Pimping All of My Female Relatives
- 2 years ago
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Life was good for Dex. When things are going so well, why can't they stay that way?
When Dex first started accompanying Jenny and Chris to the Emporium, he spent a lot of his time watching the crowd while Jenny sang. After a few nights, though, it became too hard on him to see all the obvious examples of men he thought were mistreating their women. Of course, there were no overt physical acts among the crowd, but he was so sensitized that even common rude or inconsiderate behavior bothered him. The Emporium was not known as a place for heavy drinkers, but very few men's treatment of their women improved with any alcohol intake.
The past nearly year and a half had brought Dex very close with five women. His extremely strong protective feelings toward them spilled over to females in general. These feelings led to his only real problem at school. The high school was large, and contained a diverse demographic mix. Excessively macho behavior, however, seemed evenly distributed across the economic and racial mix.
Frequently, during routine moving about the school, Dex would encounter boys abusing their girlfriends verbally, often as a show in front of their buddies. On very rare occasions, Dex would see a boy manhandling or even striking a girl. Psychologically, he was unequipped to ignore these occurrences. Physically, he was more than equipped to deal with them. His martial arts training strongly emphasized defusing situations, and using force only when unavoidable. Thus, on several occasions, he intervened and talked down the boys. Given his size and demeanor, this was all it took.
One day, walking to lunch with Bitsy from the farthest wing of the school, Dex turned a corner just in time to see a nasty confrontation. Four biker wannabees were watching as another of their group kicked a girl lying on the ground, her face already bleeding. Dex was there in a second, using a painful bent-finger hold to force the boy back from the girl. He knelt next to the girl, still facing the attacker. As he started to speak to her, the boy pulled a knife, bringing gasps and a scream from the six or seven onlookers.
Dex was on his feet in a flash. His leg swung, knocking the knife into the air before the boy had it completely in position for an attack. Dex turned to the four companions, and said, "Pick up that knife, take your friend and get him out of here, quickly!" Bitsy was already calling over her shoulder that she would get the nurse. Dex knelt by the victim and told her not to move, taking off his jacket and folding it under her head. The girl wore standard biker chick garb which could not hide the fact that she was very pretty. He found out her name was Connie Archer, and she was a Junior.
The nurse arrived and Dex and Bitsy stayed to make sure Connie was OK. An ambulance was called and the nurse told all the onlookers, now quite a crowd, to go about their business. Dex and Bitsy grabbed a hurried lunch and separated for their next classes.
Halfway through the class hour, a messenger handed the teacher a note, and she directed Dex to go to the principals office. The principal, Lester Schantz was, unfortunately, at the forefront of the mindless zero tolerance movement that was consolidating its grip on US education. As soon as Dex entered the office, Schantz told him, "Your aunt is on the way to take you home."
"Oh. Why?"
"You are expelled for fighting."
"Fighting? I didn't fight."
"You had a physical confrontation with another student. That qualifies as fighting. Expulsion is automatic for that offense."
"I did not fight. I kept him from seriously injuring another student, that's all. I did him no harm, and I didn't attempt to."
"Don't try to argue with me. The rule is clear. You were fighting, and you are expelled. Now, clean out your locker."
Dex was the one who had to restrain Karen when she heard what had happened. She was ready to lay waste to Lester Schantz with extreme prejudice. To her surprise, Dex asked her to take him to the dojo. To his surprise, she called back to work and said she would not return that day, and stayed with him. She waited quietly while he talked briefly with the sensei, then she talked to the sensei while Dex went through an ultra-high-intensity workout. Karen had seen him work out before, but had no idea what he was really capable of. It was impossible for her not to wince when he unleashed thundering kicks against the dummies. His exertions did little to quell her anger, but she could see that it was essential to him.
Karen brought Dex home about the time Donna arrived, and the girl went ballistic when she heard the story. Dex got her calmed down, and then asked her to take him to the hospital to see if Connie was OK. He made a couple of calls to be sure where she was, then the two left, picking up a burger on the way.
Donna knew who Connie was, but knew almost nothing about her, except for the crowd she hung with. When they walked into the room, a man and a woman, assumedly Connie's parents, were there. As Dex walked in the door, Connie said, derisively, "Well, hello Hotshot! I'll bet you're the big hero around school now!"
Donna had learned a lot from Dex about composure, but this was too much for her. Parents or no, she exploded. "Hey, wait a minute! He got expelled for saving your butt! Maybe he shouldn't have bothered!" The mother barely had time to gasp and Donna was out the door. Without hesitation, Dex followed her.
"Hey, wait!" Connie yelled at Dex's back, then "Shit! Shit! Shit!"
Dex was hugging Donna tightly several doors down the hall when the father came up to them. For a while he just stood quietly, then finally said, "Could we go to the cafeteria and talk?"
By now realizing what she had done, Donna tried to apologize, but Gerald Archer waved her off, then put a hand gently on her shoulder. To her credit, she didn't cringe, but started walking down the hall toward the elevators.
Over a Coke and some cookies, and after introductions, Gerald Archer took the initiative. "I know you feel bad about what you said in there, Donna, but you are more right than you know. Connie has been a source of unbelievable heartache to her mother and I."
"How badly is she hurt?" Dex asked.
