Adult Theater Sexaholic
- 4 years ago
- 55
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-- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 --
Brooke and DJ made their exit and closed the door behind them, leaving me and Dawn alone in our room.
Your room. She doesn’t live here, remember?
Right, right.
Taking a deep breath, I patted the bed beside me in invitation for Dawn to sit. She approached while shaking her head with a sigh. And as she turned around to slump down beside me, she muttered, “I really fucked things up last night telling you I wanted to be your girlfriend again, didn’t I?”
I frowned. “What? No, not at all. Nothing’s fucked up. Everything’s cool.”
Still shaking her head, Dawn remarked, “You know I noticed you were acting weird tonight. Silly me, I thought you felt awkward around DJ. I mean, after Tahoe, the two of you said you were both moving on, no hard feelings, and that you’d keep your friends-with-benefits relationship. But then she went out and got a boy toy, you’ve had a pretty full dance card yourself, and you two haven’t hooked up since the twins’ birthday night. So when she and Brooke showed up all flirty and seductive, I thought your hesitation was because you weren’t sure where you and DJ stood with each other.”
“You’re not wrong. I’m NOT entirely sure where DJ and I stand with each other.”
Dawn sighed. “But your forced smiles and awkward behavior weren’t primarily about her, were they?”
I winced. “Was I really acting so weird?”
“Well you certainly weren’t acting like you were super-excited to see me, rip my clothes off, and spend the rest of our lives fucking up a storm.”
I chuckled. “Believe me, I’d be only too happy to rip your clothes off and start fucking up a storm.”
She blinked twice. “Clearly, as evidenced by the way you’re ripping my clothes off right this very second,” she drawled sarcastically.
I sighed. “We need to talk about this impending relationship, that’s all. I want to make sure we’ve both thought everything through.”
“‘Impending’? You say that like it means ‘unavoidable’, ‘inexorable’, or ‘inescapable’.”
I blinked. “Not true. If I wish someone congratulations on their impending nuptials, that’s a good thing.”
“But that wasn’t the tone in your voice when you said we need to talk about this ‘impending’ relationship.”
I sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to be in a new relationship with you. I do. I really do.”
“I know that.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do. But at the same time, you’re terrified of fucking it all up. I get it. I am too.”
I winced. “But you still want to get back together, don’t you?”
Dawn took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She started to answer, paused, canted her head to the other side, and gave me a weary look. “Not if you’re not ready for one,” she finally replied.
“I think I’m ready for one, but I’m scared.”
“So am I,” she repeated. “That’s why last night, when you started getting all syrupy-sweet before the twins showed up, it was ME hitting on the brakes on our relationship talk.”
“Then what changed? Three hours later you were holding me in your arms saying I was the wind beneath your wings and wanted to give our romance thing another shot.”
Dawn blinked at me, bemused. “You mean besides the countless orgasms you and the girls gave me? What else changed?”
I chuckled. “Yes, what else changed?”
Dawn shrugged. “Nothing else changed. I feel the same now as I felt yesterday. I’m 49% in love with you and 49% terrified of losing you, with the middle 2% subject to the syrupy-sweet things you might say, the difficulties of my day at school, and a spectacular orgasm’s amazing ability to wash my fears away. When I woke up this morning in this very bed, I was still 49% terrified of losing you, but the 49% of me madly in love was joined by the 2% of you saying ‘Yes, I’m willing to give our love another shot.’ So maybe the better question is: What changed for you? Why did you immediately say ‘yes’?”
I gave her a helpless look. “Isn’t it obvious? You asked. You could ask a hundred things of me and I’m bound to say ‘yes’ to all of them just because you’re you.”
Dawn’s eyebrows rose. “You could ask a hundred things of Adrienne and she’s bound to say ‘yes’ to all of them just because you’re you, but when it counted the most, she stepped up and said ‘no’.”
“Is that what you’re expecting of me? To step up, say ‘no’, and stop this runaway train before we lose control of it because you can’t bring yourself to stop it alone?”
“Is that what you really think? That our relationship would be a runaway train we couldn’t control?”
“I don’t know.” I winced. “What do you think?”
Dawn sighed. “I think that when I woke up this morning, I’d have been willing to find out. But your 2% is saying ‘no’.”
“My 2% is saying ‘yes’, actually,” I tried to assure her. “I was just telling that to the girls, actually.”
She measured my expression, arched an eyebrow skeptically, and led me, “But...”
With a sigh I finished quietly, “But I’m scared.”
Dawn gave me a sad look, “Me, too.”
I grimaced. “I AM getting cold feet, aren’t I?”
“I’m sorry.” I shook my head, took a deep breath, and worked up the gumption to nod my head in the affirmative. “Okay, okay. We should DO this. We should at least try. I love you, and I DO want to be with you. If you want to start our romantic relationship again, then I’m with you. We can do this. I’m saying ‘yes’.”
Dawn frowned. “I don’t want you to do this if you’re not ready.”
“I AM ready.”
Dawn arched her eyebrow. “No you’re not.”
I deflated. “But ... I can’t let you down.”
“You’re not letting me down.”
“I AM letting you down.”
Dawn looked at me seriously. “No, you’re not.”
