Ropeville RevengeChapter 2 free porn video

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"All rise! The court of Ropeville town is now in session, Judge Marshall presiding." The Usher bowed to the judge's bench as the Judge sat down, she banged her gavel.

"Usher; please read out the first case." She said.

The Usher stood and picked up a piece of paper. "Case number 55434; The State versus Victor Jones, 5 counts of murder in the first degree, accessory to kidnapping, malicious use of computer equipment to subvert national computer systems."

The judge looked up, "Is the defendant present in the court?"

Victor stood up and acknowledged his presence; the judge looked at him,

"And how do you plead?" she said.

"Not guilty to all the charges." He said, the judge was reading through the notes before her, she glanced at him again.

"You're sure about that plea?" She asked him, "I must say that the evidence here is overwhelming."

Amy stood up and protested, "Your honour, any evidence my client may have given was done so without his knowledge that he was being recorded, I wish to have it removed from the record as proper procedure was not followed."

The judge looked at the prosecution counsel, who also got to her feet, "Your honour, the evidence was gathered by the hotel who, as a normal function of ensuring the safety of its clients monitor the activities of the room, once they heard the evidence that we are going to produce they handed the tape over to the District Attorneys office who directed this action."

Victor spoke up, "But that is an invasion of my civil rights, they had no rights to do that, I demand that they be arrested for that!" he was quite angry, how dare these common people do that to him.

The prosecution counsel looked over at him and then spoke to the judge, "Your honour, the hotel does inform its guests about this facility and gives them the option to opt out from this protection, it's in clause 253 subsection 35 of the hotel policy document, which is available to view at the reception, if the client doesn't voice any objection then it's assumed that they agree to this, Mr. Jones should have realised this when he booked, however the hotel was legally obliged to act as it did."

The judge nodded her head, "Agreed, if the client wasn't aware of this point then it's his own problem."

Victor spoke urgently to Amy, who then stood up, "But your honour, the hotel didn't inform my client of any such policy, surely they are obliged to, and as they didn't then the evidence should not be used."

The judge shook her head, "I'm sorry, but since your client didn't enquire as to any such policies it was his own decision to stay there, the evidence remains. Does your client wish to change his plea?"

Amy looked at Victor who shook his head. He'd be damned if these people were going to get one over on him!

Amy turned to the judge, "No your honour, the plea stands."

The judge looked at the two counsels and then spoke. "Very well, I'll allow a recess of 2 hours for you to decide how to proceed, and then I'll try the case, with the information here I don't think it should last for more than 2 days." She banged the gavel and then said, "Next case?"

Victor was ushered to his feet he glanced around the room, he could see Stephanie and that blonde headed girl - Veronica, were sitting side by side, Stephanie was watching him as he walked by, the next case was being called out.

"Case number 55435; the town of Ropeville verses John Mystery, rape, assault and violation of Town code 3 against a minor Shelly Mystery."

As the prosecution and defence attorneys took their places for the next case, Victor was through the door, he turned to Amy.

"How is it that they can keep that tape?" He asked her, she nodded back to the court room.

"Because the judge said they can, I did warn you about that room, I thought you knew about the hotel's policy." She said.

"But that's not the normal policy for any hotel in the U.S." He said, Amy stopped in her tracks.

"But Victor, I thought you realised, This is Ropeville, our laws are different from those in the rest of the United States, it's part of an agreement we have with the Congress and House of Representatives, once you enter this county your 'normal' law mean nothing. It's that reason that this case is only going to run a few days instead of the 'normal' months, its something that all residents and their descendants have agreed to, it's part of their rights in this county." Amy was talking as if this was commonplace. Victor shook his head.

"Well then, as all these took place outside this damned place I should be tried there!" he said reasonably, again Amy shook her head.

"As I said, the Ropeville residents and descendants all agree to this, whether they know it or not," she looked at him and said, "Your mother was born in Ropeville, which makes you a resident of Ropeville, your brother, also a resident, married a resident of Ropeville, through these two links you niece, Melody is a resident, I know it sound confusing, but the fact remains that as a resident of Ropeville you come under our jurisdiction. Which you will find out is swift and just." He shook his head.

