A Paladin's TrainingChapter 15: Morgai free porn video

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“And so, the Sunblade fell, tempted to darkness and drawn from the light,

And the Order would crumble in the wake of his betrayal.”

Excerpt from “Light and Shadow,” by Maigan Ezra.


Frantic shouts and clashing steel echoed down the gleaming halls of polished stone as Palavus cut down yet another brother taken by the Darkening. The fighting had been going on for hours and the whole Temple was a scene from a nightmare; brothers and sisters of the Order of Aros murdering each other in their sacred home.

Tears streamed down Palavus’ cheeks as he watched the robed Paladin fall to the ground, eyes already glazing over. His name was Emry, and they had fought side by side countless times over the past five hundred years.

Palavus felt nothing but intense sadness and despair, only heightened as yet another Paladin engaged him, this one a woman, carelessly stepping over Emry’s corpse with her sword raised threateningly.

She had been truly beautiful, Delya, before the madness of the Darkening corrupted her. Now, her pretty, slender face was twisted with a dark rage, and she screamed wordlessly as she struck at him again, and again. Delya was garbed as Emry was, in the traditional transparent robe all arohim and Servants wore, and so too was Palavus; the fighting had begun in the night, and he’d only had time to snatch up Eternal before joining the fray.

Palavus had been wielding a blade more than thrice as long as Delya had been alive, and she was no match for his skill. His chest was gripped with sorrow for what felt like the hundredth time that day as Eternal found her heart. He made it quick, as he had with Emry; there was no need for them to suffer.

Delya’s corpse crumpled onto Emry’s, a pool of blood quickly spreading around them in a grim halo.

Damn the Sunblade for this! It was bad enough, the man falling to darkness, let alone taking the whole Order down with him!

Palavus prayed to Aros that he found Darius before the Priests did. His former apprentice had much to answer for. Very much.

Leaving the two corpses behind him, Palavus trotted down the hall, following the sounds of the fighting, his bare feet slapping the smooth stone floor.

The chaos had come so quickly. First, news of Sunblade’s disappearance, along with a woman soldier he’d rescued from the battlefield. Soon after, all of Sunblade’s numerous meldin – arohim, Servant, or otherwise – had begun to change, their hearts becoming dark, angry, and violent.

In turn, those melded to any of Sunblade’s women felt the same shadow fall over them, which then fell over their own meldin, and so on, spreading through the Order like an infectious disease.

By a miracle of Aros, Palavus and Darius did not share any meldin, which was remarkable considering the sheer number of women Palavus had melded over the years. He could feel all four-hundred and seventy of them, even now, scattered across the world, going about their lives.

Some members of the Order had considered it ridiculous to meld so many women, but Palavus had never cared to place limits on himself. If the woman was willing and true of heart, why should he not share his vala with her?

Rounding a corner, he came across High Priestess Amina – thankfully untouched by the Darkening – stark naked and defending herself against three attackers, all men. She glided smoothly among them, her blade finding it’s mark with each elegant swing.

Even before Palavus could move to aid her, the men were dead, and Amina turned to regard him, not a scratch on her flawless pale skin. She was possibly the most gorgeous woman Aros had ever created, her beauty shining despite the sorrowful expression on her perfect face.

About a hundred years ago, Amina and Palavus had spent a night together, one that he would never forget even if he lived another milennia.

She ran to him as soon as she recognized him, throwing her arms around his neck and weeping into his shoulder.

He caressed her silky golden hair as he held her, knowing exactly how much pain she must be feeling, for he too was already far past heartbreak.

“We can’t save the Temple, can we?” Amina sobbed, stepping back to wipe her eyes with one hand, her slightly curved blade still clutched in the other.

Palavus had already accepted this truth. “I don’t believe we can, beautiful,” he said gently. There were already too many fallen, too many corrupted. He had no idea what state the other Temples were in, but this one was lost.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded, some of her composure returning. “I will go into hiding, Palavus. I would suggest you do the same. If the Darkening has spread this fast, we need to be as far away from it as we can.”

The last thing Palavus wanted to do was abandon what was left of his beloved Order, but the High Priestess spoke true. She always did.

Nodding, Palavus took Amina’s hand and led her through the halls, keeping an eye out for any brothers or sisters in need, but sadly, they found none, only corpses, or more Darkened souls they had no choice but to kill.

***RODRIC EAMES – Lord Captain Commander of the Heralds of Dawn, Maralon, Ekistair***

“So, you begin to realise why this city needs us,” Eames said patiently as he stood before the five members of the Council of Maralon.

They had resisted his requests for further powers previously, until he’d brought them the news that three of his men were dead; killed by two seemingly harmless women that had been in Herald custody.

Now, finally, the Council had begun to see the importance and urgency of the matter. Eames had been visiting with them weekly in attempts to convince them that the Order of Aros could rise again, and right under their noses, but they had not listened until now.

“As I have spoken of before,” Eames continued with disciplined patience. “The first Heralds were the folk who rose up to quell the Order when the Paladins turned rabid, finally showing their true colours. Without the Heralds, the world would surely have been plunged into darkness.”

The Council exchanged concerned glances with one another before Marrin spoke. She was the oldest and most astute member of the Council, with austere features, grey hair up in a bun, and hard blue eyes. Marrin had been the most difficult to deal with, and while all members of the Council were equals in power and authority, the others usually followed her lead.

“It would seem,” Marrin began, her voice hard. “That we are left with little choice, Captain Eames.”

A rare smile threatened to touch Eames’ lips, but he suppressed it.

“Under normal circumstances, murders would be investigated by the City Watch, but as this particular crime affects your jurisdiction, you will be granted temporary martial powers,” Marrin continued. “Including command of the City Watch, until you find your fugitives. While we are loath to go to this extent, we also cannot abide murder in Maralon, of Herald or otherwise.”

