ProeliatorChapter 1 free porn video

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I woke to excruciating pain and violent movement. I heard a scream of a person in dire agony. I felt burning on my arm but it was my head that hurt the most. I was naked and I felt rough cords binding my body. I was captured but couldn't think of any reasons for this. The stimulation from my nerves was too great and I had to pull back from my senses just to think.

The relief was not there like it was before. The pain was muted enough to think but only just. My thinking was clouded and it was not just from the pain. There had to be some additional trauma to the brain.

I tried to remember what had happened last. We were in a fight but I could remember hardly any of it. I thought of the voices I heard and knew that it was the language of the Picts. The German tribes spoke nearly the same language and they could be understood. The Gauls were a large tribe and part of the Pict nation. The Gauls had been laying siege to Hildestun but stayed out of cannon range. We had come at them from the rear after working hard to prepare our escape route.

We had attacked the Gallic camp and killed warriors but probably many women and children too. We could have done much worse but our objective was to relieve the siege and to get the warriors to follow us. They had done so in great numbers. They fell into our traps and we used the cannon, mortars and bombs. I had no idea how many we had killed then but it had to be well over a thousand.

Pursuit had ended and we had gone back to Hildestun to see what we could do. I remember rain and a fight in the heavy fog but only vaguely.

I went over these last thoughts but could not wring any more information from them or my memory. I realised that I had been sleeping. This was the first time since the original few days in Jón's body. That time had been caused by magic more than drugs. He had been recovering from his injuries and that was probably what was happening now.

There was a sudden flare of pain that had me seeing red and even the images in my mind shrunk in size. I had to see what was going on but tried to suppress the sense of feeling while allowing just sight and sound. It didn't work that way and a lot more pain came in. Through chaotic movements of the head I saw Picts all around and one was holding a sword with a glowing end.

I could not understand the language and Jón was howling like an animal. "Jón, Jón. What happened."

I got no answer and no recognition that he had heard anything. I tried to move Jón's head but it didn't move. This could be from some sort of binding or because he would not allow me to do this. I tried the fingers and legs but again I could not tell because I didn't dare allow the sense of touch to tell me for I could not handle it.

There was little to learn and to tell the truth, I was afraid. I realised that when I was in Jón's body my sense of fear had been well under control. I didn't know if this was the work of the priests or possibly it was me not integrating well enough to the body. Fear had been muted in my youth and that was how I had been able to win at so many endevours. I simply was not afraid of failure. While in Jón's body this trait was even stronger as if I was just watching an exciting movie on television from the comfort of an easy chair in my home

The pain was excruciating and I tried to work on it as I did to gain control of Jón's senses. It centred on my arms, legs, face, mouth and groin. Being focussed at least allowed me to ignore part of the discomfort.

I was getting the pain to a more manageable level when it occurred to me that Jón may be killed as retribution for some of the deaths we had caused. When he died, I was positive that I would too. There was also nothing I could do about it.

Actions that could be changed I would try while those I could not would be left to later. I hid within Jón's mind and worked quickly to take apart the linkages that dealt with the ability to feel. I had tried so hard to build this before. It was only when I had severed of them completely, did I look out Jón's eyes.

His eyesight was poor and it was not just from the low light in the tent. I connected fully to the ears and was surprised to hear very little to the left even with my ability. The right was better but not a lot.

There were many voices and most of those were in pain. I suddenly worried how many of them were from our troop or the cadets. I strained to hear the voices but they all appeared to be Picts.

Again I tried to move Jón's head but this did not happen. I investigated the linkage that I had built over a few days and saw it still in place. After testing each of the strands I saw that they were just not working.

I studied what was before me and tested areas of our mind but could not find any place that reacted as it should. If there were a great deal of trauma to the brain then this could be the cause.

A new search was instigated and I soon found a great many red and white blood cells working in a very large area. I studied the damage and discovered that it was just not bruising but a foreign body was in the brain. After an indeterminate amount of time I found sixteen more.

Jón was wearing a helmet that would deflect some of the blow because I had to assume it was a spear or a sword stroke that had made him the way he was. If this were the case then the foreign bodies may just be bone fragments.

There had to be something I could do. It was a long time later that I found I could influence the flow of the blood and directed it to the smallest fragment. I had no way of measuring time but I saw the fragment get smaller but just a little.

Rather than go to the other sites I worked on this small area trying to learn all I could. I was getting fatigued and wondered why. I needed no rest and then had to attribute it to Jón's body craving food.

I opened the linkage to the eyes and found it dark once more. My vision was only fair. I knew that there must be more damage here to repair too. I listened to the slightly quieter camp and detected some Latin being spoken and had to assume this was why we had been successfully attacked. We were probably ambushed and I wondered why I had not detected them soon enough to use the cannons on them. Some men came near the tent and angry voices were heard but again I could not tell what was being said.

Before pulling my senses in I tried to contact Jón and it was as if he didn't hear me. The best I could do would be to heal the body and perhaps make a break for it.

The bone fragment was again my quest and it occurred that I could use the minerals I was removing. The area of the skull that was damaged was very large but then again my point of view was microscopic. The scull was pressing on the brain and I knew that there was a liquid all around it for protection.

A portion of the skin on the outside of the skull was simply not there. I changed my focus and studied the healing process here. Like the bone fragment, I tried to assist but most of the time I was hindering. Cells just grew and split slowly and all of this was covered by our DNA. I just did what I could and worked around the edge to try to get it to grow to a central location. I had no idea how far I would have to go but just continued my work

This area seemed to grow tired of the extra work and I went back to the bone fragment and worked on it until the same thing happened. I shifted to the next fragment and worked on the edges in a slow process similar to water wearing away rock.