"How can you say that to me, you're supposed to be defending me against the charges?" His shoulders were sagging as he said this, he could taste defeat and he didn't like it.

Amy smiled, "I will defend you, to the best of my abilities, I remember Samantha, and her daughter looked just like her. I know you had John and Samantha killed, I've heard the tape myself, I can't say I like you cousin, but I'm the only on who said I'd do the job." Her voice now showed the venom that she was concealing. He looked at her, he realised that she wasn't on his side.

"I don't want either of you to defend me, I demand another lawyer!" he said.

Amy shook her head, "You didn't hear me properly did you? Nobody else would touch this case!"

He made his decision, after all what was the point of being a god if you couldn't make up your own mind. "Then I'll defend myself. It shouldn't be that difficult!"

Amy smiled at him, "I'm sorry you feel like that, but here are the case notes, and witnesses, I won't argue with you, but I wish you good luck," As she walked away she said to Mandy, "He's going to need it!"

Victor spent the next hour reading the witness statements, and then he came across the statement by Veronica, how she knew Melody, how badly Melody was treated at home, her loss of her parents. This he knew was a weak link, any evidence given by this girl was hearsay, he could have it thrown out and then the prosecution would have only this kidnapper's evidence, which couldn't prove any link between himself and Melody's kidnap, the recording he could put down to verbal meandering whilst he was under the influence of drugs. Yes it would work, and the orders he gave to the software company were verbal only, there was no paper link to him, he could say that a disgruntled employee had heard his plans to re-organise the company and was trying to discredit him, there went the computer charge, he waved his hand in triumph. Yes it would work! And he'd leave without a stain on his character.

The previous case overran which gave Victor more time to smooth out his case, the other man being found guilty and was sent to the town prison for 15 years. The guards informed Victor that the case would be held in the afternoon, and brought him in his lunch, which he ate with relish, he was smiling when the guards came to escort him to the courtroom, when he sat at the desk, alone, and the judge looked at him.

"Mr. Jones," She started, "We notice that your counsel is not present, do you wish to wait for them to arrive?" He stood up.

"No, your honour." He said, "I'd prefer to conduct my own defence."

She looked at him as if weighing him up and then said, "Mr. Jones, This is a case which could have far reaching repercussions to you, I would strongly urge you to re-consider your actions."

He shook his head, "Your honour, I know how important this case is, and I feel that I can do better than the court appointed attorneys." He made himself sound so impressive he knew that the judge would allow this, he willed her to do so, and it must have worked because she said.

"Very well Mr. Jones, you have elected yourself to act as defence attorney, I have tried to dissuade you, so I call the court to order and ask the prosecution to present its case." She nodded towards the Prosecution counsel who rose up and started speaking.

"Your honour, this is a relatively simple case, the accused Mr. Victor Jones, had his brother and sister-in-law killed in order to gain control over his brother's companies, to ensure that he had complete control he arranged for his niece, Melody Jones, to be kidnapped and killed, he also killed the two people assigned by Jonathan Jones to look after and protect his daughter, the aforesaid Melody, as they had discovered that he'd been siphoning off funds from the companies illegally."

Victor rose up from his seat, "Objection your honour!" he said, at the judge's questioning look he added, "There has been no charges raised about embezzlement, and so any reasoning using this is merely conjecture." He gazed at the judge willing her to accept what he had said.

"Objection sustained, the counsel for the defence is correct, nothing has been presented to this court for a separate charge of embezzlement, and I direct that the words are struck from the record."

Victor sat down, yes his powers were still active, he'd influenced the judge properly, he was going to get away with this, he could tell.