“Maralon also remembers the Herald’s sacrifice, Captain Eames,” added Aegin, a portly, grey-bearded fellow on Marrin’s left.

Maralon had once held an enormous Grand Temple of Aros, which had been the first one to be razed to the ground. The first Heralds – Eames’ ancestors – had built Maralon atop the ruins of the Temple, as a statement to the world that the Paladins no longer held sway.

Aegin was one of the few who had always remained true to the Heralds; much of the world, in the past three hundred years, had forgotten about the Heralds, and Herald numbers – at least until recently – had dwindled, but Eames would make sure they remembered. They would all remember.

Eames inclined his head respectfully. “Thank you. You will not regret this.”

“See that we don’t, Captain Eames.” This from dark-haired, bearded Willem, who sat on Marrin’s right. “We will expect daily reports of your activities within our city, including details of your use of the Watch.”

Eames wanted to grimace, but kept his face smooth. He had expected this condition, and could work around it, and maybe even use it. “Of course. Is there anything else you require, your Honours?”

They shook their heads as one. “Not at this point, Captain,” Marrin said. “You are dismissed. We hope you find these killers quickly.”

Eames bowed, then turned on his heel and left, his red-lined yellow robe billowing behind him. Now that he had control of the City Watch, as well as the growing support of the people, the Council would soon have no choice but to bend knee to him, and Maralon would once again become a bastion of the Dawn, a place of sanctuary and hope against the Order of Aros, which was clearly rising from the ashes of history.

But first, he would find these two harlots that had taken the lives of his devoted men, and make a very public example of them.

Smythe sat bolt upright in bed, disturbing the two women that had been sleeping with their heads on either side of his chest.

Dark-haired Bella and fire-haired Rayna woke up, groggily asking if he was alright.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to stop and appreciate the sight of the two naked beauties in his bed. Muttering something to appease them, he jumped up and began to dress hurriedly. Elaina had visited him tonight on the Plane with dire news; the Druids had reappeared, attacking Elaina and capturing her in order to find Aran, who had apparently killed one of them.

Thank Aros she had escaped. The news alone was bad enough, but to make matters worse, one of Aran’s meldin, Jeira – and her husband – were now likely in danger.

Smythe had tried to reach Aran in his dreams, but had had no luck, which meant he would have to look for this woman without help. According to Elaina, Jeira was probably somewhere in Ironshire, if she hadn’t left already.

Snatching Lightbringer from where it was leaning in the corner, Smythe strapped the weapon onto his back and left the room, heading for the stables.

Berenor, King of the Mor’elda, grasped his concubine’s slim hips from behind as he thrust deeply into her lithe, supple body, his pelvis slapping up against her tight, ebony rear again and again. He usually fucked his playthings at least once a day, but since Lady Shenla had visited him and showed him what pleasure really was, he’d been insatiable, taking his two twin servants – and whomever else was nearby – several times a day for the past few months, but no matter who he fucked, and how hard he fucked them, none of it came close to what he’d felt with Shenla.

Sweat beaded on his dark brow as he pistoned relentlessly into the girl’s hot velvet channel, her pink inner lips contrasting sharply with the midnight complexion of the rest of her body. She had long since stopped pushing back against him, exhausted from his furious onslaught, her head and shoulders on the bed, her hips in the air, supported mostly by Berenor’s grip.

The beauty he was fucking was called Evalys, and her identical twin sister, Avalys, was lying unconscious, face up on the bed beside them, her midnight thighs still spread wide, Berenor’s seed still leaking from her hairless sex.

With a gasping roar, he reached his peak once again, jetting what small amount of come was left in his overworked balls into the slim girl before collapsing onto her back, pressing her into the plush bed.

No sooner had an exhausted Berenor rolled onto his back between the girls than the bedchamber door opened, admitting his Guard Captain, Edonys.

Edonys had replaced Peldin, the former Captain, who had accompanied Lady Shenla back to her home at her request. Strangely, Berenor did not remember agreeing to let Peldin go, but it was a small favour to grant for a goddess like Lady Shenla.

“Highness,” the well-muscled elf said in his bass voice as he saluted.

“Speak, Edonys,” Berenor commanded wearily, propping himself up on his elbows before sitting forward to listen. Edonys – one of the few Elves who could enter his chambers unannounced – would not have done so unless it was important.

The Guard Captain was nude – as was the way of Mor’elda when underground – except for a light cloak denoting his station and a sword buckled round his waist. He proffered an envelope that he’d been holding. “This was received moments ago, Highness,” he said as Berenor waved him forward.

Edonys stood patiently as Berenor took the letter, turning it over in his hands. The wax seal was stamped with a sigil he didn’t recognise; looking much like the shape of a nude, voluptuous woman in a provocative pose.

Tearing the letter open, Berenor read the contents quickly. It was written in perfect elvish, so he had no need for a translator. A delicious smell wafted from the paper, a heady, feminine aroma that clouded his senses and sent a lightning bolt to his loins, hardening him instantly, despite his sexually draining afternoon with his concubines.

The scent of Lady Shenla was one he would never forget. The memory of his brief time with her came crashing home, that impossibly curved body, that soft, red skin, those lips that had sucked him so lovingly, so adoringly.

A smile broke out on his face as he read through a second time. “Prepare our forces, Edonys,” he told his Captain, who was interestedly eyeing the sleeping women on the bed. “The time has come for us to surface!”

Edonys looked surprised to say the least. “Highness?” He asked quizzically, probably wondering why Berenor now sported a full erection.

“We march for Amindaer Fortress immediately!” Berenor snapped impatiently.

“Amindaer Fortress?” Edonys blurted. “But, Highness, with respect, no force has successfully assaulted Amindaer in three hundred years!”

Berenor met the other Elf’s gaze levelly. “Do you question me, Edonys?” He asked quietly.

“No, Highness!” The Captain said quickly. “I will prepare our forces at once, and send word to you when we are ready to march.”

