The Horny Donkey
- 3 years ago
- 23
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A few weeks ago I visited my local pub. As I was approaching, the owner of the pub was seated outside and chatting to a man I had never seen before. After inviting me to join them, she introduced me to the man whose name was ‘Chimp.’ A short while later, she asked Chimp how his old buddy, ‘Donkey’ was doing… Naturally, with those two strange nicknames in mind, I couldn’t resist writing this story.
I bought my first home for an unbelievably low price. Although it needed a lot of work, it had incredible potential. According to an acquaintance of mine, who also happened to be a builder, the house was structurally very sound.
Naturally, the bathrooms and kitchen in the place needed to be redone, but that would take time and would be attended to, as and when I could afford it. The roof needed to have several tiles replaced and the interior was in sore need of painting. I was convinced that I had made a great investment and confident that in time, my new home would turn out to be a very sound asset, which in the long run it turned out to be.
My greatest priority, however, was to sort out the plumbing issues that faced me. I had received the name of a plumbing contractor named ‘Reliable Plumbers,’ from my builder acquaintance, who assured me that they were exceptionable. In all honesty, this name did not inspire me with great confidence but I kept an open mind. When I phoned Reliable Plumbers I was told that they could call that afternoon to quote me.
The owner of Reliable Plumbers who popped in that afternoon left me stone cold. He was a ‘know it all’ who was totally unengaging. What particularly unsettled me was when he told me that he would not personally be overseeing the job, but would pop in from time to time, to check up on his workers. As promised, his quote arrived via email a couple of hours later. I had no idea whether it was reasonable or not, given my lack of plumbing knowledge. I, nonetheless, just couldn’t see myself awarding him the job.
My dad had always advised that one should get two or more quotes and therefore, embarking of a project of this sort I took his advice.
The other company I called, ‘Best Plumbers,’ could only visit me the next day.
The following afternoon, Best Plumbers arrived to give their quote.
When I opened the door I was completely taken aback. The man that stood before me resembled a hairy ape. He was stocky and had bowed legs. His heavy upper body was disproportionate to his frame and his head looked like it belonged to a primate. His brows were thick, his ears huge, and his eyes were brown and chimp-like.
Next, when he introduced himself by his nickname; ‘Chimp,’ it took every fibre of my being not to burst out laughing.
Totally intrigued, I welcomed him in and showed him what had to be done. I couldn’t stop staring at him and was mesmerized by his behaviour. He conducted himself like a mischievous schoolboy. He enthusiastically nattered in the most engaging manner. I can honestly say that I wasn’t initially attracted to him, but his bubbling personality completely won me over. As he strutted about with his arms crossed over his chest and his fingers wedged under his armpits, his thumbs kept tapping his shoulders. All in all, his personality wholeheartedly filled me with confidence.
By the time Chimp had left, there was no doubt in my mind that he would be doing the job. His trustworthy approach had me caught, hook, line, and sinker. The further fact, that he and his partner did all their own work, was the finishing touch to his presentation.
Unsurprisingly, when I received his quote a few hours later, as anticipated it was twenty-five percent less expensive than the other idiot who had quoted me. I immediately sent two emails, one of apology, and the other to Chimp confirming that he had been awarded the contract.
After receiving his appreciative reply, he informed me that they could start on the two-day job the following Monday.
I had a lot of leave due to me and my boss had no problem with me taking Monday and Tuesday off from work.
Early on Monday, Chimp and his partner arrived to do their work. Another ‘shock’ materialized when Chimp introduced me to his partner, whose nickname was Donkey.
‘Chimp and Donkey…’ I thought to myself. ‘Am I at the fuckin’ zoo?’ I also wondered how these guys got their ridiculous nicknames.
Donkey was the complete opposite of Chimp. He was tall and lanky. Both men would never win a male beauty contest, let alone even qualify to enter one, but as was the case with Chimp, Donkey had an equally pleasant personality. He was a lot quieter than Chimp and it was obvious that Chimp was the frontman. Later, however, when they commenced working, it was clear that Donkey was no pushover and that they were definitely equal partners.
Thankfully, I had a flatlet attached to my garage would serve as the ablution area for the next two days, with water and sewerage isolated from the main house. My future plan was to eventually refurbish and upgrade it. In its current form, however, it was merely a storeroom with a toilet and basin.
