- 4 years ago
- 32
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When the alarm went off, I discovered we had not moved all night long. Both girls groaned and moved to get out of bed. Mary sat up as she was on the outside and Jill pushed me to get up so she could get up too.
Jill handed me a towel as she and Betty wrapped one around their bodies. I grabbed my toothbrush and we headed to the bathrooms and showers. I was the only guy in the shower this morning with a dozen or so girls. They were all whistling and cutting up the whole time I was washing. I waved my semi hard-on at them on the way out for some more catcalls.
The day was a repeat with the closing words from the coach at practice telling us to be at the gym ready to get on the bus at seven. After supper, I think all of the ball players were walking around to each of their Prof.'s offices slipping their papers for the next three days under the door. I had turned in everything except for my late class.
Back at the dorm in Jill's room I said, "I have to get some clothes together for the trip. Do you want me to come back down later?"
Jill said, "That would be good. If we get done with our packing early, we might come up. We'll see you in a little while either way."
I was quick, as my clothes were clean and ready. I didn't have to take any fancy clothes so it was easy to pack a couple of pair of jeans and some pull over shirts, some extra underwear and socks and I was ready. I cleaned out my backpack so I had just what I needed to study ahead.
Mike wasn't in the room so I figured him to be with Jack. I wonder if he was going on the team bus or whether he was being disciplined for missing practice last Friday. In one way it didn't matter much since he was a sub. But it did matter, as we needed a good bench to back up the regular players.
I was getting ready to walk out when Jill came in and said, "Come down to our room tonight. We'll get to sleep early so we won't be late for the buses. To bad they won't let us mix and match on the buses. It sucks that you guys go on one bus and we go on the other."
We did get to bed early but both girls wanted attention and were after each other as much as I was after them. It was after eleven when we fell asleep.
The early up wasn't too bad and we were in the cafeteria very early. We all ate well and picked up a bunch of fruit for the bus ride. They had tubs of water bottles that everyone took several of and then the horde of ball players made their way to the buses at the gym.
As is usual, we didn't leave on time but twenty minutes late because we had to wait on late coaches. We did get to the far off school by almost eleven. We were supposed to begin playing at noon but the game had been postponed until one. As one of their players said, "Everything is an hour or two off here. We never start on time and we never get to supper on time."
All of us were hungry but we didn't want to eat too much and become lethargic so we all had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to help us get through to supper.
The game began at one forty-five much to the displeasure of the umpire staff. Our school had been out on the field practicing early as if we were going to begin at the noon originally scheduled time.
Today's line up had me leading off. That's one thing about the coach, he always had a surprise.
The pitcher was all over the place and gave me four straight balls not to swing at. As soon as I was on base, coach and the third base coach was flashing steal signs. I watched the pitcher check me out and not really care what kind of lead I took. When he pitched the first fast ball, it was a pitchout and the catcher fired down to first base. I was back in time but took note that the catcher not only had a good arm but was accurate.
I took another big lead but this time the pitcher held me by throwing back to first. When he turned his back to me, I figured he thought I would stick close so I took a big lead and when the pitcher's leg went up, I was running. I made the steal at least a second before the ball got to the second baseman's glove.
The activity now had three balls on the second hitter so the pitcher planted his foot and threw a strike. The hitter liked what he saw and drilled it to right center all the way to fence for a two base hit. I scored easily and the score was one to nothing.
Coach said to me as I came into the dug out, "You'll get a rep for stealing bases if you keep that up. You might want to take a little shorter lead off next time. I doubt he'll give you that much leeway."
I watched, as we were able to manufacture one more run before we took the field.
Our pitcher was cold, ice cold and walked the first two batters. I was playing deep; just before the grass of the outfield as the hitter was supposedly a right handed pull hitter. The second baseman was sort of holding the runner when a ball came screaming at me. I was lucky to scoop it on a short hop and shoveled it to the third baseman, who threw to second and the second baseman relayed the ball to first. Triple play. The home coach protested until the blue at first told him that one more word and he would be out of the park.
I kind of thought the runner was safe but the call went our way and was the first triple play that I had seen since pony league days.
Their pitcher had settled down and threw strikes. He was consistent throwing low outside every ball. Before I went to the on deck circle, coach said, "Crowd the plate a little. He might brush you back but he'll probably throw outside. If he brings it in, swing away."
Sure enough, because I was up on the plate, the first two pitches were balls. Then he threw way inside that was also a ball but put me on my butt. I got right back up on the plate to have a fat one come at me. I hit it hard enough to have hit cars way out in our parking lot but here it just went into some brush behind the fence. As I passed the second baseman he said, "At least you didn't get a chance to steal."
Coach was trying to get the other batters to crowd the plate like I did but they wouldn't get up close enough. Baseball can be intimidating and the coach wanted to intimidate the pitcher. By the seventh inning, we were tied up at two each as our pitcher was serving up a lot of fly balls that were all the way to the fence.
When I came up the last time, there was a man on first and third. Coach was signaling bunt but the third base coach was waving him off for me to swing away. I backed out of the batter's box and let the two of them figure it out. Finally, the third base coach gave me the bunt and I set up just like the last two times at bat, I crowded the plate.
The first ball was inside but I was expecting that and got out of the way. The second was way outside and not hitable. The next pitch was just below the belt and a change up. I was able to guide the ball down the third base line fairly firmly but soft enough no one could reach it to throw the runner out at home. They did throw me out at first but I did what was asked. I advanced the runners and got an RBI.
