Devlin's StoryChapter 32 free porn video

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Devlin and Krissi walked across the bridge, trailing the other people from the island. Krissi looked fantastic in her red floral print sundress. She'd teased her hair into a Dolly Parton mop, not the wigs the Nashville star had worn early in her career, but the somewhat subdued version that she'd been wearing lately.

"Much better than long, straight hair," Krissi said when Devlin commented on it. Straight hair has to be one of the curses of Nordic blondes." She sighed. "Sometimes I wish I was more like the Slavic blonde; my hair would be rich and curly, not straight like it is."

"There's always the hair dresser's."

"They never seem to get it right." Krissi plucked at one of her strands. "No, I'll just suffer with straight hair that drives the boys nuts."

Devlin giggled with her. "Yeah, sort of like mine."

"What is it about long hair?" Krissi asked. "I know guys like it, but I've found that guys who have long hair think it's just as much of a pain as any woman."

"You're asking the unanswerable." Devlin paused to take a deep breath. She knew the 'smell of the sea' was the wrack thrown up on the beach, but it was far better than the smells of Central Illinois: wet dirt, car exhaust, and fertilizer. "I'm going to hate going home in a few days."

"Me, too." Krissi resumed walking. "Let's agree to follow the Spring Break credo: live as if there's no tomorrow."

"If you say so," Devlin said. "Only let's show a little responsibility, too. I'm not going home with a little present that's due in 9 months, or something that will require medication."

"That's easy enough to do. We'll just make sure the only guys we sleep with are on this little island." She paused at the end of the bridge to watch a couple of guys; even in their shorts and shirts their bodies were worth looking at. "Despite the temptation," she added with a sigh. Devlin followed her friend's gaze. "Yeah, despite the temptation. And I have a feeling we're going to be mightily tempted."

Linda motioned everyone around her. "Now remember, gang, you don't talk about what happens on our island. As far as everyone knows, we're just family friendly nudists. And we don't talk about the resort to outsiders. You'll know them, they're the people with the orange name tags."

"Orange name tags?" Joan asked.

Linda opened her purse. "I have your name tags here. Everyone from our island will be wearing a green name tag shaped like a shamrock."

The name tag was one of the stick-on kind, the type that said 'Hi, My Name Is:'. She'd worn her blue sundress, and she put the name tag on her shoulder strap. Then, fortified by Krissi's smile, she followed her friend into the clubhouse.

The main room had already filled up. There were people gathered next to the windows and crowding the deck outside. The buffet table was filled with food. She helped herself to a chicken salad and a glass of punch. The guys were definitely worth watching, she found herself picking out a few of them and letting her fantasies run wild.

Someone started music playing from a stereo in the corner. One of the guys from their island, Greg Harris according to his name tag, walked up with a smile on his face. "Care to dance?"

Devlin smiled up at him, totally aware of the gleam of light off of his skin. "Love to," she said. The music was a slow swing, and she stepped into his arms already moving to the rhythm.

He was a good dancer, and she pressed herself against him, feeling the warmth of his body against hers and feeling the strength of his arms around her. His hair smelled slightly of salt and coconut oil. She rested her chin on his shoulder, moving with him. He was so solid, with strong shoulders, and hands that seemed gentle and strong at the same time.

The song ended too soon. She stepped only partially out of his arms, smiling coyly up at him. "You're a good dancer."

He smiled, his even teeth white in his tanned face. "My parents insisted I learn how to dance," he said. "I hated it at the time, but these last few years I'm glad they did." The music started again. "Another dance?"

"Love to," she murmured.

He wrapped her in his arms, engulfing her senses. The dance floor was crowded, but it felt like it was just the two of them floating across the dance floor in their own private world.

The dance ended all too soon, and Greg led her off the dance floor. Krissi walked past, arm in arm with Tim Davis.

"Another happy couple," Greg said. "This is your first time here, isn't it?"

"I take it you've come to these things before."

