that you could make a community around this stuff? Well, I guess Reddit has a community for pretty much...
Reddit NSFW ListI originally wrote this as an email to a cyber friend I met on MSN, and later through his very sexy diary on FreeOpenDiary. I hope you like it. It’s a warm summer evening. I’m strolling alone in the park…and as I round a bend in the path I see you walking toward me…there is something in the air tonight that makes me bold, and as we meet, I look you in the eye and say, ‘Lovely evening for lovers, isn’t it…’ That stops you in your tracks, and your eyes move slowly over me before you reply, ‘Why...
So far you read that Vinod took his widow mother Divya along with him for his two week’s training at Hyderabad. They checked as wife and husband in a posh hotel. He fucked mother on the first night itself. Divya got very much impressed by a sexy waiter Manohar and from next day itself at his insistence she took up work of call girl / prostitute and operated from the room itself. As time passed she opened up to other two waiters Krishna & Gopal. All three waiters fucked her freely. Divya was...
He caught himself in the mirror and backpedalled. Dark, sunken rings around pink fatigued eyes glared back. His waxy pallor, the colour of plain paper and his skin, the texture of gruel haunted him. Wearily, he carried a pained and troubled countenance. His limp hair aged him and he rubbed at the abrasive stubble on his chin.The long abominable night never felt lonelier as he stared from the window and waited for them to come.Any unfamiliar sound pumped adrenaline through his embattled body....
SupernaturalHe had a little sister named Brooke that had just turned 18 and she was a fox. She liked to walk around the house without a bra, i could always see her nipples through her shirt. She was very short, probably 5'0". She had short blonde hair and green eyes. She had a small figure and small boobs, she could pass for 16. I had a problem hiding my boner all the time because the way she would sit on the couch i could always see up her shorts or skirt. I think she did it on purpose. ...
So since I got a good rating for my first sex story, I shall write another one about my first time with a tranny. This happened last year. She was 25, and I was 21. So I am Ash, I am 22, I pretty good and masculine looking. I am mostly a bottom though. I have always been a huge fan of shemales and ladyboys. Respect them and also lust for them :p anyway, so I was in dubai last year and I thought that there might be much more shemales and easier to meet since the place was quite forward with a...
Gay Male"What's the word for being devastated and incredibly happy at the same time?"Izzy asks me that one hot afternoon as we lay exhausted and tangled up in sweaty sheets on her bed. I'm naked. She's wearing my favorite black t-shirt. It's always like that: her covering up. The first time I was startled. She has an interesting little idiosyncrasy of getting up and getting dressed as soon as we're done. No dwelling. No hesitation. No explanation. Just hop up, pee, and get dressed.I didn't mind after a...
NovelsRoommate It had been a hell of a year with a divorce, a new job that had me traveling more and having to move into shared housing because my ex was sucking my bank account dry. Carl, my roommate, was a decent enough guy. I found the room on and we seemed to be compatible. He was neat without being compulsive about it, was a working student and was not inclined to throw wild parties. I had not been dating thanks to the bad break up, but in the two months I had been living there I...
Copyright © 1995 I took the little white packet from him. I set it in my open palm and stared at it long and hard. It seemed so small, so trivial. It was funny how such a little thing could relieve so much frustration. When I started going with Billy, I had to fight him every step of the way. It wasn't long, though, before he wore down my resistance and I discovered the joys of his wonderful hands. His fingers on my titties made me feel so good. The first time he sucked on my...
Introduction: Part One of two — Monday When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September, in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didnt have time to listen to their answer. Karen Wagner, right? a guy said....
I came out of mumbai airport on road at6.30pm. I was searching mydriver. I saw him on next end of road. I wentthere crossing the slowmoving traffic & sat inside the car. he said inhis local style "youknow about mumbai traffic, that's why Icoudn't take car near you". Isaid "ok now come inside the car & let'smove". car joined thetraffic. I told him to take car at rushab'shouse. Rushab is my schoolfriend. he got aranged married 2 days before.I coudnt attend hismarriage because my companies...
Rimming, or anilingus, involves licking, kissing, sucking, or penetrating someone's butt with your tongue. And it can be a lot of fun if that's what you're into. Like any kind of sexual exploration, communication, consent and trust are key. But if you're thinking about going down there, here's everything you need to know beforehand.These 8 women explain what they like, or don't like, about rimming, and how it feels for them.1. "It wasn't, like, bad.""My ex always wanted me to stick my finger up...
All of the engineers wanted to get into Annie's pants. I was the lucky one who did.Back in the late sixties, I was working for NASA at Kennedy Space Center and everyone was working on the Apollo missions. Every engineer was a guy wearing a white shirt with a pen holder in his shirt pocket.Then one day this gorgeous female electrical engineer was hired! Her name was Ann Brooks and she had blue eyes, short platinum blonde hair, and we all went gaga over her. Not only was she the first female...
