Betting On My FamilyChapter 4: Lights, Camera, Action free porn video

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I scrambled to throw on something presentable, and ended up coming downstairs in a nice polo shirt that went well with my new straight-leg jeans and Doc Martens. I checked my appearance in a rush and thought I looked good, but still very fifteen.

My parents were watching TV as I made my way to the door, but I pre-empted their questions by saying I was going to Drew's house. My dad had always been lenient with my freedom as long as I didn't screw up, so he simply said "Have fun" before unpausing their show. He had been very accommodating since I got the job. It felt good to know that he trusted me.

Which is why I felt a little guilty walking to the end of the street and loitering at the local Wawa, instead of going to Drew's, wherever he happened to live. After a moment, I remembered what Katie mentioned about her new heartthrob and deigned to peek inside, but a monstrous black SUV swung to a stop near where I sat just as I was getting to my feet. The passenger-side window rolled down an inch and I heard a voice from within.

"Benjamin?" A feminine voice called.

"It's just Ben," I answered.

"Ms. Ordon sent me. Please take a seat." I opened the passenger-side door and sat down next to a slim blonde woman wearing a black business suit with a short black skirt. Her strawberry blonde hair was pinned up high and she wore horn-rimmed glasses that gave her the severe appearance of a librarian or professor. She smiled at me cutely as I pulled the door closed and fastened my seat belt. "Clients usually sit in the back," she said.

I glanced at the backseat. "Oh, I'm not a client," I said, "at least I don't think so." I didn't know what I was at the moment. "Is it OK if I sit up here with you?" She was pretty and I liked being near pretty. "Nice to meet you," I added, holding out my hand.

She shook my hand, grinning at me like I was an idiot. "Suit yourself," she said, and pulled back onto the street. She told me that her name was Riley and that she was Ms. Ordon's personal assistant. She was the one who met weekly with Drew and Derek and spoke of them in a friendly tone.

"I usually don't function as her chauffeur, either," she said, obviously thinking it beneath her, " ... except in situations like this where discretion is important." And what the hell is this situation? I felt like a dirty little secret.

I would like to say that I was filled with excitement as we drove, but the feelings in my gut were more akin to anxiety and dread. I had no idea what Dana was going to say to me. I knew what I wanted her to say, that Derek was wrong and it was totally fine to fuck my neighbors for money, but I couldn't actually see that going down. It was more likely that she wanted to scold me and swear me into secrecy about everything to cover her ass. Whatever the reason, it quickly became clear to me that we were venturing off the beaten path.

I had envisioned Dana as ruling from a giant office in a skyscraper somewhere, but instead, we drove through the woods on a dirt road heading into the hills. Despite Riley's amiable chatter, I was starting to get scared. It was a very unusual situation for me and movies had taught me that places in the woods are where people get whacked. But after another turn in the road, a clearing opened up centered on a low grey set of buildings surrounded by parking spaces and ringed by a chain-link fence topped with concertina wire. She opened a sliding gate using a keycard and drove into the complex. Closer, I could see that the buildings were actually storage containers, like garages with rolling doors all stacked next to one another.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Just a little side operation Ms. Ordon uses from time to time," she answered. "She stores a lot of props and such here, as well as sets for her films."

"Bob & Grind Films?" I asked, remembering the company Triss had mentioned to Derek.

"Well look at you," she said. "You're not as clueless as Derek made you out to be."

"What'd he say?" I asked, but Riley shook her head.

"Forget I said anything," she said. "We try not to talk about employees with other employees. It's bad business. Besides, we're here." She pressed a button on the garage opener above her head and the rolling door on the right began to open. It was dark inside and I couldn't make out any details within.

"Where is here?" I asked.

She answered with a wink. "Your interview," she said. and pulled the SUV inside, turning off the ignition. The storage container was a large one. You probably could have parked 4 SUV's in there, if one side hadn't been set up to look like an office. The side of the room where we parked was bare, but the other half had a computer desk and across from it, a white leather couch. It was carpeted and well-lit from four freestanding construction lights. I counted five different cameras, all trained on the couch from different angles. At the desk sat Dana Ordon, tapping away on a laptop.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, shrinking in my seat. The rolling door behind us started to close, and I felt a sneaking sensation of claustrophobia creep over me.

"It's just an interview," Riley said.

"It doesn't look like just an interview," I said. "What's with all the cameras?"