The blood cells I used were being used up quickly and I looked for fat cells. I knew that muscle went first and I wanted to keep this for our escape. This search took up a lot of time and with little results. Jón simply was in good shape and had little fat reserves. I did start to map out his body a lot better.

I went back to the damaged areas and worked on them again then went on the hunt once more. I had been doing a great deal and though not tired I knew that a lot of time had passed. The blood had the right amount of electrolytes so I assumed that Jón was being fed and offered water. I had found fat around what I thought of as Jón's waist and buttocks but this was not significant.

On my travels I found a lot of damage from what I thought of as burns. This could have been something to do with the fight but probably more to do with the sword I saw being carried. Jón and I had been castrated. This should have been very traumatic but it was the least of my worries now.

My rounds now included a look at our situation. I saw few people that were not angry and pointing at Jón but most of the time there were nobody in the immediate vicinity.

I searched for Jón every time I surfaced but found the basic portions covering his heartbeat and breathing. Later I discovered the area covering personality and cognition. Part of this was damaged but Jón was not here. I tried keeping the hearing active while I worked but this slowed me down a great deal and had to just come out once in a while to check myself.

As I worked on Jón's body I found a great many more injuries. The burns were serious and in his case very extensive. This would lead to infection which I was now fighting on a limited scale because I was not sure of what I was doing. Jón had a broken leg and since it was fairly straight I had to assume a splint was on it. This also inferred that Jón was getting some kind of care.

At one time I caught sight of somebody leaving the tent and two armed men at the tent flap. They were Roman soldiers and I had to assume they were going to torture Jón to find out what he knew. Jón had access to my memories but may not be able to answer them. I had not found his personality. When I activated the sense of taste I could detect that food had passed his lips and some watered wine. I wondered how they had got Jón's body to cooperate unless they used a tube to force the food down but I could not detect damage from this feeding method.

When nobody came I went back to work. Jón's face was severely damaged but I only fixed the cuts and abrasions. Many of his front teeth were gone. A healed Jón may bring about more punishment than he would otherwise get or possibly an understated vitality.

My rounds now required me to surface more often but I would immediately go back to work if there was nothing interesting. It was this way that I found a girl looking at me. She was feeding me with a wooden spoon but stayed as far back as she could. Two of the Roman soldiers were very close and I didn't know if they were protecting me or the girls. It was a good chance that our facial features were very disfigured.

When more light came into the tent I could make out her features better and saw that she only looked like any one of the Pict girls that I had got Jón to settle in Victoria. I hope she was not a taken as slave from that group but could just as easily have been one of the girls from the Gallic camp we had attacked. She was just somebody that had to do an unpleasant task that the Romans didn't want to do.

I could not control the body yet but I had not tried very hard. If Jón was nothing more than a hindbrain then he would have to take the pain of the torture for both of us. I knew that if it were me alone I would eventually give everything I knew to the Romans. Only a fool thinks that they can take that kind of abuse.

Another time, I surfaced to find an old thin man turning Jón's body around and washing him with a rag. I got sight of Jón's legs and saw that they were quite thin. Either a long time had passed or I was taking a great deal of resources to speed up the healing.

Three of my cycles later I found that Jón was being carried in a stretcher of some kind. There was even an awning over my face to keep out the rain that was now falling but I could see nothing but some legs and a portion of the forest off to one side.

I heard only Latin now and wondered what they had done to get possession of Jón's body. It may be worth something to Clovis. If he could use magic to heal it once then he may be able to do it again. I was not sure if they would find Jón though.

As a test I started to connect the sense of feeling up again. There was still a great deal of pain but it was bearable for a short period of time. I wondered if this was what drove Jón's personality from his body. I was sure it was gone. I felt something like hobbles around Jón's ankles but they were not that tight. The hands were lashed to a piece of wood to make a handcuff of sorts. They felt plenty strong especially if Jón was getting thin and weak.

Feeling was muted and I went back to work. When the swaying of the litter changed then I could come out to investigate. Most of the bone fragments were gone now and skin covered the depression in the skull. The skin was now laying new bone in the depression as I removed it from the inside of the skull. I had learned that a lot could be done but only a little bit at a time and at many locations.

The litter stopped and I came to the surface. I was just in time for the litter to be roughly put to the ground and then I heard an angry voice through the pain that flowed through the body.

Men started to move around purposefully and I heard saws and axes working. I had to assume they were making camp for the night. It was an hour later that an old man gave me water and he looked like the one that had bathed Jón before.

This time I stayed on the surface and watched what was happening. Jón was focussed on the food and nothing else. I found that he ate like an animal. He was voracious and ate everything given him. He could not cut the food with his teeth but only chew it with the molars. Water was next and Jón was not that thirsty because his skin had sucked up some of the water during his trip. I knew now that he had not lost all his higher brain functions. Even acting like an animal required some very active thinking.

The old man cleaned up Jón and was not afraid to get near. His hands came up and inspected the face then slowly the rest of the body. Jón had shit himself and this had to be cleaned up but Jón just flopped on the ground as if he had little control of his own muscles.

Jón was rolled in a dry blanket and carried by two Romans into a tent. The Romans didn't like this but I could only tell by their tone of voice. I heard some mewing sounds and had to assume that they were from Jón himself. Perhaps there was more of him here than I had thought.

As Jón's brain healed my own cloudy thinking cleared up. With all the time on my hands I had come to the conclusion that the only reason it was not me that disappeared was that I occupied a different section of Jón's brain. The part he inhabited was the part that was damaged.

That night I worked again at finding a way to control Jón's body. I was worried because if Jón could not control it then there may be no way for me to do this. Around morning I had found a way to move my right index finger and this made me exceedingly happy. It meant that more might be controlled later.