"I helped Jim and Linda set it all up about three years ago," he said.

"Are you married?" He didn't have a ring, but she thought most of the couples on their island were married.

"Yeah," he said with a shrug. "I've got a boyfriend, too, though. But that's all right, my wife has her girlfriend. We're sort of a mixed marriage. It might be a problem elsewhere, but it sort of works down here in the Conch Republic."

"You're gay?"

"Bi-sexual, actually," he said, "and so's my wife." He took a drink from the buffet table, and offered her one. "We moved down here because of the Tourism, we both work for a Cruise Ship line, and, believe me, if you keep it discrete, there are plenty of chances to score in that work. And we both did. And we both knew the other was really involved, we were open with each other. I'd bed some gal, she'd bed some guy, but it didn't mean much, it was just for fun. And one night we both arrived back at our apartment with someone in tow. One thing led to another, all four of us had a lot of fun. And then, well, things kind of went from there. I was really excited watching him with my wife, and she was getting really turned on watching that gal. We talked about it, and the next thing you know, we're experimenting."

"How do you like it?" Devlin asked. "Seeing guys, I mean."

"It's... different." He studied her face for a bit. "Someone said you go both ways."

"No, only with Krissi. I've tried it with other women, and it just turns me off. But with Krissi it's... well, it's not just the sex. Oh, the sex is mind-blowing. We can go to bed in the middle of the afternoon and be too tired to get up the next day--that sort of sex. But there's more than that between us."

"Sound like it." He sighed, watching two guys deep in conversation. "The problem with sex with a guy is who gets to be the aggressor. A guy is sort of expected to take charge and be the active one, but there are times when you'd just rather lie there and let someone else do their thing. With a woman it's mostly settled; if a woman wants to be the aggressor she lets you know right away, and every guy I know can pick up on that. But with another guy you have to spend some time figuring out who's doing what."

"Do you actually... put it... put it in?"

He shrugged. "It depends on the guy. I like blowing guys, jacking them off. What do you two do, you and Krissi?"

"Lot of kissing and touching," Devlin said. "Sometimes I wish she was a guy so she could put herself in me, and sometimes I wish I was a guy so I could be inside her."

"See, that's a realm guys never get into. A woman thinks of things like that."

"Yeah, I suppose."

A couple stepped off the dance floor. The woman looked at Greg, smiling. He rose, glancing back at Devlin. "I'll see you later this week. "Thanks for the dance."

She got up and got some more chicken salad. A few people were still dancing, but more were sitting at tables and talking quietly. More, though, were crowding onto the deck and staring to the west.

"Want to go check out the sunset?" a guy asked from behind her.

She turned around, running her eyes over his body: nice muscles, nice definition, flat tummy, good shoulders. "Sure," she said, smiling as she saw him checking her out. "What did you have in mind?"

His eyes stopped at her breasts for a moment before tracking to her face. "People in the Keys always toast the sunset."

"Toast the sunset? Why?"

"It's clear you aren't from around here."

"Illinois, actually. And sunsets there aren't something you toast."

"Here they are." He motioned toward the deck with his head. "Let's get a couple of drinks and you'll see what I mean. Sunsets in the Keys are always spectacular."

They joined the crowd on the deck. The sun was lost behind the clouds, lighting them with reds, yellows and purples. With all the shades of blue in the ocean it was the most colorful and dramatic sunsets Devlin could recall seeing. In some ways it was like a giant stained-glass window in the sky.

It was like a dance, over much too soon. Tiki torches flared around the deck, and people began to pair up and sit at the various tables. The guy put his hand on her elbow, guiding her to a quiet corner.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked. "Another drink, maybe?"

"I'm fine," she said.

He sat opposite her, watching the crowd of people. "I'm Evan, by the way, Evan White."

"Devlin McCabe." She liked the way he smiled, and how it lit up his whole face.