Coach gave me a butt slap on the way by and said, "Good going to wait until we made up our minds on your call. We'll try to be more direct next time."
The game ended with us winning three to two that really wasn't bad. We could have hit better but we didn't do that terrible.
By the time we were showered and at their cafeteria, we were all starved. Their food wasn't as good as ours but to a bunch of kids, it was okay because there was a lot.
The girls had finished their game almost an hour before we finished so they were already through. We mixed it up while eating which meant that I had Jill and Mary near plus a lot of the other girls who had become friendly.
Our quarters were two floors in a dorm that are left empty for visiting athletes. The girls were assigned to one floor and guys to another. The rooms weren't anything special but they were clean.
The next morning I was up and jogging at seven. No one else wanted to run so I was chasing myself around the ball field so I could get a feel for it before today's game. I always use running the field before the game to get a feel for it and to let the field become my friend. Dumb huh? But it works for me.
When I had circled the field a dozen times or so I was exiting the gate when coach hollered at me. He asked, "Trying to get rid of your extra energy?"
I tried to explain that I needed the exercise but I like to run the field to learn what corners there was and what the grass looked like. He nodded and said that he had made arrangements for us to use their batting cages for a couple of hours and we could do some infield practice before eleven if we wanted.
"Call it coach. I'll run eat and we can get right on the field or hit the cages. A little extra time with the bat would be good. We'll have plenty of time to rest before a four o'clock game."
He said, "They confused that too. They want to start at two. They were working on getting the umpires early. I wonder why there is so much confusion."
I ate and bullied all the infield guys into some infield practice after the batting cages. All of us took fifty balls in two twenty-five-ball segments. The first run through was half bunts and half-directed grounders. The second segment was lofting the ball gently over the first and third with the last five swing away. I could have used another fifty balls but this wasn't my decision today.
Infield practice had us looking pretty sharp. We were fielding and throwing accurately and should avoid the blunders that usually befall you when you're away from home.
After an early lunch we were dressed out and doing our usual live batting practice and infield practice. When the warm ups were over and the ground crew was lining the field, I used that time to watch the starting pitcher warm up. He seemed smooth and had a nice flowing motion all the way through. From the sound of the ball hitting the glove, he was throwing hard early but from the distance I couldn't tell whether he had any movement on the ball.
Today coach had me hitting fourth. Like sure, I'm going to be the clean up guy. I've been lucky lately but not deadly. At least I made contact most of the time.
Our first batter couldn't catch up with the fast ball and swung at a ball way out of the strike zone for his third strike. The second batter paid attention and when the pitcher took a lot off a ball, he put it into short left field for a single. The third man up had the rhythm and planted a ball back in deep center field but there was a fielder under it.
My first two pitches were balls, probably in honor of yesterday. I had been given a swing away sign but it had changed for the third throw. They wanted me to hit behind the runner, which meant something over the first baseman's head. The pitcher pitched another change up and I was able to put it into right field. The fielder was playing so shallow that the ball got past him and rolled into the corner. Our runner scored and I was stopped at third.
Our fifth man was really our best hitter and rarely didn't make good contact. The problem was that he always wanted to try to put the ball out of the park so he had a lot of pop ups and liners deep to a fielder. The third base coach was signing him to keep the ball in play, which meant for him to get it over the second baseman's head. The field was playing him deep so all he had to do was slap the ball.
He did slap it and I was able to score. The next man up didn't pay attention to the sign and tried to kill the ball. Making an easy out.
I had been drilled over and over to do what the coaches wanted. They may not be always right but it was their game to win or lose.
The second baseman twisted his ankle on the second play of our half of the inning. He ran to the bag for the toss to catch the lead runner and stepped on the bag wrong.
This brought in our young guy who would be a great shortstop one of these days. The one thing he wasn't doing was to participate in infield practice as much as he could.
He wanted to stick to close to second and watched a ball go through the hole. This let men on first and second. Now he could hold the runner if signaled but he still left a big hole because the first baseman should be around the bag. Because the second baseman was playing close, the first baseman was ranging to his right to try to cover the gap.
The new guy wouldn't respond to signals and stayed about ten feet off second with one hand on his hip. That pissed me off as even major leaguers got down with the gloves ready when the ball is pitched.
When the second ball went to the left of the second baseman, and the runners advanced, I could see the coach really get pissed. Coach was pointing at me and motioning me toward the kid. I went to him and told him the coach wanted him to play the gap. He said he was but he really didn't know second. I told him, "Play short, and not deep. The play is at the plate."
I positioned myself in the gap and motioned the first baseman toward his area of coverage while the coach was radically signaling to us. He didn't like my switch.
The next batter hit right up the middle. The pitcher missed it but I was able to field it, run across the base and fire home. Thank goodness the pitcher knelt down, as I would have beaned him. We were late to the plate but the catcher was sharp and faked throwing back to me as the first base runner was stretching for two. The man on third broke for the plate with the fake and the catcher ran toward him throwing the ball to the third baseman. They caught him in a run down.
The opposing coach was yelling that the catcher caused a dead ball because he held on to it. Dumb protest, as the ball is live until it's either out of bounds or everyone is on base and the pitcher has the ball. Even then if a runner wishes to run he could.