Nodding, Berenor dismissed Edonys with a wave of his hand before tucking the letter into the chest he kept at the foot of the bed and turning to regard the two sleeping beauties. Just one whiff of Lady Shenla and he felt like he could fuck for days; his cock throbbed with anticipation as he raked his eyes over their lithe forms.

With nothing else to do until he received word from Edonys, Berenor eagerly climbed between Avalys’ silky black thighs, not bothering to wake her before burying himself inside her with one powerful thrust.

Two more weeks had passed in the Hidden Temple beneath Maralon, and Aran was growing more concerned by the day for two major reasons. Firstly, it was now too dangerous to risk going up to the city, as not only were Heralds patrolling at all hours, but it appeared the City Watch had now joined the search, working alongside the Heralds, of all things.

Secondly, Elaina had not yet appeared, and Aran had been unable to contact her on the Plane. With the Heralds the way they were, it was dangerous for Elaina to come to Maralon, and he desperately wanted her to know this before she walked right into them.

The Servants had also been unable to receive new information – which was previously being collected by Sylvia in the form of cryptic messages from various locations around Maralon – and so they remained largely in the dark about happenings above, and in the rest of the world.

To make matters worse, Aran had not only been unable to contact Elaina, but had also had no luck reaching Smythe or Amina.

Nevertheless, the small group remained positive, their faith in Aros outweighing their uncertainty.

Much of Aran’s now idle time was spent with Sara, teaching her as much as she could absorb – which was everything, so far – and filling her spare time with chores, as Elaina and Smythe had done with him.

At first, the Servants had been mortified to see a arohim doing their cleaning and whatnot, but Aran had firmly instructed them not to help Sara, as it was an important part of her training.

Keeping the girl busy with menial tasks also helped distract her from her increasingly prominent sexual appetites, and kept her away from the Servants, who continued to freely express their desire for one another – Aran included – out in the open, more often than not.

Several times he had spotted Sara watching the frequent lovemaking when she thought he wasn’t looking, her sparkling sapphire eyes glazed with hot lust. Aran’s training had installed in him firm control over his own desires, yet Sara’s intense sexual aura was not lost on him.

Her body had also continued to change; her breasts were now a solid handful and sat proudly on her chest, and her hips flared beautifully from her slim waist into long, creamy thighs that went on for days. She would be nothing short of a golden-haired goddess when she reached her peak, so different to the dirty, malnourished girl he had found weeks ago.

Poor Erik didn’t know what to do with himself; the older fellow’s robe was constantly tented by his impressive manhood whenever Sara so much as glanced at him, and the female Servants were working hard – quite happily – to relieve him of his tension whenever required.

Naturally, Aran was forming close ties with all the Servants as time went on, sexually and otherwise. He had had time to better acquaint himself with all four of them, and their individual pasts were interesting and varied.

Erik was from a long line of scholars, and had taken up after his forebears in studying history. Aran had learned much from the dark-eyed fellow, who seemed to love nothing more than discussing the subject.

Lynelle was one-hundred and sixty-seven years old, and was born a high-Elf, which was the upper echelon of elvish society. While Servants among Elves was a rarity, Lynelle’s mother – who had once been melded to a Paladin – had raised Lynelle as such, and in turn, Lynelle had raised Sylvia in the same way.

Sylvia and Aran had continued to grow closer, spending time together as often as they could. Aran had given more thought to melding with the young half-Elf, but had decided to refrain from asking her, for now.

Liddea and Aran had made love for the first time several days ago, after Aran had walked into his room to find the dwarf and Sorla naked and playing kissing games on his bed. Seeing Aran come in, Sorla had playfully wrestled with the immensely busty, fire-haired dwarf, until the half-Orc was lying back against the pillows, restraining Liddea’s arms and pinning her back against her own very considerable chest.

Liddea had not put up much of a fight, willingly opening her plump thighs so that Aran could climb between them. Sorla’s hands had quickly found the mountainous orbs on Liddea’s chest, firmly squeezing and holding them up for Aran’s eager lips.

It had been a fun afternoon, no doubt. Afterwards, Aran and Liddea talked for a long time, and Aran learned that Liddea had come from a poor family in the east, and her father had taught her the ways of the Servants after her mother died many years ago. Liddea was nearly fifty years old, which for dwarves meant she was roughly a quarter-way through her life.

All in all, the Hidden Temple was not a bad place to be holed up, by any measure, but Aran couldn’t help but wish the circumstances were less dire. He also wished he knew why he couldn’t reach the other Paladins and Amina; all that should be required is that they be asleep, but no matter what time of day or night he tried, there was no response from any of them.

Conversely, he’d been successfully able to begin teaching Sara of the Plane of Aros, as he’d had no problem reaching her while they slept, which perplexed him no end. Why could he reach Sara, and not the others?

Additionally, the fleeting signals that they’d all been sensing from the surface – which they assumed were from young arohim – had ceased some days ago, which boded ill for Aran’s hopes to find them before the Heralds did.

When the Herald’s still had not withdrawn their search after two weeks of tense waiting, Aran called a meeting.

Standing at the head of the long darkwood table, Aran regarded his family. Liddea, Sorla and Lynelle sat at the table on his left, while Sylvia, Sara and Erik lined the right.

They waited patiently for him to begin, probably wondering what he had to say.

“Well, my friends,” he began, eyeing each of them in turn. “Our circumstances dictate that the time has come for us to move from the Hidden Temple.”

Sad looks crossed faces, but they nodded in agreement, offering no argument. Aran felt moved by their loyalty, both to him, and to each other.

“The Heralds have a stranglehold on Maralon, and have somehow gained the City Watch’s help. It’s only a matter of time before they figure out there’s a network of unmapped tunnels down here.”

More nods.

“The signals of the arohim we’ve been sensing have vanished, as you know. I hope the best for them, but fear the worst. As we are, we are not ready to confront a small army, and I would not chance your lives in the hope of rescuing two arohim that may or may not be alive.”