"One broken rib and two cracked, broken bone in her hand, oral surgery needed on two teeth, and a deep thigh bruise. They are very worried about blood clots from the bruise. If you hadn't intervened, it's no telling the damage he might have done."
"Mr. Archer, I really didn't mean Dex shouldn't have helped," Donna said tearfully. "There's no way he could not have, and that's what makes me so angry. He'd do anything for anybody, and that pompous jerk kicks him out of school without even knowing what happened."
"Dex, why don't you tell me what did happen?" Gerald asked. Dex gave him the brief but complete story. There was some question and answer, particularly about the session with Schantz.
It was Donna who asked Gerald "I assume you know who the boy is?"
"Unfortunately. We have lived in fear every time she is with him. Who would have thought the worst would happen in school?"
There was silence for a while, then Gerald tried to change the subject. "Dex, I saw you play last year. My son Tim was the center a few years ago. I'm glad to hear you will be the point guard this year."
"That was yesterday. Now I'll have to hunt for somewhere else to play."
"Oh, you won't be out that long. All you have to do is apply for re-admission and have a hearing before a committee. I'm sure there won't be any problem."
"I won't apply!"
"What!" Gerald and Donna said this in unison.
"What Schantz did was wrong. If that is the policy of the school board, then that is wrong. I did exactly what I was trained to do and did it for the right reasons. If I can be punished for doing the honorable thing, then I don't want to go to school there."
"What do you mean what you were trained for?" The teens explained Dex's martial arts proficiency and the defensive, minimum force philosophy he trained under. "Then, I guess you could have hurt him badly, couldn't you?"
"He could have killed him like that!" Donna told Gerald, snapping her fingers.
Both Donna and Gerald tried for a while longer to change Dex's mind, but he was adamant, and they slumped in resignation.
"Um, Mr. Archer," Donna said after another pause, "I need to go back up and apologize to Connie."
"No, Donna, I really wish you wouldn't. Connie doesn't think anything she does has consequences. Please, let her stew a while, knowing your honest opinion of her."
"Well, I should at least talk to your wife."
"I'll take care of that. I'll tell her you wanted to apologize."
Returning from the hospital, Dex got into a rare disagreement with Mike. Mike had called Marty, and they were discussing legal action. Dex became quite agitated as he told them, "Mike, you work for the School Board. If you take action against them, they could retaliate. I will not be a part of any lawsuit." Mike felt frustrated and helpless, and kept insisting he couldn't just let this slide. It was Karen who had to settle him down and convince him he couldn't change Dex's mind. Uncle and nephew reaffirmed their love and respect for each other with a hug.
Unbeknownst to the Fergusons, Gerald Archer was a force in the local business community. He was the CEO of a small conglomerate of family-owned businesses, and one of the ten largest employers in town. He also had a spotless reputation that he had preserved from three generations of Archers before him. When a young investigative reporter whose work Gerald admired received a call, there was no hesitation. By the time Gerald outlined the story to her, she could barely take notes because of her excitement.
At the same time the news story was brewing, Marty was showing another aspect of her resourcefulness. Coincidentally, the two women's paths crossed at the home of one school board member. Both were researching the validity of the policy Schantz had invoked, and they decided to team up.
Schantz was interviewed with a camera in his face, and could not have looked worse. He denied there was a knife, claiming it was made up by the students to cover for their classmate's actions. "Turns out this kid is some kind of karate-ninja nut. I can't have dangerous students like that running around my halls acting like vigilantes!"
The TV piece and the article were both beautifully assembled. The reporter included a short clip of the sensei explaining the philosophy he taught. Marty had leaked Bitsy's name as a witness, and the reporter really went to town on that choice bit of human interest. She even made the leap that it was Dex who paid for Bitsy's orthodontia. That was never verified, but it didn't matter. Bitsy on screen was awesome. A few seconds of Dex making a steal and going coast to coast for a layup didn't hurt the audience appeal, either.
The fact that the policy had never been presented to the school board, as required, and had been released only in teacher's meetings at the school was covered, citing school board minutes and referencing the interviews.
The wrap-up had questions to Schantz about how badly Dex had injured the assailant, and what the assailant's punishment was, since the boy had been charged with a assault by the police. It finally came out that Schantz had neither found nor punished the boy. Schantz mumbled something about the assailant being punished enough already by the beating he got. The final shot showed a hospital bed with someone in it (not necessarily Connie) overwritten by a list of Connie's injuries.
The expulsion lasted three days before the Superintendent forced Schantz to give in. Fortunately, all of Dex's teachers defied policy and allowed him to make up all his work. Donna had brought home all his assignments.
On Connie's first day back in school, Donna found her in the cafeteria and apologized for unloading on her. Two days later, a red Mustang pulled up to the Ferguson house at dinner time, and Connie came to the door with flowers. She thanked Dex profusely, then apologized to everyone for her remark and accepted the invitation to stay and eat. Over an hour later, Connie left, looking definitely perplexed at what she had experienced.
That Sunday, Dex was invited to the Archer home for supper, and rather reluctantly agreed. Donna dropped him off, and he was to call for a ride home. When Mrs. Archer greeted him at the door, she thanked him, then made a remark about Donna's comments. Dex blinked in surprise, but said nothing in response. Within minutes, there was another snide reference, and Connie told her mother how Donna had apologized as soon as Connie got to school, and that they had become friends. Mrs. Archer shot back that Connie didn't need friends who would talk to her like that.