We were in better shape with two outs and only a man on second. The pitcher caught the batter looking and was out of the inning with only one run.
When we made it to the dugout, coach was really steamed. He had me up against the wall reading me out until he finally said, "That was probably the right move but you're not a coach, you play where I tell you. Now send that sack'o shit to me so I can ream his ass."
Before we went to the field again, the kid was in the showers. Our utility infielder that was best at third and short took short and I covered second. We played good together and were able to play all three balls hit to us for outs.
After a couple of hits and an out, I was up again. This time with a man on first and second with one out, they gave me a swing sign without qualifying it. No big sweep, no arm brush for direction of a pop. The first pitch was blistering down the middle. I didn't even see it well so I watched the strike. The next pitch looked like it was going to be the same so I was ready. I came right down the middle again but this time his ninety-mph plus fast ball went out as fast as it came in. Surprisingly the ball barely made it over the fence. The ball actually hurt my hands when the bat made contact.
In the dugout I told the hitting coach about it and he pulled the bat. There was a crack down the aluminum shaft. Sure glad I didn't use that bat again.
My hands were still stinging when we went to the field again. The first ball to me was an easy one with a short throw too first. The next guy up hit a ball to the fence and was on second. Coach wanted me to hold him, which meant a hole to right. I was playing just off the left shoulder of the pitcher when a ball came screaming up the middle. Defensively, I put the glove up and caught the ball. I stepped on second and threw to first. A triple play the easy way but we only needed two. I took a real ribbing about making four outs for the inning.
My last time up at bat, I had three balls then two foul balls. The last throw was a nasty curve that I waved at. I was cussing myself as I went back to the dugout. The hitting coach came over to me and said, "If you hit every time you were up, you would be in the bigs. You have to stay patient and learn to hit those curves and sinkers. We'll work on it. I know you'll learn, you work at it."
We won but only five to four. The coach gave us a short lecture about watching for signals and further explained that they were the coaches and players shouldn't be swapping positions. Everyone knew what had happened but knew I had moved our new guy in order to keep us on top.
The new guy wasn't at supper and the girls were a little down because they had lost a close game. While we were relaxing after supper, a rumor went around the teams that the new guy had been picked up in town trying to steal a car. Man, that was really stupid. He was over eighteen so he was an adult and would be treated that way. Oh well, that just means the coach had a hole for another scholarship player. It also meant he needed to come up with another short stop in a year or two.
Friday was like Thursday but with the game starting at noon. Everyone had gotten up early and some of us took some batting cage practice. I stayed at second while our infield reserve did a decent job at short. I told our starting pitcher to throw low and outside to righties and low in inside to lefties so I would have more activity. I was kidding, "You don't want me to fall asleep out there do you?"
The suggestion worked as the first seven balls hit were to me. I mean right to me. One a liner but the rest lazy grounders that came up where they should and were easy throws for outs. It made a believer out of me. After the third inning the pitcher served up some fat pitches that put us behind six to two by the end of the sixth. Coach brought in a reliever who threw side arm and was a little wild when he was excited.
The first pitch was wild so when he got the ball I trotted up to him and joked with him a little. I told him, "Just settle down and throw that neat slider you throw. It's nice and slow and goes everywhere at once."
He laughed but threw the slider and the batter popped it up.
The next batter I did it again and settled the guy down. He was at two balls and a strike when the batter hit it straight to the third baseman.
The third batter I joked at him that he could try to take the guy's knees out or at least keep the ball down there so the ball would stay on the ground.
He took me literally and almost smacked the guy's knees. It would have been a ball but the guy swung the bat defensively. There was a lot of heckling going on so the batter tried to put the ball out of the park. It did what usually happens, the ball went straight up, hit a satellite and fell into the short stop's glove.
I was second up and before going to the on deck circle the coach said, "We need runs. I'll give you a swing away sign but if the pitcher is trying to pitch around you, put it in play over a corner. They're playing you shallow because you're not that big so if you have to, plug it to the fence. Now do it."
The first man up put the ball into left field for a single. The first pitch I saw was another rocket fast ball but out of the strike zone. I was really keyed for the fast ball so when he threw a change up, I was about two weeks early on the swing. I didn't see a change on his arm motion.
The next ball up I figured would be back to the fast ball. It was with some movement. I swung through the ball feeling it come off the bat very nice. I ran for first trying to find where the ball hit. The first base coach was pushing so I ran to second watching the third base coach waving at me to run. When I ran past third I just knew there would be a play at the plate. Instead the catcher was just standing there.
The ball had buried itself in the fence. The fielder couldn't get it out so they called it a double and the runner had to go back to third and me to second. Coach argued but that was a good call. The ball wasn't playable so it was only a double.
I watched as the pitcher played the same game with the batter he had with me. Since this was a good hitter, he got the rhythm and blasted the ball into the next country. We were now only one run down with no outs in the top of the seventh.
The guys manufactured a run with some small ball running and bunting. So we went into the eighth tied. The side arm reliever nervously threw his practice pitches so I went out to him and told him, "You know what, you were deadly when you threw low and inside. Aim at the knees and let it tail in. Your delivery has a ton of movement. Let's use it. I'll be right there with my glove ready for the grounder."
He did that and the ball came off the bat like a rocket right into my glove without ever touching the ground. The opposing coach kept saying it was a ground ball but no dust had come up in front of me. I tossed the ball to the first baseman and he danced on the bag before throwing it back to the pitcher.