Jón was fed the next morning but he didn't look at anything but the food around him. Water was brought and he drank thirstily and I could feel him panting for more like a dog. The man came back later and gave him what he wanted along with some pieces ripped from a crust of bread which Jón ate quickly. He never once used his arms or hands to assist himself. Jón apparently could control a small portion of his own body.

Jón was carried by two soldiers to a rough vertical log that had been a tree yesterday and put on his feet and in a squatting position. The soldiers left and the man talked kindly and in a moment Jón dutifully took a piss that hurt when it flowed. In a moment Jón took a dump. Jón's head was pointing down and I saw the most of Jón's penis had been taken too. A stitch was seen so someone had connected the urethra.

The soldiers came back later with a bucket and the man washed Jón while he was supported by their arms. It wasn't long after that he was wrapped in another light blanket and put back into the litter.

For a while I watched the activity but I could see only what interested Jón or perhaps it was just the way his head was laid. I went back to finding more than one finger to control.

Though I was busy healing our body, I knew I had to learn Latin. The old man's name was Iulius. I was not sure of most word meanings. The man was probably a doctor of sorts. He was kind and considerate and knew enough to move our body so there was no bed sores. He cleaned us too but used olive oil and rubbed this into the skin. When the man worked the oil around the groin Jón didn't respond mentally. I knew he could not physically.

The next day I had progressed to the right hand, the head and the mouth. That night when being fed I said, "Father." I was happy that I had Jón's language skills because it might have to come out in English. It was very weak though and I purposely didn't have Jón's eyes follow the man.

The man looked and thought then said in German, "Your father is not here my boy."

I closed our eyes now and feigned sleep. The man would be able to see a slow recovery and prepare for it. I hoped to be fed more too and a person regaining their health was more prone to get this when compared to a person that may die at any moment.

After the hand, the rest of the body progressed in an orderly fashion. I had found a lot more about the human body and could control the one I now inhabited after a fashion. This was only on a muscle by muscle basis and I was sure I could not walk because a great many things had to be considered to move this way.

I was still bound and the soldiers dragged us about but I did not attempt to use the feet so the Romans may not suspect something odd. It was better to take the abuse and the pain instead.

Iulius saw that my hands and arms could be used but I could not hold up a clay jug. He took off all of my bindings but I could not get much further than rolling out of my bed.

The next day Iulius came in accompanied by Lucius two boys. I had not seen their foster father around and I was surprised to see even the boys. With warfare now employing cannons, I had to assume they were going home. My destination could be anyplace. The boys took one look at me and hid behind the man. The Gauls must have done a good job and I was happy they had left the eyes alone.

I counted thirty seven days after the first. I spoke a few Latin words to the boys, Hirtius and Livius, with a guard standing near. My voice was very odd with the loss of the teeth. I had worked on this area and healed the gums. I examined the cells and found some that were different even from each other. I coaxed them to grow and I only hoped that some of them would one day be new teeth.

The man guarding the boys and I guess me too, didn't like this duty. I asked him things in Latin and he was forced to answer especially when Iulius was near. My Latin was still poor but it was improving.

The boys had overcome my ugliness and poor diction but the guard may not have or he was still angry at how we had killed so many Romans.

Iulius sounded out my knowledge of steel and especially gunpowder but I claimed to only remember the steel and a few other things. This never stopped him from trying to trick me or possibly it was to encourage me to remember. To be safe, I dropped all knowledge of Jón's family too. If the boy were to forget then he would not know too much. A person recovering though could remember some unrelated things now and again.

He asked about my family and when I claimed to not know, Iulius said that I was now the son of Lucius, just like the other two boys. I put a pleased expression on my face as if this was acceptable to me. In fact it was. I would get protection and access to information I would need later.

We came to a river with a sizable Roman fort on it. After some questioning I learned that it was the Luppia River or what the Germans of my time called Lippe. This went through the northern section of the Rhur valley and this was an important area for all of Germany.

Iulius questioned me extensively but I was claiming amnesia with occasional flashbacks. The man was familiar with this and knew that sometimes the memory came back. I was shown my armour and weapons but I looked at them with curiosity only. Three guards were nearby with hands on their swords but they didn't draw them. It was Livius that took the helmet and put it on then Hirtius wanted it. It looked like Iulius was sorry that his plan didn't work.

We stayed at the fort for three days and I always had an escort but I could not go far. Iulius got me some crutches and I used them for both show and to really help me move.

A flotilla of boats controlled traffic on the river and now more came to pick us up. Our group had numbered around a hundred would not all fit in the available craft. Each boat had two banks of rowers totalling twenty six. This left room for ten passengers. Five boats would take us then come back for the other half.

The two boys, Iulius and I were in the third boat of the first group. This boat had a lot of power with twenty six rowers. In an hour or so the boys had calmed down and I said to Livius, "I remember something that would be fun." My words were not clear because my lips had healed incorrectly.


"I see a picture in my mind of a metal hook. A loop at one end allows you to tie a horse hair to it. The other end of the hook has a point and a cut in it so the fish cannot escape."

Iulius listened to my words then repeated what I said but in proper Latin. I thought about the syntax and repeated this to him.

Livius was interested in my idea and said, "What good is that?"

"It is only good if you want to catch a fish."

Iulius said, "What does your hook look like?"

"I think I can draw a picture of it. I remember using a sheet of slate. If you use another piece of slate on this it will make a picture and a damp cloth will take it away."

"I can get some slate if you want."

"If you can get some for Livius and Hirtius too." I rubbed my temples as if to help push out a thought and added, "If a strip of wood were put around it then it would not break as easily if it falls."

"We can try that. Perhaps you could make some at the next fort."

"I remember how to make steel somehow but I don't think I can swing the hammer."