“You’re 100% willing to give our relationship another try, terror and all. The girls said you were floating on a cloud of joy all morning, while I’m the one getting cold feet.”
Dawn shook her head. “Yeah, well, the last time we had this conversation, -I- was the one getting cold feet.”
“Our timing sucks then.”
Dawn smiled ruefully. “Yes it does.”
“Well no more out of sync bad timing.” Taking a deep breath, I worked myself up again and started nodding. “I can get over the cold feet. I can get over the fear. I’m me. You’re you. We BELONG together, and once I get past this niggling doubt, I’ll be floating on a cloud of joy right there with you. I’m ready. I’m saying ‘yes’.”
Dawn gave me a sad smile and shook her head. “I’m saying ‘no’.”
“You’re not really ready.”
I deflated again. “I ... I...”
“You’re not really ready,” she repeated with a shrug.
I interlaced my fingers together in my lap and bowed my head with a sigh. “I’m sorry. The last thing I want is to disappoint you.”
“I’m not disappointed.”
I arched an eyebrow and looked up at her. “You expect me to believe that? After the cloud of joy you were floating on?”
“Look into my eyes when I say again: I’m not disappointed.“
I blinked, surprised to actually see the truth in her eyes. “Really?”
She took a deep breath to collect her thoughts. “I never expected our relationship to heal overnight. It took almost a whole year just to get you to start talking to me again. You moved out of Adrienne’s apartment only a month ago. You’re still getting settled into a new routine here in Berkeley. And really, when has anything about our relationship ever been smooth? I always knew this would be a three steps forward and two steps back kind of thing.”
I blinked again. “You mean like us agreeing to try starting a new romance again one night only to take it back the next day?”
Dawn gave me a sideways smirk. “Something like that.”
I sighed and reached over to cover the back of her hand with my palm. She rotated her hand beneath mine so that our palms pressed together, and she interlaced our fingers. She gave it a squeeze as I looked up into her eyes again. “I DO love you.”
“And I love you.”
“But I honestly wonder if we should ever get back together romantically again,” I admitted. “Your fault, actually.”
“My fault?”
I raised both eyebrows. “You’re making our best friend relationship so incredibly awesome, I’m afraid to mess with it. I’m happy the way things are, aren’t you?”
“Totally happy.”
“Then why risk changing it?”
“Indeed, we shouldn’t risk it,” she agreed.
“But you were ready to risk it this morning.”
“I was ready if you were ready.”
“But why? Why take the chance that we might fail?”
“Because maybe, just maybe, we could FLY.”
Hey, she stole my line!
Shut up, you.
Taking a deep breath, I looked away to take a moment to collect myself. One moment turned into two, and then three ... Somewhere around moment fifty, Dawn squeezed my hand again, just letting me know she was still there. And I squeezed back to at least acknowledge her presence while I gathered my thoughts together.
And taking another deep breath, I turned back to her to say, “I’m not entirely sure if we should ever get back together romantically again.”
Dawn gave me a warm smile. “You said that already.”
“I did, but I got sidetracked for a second by blaming you. Now hush so I can get this all out at once.”
“Hushing.” With her free hand, Dawn mimed zipping her lips.
I took one more deep breath, gathered myself, and stared my best friend in the eyes. “Part of me thinks that it doesn’t get any better than this. You say that maybe we could fly, but it kinda feels like we’re flying right now. We spend a lot of our time together, and you spend most of your nights here, but so far we haven’t yet created the expectation of you spending most of your nights here. If something comes up that you sleep somewhere else, no big deal. If you’re tired from studying and just want to crash in your own bed, no big deal. We still talk, we still make out, we still have long conversations about whatever pops into our heads, but we do all those things because we want to do them, and not because either of us feels obligated to do them.”
Dawn arched an eyebrow, wondering where I was going with this, but she kept her lips shut.
“Right now, we’re ‘nottogether’. Both of us are happy. Everything is working. Now I don’t necessarily expect the status quo to remain forever, but for now, I don’t see much reason to change. I certainly don’t see much advantage in starting an official relationship. Because from my perspective, becoming official boyfriend/girlfriend again brings up all those obligations we’re managing to avoid for now. It brings up all those expectations ... the stuff about soulmates and uniting the two families and all that jazz. It brings up DJ’s fears about you falling back into old ‘Perfect Dawn’ behaviors. Why hassle with that stuff when things are working out just fine the way they are? Why ... why...” I sighed and shrugged, finishing, “Why buy the cow when I’m getting the milk for free?”
Dawn blinked. “Did you just call me a ‘cow’?”
I grimaced. “Not what I meant.”
Dawn laughed. “Relax, I’m not offended. I get what you mean.”
I gave her a tight smile, and then held up a wagging finger. “Lips. Zipped.”
Dawn blushed and mimed re-zipping her lips.
“The cow thing ... that’s a phrase usually associated with getting sex without commitment, which technically does apply, but for me, it’s about much more than just sex. I’m getting all the benefits of having you for a girlfriend without you actually being my girlfriend. So selfishly, I don’t have much incentive to make things change. Of course, that means I’m not being fair to you.”
Dawn opened her mouth to respond, but she caught herself and re-zipped her lips.