The pitcher was now laughing, the perfect way for a pitcher to be. The next batter smoked a grounder to short who threw the guy out. The pitcher looked at me and nodded and smiled. He served up the next pitch right at the batter's knees but the ball didn't tail in. The batter was slow and the ball hit the batter in the knee. The pitcher was really sorry to hit the guy and went to run in to help the guy.
Wrong move, the other teams bench emptied and our sidearm guy was punched a couple times before we could break it up. Now we had a disabled pitcher and no one warmed up. While the umpires were deciding what to do for discipline, we got an arm warmed up and ready. The umps were a surly bunch and declared a no game since the game was tied and called it off. After lots of arguments, we went to the locker room with hard feelings on both sides.
The girls were done about the time of our fiasco and we were hustled onto the buses hungry. We did stop down the road for supper but the best they could do was a Burger Chef. It was food but not great food.
We got home about ten and after putting our clothes in our rooms, both teams swarmed the cafeteria. The coaches had given them a heads up and had them prepared for a bunch of hungry students. While we were eating, the coaches of both teams came in and addressed us. They congratulated both teams for taking two of three games. There was no mention of the wayward shortstop or the relief pitcher that had been punched.
They said no formal practice Saturday and Sunday with regular practice Monday and games Tuesday and Wednesday. We also were hosting a tournament this coming weekend that would be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Tournaments can be bears because you can play two games a day for three days. That can get very old and tired.
After our late supper, everyone migrated to the dorms to get over the long ride and to let the food digest. In my case, I was balls deep in Jill almost as soon as we hit her door. After three days, we both were suffering from the hornies.
I was having desert between Jill's legs when someone's tongue was buried in my butt. That felt so good that I turned my head to see Dan, Jill's brother. He smiled at me and said, "Spread 'em buddy, I have something for you. Keep eating though, my sis needs the action."
Ever so slowly while I ate the delirious Jill, Dan slicked on a condom and lubed up his dick. Soon he was sliding into me and fucking me deliciously. It felt so good I was going to come any second. Jill sensed me getting close and made me get up on my hands and knees. She got under me in a sixty-nine and latched onto my dick and I spewed loads and loads of that good stuff into her mouth.
When Dan had finished and rolled off me, he said, "Damn that was so good. Glad you guys are still an item." Dan was pulling his pants back up when he said, "I met your room mate at a party. He was cool and insisted on condoms for all his partying. I think the guy fucked or got fucked by at least fifty guys. He definitely was the party punch. He told me he couldn't get any of his roomies ass if he started fucking around unprotected. He's a smart guy."
Dan said, "I've got places to go and people to see. I needed to say hi to sis and to plug a good butt. See you guys later."
Mary said to Jill and I, "Come on, time for bed. One last trip to the bathroom and we're locking down."
The bad thing was we were so tired. The good thing was that it was Friday night and we were back in our own dorm. We actually didn't fuck around any more and were asleep very fast.
Saturday mornings means you can sleep late. With no practice today I didn't have to get up but my stomach was calling for "food" loud and clear. My muscles also said I needed to go to the weight room. As I slipped out of bed Jill said, "You are certifiable. Give it a rest Dean. I'll bet you're planning on going to the weight room then to the cages."
I smiled and Jill sat up and said, "Damn, you're worse than a guilty concious. I'll go with you but I'm taking a nap this afternoon."
We showered, ate, worked out then were in the batting cages doing sets of twenty-five. When the batting coach showed up to check in at his office he heard us and came into the cage area to see who was doing what. Jill was hitting well and putting balls into the two corners then rang the bell a couple of times.
The coach asked me, "How long have you been here?"
Jill said, "Slave driver here had me hit a hundred and he's already over a hundred twenty-five. I think he's done though."
The coach said, "Don't overdo it. I know you want to be good but don't take a chance and hurt yourself."
"We're going coach. I just don't like a day to go by without doing some hitting. I want to be good and the only way to be good is to practice."
The coach waved at me shooing us away and he said, "I'll tell it to the scouts."
I stopped in mid step and asked, "What scouts?"
He turned back and said, "The scouts that have been at our games and asking questions about our short stop. If you want, they'll draft you next draft. I'm sure the coach will talk to you about it soon. Don't let it worry you though, right now you have a school to play for."
Jill said, "Hot damn, major league scouts. That's really something. I know you're good but wow, scouts. I guess you better practice. I'll help you and keep you in shape. Come on, let's go get a shower and fuck ourselves to sleep."
That's what we did and agreed not to mention what the coach had said about scouts. I was thinking that as long as I had free education, I should take advantage of it.
We worked out Sunday and spent an hour in the cages but were not seen there by anyone. Several of the softball girls were coming in as we were leaving and wanted me to evaluate their swings and help them. Jill and I got bottles of water and worked with the girls for an hour then headed to lunch.
After lunch, we went over our assignments for the week knowing we would be busy with games and practice. When we were two weeks ahead, we skipped Sunday supper and headed with a group to Pizza Hut.
This is the way it was going to be for the rest of the season so we were mentally prepared and ready.
The week began pretty normal. Monday was exercise, classes, batting, classes, practice. Tuesday was the first game of two with a local private college team. They were known for good ball teams so we knew we were going to be challenged.