I talked to the boys an hour later after drawing a picture of the hook in the air. "Do you remember your families?"

Hirtius was the younger and just shook his head. Livius said, "My mother had long hair. She was nice to me but my father was hardly ever home."

I said wistfully, "I wish I knew my family. What colour hair did your mother have?"

That night we stayed at a permanent way station with a stockade already erected. I had to assume that it was still dangerous here for travellers or perhaps just for Romans. My gums were itchy and I was going to go through teething pains once again.

Another ship was coming upriver and pulled in with us too. I had repaired my hearing and heard my name bandied about. Most would not believe the amount of people I had killed but I was not proud of this either. Some thought that I was trying to fool Iulius, which I was. To make sure I didn't react when I shouldn't, I turned down my hearing in my left ear to almost nothing and only a little better to my right. The Romans were not stupid and nobody else was either. They were just not as educated as I was.

The soldiers would make a loud noise near me while another watched my eyes for my reaction. So far they figured that I was nearly deaf in one ear.

Iulius found a heavy nail for me and I pretended to think again but soon I was beating it cold into a long thin wire. With only poor tools I sharpened an end of the wire and welded it to the other end. A chisel cut this off but left a small portion for the barb. Iulius was always watching me and I got him to do most of the work under my supervision.

With a rock I took my time and sharpened it carefully. Later I cut it off and made a loop. Since there was going to be a fire kept all night, I took some charcoal from previously burnt pieces of wood and covered everything in clay. This went into the fire.

I had told Iulius that it had to stay hot all night and I was sure the guards on watch would be made to do this.

The boys and Iulius slept with me and though there were guards I felt close to the boys. In a way I envied Lucius even more.

I awoke early the next morning and went out to have a piss. The guard on duty was one that didn't like me but then again if I was the one that had killed almost an entire legion of his friends then this was understandable.

"Where do you think you are going?" he said as he drew his sword.

"To the wall to piss. I don't know why you hate me so much. I never did anything to you."

He had nothing to say but I went to the wall anyway. He could use the sword and say that I was trying to escape but I doubt if anybody would believe him.

My stubby member had changed too. It had healed but like my face I left it the way nature would have healed it. I encouraged some skin to grow long after I was crudely castrated.

On the way back, I fished the clay out of the fire and used a stone to break it open. Other men came by to watch and I got one to pour some water into a cup for me. The hook was reheated until the right temperature and I had a man use a thin dry stick to pick it up and drop it into the water.

I picked it out and tested its strength then smiled and gave it to the soldier. He flexed the wire a bit and said, "This is strong for iron. Is this how you defeated some of us?"

"Defeated? How could I fight you? You think I am somebody else."

"You lost your wits."

"I do not remember fighting anybody. I am hardly able to walk and you think I'm a warrior. I think it is you and the others here that have lost their wits."

The man didn't like this. He dropped the hook before standing and leaving.

I took the hook and used the stone I had used last night and put back the points the way they should. When I was done I woke up the boys and I said, "Let's wake up Iulius and go fishing?"

The old man was already awake and shaming. He got up for his own piss then supplied the horsehair I needed. The gates were opened and we all went looking for bait. I found a crayfish and this went onto the large hook then this was cast into the water to the length of our line, which happened to be only four metres. A two metre supple pole was used.

We waited for an hour with the boys taking turns holding the pole but we had to quit when breakfast was ready. With no fish we had to leave soon but the boys could use the pole later.

We came to the Rhine after travelling nearly a hundred and sixty Roman miles. The river had a great many twists and turns in it that made the route longer. There was not much to see because the banks looked like any other uninhabited river I had been on in my life.

We stopped at a fort at the mouth of the River. As predicted, I was the centre of gossip. I heard many saying that the feeble boy in front of them was unable to do what was credited to me. My looks were greeted with derision but there was nothing I wanted to do because this was great camouflage.

The Roman smith was as taciturn as the German variety and I had to get Iulius to do the fighting for me. I was not against Rome learning about steel especially when it had to be made in such small quantities. Rome still had to hold the empire together until it had to get them to share the burden with other races. Clovis still had the secret of gunpowder and cannon so Rome would tread carefully around him.

The smallest hammer was much too heavy and a smaller one was made by the smith for me. As payment I had the smith beating iron very thin in preparation for making steel. It would just have to go into clay until jars were made.

Hirtius and Livius looked on as I beat some metal into wire form then gave the work over to Iulius again. I made a dozen hooks of two sizes and two small treble hooks as well. With them were a dozen awls. These were necessary too, even if it could be used against us. These were all placed in clay while surrounded by charcoal.

I found that our boats had gone back upriver to fetch the remainder of our troop. This meant that we would be here for at least a few days.

I played with the boys and cadged some thin horse hide and some small pieces of hardwood. Iulius took a long time before deciding to give me a knife. I used it to make the handles for the awls. As usual I only did enough to show others and this was Iulius.

He asked, "What are you making now?"

"These handles will hold the needles for sewing leather." Iulius repeated my words in proper Latin and I repeated them. This was a good way of learning. I was not faking because my Latin was still very poor.

Again he asked, "How do you know this?"

"I do not know." I looked into his eyes while saying this or he would think it was a lie. "I see pictures and just make what I can remember."

When he was busy I got a small stick that had been burnt on the tip and I started to put down a pattern on two pieces of leather. There was more leather that could take the pattern in a smaller scale.

Same as Proeliator
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Hi all, my name is Kumar (original) 28yrs old from Hyderabad. This is my first story sharing in ISS. At First I would appreciate and thank ISS for this website where we can share our personal feelings widely. Let’s come to story this was happened with my lady boss 3 months ago. We were working in Govt sector in A wing and my fuck partner working in B wing in the same room, she got transferred from other place to my building. I got attracted towards her dressing and talking sense, I got...