"Insurance," she replied calmly, "But you really should just ask Ms. Ordon yourself." She gestured toward the couch. Dana was still seated, typing on her notebook. She hadn't even looked up yet. "Go," Riley urged, laughing. "You look terrified but it will be fine, you'll see." I stared out the window at the harsh lights and waiting cameras. I didn't want to get out.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"In a minute. Now go." She unbuckled her seat belt and reached across my lap to pop open my door. Her suit tightened with the stretch and I could tell that she had an alluring figure underneath it. She also smelled like heaven. "Go." She gave me a playful shove and I stumbled out the door.

Dana finally looked up. "Hello Ben," she said softly. "I trust the drive was pleasant?" Her face was lean and perfect, all straight lines and sharp edges. Her eyebrows were dark and precise, her lips red and voluptuous. She wore a dark jacket over a dark blouse, every button buttoned, every stray thread long since eradicated. It must have taken her forever to get ready in the morning.

She pointed to the couch. "Please have a seat." I didn't know what to think so I found myself doing exactly what she said. I walked closer and stepped inside the circle of lights. Before, I had been concerned, but right then, I was frightened. Every muscle in my body was vibrating with fight-or-flight, and I felt an urge to bolt for the door.

However, I was also curious, and just beginning to get a glimpse inside this secret, nefarious, adult world, and neither Dana nor Riley appeared immediately threatening. I knew I was in way over my head, but there was no imminent danger, so I approached and sat down on the couch.

I could barely see Dana behind the spotlights blinding me. "I apologize for the brightness," she said. "Most people don't realize how much illumination is required to obtain a clear picture. Let's begin."

"Why are you filming me?" I asked. "What is this?"

"I'll ask the questions," she said. "For the record, what is your full name?"

"Benjamin Rutherford Fairchild."

"And your current employer?"

"Saul," I said, "err ... Sunnyside Pool Cleaning."

"Your sexual orientation?"

"I ... what?" The question caught me off-guard.

"Do you like boys or girls?"

"I'm heterosexual," I said.

"And your age?"


"Do you know what age is required in the United States to legally give consent?"


"Perfect," she said. "Moving right along." She asked me the names of my parents and then my address and then the names of my sisters before I refused.

"Why are you asking me this?"

She stared at her computer screen. "Your stepmother is Babette Franklin, and your stepsisters, from youngest to oldest, are Alexis, Bridget, and Sylvia. Your real sister is named Kaitlyn, and your mother left when you were ten." The mention of my mother stirred me up inside but I said nothing and made my face impassive like Derek's.

"I already know the answers to these questions, Ben. I'm simply recording your responses." Her eyes flashed from the computer to me. "I'm a very careful woman, Ben. I like to be sure about the people who work for me."

"But why? I clean pools."

"Wise up, Ben. Do you really think I'd be going through all this trouble if I wanted you to clean pools?"

"I ... I thought you were angry with me, or you wanted to explain about Derek or something."

"Forget about Derek," she said. "This is about you, and you alone." She turned back to her computer. "And I'm not angry with you. Not yet, anyway. Just answer the questions."

She continued drilling me for another ten minutes and I had less and less of an idea what to think. She asked me where I'd lived in the past, the names of dead pets, my favorite color and music, what qualities I admired in others, names of previous friends, teachers, and schools, information pertaining to my academics and athletics, and even whether I preferred blondes or brunettes. And then she started to question me about sex.

How old were you when you first watched porn? How old were you when you first had an erection? Does oral sex interest you? Does anal sex interest you? And, of course, are you a virgin?

The questions she asked were incredibly personal, but I inexplicably found myself answering each and every one to the best of my ability. Something about the lights and the cameras made me want to tell the truth, and I even found myself rambling a few times after starting down some tangent to her queries. Strangely, after a few minutes, I started to feel better for admitting to things for which I might otherwise be ashamed - finding my sisters attractive, for example. I almost felt like I was talking to a therapist instead of a ... whatever the fuck Dana was. When the virgin question finally came, I didn't even feel self-conscious, and answered truthfully.

"You've never had vaginal sex?"


"How about oral or otherwise?"

"No." I had liked a lot of girls from my past school but I never had the time or the guts to ask them out.

"Good," she said, and for the first time, she smiled. A radio sat on the table next to her and she raised it to her face and held the button. "Riley. You can come out now."

The car door opened, the sound surprising me. With all the questions and cameras, I'd forgotten she was still in the room, but I guessed that was the point. She strolled across the room on her stiletto heels and stopped in front of Dana's desk. She clasped her hands in front of her and looked at the ground.