The prosecution counsel gathered herself again and continued, "But for some reason the kidnapping went better than he expected, the kidnapper succeeded in his abduction causing a problem for the accused, he himself kidnapped a child from a nearby trailer park, killed her and mutilated her face and body to preclude identification of the corpse, which was then dumped into a pond containing piranha fish. By this method he'd identified his nieces' corpse and made himself sole beneficiary of his brother's will.

"Using his power as CEO of the software companies he ordered a worm virus to be activated to remove all details of Paul, Samantha and Melody Jones, in order to remove any available DNA information that could be used."

Again Victor rose up, "Objection! There is no evidence that any such order was given, to allow such a thing would require letters of authority before any competent person would even think of doing such a thing, even if it's possible." Again he concentrated at the judge, 'sustain the objection, they are wrong' he thought at her.

This time something must have gone wrong, he couldn't have thought hard enough as the judge said, "Objection overruled, it is up to the prosecution to prove their accusations, and they will have plenty of opportunities to do this, counsel may continue."

The prosecution counsel continued, "We have witnesses to the facts brought before you, and have recorded evidence by the witnesses and the accused that establishes beyond any doubt that he has done these things purely to advance his aims."

The prosecution attorney sat down, "The defence has a right to address the court before the evidence is produced."

Victor stood up and faced the judge. "Thank you your honour, I have to state that there is no evidence that can stand up in this court, the majority of the state's evidence is hearsay and largely inadmissible -" This time he was interrupted by the judge.

"Mr. Jones, it is up to this court to decide what is and is not admissible, you have the right to challenge that decision if you want, but I warn you that I will not take too much time wasting from you, now please continue." She told him.

Victor was slightly flustered; obviously she required more of his influence. He gazed at her allowing his thought to concentrate on how honest he was, and good natured, he'd show the cunt just what a good guy he was, he had pictures of her suspended from the ceiling with her legs parted and him holding a whip ready to cut her skin, but he gathered himself and continued.

"You've been told by the prosecution that I have murdered these people for monetary gain, that I would kill my own brother," 'that stupid goody-good idiot of a brother' he thought to himself, "and sister-in-law, that I would arrange for my own niece to be taken by ruffians to be killed, and that I killed another child just to obtain control over all the companies owned by her, I ask you, would a sane person do that?" 'I certainly would' he thought, "And then the prosecution would ask you to believe that I would try to cover my tracks by allowing a non-existent virus to attack computers, such a thing would be beneath me." He paused for effect, glancing around the room, he saw a frown on Samantha's face, 'but then she'd never speak out as she was such a submissive little cow' he thought smugly to himself, "But I understand that the public needs to know the truth, and where better than in this court of law to provide that truth." He sat down to show that he'd finished.

The judge looked at the prosecution and nodded, "Your honour, the prosecution would like to first attend to the kidnapping part of the indictment, and would call its first witness, Mr. Paul Purple."

A tall man walked to the stand, he was about 40 years old, as he walked past Victor, he smiled, it wasn't a nice smile, Victor was concerned, he hadn't seen this man before, and his evidence was in two parts, his own testimony and video footage.

The prosecution started, "Please give your name and your occupation."

The man smiled, "My name here is Mr. Paul Purple and I'm currently employed as a school teacher at the girl's school."

She smiled at him, "And was this by your own choice?" she asked.

He gave a small grin, "No, it was part of my sentence as community work, one of my former jobs was as a teacher, and there was a vacancy in the school, the decision was made to use my knowledge to the town's advantage."

"Now Mr. Purple why were you sentence to this strenuous work?" There was a titter from the audience in the court; the judge banged her gavel to maintain order.

Paul looked at Victor, "I was convicted of kidnapping a citizen of Ropeville, with the intent to turn her into a sex slave for the amusement and control of Mr. Victor Jones."

The prosecutor pushed the point, "And what was the name of your victim?"

Still looking at Victor, Paul replied, "Melody Jones."

The prosecutor started to sound relaxed with her next question, "Why did you come here?"