Our pitching was as near perfect as you could ask and theirs was lights out. Through six innings there had been one bloop infield hit and the score was tied at zero. I had walked once and struck out twice looking at low outside sliders that must have caught a corner of the plate.
Our left fielder came up to bat and watched a ball and a strike then drove a hard ground ball inside the third baseman. The ball went all the way to corner so he ended up with a double.
Coach decided it was time for small ball and gave the bunt sign. Our catcher is not the worlds best bunter and isn't very fast either. He struck out after two bunted foul balls.
I was up with one out and was given the bunt sign. The first was a ball inside. The second was a ball low and outside. The third pitch was high all the way to the backstop. Our guy advanced to third. I looked at the third base coach and he gave me the bunt sign again. I called time and backed out of the batter's box to adjust my gloves and double check the sign. A bunt wasn't going to score a run unless everyone in the infield screwed up.
The third base coach continued to give me the bunt sign and the coach wasn't signing at all. Oh well. I got into my stance and what do you know another wild pitch all the way to the backstop. While I moved clear of the plate, our runner scored.
They brought in a reliever who struck out the next two and we were out in the field for the eighth. Coach had warmed up a reliever to take over if our pitcher showed signs of tiring. He shouldn't because he had not thrown that many pitches. He had been smoking all game. The man did his thing and struck out two and popped up the last. We came up in the eighth and looked bad at the plate while the reliever threw us out.
In the ninth, I figured the coach would put in a reliever but our starter came back, threw his warm ups and was ready. He amazingly smoked three straight batters on nine pitches. We mobbed the guy as he had a shut out but not a no hitter. A one hit complete game is something to be proud of.
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When the alarm went off I sat up. The first thing I noticed was no roomie, oh well. I put the towel back around me and headed for the shower with my toothbrush. After a couple big glasses of water, I did the shit, shower, and shaved the few whiskers I had. Back in the room I dressed quickly, straightened the room, grabbed my backpack and headed for the stairs. Dan and Jake were waiting for me with another guy they introduced as Jim. He was also on both the football and wrestling teams. As...
The three of us woke up hungry and hung over from the bus ride. We put on our workout clothes after a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. After eating, we went to the weight room and worked for a solid forty five minutes. We signed out and walked back to the dorm feeling a lot better. I suggested, "How about doing our laundry now then getting some stuff and having a picnic out by the lake?" That was a great idea and they girls began gathering their clothes. I went and got mine and we...
Hot and Bothered By Roy Del Frink Marla Porter was fifty-eight years of age, and felt like she was seventy. Every fashion model's twin enemies, time and gravity had ravaged her once shapely figure. Though she had once been a respectable five foot six, she'd lost a couple inches in height to old age. All her hair had turned brown, then gray, then white. That's what happens to natural blondes. She'd raised three happy children who'd since become successes in life. Poor Marla, on...
Mike was like me, we both slept in the nude and we woke up to stand with our dicks sticking out. I was stretching and bending backwards which makes my dick stick way out. Mike said, "Looking for some action this morning? I think I'm about as hard as you are." I said, "We better get with it and get ready for classes. There would be nothing I'd like better than suck on that thing you're so proud of. I could use an appetizer for breakfast." Mike said, "We gotta get a way to fuck. We...
The day was what one would expect. Classes and baseball or in Jill and Mary's case, Softball. After practice and supper we were all busy studying, typing, and turning in papers for Thursday, Friday, and Monday. We had to turn in Monday's papers as we had a home game in afternoon on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning was busy as we all had to eat, pack and be at the bus by eight thirty. We loaded onto the buses and took off for the far off destination. We actually studied and compared...
Who woulda thunk it? I really like dick. I mean I like to play with them, lick them, suck them, be fucked my them and just about anything else having to do with dick. Oh yeah, I love pussy too. The juicier the better. But then I'm a guy, I should love pussy. You know, I could be a true sex addict as I do love sex of almost any kind. My body demands some form of sexual release at least daily. If I don't have a playmate, I'll use my hand or any other means available to release gob after gob...
"All rise," announced the bailiff as Judge Thatcher left the courtroom. "Oh my God, thank you," said Lisa as she hugged Harold and gave him a kiss on the neck. After she had released her embrace the prosecuting attorney came up to Harold and offered his hand. There were no hard feelings. Each had zealously represented their clients. "Congratulations," said Meredith as she gave Lisa a kiss. "I knew you'd win." Venera was there as well. She hugged and kissed her, "I told you that...
‘It gets dark so quickly at this time of year,’ she said, sadly. Meggie was going out to do some shopping, and I did not know that was the last time I would see her while either of us was a free person. I continued to write the letter I had begun to my editor, and I was getting angrier with him and the situation as I wrote, when there came a knock on our front door, which no one ever uses in this town. Setting my letter aside under my blotter, I got up rather grumpily and went to see what...
Evil Magic World 3: Don't Bother A Noble By Pulsar John was a young noble. At the age of 17, he was very pretentious. Due to his status as noble, he did what he wanted to, and with who he wanted to. On the street, he could pick any woman to please him, and he did. He had made arrests of four who had not accepted to be fucked. His parents were rich and had a rather high position in town, for his father, Georges, was the 8th judge at the Court. His mother, Wanda, loved to pick up...