"Do you find my assistant attractive, Ben?" My heart started pounding. I wasn't sure where this was going but I felt as though I'd reached a precipice of sorts, and everything was about to change. I dodged the subject.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Dana sighed and took off her glasses, placing them on the desk. In the dark, her eyes shone as brightly as the spotlights.

"Ben, listen to me. I know I'm asking a lot of personal questions, and I know being honest is often difficult. However, honestly is absolutely essential from those I hire. I'm not your enemy and I'm not your friend. What I am is a woman who is interested in perhaps making you a lucrative offer."

She glanced at Riley who still stood, hands together, eyes on the ground. "I'm offering you more money, Ben. Lots more. I'm also offering sex. There are a number of wealthy women nearby who'd put up a small fortune for an afternoon with a handsome young man like you."

"But why?"

"I don't know," she said. "People are funny. Maybe because you're so young, or maybe because it's naughty. Regardless, I don't ask. I just facilitate. If you'd like this opportunity though, I need something from you first."


"Trust. That's all. The questions are almost over but I need to ensure that you are physically able to perform this job. So trust me, and answer the question. Do you think Riley is attractive?"

"Yes," I said quickly. I may have been confused or unsure about other questions, but of this I was certain. She still stared at the ground but a hint of an upward curl appeared at the edges of her lips. "She's beautiful," I admitted. I felt myself blushing but I couldn't help it, anymore than I could help the hardness growing in my jeans.

I didn't trust Dana. Despite her words and assurances, being around her made my fur stand on end. Something deep and instinctual warned me to be wary around her. At the same time, I was getting a very different feeling from Riley. I had found her lovely before Dana had objectified her, and as I ogled her curves, I felt more and more like my libido was usurping control over my decisions.

"Alright," Dana said. "Stand up." I did and Dana stood as well. She walked around the desk and started to examine me as if I was a prize dog. She told me to spin around and I did, feeling ridiculous.

"Take off your shirt," she said. I stammered in response and froze up.

"My shirt?"

"Ninety percent of this job is looking good, Ben. I need to make sure your body is up to par." She looked at me expectantly and I fidgeted, locked in anxiety. "For crying out loud, Ben. It's just a shirt. Tell you what I'll do. For everything you take off, I'll have Riley remove something as well. Would that speed things up?" Riley stepped forward to stand at Dana's flank and raised her eyes to me, mouthing the word "relax."

Relax, I thought. Got it. I shook my hands loose and pulled my shirt over my head before holding it out in front of me. Dana took it and tossed it onto the couch behind me.

"Good," she said, reaching out and squeezing my bicep. Her fingers gave me goosebumps. "It looks like you already work out. Keep that up." She moved me forward a few paces by prodding, and then walked around to inspect my backside. "Yes," she said. "This will do." Then, "Fair is fair, Riley. Remove your blouse."

Obediently, Riley shrugged out of her jacket and folded it before laying it across the desk. I was unbelievably nervous, but Dana's idea was effective. As Riley slowly unbuttoned her blouse and coyly smiled at me, I was entirely focused on her and not at all upon my own timidity. I felt Dana's fingers tickling my shoulder blades as Riley's chest came into view button by button.

Her breasts were larger than I had thought. They hadn't made a large swell under her jacket, but as the buttons came undone, they revealed full heavy breasts encased in a white lacy bra. I knew by then that girls had ugly bras and nice expensive bras and this was definitely the latter. Damn, she looked good.

The unbuttoning complete, she tugged the shirt tails out from her skirt and slid it off of her shoulders, laying it to rest beside her jacket. She paced back to me, purposely landing heavily on her heels to jiggle her breasts for me. I was barely conscious of the long swollen cock throbbing against my pant leg or of Dana, who stood beside me staring directly at it.

"So I know you've probably measured it," Dana said. "So. How big are you?" I could barely hear her. Faced with Riley's overpowering tits, I felt as if I was underwater. My eyes were fixed upon the lacy white contours of the bra, and at the plump soft flesh sequestered within. It wasn't that the bra was revealing - Triss's bikini actually displayed more - it was because it was a bra, a feminine mystery only glimpsed by men under certain intimate conditions, most of them sexual. It was forbidden for a boy my age to see an adult woman in this state, and that only made it hotter.

Dana snapped her fingers in my face, shattering my dreams. "Focus," she scolded. "Your cock, Ben. How big is your cock?" She was right; I had measured it. Every guy has.