"Are you down here for Spring Break?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"You don't have the generic tan most women who live in the Keys acquire." He glanced at his left arm, which was nearly as pale as hers. "Not that I spend that much time down here, any more."


"I'm from here," he said, "well, over on Sugar Loaf, but I don't live here except in the off-season. In the off-season I live on Marathon."


"I'm a ball player, baseball player."

Something puzzled her. "Wait a minute. Isn't it baseball season or something?" She thought she'd seen something in the paper about Spring Training starting or something.

"I'm on what they call the Disabled List. I had to have my appendix out, and I'm recovering from it." He flexed his left shoulder and arm. "I should be back to working out in a couple more days. With any luck, I'll be playing a couple weeks after that."

"Who do you play for?"

"Nobody you've probably heard of," he said. "I'm a pitcher for the Charlotte Knights."

"You're right," she said, "but I don't follow sports too much."

"They're the Triple-A Minor League team for the Chicago White Sox."

"Them I've heard of," she said. "I live in Central Illinois, and they're just up the road. Maybe I could see you play some time."

"If I get called up to the Show."

"The Show?"

He smiled. "When you're in the Minors that's what you call the Majors Leagues. That's not real baseball, that's a big show." He frowned slightly. "Central Illinois?"

"I'm a student at Illinois State University."

"If I make it to the Show, give me a call and I'll leave you a ticket."

"It's a promise," she said. She didn't know that much about baseball. Danny liked it and watched it all of the time, and when she'd been in Chicago there'd been a lot of mention of both the Cubs and the White Sox in the paper. That reminded her of something she'd read.

"How fast can you throw a ball? I've heard they use radar or something to clock them."

"My fastball is considered Major League average; I've topped 92 miles per hour in games."

"My car doesn't go 92 miles per hour."

"There are guys who throw harder. Last year the Atlanta Braves had a pitcher who was clocked at 101 miles per hour." The music started again and he nodded at the dance floor. She nodded and gave him her hand. "He had an accuracy problem, but he could bring the heat."

"You'll have to explain what that means some time," she said as she stepped into his arms.

She'd danced with a few athletes in high school. The wrestler had been well-coordinated, as had one of the shorter basketball players, but the rest... she wasn't sure how well Evan would dance until the first step. Then she relaxed, flowing along with him.

They danced nearly every dance after that, talking about this and that, things she couldn't remember. She learned a few things: he was left-handed, he was 22, and his nickname was Uncle Charlie.

"Uncle Charlie?" she asked, wrinkling her nose. The dance was ending and people were heading home. She stopped, though. She knew there had to be a story behind his nickname, and she wanted to hear it. "Why Uncle Charlie?"

"Well, they shorten it to 'Uncle'," he said, chuckling. "A good curve ball, one that really snaps and drops, is called Uncle Charlie. A really good one, one that makes the batter's knees buckle, that's known as Lord Charles. I've got a pretty good curve ball, and one of my teammates stuck me with the name." He stopped, color rising briefly to his lean face. "That isn't the only reason, but that's the baseball one."

"Now you've got me interested." She looked at the way his eyes shifted and his cheeks got redder. "But I won't ask. It sounds like it's something personal."

"It is. Maybe someday I'll tell you."

"Perhaps. Are you staying here at the resort?"

He shook his head. "I have an apartment right next door, just down the street. But I knew about the dance, they put a flyer up on the bulletin board in the lobby. I almost didn't come." He glanced down, then back up. "Now I'm glad I did."

Devlin felt the blood rushing to her cheeks and covered it by dabbing at her lips with her napkin. "Well, this has been fun."

"Are you here for all of Spring Break?"

"I'm going home in 10 days."

"Sounds like we should maximize the time we have. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Hanging out, working on my tan..." She thought of some of the guys on the island. "Taking care of anything that comes up."

"I could give you a call tomorrow."

"I'd like that." She'd have to ask Linda how they handled outside calls. "I imagine you'll have to call the switchboard or something, or..."

He scribbled a number on a napkin. "Here's my number. We'll figure out something."