Courtesy came naturally to Dex, and his training reinforced his natural politeness. There are limits, however, to what any fifteen-year-old can take. Before they had even left the entryway, and before Gerald had joined them from upstairs, Dex said, "Mrs. Archer, Donna is my very best friend and the finest young woman you will ever meet. It would be better for Connie to have friends like Donna than those who beat her up. If you are this angry at Donna, my presence here will be uncomfortable for everyone. Thank you for the invitation, but it would be better if I left now." Dex was all the way down the long circle drive of the mansion and out the gate before Gerald came downstairs and found out what had happened.
After a short but extremely heated discussion with his wife, Gerald drove after Dex and caught him a few blocks away. Gerald took Dex for Dinner at a restaurant and they talked. Dex was hard put to understand how a man like Gerald, whom he genuinely admired, could have a wife and daughter who were so screwed up. Surprisingly, Gerald unburdened himself on just that issue. He told Dex how his wife had succumbed to the wealth and was acting more and more like the worst of royalty. He believed Connie's problem was that she had never had any limits set on her behavior, and the brutish biker types she hung with filled a need for some limits and some consequences. He realized how perverted that sounded, but the most expensive shrinks had agreed on this point.
Tabling the family talk, Gerald quizzed Dex thoroughly on his interests and his future plans, and they talked business in general. Because of his natural interest, the many sessions spent with Chris, and the activities of his little group at school, Dex was able to make quite an impression with his grasp of business concepts. The meal ended with an offer of a summer job at one of Archer's companies. Dex expressed his preference for the brokerage firm, and Gerald gave him a contact name and a personal note on the back of a business card.
Connie Archer's world was in chaos. She had a strong submissive streak, but it was never evident to her parents through all her rebellion. The boy she hung with provided the control she instinctively sought. It was sometimes brutal, but even that seemed to meet a certain need. Now, her boyfriend had really hurt her, and she had been rescued by a guy she considered both a jock and a nerd, two forms of life she scorned. Of course, her big brother Tim had been both, but that was different.
Connie had battled furiously to attend public school, rather than the boarding school her mother was set on. It was her front line of rebellion as a young teen. She was tired of being different and longed for what she considered a normal life. At thirteen, she was madly in love with her big brother Tim, who was heading off to college. Tim loved his sister, but took on a definite big-brother role - almost a second father. When Tim left for college, young Connie decided she had lost true love forever, and it didn't matter what boy she was with from then on.
Connie's rescuer's cousin was painfully square, but Connie found she liked the girl. She still could not believe she had actually made a visit to the Ferguson house - the Cleaver residence, as far as she was concerned. The visit had been upsetting, mainly because there seemed to be no tension or struggle between the family members. And then the parents had seemed more like love-struck teenagers with each other! To top it all off, Dex had later walked out on Connie's mother!
Almost more than the rescue, Dex's simple act of walking out drew Connie to him. This was strength she could relate to, strength she could barely muster for herself. To everybody's surprise, she went with her father to the opening basketball game, the first she had attended since Tim graduated. Before the holiday break, Connie had completely abandoned the biker chick duds she had so carefully accumulated over the last two years.
Connie and Dex were by no means an item, however. In fact, they hardly spoke. They shared no classes and were in different lunch periods, so there was nothing to draw them together. Dex had no idea of Connie's interest in him, and he certainly did not reciprocate. It would be too strong to say she worshipped him from afar, but she did keep track of his activities and became a faithful basketball fan. She even attended a regional martial arts meet to watch Dex compete - he did not know she was there.
In this rather strange environment, Dex had his first 'normal' teen-aged date. Normal, that is, with the girl's father pleading with him to ask his daughter out, and the girl doing the driving. They went to an Addison basketball game on Saturday afternoon, had dinner, then went to hear Jenny sing her early set. Dex had no idea if Connie liked basketball or country music at all. He almost hoped she did not, because he dated her out of respect for Gerald, and was not anxious to encourage more dates.
A funny thing happened that Saturday in early November. The Connie that spent the afternoon and evening with Dex was one that her family and classmates rarely, if ever, saw. The brittle, rebellious attitude never left the house. She looked for all the world like a preppy coed, and was witty and vivacious the entire time. Dex discovered an active mind and excellent conversational skills. If she disliked basketball or country music, she never let on. The clincher, though, was a strong underlying need that Dex could not quite identify, but that made her an automatic object of interest for him.
Going into basketball season, Dex had acquired two enemies, Lester Schantz and Mrs. Archer, an influential friend, Gerald Archer, and a girlfriend of sorts, Connie. He had also acquired more money in his trust fund through some astute investments.
About halfway through his freshmen year, Dex had started working on his little group of brainy friends to focus on something other than the usual nerdy interests. Dex's earliest discussions with Chris had sparked a keen interest in the business world, and particularly the financial world. After some initial reluctance but strong support from Bitsy, now acknowledged as the group's co-leader, they formed a little lunch-time investment club. The six members were each assigned $10,000 in pretend funds, and instructed to invest it. Bitsy acted as the broker, recording all trades. Each person was given a market sector to do research on, just as in a brokerage firm. Imagine the flap when they first unfurled the Wall Street Journal on a cafeteria table! By this time, all of their reputations were locked in, and they couldn't care less.