"Seven and three quarters inches," I answered. Riley giggled and even Dana smiled at the response.

"Very precise," she teased. "Go ahead and take off your pants." I nodded. I knew it was coming. I reached for my belt buckle only to suddenly realize, with horror, that in my rush to get out of the house, I'd neglected to put on briefs.

"Umm, I'm not wearing any underwear," I admitted.

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Trying out my new digital camera

It was a normal birthday for me. The weather was wet and horrible, and I came home to an empty house. It was Friday, 5pm, and I knew my Mother would be home in a few minutes. Hopefully with the present I had asked for. A new digital camera. I had gotten interested in photography and cinematography a few months earlier, fascinated with capturing images of beauty in anything and everything.Unfortunately, my Father was away on business for the whole week, so was going to miss my birthday. So, just...

4 years ago
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Smile For The Camera

Sitting at his desk and reading what must have been his 500th email of the day, Spencer heard a light knock at his office door. Looking up he was greeted by a lovely, smiling face attached to much better than average body on a woman he didn’t think he knew. More than happy for the interruption and pleased that it came from a female he said, “Hi. Come in, please.” She stepped inside and appeared to be a little embarrassed, but said, “Hi. I’m Kate.” She paused a few seconds before adding, “I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The CameraChapter 4

Marsha looked at Korian’s peasant blouse that was so low she could see the upper part of her aureoles and the deep cleft between her firm young breasts. She looked to her right and was blown away by Margaret’s huge breasts. She knew neither of them were wearing bra’s. The three womens breasts seemed to defy gravity as they leaned back on the park bench. Marsha unbuttoned her white blouse and tied the tails together tightly under her breasts. Bobby snapped her as she exposed her chest above...

3 years ago
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The CameraChapter 17

“I see Mariah, Amelia, Mindy, Lisa and Cheri all waiting for me over there. Let me out here Beth, and I’ll see you tomorrow morning ... today was a blast and I really enjoyed spending it with you.” “I really enjoyed being with you too, Bobby Joe. I’ll get Colin to come to the library, and meet you. Bye Sweetie,” Beth said, as he gathered up his bags, threw them over his shoulders, and walked over to where the girls were. They were dancing, grinning, and laughing, as he walked toward...

3 years ago
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The Camera Loves Me

I become a porno star. You should know that I’m neither a recovering nymphomaniac nor an amateur easy-after-a- few-drinks-take-me-home-and-have-your-nasty-way-with-me nymphomaniac. Instead, I’m an ardent, unabashed, full- fledged, let-it-all-hang-out, celebrating, practicing, sucking, fucking, raging, roaring, whoring nymphomaniac. Mrs. Goddard looks very different out of her lacy see- through chemise and back in her librarian’s glasses, a simple navy blue dress with Peter Pan...

2 years ago
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Mindys Christmas Camera from her Dy

It is a few weeks after Christmas and you get to be the fly on the wall as Mindy plays with her new Christmas present from her male parent!!! She decides to take some pictures to show her appreciation, but what subject would be suitable....? Become the fly on the wall in her bedroom before her male parental figure comes home from work and see what she has planned to share with him to express how pleased she is with his...

4 years ago
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George raised the XMAH camera to the window. He nestled back against the crook of the window with the light brown curtains at his back. There was a streetlight just outside the window but it didn't bother George. It was just off to the side of where he was half sitting on the inside window frame, but the brilliance of the bulb gave him complete obscurity from the street and the passing punters as they came down the hill towards the town. He could see a girl approaching now, on the...

2 years ago
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The CameraChapter 2

“Mom, we’re home.” Korian called out as they came blowing through the back door, full of news and full of hope. “Here in the kitchen, come give me a hug.” “Hi, Mom, look what we got today.” Bobby Joe said, as he showed her the camera hanging around his neck on the expensive embroidered strap. “Bobby Joe, that looks like a very expensive camera you have there, how in the world did you manage this?” “Mom, we went to Mr. Muller’s Pawn Shop, over on Walnut Street, and he had this beautiful...

4 years ago
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The Camera

In the mid-nineties, on a foggy winter morning I along with my wife arrived at Amritsar. We wanted to visit the Golden Temple and Wagah border gate closing ceremony. I was working in Indian Air Force and was moving on transfer from my place of posting at Srinagar. Before joining in my next place of posting at Air Force station, Bagdogra, we had decided to visit the Golden Temple. Upon reaching Amritsar, we directly went to the Golden Temple. There were free lodge and board facilities. The...