Shortly, the duo was soon hard at work and really getting stuck into the task at hand. During the morning I kept popping outside to observe their progress. By the minute, these two men who would normally never have raised the slightest bit of sexual interest from me were winning me over. Their exuberance and quirky demeanours were so refreshing, that I found myself totally captivated by them. I knew that these were straight boys and that my misplaced interest was inappropriate, but nevertheless, I allowed myself the pleasure of fantasying about a threesome with the two.
As lunch approached I decided to pull out all the stops. If there is one thing that I can do incredibly well, even if I have to say so myself, it is to make incredible sandwiches. The platter of ham and beef sandwiches I prepared was exceptional.
My only drawback was that I had no patio furniture at all. With them in dirty overalls and filthy rubber boots, I wasn’t exactly keen on inviting them into my house. As I did so very reluctantly, Chimp, however, came up with the perfect solution.
“If you don’t mind, we’ll remove our dirty overalls and rubber boots, if you don’t mind seeing us in our underwear.”
Nothing could have pleased me more and I happily agreed.
At lunchtime, both guys entered the house after removing their overalls and rubber boots. Chimp was wearing boxer shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and Donkey was wearing y-front briefs and an oversized t-shirt, which regrettably hung over his underpants obscuring the ‘big reveal’ that I, was anticipating.
As they scoffed their sarmies and glugged their cool drinks, their charming infantile banter raged on. Chimp, naturally, did most of the talking. By now their puerile humour had totally begun to intoxicate me and I was nuts about these guys!
Sadly, I also realized that I was living in a dream world. These were two heterosexual boys and I didn’t have a hope in hell of things going any further. I was having fun, nevertheless, and figured, ‘What the hell.’
At four that afternoon as the two boys were slogging their hearts out, I was watching them as Chimp’s girlfriend phoned. From their conversation, I gleaned that Chimp and Donkey’s girlfriends were about to have a girl’s night out and that she had advised that the two of them should get takeaways en-route home. This information sent my mind into a spin.
“Listen, guys, I have beers in the fridge and if you would like, I can make us a light supper,” I suggested.
“You really don’t have to do that,” Chimp protested.
“But I would love to,” I countered, before resuming, “After the incredible job you guys have done so far today, it would be an honour.”
As they sheepishly nodded their consent, I added, “Besides, I have two three-quarter beds in my spare room, so you don’t even have to worry about drinking and driving.”
Shortly afterward, I visited my local supermarket as excited as a horny teenager.
When I returned the guys were finishing up for the day. I handed each one a facecloth and a hand towel, to freshen up in the flatlet.
Once again only wearing underwear, they shortly joined me in the house. I had bought an assortment of cold and hot snacks, including sushi, for us to consume. With the food that needing heating in the oven, I placed the cold snacks on the table and handed each guy a beer.
Both of them had ever eaten sushi, so I went about explaining how one blended the wasabi into the soya sauce, etcetera. Both looked very sceptical, but shortly they were scoffing the sushi like no one’s business, and there was a unanimous agreement that they would be introducing this delicacy to their girlfriends, hereafter.
Both guys glugged their first beers down in no time and were soon on to their second one. When they finished their second beer, however, they mentioned that they would have to call it a halt.
Again, I extended my offer about them using the spare room for the night. The two of them then exchanged glances as if waiting for the other one to take the plunge. After several seconds, they both smiled and shrugged, in a ‘what the fuck’ manner.
After Chimp made a phone call to his girlfriend, it was clear that there was a consensus from all quarters.
The two guys continued to snack as they each consumed two more beers. Our already convivial interplay also became more and more relaxed as this happened.
With Chimp doing most of the talking, he told me that he and Donkey lived together in one house with both their girlfriends.
“Isn’t that difficult at times?” I inquired.
“No. We get on very well and have a lot of fun together,” Chimp countered, with what looked like a mischievous grin on his face. “We are all very open-minded,” he then concluded with a chuckle.
I was very tempted to explore this subject but decided not to.
With a slight lull in the conversation, I decided to delicately broach the question I had wanted to ask all day, about Donkey. In a roundabout way, however, I first focussed on Chimp.