2 years ago
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The Lonely Wife 7

Chapter 7When I got home Jack and Jenny were watching TV. “Hi Mom, what are we going to have for dinner?”“There is some chicken we can fix with some pasta. Perhaps you could get it started while I change clothes and clean up a little.”“OK, take your time I can fix everything for you.”I went upstairs and took off my clothes and touched my pussy which was sloppy with sperm and my own juice. Fuck what a mess. Suddenly the door opened and Jack came in. I was startled and jumped. Jack looked me up...

3 years ago
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The Interview

A few hours later. You find yourself in a room with 2 chairs, A dim light bulb, And a table. You look around and also see two women standing across the room in front of the door. "Ah. He's awake." The scientist looking woman says. "Cmon doc. Let's get this over with." The guard says to her. "Right." She pulls out a recording device places it on the table, With it whirring to life. And she takes a folder from the guard. "So let me clear some things up. We are the people from the SCP...

3 years ago
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TommyChapter 4

Author’s note: If you’ve been following the story so far, the first two chapters are essentially identical to previous postings in Community 3. I’ve moved them here. If you haven’t been reading, then this is little bit of a nice guy trying to be a nice guy, with a girl who’s taken a wrong path, but wants out. Tommy’s an engineer in search of a solution to a problem. Mimi’s the problem. Mimi’s turn: Tommy took me back to the shelter after the Saturday night bash. New one for me. I’ve never...

2 years ago
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The Office Mom

She may be nineteen years older than me, but she’s still the hottest woman I’ve ever actually met in person.  Her name is Janie, and her desk is about ten feet behind mine at work.   She’s short and petite, with fantastic legs and the most amazing ass I’ve ever seen.  Her blonde hair really stands out, but it’s far from the only thing about her that draws my attention to her.  She truly is the total package, with an amazing personality on top of her stunning beauty.  My favorite part of the...

1 year ago
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Lesley part 11

Lesley pushed herself back, into the luxurious leather seat in Robs BMW and closed her eyes. She wasn't tired by any stretch of the imagination, she just wanted to relive the last experience of there visit to the sex shop. Lesley's mind was running amok with all the explosive orgasms she had just had. While walking from the shop to the car both Rob and her were laden with all the bags of new underwear and some clothes that the girls had so kindly given her. Some ot them were really naughty, and...

3 years ago
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Dreams Ch 02

Instead I dreamed of a long dirt field. It seemed to go on for miles and miles. There I stood alone, the only similarity to my recent dreams of flowers and the adorable boy. In the air I smelled smoke and cinder. It made me gag, I nearly choked up my dinner. When I thought I was alone, I noticed that there were bodies, dead bodies, assimilating out of the thin air. I was crying again. Everywhere I looked there were dead bodies. Smoke and fog began to fill the area. Sadness filled and clogged my...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 96

Back in my office, I tried to get in to the paperwork, but it was hard going. Images of bouquets, a walk down the aisle, all the traditional trappings of a heterosexual church wedding swam through my mind. I knew of course that it was just a pipe dream, that it could never happen, but I loved the imagery nonetheless. Somehow, I managed to drag my thoughts back to what I was paid for, and ploughed through some mortgage applications. I'd been working solidly for over three-quarters of an hour...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Tutor In House

I used to have a lot of trouble with my math during my 11th and 12th classes. ( I was 18 at the time )So my mother decided to appoint a tutor so I could get better grades. It was my first day in the tuition. It was all formal and asked me about the topics where I was weak at. He told me that he would start the tuition from tomorrow and left. He used to take tuition in my first room where a table was centrally placed and we used to sit on the opposite sides on the table. The next day he came....

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Jaclyn Taylor Sierra Nicole Sex Lessons From Mama

Sierra Nicole and Brand Knight are getting it on when Sierra’s stepmom, Jaclyn Taylor, spies them. Instantly turned on, Jaclyn lifts her miniskirt to run her bare twat as she watches them. Despite her arousal, though, Jaclyn sees some room for improvement in the technique between the two, especially when Brad cums early and leaves Sierra hanging. Later, Jaclyn confronts Brad about what he did to Sierra. After hearing about what he did to her stepdaughter, Jaclyn decides that Brad needs to...

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Pinni Tho Suryakanth Dengulata

Na peru suryakanth vayasu 19 degree chaduvuthunnanu. Nenu vizag lo maa babai gari daggara undi chaduvuthunnanu. Maa pinni peru madhavi ( peru change chesanu) chala baaguntundi. Heroin soundarya laga bodduga untundi. Maa vansham lo nene chaduvulllo first vachchevadini kabatti andariki nenu ante chala istam. Andaru naatho chala close ga unde vallu. Maa pinni kuda naatho chala close ga move ayyedi. Maa babai pinni ki oka babu 5 years. Maa babai marketing business chesevadu. Month lo chala rojulu...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 556

With the hugs and kisses that went on all day Saturday, we said our final goodbyes and then departed for Morton Field. We were airborne by 2110 headed east for Portugal. The flight was to be five to six hours, depending on winds. I made the call to the Portuguese customs office at the Lisbon international airport that a state department delegation would be arriving with armed bodyguards as was protocol; the delegation would go direct to the US embassy. Then we did as we always did, reclined...

4 years ago
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Interlude 1477

Fourteen Sara is one of her ‘watercooler buddies’ at work. The woman is 2 or 3 years younger (it’s not polite for even a woman to ask a woman’s age!) than she is. They had known each other for a couple of years, and were fairly good friends. They certainly spent enough time with each other at lunch and an occasional after work happy hour to qualify as such. Sara had lost her husband suddenly 3 and a half years ago. A hereditary condition had claimed him. One minute he was alive and well, the...