Erik spoke up. “If I know you, Aran, you’ve got a plan. Tell us what to do, and we’ll see it done.”

It’s a shame Erik was not arohim; he would make a fine Paladin. “Sylvia recently discovered a tunnel that exits Maralon. It runs for a mile or so, and will put us out south of the city. From there, we head further south into the Karvani Mountains, where I know of another Temple.”

“Another Temple?” Liddea asked, surprised. “In the Karvanis?”

Aran nodded. “Yes, I’ve been there. I believe our best option is to travel there as quickly as possible. It will be a long trek, but worth it. A Priestess called Amina lives there, and she will be glad to meet you all, I think.”

All the Servants, excluding Sorla – who already knew about Amina – looked amazed.

“A Priestess still lives?” Lynelle exclaimed, her perfect eyebrows raised high.

Smiling, Aran nodded. “We should leave tonight, as soon as we’re prepared. Bring enough food for a fortnight’s travel; it’s a long way on foot, and we have no horses.”

The others all glanced at each other for long moments, as if something had gone unsaid.

Sylvia broke the silence. “What about Elaina, Aran? Isn’t she on her way?”

Aran kept his features smooth, though he wanted to furrow his brow with worry. “She was meant to be, Sylvia,” he said gently. “But as she’s not here by now, and I’m unable to contact her through the usual means, I can only work with the information I have. Elaina is tough, and capable, and I have full confidence in her. All will be well.”

At that, the others rose and began busying themselves with packing. A grave silence had settled over them; perhaps Aran had not masked his concern for Elaina as well as he’d thought.

Elaina returned to her body after briefly visiting Smythe on the Plane. Rather than going back to normal sleep – something that was getting harder to do due to her concerns over Jeira’s safety, as well as Aran’s – she got up, crossing the smooth wooden floor of the room the Eryn’elda had given her and stepped out onto the small balcony which overlooked the beautiful Elven city of Ildernass.

The houses were all high in the massive trees, looking as if they had grown there naturally, with their rounded walls and roofs of thick green branches that even the heaviest rains couldn’t penetrate. It was late, but Elves slept little, and many circular windows were illuminated by candlelight, shadows playing on walls as they moved about their homes.

Living bridges woven of vines and branches spanned between the thick trees, some wide enough for one person, others wide enough for three abreast. The Eryn’elda were skilled gardeners, and could coax trees and plants to grow into many different forms.

Lanterns hung everywhere in preparation for the end of spring – an event the Elves celebrated with abandon – lit by a luminescent sap harvested from a special tree, bathing the village in a warm, golden glow. According to Induin and Liaren, tomorrow night Ildernass would be alive with feasting and wine and dancing as the Elves rejoiced in the changing of the season from spring to summer.

Elaina hadn’t bothered to dress – the Elves were not a shy or even particularly modest people – and the cool spring breeze felt good on her exposed skin; it took her mind temporarily away from Aran, who she should have been able to reach on the Plane by now, but each time she’d tried over the past weeks, she’d had no success.

Ildernass was truly a beautiful place, but Elaina felt guilty staying here while Aran, Smythe and Amina were out there, possibly putting themselves in danger. It had been a relief to finally reach Smythe, who said he too had been unable to contact Aran, but would start searching for Jeira and her husband immediately.

Elaina would try once more to reach Amina tonight, and if that didn’t work, she would leave Ildernass and seek Aran herself.

Why hadn’t she melded with him when she had the chance? At least she would know if he was well; it was the not-knowing that bothered her the most.

A distant wolf’s howl floated on the chill breeze, and Elaina suppressed a shiver. The howls had been fairly regular, most nights, coming from the Emerin Forest across the river. To her mind, the howls bore a note of triumph, as if the Druids were celebrating something, but what? They had failed in capturing her, and one of them – the wolf – had been taking it’s last breaths on the forest floor, it’s hide peppered with arrows, the last she’d seen it.

And yet, a wolf’s howls continued to disturb the otherwise peaceful forest every night she’d been in Ildnernass. There had to be more than one wolf. Either that, or the same one had somehow miraculously recovered.

Shivering – and not just from the cold – she moved back inside and climbed into bed, preparing to try and contact Amina one last time.

Braith let his howl echo once more through the forest before turning and padding back into the forest, away from the riverbank. Every few nights, when the forest was clear of elvish scouts, he’d returned, howling across the river to let the Elves and that Paladin bitch know that he was still alive, and hadn’t forgotten them.

Back at the glen, the rest of the clan were preparing for the arrival of Lyrra’s cubs, which were only a few weeks away, at Braith’s guess. It had been a long time since a Druid had given birth, and the anticipation was high. Fionn had been in a mating frenzy since hearing Lyrra’s news, fucking Braith, Leif, and Fergin at every opportunity in the renewed hope of bearing children of her own. Suffice it to say, none of the men had complained; dark and sleek and beautiful, Fionn was not a woman to ignore.

Whether Fionn produced cubs or not, Lyrra still would, and the clan would grow. Druid children grew quickly – faster than any other race – and though Braith was hesitant to grow too hopeful, he couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps the Druids were not fated to die out, after all.

Elaina could have jumped for joy when Amina finally appeared before her on the Plane of Aros, standing on the soft grass of the sunlit meadow Elaina had created upon arriving. The tall, perfectly-shaped Priestess regarded her warmly before embracing her, pressing her lush, naked body up against her and capturing her lips in a tender kiss.

Elaina moaned softly into Amina’s mouth, temporarily losing herself in the embrace of a goddess. She preferred men, to be truthful, but there was something about Amina that sent her mind into a spin, and her body into a tempest of aching desire.

“We need to talk, Priestess,” Elaina whispered into Amina’s lips.

