A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 1 - BethanyChapter 32: Katy And Kenneth free porn video

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November 3, 1986, Chicago, Illinois

“Ugh,” Jessica groaned when her alarm clock went off at 4:00am.

The three of us had agreed that Kara would stay in bed and that I would get up with Jessica and eat breakfast with her. We left a soundly sleeping Kara in bed, and while Jessica showered and quickly dressed, I went downstairs to make breakfast.

“You didn’t have to get up with me, Tiger,” she said as I served her bacon and eggs.

“I’m going back to bed once you leave,” I grinned. “Do you plan to nap when you get home?”

“Yes. I’ll get a couple of hours before dinner, which should let me get back on track. You and Kara don’t have to come to bed with me at 8:00pm, you know.”

“No, we don’t. But we will. It’s all part of loving you, Babe!”

“I’m afraid there won’t be a lot of loving except on weekends this month,” she sighed.

“It’s OK,” I said. “What’s important is that you’re here for a month! I signed up for seeing you only on weekends for eight years! This is a vast improvement!”

She smiled. She finished eating and I walked her out to her car barely twenty minutes after the alarm had gone off. I kissed her goodbye, and waited until she had driven away, then went back upstairs, took off my robe and pajamas, and snuggled next to Kara to get another hour’s sleep before Kara’s alarm would go off.

“Did she get off to work OK?” Kara asked when her alarm went off.

“Yes,” I said. “I cooked her breakfast while she showered and she was out the door about 4:20am.”

We got out of bed, took our showers, dressed, and went down to eat breakfast. Afterwards, I kissed Kara goodbye and she went to IIT while I went to the NIKA offices. As usual, I was the first in the office, though Kaitlin, Cindi, Charlie, Julia, and Dave followed not long after. I took my coffee out to the main office area for our staff meeting, and sat on one of the desks and leaned against the wall. Elyse walked in just as Julia called the meeting to order.

Elyse gave a quick financial update which was very positive, and then Dave discussed the situation in Waukesha.

“We don’t have an answer yet about which way Waukesha is going to go, but John Forster was very positive with me at the Friday meeting. He said that the supervisors on the budget committee were very much in favor of using consultants rather than hiring full-time staff, at least for next year. At the end of the hearing, he said he was quite confident that we’d be renewed for next year. We can’t take that to the bank, but the full board of supervisors meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month and that’s when we’ll know. That’s the 25th. I plan to go to the meeting. Julia and I will leave for Ohio on Wednesday afternoon, if that’s OK with you, Steve.”

“It is,” I said.

Cindi went next and had good news in that she and Mario closed two additional law firms in Cincinnati, and were close to closing the deal in San Diego, though she and Julia would probably need to fly there to finalize things. Sales of the medical office software were moving slowly, but she’d had positive reports from the small practices that were using the stand-alone version of the software. She was working on a proposal for the networked version with a group of doctors in Downers Grove, and hoped to close the deal by the end of the month.

“We do need to hire someone to do installation and on-site support,” she said. “I talked to Elyse and we have the revenue to do that.”

“Could I do it?” Zeke asked.

I nodded to Julia who answered, “Let’s talk after the meeting.”

Zeke smiled and nodded. We’d need to hire someone to do telephone support, but I was very happy with Zeke’s work, and the idea of promoting from within appealed to me.

“That brings us to the programming resources,” Julia said. “We’re just barely on schedule for our chargeable releases, and I think we need to hold off on hiring someone until we see what happens with Waukesha. Steve’s told us to always act conservatively, so we won’t do anything until we know for sure one way or the other. Waukesha and Purina Mills are our biggest sources of revenue and profit. We make decent money from the paid enhancements to the legal software, but nothing compared to what we make from those two deals.

“Which brings me to the next issue. We need to work on replacing the Waukesha revenue because we know that eventually it’s going to go away. We’re profitable without them, but if we don’t have enough work for Tom or Debbie to do when that contract ends, then we’ll have to make some hard choices. We do have something that Tom could work on right now, if we wanted the business, but he’s full-time in Waukesha.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Do you remember the guy who approached us about the bidding system for jobs? He’s lined up enough funding to start his company, but he needs the software. He wants it in Advanced Revelation, and Tom’s our expert. Charlie knows Prime Information, but she’s tied up with Purina Mills and working with Steve on the legal and medical software.”