I sighed. “I know I shouldn’t be thinking about what’s ‘fair’. Really, I’m trying to think about your happiness. And that’s probably my biggest incentive to take this leap with you, if that’s really what you want.”
Dawn fidgeted, clearly wanting to say something, so I smiled and mimed unzipping her lips for her.
“Go ahead,” I offered.
Shaking her head, Dawn said, “I don’t need an official commitment from you. I really don’t. I’m perfectly happy for you to continue getting the milk for free, as it were.”
“Perfectly happy?”
“For one thing, I’m getting the milk for free, too. I get all the benefits of having you for a boyfriend without you actually being my boyfriend, same as you. And when it comes to the two of us taking the next step ... I’m just as scared as you are, remember? Playing it safe, being cautious with our feelings, and taking our time with this are all ideas I’m 100% onboard with. I’ll be honest: I’d like our relationship to progress. I’m hoping it progresses, in fits and starts and three steps forward and two steps back and all that. I’m content to inchworm my way deeper and deeper into your life if that’s what it takes, because I’d much rather be patient about it than make the critical error that plunges us off a cliff.”
“Unless we fly off the cliff.”
“You sure you got a pair of wings? Or a jetpack?”
I sighed and shook my head in the negative. “So inchworm it is. Slow and steady wins the race.”
Dawn nodded.
“The race to what?”
She shrugged. “You sure you want me to answer that?”
I sighed. “I think I already know. Nothing’s changed since Morris Camp, has it? The heart wants what the heart wants.”
Taking a deep breath, Dawn nodded as she exhaled. “You’re the air I breathe, and I’d suffocate without you. Human beings aren’t meant to be alone. For thousands of years we’ve pair-bonded – that’s basic anthropology. I like eating pussy, but I’m not gay, so that means pair-bonding with a man. And in plain simple fact: I know I’ll never be truly happy without you.”
I shook my head. “But I can’t commit to you like that. Not yet.”
“I’m not asking you to commit to me. When have I ever asked to keep you all to myself? We both know I’m perfectly fine sharing you. And don’t give me some ‘fairness’ bullshit that if I’ve sworn male-monogamy to you then I deserve some kind of monogamy in return. I know what I want, and I know what I’m fine with. I love you just the way you are, and I really don’t think I’d ever ask more of you than you can give.”
“I’m never going to ask for male-monogamy from you ever again. Nick ... Andrew ... I know there will be other nights like Tahoe.”
“I don’t love Nick or Andrew.”
“I know you don’t.”
She took a deep breath. “While I’ll admit I’d enjoy having other nights like Tahoe, I want you to understand I’m never going to love another man the way I already love you. It’s ... inconceivable...” She gave me a little smile.
I arched an eyebrow, chuckled, and shook my head. But after a moment’s thought, I gave her a serious look. “It seemed pretty conceivable to you back at Tahoe, when we made the pact to get married when you turned 30 only IF you didn’t find a better husband. You said then that by ending up with me you’d only be ‘settling’ for the safe bet.”
“I did say that.” Dawn’s shoulders slumped. “But you were in a different place back then: Adrienne had just flown off to Hawaii, you rather insultingly asked both Dayna and DJ to take her spot, and my 2% was firmly joined to the 49% that was terrified of starting a rebound relationship with you. If we’d gotten back together then and there, especially as emotionally wrecked as you were, we might’ve already been in pieces by now.”
“And I’m not as emotionally wrecked anymore?”
She gave me a hopeful smile. “A lot’s happened since then: the official end of your relationship with Adrienne, moving here to Berkeley, spending all this time with me ... Our relationship has grown so much.”
“To the point where it’s inconceivable that you could love another man the way you already love me?”
Dawn smiled even brighter. “Yes and no.”
“So it IS conceivable that you could love another man the way you love me?”
“No, THAT part is inconceivable. I have not – and never will – love another man the way I love you. I will fight tooth and nail to keep you in my life. And no one ... NO ONE ... can ever mean to me what you already do.”
I arched an eyebrow, leading her with a, “But...”
“But...” Dawn sighed. “It still IS conceivable that I may end up married to someone else, especially because it’s still VERY conceivable that YOU may end up married to someone else.”
“And you’d be okay with that? Okay with me becoming someone else’s husband? Don’t you want me to be your husband?”
Dawn sighed, squeezed my hand, and gave me a serious look. “I love you as a lover, and I do want to love you as a boyfriend, eventually. I DO want to love you as a husband... eventually. But I’m not in a terrible hurry, and if push comes to shove, I...”
My eyebrows rose as her voice trailed off and she seemed to have trouble getting the next words out.
Sighing again, Dawn squeezed my hand one more time and finished, “If push comes to shove, if you want to marry someone else, I think I could accept that as long as I still held an important place in your life. The marriage part, the wife part: those things are titles, titles that are secondary to me. I won’t deny that there’s a piece of me that craves them. But the primary goal is to have you in my life, in whatever way I can. You say we’re awesome together as best friends, and I agree with you. If we never mean anything more to each other than what Brooke and DJ already mean to each other, it would be enough. I won’t pressure you to commit to me beyond that.”