“How did you get your nickname?” I asked Chimp.
Chimp now went on to tell me that when he was sixteen and becoming hairier by the day, the boys at school had come up with the name and as is the case with nicknames, it stuck thereafter. Only his family still referred to him as Rob, short for Robert.
“And you, Donkey?” I was finally able to ask.
With a resigned smile, Donkey looked at Chimp and said, “Why don’t you tell Damian, motormouth, while you’re still on a roll.”
Chimp instantly took up the reigns once more.
Don, short for Donald, got his nickname shortly after their quartet had moved in together. It was decided that there couldn’t only be one ‘animal’ in the house and so, Don’s girlfriend had come up with Don’s nickname, which Chimp assured me was an accurate one, anatomically speaking. As I began to laugh, both Chimp and Donkey joined in.
With very few snacks left on the platter, both guys asked if we could go outdoors because they needed to have a smoke and a piss. I joyfully agreed.
I, fortunately, had very good illumination on the patio and I was hoping like hell that I would finally see both their dicks. My heart was lifted when a challenge between the two materialized instantly. They were about to have a pissing contest and I would be the judge.
My heart was racing as Chimp took up his position on my lawn and Donkey stood on the patio puffing on his cigarette. With a side-on view, Chimp dropped his boxers and began to piss. I had been instructed to get a stone and mark his best attempt. I naturally, complied enthusiastically. Involved as I was, I did not hold back on having a good look at the origin of the golden source. Chimp appeared to have an impressively thick and meaty uncut dick, ensconced in a forest of fur.
Donkey was up next and stood in the same position as Chimp, after handing his smoke over to his buddy. When he dropped his y-fronts my jaw almost hit the turf. I had never seen a cock like that in my life. It was gargantuan and had a short dick-head that was flared and looked like a giant-sized plug of some sort. What amazed me most was that he did not have an arrogant demeanour, because of this.
Nonchalantly, he gripped hold of his shaft to build up the necessary pressure, and when Donkey let rip the stream was unbelievable. There was simply no comparison, because he made Chimp’s attempt look silly.
Afterward, we once more moved inside where the guys finished off the last of the finger food. They had worked fuckin’ hard and I really didn’t give a shit. In fact, I was really flattered by their approval of my choice of dinner.
Sadly, by nine o’clock, Donkey decided that he needed to hit the hay and I watched sorrowfully as he headed off to the spare room. Happily, however, Chimp remained behind.
No sooner had Donkey left before Chimp took our conversation to the next level. The lightheaded previous interaction now became slightly more intense, as Chimp began to explain the open-minded aspect of their lives. As he began to elaborate, to my total amazement it appeared that they were rather bisexual in their approach. Although he and Donkey had initially not indulged in man on man activity, this turned their girlfriends on enormously and the women soon persuaded them to let loose and broaden their minds.
Chimp told me that although he and Donkey had so far never penetrated one another, kissing and oral sex had become part of their regular routine.
After his speech, Chimp now turned the focus onto me and it was very clear that he had worked out that I was gay.
“So… do want to play, Damian?” he then asked.
I simply couldn’t believe what was happening. In my wildest dreams, I had not foreseen this development.
As I stood like a deer caught in the headlights, he approached me. After removing his t-shirt and underpants, he said, “I think it’s time for me to fuck a man.”
I was totally turned-on as he stood before me and asked if I wanted to touch him. After removing all my own clothing, my eager hands instantly reached out and began to caress his body. I was engrossed by the silkiness of his body hair.
As my hands stroked him he began to murmur the words; “See me, feel me, touch me…” from a famous rock song dating back to nineteen-sixty-nine.
Next, as I continued to caress him he lifted his arms and placed his hands behind his head, as if offering himself to me entirely. As I moved closer to him and lifted my hands into his armpits, my olfactory sense became imbued with the most heavenly manly scent. Few men have an odour that simply screams the word, ‘sex.’ Chimp was one of them.
“Jesus, you smell incredible,” I purred.
In a flash, his arms moved down and encased my body, before his mouth attacked my lips in a ravenous fashion. His kissing was hard and urgent as our mouths wrestled powerfully.