“I hate turning away business,” Cindi said. “Could we sign the deal with an agreed start date of January 5th? We’ll know for sure if we have the Waukesha deal for next year and that gives us enough time to hire someone. We could advertise - nothing says we have to hire someone.”

“Let me call and talk to the guy. I’ll tell him we want the deal, but we can’t start until January. That way we can assign Tom if things go badly with Waukesha. It’ll give us breathing room to find more work for him, if it comes to that. Hopefully, with the holidays and the fact that we’re already into November, a January start won’t be a problem.”

We reviewed a few other outstanding issues, and then Julia, Cindi, and I went into my office to talk about Zeke. The three of us agreed that he could certainly do that job, and at first, he could spend time in the office training his replacement, in addition to making customer visits. That would take some of the load from Cindi and Mario, and let them focus more on sales.

“Do we need to do anything formal?” Julia asked.

“I guess you should ask Jamie just to make sure, but I don’t think so,” I said. “You will need to talk to Joyce just to make sure she’s OK with our plan. And remember, Stephanie has to sign the offer letters now.”

“OK. Cindi, Zeke will be on your team, so I guess you should be the one to let him know.”

Julia and Cindi went back to the main room and I went to my office and pulled up the list of changes that I was working through, and got myself into the zone. Just before noon, Kaitlin came to the office to remind me to head home for my lunchtime walk with Jesse. I saved everything and headed back to the house where I had a quick bite to eat, and then went out back to the coach house to collect my son.

“Dada!” he gurgled.

“Hi, Jesse!” I said.

“Park? Fra’ceca?” Jesse said.

“We’ll see,” I said. “She hasn’t been there for the last week.”

Jesse frowned. At just over eight months, he was able to communicate better than the kids who were three or four months older than he was. His pediatrician said that it was likely that he’d be talking in full sentences by his first birthday. In addition, he was pulling himself up standing next to furniture, and trying to ‘cruise’ along it.

I bundled Jesse up against the cool fall air, put him in his stroller, and we set off for the park. On our first trip around the path, we didn’t see Carol and her kids, but on the second time around we did. Jesse spotted them first and yelled for his paramour.

“Hi Carol,” I said, as we walked up to them.

I took Jesse from his stroller and sat him in the grass. Francesca walked over to him and hugged him, then sat down next to him.

“Hi,” Carol said dully.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

A tear ran down her cheek. I knew something was up.

“Chuck is leaving me for his secretary!” she said, bursting into tears.

My first instinct was to hug her, but I realized that was a supremely bad idea. She’d already suggested what I felt would be an inappropriate relationship, and now she was extremely vulnerable.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “Have you talked to anyone about it?”

“No,” she sobbed. “I don’t know what to do!”

“I think you need to talk to a counselor and a lawyer,” I said. “I can give you a name of a lawyer, and I’m sure that Bethany can give you the name of a counselor.”

She nodded and continued sobbing. I decided that she needed help right now, and that I could at least provide some. Carefully.

“Walk back to my house with me,” I said. “I can give you Gwen Meyer’s number, and Bethany should be home from class about the time we get back.”

She gathered her kids and put them in a tandem stroller. I put Jesse into his and we walked back to my house on Woodlawn. Bethany was just coming up the sidewalk.

“Carol?” she asked, having seen the tears.

“Divorce,” I mouthed silently.

Bethany helped Carol bring the kids inside, and I took Jesse with me. I went to my office and wrote out Gwen Meyer’s phone number and address and went back to the kitchen where Bethany was making hot chocolate. I handed Carol the paper.

“Carol, this is the lawyer who helped me get everything straight with my strange relationships. She does divorces as well. Give her a call. I need to get back to work, but you’re in good hands with Bethany!”

“OK,” she said, fighting to control her sobs.

“Bethany, if it’s OK with you, I’ll leave Jesse here with Francesca. You can take him back to Beverly when Carol leaves.”

“That’s fine,” she said.

I took off Jesse’s coat, hat, and mittens, and put them on a chair, then headed back to work. When I arrived home later that evening, Jessica was still napping, so I went to find Bethany, who was in the sunroom.

“How’d it go?” I asked.

“She’s a wreck. Chuck told her last night that he was moving out. I guess he’s shacked up with his secretary at her apartment or something.”