‘Carl, I need to ask you a big, BIG favor!’ Hayley said rather loudly as her eyes sank to the ground like a couple of ten pound weights had just been tied to them. I waited for her next line but finally decided that she must have missed rehearsal. ‘I’m listening,’ I prompted. The noisy cars escaping the restaurant parking lot would have made it difficult enough to hear her even if she had said anything and yet I thought I heard her in my head even before she finally spoke. ‘I’ve…had one hell...
eginning 2057, Dr. Anhaisen finally completed his life's work: a working teleportation device, functioning on the principle of de-atomizing a material and re-arranging it in a pre-set latitude/longitude coordinates. But this machine, as anything good is, was put to personal use. And that's where we come in.Meet Lana, a 30 year old dreamer, stuck in the oh-so-bland small town of Retor, in the New Republic of European Nations. Lana crosses paths with Dr. Anhaisen, to become his lab assistant and...
Monday, minutes after midnight at the office. The first thing I did at work was look at the abstract of the will that controlled Gracie’s life. The relevant facts were available to our firm’s service. Clearly her Father trusted her mother too much. Gracie had title to the property and most of the portfolio, but she was treated as an incompetent child until she was 25. However, there was a fault I noticed, the lawyer who drew the document had cited an out-of-date law, the revision became law...
It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swollowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So as I sat there trembling with a bowed head, Penny told me all about the phone call she had gotten earlier that day from Mary! Yes the very same Mary who was the wife of my secret gay friend Robert and...
I was at my office , my phone was ringing. I opened , it was Natalie. Almost fifteen days ago I had fucked her well groomed and big foot very hard in her home when her husband was at work. At first, she hadn't accepted, but later she had accepted what I wanted to do. And, I offered her something crazy after I fucked her big and well groomed foot in front of the door at her home . I was gonna bang her and Olga together. That was gonna be in the week days while their husbands were at work.If you...
Waking up to the sound of my alarm blaring, I roll over and slam on it. Of course it doesn't go off, just crashes to the floor. I know I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night playing video games, but what can I say? Too late now, I suppose. I reach down to pick up the clock, seeing the time blinking at me. Getting out of bed, I grab the shower before anyone else can. I know what it’s like in this household in the mornings. My two sisters will fight like crazy for the bathroom. I get why,...
CrossdressingThey both know now ----------------------- Steve Wright loved his wife, Charlotte. He thought she was the quintessential English Rose. Honey blonde hair, big brown eyes, petite nose and full kissable lips; with a swan neck and nice sized breasts he fell in love with her every time he saw her. Like most women Charlotte liked nice clothing; she wanted to look pretty as well as feel pretty; she wanted to be admired as well as be desired. Her husband also enjoyed seeing his lovely wife wearing...
that.' Charlotte wriggled her body gently, enjoying the feeling of Jon,s muscular chest on her back and the more pressing belly of Sol,s on her tummy. She felt snug and warm in between the...
Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a new encounter with 2 virgin sisters and so without wasting any time and I will start my story for you all. During my earlier job tenure, I have to travel extensively all over India to develop the dealers and distributors network. Hence, very often I used to go to all parts of India. During those tours and I realized that we have not yet covered some parts of Madhya Pradesh. Especially the interior parts which were famous for dacoits once upon a time...
My husband Jim had always fantasised about a threesome, it was just a fantasy, we had never really discussed it, I had never contemplated a third in our bed. When he mentioned it he always seemed to be joking, anytime we talked about sex he wouldn’t bring it up. Having another woman was not something I had ever dreamed of, any “lesbian” tendencies were not in my portfolio, hey I was probably the only girl in school that had never kissed another girl never mind anything else. I had always...
‘Mister La Salle,’ a voice called from over Adam’s shoulder. Turning, he recognised Jayne Essington, a friend of Amanda’s from some time ago. ‘Good morning Missus Essington’ he said taking her hand, bowing and kissing it. ‘How lovely to see you. What brings you to Boston?’ ‘I am here for my nephew’s graduation’ the plumpish, but nevertheless quite attractive, black haired widow informed him, leaving her hand in Adam’s. ‘From Harvard?’ ‘No Boston University. He wanted to study agriculture...
This sick story is meant as an putrid fantasy not real life. When Jimmy’s mother Margie (4 months pregnant with Jimmy’s son) decided to move in with Jimmy and Jimmy’s grandmother Addie (who was 8 months pregnant with Jimmy’s twin daughters), Jimmy expected his 9-month fuckfest with Addie to come to a screeching halt a month ahead of schedule. Jimmy was hoping to continue fucking eager (though hugely swollen) Addie right into her 9th month, but he doubted that would be...
"Hello Uncle Charlie. Hi this is Tiffany. Are you by chance going up to your cabin this weekend?" "Great! Do you think I could come up and spend the weekend." "No nothings wrong, I just feel a bit burned out. I figured a weekend without the phone or friends would recharge my batteries." "You still call me baby girl after all these years." "Thanks Uncle Charlie, you're the best." I hung up the phone and smiled as I lay back on my bed. I had planned this moment for months. I thought back to the...
My name's Marcus and it's got to be said that I'm a lucky man. I'm twenty-five, been married and then escaped, and now I've got two very sexy girlfriends. I suspect they both sort of know and accept that they're not the only ones in my life, although neither really knew who else there is.They're very different women. The first one, Tanya, the one I've been with the longest, is my age to the month, taller then most girls, and slim, with dark brown hair that cascades around her shoulders and...