After a minute or two, his strong hands exerted downward pressure on my shoulders. As his forest of genital fur appeared an even sexier smell emanated from his crotch. His fat dick then began prodding my mouth. My defenceless lips simply had no option and shortly, I was dining on the finest uncut beef on the planet.
As I did so, another one of my senses received its own share of the fantastic proceedings. My aural sense now became overwhelmed by the sensual, ‘oohs, aahs, and mmmm’s’ that spilled from his lips.
My initial disappointment at the early departure of Donkey was now being fully assuaged.
Not long after, my body was lifted and turned, and I knew that Chimp had decided that it was time for my arse to be nourished. With my arms solidly anchoring me on the back of the sofa, Chimp’s dick located its desired port of entry. At this point, as his powerful hands clamped onto my hips I was so horny, that I didn’t give a fuck about the discomfort of his ‘docking.’
As my backside got pummelled, I was practically in a trancelike state. My day had ended blissfully and as I reasoned that fifty percent of the duo was infinitely better than nothing.
I was bought out of my reverie, when a voice interrupted ecstasy.
“Fuck, guys, why didn’t you tell me you were going to play?” Donkey uttered in disbelief. As both our heads turned to look at him, he strode toward us.
“I was just testing the water, buddy,” Chimp assured him. “Of course I was going to wake you up later and ask if you wanted to join in.”
After a satisfied murmur of approval from Donkey, Chimp continued, “So… are you ready to join in?”
“Fuck, yeah,” Donkey said in a confident tone.
“So, Damian, are you up for some donkey dick?” Chimp then asked me.
“Fuck, yeah,” I grunted, almost panting.
With a snigger, Chimp replied, “It looks like our little cock-hound has no idea what’s awaiting him.”
“Bring it on,” I countered with bravado, willing to die trying.
“Okay, you asked for it!” Chimp answered in an overtly dramatic fashion.
As Chimp moved aside I was practically hyperventilating, as I was about to face the greatest anal challenge of my life.
‘Will I cope?’ my brain cautioned me.
After Donkey moved up to my backside, I felt his thick glans smearing against my pucker.
“You are about to get the fucking of your life, Damian,” Chimp exalted excitedly, obviously revelling in the drama of the situation.
Strangely, I was overcome with so much lust by now but any meaningful discomfort simply didn’t bother me. Although it did hurt like hell, somehow that didn’t trouble me. The prolonged entry and unbelievable displacement were mind-blowing and it felt like a convoy of trucks were being shoved up my arse.
“Fuck, yes,” Donkey uttered in a prolonged fashion as he delved into the furthest recesses of my anal cavity. My backside would never be the same again, but I didn’t give a fuck!
In the melee of the situation, Chimp got onto the sofa before me and once more took control of my head. The dual battering I was receiving was fuckin’ awesome and I would happily have been a victim of Sodom and Gomorrah at that moment. It simply didn’t get better than this!
When Chimp began to reach the point of no return, he quickly scuttled around the sofa and with permission from Donkey, unloaded into my arse.
Afterward, once Donkey had again entered my arse, he was in no hurry and languidly continued fucking me thereafter. Chimp sat on the chair opposite and finished another beer, while watching approvingly. After a mesmerizing eternity, Donkey also finally seeded my backside.
I was really hoping that the two men would join me in my bedroom thereafter, but sadly, this was not to be. Much as they wanted to, they mentioned that there was still a good deal of work to be done the following day and that they would need all their strength. I fully understood.
The following day, when I mentioned that lunch would be at noon, the guys told me that they were well ahead of schedule and only had three-quarters of an hour to go. I, therefore, agreed that once they had finished we would finally have lunch.
As we sat down to lunch after the job had been completed, both men agreed to have a celebratory beer.
During lunch, both guys surprised me by asking if I would accept an invitation to their home in the near future. Nervously, I reminded them that I was gay and have never had sex with a woman. Both guys had a good chuckle at my answer.
“Damian, you are too gender fixated,” Chimp replied, before explaining, “If you visit, the three of us will give the girls a great show to warm them up, which will really turn them on. Thereafter, we will form a mass of writhing bodies on the lounge carpet and all you have to do is dive right in and let a wave of pleasure overwhelm you. It’ll be fuckin’ awesome, you’ll see.”
“Well, I’ll give it some serious thought,” I replied.
“Cool,” Chimp replied.