3 years ago
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One Time Too Many

Have you ever had one of those days where everything you thought to be true turns out to be just a bunch of lies? You know, the kind of day where you lose everything, a day where you have to throw away your old life and start a new one. I had one of those days today. The funny thing about it was today was my birthday. It wasn’t funny in a humorous sense, where we sit around laughing jovially over some shared joke. It was funny in the weird, bizarre sense of “how in the hell would anybody...

1 year ago
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Tree House pt 1

Introduction: I meet up with a new friend while building a tree house with him Over the summer, my freshman friend Colt and I had literally no plans. We both had money left from previous summer jobs and didnt feel at all like working again. Colt was going into his sophomore year and I was heading into my senior year. This was our summer to relax and enjoy what little time I had left before I went away to college, and the little time Colt had before he would be sucked into Advanced Placement and...

2 years ago
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Aunt8217s House part 1

This is my first incestuous experience with my cousin Kavitha. I stayed back in Kochi for more than a month and was lucky enough to get to Kavitha aged 20 to begin with, to be followed by a few adventures with her younger sister Savitha who has just turned 18 this summer, before I got the opportunity of screwing their mother, my aunt Sarita rarring at 37. Without wasting any further time, let me straight away start narrating what followed after the wonderful night with Kavitha. Ever since I...

2 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 7 Thick in the Thicket

"So are we going to camp here?" Catherine asks in her usually snotty tone as we settle into the clearing. "Quiet." I snap and then whisper. "Listen to the woods." She gives me a curious frown but doesn't say anything. We sit and listen. Slowly the sounds of the wood lands penetrate my consciousness. Birds chirping and flitting about. Small creatures rustling about. Then ... They stop. Catherine gives me a surprised look. Next we hear motors. Large land vehicles drive by. Everyones...

3 years ago
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My first time with a girl Part Three

We’d already arranged a sleep-over for the upcoming weekend before the kiss in the park. I’d be over at her house with just her dad there too – Louise’s mum and sister would be off somewhere.As the day approached, I started to prepare myself for what I knew what would happen. It was more than a drunken meaningless kiss between us. I knew we were going to sleep together when we next saw each other.I watched some lesbian porn on the internet late at night, to see how they did it. Yes, I knew that...

2 years ago
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RedTails A Night Out A Night In Chapter 3

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter III : Penance, Passion, and a BathNow alone in the outer lounge, Frelic turned to his sister and gave her a smile that reflected a mix of pure unconditional love, and unbridled feral passion. "Now, my little tender hawk," he purred, "We have an appointment in the bed chamber." He clasped a leash to her collar, removed her tail belt, picked up the paddle, and led his pet sister through the door to the south.The bed chamber was just...

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"ELSIE" a transvestite fantasy by "cc" "It's sort of A Party," Paul explains, "A Week-end thing, on a lavish estate, with rooms for the Guests. Only you have to sign some sort of Release, and put down a Deposit to get a Room Key. And it's rather a Kinky scene; you know: Well-dressed Dominants, Slaves nude except for high heels and collars. It could get exciting!" You're not into that sort of thing, but you want to be there...

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bA Gift for Ava 2b

Ava hid in Mr Shultz’s closet waiting for his return, she knew that in 15 minutes he and Mrs Monroe always had their leadership meeting at this time on a Wednesday but this time it would not be quite so dull and boring. Her friend Abbey had been with Mr Shultz discussing a fundraising idea she had which Ava had suggested. Neither Mr Shultz nor Abbey had any idea it was a set up. Part way through the meeting Mr Shultz was conveniently called away urgently to deal with some unwanted intruders...

3 years ago
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My niece Debbiepart 2

What are the chances that I could finish in Debbie’s mouth without waking my wife? What if her hubby came looking for her? Before I had a chance to sort out the options, the sheets were suddenly pulled off, exposing Debbie sucking up and down on my cock. I watched in disbelief as my wife glared at me, and then my cock began to ejaculate in Debbie’s mouth. Her gulping sounds as she swallowed my cum seemed to infuriate my wife even further. “Honest honey, I woke up to this and didn’t know...

1 year ago
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FILF Kali Roses 8220Don8217t tell on me I8217ll do anything8221 8211 Stepsister Kali Roses Blackmailed

Featuring Tony and the amazing Kali Roses; Kali Roses is an angel to her parents. A studious girl whose future is brighter than a thousand suns. Kali is also a soon-to-be school dropout. Her grades are falling off uncontrollably. The reason is, she’s been skipping classes to go hang out with her friends and let’s be honest; she’s probably not doing it to volunteer at a shelter. She skipped school on a Monday so she could grab her report card right off the mailman’s hand...

1 year ago
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The Cycling HolidayChapter 7

Once again I woke in the middle of the night and I decided that this was because I wasn't used to sleeping with someone. We had obviously been a bit restless as, even though we were still close and facing one another, Mom's nightie was rucked right up and most of her naked body was pressed against mine. It was plain that she was not wearing panties under her nightie as I could clearly feel her pubic hair rubbing against me and one of my hands was holding onto her beautiful bare bum. One...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 17 Performing

They arrived at noon. I was shocked when I went outside. Beth was driving my car. She insisted on taking pictures of me posing across the front of the car. I was forced to smile and spread my legs wide. She was enjoying herself. We eventually left with me in the back seat. When we got out off town I was ordered to take the dress off. As we approached a truck I had to open the window and stick my head and breasts out giving the driver a big smile and shaking my breasts at him. I had to do this...