“Did you put her in touch with a counselor?”

“Yes. And I got Carol to call Ms. Meyer before she left. She has an appointment on Thursday morning.”

“Is she going to be OK alone?” I asked.

“I think so. She has enough money in her bank account to cover her expenses for a few weeks, and I’ll call her each day. You need to be VERY careful around her!”

“Tell me about it,” I sighed. “I was a bit concerned about bringing her here, but I knew that you would be home, and besides, Elyse is usually home for lunch. I wanted to get her Gwen’s number right away.”

“She’ll need it. She doesn’t work, and hasn’t since the kids were born. She’ll need alimony and child support, and that’s going to require an attorney, even though Illinois law guarantees that she’ll get those. She’s also going to be very needy, if you know what I mean.”

“I didn’t take Charlie with me today because I wasn’t expecting to see Carol. She’s been pretty scarce since the conversation about sexually active teenagers.”

“I bet that changes,” Bethany said. “She’ll do her best to latch on to you. She’s frightened and you appear to be a rock of stability.”

“A rock of stability with two wives, a son, and another kid on the way!”

“She sees a nice, loving father, a devoted husband, and a successful businessman. She’s just scared enough to not care.”

“I do NOT envy you,” I said. “This is the kind of thing you’ll do for a living.”

She nodded, “It is. But that’s down the road a piece. How was Stephie’s wedding?”

“Good. It was something of a whirlwind trip. We have another one this weekend, though we won’t be getting home so late. A bunch of us will be in Boston, including Cindi, Jackie, Julia, and Sofia. I know Chris, Jamie, and Dave are coming, but I think Sofia’s going alone because Stavros doesn’t know Katy.”

“What about Kathy and Kurt?”

“They had something else going on this weekend,” I said. “But we’ll see Josh and Mary for breakfast on Sunday morning. They aren’t coming to the wedding since they don’t know Katy.”

“Cool. Did you decide what to do about my research paper?”

“I’m just worried that Jess will somehow know that it’s me and Stephanie because you know the individuals and you observed them.”

“But I didn’t say that in my paper. Just that I had interviewed them and read Abel’s journal.”

“And I keep a journal. I just think it’s too risky.”

“So is keeping quiet,” she said firmly.

“I know,” I sighed. “I’ll keep thinking about it.”

I started preparing dinner, and a few minutes later, Jessica and Kara came into the kitchen. I told them about Carol and Jessica filled us in on her day. She’d spent it shadowing an anesthesiology resident doing pre-surgery workups. That appeared to be what she’d be doing for the entire month, though she would get into the operating room to observe.

“I think I need to be up at least fifteen minutes earlier, too,” she said. “I cut it really close this morning. 8:00pm is still an OK bedtime. Are you sure you guys want to give up your evenings?”

“I’ll come to bed after karate,” I said. “I’m home by 8:15pm and need a shower. Will it disturb you if I get into bed?”

“I want you to, Tiger. It’s OK. I like having you snuggled next to me when I sleep. You too, Kara! What’s the plan for Friday?”

“We have an 8:00pm flight, but you’re done with work by 3:00pm, so that’s no problem. We fly back on Sunday at 1:00pm. That gives us enough time to have breakfast with Mary and Josh, and get to Logan. We’ll be home by dinner.”

“How was the party?” Kara asked.

“No idea,” I said. “We’ll have to ask Elyse at dinner.”

I finished preparing dinner and called everyone to the dining room. Elyse told us that the party had been a blast, and that everyone had a good time.

“Who did Jamie and Jackie come as?” I asked.

“Deckard and Pris,” she said.

“I knew it was going to be Blade Runner,” I said. “I assume that they won again?”

She laughed, “No! Nick and Bethany won!”

“What?” I said.

“They came as Zack and Paula from An Officer and a Gentleman. He carried her into the room like the final scene after having Jorge cue the theme song. Jamie knew he’d lost at that point.”

“It was perfectly romantic!” Sofia said. “Stavros and I just came as Greek gods again.”

“Any other costumes of note?” I asked.

“Cindi and Chris came as pirates,” Bethany said. “And Cindi may as well have walked naked into the room for the ‘barely there’ costume she was wearing!”

“Don’t give her any ideas!” my sister said with a smirk. “She just might do it!”