The whole campus was excited, as this was homecoming week. The weekend had non-stop activities for alumni and students. The profs let up on everyone and assigned light reading for the coming classes. On the other hand, the football coach was going nuts as our rival for homecoming game was the best in our conference. We had not beaten them for years. We practiced like kamikazes on Monday with long video reviews of the other team after supper. By the time I got home the house was settled down...
I never did and still don't consider myself to be bi or gay but I do love the sight of a huge cock. There is just something about it that exudes power and dominance. I feel very fortunate to have by all accounts a average dick at 6+ inches. But I lust after cocks that are bigger and I don't know why. I don't have any desire to be fucked or to fuck another guy, but when I see a big cock I have always wondered what it would be like to wrap my lips around and make it cum. That was until I was a...
Hello, there friends my name is Tina. This is my real sex story. I married 22 years ago. After the birth of my son, my sexual interests diminished with growing responsibilities. But when my son’s best Friend – Raj came to stay in our house in order to clear his re-exams, I ended up fucking him so that he can concentrate on studies and became fuck buddies. But then his father stole some of our nudes and blackmailed him into sex which I was able to succeed in getting those nudes deleted and...
IncestStopping at both Raleigh and Charleston for a night, the four hundred or so miles trip passed quite pleasantly. Adam met her at the train. ‘God he’s handsome,’ she reminded herself, not having seen her brother for three years when he had visited her in London. Adam had inherited his mother’s artistic side and not the commercial nature of their father. Amanda had more commercial acumen, but was also an artist at heart. Both had taken on the warmth of their mother and not the hardness of...
I licked my lips for a few seconds, but then I Calmly made my way to her. "You are sensuous, Nova," I muttered, bringing my hands to her legs."No, you don't want to caress my legs, Mina," she pointed out, snatching my hands. "You want to feel my massive hooters," she made clear, setting them onto her boobs. "Now doesn't that feel better?""Yes," Dante and I answered.I peeked at him and saw him stroking his wood again. "I love you, Mina.""I love you too," I answered, prior to looking back and...
NovelsHello, friends, I am Sathish, currently residing in Bangalore. This is the continuation of last sex story posted one year ago “Seduced my apartment aunty on a rainy day”. One year passed on to achieve what I really wanted. Meanwhile, I used to have sex with the mother of the heroine of this sex story. To know how I fucked her mom (Meena), please read my previous sex story. A short recap of the sex story is that I and Meena live in the same apartment. Meena has two daughters, elder one (Riti)...
Dear friends, this is Shiva again from Tamil Nadu. Thanks for all those who spent their precious time, sending feedbacks for my stories Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana and Pumping Plumy Padma. All your feedbacks and my experiences after publishing those stories, made me to write this story. Feel free to contact me via my email ids and to have a very safe, secret and enjoyable relationship. My KIK Id is : dazzlingshiva I always feel every girl/lady as a flower and they have to be treated...
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS A short story by Tamsyn A crossdresser wakes to find himself tied and gagged and at the mercy of a masked sadist. But is everything as it seems? The sound of laughter, the clink of glasses, soft music... Slowly I came to, consciousness returning to my befuddled brain. It was like trying to claw my way out from under a heavy tarpaulin or a rockfall. I opened my eyes. It was dark, pitch black, but the room still seemed to swim in front of me. Had I...
Lynette Robertson’s House, Komoka 8:16pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 I was once more utterly amazed when I saw Lynette strip down to a lovely bra and panty set. She was absolutely gorgeous as she stood upright beside her parents’ king sized bed after she slightly struggled to get her tight blue jeans off her long, lean legs. Her full, firm breasts were covered by a white, underwire bra, which had black flowers decorating the cup material. Along the top edge of her bra, black lace enticed...
This story happened about a year after my wife Kathy and I got married. She had been an innocent college freshman when we met, I was a senior who hadn't had much luck with women throughout my undergrad, but managed to find enough courage to approach her in the psychology class we both took. She was even shyer than I was, but eventually after a few months of pursuing her I got her out on a date. A few months later and we finally had sex for the first time. It was the first time for us both,...
At the beginning things went well for both Val and Steve but then Steve had some devastating news he was being made redundant. He was about to lose his job.For the next two months Steve looked around for another job, but things were looking tough on the job market. Yes there were jobs but much lower paid and each month that passed his saving went downSteve and Val often talked about the problems they were facing. Things were getting desperate as they still had to pay the mortgage.In the end Val...
BOTH WAYS by Barbara (My fifth story) This story is in two parts. There is very little CD/TV in part I. Even if you want to skip to Part II, you should skim Part I. It is a setup to Part II and explains how the characters got where they are in the story. PART I My name is Edward, Edward Wister. My friends call my Eddy. I was 18 the summer I graduated from high school. Neither me nor my best friend, Sparky, were totally...
Rows and floes of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons everywhere I’ve looked at clouds that way But now they only block the sun They rain and snow on everyone So many things I would have done But clouds got in my way I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down, and still somehow It’s cloud illusions I recall I really don’t know clouds at all Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels The dizzy dancing way you feel As every fairy tale comes...
Courtney had really done a great job scheduling my classes knowing how demanding multiple sports was going to be. Since I only had two classes a day and they all were in the morning, I was done with classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at ten. I usually went to the weight room then the batting cages until lunch. After lunch I would study non-stop until two- thirty when it was time for baseball practice. I worked out with the baseball team until four then jogged to the football locker...