"A few days after I'd taken her, I found out that there was a manhunt out for her killer and that of her two servants, although they weren't called that, my normal contact had shut himself away from me and so my only recourse was to contact a previous client, she put me in touch with the police station here who arranged for my," He shrugged at this point, "Capture, I suppose would be the word for it."

The prosecution asked, "And what of your victim?"

He smiled at her, "Melody? She was taken to the hospital for observation, however she wouldn't get to sleep before she'd seen me, but I understand she's fine now and with friends." He looked into the crowd and smiled at someone; Victor turned around but couldn't see who.

The prosecution nodded, "Right enough about why you are here, how did you become involved with Victor Jones."

Paul sat back and started to talk, he explained how he'd received a phone call setting up the deal, he didn't give any details about the person who phoned, he just called him a go-between, he went on to say how he didn't like the feel of the plan, but decided to go ahead with it, then he described his meeting with Victor, how he'd set up the cameras first to ensure that he'd have the meeting on video, and how he'd gotten the plans to the house where Melody was sleeping. He went on to describe the kidnapping, of keeping Melody in a cage in his basement, how he'd planed to convert her from a frighten girl into a sex slave, then how the whole plan was shelved when Victor said that he'd killed two people in the house and that the police had found a body which Victor had identified as Melody's, when he was passed onto the police at Ropeville, he realised that this was their only hope, and so he placed himself into their hands.

The prosecutor then pressed the point, "So you met with Victor Jones whilst planning your kidnap?"

Paul nodded, "Yes I did, I wanted to see the person who was paying for this, and I needed to check my feelings."

"And what was your opinion of the person?" she asked.

"I wouldn't trust him, he'd try to smile to your face and stab you in the back." Said Paul evenly, Victor glared at him, trying to kill him with his eyes, but still the power didn't emerge, he must be protected by another god Victor decided, but then he knew that he'd have his revenge on him.

The prosecutor turned to the judge, "Your honour I have no further questions for this witness, I do have recorded evidence that I would like to show, but I want the defence a change to cross-question the witness first."

The judge nodded and said to Victor, "Do you have any questions for the witness?"

Victor stood up and, trying very hard not to snarl, said, "You say you recognise me from our meeting?" At Paul's reply of yes, Victor said, "So what was I wearing at the time?"

Paul's reply was so accurate that Victor could feel his position being threatened, a cloth cap, dark glasses, a thick coat and leather gloves. Was the reply, the fact that the meeting was set up in the dark made the glasses even more of a risk, but Victor had wanted to ensure that he couldn't be recognised.

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Krystall jolted awake with a start as you muscles tensed & a searing pain shot through your buttock. You spun around to see a man you hadn't seen before with an electric prod in his hand standing over you wearing just a pair of jeans & screamed."No point screamin, Krystall, no one for miles around cept for us who are gonna be havin' fun with you!" Came the big mans deep southern drawl as he jabbed you again with the prod. "You play nice now or it's gonna get a lot worse!"You froze,...

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Learning Curve

Megan, the high school senior and the new girl of the school, has just been totally humiliated. Her cute bum still stinging and now glowing a luscious red as her legs continue to struggle to support her slight weight – and now, her face the same shade of red as her behind. The new girl, with her hands gripping the bed sheets, leans forward so her dark brown hair covers her face and embarrassment, and her tight, pink pussy still on display for all of the other girls in the room to see. With her...

2 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 30

Inside the hotel lobby all the men were present and Jack came over to see him, “I understand from Bobby I’m to command our Jeep, Boss”. Shaun smiled, “Make sure you bring it back in one piece”. Sue’s patrol gathered around him. “You’re going to be in the landing party then, Boss?” Titch asked. “Yes, me and Cookie. You’ll take your orders from Bobby and Bill, so don’t let me down”. The trucks arrived and they climbed into them. Shaun’s truck had the canopy down, once on board the rear was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 45 Overdose

May 15, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Mr. Adams, we’ll need to search the premises,” the detective told me after the ambulance had taken Chrissy away. “Why is that?” I asked. “She clearly OD’d on something, most likely cocaine, based on the residue on the packet in the bathroom. I’ll get a warrant if you insist, but then everyone will have to gather in one room and wait while we find a judge, get the warrant issued, and then do the search.” “I hate to say this, but I’d prefer you get a...