After lunch and with all the dishes in the dishwasher, Chimp again took control.
“Well, we’ve finished well ahead of time. Now that everything is working properly, shouldn’t we all check out your shower to see if it’s working properly?” Chimp asked with a horny smile.
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CheatingIf you haven't read my story on how I unknowingly fuck my sister then let me say we both were surprised when it happened. She was married and having an affair with Joe and put up an ad on craigslist that I responded to. They wanted to do a three some and so did I ,she was blind folded when it all happened . We both were in shock when it was over and she took the blind fold off. Luckily my wife wasn’t home at the time when she dropped by so it made it easier to talk about what happened....
Kent and Joan were in the first carload of guests, along with Art and Pam, and Nancy and Carl. The six of them were greeted warmly, and right behind them another carload full. The buzz of welcoming conversation soon filled the house. Ellie and Tracy started to give house tours, and behind them with the next groups Kyle and Alex. The family room and kitchen areas filled up, and everyone attacked the food trays and the bars with enthusiasm. As people ate, mixed, and chatted, everyone took time...
It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...
Welcome to the story. Throughout it we'll see our hero diaper other girls. Some may be more willing then others, but throughout her journey Leaf gained a somewhat sadistic side. Along side her will be various girls she's won over with the power of padding. Not every girl will follow her though. This story will be written mostly linear, however during certain times split paths will happen. In order to cut down on the number of dead paths some splits will end with an ending. Most of the time one...
FetishWhen he woke up at seven, he went through his daily routine for getting ready for work. He was counting down the days when he could retire, only two weeks to the day exactly and he was free from having to go to the job. While he was in the bathroom, freshly showered and groomed he heard the footsteps of his daughter on the hallway floor. God he was going to miss that sound every morning, Gabriella, Gabby for short, was in her finally days of high school. She would be graduating next month and...
After the week away, it was really hard to get back to a normal lifestyle. First off, mom and dad noticed that we were a lot nicer towards each other. Rather than tell a big lie, I told them that we just really learned to appreciate each other more, I guess it comes with growing up . . . they thought it was nice.Every chance I had, I would go naked around the house when the parents weren't there. I loved being naked in front of Steph and she got pretty comfortable about being partially naked...
The sofa was long and wide enough that I could lie on my back. That made sleeping possible, if not totally pleasant. For several hours I slept deeply without dreams, and then my mind took a left turn. I was floating in warm water. It swirled around me, giving my sore muscles blessed relief. The heated water soothed me in ways I hadn’t expected, and I gave in to it, allowing the water level to rise to my face, warming me from top to bottom. At some point in the dream I became aware that I...
Gina was pissed! Sal looked up guiltily at his almost Aunt and knew she was not a happy camper. It was a kind of unspoken rule that he could screw any female in the building but keep his hands off strange females who lived off premises. He felt it was silly but Gina was adamant about that point and he had agreed because there were over 100 nubile women in the apartment building. "Aunt Gina, I am real sorry. This is Regis Conte from next door. She is one of the Conte sisters. Her father,...
The beautiful blonde Lika Star has come to Private Specials, Slutty Secretaries, where she is working for Alberto Blanco, a music producer who is always on the search for new and upcoming talent. Today however, Alberto will discover the hidden talent of his horny assistant, as Lika strips down to her sexy lingerie right there in the studio for some horny fun. Watch this beauty show off her cock sucking skills before offering up her juicy pussy for taste, getting all wet and ready for a hard...
xmoviesforyouI’m still groggy, but the things the mouth are doing to my cock are nothing to complain about. I look down at the head in my lap. The shiny blond (I think she’s blond at least) ringlets of curls tickling my abdomen as her head moves up and down. And my fat knob compresses as she works it past her gag reflex and into her throat. She occasionally fights off the urge to choke as she lets out noises that are almost obscene, but positively sexy when she does. Blasting deep into her mouth, I...
I tugged at the bottom of my skirt as I hopped up the stairs. I always felt self conscious wearing my short cheerleading uniform anywhere outside the gym. Even though the school was deserted at this hour, I worried someone would notice me in my revealing outfit. As I walked through the empty halls on my way to the locker room, I could feel the evening air on the back of my thighs. Their bareness reminded me of cheer practice earlier that day when I had been lifting Marnie up into one of our...