“Hmm,” Elyse said. “A naked Halloween party! Just masks. Nothing else!”

“I’m game!” Leila said.

Everyone laughed.

“That might be just a bit over the top,” I said.

We finished eating and Leila and Alejandra did the dishes so that Kara, Stephanie, Sofia, and I could head to karate class. When we got home, Kara and I used the shower off the kitchen for quick showers, and then went up to bed and snuggled close to Jessica. She stirred a bit, but didn’t wake, which was a good thing, since her alarm was set for 3:45am.

Same as A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 1 - Bethany
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K6 Niece Katys Big Payday

K6 Niece Katy's Big Payday By billy69boyAuthor's Note: This is the sixth story that I have written about Niece Katy, whose character is patterned after one of my favorite and beloved real life nieces. If you are interested in reading the other five stories about her, click on the link below and look for K1 through K5. My niece is real, but all the stories are complete fantasies:www.asstr.org/files/Authors/billy69boyKaty is all grown up now, a newlywed, 25 years old with two little ones. She...

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Katy A Special Friend

Our Lodger Katy was just turned 17 when it happened, here's the storyIt was last year around July she's just started college and was staying over as her parents are divorced. anyway she came to stay with us Friday till Monday and it was a hot weekend we decided to get a bit of sun in the back garden and I left her chatting with my mrs went to get some drinks and when I came out they were both topless but face down so nothing showing. I got the mrs a wine and Katy had a coke and she was I'm 17...

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K5 Secret Holiday Fun with Niece Katy

K5 Secret Holiday Fun with Niece Katy By billy69boyIt was a scene right out of a Norman Rockwell painting, no doubt played out in millions of holiday living rooms throughout the world: the gifts have long ago been exchanged, the big Christmas dinner was already in the past, and an intimate group of close relatives and friends gathered around the television, watching movies together. Our living room scene consisted of my darling nieces Katy, Beth and Mary, along with Katy’s recently announced...

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The Katy Nightmare Part 3

My attempts to get a good night's sleep were a complete waste of time. I'd spent the night drifting in and out of consciousness, contemplating everything that had been going on and with the events playing over in my head again and again. The school uniform. The bed. The diary. The homework sheet that clearly wasn't mine. They were all things that I could just write off as cruel pranks individually, or at least try to ignore, but combined were making me fear my life as I know...

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I grew up on a farm. Well, small holding, really. When I was little, most of it was worked by a neighbour. But then Dad came home from the Army, and bought a little tractor, and started to use the land to feed us. We didn't grow enough to earn serious money, just sold a bit that we didn't need, here and there. We had chickens and ducks, and my first duty was collecting the eggs each morning. Then as I got bigger, I learned to clean out the hut and poultry-run. When Dad came home for good...

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Katys Reluctant New Look Ch 01

(Sexy conservative wife is put into uncomfortable situations)"You look so good in your Calvin Klein suit, darling!" I told Jake as he hurried out the door with his orange juice sloshing out of the glass and across his fingers. He was running late for the sales meeting at the brokerage.I love my husband so much! He's not one of those pretty boy types. Instead, he's a man's man; big, strong and very capable of taking care of himself in any situation, physical or otherwise! Jake's the kind of guy...

2 years ago
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Katy Perry Nasty drunk Fuck

Dont ask me how but the other night I managed to get into the VIP section at a new club in the city. I couldnt believe some of the A list celebs that were there and got an instant hard on when i saww my favourite celeb slut Katy Perry was there wearing as usual a very revealing tight outfit that showed off her huge cleavage. She seemed pretty drunk already as she was very loud and stumbling around laughing. I couldnt keep my eyes off her or her cleavage and thought her tits might actually...

3 years ago
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Katy and her mum

A couple of months after I'd fucked Katy, they were both in the same store, as we were talking Katy said "Would you do for mum what you did for me", I stood there looking shocked, "Why" I asked, "Because she hasn't had anyone for a number of years". I said I'd think about it. As I did my shopping I thought about it and going through the checkout there was Katy.As I finished she came up to me and said "Well", I said "Ok, where" as this was the middle of the day, she said "Back at our house", I...