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me and jimmy

I was leaving school one day and saw a couple of the older this k** jimmy a hard time...shoving him around teasing taunting...knocked his books to the ground..I wanted to step in and say something...but they were bigger than both of us...asshole jock types...loved picking on any of us that were smaller...showing off...always like three or four of them picking on one lonne k** that couldnt possibly defend himself,....I hated those assholes...but...I guess they either got bored or...

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My Sons Girlfriend Continued

Danni was getting more brazen, one day I was having a piss when I felt Danni press up behind me and wrap her small hand around my cock "Let me do that for you" She said seductively and gently aimed my piss into the toilet bowl. When I stopped peeing she then shook my cock before slowly stroking it up and down until it was positively throbbing. I soon became rock hard and wanted Danni to finish me off but as soon as the first drops of pre-cum formed on the tip of my penis Danni just...

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Trapped Married Woman Then Explode Her 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of my story please read the part I first:She looked at me in unconvincing manner and asked me whether she don’t need to pay back the money. I told yes, she don’t need to, since she has decided to co-operate with me and even in that situation, she smiled. I told her that she is looking very beautiful while smiling and she blushes and any good looking woman looks pretty while smiling and blushing and Saroj was not that bad looking. So, when she smiled and blushed, she was...

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The Girl In My Row

There she sits. The girl of my dreams. I can see her from my desk in the back of the row in spanish class. The day has dragged on long enough, but it's all better when I get to see Maria. She sits there texting on her phone while the professor drones on about nothing important. Her long brow hair flows over her shoulders down to her back where her shirt has slid up to reveal a black g-string just sitting there taunting me. The bell rings and I hop out of my seat and begin to walk out the...

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I worked in a large London department store for my first job and was just sixteen at the time. I was what was known as a Junior Salesman and in the luggage department.Within that department there was a skinny Irishman that sat in a largish counter and took in repairs to the suitcases. He was Gay but they were not called that in those days.One day I went into the repairs counter to get some paperwork that had to be filed but I intentionally stood close to him. After a few moments when the...

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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 11

A/N: Yes, finally another chapter! I know I take forever don’t I! Argh! ,-) —- The five minute drive to Callie’s apartment was achieved in silence. Upon arrival the girls climbed out of the truck and entered the living room. Callie turned to Leanna. ‘Would you like something to drink, coffee…tea?’ ‘A Cup of tea would go down nicely.’ Leanna requested. Nodding Callie led the way into her little kitchen and started making tea for the two of them. Five minutes later the two sat down in the...

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Sexing It Up

Sexing It Up By Cal Y. Pygia What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spanking the most, with occasional forays into vaginal intercourse, tit fucking, and interracial sex. With rare exceptions, I rule out films in which the actors...

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Michelles Story Part 6

Michelle's Story - Part 6 John was keen to hear from Sally about local gender specialists. While he waited for a response, he decided to do some searching himself. It wasn't easy as he found that the ones in London and Manchester were the most prominent, and that any others were obscure in comparison. Sally was still his best bet, as her contacts through her employers were more knowledgeable. He admitted to himself that Mr Connor had his points. If Michael was outed at school, he...

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Merry Cuckquean

Introduction: My wife is bound while she watches and then joins in later. My wife is tied to the bed and forced to watch. I fuck our friend Lexi in front of her while shes bound. After some humiliation, Lexi and I untie her and pleasure her together. I must warn you that you will read about concepts of wife humiliation (some may consider it degradation), anal, asslicking (on a girl), cuckquean, and vaginal felching. If you dont dig these things, then please do not read. If so, then please...