1 year ago
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Daughter becomes a Cumslave pt4

Lucy's mother cackled a wicked laugh as Mrs. Hammer lowered her dripping cunt toLucy's face. Mrs. Hammer's dress fell over the young girl's head as little Lucydove for the woman's cunt. Lucy attacked Mrs. Hammer's dripping cunt with avengeance. The bathroom was full of the sounds of sex.. Lucy's slurping, Mrs.Hammer's cooing, and Lucy's mother's laughter echoed all around the room."Ha, ha, ha...Yes Mistress!...Feed my little slut-daughter your cunt...Is mylittle girl being a good pussy-slut for...

1 year ago
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Other Colors Ch 67

Part 1 – Red (continued) Chapter 6 The train was at capacity with well-dressed men and women commuting back from work. Most drummed the glowing screens of their smartphones with their thumbs, or stared blankly out the cabin windows into the abyssal darkness of the tunnel. As hard as I tried to avoid making eye contact, I knew a few passengers nearby were staring at me. In a sea of grey wool and starched white cotton, my torn jeans, sneakers and paint-spattered plaid stood out indelicately....

1 year ago
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3 Gay Guys Part 6 A New Beginning

It was the first day of the 10th Grade. Everyone was extremely happy to see their friends and find their classes. I found Matt and Dom sitting at a picnic table in the courtyard. I joined them and we compared schedules. We had all the same classes except me(Honors Science, Honors English, AP Global) from this you can see that i was the smarter one out of my friends. So the first bell rang and we reported to homeroom where we were assigned lockers, All three of us put our lockers right next to...

4 years ago
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Office Fun

My dad wanted to me to go to the office with him. I was excited since one of my biggest turn-on is guys in business suits. We arrived in his office and I could see heads turning already. Wearing my usual cute but sexy outfits. Since my dad allows me to wear anything I want. I was just sitting in his office when he got a call to that his meeting was about to start. Honey do you mind staying here alone I’ll be gone for a while, I have a meeting to attend to. He told me and I replied I’ll be fine...

2 years ago
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NFL Combine Witchcraft

Ciar Marsh screamed, “Fuck me, nigga!”“Yeah! Take dis dick, bitch,” belted the 40 year-old, brown-skinned man.“Oh my god! Your dick is so good!”“You takin’ dis 10-inch dick, hoe!”“I love it!”“Yo’ faggit ass on point! Take it, bae!”“You like it, daddy?”“Hell yeah! I wanna make dat boipussy talk.”“Make it talk, nigga,” begged the five-eleven, slender bottom.The dude Ciar had only recently met after a night at a Mexican restaurant moved his hips from side to side. His massive tool loosened up the...

2 years ago
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Happy to be Used Pt 6

 Sir now knew I was his slut and would question nothing he told me to do. Though I presume this excited him, there is no way it excited him as much as it excited me.I was distracted every waking minute thinking about past experiences and future erotic scenes to come. I spent hours day dreaming and was masturbating at least four times a day. Every time I masturbated I shoved something up my ass.I worked endlessly on improving my feminine image. I spent all my time in feminine clothing at home...

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Heart of the MountainChapter 10 Heart of Gold

“Stop!” Iden shouted, the Paladins turning to look back at him. He had arrived just in time, one of the knights was pointing some kind of ornate spear at Isabelle, her massive body entangled in a shimmering net that looked as if it was woven from fine silk. They hadn’t been exaggerating their capabilities, they had defeated the dragon handily. Her burning eyes met his, but it was hard to gauge what she was feeling. There were two knights with crossbows standing near the entrance to the...

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BethChapter 109

December 20, 2017 [Written December 20-22] In all the excitement on Sunday, Heather was late sending out the competition text. As I wrote yesterday’s account, I realized that Thursday is tomorrow, so I am finally remembering to include it here: Competition parameters for 17-23 Dec: holiday festive but titillating. Liya woke me. Once I’d gotten my eyes to focus on her, I realized that she was asking me to scoot in. I looked at the clock in the headboard, seeing that it was only a half-hour...

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Sagarika 8211 The New Bride

I am 37 male, decent body ,fair 5’8″ but single…the predicament of my life was that I was about to get married and get married at an age where my peers already have a kid of 13 or 14. The girl was full of 34 so in one aspect we both were not so young and yet very young. We both I presume were not exhausted in life and looked forward to a lot many things that could happen as it rightly happens between couples. At the out start we can call it a wedding of mid age couples, howsoever very common...

3 years ago
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A Subs Recurring DreamChapter 2 reality bites

It was about three weeks after the exchange of emails where Charlady revealed her recurring erotic dream. A flurry of emails between Master Ray and herself had led to the chance of a weekend away together, for Charlady a chance to prove her dedication to becoming her master's ultimate submissive slut. Although they had never previously met, they both knew many intimate things about each other and the level of honesty and trust was unsurpassed. Master Ray knew the limits set by Charlady and...

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After school with sister

So my sister Tara and I have always been really good friends. I mean, we both have our own lives away from each other, but at the end of the day when we're both at home we're talking and laughing, and it just feels right. Just the two of us. We're a little more like roommates you could say, because it doesn't matter what we do or say around each other. Like whenever I get laid, the first person I tell is Tara, and she'll usually fire back with something like "Really? Was she hot?"And something...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 28

"What will become of me?" The voice was soft and barely audible and it was being spoken to no one in particular. The speaker was the Princess Samira. She was sitting by herself against the ship's cabin onboard the Windrunner. We were at sea again, heading north once more on our trek towards Izmir and the harbour there. No one was really paying much attention to her. It was my enhanced hearing that picked up her whispered words and alerted me to her worries. "I'll probably sell you and...