Much to the delight and amazement of several parents, the kids all took to the club with a passion, and, since the market was relatively healthy at the time, all of them made nice 'profits.' The week after the wedding, Dex sat down with Marty and showed her the record of the 'trades' he had made. He then asked Marty to invest $20,000 of his fund money in some stocks he had picked. Having enough interaction with Dex to know how serious he was, Marty agreed, and made the trades. By Halloween, due to unquestionable luck and good timing, Dex's stake had increased to $31,000 in value. After the first month, Marty started shadowing Dex's trades with some of her own money, and was very pleased with the result. Dex's request to to put another $20,000 in his stock account was not even questioned.
Through the many discussions with Chris at the Emporium on Friday and Saturday nights, Dex had picked up Chris's entrepreneurial yearnings. It was Dex who first suggested that Chris form a company to market albums that Jenny could record, and perhaps stage concerts. Chris was enthralled with the idea, but their discussions highlighted the cold reality of no startup capital, and too little exposure for Jenny, so far. Nevertheless, the idea stayed at the top of both of their minds. They began stealing as much of Hoss's time as they could get to pick his brain about the recording business.
Angeline had a good family in France, and she got along well with them. When the Thanksgiving break came at school, though, she wanted to visit Jenny and her family more than anything. When Jenny and Donna met her at the airport, she looked around in obvious disappointment as she asked why Dex wasn't there, causing Donna and Jenny to share a meaningful look. Angeline arrived on Tuesday evening, a day before the worst rush, and with another day of school for Donna and Dex. The reason Dex was not at the airport was that he had not returned from basketball practice when the girls had to leave. They all stopped by the Fergusons' to drop off Donna and say hello.
Dex was downstairs studying when he heard the commotion upstairs. As he emerged from the stairway, he was hit full force by Angeline, who jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. She said nothing, just hugged, and Dex swung her around playfully. Dex stopped, expecting Angeline to drop down, but she showed no sign of letting go. Chuckling, he sat on the sofa and pulled her across his lap. When she looked up at him, there was none of the usual mischievous glint. She said, simply, "I missed you!" and kissed him warmly. The two sat like that for several more minutes, until Angeline reluctantly climbed off to leave with Jenny, planting one more kiss on Dex.
No sooner were the girls out the door, then Donna pushed Dex back onto the sofa and took Angeline's former place. "Told 'ya!" she exclaimed, as Dex just shook his head.
This was Angeline's first family Thanksgiving meal, and she was impressed. It was a squeeze with thirteen adults (the Boggs, Chris and Jenny, Ron, Karen's parents, Margo), but it never dented the good humor, nor the quality of the food. At the very beginning of the meal, Kristen announced her pregnancy, and it took quite a while for the hubbub to subside.
No one ever figured out how the timing was done, but just as dessert was being prepared, a cab pulled up and the driver delivered two bottles of top-quality champagne. It was from Gerald, with a very nice thank you note to Dex. Of course, that required another retelling of the whole saga, causing Dex no end of frustration. Angeline's gaze at Dex moved way past adoration at that point.
After the meal, Margo was talking with Jenny and Angeline together. "Both of you girls are used to much more luxurious dining, aren't you?" she asked, somewhat baiting them.
Jenny was the most vociferous in her response. "Margo, none of that matters. Now I have love - I would never trade."
Angeline was a little more thoughtful. "You know, Margo, I have never heard Karen apologize for anything she didn't have or anything that was old or worn out. I think think these people really know about this Thanksgiving. How about you Margo? Wasn't your husband wealthy?"
"Yes, I had more things than I knew what to do with, but the Ferguson's have more of what counts. I could have gone with my parents and brothers and sister, but these are more my family than anyone else."
Many knowing smiles were exchanged the rest of the evening as Angeline firmly attached herself to Dex.
On Friday night, the basketball team had a game against a strong team from the neighboring state, part of a pre-season exchange between the two conferences. Angeline had never seen a basketball game, but there was no way she would miss it.
Dex had an excellent game, as he usually did. He was a slasher, constantly driving toward the basket for either a score or a dish off to a teammate. It was early in his career, but he started something he did every game. One of the first times he touched the ball, he drove hard toward the basket, sending the defensive player sprawling. He got the offensive foul, but none of the defenders wanted to try to stop him thereafter. It was to become his signature move, and his fans developed a unique 'falling bomb' sound for when he did it.
Dex was so quick that even much shorter players could not stop him in the backcourt when he wanted to penetrate. He was an excellent rebounder - despite being a good but not great leaper. His quickness and footwork let him always be in the right position, and his strength meant he had the ball once he touched it. Angeline probably had no idea what was happening, but her eyes never left Dex the entire game.
It had been pre-arranged that Donna, Dex, and Angeline would go to the Emporium for Jenny's second set, and that Angeline would spend the night with Donna. Angeline thought Dex's Jeep was a real adventure, and was practically bouncing with excitement when they pulled into the Emporium She had moist eyes most of the time Jenny was singing, except when Dex asked her to dance.
Back at the house, the girls were just settling into the room with the twin beds, when Donna gave Angeline a hug and said simply, "Go!" The tiny girl practically flew down the stairs. As she reached the basement, she heard the shower running and could not believe her good fortune. She dropped her night clothes and entered the bathroom quickly to avoid causing a draft. Then she pulled back the corner of the shower curtain and stepped in with Dex.