“But I feel like I have to commit to you beyond that. If you and I are ‘just friends’, then the possibility of me marrying someone else is still on the table. If you and I are ‘just friends’, the possibility of YOU marrying someone else is still on the table, and I’m not entirely sure I know how to handle that. Yeah, you may be okay with me getting the milk for free, but if I don’t make you my cow, someday I might wake up to find you’ve become somebody ELSE’S cow.”
Dawn giggled. “There you go, calling me a ‘cow’ again...”
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are.”
I planted my palm against my forehead and rubbed it wearily. “I realize I’m being incredibly selfish about this, wanting to keep all the toys to myself and all, but it was easier to let go of Adrienne because I know she’s devoted to me, married or not. We ARE great as adoptive siblings, and I get to keep her, as it were, even if we don’t end up together. But you ... we’re best friends, and we’re GREAT as best friends, and I’m terrified of messing that up. But at the same time, I’m terrified of losing you to another guy. I don’t WANT you to be with another guy, not ... not emotionally ... So I feel like I HAVE to step up and claim you, romantically, to make sure that ... that you don’t end up somebody else’s cow.”
Dawn took my hand off my forehead and squeezed it between both of hers. Leaning forward, she stared straight into my eyes and smiled as she replied, “Don’t you get that I’m already just as devoted to you as Adrienne is? You DO get to keep me, even if we don’t end up married to each other. Let’s face it: Brooke and DJ aren’t likely to marry each other, but they will ALWAYS be together.”
“That’s different. They’re both GIRLS.”
Dawn sighed. “It’s still possible that some other man may end up becoming my husband, especially if you marry someone else. I no longer think of marrying you to be ‘settling’, but rather that marrying them would be ‘settling’ because someone else already claimed you. But while it’s still possible that I may find someone else to be my future companion, I need you to understand that the only man in this entire world who really matters to me right now is YOU. And until someone else DOES claim you, I have zero intentions of looking somewhere else. Because why in the world would I WANT anyone else but you? Not someone like Ryan. Not someone like Nick. Both are great guys, but they aren’t you. Nobody else could ever BE you. Which means there’s no way I could ever ... settle ... for anyone less than YOU.”
“That’s not fair to you.”
“Life isn’t about ‘fair’. Being with you this way makes me happy, and being happily together with you means far more to me than my life being ‘fair’.”
“I don’t deserve you,” I muttered, lowering my gaze.
“We deserve each other,” she assured me.
Taking a deep breath, I placed my other hand on top of hers, so that all four of our hands were clasped together. Squeezing them, I nodded slowly and raised my eyes to meet hers. “I love you, Dawn, and I’ll love you forever.”
“And I’ll love you forever, even if you wind up marrying someone else.”
“I don’t want to marry anyone else. I still WANT to marry you. But--”
“But you’re afraid of screwing it up. That’s fine. I’m--”
“Terrified of screwing it up, too. But that’s okay. The two of us--”
“Are just getting started again. It hasn’t even been a year since--”
“Since Morris Camp, and look how far we’ve come. Best friends.”
“Eternal friends. Without you, there’s that--”
“That void, that emptiness. I can’t go through that again. I don’t ever want to go through that again. I’d rather--”
“Rather take it slow, take our time. I can be patient. Because nothing is more important to me than--”
“Than getting it RIGHT. Better we be sure about ourselves instead of jumping headfirst--”
“Into a romance we’re not ready for. Into a romance we may NEVER be ready for. And that’s okay. Because I’ll still love you. I’ll always love you. Even if it means we never get married the way we used to think we would.”
“Because not getting married wouldn’t mean I loved you any less.”
“It might actually mean you loved me even more.”
I took a deep breath and sighed. “Because it might mean I loved you enough to let you go.”
Blinking, Dawn sat back, completely out of sync with me for the moment. “Let me go?”
“You say you could never settle for anyone else less than me. I’m saying that someday, perhaps, you might find that special someone who is more than me.”
Shaking her head, Dawn insisted, “I already told you. It’s--”
“‘Inconceivable’ ... for now. But nobody ... not even Brooke with all her ‘I can see the future’ stuff ... really knows what the future holds.”
Sighing, Dawn shook her head like I didn’t understand. “Why do you believe Adrienne when she says she devoted to you, for the rest of her life, but you don’t believe me?”
“Well for one thing, Adrienne’s gay. Call me sexist, but I’m okay with her finding romance with another woman. But you? You just told me you needed to pair-bond with a man.”
“I won’t,” she insisted. “No other man but you.”
I sighed. “But that means that if I don’t marry you, if I marry someone else and you remain unwilling to settle for anyone else but me, then you’ll end up alone.”
“Not alone. Never alone, so long as I still have your friendship.”
“But unmarried for the rest of your life. The heart wants what the heart wants, and you were floating on a cloud of joy because you thought we were starting on that path toward marriage. How could I deny you that? YOU were the one who said human beings aren’t meant to be alone. You were the one who said you wanted that pair-bond. It’s basic anthropology. And you did say it’s possible that you’d marry someone else.”