She pocketed it with a smile. "I'm sure we can."

She felt a little alone walking back across the bridge. The night had just flown by, and she'd enjoyed spending it with him. She smiled ruefully. Most of her experience with guys was at swinger's parties, so she was a little inexperienced at meeting a guy she didn't immediately have sex with. In a way it was refreshing.

She certainly wouldn't mind getting naked with Evan, but that wasn't something they could do until after this vacation was over. She made a mental note: she'd have to find if the Charlotte Knights played somewhere near Central Illinois. She could probably find that on the internet; Danny would know where to look.

The next morning she awoke to noises coming from the hot tub. Krissi wasn't there, though her bed looked slept in. Curious, Devlin threw on a pair of shorts and a halter and went exploring. Joan Macmillan and her brother Brian were sitting on the edge of the tub, talking. Joan was only wearing her bikini bottoms while Brian was wearing a tight pair of Speedos that left nothing to the imagination.

"Morning, Devlin," Joan said as Devlin settled on the bench next to the tub. "How are things?"

"Not bad. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. We were just sitting here, talking."

"Comparing notes," Brian added.


He shrugged. "Who we were with last night after we got back from the dance, and what they were like."

"What they were like?" When they were coming back from Emma's she and Krissi talked about the guys they'd been with, but Krissi was a girl. Doing the same thing with a guy... somehow that seemed against the rules or something.

"I ask him what he thinks of the guys," Joan said, "and he asks me what I think of the girls. It's kind of interesting. Guys have such a different idea of each other than we do."

"And we have different views of gals than you do," Brian said. "So it balances out." He swung his legs out of the water. "I think I'll go see if they've put breakfast out, yet."

Devlin watched him go, watching his muscles shift and move in his butt. She decided he was nicely put together.

"He looks pretty good, doesn't he?" Joan said as Brian disappeared down the path.

"Have you been... have you two... ?"

"Have we done it?" Joan asked. She reached down, running her fingertips through the water. "No, we haven't. We might, I don't know. We've talked about it, and there's been plenty of opportunity, but we haven't so far."

Devlin was struck by how much they looked alike. "You're twins, aren't you?"

Joan smiled and nodded, still staring at the water. "Which makes it both harder and easier for us than for any other brother and sister. He's... we're part of each other in a way I can't explain. We don't have to explain things to each other, well, except some man-woman things. But I can talk to him like I couldn't talk to our older brother or my younger sister."

"Does that mean you live together or something? And how did you end up here?"

"We have a two-bedroom apartment," Joan said. "And we're swingers, well, sort of. Most swingers are married..."

"I'm not," Devlin said."

"Then you're an exception. Anyway, we have friends, and we all get together for sex. So we've seen each other having sex with someone else." She shrugged. "That first time was kind of weird. I'd seen guys naked, and in gym I'd seen girls naked, but I'd never seen a girl doing it, you know? And I'd never seen my brother naked, well, not since we were like 3 or so. And here he was with a hard-on and he was pumping away in her. It was a little surreal."

"I suppose he said the same thing about seeing you with a guy," Devlin said.

Joan laughed. "I almost couldn't do it. We were at a friend's apartment and things had gotten pretty out of hand. But there he was, and I knew he was watching, well, I thought he was watching. But the guy I was with was already taking his clothes off, so I kind of felt pressured."

She shrugged. "After a bit I put it out of my mind and just settled down to enjoy my time with the guy. In the end it kind of worked out. We talked about it, that sort of halting way you talk about sex with a guy, you know." She giggled slightly. "His dick was bigger than I thought, and he told me my boobs were bigger than he'd realized. And I'd trimmed my bush down to just a strip, which took him by surprise. I didn't tell him that only a few months before I'd shaved it all off."

"I tried the smooth look," Devlin said. "I didn't particularly care for it, but I may try it again some day."

"I think it's much over-rated," Joan said. "The guys seem to like it, though, so if I try it again that's why I'll do it."