4 years ago
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The Camera

The Camera When I saw the sun glint off a bright shinny object I bent down and picked it up. It was a camera and a pretty good one too at fourteen mega-pixels. I slipped it in my pocket and kept walking home from school. I forgot about the camera until two days later on a Friday. Mom and Dad went out to the movies for their date night and I was looking for something to do. That was when I remembered the camera. I popped the SD disc into my computer and accessed it. There were...

2 years ago
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The CameraChapter 3

Bobby Joe awakened covered in sweat. The camera was lying next to him on the pillow, warm to his touch as he now placed it on the nightstand. He stripped off his wet boxers and let them drop in the floor ... his young cock was swollen, red and throbbing. He threw his sheets back to dry and grabbed a light blanket, along with his camera, as he headed to the couch to sleep for the rest of the night. Bobby awoke when his Mom came into the living room to find him, when she had peeked into his...

1 year ago
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My camera

Note : This story is totally fictional! Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest friends were on the ball team so the coach held them at school for extra practice. He realized that the championships were getting close but that sure messed up the day. He was thinking about his new car while driving home. His dad had gotten it for him a few weeks ago for...

5 years ago
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Lights Camera

Andrea made her way down the stairs juggling the full laundry basket. Even though she was rewarded an unexpected day off work with pay, the real work of household, husband and two sons never seemed to end. She pushed by the weed-whacker and managed a good hip-check on the street hockey net stored outside the laundry room.She sorted through the laundry, separating the whites from the coloured. She shook her head at the quantity of sport socks and underwear her boys went through on a bi-weekly...

4 years ago
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Camera slut part 1

“I’m sorry darling, but your pressie hasn’t arrived, I brought it online……..sorry.” I said.“Don’t be silly, look here’s your’s.” Dan said.I gave my husband a hug, pressing myself against his chest, and felt the predictable reaction in his crotch.“Come on Mum, open yours,” Suzie yelled.I broke away, reluctantly. Then I opened the parcel. He stood there smiling. As I opened it, so our son, Mike snapped away with his new camera. It was underwear of course. But this year, he’d out done himself, and...

3 years ago
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Trying out my new digital camera part 3

My Mother and Catherine remained on their knees. Kissing and fondling each other. Clearly having lost total sexual control with the heat in the room. I could see the sheen of mine and Sean's cum still on their gorgeous breasts. Their expensive hair styles matted and wet, with a mixture of sweat and their son's jism. Watching them both kiss deeply, Catherine holding my mother's sexy naked arse and my mother massaging Catherine's erect mature nipples, it became obvious that my erection was there...

3 years ago
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The CameraChapter 16

“Hurry, Beth,” Bobby Joe said, as he locked the door. “Fuck me, Bobby Joe. I have wanted your fat cock all weekend,” Beth said as she pulled up her skirt and sat on the edge of the conference table with her bare pussy showing while she unbuttoned her white starched blouse to expose her firm high-riding breasts to her teenage lover’s eyes... Bobby Joe stepped completely out of his pants and took his shirt off after laying his camera on the table near her sexy buttocks. He rolled a condom...

4 years ago
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Camera of Change Beginnings

I have found myself getting rather bored with my usual games. You can only alter the universe so many times before growing tired of it. So I think I'm going to take a nice long vacation, some place far away where nobody can find me. In my place I shall leave this delicate little toy of my own creation to do my dirty work. A nice looking camera, almost professional looking, infused with my powers. For every time it is used, may whoever's image be captured, it shall alter into what they...

2 years ago
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Shanghai a Camera and a Blow Job

“Where are you going?” “Shopping.” “Shopping? What do you want to shop for?” “Well, it’s been a while since we bought anything for the ‘tickle trunk’. I thought it would be fun to find something new for me to wear. Besides, I’m in a mood to be a model again.” My grin betrays my pleasure. “May I join you?” In a short time, we are walking down one of the main shopping streets in Shanghai. As we pass a lingerie shop, “Wait! Have a look at this!” I stop and you point out a bra and panty set in...

3 years ago
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Mavis And The Camera

MAVIS AND THE CAMERAIn the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point:My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Girlfriend Bathing And Recorded In Hidden Camera

Hi Guys, This story is about a girl who was from CG; she studied in Bangalore MBA college. Can’t tell you the name and college, she was Sindhi and was a fucking hot chick of college with damn good attitude. She was very proud about herself. Every boy of the college wanted to touch her once or see her assets. We met in CG and she became my gf, I just kissed her and touched boobs for 1-2 years. Then she moved to Bangalore and I moved to some other city, I went to Bangalore to meet her couple of...