“Possible, yes.” Dawn sighed again, then finally reached up and bopped me on the forehead. “But what I NEED is YOU. As long as I’m with you, everything else is negotiable. Is that really so hard to understand? Any girl Adrienne marries is going to have to accept that you will always be a part of her life. Just like any girl you marry is going to have to accept that Adrienne will always be a part of your life, right?”
“And also accept that YOU will always be a part of my life.”
Dawn reached up and grabbed both sides of my head, staring at me from inches away. “Just like any guy I might marry would have to accept that you will always be a part of my life. It’s the same thing. No more Ryans. If the guy can’t handle it, he’s not going to merit consideration.”
“You might have a hard time finding a guy like that.”
“If I don’t, I don’t.” Dawn backed away, but not before bopping me on the forehead again. “What will it take to get through your thick skull that I don’t HAVE to be married to anyone in order to be HAPPY in my life?!? I’m not a caveman, and this isn’t about basic anthropology anymore. This is the 21st century! And I’m not YOU. I get that YOU want marriage, kids, the picket fence, and all that. And if I’m ultimately meant to be your wife in that fantasy scenario, then great! But if not, that’s okay TOO. I know what I need to be happy. I KNOW who I truly am.”
I blinked. “Then who ARE you?”
“Not Perfect Dawn. Not Ben’s destined soulmate. Those things are in the past.”
“Who I AM is your best friend, a best friend who knows that if I ever sleep with another guy behind your back that I won’t BE your best friend anymore, lack of commitments to each other or not.”
I winced. “I wouldn’t necessarily--”
“Who I am is yours,” she interrupted. “Who I am is a girl that loves you more than anything, but my love goes beyond simple romance. Who I am is a part of you, just like you’re a part of me. And who I am is someone who understands that we don’t have to be together as a romantic couple in order to be truly happy for the rest of our lives. All we have to be is together, and it will be enough.”
Gathering her hands in mine, I brought them up to my lips and kissed them gently before placing both against my chest. “I don’t deserve you,” I repeated.
“We deserve each other,” she reminded me. “Just the way we are.”
“I’m going to screw it up. I know it. I always fuck things up.”
“And you always work so hard to make things right again. Three steps forward ... and two steps back. This is a process, and I don’t want you to feel like you’re disappointing me tonight. 24 hours ago, I started freaking out because you asked me how my day went. Today, I won’t panic if you treat me ‘like’ a girlfriend, even if I’m not actually your girlfriend. I’ll welcome it instead. Inch by inch, this is progress!”
“I don’t know if I’ll EVER be ready to take that next step. I don’t know if I’ll EVER get over my fear of losing you. It hurt so much the last time,” I whimpered. “I don’t think I could take it again.”
Dawn slid her hands up onto my shoulders, holding me firmly and staring deep into my eyes. “Have faith in us,” she reassured me. “We’ve already been through so much together, the highest highs and the lowest lows. But we’re still here. Our love remains. We moved five-hundred miles away from each other when we were 10. We dated other people, and I broke your heart. But we’re right back HERE again. Not because of fate or destiny or anything our parents pushed us into doing. We’re here because we both WANT to be here, so believe in THAT. Believe in US. Believe in ME. Because I love you. Because I’m your Dawn. And you’re my Ben. Forever.”
Cradling my Dawn’s head in my hands, I leaned into her and kissed her. And the universe once more faded away.
-- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2008 --
The clock read 6:45am when my eyes fluttered open. I didn’t need to move to see the digital readout; it was in my line of sight just past Dawn’s right ear. My arms instinctively tightened as the tingling sensation of awareness spread throughout my body, and I realized that not only was my morning wood pressed into her naked asscrack, but I was also cupping a very round, very firm breast with absolutely nothing between her skin and mine.
Reflexively, my hand squeezed the boob and my best friend moaned lightly. My mind was a blank slate, the pristine purity of complete absence of thought, with no lingering dreams nor outside thoughts intruding on these first few moments of wakefulness.
Just me. And her.
And the feel of her naked body in my arms.
I continued rubbing Dawn’s breast until I heard the barely noticeable change in her breathing. I stopped rubbing just then, but she began taking longer and deeper breaths, and presently she turned her head back to me. And as the morning light shone down brilliantly on her angelic face, my stunningly beautiful best friend lit up in a wide smile and murmured happily, “Mmm ... good morning...”
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MatureI am very often thursdays in the adult theatre, because stylde crossdresser have free entrance at this day. I used to go there by public transportations, because I have no car. In the rear area of the shop we are able to change our clothes and to style up and storing our bags in a locker. About an hour I have been there, have had done only one blowjob to a nice and big cock and was sitting on a sofa and chatting with all the other crossdresser. We know each other since a few years, so we meet...
Flashy Pink First Time Naked In An Adult Theater My husband bought me a pair of PINK ‘stripper’ heels at one of the San Diego adult book stores. They were FABULOUS!! When I got home I modeled them for him wearing just the new heels and my jewelry!!! He loved it. He told me that I looked fantastic standing there in just those high heels and jewelry and said he could just imagine me standing like that in the adult theater at the ABS. He said that would be a super fantasy! I wrote that my...