“I know, child,” Amina said, lightly tracing her fingers down Elaina’s spine, which sent tingles directly to her breasts and belly. “Come,” she said, gently ending the embrace and sitting cross-legged on the grass. “Let us talk.”

How the woman managed to appear regal and dignified while sitting naked on the ground escaped Elaina. Folding herself down opposite Amina, Elaina began to share her concerns. “I am worried for Aran, Priestess. I have been unable to reach him on the Plane, as has Henley.”

Amina looked thoughtful for a moment. “He was last known to be in Maralon, yes?”

Elaina nodded.

“It’s possible that he’s beneath the Planeward,” Amina continued. “Which would make him unreachable to anyone on the outside of it.”

“Planeward?” Elaina asked, unfamiliar with the term.

“It’s a device that was constructed during the Darkening to protect arohim from being found by their Darkened brothers and sisters.” The note of sadness was clear in Amina’s voice, and her eyes took on a faraway look.

Elaina couldn’t imagine how it must have been, to see so many loved ones taken away so quickly. She respected Amina’s strength immensely.

The Priestess’s sapphire eyes focused back on Elaina. “As you know, Maralon sits atop the remains of a Grand Temple. During the Darkening, a small group of survivors fortified the tunnels beneath the Temple, and created the Planeward; a shield preventing connections to the Plane of Aros between people within the Planeward and those without. It also prevents other arohim from sensing the vala of whomever is inside the Planeward. Conversely, those inside it can still sense arohim on the outside.

Same as A Paladin's Training
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“You have a roadster Ute?” That was more an accusation than a question. “Heard that, did you?” “You were on speaker ... of course I heard.” “Yes ... I have two roadster utes. Why?” “Where?” “In storage.” “Where did...” “ ... I find them?” “ ... you find ... Daddy.” “What?” “You are being difficult.” “It’s part of my job description.” “Job?” “Single dad,” he said. “There’s a handbook.” “I’ve never seen it.” “Remember when you became a woman?” She got all misty eyed ... and...

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Paid Ad BetterU Incorporated

Hey you! Yes, you. Did you ever dream about a better mind or body? We at BetterU Inc. can help. Our patented nanites and brainwashing methods are known as the best in the world. Fixing a small problem zone or wanting a whole new body? We can help. Getting rid off or gaining an addiction? Or are you looking for a new personality or just some better memories? Our experts are there for you. Not looking to change yourself, but others? We got you covered. Best of all: we won't even ask the...

1 year ago
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HAVING FUNIt’s after dinner and we’re on our way to my place and I’m trying to convince you to spend the night with me since neither of us has to work tomorrow. I know that you’re going to stay our little back and forth is just a game to keep us occupied. I finally say that if you stay I’ll make it worth your while. You ask me how and I say it’s a surprise. I haven’t told you that I've been to the adult store for some supplies. When we get inside I ask you if you want something to drink...

2 years ago
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The Bachelorette Party Ch 02

I want to thank The Torrid Temptress for taking the time to proof read this story for me. I hope you all enjoy the story. ***** The door that led from the small room into the sanctuary was opened a crack allowing us a view of the large room. We still had twenty-five minutes to wait so as I waited for things to get started I began to reflect on how I got from the depths of my despair while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at four o’clock in the morning three years ago to the near state of...

2 years ago
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The Party

 Sixth form in England meant there were regular party invites, but out of control teenagers drinking themselves into oblivion was simply not the type of scene that interested me. My wild teenage side showed itself sexually; enjoying sex with both male and female friends, whenever possible allowing others to see.It was December, following my seventeenth birthday, when Jacqui Hill invited me to a party at her house on Friday of that week. I’d fancied Jacqui for years but she had a long-term...

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Putting On a Show

Buzzzzz. You pick up your phone to see a new message from me. “Tonight you are all mine. When you get home, I want you to take a warm bubble bath, grab a glass of wine, and relax. I will text you again on my way home, and I need you lying naked on the bed before I get home.” Your mind races as you wonder what I have in plan for you tonight. You snap back into your work and continue your day-to-day tasks. You feel the warmth of your of your wetness begin to soak through the sheer black thong you...

2 years ago
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Butterflies are the Gentlest

Butterflies are the Gentlest (c) 2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story. ----- February 16, 20-- Dear...

1 year ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 5

Claudia Alford was a very attractive young woman in her late twenties. Blond haired and blue eyed, she had kept the figure that had made her the head cheerleader in high school. Seeing Claudia in a bathing suit was often taken as proof that there was a God. Fortunately for the marriages in town, modesty prevented her from wearing anything other than a conservative one piece bathing suit. There wasn’t a man in New Millville who didn’t lust after Claudia and she knew it. Knowing it and acting...

2 years ago
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Lusty Holidays Abroad With Sheeta Part 8211 2

Hi guys, I received lots of comments & mails after my first story,hence here with new story .those who haven’t read my previous story , here is the link. Well let me tell you about myself first, HI, this is Abhimanyu (29), Adventure lover & Businessman from Pune, Marathi guy with a fair complexion, chubby looks, and 5″ dick. Any girl/woman of any age from Pune may contact me at for a thrilling pleasure. Identity will obviously be kept a secret. Please ignore the language errors & enjoy the...