3 years ago
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Shanghai a Camera and a Blow Job

“Where are you going?” “Shopping.” “Shopping? What do you want to shop for?” “Well, it’s been a while since we bought anything for the ‘tickle trunk’. I thought it would be fun to find something new for me to wear. Besides, I’m in a mood to be a model again.” My grin betrays my pleasure. “May I join you?” In a short time, we are walking down one of the main shopping streets in Shanghai. As we pass a lingerie shop, “Wait! Have a look at this!” I stop and you point...

4 years ago
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Trying out my new digital camera part 2

Over a month had passed since my photo session with my mother. Immediately after the session finished, we had viewed the photos of her posing, undressing and finally 'simulating' sex acts with me. Neither of us spoke a single word as I scrolled through each individual picture. It was a wildly arousing situation. My mother was sitting beside me, in a second office chair in my room. She was wearing a white towel dressing gown and had removed her stockings and shoes. Sharing the experience of what...

3 years ago
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Mavis and the Camera

In the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point: My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not have the new...

3 years ago
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Nudie Camera

Nudie Camera Dad had bought me a very expensive camera for my sixteenth birthday. He knew how much I liked photography and that I was in the photo club at school. I was even on the Yearbook Staff. It was one of the latest digital cameras on the market and used multi-millions of pixels. It even used real interchangeable lenses and he got a couple of them to start me out with. I took pictures of my beautiful mother and of my even more beautiful sister Genevieve. At seventeen years...

4 years ago
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The Lost Camera

Philip Johnson Chapter One Her phone rang and when it’s picked up I say, ‘Hi Jennie, it’s Alex. ‘Alex, how are you?’ ‘Almost as good as I’m likely to get. I called to see if you would like to spend the afternoon with me and since its July and hotter than hell, I thought we could rent a pontoon boat, have a picnic and maybe take a swim in the lake?’ ‘Do you mean today?’ ‘Yeah, sorry it’s so last minute but I was supposed to work overtime and they cancelled it.’ ‘I probably can but...

2 years ago
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The Camera Club

The camera club is just a group of guys who live in the neighbourhood. We meet up once a month for a few beers and to share and discuss the photos we are all most pleased with from the weeks in between. There is nothing serious about us, just a bit of fun. The club consists of Bob, 38, and at 5'9" and 15st a bit on the chubby side with a white complexion. Then there is Mark, the youngest at 22, he works out, and around 5'8, dark hair and fairly dark skinned. Then there is john and Paul, twins...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Dominated by the Camera

Kara bit her bottom lip nervously as she approached Amy's house. It was late Friday evening and the sound of her feet striding along the sidewalk seemed to be the only sound in the usually busy town. Even the black sky above seemed to be casting an ominous tone on the events ahead. Kara was a stunning twenty three year old with straight raven hair that cascaded down each side of her face and rested gently on her shoulders. Her emerald colored eyes were offset by a pair of luscious ruby lips...

1 year ago
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Camera men

Me and Ann have been looking for a camera man to film us its been our fantacy for a while. She wanted to be blindfolded while being filmed. Anyway we had gone away for the weekend and booked into a hotel. I had told Ann i had bought are camera and blindfold and was going find us a camera man to record us and was she up for it she agreed . Anyway we decided go for a drink Ann dressing in her black little dress stockings and high heels. we had a couple in the hotel then decided to go into town....

3 years ago
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Camera slut part 2

I sat with Suzie in the back of the taxi. The taxi that was taking me to meet Baz, Mikes friend. She’d explained that we needed to go to a proper photographic studio to do the pictures that her Dad wanted. The naughty pictures. Naughty and dirty. It wasn’t a part of town I wanted to be in, let alone my daughter. Mike had gone ahead, taking various clothes that I would need for the shoot. Baz was older than I’d expected, in his forties. He was small, with one of those ridiculous pony tails...

2 years ago
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Camera slut part 2

I sat with Suzie in the back of the taxi. The taxi that was taking me to meet Baz, Mikes friend. She’d explained that we needed to go to a proper photographic studio to do the pictures that her Dad wanted. The naughty pictures. Naughty and dirty. It wasn’t a part of town I wanted to be in, let alone my daughter. Mike had gone ahead, taking various clothes that I would need for the shoot. Baz was older than I’d expected, in his forties. He was small, with one of those ridiculous pony tails that...

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