Z was really pissed with good cause. I had cancelled the next three day weekend visit with her to my place, in a town about 50 miles away. I had made Halloween weekend plans with a another friend. When those plans were cancelled, I called Z at the last minute and wanted to join her that Friday night. She was miffed but reluctantly agreed. She had planned to stay home and hand out candy. When I arrived wanting to go to an adult movie theater, she put me off further by “wanting to continue to...
EroticThis isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...
I've always fantasized about viewing a movie in an adult theater just to see if the rumors are true. I fantasize about being approached by multiple men, horny with lust for anonymous sex with me. Men wanting to ravage me, cum in and on me, raw sex, nothing but. I know it sounds sick, nasty and perverted, I don't really give a damn . It's my fantasy. It isn't like I'd ever really do it but the thought of it makes me wet.I'm a twenty nine year old single lady, currently dating a very...
My wife is a modest middle aged Filipino mother of three. She is very modest, the product of a Roman Catholic upbringing, and had only been with a couple of men prior to meeting me. Over the years with my encouragement, she has fulfilled my fantasies many times over. As my job requires me to be on the road and out of town for much of the year, this gives us the opportunity to meet other sex positive people. When we first started playing with others over 20 years ago, we sometimes would visit...
I was at a conference out of town and decided to hit up a local adult theater. It was an adult bookstore that had 2 big rooms with a giant screen for porn and 4 rows of 6 seats in each theater. I paid my admission and went in. One theater had trans porn and the other had gay porn. There was one guy watching the trans porn stroking his cock. After a few minutes, I moved over next to him and began stroking my cock. He looked at me and smiled so I went down on him. I sucked his cock for about 2...
The other was a small adult theater. I’d not been to the theater before, so I checked its times and found it was open. I’d heard that guys and couples go there to play at night. Of course it wasn't night, in fact it was midafternoon, but I decided to go there anyway. I figured that if things didn't work out I'd just head to the bookstore and find some guy to suck my cock through a glory hole. Strange Adult Theater FunPart-1-of-1 Strange Adult Theater Fun-[GH-102]-part-1-of-1 The other was a...
GroupMy wife and I were in an open marriage from day one we met this couple that introduce my wife and I to adult theaters. I had no idea they can be so much fun I never thought my wife would cut loose in one of them. After our first visit to an adult theater it became a regular thing until they were close.It was about a week after our first visit to an adult theater that my wife woke me up one night about 12 PM one me take her in town to an adult theater I wasn't too familiar in how things worked...
Ana going again to an adult theatre I came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildly I let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session. She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer...
Ana going again to an adult theatreI came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildlyI let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session.She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer adult...
I had been to the adult theatre before dressed up but had got no dogging action as there were only a few people there. I decided to ty again on a Friday night. I dressed in a red white & black patterned top with a short black mini skirt, tanned pantyhose with pink panties & a red thigh garter. Arriving at the Brisbane Valley nightclub area, I changed into my pink heels before going into the adult theatre. I climbed the stairs & there were a few there...
(This story is dedicated to CH, a wonderful friend with a vivid imagination.) It has been said there is a first time for everything, and Cynthia found that out first hand. A first date, a first kiss, a first romantic escapade in the tight quarters of the back seat of a car. Thrilling firsts, but nothing like the first time Cynthia visited an adult movie theater. She probably never would have gone if it were not for a new sense of sexual desire and adventure she had been feeling for the...
I'm not good at making up stories, and the truth is not usually as exciting as fiction, so the following true story may not be the greatest - but here we go.Several years ago I went on a business trip to Tampa, Florida. I worked as a government contractor setting up and installing computer systems and I was assigned there for two weeks. I had made several separate trips out there and racked up some frequent flyer miles which I used on this occassion for a ticket for my wife. We figured that,...
Once we had visited our first adult theater, my wife was hooked. If we did not go to a swingers club or if she did not find anyone she wanted to do at the club. We would stop by an adult theater. Sometimes if she was particularly horny we would skip the swingers clubs all together. We would also check out different theaters.Here is a story about one our visits to an adult theaters.Trip to the old Lido Theater when it was in east Dallas.We found the theater address in a swinger’s magazine. ...
After my wife was real comfortable going to adult theaters she asked me if I was okay with her sitting alone after we got in I said yes she was kinda happy about that situation. Adult theaters in our area would not let women in unescorted by a man there was a for that my wife would've been in several times by herself.The first time we tried this she their reach you close on with a long jacket over that was to hide what she had on until we got in the theater she we give me the jacket and parade...
It all started when I was a sophomore in high school and moved to Little Rock. I had been there a while when I discovered to Main Theater on Main Street in the downtown area. The sign said adults only but I soon found that they didn't check ID's so I soon gave my dollar and got my ticket. The theater was not too large but was sparsely populated with men sitting well separated. I sat and was enthralled with the movie, my first time seeing a naked adult woman, this was in the early 60's and only...
I had never been to an adult theatre, and for some or other reason, decided that it was a block in my life with a missing tick. Down the road from a gay pub I frequented, I knew there was one of these establishments. I had always avoided it, because it was located in a rather seedy alley. One Friday night, I departed from the gay bar at around nine p.m., bored out of my mind. Passing the alley I glanced in, but then decided to walk on by. A half a block further, however, I turned, and walked...