One several occasions, Donna had come into the shower with Dex. In fact, it was one of her favorite types of foreplay. Thinking it was Donna joining him now, Dex was preparing a tickle attack, or some other form of retaliation, when he was encircled from the back by impossibly small arms coming from an impossibly low angle. He realized immediately who it must be, but then two impossibly small hands found his penis. He had the crazy thought that this must be why pedophiles are pedophiles. Very gently turning around, the look on Angeline's lovely little face erased any thought of pedophilia. This was a woman, and she was in serious love with him, or at least serious lust.
Dex was by now fully erect, and his cock seemed to be the only part of his body Angeline was aware of. She began working on it with both hands as if it was a race to ejaculation. He was first bemused by the whole situation, then uncertain how he should respond to her obvious infatuation with him. Ultimately, he responded as a normal fifteen year old male with a highly stimulated cock. He erupted, and she pulled herself to him, taking every surge against her chest.
Even though he was shaky from his come, Dex reached back and shut off the water, then moved her over to sit on the back edge of the shower tub. He knelt in front of her and thrust his face into her crotch with the same urgency and abruptness with which she had attacked his cock. She apparently needed no warmup, as the vocal encouragement, in French, started with the first broad swipe of his tongue.
This, the fifth pussy he had been close up with, was decidedly different from any of the others, but he took no time for exploration. He assumed the same need to get him off quickly applied to her own need, and he zeroed in on her clit immediately. Sensing no tenderness or recoiling, he gave it the full treatment while using a finger in her hole. Either she was a natural firecracker or she was incredibly strung out, because she achieved the fastest orgasm he would produce in his entire life.
When recovered from her come, Angeline became very affectionate, and showed a little of her usual playfulness. She turned the water back on and gave Dex a now-redundant thorough washing, and he eagerly returned the favor. They dried and scurried to the bed, where they cuddled for a while just waiting to get warm.
"I could not believe you were in the shower. You showered after your game."
"It was warm in the club and I got a bit sweaty. It was also rather smoky. I like to go to bed very clean."
"Ah. All your women like that also, no?" Dex just chuckled in response. They cuddled silently for a few more minutes.
In his usual atrocious French, Dex asked "Pourquoi?" This time, she did not even giggle, but drew in a big breath and let it out with a huge sigh. He continued, "I'm sorry you cannot tell me in French. Maybe it would be easier."
"It is not difficult to explain. It is impossible. I can not choose who I love. I know I am older. I know I am always far away. I know it makes not sense for me to love you. These things I know, but my brain does not my heart control. You are the best man I know, Dex Madison."
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Jaxxx Slayer came home from a business trip. His step daughter, Riley Star came running very excited and jumped up on him. Where is mom he asked concerned? She is out shopping, she won’t be home in a while. She can never find out. Riley dropped on her knees and opened Jaxxx’s zipper. A giant black dick dropped out. Wow, it was big. She measured it with her arm. No way it would fit in her mouth. She tried anyway. Usually mommy would get this great taste. Today it was her turn. She licked and...
xmoviesforyouI go at least once a week, sometimes twice. He makesme feel so . . . beautiful. His hands slowly andfirmly molding over my entire body often brushingintimate areas. When I arrived for my first visit, hetold me “take off your panties, I won’t be able toreach under them.” I knew I had checked full bodymassage, but I was certainly raising my eye brows overthat comment. He always starts by running his smooth dry hands overmy back and neck. I’m immediately reassured afterwaiting naked under the thin...
Home You can tell John is angry the moment you come in through the living room door. 'You're late', he snaps, barely glancing at me over his glass of whiskey. He is wearing the baggy corduroys which allow his cock to stand fully erect without restriction. 'I'm sorry ...', You tell him, throwing off your coat. 'Gerry let me finish some dictation' 'Don't lie to me! ... is staring at you now, and his eyes are hard. You feel your nipples stiffen against the silk of your blouse. 'Gerry is the...
Living in the tiny apartment was fine for a divorced man. A small single bed, computer, television in the main room, a small kitchen and even smaller bathroom with a stand alone shower. What more could I ask for? From time to time my thirteen year old daughter would come stay the night with me. She would always bring a friend or two along for company and I would give them the extra pillows and blankets that I kept in the small closet by the front door. They would curl up on the floor by my bed,...
IncestSarah arrived at the house and hurried to her room to check on her clothes, nothing had been returned and now everything was missing except what she had on. "Damn him", she thought, "now what do I do?" She went down to the kitchen and into the laundry. She removed her school uniform and socks and placed them in the washing machine and got that started. Then dressed in only her slip, garter belt, stockings and saddle shoes she went into the kitchen, removed the key from its hook and...
There was a time when I thought that I was "one sick puppy." No, that's not right, I am one sick puppy, but there was a time that I thought that I was alone in my particular obsession. Then I got a computer, got turned on to the internet, and found out that there are a lot of other people out there who are just like me. My obsession? Eating my wife's pussy after she has been freshly fucked by someone else! I wasn't always that way. I used to be a clean living, fun-loving guy, and then I...
Jack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we'd had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game - that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me."Hello?""Hey Robert, it's Jack. Hey, I'm sorry to...