2 years ago
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Coming Among The Stars

Liva was in trouble, and she knew it. It had just been a bit of fun. The sexy slinky slit had been looking for fun and had latched on to Liva, and to the big blond hunk who had been sat near Liva in the bar, wondering about his chances of scoring with Liva if he offered to buy her a drink.How was she to know the slinky slit was the Planetary Ambassador's daughter? Or that some enterprising security officer at the hotel had seen the action on the hotel security cameras and had sold the tapes to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Adventurs as a Super Hero

your name is John Doe you were in An accident in a laboratory resulted in you gaining amazing skills and strengths - but also means that a secret government organisation is out to kill you! You must keep your identity hidden to the public, whilst also be using your powers for good! your superpowers are Super-Strength - Your powers mean you're now the strongest person alive, able to hurl cars at fleeing bad guys, knock over buildings with your bare hands, and accidentally wrench doors off their...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Sylvie Shy Soft Spoken Flexible High School Cheer Team Sweetheart

It’s getting closer to the holiday season everyone so don’t be a Grinch, and lets talk about who’s up next on the ExploitedCollegeGirls.com bed shall we? Well she’s adorable and could be little miss Cindy Lou Who from Whoville’s sister in the classic Christmas cartoon ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas,’ because this week’s exploit Sylvie, or Sylvie Lou Who (SLO) I’ll call her, who’s delightfully precious by the way, is just itching to be roughly used and tossed around like a little fuck doll she...

4 years ago
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Thirsty Sister 8211 Part III

Hello Friends, Rinku once again with new story. First of all I thank all my readers and fans for overwhelming response of my stories. Because of many request from my readers I am again writing another part of Thirsty sister. This is the third part of the story. New readers can see my other two parts – Thirsty Sister – Part I & Thirsty sister – Part II. Then they enjoy this story more. Now I am presenting this story by brother’s interpretation. Last two were through sister’s interpretation. Hope...

2 years ago
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Office dream part 6

But for me everything changed last weeek. All my office days were tense now. For several days I had been torn between being terrified that my co-worker would force me to have sex again, and being equally frightened that he wouldn’t. He had blackmailed me, intimidating me with a video of a former makeout session showing me being finger-fucked by him and giving him a blowjob. He threatened to mail it to my husband and colleagues. He had then taken me, used my body in every way he wanted,...

2 years ago
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Myself is Kamal, I'm a 50yrs YOUNG SINGLE GUY ;-) Average looks... Average height 5ft8...Average 6 inches long Tool but bit thicker... that's what all the ladies have said ;-) Slim Built (likes to keep fit) Average job & Average wages. Only one thing is not Average about me.... I'm always Craving for SEX ;-)This is my another SEXIDENT... I'm taking you 30yrs back...It was a nice cloudy Summer Morning... I left home for College about 9am. Bus stop is like 15mnts walk from home. Bus stop was...

1 year ago
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seduced by gay guy

I was only a teenager still at school and had a part time job in a builders retail shop selling paint and screws and timber etc.I was the only one that the boss employed to take things in after school that he had displayed outside the front doors , ladders, buckets and such like. During the school summer holidays he would employ me full time to work serving the customers and to take customers to the rear of the shop if they needed timber and timber mouldings as it was too dangerous for...

3 years ago
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Its Good To Be King

Karl awakens with a smile. He slaps the naked arse of the slavein the bed with him. "Get up lazy and get me some coffee. And makesure the cream is fresh. Slaves now scury to pull back the heavy bed curtainsas others tidy up the room and open windows for fresh air. Karl yawns ashe settles back against his pillows now. Naked men wearing nothing butsilk sheathes of red on their cocks begin to pull out clothing and newlyshinned boots for the King.Each slave is shaven smooth and oiled with scented...

2 years ago
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Virgin On Order Pt 1 and 2

"What do I need to do to impress these men? How do you impress men that have everything" he asked his friend. "What impresses all rich men, Rob? Pussy," he friend remarked. "Pussy?' Rob replied, 'You mean Whores? Get them some whores?" "No, Rob. Rich men can always get whores. What's harder to find is young, untouched, pussy. Ahh, the Crim De la Crim." "Billy, you're a fucking genius. But where do I find a young virgin eager to give it away in this town?" "Eager?...

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Caught by Our Son

A few years ago our oldest had gone off to college. While cleaning his room my wife stumbled across his porn stash. He had some magazines and a couple of DVDs and he had some pictures I had taken of my wife. I went to my stash and my copies were still there. He must have scanned them. She was stunned. That night when we went to bed I was horny from the discovery. We started having sex and soon I brought up the pictures and what he was doing with them. My wife's pussy was getting wetter...

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The Cove

Nick stared in astonishment. I don’t believe I found her this easily. It can’t be her. The best part of fifteen thousand miles, a change of aircraft in Perth for the final leg to the North-West coast, eight hours sleep in a blessed, air-conditioned roadhouse room, and there she was … in the supermarket. It was her hair that Nick recognised. The woman with her back to him was wearing a two-piece business suit, most definitely not Joelle’s style as Nick remembered, in the old days, that wild...

2 years ago
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Meeting Shawn and his black friends

I had invited my sweet wife to join me during a quick business trip, in a town not so far from home.When we arrived at the hotel there, the lobby was crowded. Apparently a small local college was having a tournament at the same time and the hotel was full of college basketball players…While we were checking in I noticed Anita was staring at these young guys with hungry eyes and she was even chatting with some of them.We finally went to our room and found out that all rooms around were occupied...

1 year ago
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Bobby to BobbieChapter 2

Ear pressed against a water glass held tight to the bedroom door, Wendy laughed when she heard Bobbie's little fib about never again! She stuck out her hand. "I told you! There isn't a guy on Earth who could resist going for a little 'test drive' if he ended up in Bobbie's shoes! Now pay up!" With a sigh, Alyssa handed her daughter a fifty dollar bill. "You win! I thought she would hold out because it was such a traumatic change for the poor dear!" She removed her own glass from the...

4 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 17

Richard woke up the next morning to the feeling of Susie unzipping his pajamas. She untaped his diaper and began to rub his penis slowly, and then she moved down and gently took his rapidly hardening length in her mouth. He rolled his eyes back, the rest of his body seemingly placid, his mittens over his head and quietly suckling on his pacifier, and she withdrew her mouth and climbed on top of him, sliding his whole, uncut length inside her with a single, smooth motion. She was...