Eighteen fifty seven had not been a good year for Missus Amanda Williams. In February, her husband Samuel had left her. Not just left her for another woman, but of all people, an actress of twenty something. Whilst losing her husband was hard to take, for a woman rapidly approaching forty, the fact that he opted for a young thing was devastating to her. Then in July, her father had died from a massive heart attack. Being in London when that happened, it was impossible to get home to the...
I woke up smelling coffee and bacon cooking. Groggily, consciousness fully returned to my brain. Slowly opening one eye, I looked at the bright light coming in through the bedroom window. Someone had opened the curtains. I hate that! Rolling over, confirmed that Debbie was not in bed with me and was obviously the author of those wonderful breakfast smells.Fully awake now, I remembered last night. I felt a jolt in the pit of my stomach. With the cold hard light of day, a devastating feeling that...
CuckoldI’m an exhibitionist. I guess I always have been and I expect I always will be. That point in childhood when most kids (or at least most girls) learn modesty, I didn’t. I do remember my folks trying to shame me into covering up when I would dance out of my bedroom in next to nothing while guests were at our house but my blushing just became part of my repertoire. As a teenager, I was completely open around Mom. If I knew only the two of us were home, I would walk up to Mom...
It’s weird how two unsuspecting people could meet and suddenly end up together in unexpected ways. It all started in high school with my long time and now ex boyfriend, Bill, and my long time and now ex girlfriend, Charlene, we called Charley for short. Charley and I have been best friends ever since middle school. We would talk about everything. The clothes we wear, the girls we thought was unpopular, the guys we screwed. We were like sisters. Well, sort of. I remember when I was having a...
Chapter 20: Jeanne's Wild Night - Both Ends BurningNow Barocca stood before Jeanne, stroking her cock. Jeanne gazed at her through almost uncomprehending eyes."Good grief, Barocca," Jeanne muttered. "You mean you've still got more in store for me?"Barocca promptly laid out on the bed on her back. "Get over here and sit on my cock, Jeanne. You're gonna have to satisfy several of us at once, and then we'll see about calling it quits for the night."Barocca's cock was now hard and throbbing,...
Don't read this if you shouldn't or don't want to. Either Or Both by Vickie Tern i. When they came back down from upstairs and settled themselves into the living room they were wearing strange expressions on their faces. I wondered why. Beth had taken them up to show them the just-completed massive renovations in our upstairs area, the two huge walk-in closets she'd carved out of...
Hello friends, this is Veena again with yet another real story that took place in Delhi. I had gone for a vacation to Delhi at Manish bhaiya’s house at Ashok Vihar. Our relationship had been going around for more then a year now. The story I had already narrated about Manish bhaiya’s desire to have threesome involving Simran which I fulfilled had just happened on Manish bhaiya’s last trip to Mumbai. It was a winter season and I love visiting Delhi in winters. The cool breeze and dusky days...
I have a high sex drive and thrive on sexual excitement, be it dressing and undressing to please my man and our guests, flaunting my naked body to turn on people I have just met, the visual turn on of other naked bodies, the foreplay (or lack of it), to receiving and giving sexual pleasure, not to mention verbal interaction. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t...
"What are we going to do about us?" I repeated. "Look," Mary said. "I sort of had a plan when I asked to come out." No kidding. "I kind of thought I'd come out here, get you hooked up with Lisa, maybe as a friend, maybe more. But you would have somebody here. You know?" "Hooked up?" Lisa laughed. "Hooked up?" So what was I going to say? "Ahh," I started in my brilliant way, "What about you and Lisa? Was that part of what you were planning?" I smiled to reassure her it was...
After the wild homecoming weekend, the house settled down into a more normal student household. There was a lot of groping and occasionally a mini orgy would break out but everyone in the house, studied, slept, and played with their partner or partners. Clarice had found a great guy in Curt and had him over most evenings to study with her. They would usually cap off their studying with a trip upstairs where some nice moans and groans emitted. This usually stimulated whoever was listening...
I pulled the seam of my pants out looking down at the sticky mess that coated my cock and balls, itlooked lovely and I wished some one had been there to lick it clean for me like they did in the videos. So I let my cock spring free of my pants and take hold of it. My old cum is still slick and slippery making my hand slide along my length pushing gently towards the end of my rod and moving the skin to cover the bell end with skin and block out the cool night air. As I pull back I watch and...
Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother - Par "Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly...
Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his...
Before starting the story, I would like to describe the main character of the story. My brother’s friend – Let’s call him J. He is 6 ft 2 in tall, dark and has a ripped body. I have a dusky complexion and an hourglass figure – 36-29-38. Now, let’s begin the story. I and my brother live together and our parents don’t live with us. We are in another town for work. One day, my brother and his friend J were at our house to discuss something matter related to their work. I entered the room to...
It all happened When Me and My Dad moved in with my step-mother. My step-mother had 2 k**s A boy and a girl. A the time they were 1* and 1* and me being 1* ass well. It was a small house for to live in together so it was pretty cramped. So When One Day When my Dad and my Step-mother went out all appeared to be normal. I was in my room, My step-brother was on the computer in the living room and my step-sister was on the couch with a blanket over her, watching Tv. So Im in my room playing video...