"Krissi swears by it, but she said she's never had much hair down there, so it wasn't any big deal for her."

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 03

‘This poor bastard is never going to pull out of this,’ Cole said to Fred sitting next to him in the nondescript blue four door sedan. It had been three weeks since the funeral, in that time Michael Dane’s life had spiraled out of control. Cole had watched Michael loose his grip at the funeral, it had been downhill for him since that day. Ian had told Cole to stay close to him, keep an eye on him and give him a few weeks to put together how to get Michael to England. Cole didn’t know how much...

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I was a glory hole virgin

This is a true story of when I was living in a small town in the mid west for a couple of years. I had a part time job at a video store and and it was usually quiet. The owners of the store would put in orders for new movies and they had a large adult section that they would keep a good selection of films. One day they were doing an order and they mentioned a local adult bookstore that had glory holes in the video booths. I was only 20 at the time so I had not had much time in the adult store...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone knew. Knew what had happened to her. Knew she had changed. Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire and need. Knew all they had to do was demand it and she...

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Prison story

My first cellmate in prison was a black guy named Nathan. He could barely string a sentence together and was not the cleanest guy in the world. That first night Nathan tried to have sex with me but I refused. He socked me so hard in my stomach that I literally saw stars.Each night I refused his advances he would hit me. Finally, after a week, I decided that having gay sex with Nate was better than being beat to a pulp, so I sucked his 7-inch cock. As he came in my mouth he told me to swallow it...

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OHGIRL and the Rapper 2

I had decided to accept a large amount of money to be the private plaything, for a music artist at whose party I had performed. I had been flown out to Las Vegas to do a private party and act as an escort for an upcoming rapper, who’s real name was Devon. Another escort and I had provided the sexual pleasures for Devon and his entourage that night, but Devon’s manager wanted me to stay on through the early morning and afternoon at the request of his client. It was after 5 am when the entire...

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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 18

Amelia, pulling away from me, woke me. Morning sun was bright. Never a long sleeper, this time I’d slept longer than usual. I tried to hold onto her. She tugged her arm out of my hand. “Let go, Mike!” Opening my eyes, I asked, “What’s wrong?” Amelia blushed. “I leaked all over the sheet. It’s a mess.” I grinned. How cute. “Would you like to take a shower together?” Amelia grinned. “Kay.” Then she frowned. “But no funny stuff! I’m sore.” My heart ached. I loved her so much. Five minutes...

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How Well Do You Know The Woman You Married

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. A year after the graduation with an MBA degree, I had an idea for an invention. My idea was a financial hit and I had seed money to start my business. In two years, my business grew and I had made enough to plan and build my ideal home. Another year and I discovered a woman that rang my chimes. She had been employed by a large firm...

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Double Trouble Mom And Aunt Ellen

Just short of nineteen, being a horny guy was nothing unusual. Chasing after everything of the opposite sex was supposedly normal, what wasn’t so normal was the lust I had for my mom and my aunt. For the past year I’d been having wet dreams about my mother or my aunt. Not that this was unusual for a teen male, but it was not the sort of thing a boy was supposed to do. Especially for me, a skinny awkward k**.What made matters even worse was the fact that my mother Eve and her sister Ellen were...

2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 5

“Why didn’t you curtsy on the way out, Fart Face?” mom asked as she took us to the car. She had noticed my laughing when Mandy stumbled and looked angry. “You didn’t tell me I had to curtsy, Ma’am,” I replied politely (as politely as I can. Polite and submissive isn’t a natural tone for me, so I have to fake it. I did my least sarcastic imitation of Jenny blowing smoke up my mom’s ass with her fancy talk). “You know I make Jenny curtsy when she enters or leaves a room if her betters are in...