1 year ago
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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 13 A flawed theory

To say I was surprised at Rollo’s revelation would be an understatement. I was completely flabbergasted. “By monotheistic faiths you are referring to Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, and what other?” I said, after regaining my breath and taking a settling swallow of porter. “Zoroastrianism, Colonel. The religion of Persia, from about fifteen hundred BC until the Arab invasion of the country in six fifty AD.” “I know nothing of that religion, but surely Judaism predates it,...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 4

"We should do the whole thing." Yann was excited. "Take the walls out of the second floor and create one big orgy room - pillows, curtains, the works. We could get a team in here and take out everything but the load bearing walls and -" "I had no idea how tacky you were!" Juan said drolly. "The second floor is ours and I don't want to live in a Pier 1. You do that in your room." "But I want the guys in uniforms. Blue for Housekeeping, Red for Maintenance, Yellow for...

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Spizoo Angelika Grays Blonde Stunner Angelika Grays Gets Dirty In The Kitchen

Statuesque blonde Angelika Grays is in the kitchen clad in her favorite lingerie and prepping a pastry for Angelo Godshack. She hopes that he would help her get rid of her sexual frustrations and achieve release. Angelika did not notice that Angelo was behind her until naughty hands explored her body. Hunger for each other took over, the stud lifts her onto the counter and starts to lick her pussy. Taking over, Angelika pushes him against the nearest wall, gives him a blowjob, deepthroating...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping Lets Try ItChapter 4 Setting up the Revenge

After we arrived home Jill and I made appointments at the doctor's office. We wanted to be checked for sexually transmitted diseases. I didn't tell Jill I didn't use a condom. Instead I excused my examination by saying it would looked better if both of us were having physicals. Our tests came back negative so that was one problem out of the way. I looked again at the checkout receipt of the Couchs. They were from Akron, Ohio, and not Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He charged his bill as a...

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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect Coffee isn’t really my thing. I say that a lot, and it’s mostly true, even though I stop to pick up a latte on my way to work, every day, at the same coffee shop. Sometimes I sit in the coffee shop on the weekend too, just to get out of the house while I work on a few things, using their wireless connection. But really, I’m not big on coffee. I guess it’s easy to think otherwise, but I never have more than one a-day. Well, two a day, at most. The best thing about...

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My Brothers Smile

By Tom Cup I was crying. Not because I had been beat up after school for the third time this semester but because Randy was yelling at me. I couldn’t stand the fact that my big brother was angry with me and so his ranting brought me to tears. “Jesus Tyler,” Randy said noticing the tears flowing from my face, “Don’t cry. Come on!” He sat beside me a hugged me. I knew he was right. I was acting like a fag. The truth was that I was a fag. I knew it and I knew that Randy knew it too,...

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Rogue MagusChapter 29

Lunch with Faith was fun. I didn’t even have to say anything, really. One question sent her off on a bewildering story of how everyone was so nice, and everything was so great. Then she started telling me about her co-workers. I didn’t pay close attention, only really listening out for key phrases that might cause problems for her. I did notice that though there were a few guys she mentioned, none of them apparently rated high enough on Faith’s chart to deserve more than a name and quick...

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PropertySex Dani Lynn Spent The Rent Tenant

When Dani Lynn is a week late on her rent payment, landlord Tony knocks on her door to see what gives. Dani hands Tony an envelope, but he notices it’s light, and that more than half the sum is missing! Dani invites Tony to come inside the apartment and explains she spent the rent money on a festival ticket, hoping a modeling gig would come along to pay the debt. Tony threatens eviction, but Dani inquires about making a deal instead, then flashes Tony her small, pierced titties. Tony...

2 years ago
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Melissa the pervert

Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went to...

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The Late Night Swim

Summers were great growing up. We were lucky enough to have a full sized pool in the back yard. My sister Cassie and me always had someone over for a swim. I was 17 and Cassie was a few years younger. Her and her friends were always roaming around the pool in their bikinis. Talk about lucky. Cassie was a dick tease though. She was always showing off her body to my friends and me. One hot summer night I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a dip in the pool, hoping to cool off and relax a little....

First Time
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The Witches Revenge

The Witches Revenge By Morpheus It was with great reluctance that Cody Brisbane made his way home. Home to the apartment that he shared with his girlfriend Jessica. Soon to Be ex-girlfriend, he reminded himself nervously. He loved her, but Cody couldn't take it anymore. He'd already made up his mind to tell her that he was leaving, but his heart still wasn't listening. Jessica was a beautiful woman of 27, only a year younger than Cody himself. She had long brunette...

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Cyber Siblings

It's a cold Saturday morning. Michael is laying in his bed thinking about the girl he met online last night. He had talked with her for hours about video games, music, movies and other random things. It was the best time he's had in a long while. He doesn't know what she looks like or even what her real name is, but he feels a strong connection with her. They have plans to talk again tonight. A holler comes from downstairs "Michael! Sofia! Breakfast is ready!" As Michael gets out of bed he...

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A Little ProblemChapter 4

It was some two weeks since Alan had been used as a human toilet and if anything things had gone really quiet. He had not been humiliated or spanked by his mother in law for over a week and even his wife, Sandra had gone easy on him allowing him to dress normal. He arrived home from work, and as was the norm now he went to the bathroom and shaved, not just his face but also he shaved his balls and cock and even self-administered the after shave on to his privates which stung like mad but he...

1 year ago
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Pregnant Passions

Pregnant Passionsbyblondsubles"Don't worry Shelly. I'll be right over.""Thanks Britt. I really appreciate this.""See ya soon." With that, I hung up. I didn't mind helping Shelly. Being seven months pregnant, with twins no less, she was having a hard time moving around. Since her husband Tom had to leave the country for work, she really didn't have anyone close that could come over and lend a hand. Luckily, with me being an artist, my job was flexible and I threw some clothes in an overnight...