MoneyChapter 1: Jeff’s House Amanda, Josh and Jeff all walked through the front door of Jeff’s house heading straight forward to the stairs that led to Jeff’s room. They reached the top and all moved into the room Josh taking a seat on one of Jeff’s circle chairs while Amanda sat on the bed. “Well I need to shower before we go I will be done in a minute” said Jeff to the two. “More like thirty” Amanda said with a smile. Jeff smiled knowing she was right, he loved to take long showers. He knelt down...
Erotic FictionHi my name is Rahul (name change). I live in Bangalore. This is a true story; I use to go for jogging in a nearby park after jogging for an hour. I would take a five minute rest on the park bench and then proceed home for my daily chores. One day while taking rest on the park bench as usual, a man in his early 40s came and sat in the same bench. After a while we both exchange a casual smile and I left the park as usual. The very next day he again met me in the park bench. This time he spoke to...
Tom sits up, and gets out of the glass box. She turns to face Melissa, and in one movement starts kissing her on the lips. Grabbing her ass and back, she pulls Melissa against her, so that their naked cunts touch each other and their juices mix. Tom feels oddly off balance, now that he is so much more top heavy, and their breasts smash together as they tightly hug each other and kiss. “Good girl, now would you like to help us with our...
It had been raining all night and the sweet smell of spring and new life is wafting into my bedroom through the cracked open pane as I lazily open my eyes. I breathe in deep . . . the smell is invigorating. God, it feels so good to wake up on a morning like this. The pattering of raindrops on the roof of my little townhouse had me sleeping like a baby all night. It’s still sprinkling a little bit, but I am glad for that. The feeling of a rainy day just arouses my senses, it makes me feel...
Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....
Daddy's ClientsbyDJ Erotiqa©Daddy's Clients: A Twisted Modern Fairytale----- Part I -----Clara, 22, and right out of college - sat on the deck of her daddy's new mansion, soaking up the view of the smallish - but well manicured and landscaped lawn...She was bored - she was always bored, ever since she finished college with her major in Social Engineering and The History of Independent Film - a self-designed major, of course. Liberal arts. She sighed, stretching herself out on the lawn chair...
If you haven’t already read the other stories previous to this one, but I hope you have, here is a quick re-cap, so far, on the surreal and sexual events of a weekend stop-over at the parental home of Jade, my girlfriend at the time.Deep breath, here we go...I had practically m*****ed Jade on the dining table, when she arrived home from work, dressed in her office clothes.We had both listened-in on her 17 year old sibling, Marcus, having sex in his bedroom with Keira, his 16 year old...
Hi guys, meri ye peheli story hai so kuch errors ho to maaf kar dena. Mera naam sid hai aur mai 23 ka hu. Mumbai mai reheta hu. Lets start the story. Mai regular iss reader hu .But kabhi story post nhi kar paya but aaj kar raha hu. Mere pados mai ek aunty reheti hai unka naam (khairun) hai. Unka figure kya batau 36 26 38 mashallah bohat sexy hai . Mai aunty ko aksar dekha karta tha gandi nazro se aur unke naam ki muth mara karta tha. Aunty hamesha ek daam tight salwar kameez pehenti hai. Jismai...
Authors note: This one will have more sex but still have some story to it. It will be linear but I will let others add their own version if they want. Sex in chapter two. https://discord.gg/qNT8NU is my discord if you want to join. I will put characters there for now. So the names Garvog, I am a demon and I was born in this rather boring domain.Right now my domain covers two rooms. The first room has a book shelf with more books than I could ever read. Other than that there is a bed... that's...
FantasyI lost my virginity at the tender age of 16, two days after my birthday, at Lake Narracan. Within weeks, my Year 12 had commenced at the Yallourn High School, the year being 1980. Throughout the first semester, I met an American boy who was living in Australia for two years while his parents were seconded on a huge engineering project. Taking a liking to Larry, the boy in question, I proceeded to seduce him throughout that semester. On the Tuesday before Easter, my seduction process culminated...
SeductionYou are a rookie in the NFL for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. As the team's first draft pick you are supposed to be the quarterback of the future. Your team has accomplished their goal with a 12-4 season and a trip to the Superbowl against the Oakland Raiders. The game has been nothing but defense from the beginning and you have the ball to start the fourth quarter with the score being tied 10-10. You feel like the last hit broke two of your ribs and it hurts to breathe. Do you stick it out and go...
Non-EroticEight hours later... Time: November 26, 8235 Abigail roused from her slumber slowly, smiling as she realized I was petting her head, tracing a fingertip lightly across her temple. "Oh, that feels so nice," she murmured. She opened her eyes. "What time is it?" "2:30 AM. Up for some walking?" Abigail yawned and nodded. "Sure. Wait! Won't the bears be active soon?" "Exactly. Think Abigail! When the bears are the most dangerous, where would you rather be? Mobile and in control of...
Mother-in-Law in PantyhoseMy wife's mother is a beautiful lady. Ever since I met her, we would flirt lightly with each other, many times right in front of my wife. My Mother in-law also is in a position at her work that requires her to dress very classy. She wears pantyhose nearly everyday and I often wondered if she had some sort of fetish for pantyhose, since she often talked about them.My...