2 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 35 Bitch Stories Katy

BITCH STORIES - KATY Katy had been kicked out of her home when Alistair made her confess to her very Christian parents that she was both pregnant and a lesbian. Since then she had moved into his place, under his degrading conditions - at his house, she was not allowed to wear clothes, stand upright, or make any sound other than a cow-like "mooo". At nights, she worked as a prostitute at the Pretty Titty alongside Alistair's other fuckpets. She may have been kicked out of home, but...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 22 Katy Becomes Disabled

Just prior to Christmas, Katy Dide, sick and tired of the long hours involved in the lay-overs involved in her job as an airline stewardess, took advantage of an accident that occurred when a sudden turbulence caused her to take a violent fall, hurting her back and right leg. Katy was helped from the plane after it landed, and taken to the hospital for further examination, was admitted, and remained in the hospital for three days. Katy took two weeks off, one for being disabled by the...

3 years ago
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A date with Katy

Ever since you first saw her online, you have been a great fan of her. The voluptuous spontaneous young woman called Katy Perry. Despite your friends calling you gay and worse names, you have all her singles and her album, including a signed copy of "I kissed a girl", which you got on a day that made any other pale by comparison. That day, a couple of months ago, you almost got a kiss from her. It was going to be just a peck on the cheek, if it hadn't been for some dumb security guy who...

1 year ago
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My Friend Katy

My name is Kelly and this happened when I was fifteen and a half years old. My very best friend Katy had invited me to go on a trip with her to Florida. We were both very excited and finally the time came and off we went with Katy's mom, Molly and her friend, Tina. Katy warned me to not be surprised about what her mom, Molly, and Tina do during this trip. Katy said that when these girls get together and away from their husbands it can get very crazy. Katy and I shared everything and we talked...

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Niece Katys Surprise Visit

Niece Katy’s Surprise VisitBy billy69boy(Sequel to “The Truth about Oral Sex Clubs”)“Bye, honey, have a great week!” I yelled to my wife, as she headed out the door to her car. It was all packed and ready for her trip to the beach house that she rented with her sister. I was home alone for seven glorious days, and I was going to make the best of it. I sat down on the patio with my newspaper and glass of scotch, even though it wasn’t quite noon yet. The waterfall gurgled in the background,...

2 years ago
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My Katy 6

i lean over and put my mouth on hers, kissing her soft lips gently many times, moving around to enjoy every part of her mouth. katy opens her mouth a little, letting me know what she wants. i slide my wet tongue out, licking her lips, then move around and lick her ear, so warm and inviting like a little seashell. she turns her head to let me in closer. she is so giving; i am so wet. i whisper, ‘i like what i taste here, my beauty, but there is more i need from you tonight…’‘rae, don’t stop…i...

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EmmaChapter 5 Katy

Two weeks later Elizabeth asked if it was okay if her mother, Katy, came to visit for a while. She didn't say for how long so I assumed it was only over the weekend. I would have agreed even if it had been for a year. Her mother was a very likeable and lovely woman, much like her daughter in build and looks. Emma was delighted too. Katy just loved our children and she sent them presents whenever she was traveling, which she was doing almost all the time. She could afford it and she didn't...

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Katy D

I remember you said: “You have to swallow it, Katy. That’s what girls do.” You should have noticed how I was staring at you. I mean I was naked on my knees in front of you, doing my best trying to give my own dad my first ever blowjob on my eighteenth birthday, and you were telling me I had to “swallow it”. I really didn’t know what I should have thought about that, so it was a bit weird start, I have to say. I didn’t quite know what to expect anyway. I mean I knew the general sex things, of...

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It was Friday evening and Katy was leaving her job. She was a little down because Doug was out of town and she was going home to an empty house and she was horny as hell. As she arrived at her car she noticed a large envelope in the drivers seat. The car was locked and as far she knew no one else had the keys except for Doug. She opened the door and picked up the envelope it was sealed and she had to tear it to get it open.The envelope contained a letter and a key to a motel room. It was...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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My Katy 5

my mouth finds hers again, my tongue probing. i look at her again; her eyes are closed. she tilts her head away, exposing the side of her face, letting me know what she wants. i kiss her cheek and lick her ear. Katy moans softly and i feel her legs open a little below me. i raise up to look at her again. i see the wetness i left on her ear, shining in the glow of the room. i look at her face some more, her black hair, her warm neck, such a special place for us. she has gone into a zone i know...