Gay MaleI have dressed to some extent ever since I was around 11 and tried on a pair of my sister's panties. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I begun to want to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50 I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, maybe 6 months or so after I went to the theater the first...
In the 70s, before video players, if you wanted to see hard core, the adult theater was the place to go. I have watched those grainy, black and white stag films before but never an adult film in color. One night I decided to get up enough nerve to drive to the nearest adult theater. I parked some distance away and quickly walked to the theater. Upon entering the theater, I stood in the aisle waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. In front of me, on the screen, was a big stud...
I Have dressed in some form ever since I tried on a pair of my sister's panties early in life. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I began wanting to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50, I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, I'm thinking it was the summer of 2006, maybe 5 or 6 months...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
When we started communicating again after years of not talking it didn't take long for sex to be the topic of most of our conversations. He had lived a rock star life and had done more, sexually and otherwise, by the time he was twenty than most do in a lifetime. Places life took him and people he knew allowed him sexual experiences beyond the norm. I was terrified and felt way too inexperienced to play with him but I had dreamed of it, literally, for so long nothing was gonna stop me. ...
The Fairy Godmother Returns By Morpheus I let out a long sigh took a look back towards my school as I left for the day. However, it wasn't the school itself that I was staring at, but a hot girl who was leaving at the same time... in nearly the opposite direction. Sheila Case wasn't exactly the hottest girl in school, but she was definitely within the top five. Personally however, out of all of the girls in the school she was at the very top of my list. She was the girl that I...
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
HardcoreGLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....
Our first trip to the new adult theaterIt was the weekend and we were looking for something to do and sex was the answer! The k**s were visiting their grand parents for the whole weekend with the promise of going to Disneyland! There was new adult theater in the next town over so we decided to try it out. Not sure what we would find there mini movies , glory holes or a full theater. My wife put on a almost see thru summer dress that came up to her thighs and had buttons all the way up and sheer...
A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going to be...
Part 1 – We got married last year and went for honeymoon in mid of December to Thailand. I am Ajay 30 years old and my wife is Esha, she is 26.My wife eats a good diet and regularly goes to the gym so she has an amazing body like a model. It was hot summer in December and I told my wife to let’s go out somewhere. My wife wore a crop top and a short skirt with sunglasses, makeup and got ready to go out with me.We did some shopping and came across an adult theater in Bangkok. I told Esha to...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
This is a true story about what happened on my first and only trip to an adult bookstore and video store. The wife was out of town for 2 weeks and I was getting a little anxious for some action or at least some release. I had heard about this adult theater on the other side of town. Heard that they had porn viewing booths in the back and that some of the booths had gloryholes. I had never been to one of these and was a little curious to see what it was like, so on a Saturday night I decided to...
It wasa warm Friday night. I decided on khakis and button down shirt with sweater. I was staying at local hotel but was making arrangements to visit local adult theater down the block from Old Town location in San Diego. showered and shaved and fresh off nice nap, I took brisk walk over to one f the nicest and biggest adult bookstores around southern California. I perused the topics and videos with movies getting my balls boiling hard. I tried to size up the different characters around the...
Naangal ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugirom, en vagupil priya ennum kaamamaana pen irunthaal aval parka azhagaga iurkamaatal aanal parka sumaraga irupaal. Priyavirku mulai perithaaga sexyaaga irukum athu matum ilamal ivalin udambu sexyaaga irukum, pothuvaagave kaamam meethu aarvam athigamaaga irukum pengal yaaraiyaavathu naam paarthu vidalam. Priya pasangalai sight adipaal kaama paarvaiyil paarpaal, enaku veru pasangal avaludan kaamam seivathai vida naan munthi kondu kaamam...
I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...
When I turned 18, I was moving out to California for college. As my stay wasn’t figured yet, my mom invited my dad to our home and proposed the idea of me living with him and his wife for a few months. My dad and his wife were very happy to hear that and came all the way to Toronto to pick me up. I was never close to my dad, but I always remembered my first experience of sex with my stepmother. I was 14 and my dad left me alone in the house to go out and run some errands. I was very excited and...
IncestSure, you love reading fucking comics. I’m talking about the heavy-hitters: Batman, Spider-Man, Calendar Man, they’re all fair game. But you also love looking at perverted comics. Those are the kinds of trades you don’t swap with your buddies. Or maybe you do – what the fuck do I know about your kink? I only review bad ass porn sites on the gold standard of other porn review sites, ThePornDude!So if you want to look at adult XXX comics that you can read in private or aloud to your friends while...
Porn Comics SitesI had just kissed her goodbye and watched her leave. My heart felt sadness to see her drive away. I told myself I think she will be back as I went on into the cabin. I cleaned up from breakfast and went upstairs. I could still smell our sexual essence in the air. I looked over at my bed and it seemed so empty. Then it occurred to me that it was made. I didn’t remember making it before we went down for breakfast. I wanted to keep the sheets the way they were, but also knew I hoped that...