It was silent around the table in the food court section of the Redsands Supermall were the group of seven teenagers were seated. Eventually Tammy Maple broke that silence with, “Nothing! You call that ‘nothing’. That’s blinkin’ awesome! Are you the only bridesmaids or are there any others and will they be naked too?” “There is a third one” replied Jessie. “A friend of mine, Carrie Pearson, will also be in the bridal party and she will be completely naked as well. There are three boys from...
SO, In the latest of "odd" encounters my life has had, this one I can rank up there with the rest of them. This past holiday of Thanksgiving, I must admit that I was thankful very much! We had a family get together whereas most of the extended family was sitting at one table for the traditional feast of turkey and what-such. We haven't had a get together like this for years, even longer for me since I moved cross country a couple of decades ago, but moving back this year affords me to get...
‘Alright, Amanda, it’s 7:00, let’s get you spanked so that we can enjoy the rest of the evening.’ Amanda and Greg had just finished dinner, and they both stood up and carried their dishes to the kitchen counter. That done, Greg led the way out to the living room while Amanda followed. It was Thursday evening. That was the evening that was set aside for Amanda’s maintenance spanking. It started a few months ago after they had a heated argument. They had been married for several years, and to...
Authors Note : This story is set before the tragic events of 9/11. There are a couple of paragraphs that seem to refer to the WTC attacks, but these lines were actually written before it happened, only now they have a lot more meaning. I took a lot of thought and decided to leave these lines in (with a few minor changes) as it captures just how unthinkable such a horrific attack could have taken place on American soil prior to 9/11. Synopsis of Part...
Lillie Soto had a bit of a reputation. Tradesmen often spent longer at her house than any other and several marriages breakups in the area had been blamed on the dark haired beauty. So when she asked her neighbor Roy McKinny to fix an outlet in her bedroom he was a bit uneasy but on the other hand Lillie was a real sexy dish and a very persuasive one.He was just a young guy, still living with his parents and his mother certainly didn`t want him to go in that woman`s house but he went anyway....
Ever since I was a young teen i’ve been infatuated with my younger sister and to this day I still desire to fuck her sweet tight pussy…My sick obsession began when I was a freshman in high school when I first became interested in girls as well as wanting to have sex.. My sister is a very pretty girl with a gorgeous slender body, a tight little firm ass, nice hard round little tits with perky nipples, sexy long legs, and beautiful long golden hair & as I imagine, the tightest smooth bald pussy....
IncestThe end is nigh. "Haman Baboa Wan, Haman Baboa Wan!" Fire illuminates various robed figures within the darkness; its orange column possibly wavering to the strange chants of the members surrounding it. Although not all know what they're reciting, it is undoubtedly filled with deep, mysterious meaning. "Booba Ya! Booba Ya!" Profound meaning in some cases. Despite the strange language, everyone keeps their expectations low regardless of how they feel about this silly act. After all, this is the...
IncestI listened as the girls filled me in on today’s work. Lorrie had rented an entire wing of commercial buildings in the industrial park on Kent Island for a campaign center. It was only a few miles from the home office and a few more from Morton. It was just five hundred yards from the east end of the Bay Bridge. Being an industrial building, it was divided into very large offices and large empty work areas. Baltimore Office Supply was delivering office equipment and setting them up now as we...
Her hand on my throat, I felt I could hardly breath. I held onto her wrist and tried to pull her off, but she was too strong. She finally let go and threw me back onto the bed, laying there naked.“I can see, I guess, what he likes in you. Young, tight, perky. But oh so naive. I can tell in the way you swallow cock, like with the cab driver.”I looked at her, my mouth open, stunned. How did she know?“Oh sweetie, so naive. My husband, do you think you’re the first slut he’s taken here, to wine and...
It had taken Gregg a great deal of time to work out just how to commit the crime. In the end he decided that his best approach was simply to be as brazen as possible, relying on the powers of the ruby and the apparently mystical insights of the Swami Pradesh. Accordingly, he arrived at the museum shortly before closing time, dressed in a splendid gold braided coat and wearing his turban and the Swami's ruby. The girl on the entrance desk said, "I'm sorry, sir, we're closed. The last...
I am Alex. I live in Vancouver, Canada in a nice multicultural suburb. It was a Saturday morning in May. A gorgeous day. I’d been for an early run and as I arrived home, Vineeta, the next door neighbor, was waving at me. She wasn’t waving a good morning kind of greeting, it was definitely a wave that asked if I could go over and talk to her. I slowed and approached. “Hi Alex, how are you….?” She began. Vinita was an attractive Indian woman of about 36 years old, with nice tits and a naughty...
So heres my story.As you know first love is always a mess.I had my first love with pretty hot babe.At the age of sixteen she was blessed with 34DD tits and well shaped ass to die for.These i guess are important things about her than her name which was Katie .... lol.....In school I was pretty famous for my bullying and fuck any girl i want.There were also days when our History(only coz she was hot) was made to beg for my cum.It started on my birthday.Yeah I mentioned it to my friends Jack and...