3 years ago
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Jessies Time for Payback

After Dan left me with his cum dripping out of my ass, I kept replaying his words before he left. “Jessie, you were amazing! I can’t wait to tell all the guys at work about this!” It was Friday night. Dan was the first one to make me feel like a woman, but now I had another dilemma. How am I going to face him and all of my co-workers if he indeed tells everyone about me? I woke up Saturday and took a nice relaxing lavender salt bath. While soaking and exfoliating my skin, I reflected back on...

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BreakdownChapter 15 Tuesday November 20th 2012 425 AM

Bill was awake for the last watch. Rob had volunteered to watch all night since he wasn't running all over the country but he had woken Bill about 30 minutes earlier and told him he just couldn't keep his eyes opened any longer. They had used the short wave again and called the National Guard just to let them know they were still alive. They didn't say anything about the battle or how many people they were. Bill assumed the bad guys were listening. Bill started a fresh pot of coffee and...

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Aunty Ko Choda

I am Mrinmoy from Kolkata main 37 years old ka hoon .Yeh baat 2 mahine pehle ki hai. Aap ko apni true story batane jaa raha hoon meri chachi hamare ghar k uppar wale floor me rehti thi wo 48 saal ki thi lekin hot thi uski figure 36-38-38 thi uska naam Soma name changed tha. Uncle kaa dubai me business tha vo Dubai me rehte the. Pehle me unke baare me kuch galat nahi sochta tha ekk din hum bus me jaa rahe the bus me kaafi bheed thi chachi mere aage khadi thi peeche se dahka aane ki wajah se mera...

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Daddys Girl

Daddy's Girl by Melissa Blake Andy Haugen sat quietly at his desk in his office doodling on his notes from a recent staff meeting as he tried to pass time until his lunch break. Cubes and swirls dotted the margin as he stabbed his pen into the holder at the head of his desk. Looking around his office, he admired the plaques and awards on his "I love me wall". Fraternity pictures and an army guidon stuck out most while his eyes scanned the room. It was Thursday, and a three day...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 30

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 30 Tuesday came and Paula had arranged a meeting with her mother for Wednesday. Laura was to meet her at school and attend the college event with her. The exams were now playing on her mind again as their beginning was now very close. "Morning beautiful," said Kelly. She was waiting outside the school walls and called Paula into a corner. "If we have to be secret, then so be it. My love for you is no secret though," she added, sharing a kiss...

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Marys story Part 3

Mary had said that she wanted to join and was willing to do anything that was necessary for her to join the club, and here she was laid on the couch, with her legs up in stirrups, totally exposed and defenceless. She could hear movement around her, but she could not see. She felt her legs being moved as the stirrups opened wider. Something cold being smoothed over her labia. “Ready?” the man said. “She’s ready.” said Linda. “We have to get this done quickly, so give her maximum power. She has...

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Margies degradation Part 3

Finally she came in bearing the tray of coffee and some eats for us, and after serving everyone and making sure that we were all catered for, she sat down next to me on the sofa. Now resuming our conversation, "Steve said to me, "what we really need to start doing next with your slut, is to start stretching her cunt and ass so that we can fist fuck the whore." "I've actually already had my hand right the way right up her cunt," I said with a touch of pride. "Really," Steve said with...

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i work in a lawyer's firm, one of the most prestigious in the city i got married five years ago, with one of the sexiest girls you may ever know. she's small but with big tits and a big apetite for sex she is the owner of a boutique in the center of the city that has a big success we've been very happy together but lately i've had to work too much and we've not been able to have sex for a month first week she seemed angry, but lately she's very happy and i can't avoid wondering why today...

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Going GoingChapter 6

(Author's warning: this chapter depicts very mild, very brief mm sex.) "Hi, Kayla!" chirped Stacy. "Come on in!" She took the overnight bag from her friend and set it aside on a kitchen chair. "I feel like I want to jump right out of my own skin," whispered Kayla. "I'm so nervous." "Kayla, this night is for you," said Stacy. "Everything we do tonight is intended to make you happy and fulfilled. None of us wants to do anything to make you uncomfortable. You have to trust me,...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Carter Cruise Carter8217s Games Part One

Newly married April O’Neil is complaining to her husband about them living at his sister Carter Cruise’s house when her sister-in-law overhears the conversation. Carter heard April criticize her for being too competitive and always trying to one up her. April gets off the phone and apologizes for what she said. Carter blows it off and tries to convince April to hang out with her so they can bond. But every activity she suggests is too competitive for April. April suggests they play...