I had just kissed her goodbye and watched her leave. My heart felt sadness to see her drive away. I told myself I think she will be back as I went on into the cabin. I cleaned up from breakfast and went upstairs. I could still smell our sexual essence in the air. I looked over at my bed and it seemed so empty. Then it occurred to me that it was made. I didn’t remember making it before we went down for breakfast. I wanted to keep the sheets the way they were, but also knew I hoped that...
Gretchen frowned at the paper panties that Lula, the waxing technician,had given her. She quickly decided that Sue’s recommendation to just skip wearing panties and go bare during her waxing was the best option. Thankfully, Lula had also given her that option without Gretchen having to ask. Following Lula’s instructions, Gretchen removed her shoes, jeans, and panties and left on her top. She sat down on the end of what looked like a massage table and draped the sheet that Lula had provided over...
Group SexThese are just some of the most fun times I have had at the various adult bookstores and theaters I used to go to. I have written stories about some of them but thought I would write just some brief descriptions of some of the hottest times I have had.First time I sucked cock in nylons: I wrote a story about it but the first time I sucked cock at an adult bookstore while wearing women's hose was when I sucked off the clerk in the backroom while wearing tan thigh highs.First facial in an adult...
Before i could start this is my first time writting any story.I will try to make it as seexy as possible.Now im 22 average looking voluptuous guy.I prefer to be bottom most of the time.This happened in early June 11.I found a guy who was 35 through yahoo chat.We shared our likes and decided to meet.He gave me his number and i called him late in the evening and we met. He was a bit fat and average.We started speaking about our social life and he asked me if we could go watch a adult movie...
During the time our family situation would not allow us to party much. We happen to discover adult theaters. Just to remind you, we are a couple during this time and were both in our mid-thirties. My wife is blond, 5’0” tall, blue eyes, 34b breast with really hard nipples that were hard to hid when she get aroused. At the time she weighed about 115 with a nice ass. She did not were panties, just panties hose or nothing.She had just changed jobs and really did not know anyone at her new...
They say that timing is everything. This was the case with Dave and Leah. In the late eighties, Dave went to college in the Pacific Northwest and bartended to help pay for college. The place he worked was a restaurant during the week that had bands on the weekends. Leah was a hot country/rocker chick who played guitar in one of the bands that played where Dave worked. Her long blond hair would shake along with her as she moved to the beat, and her tight tops always seemed to accentuate her 36D...
Straight SexWe had a huge garden which had been walled on all sides. But because it was so big, we had difficulty in maintaining it. Dad would be away on business a lot and I had school. My stepmother tried to manage it but it wasn’t easy work. She often nagged me about it and it irritated me and one day I just gave it back to her. It was a normal Tuesday afternoon and I had just returned from college. Marta, my stepmother was on about how the garden was overgrowing and I should take a look at it. I was...
IncestScott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
Anita picked up at the adult theaterFriday afternoon Victor had flown away from home again and I felt so horny at work…There was an adult theater on my way home from office. My friend Helena told me sometimes had seen women in there playing around. Always were there horny men available for receiving a hand job or a blow… even they could be in a mood to fuck…That evening I was even hornier than in the afternoon, so, I decided to go there to see what I could find…I entered the main saloon and sat...
One summer day after visiting a friend I was driving home through the city and I started feeling horny (nothing unusual about the I was in mid 20's :) and I decided to go to this adult store that I recalled going to a few years before and it had a adult theater. The theater has seating (slight slop) for about 50 -60 people and non stop porn playing, now when I was there a few years ago I watch a movie and rubbed my cock through my pants hoping no one would notice and I was some men who appeared...
BisexualBeing a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I've always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...
Group SexA while back my hubby and I went to an adult theater in Wichita Ks. We decided to do something a little different this time. So I put on a very short skirt that showed almost an inch of the bottom of my ass cheeks without bending over at all, (no panties of course) a very shear top that makes my nipples very visible, and 4" high heel sandals. We agreed to walk in separately making it appear I was alone. Therefore, he entered first and I waited about 10 min. or so before I strolled in. The...
Being a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I’ve always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...
Lacy glances into the 3-paneled mirror and a cute girly smile flashes across her face. She gently strokes her stringy below, shoulder-length shiny blonde hair. She bats her eyes then prances and preens before the mirror. The stretchy black and white stripe mini-dress clung to her curvy yet slightly muscular body. Black fishnet stockings, with small white bowties, highlighted her shapely legs which shrank down to her small ankles which fit loosely in a pair of shiny black leather, open toe 3’...
The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...
I have a beautiful home in my village. Amidst the mountains, you wake up to the sounds of rare birds and waterfall. The air itself has romance in it. If you are alone, your mind and body will need a companion. At nights it gets tough. The cold weather and the flickering fire can lite up some unknowing desires that insist to be fulfilled. I am writing a story of a sexual affair with my maid and how that became my inspiration. When lonely, only way to survive is to have a drink and watch some...
Maid/ServantAs my earlier story stated, when I do get the chance to visit an adult store, I plan to partake in at least three separate orgasms. Really, if you think about it, my line of work puts a severe premium on the time I have to enjoy myself. There is also the fact that there are very few places in the area I live in that allow me the opportunity to do so. But today’s adventure adds an additional bonus, for not only is the place I stopped in contain an adult theater, equipped with rooms for privacy,...