College SexChapter Two The concert lasted for almost two hours. Emily had just finished her third encore, the international remix version of the third single off her second album in the last six months, "Hip Hop Clodhopper." A cadre of men and women had surged her as she danced off stage. Emily had been practically carried by the throng all the way back to her dressing room. As she stepped in the door closed behind her. Emily barely noticed. She walked over to the makeup table, sat down and...
The Crossdresser Body Swap Chapter 1 Ashleigh finished polishing her toenails with a final dab of red nail paint. She rolled onto her belly whilst letting her feet dangle off the bed to dry. She noticed the time on her phone and let out a sigh of annoyance, her neighbours would be coming around for another dinner night soon. Ashleigh always thought they were a weird bunch, always practicing meditation in their garden, plus their house was littered with all this voodoo and spiritual...
A three part series that takes place in the same universe as The Lake House Rules, but which stands apart. More soccer than sex in the first chapter, so I hope you stay with me. All characters that engage in any sort of sexual behavior in this story are 18. Tuesday M.J. Tucker, her red jersey with its ram’s head bearing the number 9, passed the ball back to the center midfielder, Samantha Tobin, and started to jog forward, drawing the defensive midfielder to her. She then shifted into another...
The next morning I woke to someone shaking my shoulder. When I was fully conscious and stood up, he told me his name was Caltort and that he was Shaeta's father. He encouraged me to eat soon so he could get me ready for the ceremony. Previously I'd naturally been more interested in watching the goings on of the women; I'd never paid any attention to the male's part in things. It made sense though, for my prospective father-in-law to take me under his wing. He led me off away from the...
About two weeks after the auction I was getting a beer with Janice and Nate in one of the lounges; Mike was reading an Alumni newsletter. I asked him about it since he had not yet graduated. “Anthony hasn’t been around for very long,” Mike explained. “They have a fairly small alumni association and give seniors the newsletter to try and get us to join early.” Mike tossed the newsletter over to me and left. The cover story was about the Alumni Cottages. The headline read “Only 18 more months to...
BisexualOne thing I forgot to add before was that we had an in-ground swimming pool in our back yard. Much to my joy, it was heated and could be used earlier in the spring and longer into the fall than other pools in our neighborhood, so I was accustomed to lots of lounging by the pool and plenty of swimming. I loved to swim! In addition, sections of blind with staggered spacing, which were about 6 feet tall ringing the pool and blocking any view of the pool or anyone in it. The blinds were spaced...
Darcie Dolce was born in Sacramento, California, on December 10th, 1992, to parents with German, Italian, and Armenian roots. That helps explain her sexy complexion and dark hair. And let's not forget about those sexy, brooding eyes.Darcie grew up in Folsom, not far outside of Sacramento. She spent the first half of her high school career in private school and the second half in public.Making Her Privates PublicThe private school was tiny, and she didn't have the best experiences there. If a...
Twitter Porn AccountsWhat a dilemma I found myself in all brought on by my sexual perversions. The woman I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with had helped convince me to take a lucrative job offer. Frank my potential new boss had my Jessie hooked on his big black cock. Worst of all Frank seemed determined to put his baby in Jessie. I'd played the scenarios out in my head and none of them really turned out the way I'd like them to. Jessie though was determined to make it work out.I had started packing...
This is the sequel to "My best friend Jenna" so if you haven't read that one, I recommend you do."Well, you know, we still have something to take care of," she said, pointing over to the guys, who were all standing there grinning like idiots. "It looks like they liked what they just saw.""Yeah, alright boys, your turn now!" I yelled. Unashamed of the fact I'm going to get fucked hard after what they just went through in the last half hour or so.Jenna and I both got on our knees a few feet apart...
HardcoreAmelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft and had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor. Amelia was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that the humans mostly inhabited. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago, a new religion was formed by some...
Fantasy & Sci-FiRent A Wife My boss invited me to a party and said, “Bring your wife.” He caught me off guard. It took me a moment to remember that I had let everyone believe that I was married. That way I had an excuse not to go out with the guys after work and the women were not trying to play matchmaker. I mentioned my problem to my neighbor and he said, “Take my wife. I’m sure she’ll do it. Sylvia likes you and she could use a night out.” When he told Sylvia about it she came right over...