4 years ago
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Lesbians and a Bed

"Mmm!!! Yes! Just like that! Lick my pussy with that wonderful, magical tongue of yours, Amy!" Amy raised her head for just a second to say "i will. But soon, it's my turn."**********************************************************************************The day had started out normal enough. I had taken a call from my friend, Amy. It was a little something like this..."WHAT?" i said as i answered the phone. I wasn't in a great mood. She had just interrupted my daily dose of porn videos."I-I...

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Morning after the Night Before

Olive and Sammy - The Morning After the Night Before After the excitement of the transformations of the last few hours, it's time to assist the new women to embrace their femininity. Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received Thanks again to Cresser for taken the time to edit, comment and tweak areas of the story...

2 years ago
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Girl Next Door Chapter one Through my window

Her name was Katie Lortan and I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her beautiful sea green eyes, her long straight brown hair, and her perky breasts that were always seeming to draw my attention. Watching her wearing tight leggings and tank tops, showing off her cleavage, and even the quick looks at her tits could not have prepared me for this. I was sitting on my bed writing about the last day of my Junior year, my completely pathetic spree of girlfriends and my failed attempts at...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Vanna Bardot Vanna Learns Two Magic Words

Vanna’s husband felt she needed some lessons to be refreshed and suitor James is the one he knows will give Vanna the lessons to learn the magic words like “yes Sir” and “thank You”. James begins his teachings with paddles, handcuffs and other kinky toys to get Vanna in the accepting mood before she can get the hard dick she is begging for. Vanna unleashes her inner slut and takes his meat on all fours on the floor, loving every thrust of cock her pussy is in need...

3 years ago
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Bahen ki nand ki chudai

Hi friends I m arun agin at your service. Aaj phir main ek kahani lekar aya hun. Ye karib 3 saal pahele ki baat hai. Tab main graduation pura kar chukka tha ek company me nayi nayi job shuru kit hi. Papa –mummy badi bahen ke liye ladka pasand kar aye the aur badi bahen ki sagai tay ho gayi thi 1 mahine baad sagai thi. Hum sab gharwale sagai ki taiyari me ki. Aur sagai ka din aa gaya abhi tak maine samnewale parivaar me kisi ko nahi dekha tha. Wo log Sunday ke din 11.00 am ko ahmare ghar aa...

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Stewarts adventures 2 Babysitting Brad the Brat

another call from his mum. She asked me if I would look after him again. She told me she was gonna be staying at her friends place in Dorset an wouldn't be back till noon the next day. I had spent a lot of the time since I last `sat for Brad' shitting myself with worry that Brad would dob me in cos of what I had done with him, an even more time wanking myself spastic replaying the nights events in my mind. I had kept my word an delivered the new 'Grand Theft Auto' game to Brad to...

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A Mans Path to Power

I’ve often been called an arrogant bastard with psychopathic and megalomaniac tendencies. That’s not very flattering. I’m a free-spirited visionary who lacks a conscience and inhibitions. That’s what I call myself. In the eyes of the world, I am Paul Jackson Billings, a student at the Alabama Institute of Technology. The world is mine. Nothing you or anyone else can do to change it. This is the story of my most fulfilling adventure. I enrolled at the Alabama Institute of Technology as a...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 10

It was morning. Tabatha rolled over against her new husband. She began kissing the side of his rib cage and worked her way up to a nipple. She knew that would wake him! Jake's nipples were extremely ticklish. After a few seconds, Jake yelped and pulled her lips off of him, pulling her head away... 'by my hair! Hey!' "I'm sorry!" Jake cried. "But you deserved that! You know how ticklish I am!" Then he realized she wasn't pissed at him. She'd expected him to react that way. He felt...

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Breaking It Off With A Milf

Heyy this is Abhijit tarafder am now 25 years old and this is the story of the time when I used to be a virgin and this is how I lost my virginity to a prostitute. I was 19 years old and I was travelling to my native place in Bankura West Bengal in khatra, about my self I have been a very much of a porn addict still back then and still now and used to masturbate three times a day and my cock size been 7 inches but never got a chance to fuck. In my native place I had my chacha, so when I reached...