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My Katy 2

it has been a while since i felt about someone the way i feel about katy. i have found myself able to let her into my life in a way that kind of surprised me. and i am happy that she feels relaxed enough here to stay over. sharing my space with another, never mind my bed, doesn’t come easily for me. i am naturally a bit of a loner, valuing my alone time, so having katy in my life is a leap of faith.i hear her turn in the next room and look up to see her. she has adjusted her position and i can...

4 years ago
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The Katy Nightmare Part 2

It had been a great weekend. Friday night had been great, with all of the expected friends showing up at my house, while on Saturday I'd headed to the local pub for a sociable drink with some of the regulars that I'd got to know there. It was a typical end to a mostly typical week for me nowadays, and indeed for all of my other friends, all of us having outgrown the lifestyle we'd had a few years before. I could remember the average week back then well. It'd start on a...

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Backstage at a Katy Perry concert

Men usually wouldn't be allowed in the female performers' dressing rooms - for pretty obvious reasons I suppose - but there was no way I was missing out on any Katy Perry souvenirs.I was working that night at the arena in which Katy was performing. I am a cleaner and usually do not have any access to anyone's dressing rooms while they are using it, and as I said, men are not supposed to enter and clean any female individuals rooms whatsoever! However, I managed to persuade (or more aptly,...

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My Katy 4

‘hi, rae’, she says, her voice deep from sleep. my solitude is broken and the mood has shifted from my quiet play to a private show. i smile back, locking eyes with her. we look at each other for a few seconds and i moan softly. ‘hi, beauty.’i continue to watch her. there is so much i want to give her. my left hand continues to tease my mound, my right hand holding my tee-shirt up. katy’s eyes move down to watch. i watch her watching, feeling electrified by her gaze. her smile turns to...

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The Katy Nightmare Part 1

Author Notes - I've been a reader of this site for quite a while now, and now that I'm 22, and I figured it's about time I gave something back! You'll probably quickly tell from my writing style that this story will be a slow burner, but hopefully and if all goes well, this will be the first part of many. Themes it will touch upon later are body swapping and transformation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Katy Nightmare - Part...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 1

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 1 By Elliot Reid "If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me; I had it from my father." I snapped the book shut, eyes unfocusing from the text. With my fingers I massaged my temples, kneading tension away. I was approaching my birthday with mixed feelings. In two days I'd be sixteen. I'd have crossed another threshold. Would I feel more grown-up? I looked over at the stack of comic books by my bed, beside the Joseph Campbell and the Homer that I was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 48 Katys Place

January 3, 1991, Londonderry, Vermont “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home,” Katy said as she let me into the room she’d rented above a small hardware store. The upper floor of the store was configured as a studio apartment, but had quite a bit of space. I saw a bed, partially hidden by a partition, a couch with a small television on a table near it, a dinette table with two chairs, two large wardrobes and a couple of bookshelves. A door led to what I assumed was the bathroom....

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I Kissed a Girl Named Katy Perry

Disclaimer: This is my fourth story... All photos belong to Katy Perry or their rightful owners. And so we begin...So, I might have not had much experience before I met her.Fine. I was a virgin before I met her, you happy?But that doesn't mean I'm embarrassed about that fact.So what that I never had a girl until I was 23 years old?I gave my first time to her. My first girlfriend, and my first sex partner. No, wait. Were we even a couple? Or were we just having sex?She taught me a lot. Sometimes...

1 year ago
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My Katy 3

katy stirs as i enter the room, shifting in the bed, turning away from me. her black hair is disheveled, in marked contrast to her daytime need to keep things in place. she puts herself together ‘just so’ before she goes out into the world, but all that falls away in the intimacy that is my house. this is not to say she doesn’t like to control some of the activities in my place. it’s just that she lets go of her need to look pretty here and keep people at arm’s length. and she is very...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 3

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 3 By Elliot Reid I hefted the 'phone, punched in the long-distance number and tried to ease back in the chair by my computer. My head, cushioned by a mass of unfamiliar hair, rested against the wall as I tilted back. I was cocooned in the femme pinkness of my bedroom, still glowing from my pool encounter with Tisha. As soon as I had gotten back I'd shucked off the starched school clothes. Having spent the day prancing around in my hot...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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