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Drifter McLeod Desiree

CHAPTER 1 Two unhappy years post-graduation spent working for his father in a small-town store dealing in rent-to-own furniture, appliances and electronics had convinced McLeod Jones he was becoming brain dead. His father refused to introduce innovations or allow McLeod to modernize the premises and at least half the customers resented dealing with Jones junior because of his young age, thinking he knew nothing. McLeod quit. His father shut himself in his office with a loaded shotgun,...

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Carly My ExGirlfriends Mom

Please comment on this story. I like a little feedback.This started back when I was in my early 20s. I was living with my girlfriend Michelle, who was 19. Her mom, Carly was 38. Carly was tall, about 5'9", and kind of big, about 200 lbs. She had longish, light brown hair,with light streaks that might have been the beginnings of gray, and an average face for her age. But she had nice, big, D-cup boobs and a really big and very round ass. Her ass cheeks looked like 2 basketballs side by side...

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Die missbrauche Witwe

Die missbrauchte Witwe Katarina Maier ist 36 Jahre alt. Sie ist 175 cm groß, hat braunes schulterlanges Haar, braune Augen und trägt eine Brille. Wenn man allerdings ihre Freunde fragt was ihr hervorstechendes Merkmal ist sagen die meisten sofort ihre Riesenbrüste. Seit Ihrer Pubertät hat sie BH-Größe DD/E je nach Schnitt. Diese hängen zwar altersbedingt etwas sind aber noch immer sehr straff und die Brustwarzen sind sehr empfindlich. Gerade kommen Katarina und die Familie von der Beerdigung...

2 years ago
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My name is Samit from Delhi. I’m 27 yrs tall, handsome with average body. My tool size is 8′ long and 3′ thicker. I m a very regular reader of this site and I think the stories here are really erotic and fascinating. I also thought of registering my true story for all of my ISS reader’s friends. This incident happened abt 6 to 8 months back. My sister got married to a well to do family in Delhi(NCR). Everything was going well and my sisters in-laws were very happy with my sister. She also...

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Business and Pleasure Seduced CD Pt 1

It was a late dinner with clients in Zurich and I had been traveling all nigh on the redeye. By the time we got to the after dinner drinks, my head was swimming and my Ferragamo tie was loose. It was that dizzy jetlag and booze high where everything feels right as long as it's moving along. My clients were all well-heeled bankers and I sat in the middle of a large banquette able to survey the whole room. At one point a very distinguished gentleman at a tale near us who was with his knockout...

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The Cruise Singer

My wife, Amanda and I have been married for a bit over thirty-five years. During that time we've gone from red hot lovers to occasional snugglers. The slow decline in our lovemaking is entirely her choosing. I don't force myself on her and the rare moments she wants to be intimate don't include intercourse. It's been extremely frustrating for me at times. I've come close to having an affair several times but when push comes to shove, I come to my senses and stop.The problem is within her...

Straight Sex
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A Fathers Bargain

"Huh?" I said, looking up from my plate at my daughter Sarah. "What's wrong, you haven't said anything in a while." She was right. We were having dinner together, which was usually the time we caught up and talked about our days, how work and school were, and so on. But tonight I was totally in my head. "Oh nothing sweetie. Just work stuff." This was sort of true. I was dreading going to work tomorrow as I knew what was coming. I knew they would be pushing the issue. I tried to...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Nina Elle Violet Myers Mom8217s Precious Little Girl

Nina Elle and her stepdaughter, Violet Myers, are enjoying a much-needed spa night. With Violet moving away for college soon, this is going to be their last spa night for a while, which means they’re going to pull ALL the stops. Nina wants to make sure Violet is all nice and radiant for the next big adventure in her life. That’s when Nina offers to give Violet a massage, but once she gets her hands on Violet, things quickly take a sensual turn. It looks like it’s time for THEM...

4 years ago
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A Touch of Death Ch 01

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Candice Kane had her trials: her name, her ex, and his new skank of a wife. That, she could handle. Then a dead body forced her to confront the family curse she’d hidden from everyone, the visions that plagued her if she touched...

3 years ago
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Real Amtrak encounter Part 1

This story is real and is my recollection of an event that happened in 2018. It may be long to read and some elements are not BDSM related or even erotic, but I have such a good memory of this trip that I wanted to write my recollection as a nice, complete description rather than skipping over the more vanilla aspects.Master had to go to St Louis for work and to visit family, and he decided I should go with him and that we would take the train, from San Antonio. I grew up in Europe (Germany,...

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Romantic Fuck With Husband

It was mid day and I was standing at my balcony, looking over the street. I was having my tea and all of a sudden I found someone standing beside me. I turned back and discovered that it was Alex , my husband. I told him , " Baby , you almost gave me a heart attack haha ! " He said that his office was closed that day due to some personal reason. So I proposed him for a long drive and he accepted readily. When I went to my bedroom, to change my clothes, he came near to me and said , " Oh ! Laura...

1 year ago
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Blacked Alex Blake Karmas A Bitch

Alex didn’t have a great relationship with her sister growing up. It’s not to so bad now, but a while back, her sister was dating Rob, and there was no secret that Alex had the biggest crush on him. Her sister would take every opportunity to rub it in Alex’s face. When she bumps into him by surprise, all the old feelings came flooding back. He has done very well for himself, and after exchanging numbers, she ends up at his place for a few drinks. Now its her turn to make her sister jealous....

2 years ago
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To Dance With Her Part 2 of 2

Over the next few days, the couple seemed to hit a rut on the dance floor. More specifically, August seemed to be regressing. It wasn’t a case of him not caring or trying. He was distracted and it showed in his constant stumbles, fumbled turns, and weak holds and lifts. “I’m sorry. Man, I’m sorry,” he said over and over. It was obvious he was tearing himself up. There was one particular move that was sticking him like a knife in the gut. After yanking Caleigh up against his body, one hand...


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