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Buffy Brandon white Goddess 2

Buffy Brandon White Goddess Part 2By lilguy Buffy visits a Black churchWarning- Racial domination, strapon, racial slurs by a white womanTed was in the church, with a limp. People were in the church celebrating the holidays and giving money. It had been 2 months sense he first ran into the dominant goddess Buffy Brandon. A racist white girl who he accidentally unleash on the world. The church wasn’t completely filled and he decided to light some candlesHe didn’t hear someone sneak up behind him...

1 year ago
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Claire 3 lingerie party

She was running late as usual! Claire just couldn't seem to get anywhere on time. Why in the world did she ever agree to attend a lingerie party at Cathy's house? With Frank away on business and it being a week night, she had had trouble finding a sitter for the twins. She was bone tired and prospect of watching a lingerie show was the last thing she wanted to do, but Cathy had invited her over a month ago and had promised an "interesting evening". How did she get roped into these things?!? Oh...

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Summer LoveChapter 7

Stepping into the room he saw they were both still asleep but Charli had rolled over onto her stomach when he had moved. She did that and he grinned. Her leg was still cocked to the side which allowed him access to her sweet pussy so he moved his hand under the cover and began to toy with the lips. As dew formed he smeared it around to make entry easier and began to delve deeper into her core. As he did she moved to assist him and began to meet his fingers with her raising ass. Working his...

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Husband gets Wife a Special MassagePT2

"I'm sure it wont," replied Joel with a slight smile. The tone of his voice made Katie open her eyes and look up at Joel, who hastily added, "I put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.""Ah, OK," said Katie, the tone of her voice was suspicious. Shit, I thought, I think she suspects something. "Maybe it's already arrived?" she added in a slightly cheeky tone."Would you like me to ring reception and check," asked Joel, continuing the game of cat and mouse."I don't think that will be necessary,"...

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A Homecumming Delight

Knees still buckling, with toys still suspended in both my pussy and my ass, I shakily grasp the faucet and turn off the shower. The vibrations in my pussy intensify the fullness in my ass, and the pleasure is almost too much as I recover from the mind-numbing orgasm that just ripped through my fatigued body.As I stumble to our bedroom to dry off, I realize it is now dark outside. I turn the vibrator off but keep both toys still inserted in their satisfied little holes. I reach for my phone and...

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AssParade Ebony Mystique Squirting on thy Neighbor

Ebony Mystique was doing her daily jogging run when Jay Bangher saw her running by. He dropped what he was doing and ran after her. Quickly he convinced her that to get the best benefit of jogging you need to get a massage right after. And surprise, he was a licensed massage therapist. Ebony fell for it and invited him home. Here she started to twerk for him and insisted he would start to massage her butt. In no time he was eating her butt and then her pussy. Then of course they fucked. They...

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My Unsatisfied Wife

This is a true story. Oh I know, there are lots of stories that are suppose to be true and many of them sound a lot like mine. The difference is, and it's a big difference, this is true. My name is Mack. I'm in my 30's now. I'm white and I work in construction. I'm a big guy, big as in tall and solid, 6 feet tall and almost 200 pounds, most of it muscle. My work is physical and it shows. I'm also a pretty good weekend athlete. I play softball in the summer, football in the fall and...

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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 5

Hello, girls, pets, fans, and the newly initiated, I've been under alot of stress lately, so I'm very sorry this revised version of Daphne's Chapter 5 took so long to come out. I can't believe I wrote this whole chapter in the first person before. Anyway, Chapter 6 will be available on Patreon on Tuesday, March 3rd, and Scott's Chapter 7 on Wednesday the fourth. As I'm sure you can guess, Chapter 5 is out publicly today! And At the end of the week, I will be releasing RBF publicly, and...