One of the “Cumbangers” is turning thirty years old, and in a typical rite of passage, the rest of the Cumbangers are gonna take him to a strip joint to celebrate. Or are they? Just as they’re about to leave, a better — more appropriate gift walked in the room: Kandie Monaee! Kandie’s a sweet piece of chocolate ass, and she’s here to make sure the Birthday Boy enjoys his special day — by offering up her mouth and pussy! Kandie’s a slut at heart,...
xmoviesforyouBoomerang Written by Dauphin "Don't push me!" I shouted at John. I wanted to hit him, but he was too strong. It was a common day occurrence that John would tease me whenever he had a chance. He was not as smart as me and not as cute. The only thing that he had going for him was his strength and his ability to make others afraid of him. It seemed like that bullying me was his main hobby. He would call me a cherub or a geek. He thought I looked...
EMASCULATED BY LOVE My transsexual desires, spread out across desert Landscapes prickly with need, stop prospectors, sometimes, Dead in their tracks, making me a rocket rising upon streamers Of my own seminal epiphanies. Sperm falls, wriggling, like rain, To form oases in my brain, and I drink deeply, uncertain Just when the sky may ejaculate again, though clouds seed themselves, Seemingly magically, raining semen down on me in torrents, Without thunder or lightning, just the heat...
I pull into the parking lot and get out of the car. I grab my bags and walk to the lobby. I'm wearing a plain tshirt, showing off how in shape I am, and some shorts. I walk into the lobby and set my bags down. I ring the bell and then clerk comes out. Hes a short, skinny guy, completely shaven and wearing his uniform too small. He greets me with a smile, and asks how he can help me. "Yes, I have a reservation under Eric." "Yes, Mr Eric we have your reservation right here. Here are your keys...
GayShe couldn't believe that Bill desired her. He had often looked at her, but not like she looked at him. She had even imagined him taking her body one night, but the thought of him taking her in her mouth was something she could never have fathomed. She was always disgusted by the thought of taking someone's cock in her mouth. Even worse the thought of having it fill her mouth with cum and being forced to swallow it."Are you going to cum in my mouth?" She had to know."Yes. And you're going to...
As he sat at his computer, he chuckled to himself as he thought about his latest dream. Not for the first time did he wonder if other people knew about the wonders present in the realm of dreams. He wondered how many of them knew that they could do anything they wanted to if they only had the right frame of mind. For instance, take the dream that he had had recently. He was in a large wooded area and was completely alone. Before the dream had gone very far, he decided that he wanted to levitate...
So. A bit about me. I'm 5'4", 139 lbs, long brown hair and deep brown eyes. 5.5 cock, cute 'bubblebutt'. I had been looking for a job for a long while with no luck, and REALLY needed the money bad. I finally got a call from the female owner of a coffee shop I had applied to. I had actually filled out one of the old fashioned applications. As in paper, not online. I had handed it to this owner and she just smiled and said nothing. I felt kind of weird about that smile then, but said nothing and...
This a true story!A few years ago i worked in a bar in Atlanta.One night these two hot looking woman came in,well at least i thought they were both women.But anyway we started drinking i was about drunk so i got off work early!After about two hours of drinking and talking they wanted me to go home with them. I couldnt say no!I left my car i was to drunk to drive.When we got to thier home the blonde headed one asked me if i ever had a threesum i told her yea,Then wanted to tie me up?I said hell...
After my divorce, I found a nice apartment in North Jersey. The first time I used the laundry room in the basement of my building, an older lady came in to check on her dryer, I had seen her a few times before and remember thinking that she was attractive, in a seasoned way. Each time she was wearing a dress, short heels and stockings(or panty hose). A lot of older ladies like to dress that way and I have no problem with that. She said hello and I asked her how she was doing. We chatted...
Three Sets By Michael Alexander*CRACK*The sound of her purple gum popping seemed loud in the tiny bedroom as Megan flipped through the pages of the teen fashion magazine. Her trim jaw line worked at the gummy substance between her teeth as she occasionally paused, examining some latest clothing concept, or the different cosmetics each model seemed to be sporting. Her shoulder-length brown hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail, hardly matching the coiffed styles in the magazine, but its...