2 years ago
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My aunty my love

Hi readers, this is Naren once again with a brand new incident. This incident has happened a long back. So I am narrating the same and we have a group of 5 friends. One of them was Pratik and he had lost his father due to heart attack a few years back. His mother's name was Yogita and at that time she must be around 40-42 years of age after death of Pratik's father, we used to go to his home so often just in case, Yogita aunty need any help.So, one day, after coming from my college, I had my...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected Real Incident Part 6

Thank you! Thank you for all your love which you showered for my stories. Your appreciations give me strength to take out time and write these stories so you can have an interesting time with your one hand holding phone and other in your underwears. I am glad that not only Indians, but so many friends on foreign lands have shown deep interest in my stories. Thanks to English !! ;) Keep showering your love and I am always approachable on I shall be waiting for your responses. Okay! Let us...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Honey Bee FChapter 4

Her dad drove to work, and so she could never drive during the week. One Saturday in mid-June, he was fixing a cabinet hinge for her mom, but couldn’t find the screw he needed. “Want me to get it?” she asked. Nothing good was on TV. “Well, thank you,” he said. “I don’t like to go out dressed like this. I’d be grateful.” So, with a sample screw in hand, she drove to the hardware store. Standing in the aisle was Craig! “Sandy!” he said. “Why are you here?” She showed him the screw. He went...

1 year ago
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With undercover cops, increased sting operations, scammers, catfish, and sites like Backpage.com getting shut down left and right, finding quality private adult entertainment on the internet can be fucking terrifying. I, personally, have never mustered up the courage to actually go through with it. It just doesn’t seem worth the risk to me.Call me paranoid, but I’m not trying to lead an undercover cop right to my front door, ready to bust me on solicitation of prostitution. I’m also not trying...

Escort Sites
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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part III

The night in Adam's cabin had come to an end. I was disappointed. I never wanted it to end, I wanted to stay with Adam. Around nine, I started to get dress, I had a twelve hour drive back to Ohio. I looked at Adam, sound asleep in bed. I didn't want to wake him, but hoped he'd wake before I had to leave, maybe even convince me to stay.I didn't have to wait long, he woke up shortly after I did. He smiled as he propped himself up on the pillows. He said, "You know, I love that shirt, but you look...

Love Stories
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 3 Toilet Slave

Come Monday, I rode with the moving truck to the girls' house that afternoon. All except Erica were at work, so she and I waited until the movers had stowed my boxes in the storage room in the basement. Erica and I then went up to the master bathroom. "Take off your clothes and slide in there," she said pointing to the bench jutting from the hole in the wall in the toilet alcove. I wondered what was in the toolbox on the floor. I hesitated for a split second about getting naked in front...

3 years ago
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The Irrelevant Woman

Experiments show that our senses only detect a tiny portion of what's out there. Worse, our brains manage to process just a fraction of that. It's astonishing how much escapes our notice - and escapes it so completely that we don't even realize we missed anything. Surely it wouldn't take much to exploit those limitations... (This story takes place in the "Newer Universe" series.) Whatever the girl was thinking about, it purely wasn't the groceries she was ringing up. "Excuse me,"...

2 years ago
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Hello Slut Fans Its Michelle

Hello Slut Fans. It's Michelle,Last weekend my k**s went camping with my parents leaving me home alone. Unfortunately Rene was off visiting family so I was left without my regular fucks. I decided to go out and see if I could rustle up a Gangbang so I went down to the local bar. It was still early in the evening but the place was dead for a Saturday. I gave two guys Blowjobs in the bathroom but didn't get fucked. I tried the strip club but it was dead too so I went back home. I have plenty of...

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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here the nastiest, kinkiest night of my life. This is a very dirty story, containing very dirty, rough and degrading sex. If this bothers you in any way, then I suggest not proceeding. I glanced around nervously as Mya dug through her purse, searching for her keys. “What time is your boyfriend coming home again?” I asked, waiting impatiently as she...

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The human made of water

The following few chapters are setting up the plot. Feel free to add on after the origin chapters are over... "Analyzing." A man over the speaker said aloud. His booming voice echoing throughout the room the subject was in. "Sir subject's vitals seem to be stable for now." A woman replied, worried about what would happen if their superiors found out about them forgoing their explicit instructions not to conduct this experiment. The researchers had a breakthrough of massive display, a gene in...

1 year ago
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He Spent His Last 30

This is a short story I wrote for a competition, using the prompt, ‘He spent his last £30 on a plate of oysters and a glass of champagne.’ It’s the first story I’ve written featuring disability, something I know a little about myself. Unfortunately, it didn’t place, but I still enjoyed writing it. Tx *** He spent his last thirty quid on a plate of oysters and a glass of champagne. To be delivered to the birthday girl’s table. Finally ready to tread the miles home, he picked up his coat,...

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First Time being a sub Part 1

I have been straight my whole life. I love women. I have dated and have had relations with them. I have always been the dominant one in the relationship. Most of the women that I have dated liked that. But I have always thought about what it would be like to be the submissive person with a guy. I have continually thought about worshiping a big cock and what it would feel like taking it in my mouth. Just the thought of it would get me excited. That thought had been around for quite...

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toy time

This takes place 5 yrs after the last story. Which is 6mths ago. All my stories are true.I'd been looking forward to Friday all week, not because it's the end of the week, but because I had a annual leave day off work. I woke up nice and early so I could drop my girlfriend at work. After that the day was mine until I had to pick her up again at 5pm... I rushed home, took a shower, had a smoke and then got out the toys....3 butt plugs in increasing sizes, a cock ring, a inflatable vibrating butt...

3 years ago
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Black Femdom Sex Ed Class

At a Philadelphia all girl school, Ms Washington a really tall muscular black woman was preparing herself in class to present a new program this year. It was a sex education class. The students entered the class and got seated. At least 75% of the girls in the class were Black Students, the rest were all white students of age 21 or more. It wasn't the biggest school in Philadelphia it was more a public school in a place where people didn't make lot of money. Ms Washington locked the door when...


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