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Young love

At the tender age of 14 back in 1965 at my high school I had my first sexual experience.One of my friends loved to show off to his girlfriend by wearing next to nothing in the gym.He knew that her form paraded past and stopped at a certain time during P.E. lessons.She could see him in the gym every day at that time.He used to roll up his white shorts at the legs and roll down the elastic waist band.In the changing room we were meant to keep our under pants on but he always took his off and put...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 2 Civil War

“Elizabeth Ann, stop picking at your brother,” I yelled. I was doing a lot of yelling lately. I hated it. I hated who I was becoming. I wanted to be a good mother but I was so tired all the time. I looked at Hayden for help but he was talking to Ford and not paying any attention to the four children. Ellen, of course, was in the kitchen, so it looked like I was the parent on duty. I turned to yell at Betts again, automatically assuming she was still picking at the smaller children. Drew was...

2 years ago
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What They Are Used For

My brother came home late one night, thoroughly drunk, and passed out on his bed, totally clothed. We were alone and I did something monumentally stupid. The whole time I was mad scared that he'd come in my mouth, but he never did, me sucking him just long enough to satisfy my craving, and then stealing back to my bedroom. The giddiness I'd felt before sucking him was gone and I laid in bed feeling paranoid, guilt-wracked and scared. What if Jamie woke up, knowing what I'd done? What if he...

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Serving My Sister III A Virgins Cherry

Note : This story is completely fictional! When the weekend came, I actually thought I'd be getting a break from my new life, and a brief breath of my old one. I couldn't have been more wrong. Friday night before I went to bed, Eileen had ordered that I sleep in one of my new nightgowns; a neon-pink, baby doll gown with black lacing at the top and bottom. She also warned me that I'd be in big trouble if I woke up with a hard-on. That was difficult as hell, considering how arousing I found the...

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BDSM Fantasy 1 Because she is worth it

I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling while I enjoy the silence of the morning when the birds still sleep in their nests and there is no sign of man on the streets. The sun is not yet up for hours and the only light is the light of a street lamp shining through a gap in my roller blinds leaving me in a surreal world of black, white and shades of grey.The silence of the early morning ends when next to me, a body moves and I hear the unintelligible murmur of someone talking in her sleep. The...

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HardWon Attraction Ch 01

Her parents were so old-fashioned, she thought, as she dressed for the party. She wasn’t a tender young school girl anymore, not by a long shot she wasn’t. What she was was a very fine example of ‘blooming womanhood’ as her mother was so find of saying. Standing in front of her full-length mirror, clad only in tight jeans, heels, and a bra, Cadee smiled back at herself. It was a good body, she judged, her genetics blessing her with a rather tall height, attractive frame, and very curvy...

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perversity of incest

Chapter 1"Thank fuck for that!"I threw my bag on the floor and sat on my favourite stool at the bar.The vodka optic was within reach on one side and the mini fridge containing the coke on the other, I filled a glass with a lot of one and a little of the other and then hit the message switch on the answer phone."Hi, it's Katie, can you ring me on my mobile?" she rattled off her number and I rang it immediately, Katie was my twin sister and one of the very few things in this shitty world that I...

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Me my sister and her friend

This is only my second story so leave me feedback please. It was a boiling Monday night in the summer holidays, with sweat dripping off my face after a good training session with the football team. I decided I would have dinner then have a bath, my parents were out so It was down to me to cook dinner for me and my sister (Megan) and her best friend Dionne. Both girls were 13 and both beautiful. Megan was slightly chubby but for a 13 year old she had massive tits and a big bum as well....

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A little big brother time Part 1

I would like to ask for feedback, thanks! First, I'd like to tell you about myself and my brother. My name is Daisy, I'm 17, I have dark brown hair that flows wavy to my breasts, which were a D-cup, and dark brown eyes that could get me anything I wanted. I'm about 105 lbs and I'm 5'0, short and petite as my mom always tells me. My brother, Alex, is 19 and he has short brown hair that he always covers up with a hat and has green eyes that I could stare at for hours. He's about 5'11 and is very...


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