You're a Detective Sergeant assigned to stake out detail. There have been a number of robberies at night in the warehouse district. Your job: catch'em. The story you're about to read is false, only the names haven't been changed to protect anyone. Dragnuts is brought to you by Chestyfields. As we've been telling for several weeks Chestyfields has been tested and the users check by an independent testing company. Their findings; Chestyfields cause no harm to the throat nose or sinuses....
I had been emailing with Mark for quite some time on a lovely dating site. We had exchanged a number of fantasies and had really gotten to know each other over the last couple of months. When is character, he is a true Dom Daddy but otherwise, a pretty cool guys. We had a lot of common interests. Me, I loved the fantasy of being a little slut completely submissive to a Top. I yearned to be treated like a little gurl. One of my challenges was that I have never actually met anyone in person....
Was doing graduation and I was 23 aur Musi bhi 23 yeas ki thin. Main apni mami ke ghar unke bache ke birthday main gya tha. Raat main sabhi party injoy kar ek kamre mein batin kar rahe the mujhe kuch kuch neend aa rahe thi. Ladies bahut hi gram garam batin karte hue bahut jor jor se has rahin thin. Todi der tak to maine sahan kiya uske bad maine kaha ki aap log dusre kamre main chle jain to unhon ne kaha kit um upar wale kamre main ja kar so jao aur saath main mausi se bhi kaha kit um bhi jakar...
Living in a small town can be both a blessing and yes it can also be a curse. The town I live in has a population of about 8500 and although I am out and by no means closeted I am not exactly running around with rainbow bumper stickers in your face kind of thing either.Until most people get to know me, especially the men in the town are kind of distant where as their wives and girlfriends love me, however the men are a little more reluctant to get talkative with me until they realize I am not...
Tami's Secret Life The day began in the usual manner. Everyone was rushing around trying toget out of the dorm. There was one exception and her name was Tami. Tami was just another ordinary girl, like all the others, she was full oflife, energy and spunk. Except today however; Tami was not so energetic orfull of life. Tami was dreading today, actually it was not today that Tamiwas dreading it was the break that was coming after today. Tami was a 17 yr old Senior at the rustic Mayville Boarding...
Hi! I am Harish from Thane. 28 years. Married for 4 years. Have 1 child. My sex life with my wife is simply not fantastic. We have been having sex whenever we want to. She is 22. She has good structure. So I wanted to have sex with some one elder to me and with massive structure. This is a big story. Please read it and definitely all of you will enjoy it. my thoughts went to my mother-in-law who is 40years old. Still had wonderful structure. Her bra size was 34D and had huuuggge buttocks. I...
IncestMy Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed wrote the sequels of Gary to Greta which I post now. Later on I will post my own sequels. These stories weren?t meant for people underage so either if you are too young or not interested in TG stories don?t read further. Please enjoy the work of my Domme Mistress. From Gary to Greta Part II by Domme Mistress and Greta Our life in Paris took on an entirely new meaning. My wife delved into my savings account, the money I had...
Sarah was the girl in school that every guy drooled over. She stood 5'8" with a 36,24,36 body and deep blue eyes highlighted by her natural blond hair. She could have had any guy she wanted but had picked George. She was only 16 when they met and he was only a month older then she was. It was lust at first sight for both of them. They had even slipped away from the crowd of friends to fuck after only knowing each other for a couple hours. George could picture in his mind that first time he...
Smack!“Ow!”Smack!“Ow!”Smack!“Ow! Ow! Miss, you can't spank me, Miss...”Smack!“I am spanking you, Susan. And the more you keep fighting me, the longer I shall go on spanking you.”Smack!“Ow! Oh, Miss...”Eventually the struggling subsided and the punishment was finished with six hard slaps across the centre of the sixteen-year-old's seat. A rosy glow was visible through and around the snug white cotton and Miss Marshall gave a small sigh of satisfaction.“Up you get, girl. Here, use this.” She held...
SpankingFROM A LADY TO A SLUTAfter reading some of the stories in your wife watch collection, I find my own story isn't so unusual after all. You can post this to the Net and perhaps some other men will identify with my situation. For the past four years, I've been married to a beautiful woman, who is ten years younger than myself. Jo has the kind of face and figure men dream about. She is now twenty-three years old, stands five feet five inches and weighs about a hundred fifteen pounds. Her...
The other day, I went into my local, independent coffee shop for a mid-afternoon cup of joe. It's near a college campus and it's always busy and packed with attractive college students. I had some time to kill, so rather than getting a cup to go as usual, I decided to sit and read the news before heading to my next stop.After ordering my coffee, I looked for a place to sit down and noticed a well built, handsome college man sitting alone with his laptop. I walked over, hips swaying in my...
Hello friends, i am a regular reader of iss but never share my experience. I read hundreds of stories that inspired me to share my feeling / experience. Now i am going to tell my sex experience with maid servant shewly. The story i am going to describe is real and happened in my life six years back, i am now 27 years old, 5 ft 5 inch, doing small business in dhaka, bangladesh. The first time when i had been to dhaka, i was residing at my cousin’s house. That time my cousin was served in a...