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Carnal Campus Ch 01

Joe Murphy tossed and turned on the bumpy hotel bed as sleep eluded him. He groaned as he glanced across the room at the other bed where his wife, Carol, slept peacefully. She always had a knack for falling into a deep sleep wherever they stayed the instant her head hit the pillow. The rumpled mattress and lumpy pillow only augmented his restlessness. The real reason he was sleepless was a nagging bout of sexual frustration. He and Carol had been married for seven years. While they still made...

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The Preacher ManChapter 25 Career Move

Five months later... Time: June 1, 8237 11:15 AM I took a moment to look up from my desk and enjoy the view. It was magnificent, a clear, blustery day, fleecy white clouds, and the view to the west from the window before me was filled with ocean blues and grays and whites. Winter was fast approaching the South Atlantic. I turned to my right and squinted at the golden sunlight of the low hanging sun. Time for a five-minute break! I got up and stretched my legs, walking over to the northern...

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Carol Baker stepped over the threshold of her suburban semi-detached house and into the shade of the hallway. She was a tall, slim brunette with green eyes and a soft, easy smile. Her long hair hung almost to her waist and she wore it loose. Although she’d been at work, her crisp white blouse was pristine and her skirt, possibly a bit too short for a thirty-something, look like it had just come from the cleaners. She was elegant and loved the looks she got from men as they studied her long,...

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LeslieChapter 9 Gossip

I went over to the refrigerator to get some juice. I didn't have time to put it back before the phone rang for the first time. The calls got crazier over time. At first, Dad had walked out on all of us. Not real far from the truth, but not what I said. Mom had been beaten up. Mom and I had been beaten up. He beat up Mom, me and Sam and was hauled away in handcuffs. He took off with another woman, hid all his money so we couldn't get it and we were going to be out on the street. He...

1 year ago
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The Hot Sex Fantasy cums true

I always had a fantasy about a girl called Lauren that was a college. I would quite often stroke my cock to explosion just thinking about filling up Lauren's soft pussy. She was a few years older then me, and we were on different carrer paths, and outside of class I had never seen her once. So my chances of getting her were rather slim. She was a real knockout though; 5'6", 125 pounds maybe, tanned skin, light brown hair with highlights, nice curves, and probably at least a big C cup. Her tits...

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Wife confesses

"Kim, we need to talk." I said rather sternly.My wife of five years had just walked into our house. Her long dark brown hair had red and blond highlights that contrasted with her deep blue eyes. She was wearing a white blouse that showed lots of cleavage, a black knee length skirt, black stockings and high healed pumps. Turning to me she saw me sitting on the couch rather agitated and holding a manila envelope.Hesitantly she asked, "What's wrong?""How long have you been cheating on me?" I asked...

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my first time part 1

It was the summer of 1998, my older sister had just got married and the reception was just getting started, there was about 90 or so guests milling around between the house and the marque in the back garden, and i was trying to find a quiet moment to myself so i could have a cigarette without my family finding out that i smoke.As i squeezed my way through the overcrowded kitchen, i bump into my new brother in-law, and his housemate who is renting the attic room in there house. I say my hello's...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 2

When I got back from sailing, tired and thirsty there was message on my phone from Greg. "Hey buddy, how are you holding up? Hear there is trouble in paradise. Care to talk about it? Give me a call. I was conflicted. Greg is a great friend but I'm also 99.9999 percent sure that he cuckolds me with my wife. Well let's see what he has to say I thought as I dialed his number. "Hey Greg, it's Peter. You called" "Peter, sorry about that business with Monique. How are you holding...

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