Me and a couple of friends were cruising around, trying to find someone to get us high for free. Kevin suggested this gay guy that had lots of money and liked to buy large quantities of cocaine in exchange for company. Both me and Chris instantly said no. Kevin pointed out that we had nowhere else to go and plus there was three of us and only one of him. If we watched each others back there was no way anything could happen. We agreed and next thing we knew a average height slightly overweight...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of the Auparishtaka or Mouth Congress THERE are two kinds of eunuchs, those that are disguised as males, and those that are disguised as females. Eunuchs disguised as females imitate their dress, speech, gestures, tenderness, timidity, simplicity, softness and bashfulness. The acts that are done on the jaghana or middle parts of women, are done in the mouths of these eunuchs, and this is called Auparishtaka....
Veteran sex goddess Karma RX comes to Filthy Kings today to get oiled up & dicked down by Tony Rubino. Her huge tits glisten, big nipples poking out of her sexy lingerie as Tony soaks her with oil. You can tell her pussy is already wet when she starts getting fingered, begging for more. She swallows Tony’s big cock, spitting & slobbering all over it. Karma likes it rough, Tony chokes her as he pounds her pussy. He spreads her ass wide and fucks her in a prone bone position, making...
xmoviesforyouI had three encounters with Mr. Graham over a 25 year period.I grew up in the church. Everything in our family seemed to revolve around the church. When you are young, you just accept things for what they are. This was the norm for me.The Graham family also belonged to the same church as us and they were close family friends. It would be safe to say that the Grahams and my parents were best friends. I had known the Grahams all my life.Lindsay Graham was my age and since our parents were...
TrueIf this sounds like fun to you and you live in Edmonton, then send me a message. Maybe we could make it happen. ;-)You knock on my door. You're nervous. The door opens; you're invite you in. It's dark. You feel me grab your hand and lead you to my room. You open you mouth to say that you're nervous. Before any words can escape, my lips are on yours. My hands explore your body. My hands grab your hips and pull you close, then you feel my hands travel back and grab your ass. One hand runs up your...
This is a TRUE genuine account ! Before I relay my account I will start off with a short introduction and some background information. I am a mature male in my late fifties and are one part of a married couple together with my big breasted wife newbie member ‘Denise44F’ who is in her mid fifties. Denise can be seen exposed stark naked all over the internet baring all! She has also been seen naked by tens of thousands of men on her own ‘tumblr’ site where she can be seen undressing slowly. ...
J.C. told us in her interview that she was a total submissive. Now is the fun part when she gets to show it. She starts out perched on the pedestal with Scotty and Chris whispering dirty nothings in her ears from both sides. Randy takes advantage of his GUESS THE V win this week and goes down on J.C. before being the first one to sample her clean-shaven, 26-year-old pussy. This may be J.C.’s FIRST GANGBANG, but she sure knows how to keep her hands, mouth, and pussy full to entertain her...
xmoviesforyouWe met them three years ago. A chance message on a website to a faceless, nameless couple. The usual banter back and forth using the typed word. Luckily I could type and was able to keep them interested with conversation. After several months of conversation and an exchange of as we found out later to be outdated pictures, a meeting was set. I remember the rain that evening as we drove to the meeting place, a nice restaurant in a neutral town. We parked and waited in the car as we had...
Hi everyone this is me Anuram back, continuation of me previous story. Those who have not read my story previous stories here is the link of those, kindly have a look for the sake of the continuity. She left my home after half an hour of that incident. That day eve texted her saying Miss you very badly Anu wish I was near you now nu. I dint get a reply till 10pm. @10pm Anu: oh what will you do dear? Me: will kiss you very deeply on your lips. Anu: muuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Me: oh my god, I...
Hi, my name is Rahul, as everybody write in the beginning, I will also say that it a true incident of my life and I have changed just names. I know I cannot prove, that it’s a true incident, so I am leaving this decision up to readers, it really does not matter to me that it was morally wrong or right, I just know that I really love these moments, and always cherish in my memories.One more thing which I would like to get into notice, that it’s a long story, and I am very weak in English...
Stephanie hauled the large arrangement of flowers out of her Ford F150 with a sigh. It wasn't as if she didn't have enough to do without running more errands for the Sheriff. But when these came in, she'd volunteered. It was time Nick knew what was what. Still, she couldn't help but think about what her day had been like, even though she'd rather walk on live coals before going through something like that again. She'd spent most of the morning going through files. Not just any files,...
Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part One by Brindle Chase At last the annoying claxon ceased its shrieking blare. I assumed another nocturnal beast had tripped our perimeter alarm. It was a weekly occurrence I had become used to. That horrific noise definitely needed to be replaced with something less nerve grinding. Across the vast complex, I heard the rear kitchen door open. Tuning my focus to the faint noises coming from there, I could make out the familiar clicking of Nicole’s stiletto...
Hey guys I am Raj Shah, from Mumbai .. You guys have read my story of how I fucked my mom rekha, if not please read it..also girls aunties contact me via mail on So basically me and my mom used to fuck around the entire home whenever possible, when dad would go out we would remove our clothes and enjoy the lust we had for each other… By now we used to have sex at least twice daily… It had become a habit for us to have sex, me being a student I had a lot of time so sex was our top...
IncestWhile they were telling each other jokes, Tristan didn't notice how a tall guy got in through the bar's door. He had blonde short hair, blue eyes with hard eyebrows, and was in an incredible shape, his muscles visible through the tight shirt as he took off his jacket. It looked like his shirt was about rip. He looked acroos the bar, his deep set eyes stopping on the Tristan, a slight smile appeared on his lips. He walked over to where Tristan was and set next to him. "Hey" he...